Missing Horse
The following is taken from the Belfast News Letter dated 14th July – 17th July 1789. Thanks to the Belfast News Letter for permission to use this extract.
Stolen or Strayed. On the night of the 9th inst in the town land of Ballymote and parish of Glenavy, a dark bay horse, 6 years old with a large reach on his face, standing to the offside, which reaches on the tail of his far eye, and both hind feet white. Whoever secures the horse and thief shall receive one guinea reward, on prosecuting to conviction, by applying to Mr Francis Logan, Innkeeper, Lisburn, or Mr Conway Mc Niece, Glenavy. If strayed half a guinea reward will be given for returning the horse as above. 13th July 1789.
Freehold Registration
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 30th June, 1829 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
County of Antrim
List of persons applying to Register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be held at Belfast, for the Division of Carrickfergus, in the said County pursuant to the Act of 10th George the Fourth, Cap.8, entered by the Clerk of the Peace.
No: 66
Name and Residence of Applicant: James Sheals, Ballymoat
Description of Freehold: House and land Ballymoat
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)
County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Parish of Glenavy
Column 1 : | Number and letters of Reference to map |
Column 2 : | Occupiers |
Column 3 : | Immediate Lessors |
Column 4 : | Description of Tenement |
Column 5 : | Area |
Not included – | Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property |
Townland: Ballymote Ordnance Survey map number: 59 |
1 | Joseph Dickson | Marquis of Hertford | Land | 10 00 28 |
2a | Thomas McGarrell | same | House,Offices,Land | 42 03 36 |
2b | Marquis of Hertford | In fee | Plantation | 00 01 00 |
3 | Robert Savage | Arthur Johnston | House, Office,Land | 19 01 35 |
4Ab | same | same | same | 00 00 08 |
4Aa | Thomas Savage | Marquis of Hertford | Herd’sHo.Office,Land | 17 02 26 |
4B | same | same | same | 01 03 20 |
5 | Thomas Burrowes | same | House,Offices, Land | 19 03 25 |
6 | same | same | same | 08 02 02 |
6a | Charles Coburne | Thomas Burrowes | House and Garden | 00 00 80 |
6b | James Graham | same | House and Garden | 00 00 35 |
7 | Francis Gibson | Marquis of Hertford | Land | 09 01 17 |
8 | George Lyons | same | Land | 14 03 32 |
9 | Joseph Morrison | same | House,Office,Land | 22 02 10 |
10 | Robert Sloane | same | House,Office,Land | 02 00 22 |
11 | same | same | same | 12 00 00 |
12A | Issac McNeice | same | Land | 10 03 28 |
12B | same | same | same | 00 02 35 |
13 | same | same | same | 08 03 37 |
12Aa | Rose Anne Johnston | Isaac McNeice | House | – |
12b | George Shane | same | House,Small Garden | – |
12c | unoccupied | same | House | – |
14 | James Kennedy | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,Land | 22 02 38 |
15Aa | James McMullen | same | House,Office,Land | 07 02 06 |
15B | same | same | same | 01 01 00 |
15Ab | John McMullen | James McMullen | House and Garden | 00 01 20 |
16Aa | John McGahey | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,Land | 07 03 15 |
16B | same | same | same | 00 03 00 |
17a | George Hendron | same | House,Office,Land | 13 00 22 |
17b | John Steele | John Hendron | House and Garden | 00 01 20 |
18 | William J. Cardwell | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,Land | 05 02 05 |
19 | Thomas Cardwell | same | Land | 06 01 29 |
19a | Joseph Hill | Thomas Cardwell | House and Garden | 00 00 16 |
20 | Alexander Witherupp | same | House,Offices,Land | 16 03 15 |
21 | Arthur Loughlin | same | House,Office,Land | 28 01 35 |
22 | Henry Gillen | same | House and Land | 08 01 06 |
23 | John Gillen | same | House,Office,Land | 08 01 36 |
24 | John Bolton | same | House,Office,Land | 17 00 35 |
25 | Anthony Hamill | same | House,Office,Land | 11 00 30 |
26 | Hugh Loughlin | same | House,Office,Land | 17 02 35 |
27 | John Loughlin | same | House and Land | 01 00 15 |
28 | Samuel Corbett | same | House,Office,Land | 14 03 31 |
29 | James Ballance | same | Land | 13 01 31 |
Total | 406 02 16 |
Farm For Sale
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard and is dated Saturday March 12th 1887
Farm of land for sale, near Glenavy
To be sold by public auction, on Tuesday 22nd March 1887 in the auction mart, British Workman, Bow Street, Lisburn at twelve o’clock.
