There are records for the Parish Church recording burials from the early 1700’s.
The following reference can also be found in relation to the graveyard:
A.D. 1815 — The Churchyard of Glenavy being too small to accommodate parish application was made to the Marquis of Hertford for ground to enlarge it, who accordingly granted in Irish Road, which as the old fences were not regular, was added on each side the largest portion being on the north. The old ditch was levelled and a new ditch with a double row of quicks raised into its place.
Oct 1815 — 570 different kinds of trees and shrubs were planted in the border around this churchyard.
The following appeared in the Lisburn Standard, Saturday August 8th 1885
Glenavy Parish Burial ground.
The Ministers and Churchwardens of Glenavy Parish desire to inform the public that they have fixed the subjoined Scale of Fees for the regulation of charges in connection with the Glenavy Burial-ground, which has been approved of by the Select Vestry, and confirmed by the Diocesan Council, July 1st 1885:-
Scale of Interment Fees
To be applied to keeping the Graveyard in good repair:-
1. | For the interment of the body of a person residing in the Parish, A. plain grave 2s 0d B. with headstone 3s 6d, in railings 5s 0d |
2. | For the Interment of the body of a person not residing in the Parish, A plain grave 5s 0d B. with headstone 7s 6d C. in railings 10s 6d |
For permission to Erect a Headstone £0 10 0
For permission to Erect a headstone (with railings or Wall) £1 0 0
Sexton’s Fees:
For opening an old grave
A. 2s 6d
B 4s 0d
C 5s 0d
For opening a new grave
5s 0d
Charles Watson, M.A., Incumbent
William J Munce, M.A., Curate
Churchwardens: James Lorimer, George Dowglass J.P.
Joseph English, Hon. Sec. To Select Vestry
The following is an extract from Glenavy Past and Present by Charles Watson 1892:
The Select Vestry have taken great interest in the graveyard, and “God’s acre” in Glenavy Churchyard, with its asphalt walks and well-kept grounds, inspires the parishioners to feel
“This is the field and acre of our God,
This is the place where human harvests grow.”
Re-registration of Burial Grounds
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 27th July, 1979 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Parish of Glenavy.
Re-Registration of Burial Grounds
The Select Vestry, on behalf of the Vicar and Churchwardens of the Parish of Glenavy, wish to draw the attention of all persons claiming to have an interest in the burial ground surrounding St. Aidan’s Church, Glenavy, to their intention of remapping the area, re-numbering the grave spaces, and re-allocating such grave spaces for which no known claim exists or reasonably can be proved. Those persons having claims to the family burial rights are invited to be present at the churchyard, or be represented there, on Saturday August 11th, 1979, between 11.00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. or friday, August 17th, 1979, between 7.00 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. or communicate their claim in writing. A fee of £1.00 will be charged for the re-registration of each grave in the name of a living member of each family who substantiates their claim. The Select Vestry disclaims all responsibility for any accident arising from any person’s failure to maintain any grave or memorial in reasonable condition, and directs that all repair work must have the vestry’s approval in writing before it is put in hand. Any communication relating to this notice should be addressed to The Select Vestry, C/O The Vicarage, Glenavy, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, and posted so as to arrive before August 18, 1979, failing which the Vicar and Churchwardens reserve the right to make any alterations they may deem necessary to maintain the Churchyard in good order.
J.D. Getgood
Hon. Secretary.
Gravestone Inscriptions
I have endeavoured to transcribe all the headstones in the graveyard. Some of the headstones have fallen and are presently unreadable. Due to age and weathering some of the inscriptions are incomplete. The following headstone inscriptions were recorded prior to April 2008. This section will be updated periodically.
The following is provided for those interested in researching family history.
The information is not to be copied and used for commercial exploitation and purposes.
The map of the graveyard has been hand-drawn and is not to scale. The areas are marked and referred to in this map in order to cross reference the location of the headstones and has not been taken from any existing church records/graveyard map. This map is independent of any church records.
There are hundreds of burials over the years in this graveyard and they are unmarked – without headstone or acknowledgement.
Notes relating to the older burials in the graveyard will be added and there is a section for information relating to burials where there appear to be no headstone. Extracts from local newspapers have been with the consent of the Belfast News Letter, Ulster Star, Belfast Telegraph and Irish News.
Apologies for any errors or omissions in the following text. Please do contact The Digger if you are aware of any and I will amend them accordingly. The headstones and memorials have been given numbers for ease of reference.
(1) |
Erected to the memory of Captain John Nelson Ingram late of HM’s 1st Royal Regt who departed this life on the 4th day of July 1841 in his 66th year of his age.
As a soldier he was brave and generous as a friend faithful and sincere and to the poor a kind and liberal benefactor. This monument has been erected by a few friends as a token of the gratitude for his magnificent bequests to the parish of Glenavy and Ballinderry.
Surrounded by railings and 14 posts. Draped urn on top of headstone. |
(2) |
Erected by Frederick William Reid, Ballydonaghy, Crumlin in memory of my dear mother Ellen Jane Reid died 6th of November 1933 also my dear father James Henry Reid died 15th August 1944 also my sister Elizabeth died 7th March 1886 also my brothers Joseph Colburn Reid died 12th April 1910, Thomas George died 21st November 1910, Edward James died 28th March 1916, Albert died 9th August 1927 also the above named Frederick William Reid died 5th May 1952 also Mary J Reid died 30th January 1958.
![]() Reid Headstone Surround on grave. Notes: Belfast News Letter 16th August 1944 — Reid Aug 15th 1944 at his residence, Mountainview, Ballydonaghy, Crumlin, James Henry Reid . funeral to the family burying ground Glenavy Churchyard, today (Thurs) at 2pm. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing family. Belfast News Letter dated Tuesday 7th Nov 1933 — Reid Nov 6th 1933 at her residence, Mountainview, Ballydonaghy, Crumlin, James Henry Reid. Funeral to the family burying ground, Glenavy Churchyard tomorrow (Wed) at 2pm. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband and family. Belfast News Letter 5 5 1952 — Reid at his residence, Scottstown, Ballydonaghy, Crumlin Frederick William beloved husband of Jane Reid. Funeral today (Wed) at 2.30pm to Glenavy Churchyard. House private. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife and sister. Belfast News Letter Sat Feb 1st 1958 — Reid Jan 30th 1958 at Lisburn Hospital, Mary I (Cissie) Reid, Scottstown, Ballydonaghy, Crumlin. Funeral from her residence tomorrow (Sunday) at 2.30pm to Glenavy Churchyard. House private. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing family circle. James Henry Reid and Ellen Jane Green were married on 25th May, 1884 at Glenavy Parish Church. James Henry Reid was the son of Edward Reid and Elizabeth. |
(3) |
Erected by Mary Smyth in memory of her beloved brother Thomas Smyth who died 29th July 1854 aged 44 years also her sister Ann Smyth who died Oct 1874 also the above named Mary Smyth who died 4th Oct 1878. ![]() Smyth Headstone |
(4) |
Headstone lying flat. Broken. Presently unreadable. ![]() Unreadable Headstone |
(5) |
Flight Lieutenant Philip Leslie (Peter) Billing, R.A.F. Killed on active service 23rd Jan 1941. Per aroua as astra “Never before was so much owed by so many – to so few.”
Wreath and cross on grave. |
(6) |
black flower holder with gold lettering “Steele” ![]() Steele |
(7) |
The family burying place of Jonathan Peel Ben-Neagh. Sacred to the memory of his beloved father Henry Peel who fell asleep in Jesus 18th Jan 1866 ages 71 years also his beloved wife Anna who died in the Lord 23rd September 1870 aged 87 years. And his son Saml died 9th November 1870 aged 3 years also his son Edwd A. died in the Lord 19th March 1879 aged 21 years also his son Jonathan died in the Lord 17th June 1879 aged 18 years also my beloved mother E. Peel died in the Lord 17th April 1888 aged 79 years also his son William Alexander who died in the Lord 8th March 1896 aged 31 years. Jonathan Peel died in the Lord 8th Feby 1901 aged 75 years, Margaret E Peel died in the Lord 26th Feb 1910 aged 30 years also his beloved daughter Alice Peel died in the Lord 31st January 1914 aged 56 years also his son Henry James Peel died 15th September 1918 aged 56 years.
Surrounded by railings and 7 posts. Draped urn on top of headstone. |
(8) |
Sacred to the memory of Ellen Dowglass the beloved sister of George Dowglass of Gobrana who died 12th November 1862 aged 30 years. Louisa Sarah the beloved daughter of the above who was born on the 18th August 1861 and died on the 6th May 1864 also his second daughter born 22nd December 1863 died 16th April 1873 aged 9 years and 3 months.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him 1st Thess, IV Chap,14 verse Flat stone raised Notes: George Dowglass and his wife Louisa are known to have the following children: Ellen born 1863, Charles born 1874, Robert Nigel born 1876, Norah born 1878, Roger Trist born 1882 Belfast Newsletter 25 12 1863 — Births — Dowglass – Dec 22 at Gobrana the wife of Capt. Dowglass, a daughter. Belfast Newsletter 20 04 1896 — Marriages — Cummings – Dowglass. April 15 at Marlebone Church, London by the Rev. Wm. P. Dowglass, brother of the bride, and the Rev. Edward Pollock, cousin of the bride, Herbert Edward Cummings, 2nd son of William H. Cummings, F.S.A. to Violet, 2nd daughter of Captain George Dowglass, J.P., of Gobrana, Crumlin, County Antrim. |
(9) – (12) In wall beside path – possibly recovered from graves elsewhere in the graveyard and placed here. | ||
(9) |
Here lieth the body of James Herdman who departed this life September 1ft A.D. 1806 aged 44 years.
(10) |
Here lieth the body of Martha Hurdman daughter to George Hurdman who died ye 2nd day of March 1749 aged 19 years.
(11) |
Here lieth the body of Jane Herdman wife of George Herdman who dep this life 12th December 17? aged 16? years.
(12) |
Heare Layeth the body of James Mc Iluaill who departed this life January the 8 day aged..4..17.7
(13) |
Here lieth the remains of Richard Matchet wh. (who) departed this life the 26th day of February 1814 aged 83 years. Also in memory of his son Topmas(?) che? Arche who departed this life 14
(buried into ground) |
(14) |
Erected by William Hutchinson in memory of his beloved wife Jane who died 24th October 1900 aged 55 years also the above named William Hutchinson who died 23rd September 1912 aged 75 years also his son William who died 5th July 1927 aged 55 years also his daughter Ellen Press wife of James Press of Dunmurry who died 13th March 1950 aged 83 years also his son John who died 20th October 1950.
The following are on the one grave (16) – (19) | ||
(16) |
Here lyeth the bodey of John Nelson of Dundrod who departed this life the year of our Lord God 1766 Aug the th 9 ???A G 56.
(16) |
Memendomort Here Lyeth the body of George Irvin of Dundroad Who departed this life 29th December 181?9 Age 52 years.
(17) | (Middle Stone)
Here lieth the body of Alex Neilfon who departed this life Feb ? 17?6 Aged 46 Years alfo his son Rob Neilson who dep this life the March 1786? aged 33 years.
On Graveside |
(18) |
John Nelson died 17th June 1919 aged 62 years. Agnes Robina Nelson died 7th April 1955, aged 79 years.
(19) |
Margaret L.E. Nelson died 5th June 1904 aged 3 years. Henry Nelson died 6th January 1955 aged 41 years.
(20) |
Blank. (possibly weathered) 2 nail holes.
(21) | Flat broken stone
Sacred in the memory ? Of Arthur Burt died September 18? Also his ?wife? Alice Burt died ?? Arthur Burt.
(22) | lead lettering
Erected in loving memory of Thomas Houston late of Ballydonaghy died 8th April 1879 also his wife Maria Houston died 13th January 1895 and their children George Houston who died in infancy. Thomas Houston who died in America 16th June 1879. Jemima Houston died 11th December 1901. Robert Houston died 28th February 1902. Until the day break and the shadows flee away.
(23) | Old stone weathered and unreadable
Aged 94? who departed this life Aug ? aged? Years
(24) | Double grave railed with 8 iron posts
Erected by John Bryans, Belfast. Thy will be done. In memory of his beloved son Hugh E James Bryans who fell asleep in Jesus April 8th 1888 aged 19 years and his son William who died 16th September 1874 aged 4 years. Also his father William Bryans who died 20th February 1873 aged 84 years, also his beloved wife Margaret Bryans who died 22nd May 1891 aged 51 years and also his mother Mary Bryans who died 19th September 1897 aged 87 years.
Beside Erected to the memory of Samuel Bryans who died 22nd June 1868 aged 71 years also his son William John Bryans 4th July 1878 aged 32 years. Also Isabella wife of the above named Samuel Bryans who died 19th December 1875 aged 75 years.
(top cap of this headstone lying on grave) Note: The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 10th April 1888 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Bryans – at his father’s residence, 48 Hemsworth Street, Belfast, Hugh James, only son of John Bryans. The remains of my beloved son will be removed from the above address, for interment in the family burying ground, Glenavy, this (Tuesday) morning, at ten o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. John Bryans. |
(25) | Double grave
In loving memory of my dear wife Maud Scott died 21st July 1963 also her dear husband Edward died 3rd December 1992.
Surround. (glass casing) In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, till God called her home to suffer no more. Deeply mourned by her loving husband and daughter Edna.
(glass casing) To our dear mother. Jack, Bobby, Marion, Betty, Joan, Samelia, James, Sam, Malcolm and grandchildren.
Flower holder in centre of grave “Scott”
(26) |
Here lyeth the body Elizebat who ? Departed this life ? 1727? Aged 8 years.
(27) | Flatstone
Erected to the memory of Eliza Neilson who departed this life in Bandon Co Cork the 14th of May 1813 aged 21 years. She had arrived but a few days in her native land from America and was on her way to see her friends.
(28) | Flat stone
sacred in memory of William Gorman Esq of Broom ? Ourne? Died ? Memory of a id 1830 age ? 3? Died and children
(29) | Lyle on surround. Flower holder :
In loving memory of our parents John and Doris Lyle.
(30) |
12 iron posts and iron surround joined into headstone. Harriett Gore of Goremount died 24th July 1801 aged 61 years. William Gore died 22nd March 1810 aged 65 years. William Gore died 2nd March 1830 aged 65 years. Anna Gore died 1st April 1869 aged 83 years. Harriette Gore died 18th September 1880 aged 61 years widow of Henry Alsager Pollock Goremount and Alsager in Cheshire. Kathleen Margaret Alsager Nixon died 9th May 1931 aged 71 years widow of James Hamilton Fitzgerald Nixon of Mount Prospect, County Cavan and youngest daughter of Henry Alsager Pollock of Goremount and Alsager. ![]() Gore Headstone |
(31) | triple grave Middle stone Erected by Rose Ann Bell in memory of husband Robert Bell who died 7th December 1911 aged 80 years also out dear mother Rose Ann Bell died on 7th December 1931 aged 69 years also our dear brother Robert Joseph Bell killed in action on 1st July 1916 aged 21 years also their eldest son Andrew Arthur Bell. Beloved husband of Margaret Bell died 3rd December 1954 aged 63 years. Gone but not forgotten.
Left stone (lead lettering) Erected by Rose Anne Bell in loving memory of her father Andrew Bell died 15th April 1906 and her brother Robert died 5th May 1943 also the above named Rose Anne Bell. Called home 11th February 1954. Blessed our the dead which die in the Lord.
Right stone Erected by Rose Anne Bell in loving memory of her mother Nancy Bell died 27th August 1913 and her brothers Thomas died 2nd December 1902, Andrew died 29th January 1927, William James died 5th September 1936, Robert George Farr died 10th June 1992. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
Wreaths on grave and metal type flower holder. Robert George Farr L.O.L. 68.
(32) | Broken flat stone
Here lyeth the body of John Gregg of Knockcarn who departed this life July 11th 1736 age 61 also his wife Margaret Gregg who departed this life July? 13th 1726 aged 42 years.
(33) | Overgrown – holly tree in grave, Metal surrounds on 4 sides.
Erected to the memory of John F? of Knockcairn who on the 15th April 18 ? aged and his wife Jane died 31st M aged 71 years also Walter 10th September aged
(34) | blank irregular flat stone | |
(35) |
Williamson – in loving memory of my dear father Matthew died 30th September 1975.
Flower holder – “father”
(36) |
Erected by Sarah Gordon of Ballymcilward in the memory of her beloved Hugh Gordon who died 3rd April 1854 aged 60 years. Also his son William who died in infancy. Also the above named Sarah Gordon who died 4th December 1887 aged 80 years.
(37) |
Here lyeth the body of Mary Gillen who departed this life January 5th 1785 aged 18 years
(38) | blank | |
(39) |
In loving memory of George Ferris and family. Surround |
(40) |
In loving memory of our beloved parents John died 17th December 1969, Mary Elizabeth 27th December 1988 and their loving son Raymond died 15th March 1998. Till we meet again. Lavery
– flower holder |
(41) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Annie died 15th April 1914 aged 58 years and a dear husband and father Andrew died 28th February aged 71 years and their only son William died 29th July 1928 aged 40 years. Safe in the arms of Jesus. |
(42) |
In loving memory of James, beloved husband, father and grandfather died 19th May 1999. Until we meet again. Flower holder “Scott”
Surround |
(43) |
In loving memory of William died 17th October 1971 and his wife Elizabeth died 24th September 1972. Surround |
(44) |
Willis / Evans
on flower holder |
(45) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Henry died 1st November 1984 aged 86 years. Annie Elizabeth died 12th August 1998 aged 83 years and grandparents James died 1948 aged 81 years. Agnes died 1933 aged 66 years also Aunt Agnes died 1912 aged 20 years. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holder : Henry Elwood Passed away Nov 1st 1984.
Notes: Read details taken from a family bible which are relevant to Agnes Elwood (nee Carlisle). Please get in touch if any of the details are relevant to your family. The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 20th March 1948. Death
(46) |
In loving memory of Amelia Georgina Scott died 30th May 1955 wife of Edward Hugh Scott who died 19th September 1958 also their daughter Mary Jane Andrews died 20th May 1978 her husband William James Andrews died 9th May 1980 also the daughter of Hugh and Georgina Scott Elizabeth Mulvey died 13th January 1994 their son Albert Edward Hugh Mulvey died 22nd October 2004. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holder: Precious memories of our dear mother
Flower holder: In loving memory of Albert.
Surround |
(47) |
by Jo
Aged 35 Alfo Remains of the above named Joshua Saunders who departed this life December the 1st Anno D 1810 aged 82 years |
(48) | 4 glass domes on one grave near path edge. No name on grave. | |
(49) | 8 posts cast iron low level railings. Pillar (fallen)
Erected to the memory of Thomas McMullen died 18th September 1908 aged 53 years.
