Freehold Registration
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 30th June, 1829 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
County of Antrim
List of persons applying to Register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be held at Belfast, for the Division of Carrickfergus, in the said County pursuant to the Act of 10th George the Fourth, Cap.8, entered by the Clerk of the Peace.
No: 50
Name and Residence of Applicant: John Lennon, Ballyvorally
Description of Freehold: House and land Ballyvorally
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Death Notice – Andrew Dickson
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 1st February 1831 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Death: At his residence, Glenconway, near Glenavy, on Tuesday last, Andrew Dickson, Esq, aged 44 years.
Freehold Registrations, 1831
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 30th September 1831 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast on the 24th October, 1831.
No. 153
Name and Residence of Applicant: John Lennon, Ballyvorally
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Ballyvorally
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
No. 191
Name and Residence of Applicant: Meredith Bell, Ballyvorally
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Ballyvorally
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland
The following extracts are from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Manufactories and Mills
Adjoining to the town of Glenavy there is a cotton factory in a very ruinous state and is seldom wrought. A few years ago there was employed 130 hands in it: and in the town land of Ballyvorally there is a bleach mill (with a green of 27 acres attached to it) that employs from 20 to 26 hands, and there is constantly between 5 and 6 ton of coals consumed weekly; and there is also a small corn mill in the town of Glenavy.
Bleach Greens
Ballyvorally town land; there is a bleach mill, the diameter of the wheel 30 feet, breadth of wheel 4 feet, fall of water 34 feet, overshot wheel. The quality of the linen depends much on the bleaching. All the linen is sent to New York. The process is as follows: the linen is boiled, then washed and dyed, next beetled and afterwards bleached and finished by lapping. The lapping is the only part of the business that requires any degree of skill and it is general for a person to serve several years of apprenticeship in order to get a knowledge of it.
Mills and Manufactories
In Ballyvorally town land, and on the Glenavy river, is a bleach green extending over 27 acres. The machinery is propelled by an overshot water wheel 30 feet in diameter and 4 feet broad, and having a fall of water of 34 feet. This establishment affords constant employment to from 20 to 26 men.
The content of the town land Ballyvorally is recorded as having 487 acres 2 roods and 18 perches in the Ordnance Survey Memoirs 1832 – 1838.
The following extract is from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Parish of Camlin – Mills
The machinery of the parish consists of 1 corn and 2 flax mills. The corn mill is situated in the town land of Ballygortgarve, on the Crumlin water. It is propelled by a breast water wheel 16 feet in diameter and 3 feet 6 inches broad; fall of water is 3 feet. There is sufficient water for only 7 months in the year.
In an article published in the Belfast Telegraph on 24th August 1922 by W.H.D. Downer mention is given to The Crumlin Mills. Thanks to the Belfast Telegraph for permitting the use of this extract.
The article is titled "Ulster Flour Mills. Relics of Bygone Times. Once Great Industry Recalled – by a Trinity Man."
The article refers to the recent destruction of the old windmill at Ballyholme, by fire. Mention is given to the village of Glenoe, County Antrim. The following then appears –
The Crumlin Mills
Lewis, in his "Topographical Dictionary," gives some interesting information about the Crumlin Mills. Built in 1765 by Rowley Heyland, these mills were the first erected in the North of Ireland, and seen to have been at all times the staple industry of Crumlin, The Irish Government considered them of such importance that they erected extensive warehouses, and encouraged by every means the growth of wheat. Lewis goes on to say that a large portion of the flour was shipped to the Clyde and the several ports of the North of England, and tells us that during the year 1833 two hundred thousand tons of flour and oatmeal were sent from these mills (which were connected with some subsidiary mills) to Liverpool and Manchester. When later, Messrs. McCauley & Son held the Crumlin Mills the quantity of grain annually consumed by them was on an average 5,000 tons of wheat, and 3,000 tons of oats. These mills have, however, "weathered the storm" of Free Trade by their conversion into a tweed factory, and the yare now an extensive and flourishing concern.
Few places, however, have been as fortunate as Crumlin. The overwhelming majority of Ulster’s old flour mills are now in ruins, many of them having only the four bare walls left standing. A short distance form Crumlin are the once important Glenconway Mills, on the Glenavy river, where only a few men are now employed in the production of flock, while nearer to Crumlin, is Cidercourt, a large old mill which lies absolutely idle, and is rapidly mouldering into decay. Goldsmith describes it also, since its millstream, like that mentioned in the "Deserted Village."
