Religion, riots and rhyme in Glenavy

Glenavy Parish Church
The people of Glenavy and surrounding districts in previous generations were no strangers to violence. Early records and documents that have survived the ravages of time give us a brief insight into the troubled past.
A Mrs Adkinson, wife of Captain Adkinson, related her experiences of the burnings in Lurgan in 1641 and the effects the uprising during that period had on her family. She had relocated to Glenavy according to Public Record Office of Northern Ireland D695/145.
It was often said that the Parish Church in the village had escaped the notice of Oliver Cromwell due to the density of trees in the area, unlike the churches of Templecormac, Tullyrusk and Trummery.
Farm Lease for Sale
The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tue 15th Mar – Fri 18th Mar 1774 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Whereas I Henry Morgan of Ballimacricket Parifh of Glenavy and County of Antrim became intitled to a Farm in faid Place by the laft Will and Teftament of John Moragn, deceafed, and alfo an Adminiftration to the fame. Now I John Stewart of Parifh and County aforefaid, have the fame Leafe in Part of Marriage Portion granted and figned over to me by the faid Henry Morgan; Now I the faid Stewart do hereby advertife to be fold by publick Auction faid Leafe, at the Market-Houfe in Lifuburn, on Tuefday the 29th Inft. for ready Money. Said Farm contains 34 Acres and upwards arable Ground, with good Dwelling-houfe, Office-houfes, and Garden thereunto belonging. Dated the 28th of February, 1774.
N.B. Said Stewart is alfo empowered by Letter of Attorney to recover all Debts whatforever due to faid Morgan. Said Leafe may be feen any time before Sale in the Hands of Mr. John Fitzpatrick, Lifburn.
Affray at Glenavy
A rare account of an affray in the town land of Ballymacricket was reported by the Belfast Newsletter on 30th June 1829. I spoke to a person believed to be a relative of one of the persons named in the incident. They had never heard the story. I have not yet found out the result of the trial in the Crown Court.
Goremount & The Gore Family
Goremount was once the home of the Gore family. The Gore family burying ground is in the local Parish church at Glenavy.
The following extract is from “Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838”. Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Gentleman’s seats
Goremount, the property of Mrs Gore, a neat 2 – storey house, prettily situated in the midst of some planting in the town land of Ballymacricket, a quarter of a mile south of the village of Glenavy.
Extract from “Glenavy Past and Present” by Rev Charles Watson 1892
Goremount, which is a lovely country house close to Glenavy, received its name from the Gores, an old family once resident, and through the marriage of Capt Henry Alsager- Pollock to Miss Gore passed to the Pollocks, from whom it was purchased by Mr T Johnson-Smyth JP on whose death it was sold to Mr M Armstrong, who now resides there.
The Gore family fell victim to a robbery in 1796.
Northern Star extracts:
28 11 – 02 12 1796
Dec 2 1796 A few days ago the house of Mr Gore, near Glenavy was entered, late in the evening by a number of men, under the pretence of having warrants against the United Irishmen, they then tyed (sic) the whole family, plundered the house and carried off about seventy guineas in cash, some plate and clothes.