(50) |
Family burying place of James Kirkpatrick in memory of his son John who died 2nd February 1876 aged 15 years also his son Moses who died 4th February 1876 aged 1 year.
(51) |
Davison – In loving remembrance .
(surround attached) |
(52) | (Fallen stone)
In memory of James Davison of Christy’s Hill, Crumlin died 25th August 1890 aged 79 years also his son William died 26th March 1896 aged 33 years. His son John died at Philadelphia USA 14th February 1915 aged ? 54 years. His daughter Mary Ann (Minnie) died 6th August 1915 aged ? 50 years also Margaret wife of above James Davison died 21st November 19?16 aged ?88 years also their daughter Robina Jane died 24th July 1938 aged 69 years also their son George died 28th December 1946? Aged 73. |
(53) |
In memory of Joseph and Mary Allen who lived half a century together in conjugal felicity. This stone was placed here by their son Joseph Allen Anno Dom 1800
(54) | (worn sandstone)
Here lyeth body of James Morgan who departed life y. 19th January 1756 aged 76 years also his wife Margaret Morgan who departed y. life y. 14th of January 1757 aged 73 years also John Morgan who departed y. life y. ? th December 1768 aged 55 years.
(55) | (Double grave, double surround, black marble)
In loving memory of our parents who departed this life Thomas William 23rd March 1944 aged 49 years, Isabella 29th June 1960 aged 69 years. Peace perfect peace. |
(56) | iron surround 8 posts & headstone
Erected by their daughters in affectionate remembrance of their father and mother William Crawford who died 26th March 1894 also their mother Leah Crawford who died 5th September 1884 also their sister Mary Ann who died 29th January 1896 also Margaret Crawford who died 22nd May 1915 also Martha Crawford who died 3rd March 1918 also Susannah Crawford who died 24th March 1943
Now all is ended All is peace, the restless days and nights are oer, Gaining through Christ a blessed release Safe with the Lord forever more. (Lead insets) Notes: Death notice, source unknown: Crawford, March 24 1943, at County Antrim Infirmary, Lisburn, Susannah Crawford (late of Ballynacoy, Stoneyford). Funeral from her late residence tomorrow (Friday) at 3pm to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted. |
(57) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Samuel died 8th October 1956 Edith died 27th March 1974 Redeemed Surround “In loving memory of father and mother”
(58) |
Erected in memory of Allen Bell of Springfield, Glenavy who died 15th Sept 1911 aged 70 years.
Notes: The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 14th January 1866 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Deaths: January 13, at Springfield, Glenavy, William Bell aged 85 years. Funeral will leave his late residence for interment in Glenavy Burying ground tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, at one o’clock. |
(59) |
Erected by John McNeice in memory of his father Isaac McNeice who departed this life 3rd of November Anno Domine 1831 aged 65 years.
(has been metal railing on grave – cut off half way up headstone on either side.) |
(60) |
J. Craig
(on flower holder) |
(61) |
Sacred to the memory of Hugh McGarrell who departed this life 8th June 1848 aged 33 years also his mother, Elizabeth McGarrell who departed this life April ? 1871 aged 84 years.
Fallen stone. Jamison – Lisburn
(bottom) |
(62) | 12 iron posts
Erected by Ann Quigley in memory of her beloved husband Henry Quigley who died 5th June 1844 aged 53 years their son Henry died 30th August 1850 aged 10 years.
Also their grand-children Henry died 6th October 1858? Aged 1 year Ann died 10th September 1863 aged 6 years Ann and Margaret Peel who died in infancy Isamenia Peel who died in her 60th year also the above named Ann Quigley who died 26th April 1895 aged 90 years Also James Quigley died in his 78th year, grandson of the erector James McCracken who was accidentally drowned in Belfast Lough 13th July 1912 aged 30 years to the inexpressible grief of his devoted mother Louisa McCracken (nee Quigley) also his brother and sister Mary and Willie who died when young Also their dear mother Louisa McCracken died 30th December 1920 Matilda Quigley died 13th April 1914 aged 89? Years William McCracken died 14th May 1933 aged 84 years (2 flower holders on grave 1 – Quigley and 1 small grey holder) Notes: The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 15th July 1912. Thanks to the Belfast Newsletter for permission to reproduce this article. A Belfast Lough Mystery
(63) |
Erected to Thomas Green in memory of his beloved wife Ellen who died 8th September 1847 aged 46 years also his sons George who died 4th December 1859 aged 30 years
James who died 20th February 1872 aged 30 years Also the above named Thomas Green who died 8th December 1882 aged 81 years. |
(64) |
In loving memory of James Green, Riverside, Glenavy died 13 12 1932 aged 68 years also his wife Rachel Aloworth died 30th Nov 1945
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you Phil.1.3. |
(65) |
In loving memory of a devoted husband, father and grandfather Edgar died 30th April 1995. A dearly loved wife, mother and grandmother Georgina died 14 12 2003. Safe in God’s Keeping. Flower holder Daddy and Mummy
Surround |
(66) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Wesley died 12th April 1963, Elizabeth died 21st April 1970, also our uncle Robert died 10th March 1958. Johnston Adams beloved son of Wesley and Elizabeth died 13th may 2002. Worthy of remembrance. (2 glass domes containing flowers 1 reads In loving memory and verse.
Other reads … the officers and members of Crew LOL no 124 …”)
Surround |
(67) | 2 flower holders :
In loving memory of Susan Hanlon. In loving memory of Nellie Hanlon.
Surround |
(68) |
In loving memory of Edward Johnston died 12th July 1959 at rest. Erected by his loving wife
Flower holder with posy “Johnston”
Surround |
(69) | Metal plaque
The family burying ground of John Bell, Ashgrove 1876.
(2 pillars at grave in ground) |
(70) |
(marble surround “B Castles”) |
(71) |
The family burying ground of George Patterson, The Lodge, Glenavy 1885.
Joseph G Patterson died 2nd Nov 1983 also his wife Dorothy P Patterson died 28th March 1987. God is love, I know I feel. Jesus weeps and loves me still. At rest. |
(72) |
(8 iron posts and railing surround) In memory of Edward Cardwell died 1848 aged 76 years also of his wife Nancy Cardwell (nee Quigley) died 1848 aged 56 years. Erected by their son the Hon. Edward Cardwell of Montana, U.S. America.
(73) | (rear of Cardwell grave)
Sacred to the memory of Eleanor Higginson who died 16th November 1859 aged 82 years also Hanna Jane Neeson who died 9th June 1869 aged 24 years.
(74) |
In loving memory of my dear mother Margaret Nicholl died 17th October 1959
(75) |
John Lindsay In memory of a beloved husband, father
– flower holder |
(76) |
In loving memory of a devoted wife and mother Roberta Bustard nee Gilmore died 3rd November 1988 aged 32 years also her mother Bertha Gilmore died 19th September 1975 also her grandparents, Robert Gilmore died 22nd April 1960, Priscilla Gilmore died 7th July 1978 and their son Robert died 16th November 1939. Flower holder “In loving memory”
Another flower holder and flowerpot. |
(77) | flower holder
Christie – in loving memory
(78) |
Erected by Arthur Fenton, Crumlin in memory of his brother James died August 1829, William John, mother Ellen Jan 1851 aged 55.
Father Edward Feb 1877 aged 90 Wife Amelia April 1917 aged 81 Also Arthur Pedlow died 29th June 1931 wife Jane 8th Feb 1935 Daughter Mona 24th June 1942 |
(79) |
In loving memory of Robert Lockhart also his wife Annie who were laid to rest in the year 1912. Their son James died 5th September 1971 aged 78 years, their daughter Mary Winifred died 27th August 1980. I know that my redeemer liveth. Grave surround. |
(80) |
Erected by Dr Kernahan in memory of his son Thos Kernahan who departed this life Feb 1st 1827 Aged 25 years, also in memory of his son who departed this life ? April 1828 aged 30 years
(81) |
Erected by Jane Lowry in memory of her father James Francis Elwood, died 26th July 1908. Her mother Annabella Elwood her brother James Francis Elwood died 1st October 1927 her husband William Lowry, died 28th Feb 1929 and the above Jane Lowry, died 8th May 1967.
Notes: The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown. Lowry – February 28, 1929, at his residence, Derrykillultagh, Glenavy, William, dearly-loved husband of Jane Lowry. Funeral tomorrow (Saturday) to Glenavy Churchyard, at 2pm. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife. |
(82) |
The family burying ground of William Savage.
(metal plaque mounted on railings) In loving memory of my dear husband William Savage died 24th March 1954.
(83) |
Erected _________ William Phillips of Tullynewbane who departed this life 23rd July 1? aged also his wife Mary who departed this life 21st of Jany 1837 aged 70 years.
Headstone now leaning at an angle. |
(84) |
In loving memory of my dear husband William T.W. Lowry died 25th January 1970 also our infant son Herbert also Jemima Lowry mother of Margaret and Eva died 9th September 1989. Flower holder on grave Lowry
Grave surround. |
(85) |
Erected by John Armstrong. Esq. Of Cherry Valley A.D. 1819. In memory of Glencairn Dalrymple widow of General Stair Park Dalrymple who departed this life Augt 1816 also in memory of Charles William Armstrong, late of Cherry Valley Esq. J.P. who departed this life the 8th February 1858 in the 53rd year of his age.
Walled surround with metal railings, some broken. |
(86) |
Erected 1878 Alice Ingram . In memory of her father William Ingram of Ballydonaghy who died 28th February 1879 aged 72 years Flower holder on plot. In loving memory of Herbert 24 9 72 also his wife Mary 10 5 78
(87) | Flower holder –
in Loving memory of Martha and Tommy Yarr.
Flower holder – In memory of Clem
(88) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father James Edward died 14th February 1966 also a loving wife and mother Emma Jane died 6th October 1988. Flower holder on grave Morgan
Grave surround. |
(89) |
In loving memory of our dear parents William David Wilkinson died 15th June 1950, Martha Wilkinson died 27th Nov 1938 also our dear sisters Mary Jane died 15 January 1907, Eleanor died 19th March 1923 Eliza Jane Auld died 9th April 1938 John died 23rd November 1988. Until the daybreak. Glass wreath and wire wreath on grave. |
(89) |
Robert McMullan born 1835 died 1900. Emily Smyth McMullan born 1843 died 1901. John Savage Smyth McMullan born 1876 died 1885. Samuel Henry McMullan born 1882 died in U.S.A. 1911. Robert Thompson McMullan born 1880 died in France 1917. Walter James McMullan died U.S.A. 1972. Mary Jane MacMillan died U.S.A. 1967. |
(90) |
In memory of James McDonald who died 10th September 1862 ages 61 years also Elizabeth McDonald his daughter died 2nd Jan 1864 aged 21 years, Dorothea McDonald third daughter died 27th June 1872 aged 34 years, Jane McDonald, wife died 25th September 1872 aged 69 years. Andrew McDonald youngest son died 21st May 1873 aged 29 years Margaret McDonald died 25 Feby 1875 aged 45 years. Also Ellen McDonald who died 16th December 1896 also Sarah the dearly beloved wife of Andrew McDonald who departed this life 1st December 1929 and Andrew husband of Sarah McDonald who died 11th March 1933. ![]() McDonald Headstone Note: Read about Andrew McDonald in Ballinderry Purple Star – L.O.L. 1939 |
(91) | Square flower holder,
John and Catherine Watson
beside headstone The burying ground of Henry and Isabella Watson. Jesus said, I am the Resurrection and the life.
Small unmarked flower holder in front of this. |
(92) |
Erected by John Bickerstaffe of Crumlin in memory of his father Allen Bickerstaffe who died 20th January 1908 aged 79 years and of his mother Mary Ann Orr Bickerstaffe who died 12th May 1881 aged 48 years and nine of their children who died in infancy also of his sister Anna Matilda who died 5th April 1903 and Eliza J Kielty who died 15th December 1910. Here also rest the above John Bickerstaffe who died 10th May 1950 aged 80 and his wife Mary Jane (nee Spence) who died 14th December 1964 aged 79. Having retired from business in Crumlin in 1830 John and Mary Bickerstaffe lived in Bangor, a much – loved uncle and aunt and faithful parishioners of St Comgall’s Church.
Grave surround Notes: The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 17th December 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Deaths.Kielty – December 15th at her residence, 36 Dagmar Street, Eliza Jane, relict of the late Geo. Kielty. Her remains will be removed from the above address, for interment in Glenavy Burying-Ground (via Crumlin), this (Saturday) morning at ten o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. NB The Kielty family appear in the 1901 census at 36 Dagmar Street, Belfast. George, an unemployed joiner, 48 years resides with his wife Eliza J aged 48 years, his mother Agnes aged 70 and children: Anna M aged 12, Georgina aged 7 and James H aged 11 years. In the 1911 census the following are listed at Dagmar Street, Belfast: Anna Matilda a clerk aged 22 years, resides with her brother James Henry aged 21 an apprentice joiner and sister Georgina Elizabeth aged 17 years a stitcher. |
(93) |
Small flower holder |
(94) |
Erected to the memory of Ann Stephenson who died 30th April 1826 aged 55 years.
(95) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Andrew Robert died 4th February 1969 aged 56 years also his beloved wife and her devoted mother Sarah Isabella died 12th May 2003 aged 69 years. In heavenly love abiding. Flower holder on grave Farrell.
Grave surround |
(96) |
Cherished memories of Carrie 26.11.1894 – 5.7.1956. Her Husband Aubrey 23.11.1895 – 2.12.1994 and their son Ian 7.7.1923 – 20.3.1968. Small wooden cross on grave with poppy. |
(97) |
IN(cross)RI……….erected by Michael…… memory of his d…mother Michael ?…..her….Sarah M?Gahe? Michael depd ?? May ?79? Aged ? Years ??? Dept this life ??
(98) |
In loving memory of Eliza A Willis, Robert Willis, Martha Hull, Martha Willis also his son Robert Willis. Grave surround |
(99) |
In loving memory of John died 22nd March 1947, his wife Annie died 15th February 1950. Also their sons Jim died 2nd July 1944, Robert died 27th October 1944 also their daughter-in-law Effie Lowry died 29th July 1989. Flower holder on grave In memory of Harriet Ethel Lowry (nee Smyth)
Flower surround |
(100) | Metal surround with nameplate.
The Family burying ground of James Finn 1889
(8 metal posts in railing.) |
(101) |
In loving memory my dear husband Samuel called home 20th April 1993 also his beloved wife Agnes called home 22nd November 2006. Loved and remembered always. Flower holder – Sammy & Agnes
Flower holder on grave Memories of daddy 20th April 1993.
Grave surround |
(102) | Black flower holder with gold lettering
Samuel died 25 7 78 |
(103) |
In loving memory of Howard died 12th August 1948. Annie died 1st September 1974. Eileen died 11th August 1990. Ernest died 3rd December 1993. The Lord is thy Shepherd. Flower holder on grave. Sloan
Eileen died 11 8 1990, Annie died 1 9 1974, Howard 12 8 1948 |
(104) |
Erected by Henry Farr to the memory of his parents Jane Farr who died 24th November 1854 aged 56 years, John Farr who died 4th November, 1855 aged 69 years and of their children Ellen who died 6th December 1836 aged 3 years, James who died 8th July 1842 aged 22 years, Thomas who died 29th July 1869 aged 49 years, Margaret who died 13 Dec 1887 aged 59 years, John who died 19th August 1902 aged 76 years, Jane who died 12th August 1903 aged 80 years also the above Henry Farr who died 23rd July 1908 aged 71 years.
(105) | Headstone. No writing. With surround.
“Thy will be done”
Flower holder on grave. |
(106) |
In loving memory of William a loved husband and devoted father died 2nd Nov 1987. Elizabeth a beloved wife and loving mother died 1st August 2007. Flower holder – Bolton
Surround |
(107) |
In loving memory of William H. died 29th January 1966 also my dear mother Elizabeth died 11th April 1978. “The Lord is my Shepherd.” Erected by M&G.G. Brown. Flower holder on grave – W.H.Lowry. In loving memory.
Surround. |
(108) | Double grave.
Erected by Francis John Coburn in memory of his beloved son John Francis Coburn who died March 28th 1864 aged 4 years also his beloved daughter Jane Coburn who died October 29th 1877 aged 16 years also the above Francis John Coburn who died 8th July 1881 aged 53 years and his beloved wife Mary Jane who died 19th March 1915 aged 88 years.
“Oh may the grave become to me the bed of peaceful rest, whence I shall gladly rise at length and mingle with the blest.” Metal surround with 7 posts. Erected by William Edward Coburn in memory of his brother John Francis who departed this life in March 1891 aged 23 years also his brother who departed this life 12th October 1891 aged 37 years. The above William Edward Coburn died 11th June 1894 aged 31 years.
(109) |
Erected to the memory of Thomas Steele late of Fourscore who died 4th October 1852 aged 27 years, also his sister Eliza Steele who died 19th May 1865 aged 18 years also the beloved mother of the above Betty Steele died 1st June 1866 aged 68 years also her daughter Jane Steele died 28th day of December 1900 aged 66 years, also her daughter Mary Steele who died the 17th May 1902 aged 70 years.
(110) |
In loving memory of George Hendren who died 13th December 1959 also his wife Reta who died 6th April 1977 Surround |
(111) |
The family burying ground of James Frazer
(112) | Flower holder.
In loving memory |
(113) | 2 headstones.
Erected by John Ballance in loving memory of his father and mother James Ballance born 6th October 1847 died 17th November 1927. Agnes Ballance born 5th February 1845 died 13th August 1922 also their daughter Mary E. Ballance born 27th August 1883 died 27th February 1891. R.Hanna, Lisburn Notes: Death notice, source unknown: Death of Mr J Ballance |
(114) |
Erected to the memory of Ann Ballance who departed this life on the 5th (8th?) Dec 1813 aged .. years. Also the remains of her beloved husband John Ballance who departed 25(26?)th June 1851 aged ?
Mary Ballance died……… Also remains………. Grave surround. |
(115) |
Thompson, Michael 17th December 1980 to 9th September 1999.
(116) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Minnie who died 15th February 1992 also a dear husband and father Thomas James (Tommy) died 26th October 1997. Worthy of remembrance. Mawhinney. Flower holder. Graham.