"Choked with sedges, works its weary way."
Nowadays we hardly realise the importance of the once great industry. The words "seed time and harvest" have, alas, lost much of their former significance. We so seldom now see the reapers out in the golden cornfields, working by the silver light of the harvest moon, so that "all may be safely gathered in ere the winter storms begin." After the reaping came the threshing, and the journey to the mill. Perhaps we can picture the old grey mill – perchance a windmill, but more often driven by water. Standing back among the green meadows, we can see the carts rumbling up a county lane, bearing their precious freight. We see the mill-dam among the fields, and we hear the water rushing down the mill race to the great wheel. We hear the clanking and crunching, the creaking and groaning as the big black wheel turns, and perhaps we see the miller within the building, passing to and for. Tennyson saw it all, and in "The Miller’s Daughter," beautifully puts the scene before us –
"I loved the brimming wave that swam,
Thro’ quiet meadows round the mill,
The sleepy pool above the dam,
The pool beneath it never still.
The meal sacks on the whiten’d floor,
The dark round of the dripping wheel,
The very air about the door,
Made misty with the floating meal."
Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)
County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Parish of Glenavy
Column 1 : | Number and letters of Reference to map |
Column 2 : | Occupiers |
Column 3 : | Immediate Lessors |
Column 4 : | Description of Tenement |
Column 5 : | Area |
Not included – | Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property |
Townland: Ballyvorally Ordnance Survey map number: 58 & 59 |
1a | James Hunter | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices, Flour Mill,Gate lodges,Land | 44 03 37 | |
1b | Thomas Deery | James Hunter | House | – | |
1c | Alexander Millar | same | House | – | |
1d | Thomas Bell | same | House | – | |
1e | Thomas Quinn | same | House | – | |
1f | unoccupied | same | House | – | |
1g | unoccupied | same | House | – | |
1h | unoccupied | same | House | – | |
2 | Daniel Keyland | Marquis of Hertford | House, Offices, Land | 25 02 05 | |
3a | Andrew Bell | same | House, Office,Forge Land | 11 00 23 | |
3b | Samuel McConkey | Free | House and Garden | 00 00 24 | |
3c | Arthur McConkey | Free | House | – | |
3d | Henry Murrigan | William McKey | House | – | |
3e | Jane Wright | same | House | – | |
4 | James Kays | Marquis of Hertford | House, Office, Land | 09 02 10 | |
5a | John Lennon | same | House, Offices, Land | 32 03 17 | |
5b | Patrick McKeever | John Lennon | House | – | |
5c | Henry McAuley | same | House | – | |
6 | Robert Lennon | same | House and Land | 00 03 08 | |
7 | William Keyland | Marquis of Hertford | Land | 11 00 06 | |
8 | James Devlin | William Keyland | House, Office,Land | 01 02 30 | |
9a | James Nelson | Marquis of Hertford | House, Offices, Land | 96 02 14 | |
9b | Samuel McCormack | James Nelson | House, small Garden | – | |
9c | Felix McCormack | same | House, small Garden | – | |
9d | Arthur Graham | same | House | – | |
9e | Bernard McCombes | same | House | – | |
9f | Stafford Crossan | same | House | – | |
9g | William McKernan | same | House | – | |
9h | Elizabeth Brannock | same | House | – | |
9i | Jane Courtney | same | House | – | |
10 | Francis O’Toole | same | House,Offices,Land | 02 02 30 | |
11A | William Bell | same | Land | 05 03 08 | |
11B | same | same | Land | 02 00 37 | |
11C | same | same | Land | 00 02 03 | |
12 | same | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices, Land | 00 03 01 | |
13 | same | same | House, Land | 04 00 23 | |
11a | Meridith Bell | William Bell | House, Office,Garden | 00 01 10 | |
11b | John McKettrick | same | House | – | |
11c | Alexander Bell | same | House and Garden | 00 00 30 | |
14 | Charles Ferris | Marquis of Hertford | House, Offices, Land | 57 03 30 | |
15a | Oliver Ingram | same | Office and Land | 12 03 05 | |
16 | same | same | House,Offices,Land | 38 00 05 | |
15b | Samuel Wilkinson | Oliver Ingram | House and Garden | 00 20 00 | |
15c | Nathaniel Bickerstaff | same | House | – | |
15d | Mary Bickerstaff | same | House | – | |
17 | Eliza Cardwell | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,Land | 12 03 00 | |
18 | Francis Lowe | same | House,Office,Land | 12 01 35 | |
19 | Charles Lowe | same | House,Office,Land | 05 00 32 | |
20Aa | Edward Lowe | same | House,Office, Land | 16 00 13 | |
20B | same | same | same | 05 00 17 | |
21Aa | Anne Farr | same | House and Land | 03 00 10 | |
21B | same | same | House and Land | 00 03 33 | |
22 | Thomas Johnson | same | House,Offices, Land | 55 03 28 | |
23 | Henry Lowe | same | House and Land | 02 03 30 | |
24 | John Farr | same | Land | 21 02 30 | |
25 | Edward Cardwell | same | House,Office,Land | 10 02 14 | |
Total | 515 03 18 |
Monster Potato!
