Freehold Registration
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 30th June, 1829 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
County of Antrim
List of persons applying to Register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be held at Belfast, for the Division of Carrickfergus, in the said County pursuant to the Act of 10th George the Fourth, Cap.8, entered by the Clerk of the Peace.
No: 55
Name and Residence of Applicant: George Quigly, Ballycessy
Description of Freehold: House and lands Ballycessy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No: 56
Name and Residence of Applicant: Edward Cardell, Ballycessy
Description of Freehold: House and land Ballycessy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No: 61
Name and Residence of Applicant: Banister Quigly, Ballycessy
Description of Freehold: House and lands Ballycessy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Birth Extract – 1872 – Scott
The following is an extract from the birth register – U1872/4/1001/3/208.
The birth of a female on 25th July 1872,was registered on 26th July 1872 by a Jane Kinnear, at Ballycessy, Glenavy. She was unable to write her name and made her mark in the register. The child was the daughter of William Scott, a labourer, and Sarah Scott (nee Harbinson).
It is believed this child died shortly after birth. William and Sarah were married at Glenavy Parish Church on 16th July 1870. They had two other children – Margaret Scott (1875 – U1875/144/1018/4/211 refers) and William Thomas Scott (1884 – U1884/4/1001/8/18 refers). William and Sarah relocated to Ballypitmave after 1872.
Landed Estates records
Sir Richard Wallace – Consolidated Final Notice to land owners and occupiers. 24th October 1877
I have been given copies of printed landed estates records still in possession of local families.
Unfortunately they have "seen better days." I have transcribed as much of the document as possible.

The 1877 estate map of Sir Richard Wallace showing part of Ballysessy and Ballyvollen
(Notice No.1, Map no 1 –Camlin…)
Landed Es…..
Consolidated Final Notice… Owners and Occupiers.
In the matter of the Estate of Sir Richard Wallace, Bart, and M.P., Owner and Petitioner.
To all whom it may Concern.
The Landed Estates Court, Ireland, has ordered the title of the said Sir Richard Wallace to (amongst others) the towns, lands, hereditaments, and premises hereinafter mentioned to be investigated, and a Judicial Declaration made thereon, that the said Sir Richard Wallace has a good and sufficient title to the towns and lands of Aughnadarragh, otherwise… Ballydonaghy (part of), Ballysessy otherwise Ballycessy (part of),… Ballyvollin, Gobrana otherwise Gobb (part of), Landgarve (part of)… 0 roods and 5 perches statute measure, and all situate in the Barony…… Parish of Camlin, and County of Antrim, all held in fee simple, and which… agreements for lease, rights of common, rights of turbary, rights of way, and other rights and casements set forth in the schedule hereto.
If any person alleges that he has any interest in said premises, not derived under said leases, agreements, or tenancies, or that his interest is incorrectly stated, or claims any right of common, or of cutting turf, right of way, or other easement affecting any of the said lands, and not admitted in the said schedule, or any objection to the boundaries as delineated on the said map, he must lodge his objection, in writing, with the Clerk of the records of the said Court, on or before the 22nd day of December next, otherwise his interest will be barred and concluded by said Judicial Declaration; and said map will be treated as conclusive and binding on all persons whoever. And such objection must be verified by affidavit, entitled as above, and sworn, if out of Dublin, before one of the Commissioners to administer Oaths in Chancery, and transmitted under cover, sealed with the seal of the said Commissioners.
And Notice is also given to the Owners and Occupiers of adjoining… that I have fixed Wednesday, the 16th day of January next, at my Char… Estates Court, Inn’s-quay, for the settlement of the Rental of said Prem… person interested is at liberty to attend.
Dated this 24th day of October 1877.
F.L. James McDonnell,…
Longfield, Davidson & Kelly,
Having Carriage of said Order.
62 Upper Sackville –street, Dublin; and Dungannon
Rights of Way, and other Easements, admitted to exist.