(117) | Unreadable
… the bod? McK?… departed … … life
(118) | Unreadable |
(119) |
Sacred to the memory of John Quin who departed this life on the ? June ? also his? ?u?el ? Quin ? Aged 73 years ?……
(120) |
Thomas Harbinson died 9th January 1985
Grave surround |
(121) |
In loving memory of John died 16th February 1982, his wife Lily died 11th July 1988, also their children Bertie died 27th May 1966, Margaret died 17th February 1980. At Rest Flower holder – Harbinson
Glass dome – from his loving brother, sister in law and niece John, Lilian and Fiona.
(122) | Flower holder –
(123) |
Erected in memory of Ann Jane Walker who departed this life 21? June 1832 aged 32? Years also her father James Walker who departed this life on the 21st February 1840 aged 73 years. Also of her mother Eleanor Walker who departed this life on the 24th March 18?3 Aged ? Years.
(124) |
In loving memory of my mother Betty Peacock who died on 5th August 1855 and was interred in Dundrod Burying ground aged 37 years also Robert Smith who died on the 22nd May 1866 aged 16 years. Frederick Smith who died on the 27th July 1870 aged 45 years, Robert Smyth who died on the 22nd November 1872 aged 65 years also Agnes Waterman daughter of the above who died on the 27th Feb 1887 and was interred in Craigdoone Church-yard also James Peacock Smyth who died on 30th December 1899 aged 43 years. Also her brother Daniel Smyth who died 3rd October 1924 aged 70 years Interred in Stellawood Cemetery, Durban, South Africa. Maria Smyth died 16th November 1937 aged 92 years.
Metal surround on grave. |
(125) |
In loving memory of Thomas Bell of Bell Grove died 17th November 1919, his wife Sarah Bell died 5th February 1951 their daughter Mirian Zeborah Bell died 9th September 1943. On surround – Jonathan Bell died 30th January 1991
Nelson Bell died 10th November 1990. Grave surround. Flower holder on grave. |
(126) |
Erected in memory of Jonathan Bell who departed this life 10th December 1868 aged 83 years also grandson Jonathan Bell who departed this life 16th June 1865 aged 3 years and 2 months.
(127) | Flower holder.
(128) |
Erected by William Whiteside of ?arough in memory of his on James Whiteside who was born the 12th August 1825? And died the 14th June 1835.
(129) |
Erected by J McKeown in loving memory of her dear parents, sister and brother also grandparents and aunt. Wickliffe. Grave surround. Notes: Read more about The Wickliffe and McKeown family |
(130) |
Erected by James Wickliffe in memory of his beloved wife Sarah Wickliffe who departed this life 30th December, 1881 (or 31?) aged 70 years.
(131) |
In memory of John Hull who died 25th March 1911 aged 98 years also his wife Sarah died 17th November 1924. Erected by his widow Sarah Hull.
(132) |
Erected Frederick McCorry in memory of his wife Ann McCorry who departed this life June 15th 1854 aged 47 Years.
(133) |
Erected in memory of Thomas Miller who departed this life 22nd Jan 1857 aged 61 years
(135) |
Johnston (Derrykillultagh)
In loving memory of James died 30th January 1972 aged 91 years. Eliza Margaret died 9th June 1959 age 71 years and their family Dinah died 5th July 1972 aged 60 years. Margaret died 5th February 2003 aged 87 years. Catherine died 12th September 2001 aged 81 years. George died 20th December 1926 aged 9 months. Grave surround – Samuel Johnston died 22nd October, 1951 aged 79 years, Dinah Mairs died 25th December 1909 aged 31 years
R. Thompson Lisburn 92607367 on surround Notes: The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 22nd December 1909 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Mairs – December 21, at her residence, Ballynadolly, Magheragall, Dinah, the dearly -beloved wife of George Mairs. Funeral to family burying-ground. Glenavy, on to-morrow (Thursday) morning, at half-past eleven o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. |
(136) |
Brady – Browne
In loving memory of our beloved grandmother Mabel died 5th December 1956 also her daughter and our devoted mother Dorothy Lindsay died 5th June 2003 sadly missed by the entire family. At Rest. Flower holder Granny
Surround |
(137) |
In loving memory of our dear parents James died 9th April 1951 aged 57 years Elizabeth died 30th May 1988 aged 87 years also their son Rodney died 26th January 1942 aged 8 months also their daughter Florence died 8th July 1945 aged 11 years. Remembered with love. Flower holder on grave Hendren
Surround Notes: Death notice, source unknown: Hendren – July 6, 1945 at the Clarke Clinic, Florence Bell, second and dearly loved daughter of James and Elizabeth Hendren. Funeral from her parents’ residence, Ballymote, Glenavy tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2.30 pm to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing father mother, brothers and sister. The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown. Hendren – January 25, 1942, at the Lisburn District Hospital, Rodney Abraham, dearly loved infant son of James and Elizabeth Hendren. Funeral from his parents’ residence, Ballymoat, Glenavy today (Monday) at 2pm., to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Father, Mother, Brother and Sisters. |
(138) |
In loving memory of our dear mother Elizabeth Jane died 4th October, 1956 and her daughter Mabel Kerr died 25th April 1972 Surround |
(139) |
on flower holder |
(140) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father James Austin died 20th November 1997. On flower plinth Austin Garrett
Surround |
(141) |
In loving memory of my dear husband Frederick George Morgan died 24th April 1983. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holder Morgan
Surround |
(142) |
Erected by Hugh Black in memory of his mother Agnes who departed this life 12th December 1799. Age 73 years also his father Hugh who died 6th March 1805 aged 71 years.
(143) |
In loving memory of Richard who died 7th February 1961 also his beloved wife Charlotte who died 26th June 2001. Until the daybreak. 3 glass domes In memory of Richard Yarr from the officers and Sir Knights of RPP 351 Aghalee. In memory of Richard Yarr died 7th Feb 1961 from his sorrowing wife and family. In memory of Richard Yarr died 7th Feb 1961 from the officers and members Roses Lane Ends Temperance LOL 68.
on flower holder on grave. |
(144) |
In loving memory of our dear parents William Alexander (Billy) A loving husband, father and grandfather died 1st March 2008, aged 81 years and his wife Margaret a loving mother and grandmother, died 3rd May 1979 and his father John, died 22nd November 1964 and his wife Ellen, died 26th May 1971 Till we meet again Flower holder. Lowry (Wyebridge)
in memory of father and mother |
(145) |
Arthur Mussen M.D., J.P. H M Coroner for S. Antrim died 2nd July 1931. Jeannie beloved wife of Arthur Mussen died 11th February 1916 Surround Notes: The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Saturday 10th Jan 1880 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. The Vacant Coronership in County Antrim.The death of Dr. Hume, of Crumlin, causes a vacancy in the County Coroners of Antrim; and it is very generally known that Dr. Mussen, of Glenavy, is a candidate. Dr. Mussen is a member of one of the oldest families resident in the county, among the original settlers in the parish of Derriaghy, brought thither by Sir Fulke Conway after he obtained a grant of the property; and from that time till present the Mussens have discharged all the obligations of citizenship with scrupulous fidelity. Dr. Mussen has had a long and extensive practice as Dispensary Doctor in the district, and is eminently qualified professionally to discharge the duties of the important office of coroner. He is a gentleman highly respected by all classes in the community; and he has become a candidate at the request of his numerous friends in all religious and political denominations. Of his return there is not the shadow of a doubt; and this being the case it is believed he will have a walk over; but should there be a contest for the vacant office, the gentry and farmers of the County Antrim will show their attachment to Dr. Mussen by electing him to a position to which he is so well entitled, and for the discharge of the duties of which he is so admirably qualified. |
Double grave surrounded by railings and 16 posts – (146) & (147) | |
(146) |
Here was interred the remains of Samuel Thompson who died the 21st September 1810 aged 84 also Edward Higginson died 22nd March 1817 aged 30 years.
(147) |
In memory of William Higginson who departed this life 17th August 1830 aged 28 years also his beloved daughter Sarah who died 8th November 1851 aged 23 years.
Notes: According to the records available William Higginson was buried on the 19th August 1830. Sarah Higginson was buried on the 10th November 1851. It is believed she was from the Deerpark at the time of her death. |
(148) |
Erected in loving memory of Joseph Doherty who died 19th December 1911, aged 83 years also Agnes, Wife of Joseph Doherty also his brother Constantine died 6th September 1914 aged 75 years.
Doherty. Notes: On 22 10 1873 Joseph Doherty married Agnes B Campbell, Antrim at Crumlin Non Subscribing Presbyterian Church |
(149) |
In loving memory of my dear wife Annie died 23rd August 1964 also our dear son Thomas E died 16th February 1952. Also her dear husband Edmund died 15th July 1975 also their dear sons William Robert died 23rd June 2006 and Thompson died 20th September 1993. Flower holder on grave – Best
Glass dome In loving memory of Annie Best from her sorrowing husband and family.
Surround |
(150) |
In loving memory of our dear son and brother Glenn died 13th July 1991 aged 17 years. Resting where no shadows fall. Flower holder – McCord
(151) |
In loving memory of James died 3rd January 1942 and his wife Jane died 1st March 1961. Flower holder Notes: Death notices, source unknown: Yarr, January 3 1942 at his residence, Lurgill, Roses Lane Ends, James, dearly beloved husband of Jane Yarr. Funeral to family burying ground Glenavy Churchyard on Monday at 2pm. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and Family. Yarr, January 3 1942 at his residence, Lurgill, Roses Lane Ends, James, dearly beloved husband of Jane Yarr. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing son and daughter in law Richard and Charlotte Yarr, and little grandchildren. Yarr, January 3 1942 at his residence, Lurgill, Roses Lane Ends, James, dearly beloved husband of Jane Yarr. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing daughter and son in law Frances and Alex Ross; also little Grandchildren. Yarr, January 3 1942 at his residence, Lurgill, Roses Lane Ends, James, dearly beloved husband of Jane Yarr. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Daughter and Son in law Lily and Robert Totten; also little granddaughter. Roses Lane Ends Temperance Flute Band Yarr, In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, James Yarr, who passed away 3rd January, 1942, and was laid to rest in Glenavy Churchyard. |
(152) |
In loving memory of Janette dearly loved wife of Arthur Kirkpatrick Crumlin died 24th November 1896 aged 61 years and the above Arthur Kirkpatrick who died 24th November 1907 aged 82 years also his brother William died 7th December 1907 aged 97 years. Also John Parker, C.M.R. 2nd son of the above Arthur and Jeanette Kirkpatrick killed in action France 15th September 1916 aged 41 years. Them also would sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Side of grave Alfred William Kirkpatrick eldest son of Arthur and Jeanette Kirkpatrick died 14th June 1965 aged 92 years. Joseph Catherine beloved and loving wife of Alfred William Kirkpatrick died 18th May 1961 aged 86 years. Arthur Hugh Kirkpatrick youngest son of Arthur and Jeanette Kirkpatrick died 23rd March 1959 aged 81years and Emilena Mary beloved and loving wife of Arthur Hugh Kirkpatrick died 17th March 1966 aged 88 years. Interred in adjacent plot.
(153) |
Here lieth the remains of Margaret Cri?fty (Cristy?) who departed this life the 9th of January 181? Aged 16?
(154) |
In loving memory of our beloved son David Wesley Joseph who died 19 05 1959 also his mother Kathleen Ann who died 1st June 1978 also her husband Thomas Alexander died 20th Feb 1984. Flower holder on grave. |
(155) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Archie died 18th September 1979. The Lord is my Shepherd. McCullough treasured memories of a beloved son and brother Garry died 1st January 1993 aged 24 years. No-one is promised tomorrow. Garry and McCullagh
flower holder on grave. |
(156) |
Erected by Jane Cormican of Tullyrusk in memory of her beloved husband Eager Cormican who died 17th April 1880 aged 67 years also their daughter Mary who died 2nd September 1868 aged 26 years and Jane Bell died 18th March 1886 aged 40 years. The above named Jane Cormican died 11th February 1891 aged 84 years. William Kirkpatrick Ballyminymore died 24th February 1945 also his wife Jane died 3rd February 1982.
Notes: On 25th February 1870 William Alexander Bell, Killed a farmer aged 27 years, son of Alexander Bell, farmer, married Jane Cormican, Glenavy aged 25 years, father Edgar Cormican, farmer at Glenavy Parish Church. Jane Cormican died young and William Alexander Bell remarried on 18th December 1892 to Mary Lowry at Killead Presbyterian Church. |
(157) |
Erected by George Ferris in memory of William Ferris to ?transmit prosperity the most affection and friend born in 1739 and died on Nov 11th 1818 also of his wife Mary who was born in 1744 and died 12th July 1825
(158) |
Erected by John Bell of Ballinderry in memory of his dearly beloved wife Susanna who departed this life 19th April 1839 aged 31 years. Robert Bell died November 1890 also his sister Margaret died April 1890 also of their son Conway aged 9 months.
(159) |
Sacred to the memory of Robert Bell who departed this life 8th Jan 1832 aged 69 years also Charlotte Bell who died 21st September 1852 aged 29 years
(159a) |
Erected by Albert Arthur Oakman Peel in memory of his father Arthur Peel died September 1922 and in memory of the above named Albert Arthur Oakman Peel died December 1962 and his beloved wife Martha Foreman Peel died November 1974 also his sisters Amy, Sussanah Elizabeth Peel died January 1954, Rebecca Jane Evangeline Peel died April 1975. Aghadalgon, Glenavy. Surround Notes: The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 15th December 1962 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star. Obituary
Broken headstone located inside enclosed grave headstones at either end and metal railings, some broken. Contains (160)-(163) | |
(160) |
To the …… ncis…Whitla who…..of January 1800.…years also Ann Whitla his wife who died…..the day of October 1796 aged…… years and James Whitla their son who died the 10th day of June 1791 aged ? 1 year also to the memory of Catharina and Alice June the beloved daughters of James Whitla of Gobrana…….who died 19th March 1835 and the latter on the 8th August 1835?
……life….also his bro departed this life 13th…….1854 aged 19 years also his sister Mary Sophia departed this life 20th April 1846 aged 19 years of his sister Elizabeth Courtney……….0 departed this life at St Louis ? 20th September 1849 aged 25 years.
(161) |
Sacred to the memory of Dalway Bell, Surgeon, who died at Bellgrove 17th February 1865 ? Aged 66 years ? Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
(162) |
James Bell who died 20th December 1872 aged 55 years Mary Bell of the …of the.. Ober Bell Surgeon, Lurgan who died 6th Feb 1871 in the 80th? Year……….John Johnston Bell Surgeon, Lurgan………Robert Bell Surgeon, Lurgan born on the 10th of the June 1887?? Died on the 8th April 1885. Till he come.
(163) |
Erected in memory of Catherine Crowe of Lurgan widow of the late Christopher Crowe, Dundalk and eldest daughter of the late Robert Bell Surgeon of Lurgan, born 5th Dec 1814 died 29th May 18?99? Also Catharine Maria wife of James Moore, Surgeon of Lurgan and second daughter of the late Christopher and Catherine Crowe born 21st September 1849 died 1st May 1899.
(164) |
The family burying ground of John Oakman who died 20th July 1894. Harriet Oakman his wife who died 23rd January 1883. His sons John Glenn Oakman who died 27th Jan 1893 and William Robert Oakman, Hillhall who died 7th May 1942. His wife Edith Maude Oakman who died 17th November 1971. Their son John Clements Oakman, who died 27th August 1989. And their daughter Harriet Frances Oakman who died 10th March 1995.
At front of grave – Old Headstone. Here lieth the body of ….Oakman who departed………the of..Oct………
(165) |
The family burying ground of William John Ingram, Janeville, Glenavy. Who died 15th February 1885, aged 84 years. Metal surround |
(166) | Raised tomb. 3 slabs on top. Middle one not original. 3 inscription plates. 1 on each side. Skull at rear (facing away from church) with words above
Front plate towards church. Here lieth…body of…st……departed this life…third day ann dom…in the 80th year of his….
Here lyeth the body of Ms Lane Sha…en who departed this life Dec the 28 Day Anndom in the (Side facing church) Here Lys the body of Mr Samuel Sheene ? who departed ?? is.
(Side facing towards car park)
Read more about this crypt. |
(167) |
In loving memory of our dear brother Sydney died 9th April 1947 and our dear parents Howard died 14th April 1963 Margaret B died 26th December 1977. Abide with me. |
(168) |
In loving memory of John Colburn died 14th July 1883 aged 57 years . His wife Elizabeth died 23 04 1905 aged 77 years. Their son Joseph died 06 11 1933 aged 79 years. Their daughter Elizabeth died 13th May 1957 in her 100th year. His granddaughter Jane Colburn Wheeler died 18th June 1962 aged 86 years. Surround |
(169) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father James A (Jim) died 9th Feb 1992 also his son William David died 21st October 1967 aged 7 Years. The Lord is my Shepherd. Surround “Cunningham”
(170) | Flower holder
(171) |
McIvor – in remembrance.
W J McIvor, A McIvor, Rebecca McIvor 1911 – 1980. William John McIvor 1905 – 1984. (Bairds) |
(172) |
Here lieth the remains of ?Margaret Durham who departed this life the 17th April 1811 aged 69 years.
(unreadable) |
(173) |
Francis Jane Oakman January 1922
Averil N Oakman January 1966 (both names on one free standing tablet) Here Lyeth the body of Abraham Clements who died E ? 9 801 Dec.170?
(174) |
(175) |
In memory of the McClurg family of Ballydonaghy, Crumlin.
Flower holder on grave “McClurg”
Surround Notes: View McClurg Family Photos |
(176) |
In loving memory of Sarah Jane Cooley, Crewe Hill, Upper Ballinderry who died 9th march 1956 aged 81 years. Also her son John who died 20th march 1963 aged 52 years. Remembered by S E Knox. Gone but not forgotten. Surround |
(177) | Metal plaque – 8 posts and metal plaque.
The burying ground of Joseph Neill, Crew.
(178) | Metal plaque –
The burying ground of Fleeton and Mahon 1906
Notes: There is a metal plaque on this grave stating – “The burying ground of Fleeton and Mahon 1906.” There are no other headstones in this Church of Ireland graveyard bearing the name “Fleeton.” The surname and spelling in local records vary – Fleeton, Fleeting, Fleetham, Fleton. The name appears in early records associated with this parish. Early examples include: 21 05 1745 there is a marriage of a John Fleeton and Margaret Wilson; There are a number of headstones bearing the Fleeton surname at St Joseph’s Catholic church in Glenavy. The Fleeton name can be found in records relating to the Ballinderry area. |
(179) | (surround on grave – pillar fallen)
Erected to the memory of Jane Collier, Ballinacoy, died 1st August 1905. Michael Collier who died 12th Feb 1908, James Collier died 7th Feb 1910, Matilda Collier died 24 05 1947, John W Collier died 20 09 1950
In memory of W J Collier, Knockcairn who died 7?th December 1920 and his wife Margaret who died 1st February 1884 David died 24th June 1883 James died 11th October 1901 Jane died 20th May 1941 Robert died 22nd October 1945 |
(180) | Single headstone – base fallen over unreadable presently. |
(181) |
In loving memory of our dear son John died 24th August 1961 also his grandparents Agnes Annie Arbuckle died 2nd October 1917 and Benjamin Arbuckle died 18th December, 1945 Also his father James A Arbuckle died 24th December 1983. Also his mother Elizabeth Arbuckle died 19th June 2003. Til the daybreak. Flower holder – John
Surround |
(182) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Margaret died 5th September 1994 aged 84 years also William died 27th January 1996 aged 85 years. The Lord is my Shepherd Flower holder “In loving memory”
Surround |
(183) | ( 7 metal posts and surround)
Erected by five of his sons in memory of John Green of Maheragall who departed this life 24th December 1874 aged 78 years.