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard, Saturday September 24 1887.
A monster potato – a correspondent informs us that, a few days ago, a woman upwards of ninety years of age dug up a monster potato in the garden of Mrs Bell, Glenconway, near Glenavy, weighing over a quarter of a stone.
Belfast Water Board Arbitration
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 5th August 1888 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Belfast Water Board Arbitration – the inquiry into the meaning of the phrase "average fine weather flow" employed in the Belfast Water Act of 1884, as indicating the compensation in water which millowners on the stream at Stoneyford, about in part to be appropriated by the Commissioners, were to receive, was resumed yesterday in the Grand Jury Room, County Courthouse, before Mr. Edmund Murphy, J.P., Government Arbritrator, with Mr. A.R. Binnie, C.E., Bradford, acting as assessor. Mr. Bewley, Q.C., and Mr. John McLean, Barrister – at – law (instructed by Messrs McLean, Boyle and McLean), represented the Water trust; Mr Dodd, Q.C. (instructed by Mr. Berryhill, Lisburn) appeared for Sir Richard Wallace; and Mr. Lorimer, on of the millowners affected, and Mr. Walter Long (instructed by Mr. David McGonigal) represented by Mr. Briggs, the owner of the Glenconway Mills. Mr. McCullough, assistant to Mr Macassey, was examined, and subsequently counsel on both sides addressed the Court, and the proceedings terminated. The arbitrator’s award will not be given for some time.
Farm for Sale
Valuable farm of land (under power of Sale contained in Mortgages),
For sale at Ballyvorally, Glenavy.
To be sold by Auction, in the Auction mart, Bow Street, Lisburn, on Tuesday, December 24th 1889, at the hour of One o’clock, That farm of land in the Possession of Mr. Wm. Lowe, situate in Balllyvorally near Glenavy, containing 24a 2r 37p., held under Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., at the yearly Judicial Rent of £16 16s. There are two acres of an orchard on the farm.
The Dwelling houses and out houses are in a good state of repair. The farm is distant about 10 miles from Lisburn, and 2 miles from Glenavy. Part of the Purchase – money may remain on the security of the Farm, if required. Terms- £30 deposit at time of sale, with 2½ per cent. Auction fees.
For further particulars as to title and conditions of sale apply to
Samuel F McConnell, Solicitor for Mortgages, 24 Railway Street, Lisburn; or to Wm J. Bailey, Auctioneer, Lisburn.
Damages Awarded to William Ingram
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 6th May 1891 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Presentment Sessions for the Barony of Upper Massereene. – Yesterday, the Upper Massereene presentment sessions were held in the courthouse, Lisburn. The magistrates on the bench were – Messrs. J. Theo. Richardson, J.P. (in the chair); R.H. Bland, J.P.; James Crossin, J.P. and N.W. Grimshaw, J.P.; the associated cess payers being – Messrs. George Thompson and Henry Murray……
Mr. William Ingram applied for £18 to compensate him for loss and damage caused by the malicious or wanton injury done to two sacks of beans, his property, in the townland of Ballyvorally. William Ingram having given evidence as to the burning of the stacks, said he had no hesitation in swearing that they were maliciously set on fire. The wind was blowing from the south, and they had been fired on the windy side. To the chairman – They were burnt out before morning. I had a cottier with whom I had a disagreement, and I had some trouble in getting rid of him. There was about a ton of beans in each stack. The ratepayers are satisfied with the amount I have claimed. Mr. Munro said he thought the sum asked for by Mr. Ingram was reasonable. The full amount was passed.
