"A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District"
The following is an extract taken from "A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District – A Tercentenary Booklet 1690 – 1990" with the kind permission of the officers and Brethren in Glenavy District.
Ballydonaghy Temperance L.O.L. 351
This is a very old lodge and some brethren believe that it was first formed and operated in Killead District Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Ireland say it would appear to have run under a duplicate Warrant number 328 issued on the 16th July 1829.
Warrant No. 351 was issued to this Lodge on the 12th june 1834, and the duplicate Warrant 328 was given to Flowerhill L.O.L. To confuse matters further L.O.L. 351 had been operating up to 1834 in the Lecale District of County Down. The register of warrants (1857) advises that L.O.L. 328 meets at Ballydonaghy in Glenavy District with Brother Wheeler as W. Master.
The earliest Minute Book in the lodges possession is dated 1881. The writer has not had time to research where the lodge first held its meetings. Early minute books refer to the ‘house’ and that a Mrs. Magahey was paid rent of two shillings a month. This may have been the old hall at the corner of the Garlandstown Road with its junction with the Moira Road. The famous Mount was to the rear of this building. In the 1950’s, on ground given by the late Brother Wm. Bryson, the present hall was built. This building suffered extensive damage caused by an I.R.A. explosion in the early hours of Sunday 18th April 1971. After much hard work the brethren had the hall repaired and remodelled. The hall was reopened on 30th June 1973.
Once again the I.R.A. tried to destroy the hall by attempting to burn it down, and once again the ‘No Surrender’ spirit of the brethren came to the fore and soon the hall was repaired.
Many organisations have used the hall as it is one of the largest in the area. The minute books record missions being held in the old hall, and a ‘ping pong ball club’ used the hall in 1902.
It seems that up until 1929 when a Mrs. Johnston unfurled a new banner the Lodge carried a flag.
A major change in Lodge history took place in the early 1920’s when it was proposed and passed on 10th January 1925, ‘that this Lodge become Temperance, and be known as Ballydonaghy Temperance L.O.L.’ The writer remembers the late Brother John Pinkerton P.M., who served for 19 years as W. Master telling him that his father, Brother A. Pinkerton related to him how the lodge never really prospered until it became Temperance.
The writer remembers his mother whose relations were all members of the ‘Mount’, one of whom used to ride a white horse to the lodge meeting telling of the ‘great suppers’ that these brethren attended in the Mount. Apparently these were not to be missed. He also remembers her recalling the words of a song or poem:
‘In the Mount Orange Hall
Where the brethren are Loyal and true.’
Maybe some reader will recall this and the rest of the words.
This lodge is very distinctive with their deep purple collaret’s with an orange border, They are seldom without their famous pipe band which is the pride and joy of all the brethren, It was formed in 1946 and some of the founder members are still on parade. It is well known over a wide area and is one of the most successful pipe bands in South Antrim. Indeed the love of pipes goes back a long way. An early minute book states it was proposed and passed that ‘we get a pair of pipes for the 12th of July 1925’. the band has kept going without a break except in 1987 when they suffered a freak setback, due to an internal dispute. A breakaway by some members, meant that they were left with very little. At a hastily called lodge meeting Brother Winston Pinkerton, Pipe Major, assured brethren that he would have a band for the 12th demonstration in Stoneyford that year. True to his word Brother Pinkerton had a band, but they had to parade without any uniforms. The drum corp consisted of some very young drummers, and their average age was 11 years old. Band members, Ladies committee, Lodge brethren, friends and the local people all round the area, rallied together and soon the band had a new uniform and a new set of drums.
Brother Winston Pinkerton and a fellow bandsman will always be remembered for their determined spirit to carry on. Soon he had a band fit to play contests, winning many trophies. 1988 will always be remembered with much pride, as they decided to enter the World Championships in Scotland. The young drum corp ended up as Grade 4 champions and the band was 4th overall. 1989 was also a very successful year when they won the All-Ireland and Ulster Championships plus many other contests. It is not unusual for the band to turn out on the 12th with up to 28 bandsmen. It is indeed a wonderful sight when other bands can hardly get enough players to go on parade. As a lodge band they will always walk behind the banner.
Some lodge members and their wives and families have formed a supporters club, and held contests, and recently presented the band with a bannerette and other items.
For many years before the band was formed the lodge had Lambeg Drums, two of which were presented to two of the lodge members. Minute books show that the cost of Lambeg drums in 1884 was :- drums with ropes 1 shilling 8 pence, drumstick 2 shillings and drumheads were 2 shillings 6 pence.
Further to this history published above the lodge submitted a history for publication in "The Faithful and True – a History of Orangeism in County Antrim."
In 1998 the band won the Ulster Championships again in Lisburn. This again was a significant achievement in the year the band was celebrating its 50th Anniversary. The band has paraded for the District at the Tercentenary celebrations in Belfast in 1990, and also at the Bi-Centenary parade in Loughgall.
Ballydonaghy Pipe Band – Drum-Major William Garrett
Date and source unknown. Drum – Major William Garrett in full dress at dedication on Wednesday evening of the new uniforms for Ballydonaghy Pipe Band