Also his son Samuel who died 11th April 1979 and his son Thomas who died 12th October 1895? Aged 82 years. Francis “Grenn” died 27th day of January 1899 also his wife Sarah Green died 22nd day of December 1899. Metal surrounds on plaques. 1.Thomas Green Macdonald died 18th June 1940
Margretta J S Douglas died 7th November 1944 2. Anna Elizabeth Macdonald died 22nd January 1955
3. William Macdonald died 15th April 1923 his wife Margaret Green Macdonald died 29th December 1929
(184) |
Erected by Thomas Scott, Ballydonaghy in memory of his beloved wife … who departed this life 30? Of Oct? 1853 aged 66 years also the said Thomas Scott departed this life 28 Oct? aged 7? Years.
(185) | Small sandstone headstone writing obliterated |
(186) | (Metal surround 7 posts attached to headstone)
Erected in memory of James Farr who taught in Fourscore N S for 38 years died 10th July 1906 aged 60 years. Also his son James who was killed in the Great War 28th September 1918 aged 37 years, also his wife Ellen Farr who died 30th September 1933 aged 70 years.
Notes: The following is an extract from Glenavy Past and Present by Charles Watson 1892: Fourscore School – The teachers have been Messrs. W. Scott, William Boston, John McFarland, W. Crawford Bradshaw, and now Mr. James Farr occupies the post… |
(187) | Flower holder –
(188) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Maimie died 11th August 1982 and a devoted husband and father Robert died 28th September 1984. Peace perfect peace. Surround Higginson
Notes: The following is a newspaper cutting found in a scrap book – 1950 pencilled in. GlenavyA pretty wedding was solemnised in the Parish Church on Tuesday last when mr. Robert Higginson of Crew, and Miss Mary Graham Steele, of Tullynewbank were married. There was a very large congregation present to witness the ceremony, the body of the church being filled with guests. The best man was Mr. William Higginson, brother of the bridegroom, and Miss Yvonne Steele sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Mr Sidney Steele, cousin, took the role of usher. The bride entered the church as the Wedding March (lohengrin) was played on the organ and was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. J. Totten. Two hymns were sung, “Lead Us, Heavenly Father,” and the happy couple left the church to the strains of Mendelsohn’s Wedding March. There ceremony was performed by Rev. A.J.E. Campbell, M.A., and Mr. J. Walker presided at the organ. |
(189) |
In loving memory of Hugh Kelly Branagh died 11th August 1902, his father William J Branagh, mother Margaret, brother Arthur.
(lettering in lead – metal surround 9 posts) |
(190) | Metal plaque
The family buying ground of Samuel Gregg
(191) |
In loving memory of a dear mother Mary Agnes (Maisie) died 2nd February 1965 aged 45 years also her son John died 14th September 1986 aged 43 years. Too well loved to be forgotten Flower holder on grave “Henry”
(192) |
In loving memory of Edith died 10th November 1955 aged 52 years. Her infant son Arthur died 1935 also her son Robert died 3rd April 2006 aged 68 years. At rest. Costello
– flower holder |
(193) |
In loving memory of my dear husband James Edward who died 11th August 1990. The Lord’s my Shepherd Flower holder on grave “Marsden”
(194) | 9 iron posts and railings around grave.
Erected by John Dornan, Gobrana in memory of his father, mother, sister and cousin. The above named John Dornan died 29th March 1923
(195) | Metal plaque
The family burying ground of Samuel Boyd Belfast
(196) |
Erected by William in memory of his father William Laird who died 1st April 1878 aged 68 years and to mark his own resting place who died 29th August 1931 aged 78 years
(lead lettering) |
(197) |
In loving memory of John Laird of Killultagh who departed this life 1st January 1886 aged 73 years also his youngest daughter Martha who departed this life 19th August 1883 ages 34 years, also Betty, wife of the above John Laird who died at Gobrana 22nd October 1900 aged 100 years. They that sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him
(lettering in lead) Notes: The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 7th March 1900 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Education. An examination in Pianoforte Playing, Singing, and other subjects will be held at Belfast on April 4th. Last day for entry, March 21st. Entrance forms and further particulars can be obtained from Messrs. Cramer, Wood, & Co., 17 Castle Place. The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated Saturday August 9th 1902. The I.O.F. Cycling Club The members of the Forresters’ Cycling Club in Belfast were entertained on Saturday to a garden party by Mr. John Laird (vice president) and Mrs Laird at their handsome residence, Gobrana, Glenavy. Unfortunately, owing to the showery weather, the roads were in such a state that cycling to Mr. Laird’s was wholly out of the question, and a large proportion of the members of the club wisely took advantage of the train leaving the city at 2.30pm. They were received by Mr. and Mrs Laird with all the cordiality which is characteristic of the best traditions of Forestry,and, after an enjoyable tea gave themselves up to exploring the surrounding country. The company included – Mrs Wilson P.C.R., Mrs Bell, C D H C R, and other ladies of the companion courts; Mrs and Miss Downer; Dr. Gibson (president); Brs W. Bell, PHCR; James Wilson (hon treasurer), James Hollywood (hon. Auditor), Messrs W H N Downer, James Johnston, and C D Brewster (president of the ICA). Once seen, anyone who visits Glenavy must associate with Mr. Laird’s charming home. In fact Gobrana appears an ideal place for a busy Belfast man like Mr. Laird to retire to in the evening after the work and worry of the day. Its situation is in the heart of one of the most picturesque rural places convenient to Belfast and, while from the rear a view of Lough Neagh can be obtained, in front the grounds, which lie in the direction of the main road, have many specimens of rare old oak and beech trees, of which Mr Laird is justly proud. Among the scenes as these a pleasant hour was spent, during which the Glenavy Conservative Flute Band helped to enliven the proceedings by some of their spirited selections. Subsequently the company adjourned to the drawing-room, where tea was dispersed and a number of musical selections contributed. Dr. Gibson J P afterwards moved a vote of thanks to Mr John Laird and Mrs Laird, who were known by all the Foresters for their hospitality . That was not the first time they had been entertained by Mr and Mrs Laird, though on the former occasion they had been equally unfortunate in the weather. He had suggested to Mrs Laird that the third time would be the charm. The evening spent, however, by those who had come had been most enjoyable. (Applause) Br James Wilson, in seconding the proposition, said although the weather had been unfavourable they had had, he thought, a very good turnout. Mr and Mrs Laird had carried out that afternoon the true principles of Forestry. The fraternal side of the Order was nobly exhibited by Mr. Laird, whose example he hoped a great number of their members would follow, and he trusted if they paid a future visit to Glenavy they could arrange better weather. The motion was heartily passed. Mr. Laird, in reply, said generosity all round was something that they expected from Foresters, and if Dr. Gibson and the friends who had accompanied him had been as much pleased and gratified to come there that afternoon as Mrs. Laird and he had been to receive them, and do anything they could towards their comfort while there, they were amply repaid. He hoped it was not the last time they would have a visit from the Foresters, and he thought it a very proper thing that their lady friends had accompanied them. Notwithstanding the weather, they all, he thought, enjoyed themselves most heartily, and he trusted would be better for that afternoon (Applause). The company took their leave of their host and hostess, and returned by the 6.20pm train. The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 13th January 1915. It appears here with the permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Deaths Obituaries. It is with regret that we announce the death of Mr. John Laird, J.P., which took place on Monday at his residence, Gobrana House, Crumlin, after a rather protracted illness. The deceased was well known in Belfast, having been prominently identified with its public life for a considerable number of years, and he was generally respected for his upright character as well as his quiet and unassuming disposition. As proprietor of Messrs. Cramer, Wood & Co., well known musical instrument dealers, he occupied a prominent position. He retired from business some years ago, and went to reside in Crumlin. While in Belfast he manifested a deep interest in civic matters, serving for a lengthened period as a member of the Corporation and of the Water Board. In the latter capacity he had the honour of filling the position of chairman, a dignity conferred on him as a mark of confidence and esteem by his fellow- commissioners. The deceased was deeply interested in landed property and as a director of the Imperial Building Society he was closely associated with the development of the city. About the time he removed to Crumlin he became a candidate for membership of the first Antrim County Council, but he was not successful in being returned. Mr. Laird was a vice – president of the old Belfast Conservative, it was a short step for the deceased into the Orange Institution, and as a member of Crozier True Blues L.O.L. he had the privilege on several occasions of discharging the duties of Worshipful Master. In the Church of Ireland, of which he was a devoted member, he filled several important offices, and was elected to the Diocesan Synod and General Synod, while he was treasurer of the Diocesan Temperance Society. Deceased held the commission of the peace for County Antrim, and frequently sat at Crumlin petty sessions. He leaves a widow and one son with whom in their bereavement sincerest sympathy will be felt. |
(198) |
In loving memory of my dear husband Samuel died 18th October 1989. In heavenly love abiding. Surround |
(199) |
Erected in memory of Fred White, Gobrana and his wife Ellen late of Gobrana and his son Walter and wife Annie and their daughter Annie Ellen K White died 10th march 1969 Charles White died 30th April 1971 Catherine White died 3rd December 1980. Thy will be done. White.
Surround |
(200) |
In loving memory of our dear parents John Died 7th November 1920 Anna Maria died 12th Feb 1965 and their daughter Margaret died 11th September 1985. At peace with the lord. Flower holder In loving memory of mother and father – Matier.
Surround |
(201) |
on flower holder |
(201) | Older headstone with flower holder
Erected by Anne Jane Dickson of Crumlin. In memory of her beloved husband John Dickson for upwards of 12 years teacher of the Laurelval School, Crumlin who departed this life 26th February 1864 aged 63 years the above named Anne Jane Dickson who died 17th April 1905 aged 82 years.
(202) |
In memory of Walter Oakman of Darraghmore who died 8th June 1836 aged 65 years also his wife Christina Oakman who died 22nd September 1851 aged 73 years also their youngest son Nicholas Oakman born 17th March 1819 died 13th June 1894 Christina Oakman Hume Born 20th march 1850 died 23rd March 1923 at Hove, Sussex. Grave surround: Margaret Ann Hamilton Lowry died 31st October 1932, Thomas Kennedy Lowry died 4th March 1916 aged 64 years
Catherine Oakman died 2nd November 1880, Ann Oakman died 28th July 1859, Mary Jane Oakman died 28th August 1864, Isabel Oakman died 20th August 1841, Eliza Oakman died 24th December 1855. Walter Oakman junior died at Virginia U.S. 10th September 1824 aged 25. John Oakman died 18th March 1835 aged 25. |
(203) | Old headstone fallen. Top piece broken |
(203) |
Erected by William Cardwell, Belfast in memory of his beloved wife Mary Jane who died 1st November 1894 aged 57 years.
(lead lettering) |
(204) |
In loving memory of William passed away 4th October 1972 also his wife Jane who passed away 22nd July 1974. At rest. Surround Note: View McClurg Family Photos and photo of William McClurg. |
(205) |
In loving memory of Amy Waring died 27th September 1957 also her son Charles Edward died 10th October 1992. Surround |
(206) | Fallen headstone head broken off |
(207) |
Erected by Mary A Gresham, Beechvale, Crumlin. In loving memory of her father, mother and seven brothers Mary Ann Gresham died 11th January aged 91 years. With Christ which is far better.
(lead lettering) Notes: The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Thursday 15th January 1880 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. DeathGresham – November 22, at Adelaide, South Australia, Robert Gresham, jun., aged 30 years, 4th son of Mr. Robert Gresham, Beechvale, Crumlin. The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 16th March 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter. DeathsGresham – March 15th, William, eldest son of the late Robert Gresham, Beechvale, Crumlin. The remains of my dearly-beloved brother will be removed for interment in Glenavy Burying-ground tomorrow (Thursday), 17th March, at 11am. Minnie A. Gresham. |
(208) | Urn head fallen into grave from grave behind. Has 12 metal posts and railing. |
(209) |
Erected by Joseph English of Crumlin in memory of Isabella his devoted wife who died 5th September 1883 aged 64 years, Also of their dear children Anna who died 7th June 1870, aged 20 years Margaret Susan who died 2nd August 1883 aged 23 years. Robert English M.D., M.CH., assistant colonial surgeon who died at Cape Coast castle, West Africa on the 26th February 1889 aged 27 years also his eldest son John who died in Chicago USA 21st May 1903 aged 55 years. The above named Joseph English died 11th March 1902 aged 79 years. Deeply regretted. Also his daughter Sarah English died 9th March 1951 aged 89 years. And with the Lord those angel faces smile which I have loved long since lost a while.
Notes: The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, February 15th 1890 Marriages |
(210) |
Harbinson – In loving memory of a devoted husband and father Charles died 17th July 1965. Thy will be done.
Flower holder E Harbinson
Surround |
(211) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Thomas who died 8th January 1981 also a dear wife and mother, Sarah Selina who died 12th January 1992. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holders Thomas Farr. Mary C. Bell died 28 03 1974
Surround |
(212) |
In loving memory of my dear parents Alexander died 13th September 1978, Ethel died 27th November 1985. Abide with me Flower holder – Ferguson.
Surround |
(213) | Flower holder
(214) |
Flower holder |
(215) |
– flower holder |
(216) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Fred died 29th April 1993 also a devoted wife, mother and grandmother Jane (Jean) died 15th October 2004. Forever in our hearts. Fred Bell 29 04 1993
– flower holder |
(217) |
In loving memory of my dear husband William who died 19th December 1980 and his dearly beloved wife Kathleen Josephie who died 16th February 1998 RIP. From his loving wife Josephine 2 x Flower holders – Billy
Surround |
(218) |
In loving memory of Samuel Andrew died 13th June 1955 also his daughters Gertrude and Rosina. At rest. Samuel A Ross
– flower holder |
(219) | flower holder –
(220) | flower holder –
Alice Leslie
(221) | pillar 12 iron posts and iron railing
Our first born Dalway William Erskine Mayne born 6th November 1833 entered into rest 4th January 1892. Also his wife Ann Huston born 15th October 1837 died 18th September 1904
(lead lettering) T Ekenhead Mayne died 12th March 1899. Margaret E Jessie died 4th May 1947 wife of Henry Horner Mayne who died 15th December 1951 Plaque on ground – He who binds to himself a joy does the winged life destroy. But he who kisses joy as it flies lives in eternities sunrise.
Notes: The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Wednesday 06 01 1892. It appears here with the permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Death Members of Corinthian Masonic Lodge No. 34 are requested to attend the funeral of our late Br. Mayne. Death of Mr. W. Erskine Mayne. We regret to announce the death, at a comparatively early age, of a well-known and highly respected citizen, Mr. W. Erskine Mayne. The sad event occurred at ten o’clock on Monday night, the deceased gentleman having never recovered from a chill which he caught while out at church on Christmas day. The cause of death was dysentery and failure of the heart’s action. He was attended by Drs. Kisack and Calwell, but medical assistance was of no avail. Mr. Mayne, who was born in Belfast in 1833, carried on business at 11, College Square North and May Street, his bookselling and stationary establishment being probably one of the most successful of the kind in the city. An ardent member of the Church of Ireland, deceased took a great interest in the welfare of the Drew Memorial congregation. He was superintendent of the Sunday School, and was, we understand, the first to introduce the Boys’ Brigade movement into Belfast. He was also a strong advocate of temperance reform, and was connected with the Band of Hope and Rechabite Societies. Mr. Mayne was also a respected member of the Masonic Order. Deceased leaves three sons, the eldest of whom was married recently to a daughter of the Rev. Michael Beatty. The interment takes place on Thursday forenoon in Glenavy Burying-ground. The following is an extract from the Northern Whig dated 20 07 1867. DeathMayne – December 28, at his residence, 28, Albert Place, Donegall Pass, Belfast, of diphtheria, Alex. Dalway Mayne, eldest son of Wm. E. Mayne, aged 5 years and 9 months. His remains will be removed for interment in Glenavy Burying ground today (Monday) at ten o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. The following is from a headstone located at Belfast City Cemetery: Mayne
In loving memory of Letitia wife of Alexander S. Mayne born 2nd Sept 1809 died 4th Nov 1874Alex S Mayne born 14th Sept 1805 died 27th Nov 1894Alexander Fraser Mayne born 25th August 1900 died 18th June 1948. Grandson of W. Erskine Mayne. |
(222) | 4 corner posts – circled railings. 5 circles on each side. 3 headstones and one that has fallen. |
(222) & (223) |
Jane Anna Walkington daughter of Dolway Bell Walkington of Thornhill Belfast born 18th Dec 1855 died 2nd May 1937.
(223) |
Our dear? Emily? (?Lily/Lilian) 1866
Also dear Ria ? 1875 |
(224) | flower holder – metal grill over it |
(225) | 12 iron posts.
In memory of John Stuart Whitfield who died at his residence in Crumlin 19th February 1870 aged 69 years also his wife Margaret Montgomery who died on 17th October 1896 aged 75 years.
(226) |
Bobby Marsden
– flower holder |
(227) |
Reid in loving memory of Edward died 27th Jan 1959 aged 55 years and his wife Mary (Minnie) died 27th September 1984 aged 89 years. At rest.
Flower holder – Reid
(228) |
(pigeon picture at top of memorial) In loving memory of a beloved husband and father Hugh died 8th Jan 1999 aged 77 years. |
(229) |
Erected by Isaac Cousins of Crumlin in memory of his mother Margaret Cousins who died 23rd October 1883 aged 80 years and his sister Sarah Jane Cousins who died 27th June 1912 aged 85 years. The above named Isaac Cousins who died 28th Feb 1918 aged 87 years.
Surround |
(230) |
The family burying ground of David Steele
Surround |
(231) | Cast iron railings – 8 posts (Gemmell – stone mason mark bottom left) Erected in memory of William John Higginson who died 18th May 1878 aged 41 years also his wife Anna Higginson who died 15th July 1878 aged 37 years also their infant children.
