"A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District"
The following is an extract taken from "A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District – A Tercentenary Booklet 1690 – 1990" with the kind permission of the officers and Brethren in Glenavy District.
Rising Sons of Glenavy J.L.O.L. 83
The warrant was first issued to Brother Harbinson of L.O.L. 618 in 1934. The first W.M. is recorded as Brother Gilbert Harkness and Brother George E. Ingram D.M. The Lodge flourished in Glenavy for several years and sadly fell away during the war and the lodge became dormant.
The warrant number 83 was issued to a lodge in Lisburn in the 1950’s but it only remained working for a short time.
In 1972 Glenavy District L.O.L. No.4 decided to start a Junior Lodge in Glenavy.
The old J.L.O.L. 83 warrant, being dormant once again returned to its original home, this time under the charge of the District Lodge.
The superintendents were Brothers G.E. Ingram, the first deputy master of J.L.O.L. 83 in 1934, Brother R. Ferguson and Brother T. Mateer.
The first meeting of the re-formed lodge was on 30th August 1972 and it was attended by officers of the Belfast Junior County Lodge, Sandy Row No.2 Junior District and J.L.O.L. 74.
Twenty two members were made that night and it is interesting to note that the newly elected W.M. was a William D. Harkness, a nephew of the first Worthy Master in 1934.
At the meeting Sandy Row Junior District and J.L.O.L. 74 Crumlin made presentations to the new lodge and wished them well for the future. L.O.L. 618 presented the original lodge banner, still in good condition, to the lodge and J.L.O.L. 83 was on the road again.
The lodge has taken part in many of the competitions held in Junior Orangeism winning the Scripture Competition on several occasions.
In 1981 Brother Ferguson died and was succeeded by Brother James Tinsley, who had a great interest in the Junior Lodge, with six sons in it, and one more to join. Not many lodges have seven real brothers in their ranks.
A new banner was purchased in 1986 and unfurled by the Rt. Hon. Brother J.N. Molyneaux on the 15th March 1986.
After seventeen years at the helm of the Lodge Brother Ingram and Brother Mateer retired to a quieter life outside the Junior Lodge and in 1988 the lodge honoured them for their long and faithful service.
The 1990’s start a new chapter in the history of the lodge under the leadership of Brother James Tinsley (snr) Brother James Tinsley (jnr) Brother George Taggart and Brother James Taggart.
With a double father and son team at the top, L.O.L. 83 looks forward to the years ahead with confidence.
Banner of Junior LOL 83 Rising Sons of Glenavy

The Banner of Junior LOL 83
Rising Sons of Glenavy.
(Source unknown – kindly provided by
D Jamison, Belfast
compiler of the book
Banners of Freedom)

The Banner of Junior LOL 83
Rising Sons of Glenavy.
(Source unknown – kindly provided by
D Jamison, Belfast
compiler of the book
Banners of Freedom)