09 – 12 Dec 1796 page 3
Robbery and Reward
Whereas on Monday night the 28th of November about the hour of 9 o’clock a number of armed villains entered the dwelling house of W Gore of Ballymacricket near Glenavy and after using the most violent threats and imprecations bound the family and drove them together into a small apartment and then demanded the keys which was instantly complied with. After robbing the house of money, place, arms and various other articles to a very considerable amount they returned to the room where the family were bound and robbed Mr Gore of all the cash he had upon him, and a “fo” of a valuable silver watch with gold hands and maker name Thomas McCabe, Belfast. Now we whose names are whereunto subscribed holding in just abhorrence such a daring outrage do promise to pay the several sums annexed to our respective names, to the person or persons, who shall within twelve calendar months from the date hereof discover and prosecute to conviction, all or any of the villains concerned in said robbery; and is case any of the persons so concerned shall inform upon or their accomplices, so that he or they shall be convicted of the robbery aforesaid, such person or persons shall not only be entitled to said reward, but application will be made for his or their pardon. Dated 05 12 1796
(names and reward offered in guineas)
James Watfon 20,Rowley Heyland 20,William Smith 20,Doherty Gorman 10,Robert Johnston 10,James Agnew 10,Roger Moore 6,W T Skeffington 5 (?)’James Moore 5, Nicholas Oakman 5, Francis Whitla 5, Val Whitla 5, John Dickey 5, John Leatham 5, Conway McNiece 5, James Slaone 5, Hans Campbell 5, John Murray 5, Edward H Murray 5, Edward Byrne Snr 5, Edward Byrne jun 5, Henry Clenaghan 5, Robert Russell 5, Cornelius Carleton 5, Henry Bell 5, William McCance 5, Samuel delacherois 5, John Russell 5, Joseph Redmond 5, John Oakman 3, William Oakman 3, James Whittle 3, Allen Murray 3, Alex Williamson 3, Henry Munro 3, Robert Duncan 3, Campbell and Gilmore 2, Henry Casey 2, James Barber 2, Walter Oakman Jnr 2, Walter Fulton 2, John Morgan 2, Hugh Morgan 2, James Morgan 2, William Crangle 2, John? 2, Moses Whiteside 2, Henry Garret 2, Henry Fowler 2, James Fowler 2, John Kelsey 2, James Higginson 2, James Greer 2, William Garet 2, Daniel Bary 1, Hugh Casey 1, John Devlin 1, John McQuillan 1, James Creany 1, David McWilliam 1, David Neeson 1, David Gordon 1, George Johnston 1, James Murray 1, Edward Quigley 1, Oliver Sloane 1, Arthur Byrtt 1,Daniel McClure 1, Archibald McIrvel 1, Clements Nettleton 1, William Montgomery 1, Hugh McClure 1, James Harper 1, William Nettleton 1, Leonard Donald 1, Andrew McCartney 1, John Bryan 1, David Drennan 1, William Leatham 1, George Leatham 1, William Young 1, John McIlvena 1,James McConnel 1, John Nixon 1, William Heany 1, William Gore Snr 1, William Gore jnr 1, Stafford Gorman 10, William Greg 10, John Greg 5. Total 359
The following entries appear in the Coleraine Chronicle births, death and marriage index
17 02 1855 At St Plave’s Church, York, Feb 6th by the Rev H Fendall, Capt Henry Pratt Gore, 6th Regiment, son of the late William Gore Esq, of GoreMount, County Antrim to Emma Sarah Clough, daughter of the late Edward Clough Taylor, Esq., of Kirkham Abbey in the County of York.
61- 170
14 09 1861 at the private chapel of the Chateau de Boullage in Brittany, the seat of Sir Wm R Codrington, on the 30th Ult, Major James Pollock Gore of the 1st Royal Regiment, native of the County of Antrim to Amelia 2nd daughter of Sir William and Lady Codrington.
Anna Gore 03 04 1869 at Holywood on the 1st Inst, Anna, widow of the late William Gore, Esq of Goremount, County Antrim, aged 84 years.
Gore, Henry Pratt 19 09 1863 at York on the 5th inst, Major Henry Pratt Gore, 6th Royal Regiment of foot, 4th son of the late William Gore, Esq, Goremount, County Antrim aged 38 years.
The following is an entry in “Who was Who 1916 – 1928”
Lt Col Arthur Williamson Alsager Pollock, retired, late Major the Prince Albert’s (Somersetshire L.I.) born 03 07 1853, o.s of late Major W P Pollock, R.A; m 1881 Edith Laura d. of Copleston Lopes Radcliffe, Derriford, Devon. One s. of two d. Education: Shrewsbury: BNC. Oxford. Served S African Campaigns, 1878 -79 (medal with clasp), and Suakin 1885 (medal with 2 clasps & Bronze star); special correspondent of the Times in the Boer War; editor United Service Magazine 1898 – 1920; conducted the training of the Spectator Experimental Company March to Sept 1906; appointed to command 10th (Service) Battalion King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 19 09 1814; Commanded the battalion of the Battle of Loos 25 – 26 Sept 1915; invalidated home on account of gas poisoning, subsequently attended to various units to assist in training; served on the lines of communication in France June 1917 – Jan 1919 (despatches).
Publications: with 7 generals in the Boer War; Simple lectures for Company field training; elementary Military training; Lord Roasterns campaign in North – Eastern France; In the Cockpit of Europe; has contributed to many magazines and newspapers.
