The following is an extract from The Guardian, Belfast — Tuesday 13th July 1830
Twelfth of July – Orangemen.
On Saturday last a copy of a Proclamation, by the Lord Lieutenant, was posted on the Exchange here, prohibiting under the authority of the late Act of Parliament, all meetings of persons under the manifestation of Political or Religious opinions. A notice, from Sir Stephen May, Sovereign, was also very generally posted throughout the town, declaring his determination to “take such measures as may be necessary for the effectual dispersion and suppression of all meetings and processions” which may on that day (12th of July) be attempted “within his jurisdiction.” A number of Special Constables were also appointed to aid the civil authorities if deemed necessary.
Some of the leading men among the Orangemen were also requested to use their influence to prevent a procession taking place. This had, in a great measure, the desired effect, the greater number of Orangemen having declared their determination not to go out. Yesterday morning, however, four or five lodges assembled in Donegall-Square, where they were met by Sir Stephen May, who ordered them to disperse.
They immediately proceeded down High-Street, and retired to their Lodge-rooms. Five or six other Lodges went in procession up Malone road, and returned into town about four o’clock in the afternoon. On their arrival in College-Square, there was a strong party of the Night Watchmen and Constabulary, headed by Sir S. May, and C.M. Skinner, Esq., J.P. The Magistrates ordered them to disperse, and the Watchmen attempted to seize their colours; some resistance was here shown, and a few stones were thrown from the mob – one of the Orangemen had his ear cut bu one of the Watchmen’s pikes, and we have heard of another person, also an Orangeman, who received a slight wound about the head. The procession, however, promptly dispersed – three or four individuals were taken to the Police-office. In the course of the evening several of the Orangemen, on coming out of their Lodgerooms, were attacked by a mob, knocked down, and severely beat. At Lisburn, Derriaghy, and Ballinderry, we understand, there was a great display of Orangemen; at the later place they attended divine service. The greatest regularity prevailed at these places. The men were all sober and orderly, and no riot or disturbances whatever, so far as we have heard, took place. We hope to be enabled to give particulars in our next.
The following is an extract from The Guardian, Belfast — Friday 16th July 1830
Lisburn – At an early hour on Monday last, the 12th inst, Orangemen of Lisburn and the neighbouring country, met in Lisburn; the men were all decorated with some insignia of the order – each lodge was accompanied by drums and fifes, and banners bearing some emblematic device, After having all assembled, they proceeded to Ballinderry, where it was expected a sermon would have been preached to them. In that, however, they were disappointed, and having partaken of some slight refreshment they returned to Lisburn, and, after again parading through the principal streets of the town, retired to their lodge rooms. In the early part of the day, I understand that the Chief Constable of Police, observing a lamp post decorated with orange and purple flowers, ordered them to be taken down. Some of the by-standers objected to this being done, and it is reported that, after consulting a Magistrate on the subject, the inoffensive decorations were suffered to remain in statu quo. Although the procession was not actually obstructed by the legal authorities, yet I have been informed that the Police were instructed to take a note of the names of the principal individuals concerned, for the purpose of being transmitted to Government – (from a correspondent).
Extract from The Belfast Newsletter — Friday 16th July 1830 reproduced by permission of The Belfast Newsletter
Twelfth of July
Lisburn – Several lodges from Derriaghy and other places in the neighbourhood, came into Lisburn in the morning. They were not obstructed, though the police was on the alert. They proceeded to Ballinderry, where they expected a sermon would have been preached to them in the parish church; but from some cause they were disappointed, and returned home peacefully.
Extract from The Belfast Newsletter — Friday 14th July 1848 reproduced by permission of The Belfast Newsletter
The two lodges of Randalstown were joined by those of Staffordstown, the Grange, and others in this locality – in all, ten in number. The district masters, being mounted on excellent horses, led the way, and were followed in order by the different lodges, each displaying a handsome flag, and enlivened by the cheering sounds of the fife and drum. The whole body marched in procession through the town, headed by a juvenile lodge, composed of about thirty respectable-looking, well-dressed little boys, whose Lilliputian flags, warrant, and other decorations, did credit to their taste. The procession proceeded to Shane’s Castle park, where it was joined by the lodges from Glenavy, Crumlin, Ballyclare, Donegore, Antrim and other places in that neighbourhood amounting, in all, to forty lodges. After resting a while in the park, the last named lodges proceeded to the grounds of the Rev. Mr. Green, who delivered an address to them. The lodges from this neighbourhood returned to Randalstown, about five o’clock in the afternoon, where they partook of some refreshment, and left the town soon after in the same good order as they entered it, and proceeded homewards. The greatest order and unanimity prevailed, and nothing occurred to mar the joyous scene; nor did there appear, on any side, the slightest disposition to disturb the harmony of the occasion.