William Garrett
Drooth, dreams and temperance
The Digger looks back at the thorny issue of alcohol and the church

The Cruiskeen Lawn Whiskey jug
ON the 6th April, 1816 it was reported by the Belfast Newsletter that the innkeeper at Dundrod, David Mairs, lost the thatched roof from his dwelling house and adjoining barn during what was described as a "singular weather phenomenon."
The report states that "a severe shower of hail, accompanied with loud peals of thunder, a body of matter was observed resembling a little dark cloud stretching itself to the ground and wreathing like that part of a water-spout which may be seen in a fluctuating state before it bursts."
Some of the thatch from Mr. Mair’s homestead was located three quarters of a mile away.
Almost 20 years later the Ordnance Survey Memoirs make a brief reference to the “hamlet of Dundrod” and informs us that Dundrod “is merely a collection of 12 dirty-looking cottages and one two-storey house occupied as a whiskey shop.”
Ballydonaghy LOL 351 (date unknown)

Believed to be Ballydonaghy LOL 351 (date unknown)

Believed to be Ballydonaghy LOL 351 (date unknown)
If you recognise anyone in the above picture please contact The Digger

Date & source unknown
After a parade through the streets of Crumlin, the Ballydonaghy Temperance Pipe Band LOL 351 provide a guard of honour and play Professor D.L. Savory, Unionist Candidate for South Antrim into the Orange Hall
Treasure Hunt
The following was in the possession of a friend.
Ballydonaghy Temperance L.O.L. No 351
Treasure Hunt, 1949
Organised by the Ladies’ Committee in connection with the building fund.
This time from Ballydonaghy
As you go round upon the way,
May you have lots of fun to-day
Upon this long June evening.
You’ll steer straight now to the Fourscore
A feather add unto your store,
To-night if full marks you would score,
A Guinea Fowl’s you’ll gather.
Instructions now are very plain,
You’ll steer right down the Cadger’s Lane
And note the mouth of every drain
That empties on this highway.
Now journey down towards the "line"
If you have got a bit of twine,
Just take a little bit of time
And give the arch’s width.
Then with the brains that you possess,
You will agree that it is best
To turn your cycle toward the west
And reach Joe Colburn’s Corners.
To-night if you are very sane
At this place you will not remain,
Just wend your way down Bailie’s Lane
And drive toward Howard Sloan’s.
In Jimmy Johnstone’s field you’ll see
Two calves quite fat and full of glee,
And if you’ll only favour me
Their ages you will reckon.
Into a forest tall and great
A rabbit once did penetrate,
Now I would ask you for to state
The length it journeyed inwards.
Before you reach Crew Orange Hall
You’ll note some trees both straight and tall,
Attention to them I would call
Just note a number on one.
A right turn take here at the Crew
And if this journey you’ll not rue
Then this is all you’ve got to do
Head straight then for Glenavy.
Some people’s surname starts with "S"
Their number you may count or Guess,
But state the number more or less
That live upon this journey.
Now in this town there is a thing
Revealing those who served the King,
Names of the fallen you will bring
Those names are highly honoured.
The number "7" you’re receiving,
How would you make this number even?
If in a prize you are believing
Subtract or add no number.
Now after all this run to-night
Perhaps you have an appetite,
Then cycle back with all your might
Right past what’s called the "Dam."
Extract reproduced by permission of The Ulster Star.
Ballydonaghy LOL 351
Temperance Pipe Band
A dance will be held in
Mount Orange Hall
On Friday 28th October, 1960
Music by Will Craig and
His boys
Dancing 9 to 2
Admission (inc. supper)
Ladies 4s Gents 5s
God Save The Queen.
Function Tickets
LOL 351 Basket Tea Ticket
Ballydonagy Temperance L.O.L. No. 351 Pipe Band Fund
The Officers and Members of the above request the
pleasure of your Company and Friends
At a Basket Tea
to be held in Ballydonaghy Orange Hall, on Friday,
31st January, 1947 at 8.30 p.m.Ladies
Bring Basket with provisions
For two (or 5 shillings)
Gents, 5 shillings
Refunded on Purchase
Of a basketGod Save the King
LOL 351 Tea at the Mount invitation
Ballydonaghy Temperance L.O.L. No.351
Ladies’ Committee
invites you to
Tea at the Mount
In the Mount Orange Hall on Wednesday,
5th December, 1962, at 8 p.m.Surprise Programme
Admission 4 shillings
God Save The Queen
Dance invitation
Ballydonaghy Temperance L.O.L. 351
Pipe Band
The members of above Band request the
Pleasure of your company of a social and
Dance in Glenavy Protestant Hall, on
Friday, 14th May at 9 p.m.Music by Gordon Johnston’s Band
Subscription: (inc. Supper) Ladies 4 shillings Gents 5 shillings
Proceeds in aid of Building Fund
God Save the Queen
Treasure Hunts
A popular pastime was that of participating in Treasure Hunts, where clues were given out to participants in days gone by. The winners were the ones with the most answers/points on returning to the starting point. It was used as both a fundraising and social event.
Ballydonaghy Temperance L.O.L. 351
Ladies’ Committee Building Fund
Treasure Hunt 29th June 1955
Time allowed – Two and a quarter hours.
Now that the time has come again
To take you on a run,
Some questions you will answer then
I hope you will have fun.
Some water you will now pursue (1)
‘Tis known both far and wide,
So leave the hall behind you
And use it for your guide.