All that farm of land situate in the town land of Ballymote, Parish of Glenavy, and County of Antrim, lately held by Patrick Megarrell, and now in possession of the Landlord, the Vendor, containing 44a 2r 30p, statute measure, or thereabouts, subject to the Yearly Rent of £36. The farm is well fenced and watered and has been in grazing for many years, and is within a quarter of a mile of Glenavy railway Station, on the leading road.
A deposit of £25 to be paid at the time of the sale, and the balance at the offices of the under mentioned solicitor, on or before the 1st of April 1887.
For terms and conditions of sale apply to
Wellington Young,
53 Donegall Place,
Belfast and Lisburn.
Wm John Bailey, Auctioneer, Lisburn.
Farm For Sale
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, March 15th 1890
Farm of land for sale
I am instructed by Mr. Allen R Burrows, of Ballymote, Glenavy, to sell by public auction, on the premises, at the hour of two o’clock p.m., on Monday, the 24th March, instant, All that and those, that farm of land and premises, situate in the town land of Ballymote, Parish of Glenavy, County Antrim, containing 28a 3r 29p. English Statute Measure, or thereabouts, more or less, held under Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., at the yearly Rent of £20 9s 4d. The farm is all in Grass, unless 7 acres ploughed for this season’s crop. On the farm is a two storey dwelling house built of stone and slated. These are also suitable office-houses, all in first class order. The grass-lands were laid out in a thorough condition, having been well manured and limed. The lands are plentifully supplied at all times with water, and are well fenced. The farm is situate within 1 mile of Glenavy Railway Station, adjacent to the new road leading to Lisburn, and is within 7 miles of the latter village.
Terms and conditions at Sale.
For further particulars apply to
Joseph Lockhart, Solicitor, having carriage of sale. Lisburn
William Neill, Auctioneer, Church View, Lisburn.
Estate of Thomas Burrows
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, April 19th 1890
Statutory Notice to Creditors
In the goods of Thomas Burrows, late of Ballymoat, near Glenavy, in the County of Antrim, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute 22 & 23 Vic., Chap. 35, that all Persons claiming to be Creditors, or otherwise to have any claim against the assets of the said Thomas Burrows, who died on the 8th day of July, 1885 of Ballymoat, aforesaid, are required to furnish (in writing )particulars of such Claims or Demands on or before the 16th May, 1890, to the undersigned, solicitor for John English Bolton, of Ballinderry, Co. Antrim, National teacher, The executor of the will of said deceased., to whom Probate thereof was granted fourth of the District Registry at Belfast on the 11th day of April, 1890.
And notice is hereby further given that, after the said 16th May 1890, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said deceased, having regard to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated this 10th day of April, 1890.
Joseph Lockhart, solicitor for said executor, 1 College Street, Dublin; and Lisburn.
When you could feel the dark – recalling the days before light pollution spoiled the view

Ballymote Road
1925 WAS a year in which there were four eclipses, two of the sun and two of the moon. There was also a partial eclipse of the moon at midday on the 4th of August that year.
Two days before that a child was brought into the world in Ballymote, a townland situated to the north-west of Lisburn district.
There was a story reported in the local papers about an occurrence on that same day, Sunday 2nd August, 1925 in Brussels. It concerned the charging of a passing aeroplane by a Belgian bull, when it saw its “accustomed pasture” being invaded when the aeroplane had to make a forced landing owing to a mechanical defect. The incident may well have resulted in serious injuries for all concerned, but fortunately no-one was hurt. A strange story consisting of man, beast and travel, a formulae in this local story.
James N Stewart, Building and Civil Engineering Contractor

James N Stewart receipt dated 1972
This receipt is dated March 1972 from James N. Stewart, Building and Civil Engineering contractor, "Beechlea", Ballymote, Glenavy, County Antrim.