Extract from The Belfast Newsletter — 13th July 1848 reproduced by permission of The Belfast Newsletter
As might be expected, the demonstration at Lisburn was a magnificent one in every respect. In fact, it was one of the most successful, if not the most successful, which has ever been held in connection with the July anniversary in the North. The ancient town of Lisnagarvey, with its many historic associations , has ever been one of the great strongholds of Orangeism; but on no former occasion have the numbers and strength of the Institution been displayed to such an extant and to such advantage as they were yesterday. The meeting took place in a large field, kindly granted for the occasion by Messrs. Young, Watson, and Harvey, of this town; but, spacious and extensive as the ground was, its capacity was tested to the utmost to provide accommodation for those present. This spot being the rendezvous selected by the Orange brethren of Lisburn and the adjoining districts, together with a great body of the Belfast brethren, very great interest was manifested in the meeting. In consequence of this, great preparations were made by those in charge to make the demonstration what it in reality turned out to be – a most decided success. This was undoubtedly the case, whether we take into account the vast numbers present or the enthusiasm that prevailed amongst the immense assemblage. At half-past ten o’clock forty-five lodges of the brethren about Belfast and the neighbouring districts met on the Lisburn Road, near St. Thomas’s Church whence they marched in procession, wearing the insignia of the Order, and carrying banners and flags, until their arrival in Lisburn. On the road they were joined by various contingents, at Balmoral and Dunmurry, as well as contingents from Derriaghy. They were accompanied by an immense number of the general public, including a proportion of the fair sex. Nothing could surpass the imposing appearance of the large procession as it wended its way to the place of meeting, whilst the demeanour and orderly arrangement which characterised it were such as to excite universal admiration.
During the route nothing occurred to mar, in the slightest degree, the harmony and order that everywhere prevailed. On arriving at Lisburn, the procession was met by fourteen lodges from the districts of Glenavy and Ballinderry, and having joined, they proceeded together to the field, which was situate near the end of Bridge Street. The procession was several miles in length and was headed by the Belfast Constitutional Brass Band in connection with L.O.L. 154. Throughout the town a large number of arches were erected, with great taste and labour, one of which, in particular, across the leading street, had a very fine appearance. Almost every house along the road leading to the meeting was ornamented with orange lilies, or emblems of various descriptions. When in the field, the view was particularly striking and attractive. At the upper end of the field, which had a gentle incline peculiarly suitable for such an assemblage, a spacious platform was erected, at an expenditure of no little labour and ingenuity. The appearance of the platform was rendered very handsome and ornate, being decorated in a most profuse manner with lilies, arches and banners. Immediately fronting this, was the meeting forming, with its bright and variegated colours, a magnificent centre-piece, which, with the green-clad hills behind, and the field rich in their Summer verdure on either side, presented a scene to the eye at once animated and beautiful. It would be almost impossible to give any adequate conception of the number of those on the ground. Those who are considered to be competent judges state that the great demonstration which took place last year near Castle Robin, in the field of Mr Boomer, was much more inferior in point of attendance and appearance. The appearance of the vast mass of people who assembled there from the different districts of Down and Antrim indicated an amount of comfort which every lover of his country must have been delighted to witness. The respectable farmers, large numbers of whom took part in the demonstration, seemed to have given themselves and their families a general holiday. The district in which the meeting was held is almost exclusively Protestant, and the utmost good feeling and enthusiasm prevailed.