The glebe house and lands attached thereto, and Glenavy National School-house, situated in this townland, are included in the contents of this notice, and will be included in the Declaration of Title.The right of the public to use the roads marked on the said map "County Road" will be preserved in the Declaration of Title.
The Declaration will include a right for the owner and his tenant on this townland to use a right of way on foot, and for horses, cars, cattle, &c., through the grounds of the Dublin and Antrim Junction Railway Company at the place lettered H on map No 1 in this townland, as a means of access to his holding from the county road; also a similar right of way across the said railway and railway ground at place lettered I and J on said map in this townland as a means of access to the tenant’s holding from the county road at I; also a similar right of way across the said railway at the place lettered K on said map in this townland, as a means of access to the tenant’s holding; also a similar right of way across said railway at the place lettered L on said map in this townland, as a means of access to the respective tenants’ holdings.
The Declaration will also include a right for the owner and his tenant to use a way for cattle along the gripe of said railway between the points lettered M N on said map in this townland.The right claimed by the said railway company to the portions of this townland coloured yellow and numbered 1 and 2 on said map No. 1 in this townland, is denied, and such portions will be included in, and the title thereto will be declared discharged therefrom.
The other portion of this townland in the possession of the said Dublin and Antrim Junction Railway Company is not included in the contents of this notice, and will be excluded from the declarations of title.
The right as at present exercised by the respective tenants of holdings No.5 & 5a and 7 & 7a, and 22 & 22a, of passing over the said railway between said respective numbers, held by them respectively, will be preserved.
Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: John Oakman
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £28 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 22a 3r 16p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: William John Ingram
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £98 4s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 74a 0r 19p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: Arthur Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £13 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 12a 3r 1p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: George Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £7 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 7a 1r 32p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: George Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £12 16s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 12a 2r 4p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: William John Bell
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £16 2s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 15a 2r 33p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: James Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £13 7s 4d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 12a 3r 33p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: James Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £1 5s 5d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 10a 1r 18p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: James Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £8 12s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 7a 1r 24p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: Widow Ellen Miller
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £19 15s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 17a 0r 38p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: Rev E.J. Smith
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £18 15s 11d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 18a0r 16p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: Rev. E.J. Smith
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: –
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 1r 20p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November. The rent payable for this holding is included in the rent of £9 14s. set opposite this tenant’s name at his holding of 7a 1r 31p in the townland of Glenavy, being tenancy No. 6a and 6b therein.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: David Ferguson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £15 0s 3d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 1r 5p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: Andrew Larmour (as …..)
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £0 1s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 2r 22p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £1 11s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 2r 24p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £3 1s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 3r 35p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £15 12s 3d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 12a 3r 4p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £1 6s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 1r 23p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £15 0s 9d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 16a 3r 28p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 2nd day of March, 1801 from Francis Marquis of Hertford to William Gorman, for the life of George Thompson, the younger, or for the term of 21 years from the 1st day of November, 1800, at the yearly rent of £14 19s 6d., with 14s 11d. yearly for receiver’s salary; and at the additional rent of £2 19s yearly in case of assignment (save as therein mentioned) without consent of lessor. The acreage given in the lease is 15a.0r 27p.; the quantity here stated is taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report. The amount stated in the rent column includes 13s 9d for receiver’s salary, and 10s. 6d. for tithe rent-charge payable for this holding.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £2 6s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 3r 16p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £3 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 1a 2r 35p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: unreadable