(232) |
Erected by Elizabeth Glendinning in memory of her husband John Glendinning who died 5th March 1888 aged 83 years, her son Walter Glendinning died 9th April 1943 aged 19 years. Her son William Henry Glendinning who died 31st December 1847 aged 20 years. Elizabeth Glendinning baptised in Glenavy Church March 1788 died at Ballymineymore Feb 1st 1897 aged 108 years. Thomas H Glendinning died 27th October 1933. His mother Harriett E died 10th December 1936. His father Thomas T died 19th April 1944.
(name on bottom of headstone – erector mason) Notes: The following is an extract from Glenavy Past and Present by Charles Watson 1892: The oldest inhabitant of the parish is Widow Clendinning, who was born in the year of the rebellion, two months before the Antrim fight, and is therefore in her 95th year. She lives with her son Mr John Clendinning, near Ballydonaghy bridge, and is in full possession of all her faculties, though, owing to a fall, she is confined to her room. Death notice, source unknown: Clendinning, April 19th 1944 Thomas Clendenning (late of Thorneleigh, Aghalee). Funeral from Massereene Terrace, Antrim on tomorrow (Friday) at 2.30 pm to the family burying ground, Glenavy via Crumlin. House private. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing son, daughter in law and grandchildren – John and Edith Clendinning. In 1868 there was an interesting court case involving John Glendinning’s daughter, Catherine Anne Crossan. Read more » Beside |
(233) |
In loving memory of our dear parents John died 3rd May 1956. Edith died 2nd November 1984. On grave Surround – John Clendinning beloved husband of Edith died 3rd May 1956
(234) |
In loving memory of my dear mother and father Susan died 6th May 1959 John died 1st Nov 1964. |
(235) | Flower holder –
(236) |
In loving memory of James Thompson (Ballynacoy) died 15th March 1949, his wife Sarah died 27th May 1931 their daughter Margaret Ann died 21st July 1941 their daughter Edith wife of William John Rooney died 22nd November 1932, interred at Carnmoney. Ethel died 20th September 1978, Mary died 20th March 1988, Meta died 4th January 1991, William died 19th March 1966, Fred died 6th August 1992 interred in Antrim. Forever with the Lord.
(237) | Pillar with urn on top
Erected by Thomas A Irvine in loving memory of his dear daughter Lily died 2 April 1903 aged 17 years also Emily Faithful wife of the above died 29th August 1924. Thomas A Irvine died 13th July 1932. Safe in the arms of Jesus on his gentle breast.
Surround Notes: The following is an extract from Glenavy Past and Present by Charles Watson 1892: (Glenavy Village) The taste for improving houses is extending, Mr. T.A. Irvine having completely renovated the houses he owns … |
(238) | 8 posts and railings – some broken
In loving memory of my dear parents Margaret Maria Wallace died 19th July 1933 aged 59 years. Henry Higginson died 24th January 1948 aged 75 years also my beloved wife Sarah of Swan View, West Australia died 16th Sept 1976 aged 70 years. Gone but not forgotten. Flower holder In loving memory
Notes: The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown. Higginson – July 19, 1933 at her residence Glenville, Glenavy, Margaret Maria Wallace, dearly loved wife of Henry Higginson. Funeral tomorrow (Friday), 21st inst., at 2 o’clock. No artificial flowers by request. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband and family. |
(239) |
In loving memory of William Henry Moore died 14th March 1953 aged 81 years also his wife Harriett Moore died 9th October 1962 sister in law Clara Hendren died 21st Oct 1983 aged 91 years. Jesus only. Flower holder Stewart in loving memory of James Norman died 23rd October 1988
(240) |
– flower holder |
(241) |
Chapel Hill Road, Glenavy. In memory of Thomas born 20 07 1864 died 31st March 1929. His wife Elizabeth born 16 05 1889 died 15 07 1983 also daughters Kathleen born 19 04 1926 died 16 07 1985. Mary born 16 01 1923 died 30 05 1996. Peace perfect peace. (T Cush bottom left of memorial) E McIvor
– flower holder on this grave |
(242) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Thomas died 19th December 1972 aged 92 years Evelyn died 8th October 1996 aged 92 years. Their daughter Winifred died 9th July 1937 aged 6 years. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holder – Moore. In remembrance of Thomas died 19th December 1972. In remembrance of Evelyn died 08 10 1996
Surround |
(243) | 8 metal posts and railing
Erected by Wiliam John Lewis, Belfast in memory of his children.
Annabella Maria died 30 11 1875 aged 1 year. Margaret Ellen died 06 09 1876 aged 10 years Eliza Jane died 7th Jan 1877 aged 19 years Mary Ann died 25th Feb 1880 aged 20 years William John died 6th April 1896 aged 32 years His wife Agnes Lewis died 22nd May 1880 aged 47 years The above named William John Lewis died 8th October 1910 aged 82 years. Where the grassy hillock rises There my lonely children sleeps Nothing now can hurt or harm them Jesus safe their spirits keeps Shall I grieve Because they’re happy Should I wish them back to weep No, I’ll ?lay? because my saviour played my lambs amongst his sheep. The following inscription appears on a headstone in Castleblaney, County Monaghan, Ireland: (Source “Daily Ireland”) Erected by a sorrowing wife and mother. William Reilly died 15th January 1875, aged 29 years, and his three children, Maggie Kathleen, four months, Helen 5th October 1874, aged six, Frederick William, 18th January 1875, four years, three months. Where the grassy hillock rises, |
(244) |
The burying ground of John Moore Johnston of Glenavy who departed this life 8th May 1848 aged 49 years. His second son Thomson Moore, who was drowned off the Island of Nantucket on the 16th March 1845 aged 22 years and interred on that island. His fourth son Thomas was drowned in Belfast Lough on the 16th September 1843 aged 16 years.
His daughter Hannah Jane departed this life 7th dec 1844 aged 14 years. His youngest son Edward Averall departed this life 14th Feby 1847 aged 1 year also his sister Sarah Johnston departed this life 10th Jan 1829 aged 33 years also his beloved wife Jane Johnston departed this life 1st Jan 1874 age 71 years. Also his sixth son Wesley who died 31st July 1912 aged 77 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev 13 ch 14r Also his daughter Mary Eliza who died 8th March 1929 in her 91st year. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matt 5.8 Also his son Philip Johnston JP of Belfast who departed this life the 22nd day of May 1859 aged 29 years, also John Moore Sibthorpe Johnston only child of the above who died the same day aged 9 months. Notes: The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated Thursday August 1st 1912 reproduced with permission of The Belfast Newsletter. Johnston – Midnight, Tuesday, at 130 Malone Avenue, Belfast, Wesley, aged 78 years. Funeral strictly private. Edinburgh and Glasgow papers copy please. The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday morning 9th May 1858 reproduced with permission of The Belfast Newsletter. Deaths – On the 8th inst at his residence, aged 49 years, John M Johnston, Esq., Glenavy. |
(245) |
– flower holder |
(246) |
– flower holder Notes: William Thomas Scott born 29th May 1884 died 29th May 1970 and his wife Mary (nee McClurg) born 7th June 1893, died 29th January 1950 are buried in this plot. They were married on 22nd April 1922 at Glenavy Parish Church. William Thomas was the son of William Scott born 1849 died 16th January 1892 and Sarah (nee Harbinson) born 26th January 1841, died 27th April 1922. They are also believed to be buried in this location. Another child of William Thomas Scott – Eliza Jane Scott is also believed to be buried here. This family resided at Ballypitmave. View a photo of Mary Scott (nee McClurg) of Ballypitmave |
(247) |
flower holder |
(248) |
Erected by James Scott of Ballinderry in memory of his wife Eliza Scott who died 22nd February 1864 aged 66 years also the above named James Scott who died 20th November 1893 aged 95 years. Elizabeth eldest daughter of the above named James Scott who died 15th November 1912 in her 87th year. I shall be satisfied in him. I awake with thy likeness psalm XVII.15
Notes: The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 25th November 1893. Scott – Nov 20, at his residence, Upper Ballinderry, James Scott in the 95th years of his age. |
(249) | Flower holder in metal grill |
(250) | Fallen headstone – unreadable |
(251) |
The family burying ground of my father Richard Smyth. Asleep in Jesus
(252) |
Here lieth the body of Thomas Fare who died December the 22 1774 aged 64
(253) |
The family burying ground of Francis Farr
(254) |
Erected by Eleanor Hare of Ballinderry in memory of her dutiful niece Mary Jane Lewers who departed this life on the 27th October 1810 aged 5 years.
Low in her silent grave she lies Her troubles now are o’er May mercy grant to her a seat, on Zion’s happier shore. Also in memory of her dear beloved mother Mary Hare who departed this life February 24th 1841 aged 77? Years also ?? memory of her father John Hare who departed this life Dec ?? 18?16? aged ? 2 years. |
(255) | 2 flower bases on grave |
(256) |
In loving memory of Mary McAnally died 2nd July 1966 and her loving husband Alexander died 17th November 1971.
Surround |
(257) | Walled Surround with metal railings – 2 headstones1.
A sorrowing mother In memory of her affection and dearly beloved son James Gorman Murray died on the 30th October 1869? Aged 27 years? As man and boy he was beloved and respected by all who knew him? Centle ess and amiar ae? Early and unexplained death
Blessed are they who die in the Lord He? rested in the? of his ? 2. virtually unreadable… Erected by
(258) |
In loving memory of William R W (Whitehouse) who died 16th April 1975 also his beloved wife Mabel who died 24th February 2004 also his parents William who died 5th November 1938, Sarah who died 15th May 1947. Till we meet again. Surround |
(259) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother. Sheila Elizabeth died 10th October 1987 aged 53 years, baby Hugh Thomas died 8th March 1972. McCooke, Antrim Flower holder – Collier
(260) |
In loving memory of James Patterson died 29th January 1917 and his wife Charlotte died 21st April 1928 also their daughter Annie died 23rd April 1906 and their son James died 20th March 1943 also their daughter Harriet died 7th October 1978. Surround |
(261) |
In memory of William Robert Nelson who died 25th September 1932 also his mother Eliza Nelson who died 14th April 1905 and his sister Sarah nelson who died 28th April 1918. Nelson.(lead lettering) Surround |
(262) |
In loving memory of Mary McRoberts wife of John Knox of Largey who fell asleep in Jesus 25th November 1886 aged 49 years. John Knox departed this life 24th March 1895, aged 56 years. Another in the Saviour’s care. Another soul in heaven.
(metal Surround 10 posts) |
(263) |
The family burying place of Henry Ballance, Kilcreeny 1897
Surround |
(264) | Flower holder on grave |
(265) |
In memory of a loving husband and father. William Robert died 30th August 1982 also his beloved wife and our devoted mother Eliza Ann (Lily) died 4th November 2001. Son Joseph Ian Yarr Totten died 5th November 1957 aged 1 year. Surround |
(266) | Flower holder –
in loving memory.
Glass dome with flowers |
(267) | (pillar with 20 iron posts with railings)
Erected by Thomas Irwin (late RIC) in memory of his beloved niece Helen Westfield who has fallen asleep in the arms of Jesus 15th January 1886 aged 50 years. The Lord preserveth the simple. I was brought low and he helped me Ps CXVI VER 5
Thomas Irwin departed this life 3rd January 1893 aged 67 years. In sure know hope of a blessed immortality with Christ which is far better. Though lost to sight to memory dear. Burial: Helen Westfield, Crewe, January 17th 1888 age 50 yrs. |
(268) |
Erected in memory of James Farr of Ballyvannon who died 14th April 1924 aged 89 (or 99) years and family
Flower holder – Farr
(269) |
Erected by Sarah Murray, Glenavy in memory of her husband John Murray who departed this life 3rd November 1883 aged 63 years also her daughter Dorothea Bunting New Zealand who departed this life 3rd April 1885 aged 32 years
Verse at bottom – ??? To meet again
Bottom of headstone W Gaul Lisburn
(270) |
Erected by Rebecca Wheeler Tullyrusk, in loving memory of her husband William Wheeler who died 21st July 1889. The above named Rebecca Wheeler who died 5th May 1920. Deeply regretted by her loving family. Also their son William T C Wheeler who died 5th August 1948 and his wife Jane Ada Wheeler who died 10th March 1969. Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord.
Surround Notes: The following is an extract from Glenavy Past and Present by Charles Watson 1892: Tullyrusk parish … The house of Mrs Wheeler is one of the most comfortable in Tullyrusk. Her husband was till his death a respected member of the Parish Select Vestry. A poem was written in memory of William Wheeler sometime after his death. Read more » |
(271) |
In loving memory of Margaret Downer died 17th July 1920 and three of her children Charles Christopher 4th January 1883, Thomas Smallman 31st March 1890, Jane Rosamond 11th July 1918. Cross and Surround. Notes: The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, April 5th 1890 Deaths – (In the original newspaper text the surname is spelt Downey.) 16 02 1859 Thomas Downer a merchant aged 24, father William Downer a doctor, married Margaret Johnston, Glenavy aged 23, father John Johnston, farmer. The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 13th January 1892. It appears here with the permission of the Belfast Newsletter. Death – Downer. January 11 at Roscrea, County Tipperary, Frances, widow of the late William Henry Nassau Downer, M.D., of Roscrea, County Tipperary. The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated Monday July 19 1920 reproduced with permission of The Belfast Newsletter. Deaths- Downer – July 17 at “Annandale” Glenavy, County Antrim, Margaret, widow of Thomas Smallman Downer, of Roscrea, County Tipperary. Funeral private. |
(272) | (7 cast iron low level pillars. 2 headstones- 272 & 273)
Erected in loving memory of John Frazer died 10th October 1947 aged 93 years, his wife Mary E died 26th July 1914 aged 48 years their daughter Sarah Rebecca died 27th June 1988 aged 85 years. Their son Scott Frazer died 30th December 1994 aged 90 years also his wife Edith Eleanor died 19th June 1996 aged 89 years. Till we meet again.
(273) |
Erected in loving memory of James Frazer died 13th April 1904 and his wife Mary Frazer died 18th June 1914 also his daughters Jane Anna Harriett Frazer died 16th December 1898. Mary Frazer died 20th February 1934. Selina Frazer died 6th July 1949. Emily Frazer died 7th December 1952.
Flower holder on grave – Sarah Rebecca
(274) |
(pillar with Urn) Erected by William James Bolton in memory of his father John Bolton of Glenavy who departed this life 26th day of December 1893 aged 71 years. I know that my redeemer liveth. Surround . |
(275) |
This stone erected by ? Brown Belfast ? Here L?th the body of his son ?in? Smylie Brown who departed this life ?? Of Aug 179?
(276) |
In affectionate remembrance of our loved ones. At rest. William Farr died 7th October 1927,Olive Farr died 2nd Dec 1996, Robert Farr died 20th Feb 1937,Mary Farr died 10th Jan 1964,Thomas Farr died 27th April 1938, Richard Farr died 4th January 1965, Annie Farr died 13th June 1966. Surround Fond memories Dick
Farr in memory of our loved ones. “R Thompson Lisburn” |
(277) |
Erected by David Mairs in memory of his beloved wife Selina who died 20th July 1914 aged 39 years. Also my daughter Olive died 13th July 1920 aged 13 years. The above named David Mairs died 4th February 1949.His daughter in law Isobel died 16th May 1968 also her husband David died 24th June 1981. Until the day dawn. Mairs.
Flower holder – Mairs
Surround |
(278) |
erected by George Johnston, Tullynewbane, in loving memory of his dear father and mother, Thomas Johnston died 27th November 1911,Sarah Johnston died 14th December 1914. The above George Johnston died 22nd April 1958 also his wife Anne died 25th October 1977 also their son George died 18th January 2004. Their daughters: Jane died 20th April 1899, Anna Bella Carlisle died 17th February 1951, their son William James died 19th August 1916, John Francis died 7th April 1927, Thomas died 28th May 1938. Surround Notes: The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated Saturday December 18th 1915. In Memoriam. The following is an extract from the Lisburn herald dated 26th August 1916. Johnston – Aug 19, 1916, at his residence, Fourscore, Glenavy, William James 3rd son of the late Thomas Johnston. Interred in the family burying ground, Glenavy Churchyard on Tuesday 22nd August. George and Thomas Johnston. |
(279) |
Tullynewbane. Erected by Thomas Johnston in loving memory of his dear parents Thomas died 28th may 1939 Eliza Jane died 11th February 1961 also the above named Thomas died 26th September 1992. At rest. Surround Notes: Death notice, source unknown: Johnston – May 28 1939 at his residence, Tullynewbane, Glenavy, Thomas, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth. Funeral to the family burying ground Glenavy Churchyard, tomorrow (Tuesday), at 2pm. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and family. The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown. DeathsJohnston – May 28, 1939 at his residence, Tullynewbane, Glenavy, Thomas Johnston, beloved brother of George Thompson. Funeral to the family burying ground, Glenavy Churchyard tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2pm. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Brother and Sister-in-law. George and Annie Johnston, Niece and Nephews. |
(280) |
In memory of James Lorimer died 15th August 1918. His wife Elizabeth died 17th April 1920 their sons Andrew died 22nd May 1907 Archibald McErvel died 4th June 1939 also John son of the above John McErvel died 7th December 1940 and Mary wife of the above Archibald McErvel died 27th June 1963 (lead lettering) Surround Notes: The following is an extract from Glenavy Past and Present by Charles Watson 1892: The prosperity of Glenavy was further enhanced by the mills erected by the Lorimer family on the farms at Glenavy and Edinturcher. At the Glenavy farm Mr, James Lorimer possesses a corn mill and beetling engines, under the management of his two sons, Archibald and Andrew, which give regular employment; and at the Edinturcher farm there is a sawmill and more beetling engines; close to which is Edenvale, where he resides in a pretty thatched house, on the edge of a large pond, over which the swans gracefully glide. |
(281) |
In loving memory of Thomas Steele “Hillcrest” Tullynewbank Glenavy died 3rd December 1948 also his beloved wife, Margaret Jane died 5th June 1983. Until we meet again. His sister Mary Steele died 11th December 1907 his mother Mary Steele died 28th January 1943, his father Robert Steele died 17th May 1908. Surround Notes: The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown. Steele – January 28, 1943 at her residence, Hillcrest, Tullynewbank, Glenavy, Mary, widow of Robert Steele. The remains of our dearly-loved mother will be removed for interment in the family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard, on Sunday at 2.30. Canadian papers please copy. Deeply regretted by all. |
(281) |
In loving memory of my dear wife Emily Maud who died 17th December 1973 also our dear son William Henry who died 18th May 1937 also our dear father William Henry who died 5th January 1993. Surround |
(282) |
Loving memory of Dolway Higginson Johnston who died 22nd September 1946 also his wife Elizabeth who died 10th September 1967. The beloved of the Loed shall dwell in safety. Verse Deut 33 – 12 Flower holder on grave |
(283) |
Albert Arthur Peel died at Ben Neagh house, Crumlin on 18th July 1944 aged 75 years. Also his wife Catherine Dillon died 21st June 1965 aged 98 years and her sister Sarah Thompson Fitzgerald died 25th January 1971 aged 97 years.