PRONI Will Calendars
The following information is taken from the will calendars in the PRONI and are reproduced with kind permission of Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Alexander Witherup
Date of Death 07 02 1879
Date of Grant 04 02 1880
Effects Effects under £300
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Alexander Whitherup late of Ballymote County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 7 February 1879 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oath of
Joseph Witherup of Ballymote Farmer one of the Executors.
Sarah Gillen
Date of Death 27 08 1869
Date of Grant 24 07 1882
Effects £127 2s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Sarah Gillen late of Ballymote County Antrim Widow deceased who died 27 August 1869 at same place was proved at Belfast by Thomas Millen of 87 Market-street Belfast Butcher one of the Executors.
Anthony Hamill
Date of Death 21 12 1879
Date of Grant 27 09 1882
Effects £97 10s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Anthony Hamill late of Ballymote County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 21 December 1879 at same place were granted at Belfast to Helena Hamill of Ballymote the Widow.
Thomas Gillen
Date of Death 08 02 1884
Date of Grant 20 02 1885
Effects £82 3s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Thomas Gillen late of Ballymote County Antrim Farmer who died 8 February 1884 at same place was proved at Belfast by William John Smyth of Ballypitmave in said County Farmer and Thomas Millen of 58 Verner-street Belfast Shopman the Executors.
Thomas Burrows
Date of Death 08 07 1885
Date of Grant 11 04 1890
Effects £358 5s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Thomas Burrows late of Ballymote Glenavy County Antrim Farmer who died 8 July 1885 at same place was proved at Belfast by John English Bolton of Ballinderry said County School Teacher one of the Executors.
Joseph Savage
Date of Death 19 02 1889
Date of Grant 13 03 1889
Effects £229
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Joseph Savage late of Ballymote Glenavy County Antrim Farmer who died 19 February 1889 at same place was proved at Belfast by Rowland Savage of Bow-street Lisburn Merchant and Francis William Reid of Crew Glenavy Farmer both in said County the Executors.
James Kennedy
Date of Death 15 03 1886
Date of Grant 09 03 1891
Effects £270 16s 6d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of James Kennedy late of Ballymote County Antrim Farmer who died 15 March 1886 at same place was proved at Belfast by Francis Gibson of Carnkilly said County Farmer one of the Executors.
John McMullen
Date of Death 28 03 1891
Date of Grant 11 12 1893
Effects £124 4s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of John M’Mullen late of Ballymote County Antrim Farmer who died 28 March 1891 at same place were granted at Belfast to Sarah Jane M’Mullen of Ballymote Spinster the Sister.
John Bolton
(Glenavy Parish Church, Grave 274)
Date of Death 26 12 1893
Date of Grant 19 03 1894
Effects £553 16s 6d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of John Bolton late of Ballydonaghy County Antrim Farmer and Blacksmith who died 26 December 1893 at same place was proved at Belfast by Margaret Bolton of Ballydonaghy Widow and William Bolton of Ballymote said County Farmer the surviving Executors.
William Edward Colburn
(Glenavy Parish Church, Grave 108)
Date of Death 11 06 1894
Date of Grant 06 07 1894
Effects £61 16s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of William Edward Colburn late of Ballymote County Antrim Tailor who died 11 June 1894 at same place was proved at Belfast by Thomas Henry Scholes of Maryville-street Belfast Head Boots and James Hendren of Ballymote School Teacher the Executors.
John Megahey
Date of Death 05 01 1898
Date of Grant 06 05 1898
Effects £84 14s 4d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of John Megahey late of Ballymote County Antrim who died 5 January 1898 granted at Belfast to Thomas A Irvine Carpenter and Builder and Archibald Lorimer Miller and Farmer both of Glenavy said County
Sarah McMullan
Date of Death 26 05 1902
Date of Grant 20 06 1902
Effects £7
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Sarah M’Mullan late of Ballymote Glenavy County Antrim Spinster who died 26 May 1902 granted at Belfast to Robert Lockhart Clerk and William J. M’Keown Manager.