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: –
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 1a 3r 20p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 1st day of November, 1830 from Francis Charles Marquis of Hertford to John Moore Johnson, for the lives and life of Thompson Corken, William John Johnson, and Thompson Moore Johnson, at the yearly rent of £33 12s 10d., with £1 12s 4d. yearly for receiver’s salary, and at the additional rent of £6 yearly in case of assignment (save as therein mentioned) without the consent of lessor. The lease describes the premises as "all that parcel of land situate in the townland of Glenavy and Ballycessey, containing 36a 3r 38p., as more particularly described on the plan drawn on the margin of this lease," but, according to the present townland boundaries, the premises so demised are situate partly in three townlands – namely, 18a 1r 21p in the townland of Glenavy, being tenancy no 3a therein; 15a 3r 23p in the townland of Ballydonaghy, being tenancy no 36 therein, and only 1r and 20p in this townland, and the amount of £31 8s set opposite said tenancy. No 3a in the townland of Glenavy, includes the rent payable by this tenant for this holding. The quantities here stated are taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report.Number on map: 18a
Tenants’ Names: William John Johnson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £1 10s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 1r 19p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 19
Tenants’ Names: Mary Jane Morgan
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £1 6s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 1a 1r 19p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 20
Tenants’ Names: William Dobson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £3 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 1a 2r 23p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 21 & 21a
Tenants’ Names: William Bell Quigley
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £9 11s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 8a 0r 36p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 22 & 22a
Tenants’ Names: George Quigley
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £24 13s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 22a 0r 0p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from Year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November. The amount stated in the rent column includes the rent payable by this tenant for his holding of 1a in the townland of Glenavy being tenancy no 5 therein.Number on map: 23
Tenants’ Names: William J. Johnston
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: –
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 1r 6p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 12th day of July, 1861 from Richard Marquis of Hertford to William John Johnston, for the ter…… the 1st November 1860 at the yearly rent of £…… for receiver’s salary; the lease describes the pre…ing 4a 2r 1p all in the townland of Glenavy… to the present townland boundaries 1r and 6p… land,and the residue – viz., 4a 0r 30p is in the… of Glenavy, being tenancy No 3 therein, and… £9 9s set opposite said last mentioned tenan… and receiver’s salary payable by this tena… The quantity here stated is taken from the …… reportNumber on map: 8 (part of) & 9
Tenants’ Names: Commissioners of Church Temporalities
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £0 18s 5d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 3r 9p
Tenure of each Tenant: Fee-farm dated the 3rd of April 1816, from….of Hertford to Rev. Edward Cupples and…bents of the United Parishes of Glenavy,… For ever, as and for a Glebe for the said… yearly rent of £1. The deed gr….measure.Totals for townland
Yearly rent: £333 8s 6d
Quantity of Land Statute measure: 289a 2r 4p
Andrew Crealand Charged
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard dated Saturday March 30th 1889.
Crumlin Petty Sessions.
A young man named Andrew Crealand, of Ballysissy, (SIC) was charged by the police with carrying a gun upon the farm of Mrs. Wright, with whom he was employed as a servant.
Mr. Galway, supervisor of excise (assisted by Mr. Belshaw, division officer, Lisburn) prosecuted.
Defendant pleaded guilty to carrying the gun, but stated that it was, by his mistress’s orders, to frighten crows, and that he upon her farm.
The Chairman said, if that was so, he was quite justified; but Mr. Galway said that the mistress had no license, as she had no man to use the gun.
Mrs. Wright stated that there was no use in her getting a license, as she had no man to use the gun.
Mr. Galway said he could not help that, and advised her, amidst much amusement in the court, to get married, and get her husband to take charge of her and the gun.
The defendant was fined £2 10s.
Claim on Assets – Deceased Estate of Gilbert James Ervine
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated 20th February 1897.
Statutory Notice to Creditors
In the goods of Gilbert James Ervine, late of Ballysessy, Glenavy, in the County of Antrim, and 25 Shirbrook Street, in the City of Belfast, carpenter, supposed to be deceased.
All persons having claims on the assets of above deceased, who died, as is believed, on or about the 7th day of March 1887 at 2024, East Somerset Street, Philadelphia, United States of America, are required to furnish (in writing) on or before the 31st day of March next, the particulars of such claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the administrator of said deceased, and to whom letters of administration thereof were granted on the 11th day of December, 1896.