The speakers and principal persons present occupied seats on the platform. Amongst those present were:- Crommelin Irwin, Esq.; Captain Cunningham, Brussels; Redmond Jefferson, Esq.; G. Thompson, Esq.; David Beatty, Esq; the Archdeacon of Hillsborough, Rev. Henry Henderson, Holuwood; Rev. W.D. Pounden, Rev. Mr. Moore, curate Christ Church, Lisburn; Rev. J. McNeice, Rev. J.D. Powell, Rev. H. D. Shephard, Belfast;Rev. John Crossley, Rev. Mr. Lindsay, Curate of Lisburn; Richard Lilburn, Esq., Editor Belfast News-Letter; James Henderson Esq., Norwood Tower, Belfast; Lucas Waring, Esq.; R. Waring, Esq.; Robert Powell Esq.; George P. Johnston, Esq. Ballymacash; Thomas Dunlop, Esq., Derriaghy Cottage; James Willie, Esq., Glasgow; George H. Clarke, Esq.; Rev. F. Simon; rev. J. leech, Rev. John McKaige, Wexford; Dr. Gaussen, Dr, Jefferson, T.J. Smyth, Esq., J.P., Glenavy;W,J, McGifford, Esq., Cairnreagh Cottage; G.S.J. McGifford, Esq.; William Wheeler, Esq.; Richard Hamilton Esq’; William Hamilton, Esq’; Lucas Waring jnr., Esq; Frederick Charles and Samuel Waring, – Ecklin, Esq.; Messrs. Matthew Skillen, Wm. McDade, George Thompson, William Savage, John Reid, Hugh Smith, John Finlay, S. Beatty, James Wilson, T.J. Harvey,W. Stevenson, Wm. Wilson, J.S. dawson, R. Addy, J. Bannister, S. Young, O.N Davis, T. Macartney, H. kenmuir, John Tinsley, James Smith, John Little, W.John Bailey, Samuel Allen, Alexander Armstrong, Saml. Cringlington, John Edgar of Hilden; Wm. Preston, Alex. Graham, John Reid, Hugh Smith, H. Kain, John Campbell, George Macartney, W. Alderdice, Paul mcHenry, L.Geddis, Glenavy; John Patterson, Glenavy; James brown, Ballymacash; john J. Gawley, F. Gawley, Thomas Kay, James Sykes, W.N. Young, Rochard murdoch, William J. Murdoch, Richard Mussen, Henry Mussen,William Mussen, D.E.B. Cairns, J.G. Murray, W.Parker, Sec., 1905, Wm. Strickland, James Murphy, W.M., 247, Belfast;Henry McWilliams, Killyman True Blues, 1985; Wm. Savage, jun.; John McKittrick, T.H. Patridge, George Thompson, John Montgomery, W.M., 631; T. Cousins, Crumlin; T,J, English, Crumlin; A Burrowes, G.McMullen, T. McMullan, Glenavy; N. Gordon, J.M. Kay, Lisburn; John Green, George Ingram, Belfast; James Henderson;John Pennington jun.; Robert Croft, S.Carson, W.J. Gilliland, Thomas Blythe, Wm. Fowler, John Allen, Unicarville; S. Deiring, T.C.D.; M. Robotham, Robert Westhilen, Alex. Hanna, Wm. Strickland, W.J. Jefferson, Samuel Mears, J.K. Pelan, John Johnston, Joseph Blackburn, John McBride, Wm. Gardiner, John Ruddy, James Sloan, & c.
There were upwards of 130 stand of colours in the field during the day. The following lodges amongst others were represented:- Belfast district – 145,154, 1972, 1959, 1890, 1970, 1883, 1869, 1290, 1189, 1122, 1098, 1078, 1064, 728, 598, 598 (juvenile), 497, 1739, 247, 246, 1942, 766, 1882, 1985, 455, 1970, 1960; Lisburn district 111,128, 141, 152, 164, 207, 317, 228; Ballinderry district 72, 86, 143, 147, 148, 191; Magheragall district 121, 159, 187, 206, 616, 770, 799, 839, 1180; Derriaghy district 176, 231, 504, 531, 617, 653, 608, 772, 1233, 1602, 1689; Glenavy district 73, 124, 227, 314, 340, 351, 471, 618, 1831; other lodges 354, 356, 557, 594, 638, 722, 756, 766, 1940, 1910, 1960, 1970, 1895, 1954, 1197, 184, 23, 1046, 247, 915, 317, 1910, 513, 356, 471, 218, 1885 (Killyman True Blues), 1893.
The proceedings were unfortunately somewhat marred by showers of rain, which fell at intervals from a little after one o’clock. Other than this, however, the meeting passed over most satisfactorily.
On the motion of Br. Johnston, of Ballymacash, seconded by Br. Robert Waring, Br. Crommelin Irwin was called to the chair, amid cheers.