A Day at Glenconway
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, June 10th, 1899
A Day at Glenconway
At Glenconway’s Waterfall
I lay me down, and seek surcrease
From care’s despond;
While lo! Its wandering waters call,
As they rush by, "Not here is Peace
But Far Beyond."
S.K. Cowan, M.A.
We left the town of Lisburn
On bicycle and brake,
For an outing and a picnic
Near Britain’s largest lake.
We passed through Ballinderry
Left behind us Magheragall
And the village of Glenavy,
For Glenconway Waterfall.
O, ’tis lovely in the sunshine,
On a pleasant summer day,
With the lass you love beside you,
Speeding lightly on your way;
With the spell of Cupid o’er you,
And the raptures love reveals
With the fabled wings of Mercury
Upon your cycle wheels.
To ride between the hedgerows
Filled with hawthorn’s sweet perfume,
O’er the uplands, through the meadows,
Passing the orchards rich in bloom,
Where the cuckoo’s song repeating
Echoes over vale and hill,
Where the blackbirds and the thrushes
Their sweet notes of music thrill.
As we passed through Ballinderry,
Then we thought of days of yore,
When Bishop Taylor wrote and taught
By the lake side of Portmore.
At Glenavy we pierced further
Through the mists that veil the past,
To the times of great St. Patrick,
And his mission labours vast –
When he first laid the foundation
On Glenavy’s virgin sod
Of her ancient church, St. Aiden’s,
Dedicated since to God;
And chose as her first minister
The "Angel Dwarf," to preach
The love of Christ for sinful men,
And how he died for each.
And so a-down the ages, still
The "Angel Dwarf" has twinned
His name with old Glenavy’s name,
His teaching with her mind.
Long be it so, may truth prevail,
And love be shed abroad,
May Heaven smile and bless our Isle,
Where once St. Patrick trod.
From Glenavy we passed onward,
With Lough Neagh’s banks in view,
Where Ram’s Island in the distance
Nestled in its waters blue.
All at once we turned in quickly,
As the Trumpet-Major’s call,
To the entrance, as we found it,
Of Glenconway’s Waterfall.
There beside the millstream, sweeping
«Neath the beeches» cooling shade,
We refreshments found al fresco
On the money greensward laid;
With below the river rushing
Down its rough and rocky steep,
Now dashed in spray, or on its way,
In circling eddies sweep.
Some went to ride, some took a walk
To Lough Neagh’s pebbled shore,
While others eat to pleasant chat
Upon the greensward floor;
And thus in social intercourse
A pleasant day was spent,
Each unit feeling happier,
And gladder that he went.
As the evening sun was setting
To the westward of Lough Neagh,
We then prepared to turn our steps
Upon our homeward way.
When all had then assembled,
To the Trumpet-Major’s call,
With grateful heart we left behind
Glenconway Waterfall.
Flock Manufacturers — partnership disolved
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard Saturday 4th January 1890
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, Hugh H.B. Watson and Thomas Corbitt, in the business of Flock Manufacturers, carried on by us at Glenconway, in the County of Antrim, has been dissolved by mutual consent, as from the first day of January 1890; and the said business will be henceforth carried on by the said Hugh B Watson alone, who will pay and discharge all debts and liabilities, and receive all Money payable to the said Firm.
Dated this 1st day of January 1890
Signed Hugh H.B. Watson
Thomas Corbitt.
Witness Present – G B Wilkins, Solicitor.
Publican Charged
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard Saturday 29th September, 1906
Permitting Drunkenness on the Premises at Crumlin Petty Sessions at eleven a.m. on Monday last.
District-Inspector Heatley, Antrim, prosecuted Isaac Mulholland, spirit grocer, Ballyvorally, for, on 4th August, having permitted drunkenness on his premises. Arthur Heaney was summoned for being drunk on the said premises.
Mr Heatley, D.I., conducted the prosecution and Mr. W.G. Maginess, solicitor, appeared for the defence.
Their Worships fined the publican 40s and costs, not to be recorded on the licence; and Heaney 2s 6d costs.