Surround |
(284) |
In loving memory of Trevor Hull Willis M.A. of Ballydonaghy, Crumlin died 8th Jan 1952. Mary his wife died 25th Jan 1952. Surround |
(285) |
In loving memory of a beloved husband and father William John McWatters, Carnkilly who died 14th March 1970 also a dear wife, mother and grandmother Mary Isobel (Mabel) who died 12th January 1998. At Rest. Surround McWatters
(286) | Flower holder
In loving memory Barton
(287) |
In loving memory of our dear parents John 1897 – 1974, Margaret Ann 1893 – 1987 and their family Joan 1926 – 1928, Norman 1935 – 1936 George 1933 – 1947 “The Lord is my Shepherd” Surround Frazer
on flower holder & John and Margaret
(288) |
In loving memory of our dear mother Margaret Jane died 3rd January 1968 also our dear father Robert died 28th December 1970 also their son Robert died 30th September 1999 aged 86 years also his wife Isabel Palmer died 22nd March 2007 aged 87 years. Surround |
(289) |
In loving memory of Francis Richardson died 20th November 1950 his wife Fanny Louisa died 7th April 1950. Clarice Mary Henesey died 30th January 1964 also their son Francis Hayden died Oct 1970 also Lily Hayden sister of Fanny and Clarice died 23rd December 1971. At rest. Flower holder on grave. On surrounds: Margaret Richardson died 28th June 2001 wife of Alfred George
Alfred George Richardson died 5th July 2001 younger son of Francis and Fanny the last member of this Richardson family
(290) |
Shamrock Vale. The family burying ground of Sydney Steele in loving memory of his father James died 4th August 1972 aged 90 years also his mother Mary A. died 16th December, 1976 aged 85 years also Sydney died 11th August 1996 aged 61 years, son of the above James and Mary A. “Loves last gift remembrance.” Steele
on flower holder on grave |
291) |
In loving memory of Archie died 10th February 1942, Jane Anna died 24th April 1963, Thomas died 18th June 1984 Elizabeth died 9th October 2002. Peace is yours, memories ours. McCord
flower holder on grave Notes: Death notice, source unknown: McCord – February 10 1942, at the County Antrim Infirmary, Archie, dearly loved husband of Jane-Anna McCord. Funeral from his late residence, The Cottage, Lisburn Road, Glenavy, today (Thursday) at 2pm, to the family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife and on, also Brother in law Tomas Watson and niece Meta. |
(292) |
In loving memory of our beloved parents Georgena died 25th November, 1941. George Edward died 8th October, 1877 also their daughter Maureen Mairs died 27th January 1990 and her husband Robert died 6th April 1996 Rev. 21. V4. Mairs
on flower holder on grave and 2 glass domes. Notes: Death notice, source unknown: Ingram – November 25 1941 at her residence, Beech Cottage, Glenavy, Georgena, dearly loved wife of George Edward Ingram. Funeral from her late residence to the family burying ground, Glenavy Church yard tomorrow (Thursday) at 3pm. House private by special request. “If love could have saved her she would not have died.” Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband and family; also son in law Robert Mairs and grandchildren. |
(293) |
In loving memory of our parents John and Charlotte Kennedy.
Surround |
(294) |
J. Smyth
In loving memory of his wife Annie Sarah died 23rd Dec 1918, aged 52 years, also their children – Walter Henry killed in action 18th April 1918 aged 22 years, Elizabeth Annie died 25th April 1918 aged 25 years also his daughter Sarah Helena died 20th May 1924 also the above named James Smyth died 15th July 1924. His eldest son Samuel John died 6th December 1958. Surround Notes: The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated Friday July 18th 1924 SMYTH – July 16, 1924, at his residence, Lakeview House, Ballinderry, James Smyth. The remains of our dear father will be interred in the family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard, today (Friday), at 2 o’clock p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing family. |
(295) | Flower holder on grave no name |
(296) |
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Ellen, beloved wife of William George Evans of Kilcreeny, Upper Ballinderry died 30th Jany 1926, aged 46 years, also the above William George Evans died 13th October, 1938 aged 76 years also Mary Evelyn Evans died 18th October 1958 aged 72 years, also Martha Eveline Caldwell died 17th Feb 2007 aged 69 years. Evans. 7 iron posts and railing |
(297) |
Erected by James S. Garrett, Dundrod in memory of his father Robert Garrett died 20th Sep 1939 aged 75 years also his son Bertie, died 8th Nov 1937 aged 13 years, also his mother Catherine Garrett died 20th Feb 1940 aged 82 years, his daughter in law Patricia Garrett died 25 th June 1960, aged 29 years also the above James S Garrett died 1st Oct 1973 aged 75 years also his wife Sarah Jane, died 11th Oct 1980. Until we meet.
Surround Notes: The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown. Garrett – November 8, 1937 at his parents’ residence, Hillview, Dundrod, Crumlin, Robert (Bertie), eldest and beloved son of James S. and Sarah Jane Garrett. Funeral to the family burying ground, Glenavy tomorrow (Wednesday), 10th inst., at 1 pm. Deeply regretted by his sorroing Father and Mother, little sister and Brothers. |
(298) |
In loving memory of James T Stewart died 4th April 1964 aged 72 years also his wife Mary Elizabeth Stewart died 7th January 1985 aged 94 years. Harriett Ellen (Ettie) died 15th May 1996 aged 66 years. On side – Francis Stewart died 27th April 1926 aged 73 years Sarah Jane Stewart died 5th March 1929 aged 69 years.
flower holder on grave. |
(299) | (Column) (J.E.Winter, Belfast)
Erected by Annabella McCarter in loving memory of her dear son William, who died 15th March 1909 aged 32 years, also her beloved husband Samuel who died 30th October 1918 aged 64 years. The above named Annabella McCarter entered into rest 3rd May 1941 aged 85 years. Also to the dear memory of Lily beloved wife of Samuel J. Kerr and youngest daughter of the late Samuel and Anabella McCarter died 27th June 1948 and the above Samuel J. Kerr died 26th Nov. 1978. Father in my gracious keeping, leave me now our loved ones sleeping.
Surround |
(300) |
In loving memory of Isaac Henderson died 19th July 1941 erected by his wife Elizabeth.
Rails and 7 posts |
(301) |
In loving memory of David Robert Wilson died 21st June 1949 and his wife Eleanor Kathleen died 11th July 1979.
Flower holder on grave. |
(302) | Fallen headstone |
(303) | Corkin grave – no headstone – surrounds
Frederick W.H. Corkin died 25th July 1917 aged 21 years, Matilda Corkin died 24th Jan 1882 aged 13 months, Philip Corkin of Crumlin died 16th Feb 1937 aged 88 years, Emma Corkin, his wife, died 20th March 1937 aged 84 years. Lucy Abbott died 2nd July 1925 aged 77 years, John Corkin died 10th May 1938 aged 63 years.
(304) |
Erected by Mary Anna Stewart of Ballypitmave. In memory of her husband James Stewart, who died 4th November 1919 aged 64 years also their sons Geddis Thompson Stewart who died 29th March 1922, aged 21 years. John Stewart who died 28th Sept 1942 aged 42 years. For ever with the Lord. Stewart.
Rails and 7 posts Notes: The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown. Stewart -September 28, 1942 at his mother’s residence, Ballypitmave, Glenavy. John second son of Mary Anna and the late James Stewart. Funeral tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1 o’clock to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Mother and Brothers. |
(305) |
Erected in loving memory of our dear father and mother Samuel and Annie Thompson.
Rail and 7 posts |
(306) |
William Bacon died 10th February 1976. Surround |
(307) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Jane died 14th January 1976 aged 88 years. John died 3rd May 1979 aged 86 years. The Lord is my Shepherd. Surround Jane Garrett and John Garrett
on flower holder |
(308) |
In remembrance of Rev. Robert Davis Cody who died 19th December 1941, his wife Katherine Bond Cody who died 17th Jan 1945.
(Flat Stone) The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated Friday 25th April 1930 Glenavy MethodismRev R D Cody, of Glenavy, has accepted the cordial invitation of the Drogheda Circuit to succeed rev J A Hynes at next conference. Rev W J Woods of Clonakilty, has accepted a similar invitation to suceed Rev R D Cody at Glenavy at the same time. Mr. Cody will then have completed five years term as superintendent of Antrim and Glenavy Circuit and nine years in all. Note: See photograph of the Rev. Cody and his wife. |
(309) |
In loving remembrance of my beloved husband William James McKeown who was called to higher service on 6th February 1936, aged 66 years. His beloved wife Jane McKeown who was called to higher service, on 11th February 1967 with quickened sense and heightened joy, they serve thee still also their daughters Sarah Mosina died 29th January 1985, Elizabeth Adeline Wickliffe died 14th December 1986. Flower holder on grave. Notes: Read more about The Wickliffe and McKeown family |
(310) |
William Johnston died 4th May 1954 his wife Nora F Johnston died 11th January 1974 their daughter Florence Lavery died 17th October 1987 and their son in law William Lavery died 30th March 1967.
on flower holder. |
(311) | No headstone. Flower holder in centre of grave.Surround –
The family burying ground of T.W. Doyle, Crumlin,
In loving memory of a devoted wife and mother Mary died 7th Dec 1956, also our son Norman died 18th Nov 1940. Thy will be done. Surround |
(312) |
In loving memory of Robert died 22nd October 1945. His wife Ellen died 9th December 1952 and their son Leslie died 8th February 2002. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holder on grave Collier
B Morrison, Lisburn. |
(313) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Thomas called home 29th June 1986 also his beloved wife and our devoted mother Annie called home 10th January 2000. Loved and remembered. 2 flower holders on grave. Thomas Frazer. Annie Frazer.
Surround B Castles
(314) |
In loving memory of Thomas C Taylor died 16th April 1962 aged 87 years. His wife Mary Taylor died 5th May 1964 aged 80 years their sons Robert died 11th September 1949. Samuel J. lost at sea 18th February 1944. Thomas died 26th October 1983 also their daughter Eleanor Moore died 7th October 1985. Flower holder on grave In Loving memory.
Wooden Cross. Flower holder Taylor
3 glass domes |
(315) |
in loving memory of my dear wife Jane Anna Armstrong who departed this life 7th June 1946 also her beloved husband Robert died 27th May 1953.Their sons Walter died 17th April 1969, William Robert died 25th Sept 1973 their daughter Francis E. died 5th Dec 1973. Peace perfect peace. On side – Elizabeth, wife of William Robert Armstrong died 11th January 1963.
Surround |
(316) |
In loving memory of a beloved husband and father Edward died 16th January 1982 aged 93 years also his wife and our dear mother Annie died 10th October 1985 aged 91 years also their daughter in law Margaret a dear wife and mother died 28th August 1988 also their son Joseph a dear husband and father died 21st November 1999. Flat stone on grave – Margaret Marina McCleary daughter of Joseph and Margaret Totten. Died 19th July 2007.
Flower holder on grave – Joseph and Margaret Totten.
Flower holder – Edward and Annie Totten.
Surround |
(317) |
In loving memory of Thomas Henry Finn died 18th February 1964 and his wife Evelyn died 1st May 1980 also daughter Ciss died 1939 and grandson Ian Henry died 1968. Finn
on flower holder. |
(318) |
Tullynewbane, in loving memory. (T Hamilton, 461 Donegall Road, Belfast on surround) |
(319) |
In loving memory of my dear son Harry died 22nd April 1933, also my dear husband Samuel died 16th April 1961 also Emma Jane Lewis died 15th May 1975. 2 flower holders on grave. |
(320) |
In loving memory of Thomas and Edith Ferguson.
(on flower holder) |
(321) |
In loving memory of my dear husband James Ferguson died 30th May 1973 also our dear son James died in infancy also his wife Eliza Ann died 30th January 1979, William Ferguson died 29th October 1992, beloved husband of Roberta.
Flower holder on grave. |
(322) | Flower holder –
In loving memory of our dear father and mother. Peace perfect peace
on side. Agnes beloved wife of Robert H, died 2 2 71
on side also Robert Henry harbinson died 5th july 1973
Notes: The following is a newspaper cutting found in a scrap book no date. Pretty Wedding at Dundrod
(323) |
In loving memory of Reverend Alfred Belton M.A. late vicar of Brinsor Hereford who died March 28th 1902 aged 56 years. Until the daybreak and the shadows flee away. Solomon’s song 2Ck v.17.
(Flat Stone) |
(324) |
in loving memory of my dear parents Joseph who died 7th July 1929 Annie who died 9th May 1954, also my dear brother Joseph Henry who died 25th October 1968 also their beloved daughter Jane (Jinnie) who died 6th December 2005. Until we meet again. Reid
flower holder on grave. Notes: Belfast Newsletter, Monday 10th 1954: Reid May 9th 1954 at her residence, Crew Road, Glenavy Annie widow of Joseph Reid. Funeral arrangements later. Deeply regretted. Joseph Reid and Annie Young were married on 2nd September 1897 at Glenavy Parish Church. Annie was the daughter of Alexander Young and Elizabeth Clendinning from Ballymineymore. |
(325) |
In loving memory of Mary Eliza Jane Hamill born 1st dec 1913 died 14th Decr 1913 also Thomas William Hamill born 17th March 1915 died 7th May 1916, also John Hamill who died 8th November, 1927 aged 47 years, also his beloved wife Martha Ann who died 12th March 1943. Safe in the arms of Jesus. Also her neice Emily Sloan departed this life 5th August 1967. The Jordan crossed. James Sloan died 12th February 1984, aged 70 years (dear husband of Emily) Margaret E.B. Stewart died 10th January 1991. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
Flower holder: Stewart, Margaret E.B. (Lily) 10 1 1991 Loving memories.
Surround |
(325) |
In loving memory of James died 15th January 1981 also his wife Agnes died 28th December 1999. Lovingly remembered. Stewart
– flower holder on grave. Notes: Death notices, source unknown: Hamill – In loving memory of my dear husband John Hamill, who departed this life 8th November 1927; also my dear father, Thomas George Steele, who departed this life 4th July 1922; also my dear mother Eliza Jane Steele, who departed this life on 28th October 1926. How joyful is the thought that lingers Hamill – March 12 1943, at her residence, Ballymote, Glenavy, Martha, widow of John Hamill. Funeral tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm. “Gone to be with Christ”. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Brother and Sister in law David and Edith Steele, Main Street, Glenavy. Hamill, March 12 1943, at her residence, Ballymote, Glenavy, Martha, widow of John Hamill. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing niece, Thomas George and Emily Steele, Ballymote. |
(326) |
in loving memory of our dear parents. Margaret died 24th Jan 1946, George died 12th June, 1980 also their son Joseph died 28th May 1989 ? Remembered. Flower holder on grave – Laird.
B Castles Surround |
(327) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Margaret died 2nd March 1941 aged 35 William Alexander died 10th December 1954? Aged 49 years also their daughter in law Esther Margaret died 27th October 1997 aged 68 years also her husband Albert Joseph died 20th January 2007, aged 75 years. Albert. Madge.
2 flower holders – E.M. Reid
A.J. Reid. W & M Reid. 1 domed glass. |
(328) |
In loving memory of Rachael Lewis died 7th April 1935 aged 70 years her son Robert died 12th July 1941 aged 46 years also Ormond Adams died 13th November 2000 aged 77 years. A dear husband. The Lord is thy Shepherd.
Lewis Adams
– flower holder on grave. Another flower holder on grave “Granda Adams”
Notes: The following is an extract from a newspaper, source unknown. Lewis – July 12 1941 at his residence, Crew HIll, Upper Ballinderry, Robert, beloved husband of mary Lewis. Funeral tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm to Glenavy Churchyard. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife and family. |
(329) | Flower holder –
in loving memory of James Walker died 21 1 1978
(330) |
fondest memories of John our beloved husband, father and grandfather called home 24 Jan 2005 aged 90 years. (fresh interment in grave) The Lord thou gavest Lord is ended. Surround |
(331) |
Dunn in loving memory of a devoted wife and mother Lily (late of Beechdale, Dunboyne, Co. Meath) Who died 26th October 1985 also a beloved husband and father Charles Edward (Charlie) who died 17th February 2002. I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13 v 5.
flower holder on grave. |
(332) |
Erected by Lily Edens, Tullynewbane, in loving memory of her husband James Edens, late RIC who died 30th January 1929 aged 53 years. Lily Edens wife of above died 1967 aged 74 years also their grandson John W E Edens died 4th July 1970 aged 17 years. We shall meet to part no more.
on flower holder. |
(333) |
Harbinson, treasured memories of Margaret died 17th February 1976, Alan Alexander died 28th February 1976, William John died 8th April 1980, Thomas Edward died 27th December 1999. Always in our thoughts.
Flower Holder – Harbinson.
Surround |
(334) | Double grave – Surround. On suround –
(335) |
(on flower holder) In heavenly love abiding. Mary died 15th Feb 1956. James died 1st April 1968
(336) |
In loving memory of my dear wife Annie Ross died 6th January 1965 also her mother Mary Hartley died 11th March 1937 |
(337) | Bible on grave |
(338) |
Walter Ingram
12th June 1974 on flower holder |
(339) |
on flower holder |
(340) |
In loving memory of a devoted wife and mother Rosanna Robinson who died 13th June 1961 also her father James Bushe who died 21st January 1941 also her husband Harry died 21st February 1977 aged 86 years, and son George died 17th August 2005. Peace perfect Peace. Robinson
flower holder, Rosanna Robinson
flower holder, Sinclair Robinson 1923 – 2001. In fond memory of a dear dad.
Plaque on side of grave – Sinclair Robinson died 29th December, 2001 aged 78 years.
Surround |
(341) |
In loving memory of Samuel Farr died 25th June 1971.
Peace perfect peace
– on flower holder. |
(342) |
William L Briggs died July 22 1951. His wife Florence died 7th December 1975 Surround |
(343) |
L.O.L. 68 on flower holder and Wilson
on another flower holder. |
(343) |
on flower holder |
(344) |
In fond remembrance of Samuel Henry of Ballycessy died 8th April 1970 aged 75 years also his wife Mary Elizabeth died 7th March 1950 aged 47 years, their son in law Robert McIlwaine died 26th January 1987 aged 64 years. Father in thy gracious keeping. Leave me now our loved ones sleeping. Flower holder: Bell. McIlwaine. In loving memory.