Dated this 17th day of February, 1897.
G B Wilkins Solicitor
4 Upper Ormond Quay
Dublin and Market Square, Lisburn
Robert Mc Veigh & Brothers
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated January 1st 1898
Notice to contractors – Robert Mc Veigh & Broths, Ballycessey, Glenavy are prepared to execute all orders executed to them for breaking stones by steam crusher. Traction engine and breaker sent where required.
Trespass Case
Extract from the Lisburn Standard Saturday June 1st 1901
Trespass case at Crumlin Petty Sessions at eleven o’clock a.m. on Monday last.
Charles and John McVeigh, Ballycessy, summoned Andrew Rush for that on 24th March, and divers occasions in April, he permitted three head of black cattle to trespass on their (complainants’) lands and garden.
Mr. Berryhill, solicitor, Lisburn was for the complainant; and Mr. Maginess for the defence.
Mr. Maginess, at the opening of the case, raised a question of title, which was not upheld. He then contended that trespass had not been demanded by the complainant, but their Worships held that defendant should have tendered trespass. They omposed a penalty of 15s.
Alleged Assault
Alleged Assault at Crumlin Petty Sessions at eleven o’clock a.m. on Monday last.
Sarah Robinson, Ballycessy, summoned William Henry for, as alleged, assaulting her on 17th May.
Mr. Maginess, who appeared for the defence, applied for an adjournment for the production of a witness named Mrs. Henry.The application was acceded to.
Postcard of Ballysessy

Postcard showing Ballysessy area of Glenavy
Kindly provided by a friend
J.D. Martin & Co.
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard – Saturday July 13th 1901.
J.D. Martin & Co.’s Auction Sales.
15th – Hay, Ballycessy, Robert McVeigh, 6.
The Fairy Faith
The following is an extract from a book titled "The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries" by W. Y. Evans Wentz, first published in 1911.
Evidence from County Antrim
"At the request of Major R.G. Berry, M.R.I.A., of Richill Castle, Armagh, Mr. H. Henry Higginson, of Glenavy, County Antrim, collected all the material he could find concerning the fairy – tradition in his part of County Antrim, and sent to me the results, from which I have selected the very interesting, and, in some respects, unique tales which follow :-
The Fairies and the Weaver – Ned Judge, of Sophys Bridge was a weaver. Every night after he went to bed the weaving started of itself, and when re arose in the morning he would find the dressing which had been made ready for weaving so broken and entangled that it took him hours to put it right. Yet with all this drawback he got no poorer, because the fairies left him plenty of household necessaries, and whenever he sold a web (of cloth) he always received treble the amount bargained for.
Meeting Two Regiments of "Them" – William Megarry, of Ballinderry, as his daughter who is married to James Megarry, J.P., told me, was one night going to Crumlin on horseback for a doctor, when after passing through Glenavy he met just opposite the Vicarage two regiments of them (the fairies) coming along the road towards Glenavy. One regiment was dressed in red and one in blue or green uniform. They were playing music, but when they opened out to let him pass through the middle of them the music ceased until he had passed by."
Livingston vs Rush
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated 5th April 1913.
Crumlin Petty Sessions
Alleged assaultSarah Livingstone, Glenavy, summoned Thos. J. Rush, tailor, for, as alleged, assaulting her little daughter by beating her with a whip on 1st March.
Mr. W.G. Maginess, solicitor, appeared for the defence.
The case was dismissed, it being sworn that the defendant only chased the child for causing annoyance, and that he did not touch her.
Farm Sales
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard, Friday, January 9th, 1920
Sales by Auction
Aughnadarragh and Ballycessy, Glenavy
Two valuable Farms of Land
For Sale by Auction.We have been favoured with instructions from Mr. Thomas Steele (who is retiring from farming) to sell by auction, at our Mart, 25, Bow Street, Lisburn, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 13th January, 1920 at one o’clock.