Death Notice — Selina Ross
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 4th January 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Ross – January 3rd, at her residence, The Tunny, Gawley’s Gate, Selina, relict of the late James Ross, Ballyvorally, Glenavy. Funeral to family burying ground, Glenavy Church, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12.30. David Mairs.
Licensing Prosecution – Isaac Mulholland
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated 5th April 1913.
Crumlin Petty Sessions
Licensing Prosecution
District-Inspector Heatley, Antrim, prosecuted Isaac Mulholland, publican, Ballyvorally, for a breach of the Licensing Act. Mr. D. Barbour Simpson, solicitor, appeared for the defence.
District-Inspector Heatley said the defendant was charged, under section 3 of the Act 35 and 36 Vic., with having sold intoxicating liquor at a place where he was not authorised to sell. The defendant was licensed as a publican at Ballyvorally. In April last his premises were burned down, and he continued to sell in a portion that was saved, until the new premises were built. The new house had been erected on the old site, but 16 or 17 feet projected on a new foundation, and there were three doors facing the public road, whereas there were none facing the road in the old premises, which were at right angles to the road. In his (the Inspector’s) opinion the defendant, though his license was renewed at the October sessions, could not trade in the new premises without obtaining a new license for them. He had warned defendant to that effect, but he still continued to carry on his business there, stating that he had been advised to do so by his solicitor.
Evidence was given by the police to the effect that they had found the new premises open, liquor exposed for sale, and persons in the house on divers occasions. The license granted in October was for the premises at Ballyvorally, but only for the portion that was not pulled down.
Mr Simpson submitted that the license granted in October was for all the premises, and covered the ground on which the new house was erected. He also pointed out that no alteration had been made yet in the valuation.
After considerable legal argument on both sides the magistrates, in order to give the defendant the opportunity of applying for a license at the quarter sessions, adjourned the case for three months, on the understanding that he would only trade in the small portion which was not affected by the fire.
PRONI Will Calendars
The following information is taken from the will calendars in the PRONI and are reproduced with kind permission of Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Oliver Ingram
Date of Death 27 05 1884
Date of Grant 20 08 1884
Effects £482
Registry Belfast
Full Abstract:
The Will of Oliver Ingram late of Ballyvorally County Antrim Farmer who died 27 May 1884 at same place was proved at Belfast by Thomas John Lyness and William Ingram both of Ballyvorally Farmers the Executors
William Ingram
Date of Death 13 09 1899
Date of Grant 30 10 1899
Effects £173 9s 7d
Registry Belfast
Full Abstract:
Probate of the Will of William Ingram late of Ballyvorally County Antrim Farmer who died 13 September 1899 granted at Belfast to James G. Ingram of Ballyvorally Farmer and William B. H. White of 2 Maryville-terrace Belfast Deputy Superintendent Board of Trade.
Charles Lowe
Date of Death 01 05 1878
Date of Grant 18 04 1883
Effects £294 10s
Registry Belfast
Full Abstract:
The Will of Charles Lowe late of Ballyvorally County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 1 May 1878 at same place was proved at Belfast by William Ingram of Ballyvorally Farmer one of the Executors.
Augustus Cardwell
Date of Death 27 08 1874
Date of Grant 12 03 1875
Effects under £200
Registry Belfast
Full Abstract:
The Will of Augustus Cardwell late of Ballyvorally County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 27 August 1874 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of John Oakman of Pigeonstown Farmer and Andrew Lorimer of Edenvale Farmer and Miller both in (Glenavy) same County the Executors.
Edwin Cardwell
Date of Death 26 01 1917
Date of Grant 28 02 1917
Effects £287 10s 0d
Registry Belfast
Full Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Edwin Cardwell late of Ballyvorally Glenavy County Antrim Farmer who died 26 January 1917 granted at Belfast to Henry Connor Farmer.
The Fairy Faith
The following is an extract from a book titled "The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries" by W. Y. Evans Wentz, first published in 1911.
Evidence from County Antrim
"At the request of Major R.G. Berry, M.R.I.A., of Richill Castle, Armagh, Mr. H. Henry Higginson, of Glenavy, County Antrim, collected all the material he could find concerning the fairy – tradition in his part of County Antrim, and sent to me the results, from which I have selected the very interesting, and, in some respects, unique tales which follow :-
The Fairies and the Weaver – Ned Judge, of Sophys Bridge was a weaver. Every night after he went to bed the weaving started of itself, and when re arose in the morning he would find the dressing which had been made ready for weaving so broken and entangled that it took him hours to put it right. Yet with all this drawback he got no poorer, because the fairies left him plenty of household necessaries, and whenever he sold a web (of cloth) he always received treble the amount bargained for.
