Glenavy R.B.P. 250

The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 16th December 1877 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

Wickliffe Royal Black Preceptory, No. 250.

This preceptory held its usual quarterly meeting on Saturday evening, the 10th inst., in the Orange Hall, Glenavy. Br. Rev. J. Hamilton Bennett, W.M., occupied the chair; and Br. James Nelson, D.M., the vice-chair. After the ordinary business of the preceptory had been transacted, advantage was taken of the presence of the retiring W.M., Br. Bennett, now Vicar of Kilroot and Islandmagee, to present him with a memento of the attachment and respect with which he had inspired the members during the five years he had occupied the chair of 250 RBP. Dr. Arthur Mussen, M.D., on behalf of the preceptory, in a few well chosen words, begged Br. Bennett’s acceptance of a portrait of himself, executed in watercolour by the well known firm of E.T. Church & Co. Br. Bennett gracefully acknowledged the compliment paid him. The preceptory having been closed, the brethren adjourned for refreshments. A very enjoyable evening having been spent, the meeting was brought to a close in the usual loyal manner by singing the National Anthem.

Annual Social Soiree

The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard, Saturday December 24th 1887

Glenavy Royal Black Preceptory, No. 250 –

On Friday evening, the annual social soiree reunion in connection with this Preceptory was held in the Protestant Hall, Glenavy. The members and friends, to upwards of 100, assembled at eight o’clock, when one of the most pleasant and enjoyable evenings was spent. Bro. Trelford, as master of the Preceptory, has every right to feel proud of the success which attends these annual meetings. The committee, which consisted of Bros. M. Suffern, John Johnston,jun., Wm. J. Kirkpatrick, James Davison, and Wm. Graham, gave every satisfaction.

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