Recreations: (formerly) hunting, shooting and rowing; rowed in B.N.C. Torpid 1873 & 1874
Address: Eastway, Bishop’s Waltham, Hants.
Clubs: Junior United Service
Died 02 07 1923
Freehold Registrations, 1831
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 30th September 1831 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast on the 24th October, 1831.
No. 154
Name and Residence of Applicant: Henry Morgan, Ballymacricket
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Ballymacricket
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 162
Name and Residence of Applicant: John Neilson, Corbally
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Ballymacricket and Aghnakimmoney
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 168
Name and Residence of Applicant: Wm. John Sloan, Ballymacricket
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Ballymacricket
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
John Thompson, Insolvent
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 29th Jan 1841 and is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
In the matter of John Thompson, an Insolvent. To be sold by public auction, on Monday the 15th day of February next, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon of the said day, at the Office of Daniel McDonnell, Solicitor, Belfast (pursuant to the resolution of the Creditors), the said Insolvent’s Interest in all that portion of Land, held under the Marquis of Hertford, from year to year, situate at ballymacricket, near Glenavy, containing nine acres and a half, subject to the yearly rent of £10 4s 6d payable half yearly: and, also, that farm of land in Aghadalgan, also near Glenavy, held by lease, from the said Marquis of Hertford, for the life of Robert Oakman, containing twelve acres and a half, subject to the yearly rent of £14 11s 8d payable half yearly: on the latter farm are erected very comfortable Dwelling houses and suitable offices.
Dated 22nd January 1841.
Daniel McDonnell, Attorney for the Assignee, No 77 Upper Dominick Street, Dublin and Belfast.
Arthur Hamill, assignee, John Devlin, Auctioneer.
Letter on E-bay

Letter to Mrs Gore, page one
Some years ago a letter appeared on E-Bay for sale. It was a letter addressed to Mrs. Gore, Goremount, Glenavy, County Antrim, Ireland via Marseilles.
The letter was described as: “1855 entire wrapper with superb full letter describing the awful conditions the Army was suffering at Sebastopol. Franked with three 1d red-brown SC Perf. 14 issues addressed to Glenavy, Ireland, each cancelled by a London numeral handstamp and struck on reverse with the black BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE c.d.s. for 19th May 1855. Most attractive.” It was on for sale at £275.
The first page read:
Camp before Sebastopol,
18th May, 1855Dearest Moore,
Since I last wrote we have had some very inclement weather here for five or six days it absolutely
poured in torrents. The camp presented the most quaint and forlorn appearance possible. It would have
been quite laughable well if not for the sufferings of the unfortunate men who were absolutely lying in
mud and water, many of the tents were swept down altogether and all of them were inundated for
nothing was proof against that rain. I do not exaggerate in the least when I say that to take one step out
of the tent was nearly to the knee in mud and water, and such mud as I never saw before so adhesive
that it required great care not to have one’s boots behind them – in fact the whole encampment was one
vast quagmire – those Regts were lucky who had huts but they were precious few indeed for certainly
three fourths of the Army is under canvas -some very absurd ? took place during this inundation, a few
of our officers had excavated to the depth of some three feet or more under their tents in order to have
more room but the night after this rain let in, the water rushed in upon them filled up the whole space
and obliged them to bolt instantly leaving all their effects swimming about until morning: I got less wet
in my tent than most others for I respected it was a bad plan and dig out and I rather raised the inside so
that the mud and water did not come much underneath as the ? round prevented it but it came through
the canvas of course plentifully on the windward side. The duty in the trenches was not very jolly
during this inundation for we had to stand n many places over the knees in water. I spent 24 hours there
on guard during this downpour and was not in the least the worse for it. I find cold tea or coffee is by