Meeting Two Regiments of "Them" – William Megarry, of Ballinderry, as his daughter who is married to James Megarry, J.P., told me, was one night going to Crumlin on horseback for a doctor, when after passing through Glenavy he met just opposite the Vicarage two regiments of them (the fairies) coming along the road towards Glenavy. One regiment was dressed in red and one in blue or green uniform. They were playing music, but when they opened out to let him pass through the middle of them the music ceased until he had passed by."
Death Extract – 1915 – Dorothy Jane Watson
The following death was registered on the 8th December 1915 by Dr. T. West. It recorded the death of 19 year old Dorothy Jane Watson on the 5th December 1915. She was a worker in the warehouse and she was found drowned in the Mill Dam at Glenconway Mill. The cause of death was recorded as "suicidal drowning while in unsound state of mind." The information was received from Dr. A. Mussen, Coroner for County Antrim.
Dorothy Jane Watson was born on 2nd December 1896 (U/1898/144/1018/10/173). Her parents were Henry Watson and Isabella (nee Thompson). They were married at Ballinderry Parish Church on 15th May 1896 (M/1896/E1/1727/3/126 refers).
In the 1901 census the Watson family were recorded residing at Kilcreeny townland. At that time there were two children – Dorothy Jane and Thomas Henry (born 21 12 1898 – U/1898/144/1018/10/321 refers). The house they resided in was owned by Henry Ballance.
In the 1911 census the family were residing in the Crew townland. There were six children listed –
- Dorothy Jane
- Thomas Henry
- Sarah Elizabeth (born 14 10 1901 – U/1901/144/1018/11/29 refers)
- Samuel John (born 15 05 1904 – U/1904/144/1018/11/231 refers)
- William Edward (born 11 03 1907 – U1907/144/1018/11/426 refers)
- and Charles George (born 02 12 1909 – U/1909/144/1018/12/101 refers)
There is a birth of Margaret Eveline Watson recorded on 25 05 1914 (U1914/144/1018/12/354 refers).
In c1927 the Watson family relocated into a house built by Lisburn Rural District Council at Lisburn Road, Glenavy. There were 5 houses built at this time. The other four were occupied by Thomas Matier, Fred Morgan, William Harbinson and Archie McCord.
History of Ulster Farm By_Products Ltd (UFBP)
Originally established in 1952 by a group of local farmers, Ulster Farm By-Products Ltd (UFBP) was formed to create a farmer owned and controlled company to process fallen livestock in Northern Ireland.
As part of the Board of Directors’ plans to develop the organisation the co-operative was renamed Glenfarm Holdings Limited. The collection, rendering and processing facilities where transferred into a subsidiary limited company and took the co-operative’s original name, Ulster Farm By-Products Ltd which is well known to the agri-food sector.
For more information about the history of UFBP, please see their website at
In Memorium – Thomas William Bell
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 20th March 1948.
In Memoriam
Bell – In fond and loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, Thomas William, who departed this life, 23rd March 1944.
Some may forget you now are gone,
But we will remember no matter how long;
All of the years be they many or few,
Will be tears of remembrance, dear father, of you.
Ever remembered by his loving wife and family, Ballyvorally, Glenavy, County Antrim.
Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green

Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green published in The Antrim Guardian, 27 November 2014
Almost two hundred years ago James Green from the parish of Ballinderry, County Antrim married Nancy Cardwell in her native parish of Glenavy. That was in September 1817 in the new parish church building in Glenavy village which had been the resting place to many of the Cardwell ancestors, from at least the early 18 th century.
A lack of records and scant details of those that survive from this period inhibit the researcher when attempting to establish the exact origin of the bride and groom on this occasion.
An American biographer, R.H.W. Peterson, compiled a sketch of James Green and his family and he informs the reader that James was the son of a Methodist minister called John and his wife Lizzie, born on 8th January, 1791. At the age of 19 he had lost both parents and in 1822 he and his wife left these shores for America, arriving in New York after 86 days at sea.