A sign that brings you to a "Halt"
Your journey you will ponder,
For right’s not right nor straight the way,
I hope you will not wander.
A tree once stood but now it lies
Beside its lower half,
So if you want to win a prize
Just measure where it’s cut off. (2)
A slow speed you will now maintain
Or you will fail to see
Some letters on a tree quite plain
Please write them down for me. (3)
Two residences on this road
They are of great renown
So as you journey on your road,
Their names may cause a frown. (4)
Before you reach a road that’s main
I’d ask you to retrace,
And of a man please give the name
Was once did own a place. (5)
Now add unto your treasure chest
A clocker if you will, (6)
Also a harp, please do your best (7)
‘Twilt give you all a thrill.
The nineteen-fourteen war
Did leave a trial of fate;
A number of survivors are (8)
Quite plain for you to state.
Up through the village you will wend
And motor on towards Ringsend.
Now I would ask you all tonight
To calculate the speed of light. (9)
A Gentleman lives near this bridge,
His name is well renowned; (10)
Amongst Glenavy’s loyal men
His photograph is found.
I ask you for a feather large (11)
One from a rooster’s tail
Maybe you’ll also bring a fern (12)
To get them long don’t fail.
Now to the right you’ll take your load,
But just before you do
Just check the number of the road (13)
That now you will pursue.
Some buildings now are desolate
But not in days of yore;
What they were used for you will state (14)
‘Twill help you raise your score.
When at the crossroads you turn right
Glenconway now should be in sight,
So I would ask you for to say
What project is yonder way? (15)
A mathematician you need not be
To do this little sum for me;
Take forty five from forty five (16)
And still leave forty Five.
And as you motor on your way
You pass a famous spot (17)
Where crowds are always bright and gay
And favourites always hot.
If in a desert I was placed
I’d be worth my weight in gold;
The man who made me, what’s his name? (18)
‘Cause I am getting old.
Now Mr. Gordon had we know
Some Friesians at the Balmoral show;
So now tonight I would insist
You add the winners to your list. (19)
We usually see them in a cage
But these tow are exempt,(20)
For they have got another job
Just guarding quite content.
It is a product of the earth.
That supplies the wants of man,
It’s other part lies ‘tween two hills,
Please get it if you can. (21)
To all indulging in the sport
The main road you will leave,
And make your way to Cidercourt
A few things to retrieve.
The colour of a peacock’s egg (22)
Is what you will define
Now at this stage you will not lag
Or you will be behind.
There are two gates along this road,
They both do open wide,
The numbers get, make no mistake, (23)
And then resume the ride.
A little house upon the way
Is in a quaint place I must say;
The owner’s name just get to-night (24)
And at the main road you’ll turn right.
Some concrete posts you now will see,
To a fence they give support,
Their number you will count for me (25)
And on your sheet report.
Now ’69 they stand in state
Upon the tired do wait;
Now what, and where do they appear? (26)
And on along the main road steer.
The letters A L T are not in view
So I would ask each one of you
To state the one that goes before (27)
And then the major road cross o’er.
This road was once a famous track
Where motor-cycle thundered;
A rider’s name you will bring back (28)
The first to break the Hundred.
Beneath two wires you will not go,
Instead go under three,
And when you’ve passed a famous drink
You’ll turn left at the "T".
The first turn right you now will take
And o’er a bridge you’ll go,
Now I’d advise you, motor slow,
For its length you’ve got to show. (30)
Then at the next cross roads go slow
For left’s the way you’ve got to go,
Now I would ask you on this rally
The total acreage of Poplar Valley. (31)
In the year Nineteen and Fifty-three,
Upon the Fourth of April,
A person carved upon a tree
Their initials, plain for you to see. (32)
Now underneath some trees you’ll go,
They stand up tall and great
And if you’re wise you’ll motor slow,
Their name and number state. (33)
"Come cheer up my lads
Tis to glory we steer."
These words to you all
May sound very queer;
But it’s only a line
From a world-famous song,
So just write its title, (34)
It won’t take you long.
At William Scott’s you’ll see a light
For danger to beware,
So I would ask you just tonight
The reason why it’s there. (35)
A well-known member of the Band
Has on this road a farm of land,
So just in passing ’twill be no harm
To write the name of this here farm. (36)
And now upon the way you’ll see
A thing quite out of place,
Just write down what it is for me (37)
And carry on the race.
The W.M. of 351
To cut his hay has not begun,
An implement now hangs in state,
Its name to me you will relate. (38)
Son now tonight I thank you all,
As tea awaits you in the Hall,
Where the members all are true
To our Flag: Red, White, and Blue.
The following were in handwriting beside these clues:
(1) Lough Neagh
(4) Glendona. Gobrana
(10) Dr. Mussen
(14) Flax Mill
(17) Pigeontown Race course
(20) Lyons
(24) Hilda Curry
(27) H
(29) Porter
(31) 53 acres
(33) Hearts of Oak
Record Service — Mr N Wilson and Sons
A record in service. Mr. N. Wilson (centre), who has been a member of Ballydonaghy Temperance L.O.L. for 64 years, with his sons Robert (left) and William, who have 43 years combined membership of the lodge. (Date and source unknown)