far the best thing to drink on this duty for one becoming very thirsty from having to eat a good
deal of salt meat here. I always take down with me a little cask filled with tea ready ? I find it the
nicest thing possible for allowing thirst, a little brandy or rum also is necessary as one is apt to feel the
shivering and feel very cold sometimes when wet through. I find the large flask you gave me long ago
very useful it holds such a lot if does for two or three. It is astonishing how soon everything dries up
here, the rain has been over for the last day or two and now the ground is quite dry there in most places
for the sun has ……

Letter to Mrs Gore, envelope front

Letter to Mrs Gore, envelope back
I have tried to locate the current location of these old documents but I have been unsuccessful. If
anyone has any knowledge of the present location of this item or any similar items from this family
please do get in contact The Digger at
Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)
County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Parish of Glenavy
Column 1 : | Number and letters of Reference to map |
Column 2 : | Occupiers |
Column 3 : | Immediate Lessors |
Column 4 : | Description of Tenement |
Column 5 : | Area |
Not included – | Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property |
Townland: Ballymacricket Ordnance Survey map number: 58 & 63 |
1 | Henry A. Pollock | Marquis of Hertford | House, Offices,Land | 46 02 20 |
2 | Jane Sloane | same | House, Office,Land | 12 01 15 |
3 | Thomas Cardwell | same | House,Offices,Land | 05 01 16 |
4a | Longford Geddis | same | House,Offices,Land | 64 03 04 |
4b | Robert Hunter | Longford Geddis | House | – |
5 | Charles KeyLand | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,Land | 09 03 33 |
6a | R.C. Chapel & burial ground | see exemptions | ||
6b | Male and Female National School | House | see exemptions | |
7 | Thomas Bell | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,Land | 04 01 15 |
8 | same | same | same | 17 02 14 |
7a | Margaret Higginson & Bernard Corry |
Thomas Bell | House | – |
9 | Jacob Thompson | Marquis of Hertford | Office,Land | 11 00 24 |
10a | same | same | same | 10 01 34 |
9a | Eliza Thompson | Jacob Thompson | House, Garden | 00 02 20 |
10b | James Johnston | same | House, Garden | 00 03 00 |
11 | Francis Scott | Marquis of Hertford | House, Land | 02 02 12 |
12 | William J. Heany | James Heany | House, Land | 02 00 12 |
25b | same | same | same | – |
13 | Robert Peel | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,Land | 07 02 10 |
14 | Evans Bell | same | House,Land | 04 01 26 |
15 | Daniel Allen | Evans Bell | Land | 03 02 14 |
16 | William Heany (Wm) | Marquis of Hertford | House, Land | 04 02 36 |
17b | same | same | same | 00 00 24 |
17a | Patrick Heany | same | House,Office,Land | 08 00 26 |
18 | same | same | same | 02 00 02 |
19 | James Heany (Taylor) | same | House,Office,Land | 03 02 04 |
20 | John Patterson | same | House,Offices,Land | 08 02 22 |
21 | Rev. George Pye | same | House,Offices,Land | 05 02 28 |
6c | same | Free | House,Office | – |
22 | Thomas Herdman | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,Land | 05 02 28 |
23 | Marquis of Hertford | In fee | House,Office,Land | 03 00 24 |
24 | James Heany | Peter McLearnan | Land | 00 02 00 |
25 | same | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,Land | 06 00 08 |
26 | Henry Morgan | same | Land | 03 00 24 |
27 | James Hull | same | House,Office,Land | 17 00 23 |
28 | Murty Lavery | same | House,Offices,Land | 11 00 15 |
29 | William McKee | same | House,Offices,Land | 10 02 34 |
30 | John Hull | same | House,Office,Land | 05 03 28 |
31 | John Morgan (Henry) | same | House,Land | 02 00 34 |
32a | John Morgan sen. | same | House,Office,Land | 05 03 38 |
32b | John Morgan jun. | John Morgan sen. | House | – |
33 | Maria KeyLand | Marquis of Hertford | Land | 02 03 04 |
34 | Thomas McEleavy | same | Land | 23 00 31 |
34a | James McVeigh | Thomas McEleavy | House,Forge | – |
34b | John McMahon | same | House | – |
34c | John Turner | same | House | – |
34d | Unoccupied | same | House | – |
34e | Charlotte Doherty | same | House | – |
Total of Rateable Property | 334 02 22 | |||
Exemptions | ||||
6a | Free | RC Chapel & Burial Ground | 01 00 21 | |
6b | Male & Female National SchoolHouse | – | ||
Total exemptions | 01 00 21 | |||
Total including exemptions | 335 03 03 |
Mark of Respect for Thomas Johnston Smyth, Esq