Surround |
(345) | Broken flower holder on grave.Flower holder
Ingram. George Edward 12 06 1920 – 11 01 1992.
(346) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Margaret Elizabeth died 21st January 1946. Thomas Bradley died 22nd March 1985. Always remembered (built in flower holder on headstone) Notes: The following extract is from The Irish News dated 22nd February 1962 and appears with permission of The Irish News. DeathsKyle (Upper Ballinderry) – February 10, 1962, at Hospital, James, beloved husband of Annie Kyle, Crewe Hill, Upper Ballinderry. Funeral from St. Joseph’s Church, Glenavy on today (Thursday) after 10 am. Requiem Mass to adjoining Cemetery. On his soul, Sweet Jesus, have mercy. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and family. House strictly private. |
(364) |
In loving memory of my dear husband Eddie died 15th April 1993. Worthy of remembrance. Morgan
flower holder on grave. |
(365) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father William Frederick died 10th June 1979 also beloved wife and mother Elizabeth (Betty) died 28th April 2000. Worthy of Remembrance. Flower holder on grave “From friends in Hollymount”
Surround |
(366) |
on flower holder on grave |
(367) |
In loving memory of Mary J. Farr died 21st October 1972. I am the way the truth and the life. J.14 6. Farr
on flower holder. |
(368) | flower holder on grave – no name |
(369) |
Addis In memory of my dear husband John Alexander died 4th April 1968 also his wife Marie died 17th June 1992. Flower holder on grave “Addis”.
Surround |
(370) | Flower holder
“Gorman. In loving memory of a dear mother.”
(371) |
In loving memory of my dear husband William who died 13th December 1967, also his beloved wife Emily died 23rd October 1971 also their daughter in law Hilda Mary died 7th July 1994, Life everlasting. Graham
on flower holder. |
(372) |
In loving memory of Mary dearly beloved wife of Arthur G Kirkpatrick who died 17th March 1956 aged 68? years (or /66/88 years??) and her daughter Iris Emilena Kirkpatrick born 6 9 05 died 16 04 98. Loved by all. Surround |
(373) |
In loving memory of Eric who died 8th November, 1970 also his mother Jane who died 28th February 1964. The Lord is my Shepherd. Haslett
on flower holder. |
(374) |
In loving memory of Georgina Quigley died 1st November 1963. At rest. Flower holder on grave Georgina Quigley died 1st November 1963.
(375) |
George Edward died 27th September 1983 also his wife Caroline died 24th October, 1963 |
(376) | flower holder – no name |
(377) |
In loving memory of Jill died 7th March 19?3 Blessed are the pure in heart. |
(378) |
In loving memory of William Robert died 16th February 1963 also his beloved wife Eleanor Mary died 1st December, 1971. Flower holder – Nelson
Surround |
(379) |
Hollybrook, Aughnadarragh, Glenavy. In loving memory of my dear wife Maggie who died 28th January 1963, also her husband Samuel who died 21st February 1982. At rest. McWatters
– flower holder. |
(380) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Edith Dorothy died 28th August 1998. John Pollock died 5th December 1998, also John Mervyn died 26th May 1961 aged 12 years. A dear son and brother. Abide with me. Mercer
flower holder on grave. Surround |
(381) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Ethel, died 30th May 1983 William Thomas died 21st March 1987 and their infant son James died 31st January 1961. Surround |
(383) |
In loving memory of David Magee who died 21st January 1963, also his wife Minnie, who died 15th October, 1974, also their granddaughter Evelyn who died In infancy 18th April 1960 and daughter in law Dorothy who died 6th March 2000. “Magee”
flower holder on grave. |
(384) |
Precious memories of a dear father and mother Jim Lyle 13 July 1914 – 12 03 2006 and his beloved wife Eva Lyle (nee Culbert) 26 5 1916 – 25 11 1959. In heavenly love abiding.
Bible on grave – Lyle – with love to a wonderful mum and dad forever in my heart. May God bless you both.
Surround |
(385) |
Flower holder on grave Olivia M. died 15th September 1990. Till the day break.
Surround |
(386) |
on flower holder |
(387) |
In loving memory of Charles Victor Ingram M.B.E. who died 26th March 1973 and his devoted wife Sophia who died 23rd May 1973 Surround |
(388) |
In loving memory of Rosamund 19 10 1964 also her father William Lyness Ross 9 11 1971. His wife Jennie 19 11 1993. Ross
flower holder on grave. |
(389) |
In abiding remembrance of Robert Andrew beloved husband of Florence Mary Leyburn who was called to higher service 2 8 1966 also his beloved wife Florence Mary 4th November 1975. In heavenly love abiding. Leyburn
on grave. |
(390) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and devoted father James who died 11th May 1967 also his loved wife and our dear mother Agnes who died 3rd September 1970. Also their daughter Winifred who died 15th October 1983. Also his son in law Neil Hawthorne who died 27th December 1989 and his daughter Jane Hawthorne who died 23rd June 2003. At rest. Surround McMullan
flower holder on grave. |
(391) |
(White Cross)
In loving memory of Thomas A. Morrison died 10th March 1969 and his wife Sarah Jane died 27th August 1990. Love never faileth. Marble flower holder on grave. |
(392) |
In loving memory of Robert Laird died 24th December 1969. Sara Florence Laird passed away. Norman Laird passed away 16th February 2006. Peace perfect peace. Surround |
(393) |
In loving remembrance of Jane. A dear wife and mother 31 07 1909 – 20 03 1970. James Martin a dear husband and father 02 10 1905 – 07 08 1991. McNeice
on flower holder. |
(394) |
In loving memory of our dear parents Robert died 14th June 1970, Annie Mary died 19th January 1973, their daughter Winifred Ann died 25th May 2007. Campbell
flower holder on grave. |
(395) |
In loving memory of our twin sons Paul and Peter died in infancy 24th March 1972. Resting where no shadows fall. Bickerstaffe
flower holder on grave. |
(396) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Ethel died 20th May 1972 her beloved husband and out dear father Edward Gerald died 26th February 1975. Ingram
– on flower holder on grave. Also Beasant, Chris 13 05 1996
on plaque. On plaque – Beasant treasured memories of beloved parents and grandparents Christopher died 13th May 1996 Sarah Elizabeth (Betty) nee Ingram died 31 October 2002.
In memory of happy days. Surround In loving memory of dear friends from the McCulloch family.
(397) |
In loving memory of a devoted husband and father Joseph died 20th March 1973, also his beloved wife and our dear mother Edna died 14th November 1986. Precious memories of our dear parents. Surround |
(398) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father – Wesley died 9th May 2004, aged 82 years. Safe in the arms of Jesus. |
(399) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas died 7th July 2002. Thy will be done. Surround Notes: View photo of Thomas Matier |
(400) |
Precious memories of a beloved husband Joseph (Joe) died 11th May 2004 aged 86 years. Always remembered. Fearon
on flower holder. |
(401) |
William J. died 14 07 1984 (on flower holder) Clara W. died 14 03 1983 |
(402) |
In loving memory of Emily died 27th February 1978 also William Henry died 9th April 1980. Glover
flower holder on grave. Plaque fondest memories from your loving son Alfred and granddaughter Kathleen in Australia.
(403) |
Erected in memory of James Farr died 30th December 1977. |
(404) |
In loving memory of John died 25th July 1985 also his wife Cassie died 2nd July 1988. The Lord is my Shepherd. |
(405) |
Resting where no shadows fall. (B Castles on headstone) In loving memory
– flower holder In fond memory Daddy
(406) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and devoted mother May died 31st December 1976 also a dear husband and father James died 24th August 1993. Peace perfect peace. Crawford
holder on grave. |
(407) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Harry died 8th February 1976. Also his grandson Craig Henry Forbes died 11th May 1980 aged 5 years and his wife Ellen Maxwell died 15th April 1991. Bolton
flower holder on grave. |
(408) |
In loving memory of my dear husband Joseph died 11th September 1988 and his beloved wife Helen died 15th October 2007. In heavenly love abiding. Yarr
flower holder on grave with L.O.L. 68
Surround |
(409) |
In loving memory of my dear husband Alexander died 8th June 1984. Until we meet. “Sandy Yarr”
on flower holder. |
(410) |
In loving memory of my dear wife Geraldyne died 20th April 1993. Always remembered. Geraldyne
on flower holder on grave. |
(411) |
In loving remembrance of a beloved wife and mother Jane died 22nd October 1996 also her devoted husband and my dear father Robert died 12th September 2002. Always remembered “Yarr”
on flower holder. |
(412) |
In loving memory of William who died 18th October 1975. Ever remembered. Farr
on holder on grave. |
(413) |
In loving memory of my beloved husband Joseph George who died 8th June 1973 at Rest. Plaque on grave in fond remembrance Frank & Rita.
Surround |
(414) |
(on flower holder) also Our dear father. In loving memory of a dear wife and mother.
(415) |
In loving memory of my dear husband John died 7th May 1981 also his dear wife Annie died 23rd March 1997. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holder on grave – in loving memory John A Mateer husband and father.
Stone bible – Mum & Dad
Surround |
(416) |
Hannah Ross
(on flower holder) In loving memory of a dear wife and mother also a dear husband and father |
(417) |
In loving memory of my dear husband George died 12thOctober 1984 resting where no shadows fall. In loving memory
– on flower holder. |
(418) |
In loving memory of dear parents Margaret Ann died 10th January 1978. John Henry died 15th April 1995. Abide with me. Flower holder Meg Calvert
(419) |
In loving memory of a dear husband David died 1?th March 1978 also his dear wife Agnes died 5th February 2006 aged 92 years. At rest. Robinson
flower holder on grave |
(420) |
Cherished memories of a loving husband, father and grandfather Edward Smyth died 29th January 2001. Until we meet again. Mc Roberts
flower holder on grave. Notes: The following is a newspaper cutting found in a scrap book – 1950 pencilled in. Wedding. The wedding took place in the Parish Church on Tuesday of Mr. Edward Smyth McRoberts of Brackenhill, Ballinderry and Miss Mary Scott, of Ballypitmave, Glenavy. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.J.E. Campbell, M.A., Vicar. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Sadie Scott and the best man was Mr. Thomas D. McRoberts, brother of the groom. The bride was given away by her brother. The bride entered the church to the strains of the wedding march Lohengrin and as the happy pair left the wedding march by Mendelsshon was played. Mr. J. Walker presided at the organ. |
(421) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and devoted mother Violet died 25th January 1980 also her husband and our dear father Robert James (Bertie) died 10th March 1982. Also their daughter Anne died 14th February 1991. Worthy of remembrance. Beckett
on flower holder. |
(422) |
In loving memory of David died 9th May 1980. James Thomas died 10th November 1991, Sarah Elizabeth died 26th June 2001. David Mairs 9 5 80
on flower holder. |
(423) | flower holder no name |
(424) | flower holder
(425) |
In loving memory of my dear husband Robert died 19th March 1982 also his wife Sarah Jane died 26th January 1988. Abide with me. Surround |
(426) | Flower holder
Flower holder In loving memory Tom
(427) |
In loving memory of a beloved husband and father Joseph A. died 16th May 1982. At rest. Totten
flower holder on grave. |
(428) |
In loving memory of Elizabeth Eleanor 1895 – 1986 daughter of the late George and Sarah Ann Rollins who were interred in Aghagallon. |
(429) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mary Isobel (Mae) died 10th September 1992. Peace perfect peace. McRoberts
on grave. Note: From a newspaper cutting, date/source unknown: Glenavy. The wedding took place on Tuesday last in the Parish Church of Mr. David McRoberts, son of Mr. Thos. McRoberts of Ballinderry, and Miss Mae Higginson, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J Higginson of Crew. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.H. Gough. B.A., curate assistant, assisted by Rev.S.J.C. Lindsay, Methodist minister. The bride wore a frock of ice blue Chantilly lace with pearl net head-dress and a veil of French net. Miss Mary Haire was bridesmaid, and she was dressed in a frock of Chantilly lace, with head-dress of natural flowers; she is cousin of the bride. The best man was Mr. Jack McRoberts, brother of the bridegroom, as Miss Higginson was a member of the choir, and members formed a guard of honour as the couple left the vestry. The reception was held in Wellington Park Hotel, and the honeymoon is being spent in the Isle of Man. |
(430) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father John H died 9th December 1985. In heavenly love abiding. John H Scott
on flower holder on grave. |
(431) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Maureen who died 13th October 1985 also George dearly loved husband and father died 14th October 1987. Lewis
on flower holder. |
(432) |
In loving memory of our dear parents William McIlroy Weston died 3rd April 1984 aged 80 years. Elizabeth Weston died 15th October 1998 aged 79 years. The Lord is my Shepherd. Weston
on flower holder. |
(433) |
Allen Kerr
on flower holder on grave |
(434) |
In memory of Thomas Sullivan M.B? died 7th June 1983 aged 68 a loving husband, a devote father a faithful physician. His wife Margaret E.R. Sullivan died 13th June 1999 aged 82. Flower holder on grave. |
(435) |
In loving memory of Robert John Knox died 5th June 1983. Flower holder on grave. |
(436) |
In loving memory of John died 5th July 1982, Annie died 18th October, 1987. Blair
flower holder. |
(437) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father John Matier who died 16th January 1983 also a dear wife, devoted mother and grandmother Lillian Elizabeth who died 1st September 2006. Harbinson
flower holder on grave. |
(438) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Roy died 29th December 1983. Carmont
on grave. |
(439) |
In loving memory of a beloved wife, mother, daughter and sister Elizabeth Ann died 31st August 1984. James Desmond husband and father died 15th January 2003. In loving memory
on flower holder. |
(440) |
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Allan died 12th June 1989 also his beloved wife and our dear mother Annie Eileen died 8th July 2002. Ross L.O.L. 68
on flower holder. |
(441) |
In loving memory of our dear brother Edward Alexander died 24th March 1997 aged 21 years. Till we meet again. Alex
on flower holder on grave. |
(442) |
on flower holder on grave |
(443) |
On flower holder on grave. |
(444) |
In loving memory of our dear mother Annabella died 15th March 1986. In heavenly love abiding. Surround |
(445) | (White cross)
side of grave Wilma Malcolm died 9th July 1990, Winifred Malcolm died 7th November 1994. Thomas Malcolm died 8th January 1989.
Flower holder Malcolm – Thomas John 8th January 1989 at rest.
on flower holder. |
(446) |
In loving memory of my beloved wife Sarah died 5th October 1996, also her devoted husband Frank died 27th February 1999. Redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. McConnell
on flower holder on grave. |
(447) |
In loving memory of Olive Selina McNeilly late of Glebe House, Glenavy who died Sunday 5th May 1991 a dear wife and a very loving mother. Also her dear husband William Robert Robinson who died Saturday 14th February 1998. Always remembered.
flower holder on grave. |
(448) |
In loving memory of Fred a devoted husband and father died 12th June 1997 aged 84 years and a dear wife and mother Elizabeth died 14th December 1998 aged 78 years. Their daughter in law Honora Florence died 7th March 2005 aged 72 years. Beloved wife of Samuel. Nearer my God to thee. Bickerstaffe
flower holder Honora
C.McCooke, Antrim on corner of grave. |
(449) |
In remembrance of Alister William Hayes. Retired Major of the Royal Inniskilling Fusliers died 4th June 1991 aged 58 years.
Surround |
(450) |
In loving memory of Joseph died 29th December 2003 aged 81 years. At rest. Surround |
(451) |
In loving memory of George Henry dearly loved husband of Helen and father of Herbert and the late Diane died 18th May 2005 aged 87 years. At home with the Lord. |
(452) |
Treasured memories of Stephen John died 16th December 1992 aged 30 years. Loved and missed everyday. Peace perfect peace. Flower-holder Stephen Adams. With love.
(453) |
Treasured memories of a devoted husband and father Cecil died 28th December 1994. Forever in our thoughts. Flower holder on grave Farr L.O.L. 68.
Surround |
(454) |
In memory of Matt Nicholson died 12th November 1993, Betty Nicholson died 12th December,1997. Devoted Parents. Nicholson
on flower holder. |
(455) |
Cherished memories of a beloved husband ,father and grandfather John died 3rd November 1999 also his devoted wife and a dear mother and grandmother Isabel died 19th July 2005. Loves last gift of remembrance. Flower holder In loving memory
flower holder McCartney.
Mum Dad
on bible on grave. In loving memory of a dear granda always in our thoughts
on plaque. |
(456) |
In loving memory of Sarah (Sally) who died 21st September 1997. Forever in out thoughts. McClurg
flower holder on grave. |
(457) |
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Ann died 4th November 1994 also her loving daughter Lynda died 27th March 2002 devoted mother of Sharon, Donna and Ciara. The Lord is my Shepherd. Flower holder Ann
Lynda my angel.
2 bibles and plaques. |
(458) |
In loving memory of a dear wife devoted mother and grandmother, Harriett died 17th February 1998 also a dear husband, father and grandfather Thomas Hunter died 28th April 2001 (0 changed to 8) Safe in God’s keeping. Patterson
on flower holder on grave |
(459) |
In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Thomas John (Jack) died 16th February 1997 aged 83 years. At rest. Bell
on flower holder. |
(460) |
In loving memory of Lily died 5th February 1994. Lovingly remembered. |
(461) |
Cherished memories of Robert Henry a dear son and brother died 7th April 1993 aged 53 years. At rest. Flower holder on grave – chipped. |
(462) |
In loving memory of a loving husband, father and grandfather John died 28th January 1998. Precious memories Campbell
on flower holder. |
(463) |
David Magill, Station House. A dear husband and father 7th March 1927 – 4th April 1997. |
(464) |
In loving memory of a devoted husband, father and grandfather Alfred Sydney (Alfie) Sloan died 10th July 2000. The Lord is my Shepherd. Sloan
on flower holder. |
(465) |
In loving memory of Jim Johnston rest in peace.
On flower holder. |
(466) | (Wooden Cross)
Allen Crawford 14th September 1978 – 1st February 2007
(467) |
In memory of Brian Waring Nicholson a beloved husband and father died 28th November 1998 also his dear wife Anne Nicholson a loving daughter and mother died 10th August 2001. (picture of man and horse) flower holder on grave with Nicholson
(468) |
In loving memory of Jean died 21st November 2000 aged 80 years. The Lord is my Shepherd. Johnston
flower holder on grave. |
(468) |
James Arthur died 22nd March 2000 aged 2 days. Sharon and Ian’s little angel. We will always love you with all our hearts. Sweet dreams son. |
(469) |
In loving memory of Mary Agnes Jane (Marion) a loving wife and devoted mother died 22nd October, 2005. The Lord is my Shepherd. 3 Robinson flower holders on grave Bible: Loving memories of my dear sister Marion. In my heart you will always stay loved and remembered everyday love Joan.