Mr N Wilson and sons Robert (left) and William (right)
New Banner Unfurled
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 24th June 1967 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
New Banner
Mr. James H. Molyneaux, a member of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, who presided at the unfurling of a banner for Ballydonaghy LOL 351, Glenavy, said :- "The Orange Order never resents intrusion into its private affairs but accepts this as proof of its powerful influence in the land. When, for a whole week, a leading newspaper devotes valuable front page space to minor local disciplinary actions, and offers abundant ifsuperfluous advice, who can the deny that the Order is a force to be reckoned with? Unruffled by a welter of conjecture, supposition and sensationalism our Institution holds its course of promoting true religion and genuine tolerance which springs from realism and not from woolly wishful thinking."
Mrs. Thomas Millar, wife of the W.M. unfurled the new banner which was dedicated by the Rev. St.G. C.H. Lundy. Also taking part were the Rev. T.P. Blackstock and the Rev. R.N. Brown.
Orange Hall Blast
The following extract is from the Ulster Star dated 24th April 1971 and appears with permission of the Ulster Star.
Police search for clues after Orange Hall blast
Police and army personnel searching for clues to the series of mystery attacks on Orange Halls in the Dundrod area at the weekend are convinced that the same gang is responsible.
The gang struck first at Mount Orange Hall, Ballydonaghy just over an hour after the Saturday night dance had closed down.
An explosion wrecked the building causing severe damage to the roof and walls. Up to five pounds of gelignite is assumed to have been planted in the building before hand.
But the raiders did not stop there. Three men were disturbed by Mr. Hugh James McCartney at Dundrod Orange Hall at 2a.m. on Sunday.
Diesel Oil
Experts called to the scene found a five gallon tin of diesel oil connected to a fuse and detonator lying beside the hall. Two windows were broken.
When chased by Mr. McCartney the raiders made off in a car towards the Hannahstown direction.
At Fourscore Orange Hall, Dundrod a similar contraption was found. But it did not ignite either.
Widower Hugh scared off night raiders.
Prompt action by 68 year old widower Hugh McCartney helped save the Orange Hall which he looks after and his home from being burned down.
He got up from his bed at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning last to chase off intruders bent on setting fire to Dundrod Orange Hall.
And as he relaxed at his cottage home adjoining the hall he reflected on the words from army and police chiefs.
Said Hugh, a widower for 24 years: "They told me that if I had not come on the scene the hall and my home would have been in ashes."
Former local postman Hugh is a well known figure in the area. He has been a caretaker at Dundrod for 32 years. His father was a caretaker at Dundrod Presbyterian Church which is only a matter of yards away.

The Forescore Orange Hall.
Ulster Star dated 24th April 1971

The Mount Orange Hall, Ballydonaghy.
Ulster Star dated 24th April 1971

Mr Hugh James McCartney who disturbed the bomb planters at Dundrod Orange Hall.
Ulster Star dated 24th April 1971
1975 Annual Bazaar
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 21st March 1975 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Annual Bazaar
To be held on
Saturday, 10th May, 1975
At 3 p.m.
In above hall
LOL 351 Banner

LOL 351 Banner

LOL 351 Banner