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 11th March 1865 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
Mark of Respect – it having become known in Glenavy and the neighbourhood, that Thomas Johnston Smyth, Esq., son of the rev. Edward Johnston Smyth, the respected vicar of the parish, had purchased Goremount, the residence of the late Captain H.A. Pollock, a large number of friends, anxious to testify their respect towards him, determined to assist him in ploughing the farm. On Thursday morning last 56 well-appointed ploughs appeared on the ground, and commenced the work in earnest. The day was most favourable, being everything that could be desired, and the ploughmen seemed to vie with each other as to who could do the most work, and in the best style. Between twelve and one o’clock dinner was prepared in one of the large lofts on the premises. There was an abundance of choice beef, ham, bread, als &c. Ample justice having been done to the good things provided by Mr. Smyth, they commenced the work again, and at about half-past five o’clock had the whole of the ground required turned over in good style. A large number of friends were present during the day among whom we noticed George P. Johnston, Esq., Ballymacash; Mr. John Oakman, Mr. William McConnell, Cherryvalley; Mr. John Hall, Deerpark; Mr. Wm Fitzgerald, Tunny; Mr. Charters, Glendona; Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald, Ballyvannon; Mr. John Bullick, Bellsgrove; Mr. Robert Higgins on, Mr. Wm. John Ingram, Mr. James Larmour, Edenvale; Mr. Wm John Higginson, Mr. Arthur Armstrong, Mr. Wm Ingram, Mr. Langford Geddis, Furze Lodge; Mr. Wm Gregory, Mr. John Johnston, &c. It must be very gratifying to Mr. Smyth to receive so substantial a mark of respect from so large a circle of friends, particularly as the season is so far advanced. The parties all separated in the evening, wishing Mr. Smyth long life and happiness in his new farm.
Furze Lodge for sale
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard 30 November 1889
To be sold by private contract Furze Lodge and lands, Ballymacricket, Glenavy. Containing 64 acres 1 rood all in grass for many years, with 8 acres in permanent meadow. William Neill, auctioneer and Valuator, Church View, Lisburn.
The Wreckers
The following is an extract from “Glenavy The Church of the Dwarf 1868 – 1968” by Rev. Patrick J. Kavanagh.
During the dark days of the early eighteenth century Mass was also celebrated on a hill in Ballymacrickett where, just as in the Largy there was a good view. Sometime around the 1760’s probably, this too was elevated into a “Mass-house.” It stood there until 1798 when seven or eight locals who called themselves “The Wreckers” lived up to their name. There seems to have been an organised plan of destruction as around the same time the old churches or “Mass-houses” of the Rock, Derryaghy, Aghagallon and Ballinderry were also destroyed.
The poverty of the priests and people during the nineteenth century is almost impossible to believe in our more affluent days. Fr. Crangle was Parish Priest at the time of “the wrecking” and he is the first of the priests of the parish who emerges from the records as a person of flesh and blood, and not just as a name on a tombstone. He was a native of Sheepland in Dunsford and was ordained at home before going abroad, as was the custom, and studied at the College of Vadastus in Douai getting the degree of B. Philos. at the University there. In 1783 he returned to Ireland and worked in Belfast, and on May 25. 1787, came to Glenavy. He had a brother who lived at Darachrean-indeed this is still known as “Crangle’s Hill”-and the priest lodged with his brother. On Aug. 20, 1802. he got 13 guineas compensation for the damage caused to the church, and Fr. Devlin of Derryaghy got 12 guineas. It was Fr. Crangle who re-erected the church at Chapel Hill. Ballymacrickett, which is described as “a neat modern building measuring 60 feet by 30 feet.” It was used until the erection of the present building. There is another story that Fr. Crangle lived in a house which formed part of the church, but whether this was an interim measure while the new church was being built or not it is now impossible to say. It is possible that he feared “the Wreckers” might one day return. The old chapel was of stone, roofed with thatch, and probably had an earthen floor. Fr. Crangle died in 1813 or 1814 and was buried beside it. The position of his grave is roughly about the position of the sacristy door in the present building.