(470) | This headstone is lying flat to the river side of the path adjacent to Area 4. It has probably been taken from a grave at some time in the past.
Erected by Mary Reid in memory of father
William Reid 29 10 1846 aged 76 years Wife Alice Reid 6 7 1847 age 72 years |
Area 15 does not have many burials presently, and no headstones.
Area 16 does not have many burials presently, and no headstones.
Area 17 does not have many burials presently, and no headstones.
Other information relating to burials with no apparent headstone.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 21st August 1829 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Of consumption, on 31st ult. Mr Geroge Green, jun. Ballinacoy, parish of Glenavy, in the 20th year of his age. Kind and amiable in his disposition, and possessed of much innocent vivacity and harmless merriment, he not only procured the esteem and affection of those who came within his circle of acquaintance, but his society was always solicited by the humorous and cheerful in the neighbourhood. Wherever he presented himself, melancholy was obliged to withdraw. He having been, for some time, an Orangeman, about 11 or 12 lodges or bodies of that truly loyal part of the community assembled at the funeral to pay the last tribute of regret to their departed brother. What is very remarkable, although the procession that accompanied his remains to the grave was considered to be the most numerous that has entered Glenavy church-yard for a great number of years – yet, such general solemnity and decorum prevailed, that there was scarcely an individual present who did not seem to labour under a sort of regret and concern.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 18th May 1830 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Suddenly, on the 7th inst, aged 68 years, Mr. George Green, Ballinacoy, parish of Glenavy. He was an affectionate husband, a prudent father, and a steady friend; and his loss is sincerely deplored by a numerous circle of surviving relatives.
Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday October 5th 1875
Reid Sept 20 at Crew, Glenavy Mr Edward Reid aged 69 years.
Edward Reid (born 1806) and his wife Elizabeth resided at Crew. They had a family Joseph (see no. 324 above), Mary Elizabeth Ann (married James Hendren on 12th September at Glenavy Parish Church. No. 137 above, connected.), James Henry (see no. 2 above), Thomas Emerson, William Edward and Annie Isabella (married William Higginson on 26th June 1895 at Glenavy Parish Church).
Margaret Finnegan (nee Scott), Ballypitmave buried 23 March 1908 aged 32 years. She died on the 20th March 1908. She was married at the age of 20 to John Finnegan from Lisburn on 6th February 1897 at Lisburn Cathedral.
She attended Fourscore School. She was also confirmed at the age of 17 in Glenavy Parish Church on 18th July 1892.
She may be buried in Grave 246 at Glenavy Parish Church. Her brother was William Thomas Scott.
Margaret and John Finnegan had a daughter Ellen born 29th June 1897. She married John Wickliffe Lowry. Ellen Lowry died on 26th May 1971.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 4th January 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Ross – January 3rd, at her residence, The Tunny, Gawley’s Gate, Selina, relict of the late James Ross, Ballyvorally, Glenavy. Funeral to family burying ground, Glenavy Church, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12.30. David Mairs.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 26th February 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Armstrong – February 25, at the residence of her son-in-law, 15 Main Street, Bangor, Mary Jane, relict of the late Thomas Armstrong, Knockcairn, Dundrod, and eldest daughter of the late William Wilson, Seacash, Co. Antrim. Funeral on 27th inst., leaving Bangor at 9am for Glenavy Parish Churchyard.
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated 13th May 1911.
Sudden death at Glenavy
A very sudden death occurred on 6th inst., at Crewe Park, about two miles from Glenavy. It appears that a respectable and well-to-do farmer named Samuel green, aged 79 years, who had attended the crumlin, Lisburn and Belfast markets in the early days of the week in his usual health, complained to his family of feeling a pain in his side. On Saturday he took his meals as well as ever, and in the evening, about six o’clock, went out for a walk. As he did not return within an hour, which was unusual, his absence caused some uneasiness; and on the arrival at 7.15 of his son William, who had been absent from home during the day, a search was instituted, with the result that the body was found at 9.15 on a heap of straw in a dark corner of the barn, behind the threshing machine, the presumption being that the deceased had gone in there in search of eggs.
At 10.30 am on Monday last, Dr. Mussen, J.P., held an inquest on the body, Mr. Edward Cummings being foreman of the jury, and Sergeant Barrett, crumlin, representing the Crown. Evidence was given by members of the family, and Dr. Patrick, who gave it as his opinion that death was due to natural causes, namely syncope, caused by the failure of a weak heart. The jury returned their verdict accordingly.
On Tuesday the remains were removed for interment in the family burial-ground at Glenavy Churchyard. The death had caused universal regret in the neighbourhood which was shown by the large cortege, which included representatives of all denominations who had held the deceased in the highest respect. The coffin was of oak, richly mounted, and behind it walked the immediate chief mourners – Messrs William green, Samuel Green, sons; William Watters, James Robert Sloan, sons-in-law; T. McCarthy, W.H. Macauley, Thomas Johnston (jun), nephews; Joseph Green, Robert Green and Robert Haire, relatives. Amongst the general public were – Dr. Mussen, J.P.; Messrs. Henry balance, Jas Balance, James Smyth, W.J. Larmour, Alex Caldwell, William Kennedy (Belfast), John Thompson (Belfast), Joseph Neill, R. Steele, Thomas Megrath, Patrick Horner, T. McCarthy (Belfast),W.J. Horner, Joseph Withers, James Reid, R. Fleeton, George Fleeton, G. Evans, Joseph Stewart, W.J. Horner, Patrick Gillen, J. Evans, Thomas Steele, Andrew Stewart, John Megahey, Samuel Curry, Robert Peel, John Martin, M. McKnight, Edward Cummins, Joseph Armstrong, R. Wilson, William Scott, Wesley Adams, Thomas Gibson, Thomas Moore, Francis W. Reid, John Scott, George Fleeton (jun), Wm McCorry, Wm T. Megrath, & c. During the passing of the mournful procession through the village there were many manifestations of sorrow, being drawn down. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. W.R. Clarendon, B.A., who also conducted a short service in the house before the removal of the coffin. Mr. Alexander Caldwell, Crumlin, carried out the funeral arrangements in a very satisfactory manner.
Belfast Telegraph dated Tuesday Nov 5th 1912
Haire Nov 4th 1912 at his residence, Crewe, Glenavy, Alexander the beloved husband or Mary Jane Haire. Funeral on tomorrow (Wed) afternoon at one o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. Mary Jane Haire. (see below for information)
The following is an extract from the Belfast Evening Telegraph dated Wednesday 17th February 1915.
Death of Mr. Alex. J. Caldwell, Crumlin
The sudden death of Mr. Alexander J. Caldwell on Saturday, at his residence, Railway Hotel, has removed a prominent and popular figure from the social and public life of Crumlin. A native of Cootehill, Co. Cavan, he came to reside at Crumlin about 25 years ago, where his genial personality quickly won him hosts of friends. He was a member of the Church of Ireland. A Freemason for almost 30 years, he took a keen interest in the welfare of the Order in Crumlin. His organising ability, influence, and energy were successfully given to wipe off a load of debt from the local Masonic Hall. In both Lodge and Chapter 140, to which he belonged, be filled with the greatest acceptance the highest office it was in power of his brethren to bestow, and his death has created a gap which will be extremely difficult, if ever possible to fill. He was an ardent member of the Orange and Black Orders. One of the staunchest of Unionists, he filled the office of half-company commander to the local (G) company of the U.V.F. Seven years ago he was elected a member of the Antrim R.D.C., and two years later appreciation of his fine business abilities was manifested by his election, to the office of vice-chairman of the Antrim Board of Guardians. He was also a keen and thorough-going sportsman. The esteem which his many-sided interest had earned was shown by the very large representative cortege which followed his remains to their last resting-place in Glenavy Churchyard. The immediate relatives present were:- Messrs. J.A. Caldwell (son), Robert and Thomas Caldwell (brothers), John Corken (father-in-law), James Fegan (brother-in-law), Wm. Armstrong, Thos. Hill, and David Black (nephew).

Alex J Caldwell
The following extract is from the Belfast Evening Telegraph dated Thursday 25th February 1915.
Gray – February 23, 1915, at her residence, Derry Killultagh, Ballinderry, Margaret widow of the late William Gray. The remains of our beloved mother will be removed, for interment in the family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard, on to-morrow (Friday) at 11am. Friends will please accept this intimation. James and Margaret Johnston.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Evening Telegraph dated Monday 21st June 1915.
Higginson – June 18, 1915, at his residence, Hill Street, Crumlin, Frank, the dearly-beloved husband of Lizzie Higginson. His remains were interred in Glenavy Churchyard on 20th inst. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife and children.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Evening Telegraph dated Thursday 26th August 1915.
Higginson – August 25, 1915 at her late residence, 128 Crimea Street, Jane Higginson (nee Laird), widow of the late Thomas Higginson. The remains of our dearly-beloved mother will be removed from above address on tomorrow (Friday), at 10 am, for interment in Glenavy Churchyard. Friends will please accept this intimation. Inserted by her sorrowing sons and daughters.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Evening Telegraph dated Friday 3rd September 1915.
Lowry – September 2, 1915 at her son’s residence, Dundsart, Crumlin, Susanna Lowry (late of Tullyrush). The remains of my beloved mother will be removed for interment in family burying-ground, Glenavy, on tomorrow (Saturday), at 2pm. John Lowry.
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald dated Saturday 24th December 24th 1932
In Memoriam
Harbinson – In ever-loving memory of our dear daughter, Lizzie, who departed this life on the 23rd Decr., 1927, and was interred in Glenavy Churchyard. Not dead to those that loved her Not lost but gone before; She lives with us in memory still And will for evermore.
Ecer remembered by her Father and Mother Joseph & Margaret Watson. Also her brothers – James, U.S.A.; and Tommy Watson, Sandymount, Glenavy.
Harbinson – In fond remembrance of my dear sister, Lizzie, who departed this life on the 23rd Cecr., 1927, and was interred in Glenavy Churchyard. Smas brings sad memories Of a dear one gone to rest, She will always be remembered, By those who loved her best.
Ever remembered by her loving sister and brother-in-law and nephews. Jane Anna, Archie & Thomas McCord, Lisburn Road, Glenavy.
Haire May 3rd 1929 at her residence, Crewe, Glenavy, Mary Jane, relict of the late Alexander Haire. Funeral tomorrow (Sunday) to family burying ground at 2.30pm. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. deeply regretted by her sorrowing family.
(source unknown)
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald Saturday May 5th 1934
In Memoriam
Haire – in loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Jane Haire , who departed this life on 3rd May 1929, and was interred in Glenavy Churchyard.
We will wait a little while,
In uncomplaining love
Then her own most gracious smile
Will welcome us above.
Ever remembered by her sorrowing family.
Crewe, Glenavy, Co. Antrim.
The Lisburn Herald Saturday 4th May 1935
Haire – In loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Jane Haire, who departed this life on the 3rd May 1929, and was interred in Glenavy Churchyard.
Dear is the spot where mother is laid
Sweet is her memory that never will fade
Sure is the hope that again we shall meet
Kneeling together at Jesus feet
Ever remembered by her sorrowing family Crew, Glenavy, County Antrim.
Mary Jane and her husband Alexander are believed to be buried in the vicinity of the area of grave 43 listed above.
Alexander Haire and Mary Jane Reid were married on the 14th March 1898 at Christchurch Church of Ireland, Belfast. At the time of marriage Mary Jane Reid was residing at 37 Fairview Street, Belfast. Alexander Haire was the son of John Haire and Jane Cardwell. He was born on 8th March 1871 at Crew and christened at Glenavy Parish Church on 14th April 1871. He was a member of Crew L.O.L. 124. He died on 4th November, 1912.
The Hare grave at no. 254 above is believed to be connected to this family, being an earlier generation, when the surname was spelt Hare instead of the present spelling of Haire.
Mary Jane Reid was the daughter of James Reid and Jane Higginson.
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown.
Ingram – November 27 1930 at his residence, Ballycessy, Glenavy, John Ingram, in his 88th year. The remains of my beloved father will be removed for interment in the family burying ground, Glenavy Churchyard tomorrow (Saturday) 29th inst., at 2 o’clock. Walter Ingram.
In 1901 census – John Ingram aged 58, was a farmer and a stone mason, residing with his wife Mary Ann, originally from County Tyrone. Their children Walter aged 14, John, 16 and Elizabeth,18 all lived with them at Ballycessy.
The extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Friday April 10 1931 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Ingram – April 9, 1931 at his daughter’s residence, Kirkhill, Jordanstown, James Ingram. Funeral tomorrow (Saturday) at 1 pm to Glenavy Churchyard, arriving about 3 pm. Deeply regretted.
Crumlin Royal Blue Masonic Lodge no 140.
Ingram – The Officers and Members of above Lodge regret to learn of the death of their highly esteemed Member Br. James Ingram, of Kirk Hill, Jordanstown and tender their sincere sympathy to hs family.
G. Thompson, W.M.
D. Heaney, Secty.
Crumlin R.A.C. No 140
Ingram – The Officers and Companions of above Chapter regret to learn of the death of their highly esteemed Member. Br. James Ingram, of Kirk Hill, Jordanstown, and tender their sincere sympathy to his family.
A.G. Camp, P.G.O. (North Wales), E.K., F.C. Martin, Registrar.
Belfast News Letter 07 03 1934
Ingram March 6th 1934 at her residence Churchview, Ballycessy, Glenavy Mary Ann widow of Edward … Remains of my dear mother will be removed tomorrow (Thursday) 8th Inst at 3pm to the family burying ground, Glenavy Deeply regretted by her family and grandchildren.
Edward Ingram, a son of John Ingram married Mary Ann Lowry on 2nd August 1880 at Malone Church of Ireland.
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown.
Harbinson – April 17 1935, at her residence Station View Glenavy, Mary Pauline, dearly loved wife of William Harbinson. Funeral to the family burying-ground, Glenavy, tomorrow (Friday) at 2pm. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband and family.
Harbinson – April 17, 1935, at her residence, Station View, Glenavy, Mary Pauline, dearly beloved mother of William Harbinson. Funeral to the family burying-ground, Glenavy, tomorrow (Friday) at 2pm. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing son and daughter-in-law and grandchildren.
The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Saturday 5th April 1941.
Taggart – April 4, 1941, at his residence, Langarve, Glenavy, David Taggart. Funeral to the family burying ground Glenavy Churchyard tomorrow (Sunday), at 2pm. Very deeply regretted.
Crawford, January 2 1942, at his residence, Ballynacoy, Stoneyford, John, beloved husband of Elizabeth Crawford. Funeral on Monday at 1pm to Glenavy Churchyard. Friends will please accept this intination. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife and family.
Source: unknown
Stewart, October 26 1942, at her residence, Farmhill Terrace, Crumlin. Susan Dearly beloved wife of Thomas Stewart. Funeral tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2pm., to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband and family.
At rest.
Source: unknown
Stewart – October 26 1942 at her residence Farmhill Terrace, Crumlin, Susan dearly-beloved wife of Thomas Stewart and eldest daughter of Joseph and Annie Christie, Main Street, Crumlin. Dearly regretted by her sorrowing father, mother, brothers and sisters. In silence she suffered.
Source: unknown
Sloan, March 26 1942 at her residence, Ballypitmave, Glenavy, Margaret Ann, widow of James R. Sloan. Funeral tomorrow (Saturday) at 2pm to the family burying ground, Glenavy. House strictly private.
Source: unknown
Fleeton, December 22 1943 at Lisburn District Hospital, John Fleeton, late of Ballynacoy, Glenavy. Funeral from the hospital tomorrow (Friday) at 3pm to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing brother, Nathaniel Fleeton.
Source: unknown
Wilson – March 6 1943,at the Children’s Hospital, Belfast, Sarah Elizabeth (Betty), darling little daughter of Samuel and Sarah Wilson. Funeral from her parents’ residence, Ballyvorally, Rose’s Lane Ends, to family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard today (Monday) at 230pm. Very deeply regretted by her sorrowing Daddy and Mammy.
Source: unknown
Steele, March 6 1944 at his residence, Fourscore, Glenavy, Samuel James, youngest son of Leah and the late John Steele. Funeral to the family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard, on to-morrow (Wednesday), at 2.30pm- Very deeply regretted by his sorrowing Mother, sister and brother.
Source: unknown
Officers and members of Fourscore Temperance L.O.L. 340 regret the death of their esteemed Secretary, Br Samuel J Steele, and extend their sincere sympathy, – James Arbuckle. W.M.
Source: unknown.
Bell, March 25th 1944 (suddenly as a result of an accident) at the District Hospital Lisburn, Thomas William, dearly loved husband of Isabella Bell. Funeral from his late residence, Ballyvorally, Glenavy on Sunday at 2 pm to the family burying-ground Glenavy Churchyard. Very deeply regretted.
Source: unknown
Crowe, March 23 1944 at his residence, Glenavy, Robert, beloved husband of Ellen Crowe. Funeral to the family burying ground, Glenavy, tomorrow (Saturday) at 3.30 pm. Inserted by his wife, son and daughters.
Hyland – September 22 1944 at her residence, Derrykillultagh, Ballinderry, Sarah Hyland. Funeral tomorrow (Sunday) at 2pm to Glenavy Churchyard. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing son and daughter in law Edward and Rebecca.
Source: unknown
Millar – May 26 1945, at her residence, Ballycessey, Glenavy, Sarah Millar. Funeral to family burying ground Glenavy Churchyard tomorrow (Sunday), at 3pm. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing sisters.
Source: unknown
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday March 30th 1946.
In Memoriam
Evans – In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father – Thomas J. Evans, who departed this life 1st April 1941 and was interred in Glenavy Churchyard.
“Severed only till He comes.”
Sadly missed and always remembered by his loving wife and family. Lurganteniel.
Evans – In loving remembrance of my dear father Thomas James Evans, who entered into rest 1st April 1941 and was interred in Glenavy Churchyard.
Five lonely years have passed away
Since i stood beside your bed
My heart was crushed with sorrow
When I saw that you were dead.
At night when all is silent
And sleep forsakes my eyes
My thoughts they wander to the grave
Where my dear father lies.
Still sadly missed and always remembered by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Ruth and Lewis Williamson, Ballynadolly.