Thomas Corbett
Date of Death 12 12 1905
Date of Grant 23 04 1906
Effects £53 3s 4d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Thomas Corbett late of Ballymote Glenavy County Antrim Farmer who died 12 December 1905 granted at Belfast to Jane Corbett Spinster.
Nathaniel Hall
Date of Death 30 03 1906
Date of Grant 16 05 1906
Effects £375 15s 3d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Nathaniel Hall late of Ballymote Glenavy County Antrim Farmer who died 30 March 1906 granted at Belfast to Henry John Garrett Farmer.
Rachel Hall
Date of Death 12 04 1906
Date of Grant 16 05 1906
Effects £440
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Rachel Hall late of Ballymote Glenavy County Antrim Widow who died 12 April 1906 granted at Belfast to Henry John Garrett and James Balance Farmers.
James Gillen
Date of Death 28 07 1912
Date of Grant 20 12 1912
Effects £118 13s 6d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of James Gillen late of Ballymote County Antrim Farmer who died 28 July 1912 granted at Belfast to James Henry Gillen Farmer.
Annie Lockhart
(Glenavy Parish Church, Grave 79)
Date of Death 29 11 1912
Date of Grant 03 01 1913
Effects £442 7s 6d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Annie Lockhart late of Ballymote Glenavy County Antrim Widow who died 29 November 1912 granted at Belfast to James Johnston Smith (Retired) The Reverend John M. B. Glover Clerk and William A. Wilson Gentleman.
Mary Jane Colburn
(Glenavy Parish Church, Grave 108)
Date of Death 19 03 1915
Date of Grant 31 05 1915
Effects £374 5s 9d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Mary Jane Colburn late of Ballymote County Antrim Widow who died 19 March 1915 granted at Belfast to James Hendren School Teacher and James Ballance Farmer.
The Ballymote Earthquake
by "The Digger"
We live on an island steeped in legend and history. Tales of heroes, valour and battles have been passed down from generation to generation. Before the television era, corners of rooms were occupied by friends and neighbours who had gathered together, positioned around the fireside. Here they exchanged idle banter, gossip and stories. In some instances there would be "nothing lost in the telling" of some of these tales and sometimes the truth would not be permitted to get in the way of a good story. The local balladeer would take some of these stories and skilfully put them to verse, encapsulating both the personalities and events, immortalising them for as long as people cared to recite them.
Tuesday 15th August 1876 and the stolen drum
by "The Digger"
James Loughlin, a catholic farm labourer, was a member of a family who owned approximately 48 acres of land in the townland of Ballymote, Glenavy. The Louglin family, sometimes referred to as "Lughlin", during that era lived amongst other established families in the area – the Witherupps (later Withers), Boltons and the Gillens.
James was the joint owner of a drum which it was claimed was purchased in about 1874 in Lurgan for £5. This was a substantial amount of money in those days and James was part of what was later described as a "partnership transaction." He had personally subscribed £1 towards the purchase of the drum. This was the "Ballymote Earthquake" and it had been painted green, had white facings and bore the motto "United We Stand" with and a harp and shamrock logo. He would later tell the magistrate at Lisburn Petty Sessions In November 1876 that he had stored the drum at his own house during the past year.
Death Notice — Hendren
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown.
Hendren – January 25, 1942, at the Lisburn District Hospital, Rodney Abraham, dearly loved infant son of James and Elizabeth Hendren. Funeral from his parents’ residence, Ballymoat, Glenavy today (Monday) at 2pm., to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Father, Mother, Brother and Sisters.
Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green

Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green published in The Antrim Guardian, 27 November 2014
Almost two hundred years ago James Green from the parish of Ballinderry, County Antrim married Nancy Cardwell in her native parish of Glenavy. That was in September 1817 in the new parish church building in Glenavy village which had been the resting place to many of the Cardwell ancestors, from at least the early 18 th century.
A lack of records and scant details of those that survive from this period inhibit the researcher when attempting to establish the exact origin of the bride and groom on this occasion.
An American biographer, R.H.W. Peterson, compiled a sketch of James Green and his family and he informs the reader that James was the son of a Methodist minister called John and his wife Lizzie, born on 8th January, 1791. At the age of 19 he had lost both parents and in 1822 he and his wife left these shores for America, arriving in New York after 86 days at sea.