On Palm Sunday, and at other times when the priest could not conveniently celebrate two Masses, it was customary to say Mass at a place called “The Gulf,” on the bank of Lough Neagh, which was nearly central for the two congregations, but this custom had to be stopped because of disturbance by Orange mobs. When the Catholics ceased using the Mass-house at Thompson’s they used to assemble for Mass at a store-house in Ballyginniff. This was a long building with thick walls covered with ivy and surrounded by trees. Mr. McClure who later owned this property found human bones in the vicinity. Fr. Crangle as well as building the church in Ballymacrickett, built a small chapel in the townland of Ballyquillin which was later enlarged into the present church.
The date of the erection of this old chapel is not known. The building in Ballymacrickett was completed by Fr. Crangle in 1802. From the time of the “wrecking” Mass had been said among its ruins.
Change of Polling Place
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald dated Saturday March 30th 1929.
Representation of the People’s Acts
County of Antrim.The Antrim County Council hereby give notice
that they have applied to the Ministry of Home Affairs (N.I.)
for their confirmation to a scheme adopted by the Council at a Special Meeting held on 25th March, 1929, providing for the rearrangement of certain polling places throughout the county….Polling district affected: Glenavy
Alterations: Polling place to be in the townland of Ballymacricket instead of the town land of Glenavy.
The Railway Hotel
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald Saturday June 29th 1929.
That old established house “The Railway Hotel” Lisburn has reopened its bars under the management of the proprietress Mrs Christina Armstrong. Those favouring it with their patronage will, we feel sure, receive civility, coupled with quality, and we are glad that one of the old landmarks of our town has again resumed business after being closed owing to the death of the Lessee.
The Late Mrs Armstrong
The Lisburn Standard Friday — June 26 1936 extract
Death of well-known Local lady
Late Mrs ArmstrongWe regret to record the demise of Mrs Armstrong at the Railway Hotel, Lisburn, widow of the late Mr Michael P Armstrong, Goremount, Glenavy who passed away last weekend after a long illness. Deceased who was a daughter of the late Mr William O’Hara, Aghnagallon, was very highly respected. She was a lady of many attainments and accomplishments, and during her residence in the Glenavy district was noted for her charitableness and kindness, her generosity being extended to all creeds. Of a graceful and pleasant disposition, she had many admirers in all walks of life, and her death is deeply regretted.
After Requiem Mass at St Patrick’s, Lisburn which was celebrated by her favourite relative, Rev Father Celeus, CP, Mount Argus, Dublin, the remains were removed on Tuesday for interment in the family burying ground at Glenavy, the large funeral cortege being composed of relatives, friends and the general public, the latter being thoroughly representative of all creeds and classes. The funeral was of a private nature, and had it been public it would surely have been the largest seen leaving the Catholic Church here for some years.
At St Joseph’s Church, Glenavy, the remains were met by Rev D McEvoy, PP, Glenavy, and were conveyed into the church where a short service was held, in the course of which Father McEvoy delivered a most eloquent panegyric, when he referred to the many sterling qualities possessed by the deceased, which were admired and endorsed by all, as he had known her over a long number of years.
The chief mourners were:- William P Armstrong (son), Basil Gallivan and Lawrence Robinson (grandsons), Daniel McLarnon and JD Robinson (sons in law), William P O’Hare Bangor (nephew), Rev Peter Madden CC, Rev Fred Burns PP, Rev D Davey CC,Richard McIlroy Dublin (Father Celeus’ father), William Graham JP, P Madden, C Mooney,Wm O’Hara, Dr G Giles Belfast, Dr J Connor The Mount Belfast, J McLaverty, Peter McCurry MRCVS, C McCurry, D O’Hara, P O’Hara and Dan O’Hara, Masters Cahal McManus and Sheamus Callaghan (relatives).
The clergy present included: Very rev Canon O’Boyle PP, VF Lisburn, Rev F Small PP, Rev D McEvoy PP Glenavy, Rev Fr McNamara, PP Ligoneil, Rev John Clenaghan OM Dublin, Rev J Clenaghan PP Belfast, Rev Geo Clenaghan Belfast, Rev Vincent Davey PP Antrim, Rev J Armstrong CC Holy Rosary Belfast, Rev Malachy McSorley CC, Rev Fr Ivory CC Lisburn, Rev John McSparran, Adm Belfast and Rev M O’Hare.