Lot 1 – At that Valuable Farm of Land containing 26 Acres Statute Measure or thereabouts, situate in the Townland of Aughnadarragh, held under Irish Land Commission, subject to the yearly Annuity if £9 7s 4d.
There is a most comfortable dwelling house and the Office houses comprises byre, Stable, large Barn, Hay-shed, etc., all stated and in first-class repair.
Lot 2 – All that valuable farm of Land known as "the Home Farm", situate in the Townland of Ballycessy, containing 19½ acres, statute measure or thereabouts, held under Irish Land Commission, subject to the Yearly annuity of £10 5s.
There is a very comfortable dwelling house with all necessary Officehouses including 2 Horse Stable, byre for 4 cows, Potato House, Piggery; Fowl – house, etc., and all have been maintained in good order.
On Lot 1 there are three Orchards, and on Lot 2 there is a young Orchard, all are well stocked with Fruit Trees, which are very profitable and most remunerative.
The lands are of the very best quality, well fenced, drained and watered. Lot 1 is all in pasture, and Lot 2 under usual rotation of crops, one field having been ploughed, and the Meadow Lands have been heavily manured for this season’s Crops.
The Farm Lot 1 is situate one mile from Glenavy and one mile from Crumlin on the leading road, and Farm lot 2 is situate ten minutes walk from Glenavy Railway Station, 1½ miles from Crumlin on the main road, both Farms being about 12 miles from Belfast, and nine miles from Antrim.
For title and conditions of Sale, apply to
D. Barbour Simpson, Solicitor, Chichester Street, Belfast; and Lisburn.
W.S. Harvey & Sons.
Auctioneers, 47 Arthur Street, Belfast and Lisburn.
PRONI Will Calendars
The following information is taken from the will calendars in the PRONI and are reproduced with kind permission of Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Sarah Jane Ingram
(Glenavy Parish Church, Grave 165)
Date of Death 20 11 1906
Date of Grant 12 04 1907
Effects £335
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Sarah Jane Ingram late of Janeville Glenavy County Antrim Spinster who died 20 November 1906 were granted at Belfast to William Ingram Farmer
‘Seven sixteenths’ and Frank Leckey’s Lodge
"Under a spreading chestnut tree, The village smithy stands;
The smith a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands;
And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron brands "

Thomas Steele and Sons – one of the blacksmiths in Glenavy
The opening lines of a poem by Longfellow called "The Village Blacksmith" from an 1879 book used by schools in the district for reading practice.
The poem aptly describes a once familiar scene in most townlands in the district – the blacksmith’s shop. The sound of the bellows blowing and those synonymous with the forging of metal have been lost.
Read more of this story at ‘Seven sixteenths’ and Frank Leckey’s Lodge.
Jane Mitchell v David Mitchell
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard dated Friday 4th April 1930.
Crumlin Petty Sessions.
Wife and HusbandJane Mitchell, Ballycessy, told the Bench that her husband, David Mitchell, came home at 10:45pm on March 19, drunk; he started to fight, called her names, and carried on something terrible; he drove her and the three children out at 11 o’clock; he came out with a razor and threatened what he would not do. He abused her mother and father, to whose home she had to go.
On Monday, continued Mrs. Mitchell, her husband smashed everything in the house; he burned everything he could put his hands on and threw it in the river; he left her without anything at all. Her husband was a 100 per cent disabled ex soldier, and was in receipt of £2 17s 6d for life plus 5s9d National Health Insurance. They were married for 19 years coming Christmas.
A constable stated that defendant was constantly nearly half drunk.Plaintiff said she understood her husband had taken a boat on Wednesday night to England.
A maintenance order for 30s a week, dating from March 26 was granted.
