World War 2 Identity Cards
During World War 2 National Registration Identity cards had to be carried. The following are cards carried by two residents in the Glenavy area.
National Registration Identity card (1) – issued to a resident of the Crew townland on 4th June 1943.

National Registration Identity card issued on 04/03/1943 to a resident of Crew

National Registration Identity card issued on 04/03/1943 to a resident of Crew
The notice on the rear of this card states:
- Always carry your Identity Card. You must produce it on demand by a Police Officer in uniform or member of H.M. Armed Forces in uniform on duty.
- You are responsible for this Card, and must not part with it to any other person. You must report at once to the local National Registration Office if it is lost, destroyed, damaged or defaced.
- If you find a lost identity Card or have in your possession a Card not belonging to yourself or anyone in your charge you must hand it in at once at a Police Station or National Registration Office.
- Any breach of these requirements is an offence punishable by a fine or imprisonment or both.
National Registration Identity card (2) – issued to a resident of the Crew townland on 20th May 1941. It was issued by the General Register Office, Fermanagh House, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast. The photograph in these cards were required to be certified a true photograph of the holder on the rear of the photograph by an official.

National Registration Identity card issued on 20/05/1941 to a resident of Crew

National Registration Identity card issued on 04/03/1943 to a resident of Crew
The notice on the rear of this card reads:
- This Identity card must be very carefully preserved. You are required to produce it on demand by a Police Constable in uniform or by a member of H.M. Armed Forces in uniform on duty.; and you may need it for other important purposes under the conditions of national emergency.
- You must not lose this Identity Cars, or allow it to be stolen or to pass into the hands of unauthorised persons or strangers. If, nevertheless, it is stolen or completely lost, you must report the fact in person at the local National Registration Office.
- You must not write or alter anything in this Identity Card. If you change your usual address you must give notice at the local National Registration Office, producing this card, and the particulars will be corrected officially.
- Anyone finding a lost Identity Card or having in his possession or on his premises an Identity Card which ought to have been delivered up must hand it in at once at a Police Station or National Registration Office. It is an offence, punishable by a fine or punishment, or both, not to do so.
VE Day Certificates
All children on VE day were issued with a certificate to celebrate victory. This one was given to a school child in Glenavy.
It reads:
8th June, 1946.
Today, as we celebrate victory, I send this personal message to you and all other boys and girls at school. For you have shared in the hardships and dangers of a total war and you have shared no less in the triumph of the Allied Nations.
I know you will always feel proud to belong to a country which was capable of such effort; proud, too, of parents and elder brothers and sisters who by their courage, endurance and enterprise brought victory. May these qualities be yours as you grow up and join in the common effort to establish among the nations of the world unity and peace.
George R.I.
The rear of the certificate contained Important War Dates and there was space at the bottom for each person to record their family’s war record.

WWII Victory Certificate

WWII Victory Certificate
Days Like This – Edward Bell
This link will take you to the BBC Radio Ulster where you can hear the story of an aircraft that crashed in this area during the Second World War. Edward Bell, a resident of the area, relates the story.
Listen to Edward at Days Like This – Edward Bell
Sergeant Ann Walker
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard dated Friday 18th July, 1947
Glenavy Girl
Guarded Prisoners at War Crimes TrialSergeant Ann Walker A.T.S. of Avey Cottage, Glenavy, County Antrim, who joined the ATS in 1941, is now a “Back stage” girl of the ATS Provost Company in BAOR. In all the large towns throughout the British Zone of occupation, ATS “Redcaps” daily patrol the streets and act as escorts at the numerous war crime trials now in progress.
Miss Walker is now at Rhine Army Headquarters, Bad Oeynhausen, where she is a sergeant clerk.
“Sometimes I have been able to put down my pen for a day and for a change attend a War Crimes Trial,” she told a military observer.
“At these we escort the accused women from the cell and actually guard them whilst in the dock. We are responsible for searching witnesses and friends of the accused attending the trial. Such people have in the past tried to smuggle arms or keys to the condemned person and to give him a good opportunity of escaping.”
Ration Books
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated June 12th 1948.
How to get your ration book – Lisburn and Hillsborough Districts 1948.
Surnames beginning A-Z. Monday 14th June 1948…..The Memorial Hall, Ballinderry
Surnames beginning A-Z. Monday 14th June 1948….The Parish Hall, Glenavy
Welfare Foods Service – Northern Ireland
All permits for liquid milk issued under the Welfare Foods Service for Expectant Mothers and children holding Green ration Books will expire on 17th July, 1948. In order to obtain a new permit you should apply to the local Food Office on or after 21st June, bringing with you the new Green ration book of each eligible child or the Grey ration Book of an Expectant Mother, together with the renewal card which your milkman will give you. You should not however make any entries on this card.
What to do
- Fill up page 4 of your present ration book and leave it in the book
- Take your ration book and identity card to the distribution centre. If your identity card does not bear your right address or if you have lost it or it is in a very bad condition, go to the Food Office instead
- If you hold a grey ration book as an expectant mother and you have to produce a fresh medical certificate to the Food Office before 18th July, you can get your new ration books at the same time
- If you hold a temporary identity card and have to renew it at the Food Office before 18th July, you can get your new ration book at the same time.