The friends of the deceased present at the funeral were – Mr William McIlroy JP Hilden, Dr Hunter Crumlin, Captain Robinson, Messrs J McSorley, T Travers, Wm Clenaghan, T Clenaghan, Patrick O’Boyle, Wiliam Fleming, Michael McAlister, Dr William Robinson, Dr Neil Robinson, D Robinson, James Robinson MPS, John McAlister, C O’Boyle, John Morgan, H Creeney, D Callivan Dublin LDS, B Gallivan, Andy O’Connor and P McLornan, Dr McSorley, Dr Fred McSorley, Maurice McGrath LDS, Dr McHugh, Dr Smyth, Dr Bell, J Mulholland, J Creaney and J Wilson.
Mr Charles Morrison, Main Street, Crumlin had charge of the funeral arrangements.
Grass for Cutting
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 27th July 1956
Grass for cutting – 7 acres, Ballymacricket, Glenavy. Apply Patrick Montague, Auctioneer, 13 Divis Street, Belfast. Phone 21912
St Joseph’s (RC) Church, Glenavy
The following can be found in the book “Buildings of County Antrim” by C.E.B. Brett published in 1996, page 63, no 60. Includes a photograph by M. O’Connell.
Situated at Ballymacricket crossroads, south west of Glenavy village. Town land – Ballymacricket.
Story of a letter posted in Glenavy almost 174 years ago

1834 letter from Mr J Stewart to Mr George S Boulton
The Glenavy we know today bears no resemblance to the village in the mid 1830’s and neither do the court sentences handed out by the local magistrates.
In January 1835 we read that Elizabeth Braddell was found guilty of the theft of a bonnet and chemise at Lisburn, the property of Eliza McArevy. There would be no mercy shown and she was imprisoned for nine months and given hard labour in the House of Correction.
On 4th January 1835 the first fair in 25 years took place in Glenavy. We read in the Belfast Newsletter that the exertions of the Rev. Dean Stannus, William Gregg, Fortesque Gregg, Captain William Bell of Bellbrook and other ‘gentlemen of property in the neighbourhood would hopefully lead to the most favourable prospects of success’.
Read more of this story at Story of a letter posted in Glenavy almost 174 years ago.
St Joseph’s Gaelic Athletic Club, Glenavy

St Joseph’s GAC, Glenavy
Gaelic football has been played in the Glenavy area since 1899. The first club was “Owen Roes” and records show that it participated in competitions up until about 1916-17. The present club, can trace its foundation to its birth in 1942 when locals, including Dan Cardwell, Kevin Cinnamond, Joe Ayre, Bobby Heatley, John and Paddy O’Neill, Felix Mulholland, Donald Jordan, Tom Fleeton, and Joe McGarry enlisted the support of the then local curate Fr. O’Hare. The Club was to be formally known as St Joseph’s Glenavy. In 1943 the club played in the South Antrim Junior League sporting blue shirts the clubs first colours!
Read more information history about this club on their website at
Heatley Family Photos
The following photographs appear with permission of Carol Appleyard. Carol can be contacted at

Carol’s great grandfather and grandmother James Joseph and Mary Louisa (nee Howley) Heatley, originally from Belfast and Dublin respectively.
They settled with their large family on Chapel Hill and they died within a week of each other in 1956.

James Joseph Heatley and
Anne Jane Courtney on their wedding day in July 1931
St. Joseph’s Glenavy

James Joseph Heatley from
Chapel Hill, Glenavy.
He was a merchant seaman and was
killed whilst docked
in Antwerp in 1948.
He left behind a wife and 11 children, the youngest of whom
was only a few
months old

James Joseph Heatley
1913 – 1948
Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green

Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green published in The Antrim Guardian, 27 November 2014
Almost two hundred years ago James Green from the parish of Ballinderry Parish, County Antrim married Nancy Cardwell in her native parish of Glenavy Parish. That was in September 1817 in the new parish church building in Glenavy village which had been the resting place to many of the Cardwell ancestors, from at least the early 18 th century.
A lack of records and scant details of those that survive from this period inhibit the researcher when attempting to establish the exact origin of the bride and groom on this occasion.
An American biographer, R.H.W. Peterson, compiled a sketch of James Green and his family and he informs the reader that James was the son of a Methodist minister called John and his wife Lizzie, born on 8th January, 1791. At the age of 19 he had lost both parents and in 1822 he and his wife left these shores for America, arriving in New York after 86 days at sea.