David Mitchell was defendant in another case, brought by Eliza Kelly, Ballycessy, who summoned him for using abusive and threatening language towards her on March 19. Mrs. Kelly, and elderly woman, told the Bench she wanted peace to end her days. Defendant was bound to the peace for twelve months, himself in £5 and two sureties of £2 10s, or, in default, one month in jail.
Death Notice — Ingram
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown.
Ingram – November 27 1930 at his residence, Ballycessy, Glenavy, John Ingram, in his 88th year. The remains of my beloved father will be removed for interment in the family burying ground, Glenavy Churchyard tomorrow (Saturday) 29th inst., at 2 o’clock. Walter Ingram.
In 1901 census – John Ingram aged 58, was a farmer and a stone mason, residing with his wife Mary Ann, originally from County Tyrone. Their children Walter aged 14, John, 16 and Elizabeth,18 all lived with them at Ballycessy.
Dwelling for Sale
The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 23rd February 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.
Ballycessy, Glenavy. For sale by private Treaty. Attractive freehold small holding with neat cottage type dwelling, outbuildings and three tenant houses.
This desirable property is attractively situate adjoining Glenavy Village and contains 2 acres or thereabouts held free of rent. The neat single storied dwelling thereon is in sound structural repair and contains Entrance hall, Living Room, Sitting Room, Two Bedrooms and Scullery.
Mains electricity installed – main water available. Good range of outbuildings at rear – part two storied and slated. Also Three substantially built slated Dwellings – tenanted – rental £97 10s 6d. The Lands under pasture and garden – planted fruit trees – have a road frontage and are bounded by river.
Immediate possession will be given.
Keys for inspection with Mr. William Moore – adjoining. Apply:
David Mairs, Telephone 3128, Auctioneer and Valuer, 8 Bridge Street, Lisburn.
Objection to Roadhouse-hotel
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 19th September 1975 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Glenavy residents have expressed strong opposition to proposals by Mr. R.G. Gilbert for the erection of a roadhouse-hotel at Ballysessey, Glenavy, and have asked the planning authorities for a review on the application.
Councillor Patrick Ritchie, a member of Lisburn Borough Council and others from the area have been in ouch with local residents and the general feeling is that there is no need for the hotel. Opposition is unanimous from those who live close to the site.
Councillor Ritchie says local clergymen are worried at the prospect of additional opportunities for young people to drink and there are also traffic hazards.
He has called for the preservation and sustaining of rural and village communities. The location plan for the hotel shows four fields of prime agricultural land.
Planners have stated that future building in both Crumlin and Glenavy will be further limited by the fact that both lie in the flight path of the large supersonic airliners which will be using Aldergrove civil airport.
Councillor Ritchie says that several years ago the planners from another authority split the village in two when they built the A-26 road and in the years since the villagers have had to pay a heavy price for the lack of foresight.
He has asked the Planning Officer to reconsider his decision and on this occasion to pay heed to the voice of the people.
Glen Motors
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 28th November 1975 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
GLENAVY1974 Hillman Avenger Deluxe, Red.
18000 miles extra.1973 Morris Marine, Limeflower.
1970 Austin 1300 Faun Brown
One owner 42, 000 milesH.P. TERMS AVAILABLE
Phone Crumlin 52239
Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green

Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green published in The Antrim Guardian, 27 November 2014
Almost two hundred years ago James Green from the parish of Ballinderry, County Antrim married Nancy Cardwell in her native parish of Glenavy. That was in September 1817 in the new parish church building in Glenavy village which had been the resting place to many of the Cardwell ancestors, from at least the early 18 th century.
A lack of records and scant details of those that survive from this period inhibit the researcher when attempting to establish the exact origin of the bride and groom on this occasion.
An American biographer, R.H.W. Peterson, compiled a sketch of James Green and his family and he informs the reader that James was the son of a Methodist minister called John and his wife Lizzie, born on 8th January, 1791. At the age of 19 he had lost both parents and in 1822 he and his wife left these shores for America, arriving in New York after 86 days at sea.