The chairman briefly addressed the meeting. He said – brother Orangemen, I return you my hearty thanks for the great honour you have done me this memorable day, in asking me to take the chair at this great and important meeting. (loud cheers). These are most momentous times, and the Protestants of this country have good reason to stand on their watch tower. (hear hear.) When we see around us every side men who profess Protestantism ready to betray, when we see men in high power regardless of the trust reposed in them by the nation – (hear, hear) – regardless of little else than their own aggrandisement – (hear, hear) – when we see these men bowing down to Popery instead of taking their stand on the great pillar of Protestantism, with the Word of God in their hand, which raised this nation to the pinnacle of greatness, once the feared and the greatest nation on the earth, because it then followed the dictates of eternal truth, and thus checked the onslaught of Popery, saying “hus far shalt thou come, and no further” – (cheers) – it well becomes us to pause and consider our present position. (hear, hear) For, brethren, what is England now? Is she not a destroyer of Protestantism and a bulwark of Popery (hear, hear). Only the other day, we find congratulatory letters passing between this country and Rome – (groans) – and with a Ministry in power that has filled every office in the State with Radicalism, thus sapping the foundations of the Empire. Was it for the good of Protestantism that the Gladstone party -(groans and hisses for Mr. Gladstone) – as far as in them lay, destroyed the Irish Church? No. It was for weakening and destroying its usefulness and keeping down that Upas tree and to strengthen the Roman Catholic party. (Hear, hear) In this, however, I hope they may be disappointed. (Cheers) God can make all things turn to His own glory, and restrain the wrath of men, and turn His hand against the destroyers. (Cheers) What has Mr. Gladstone’s party gained by their masterly stroke of policy? What has England gained by it, as a nation? Nothing but contempt – (hear, hear) – for the Roman Catholic party did not want it, and care little about it, and fling the measure of conciliation in their faces, like every other. (Cheers.) But what England, as a nation, has lost time will soon tell. (Hear, hear.) Nationally, she sought not god’s glory in the matter, and, nationally, there can be no blessing. (Hear, hear, and cheers.) Before sitting down I wish to make a few observations touching a question that is at present agitating the country – I mean the Ballot. (Cries ‘No Ballot’ and groans for the Ballet) I was much struck lately by the view the Times took on this subject, and the consequence of that measure becoming law – which it feels will be dismemberment. (Applause) I fully agree with the remarks (Cheers) It says dismemberment must be a sad thing. (Hear, hear) Why then pass an Act that will help it on, and give, strength to the Repeal party – (cheers) – which must also be the aim of the Home Rule party? Tis true the Union was more or less brought about by the Whigs and Radicals – (hear,hear) – and Mr. Madden and others wish that Union dissolved. But can they return to what Ireland was before the Unions? (hear. Hear) Then it was Protestant, but now a Parliament in College Green would be nearly altogether Roman Catholic. (Cries of Hear, hear) But as England is to us now, would the Protestants be better off than they are now? I think not, but, perhaps, far worse. (Hear, hear) If Home Rule is desired, let the Roman Catholics first shake off their slavery and become free men – (cheers) – like the Italians and Spaniards. (Cheers). Let them, I say, assert their freedom, and then they will be in a position to ask the Irish Protestants to join them. (Cheers) I grant freely, were Ireland a Protestant nation, England would have no right, from her treatment towards this country, to expect Protestants to delay asking for Home Rule – (cheers) – under which this country would, I know, reap many advantages. (Cheers) And unless England changes her treatment towards us it may become a matter of consideration. (Cheers) Brother Orangemen, a great deal has been said about our giving offence. We mean none to our Roman Catholic , a great deal has been said about our giving offence. We mean none to our Roman Catholic fellow-countrymen. (Cheers) If they have any battles or worthy deeds to commemorate, let them do so, and we will join them – (cheers) – but if they have nothing but the burial of the bones of a rebel, we cannot agree with them. (Loud and prolonged cheers)
Letters of apology were received. Brother Richard Lilburn, Editor of the Belfast News-Letter also spoke at the gathering.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 3rd July 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
The July anniversaries – We are gratified to learn, from reports from various parts of the country, that there was no disturbance of the peace in Ulster on the 1st of July. We sincerely trust that this gratifying condition of things may continue throughout the anniversaries. The Grand Lodge of Ireland has strictly prohibited all processions, and we are confident that Orangemen will not attempt to violate their injunction. As for drum-beating and fife-playing, these amusements, though harmless in themselves, are only calculated to give the Roman Catholics an opportunity to break the peace, and we hope that sensible men will everywhere set their faces against them.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Monday 8th July 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
To the Orangemen of Antrim.
Brethren – On the approaching 12th of July forget not the precept I have so often inculcated – to abstain from any act calculated to lead to a breach of the peace. To loyal men and good subjects I am sure I need add no more.
Yours, truly and fraternally,
County grand Master.
Grafton Street, London, 4th July 1861.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Saturday 13th July 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
The 12th of July at Leg curry – Yesterday a large number of young men, with several young women and others, who could only be designated in reality “boys and girls,” assembled in a field at Legacurry, near Lisburn, and there spent the anniversary of the 12th of July. No disturbance of any sort took place, and in the evening they all separated for their respective homes.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Monday 15th July 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Glenavy – The 12th of July has passed off in a very satisfactory manner in this district. About two weeks since an application was made by the District Lodge to the rev. E.J. Smith, Vicar of the Parish, requesting him to have Divine worship in the Parish Church on this day, as it was the anxious wish of the Orangemen of the district to attend the service, to which his request he (Rev. Mr. Smith), in the kindest manner, accepted. The members of the various lodges accompanied by a goodly number of the fair sex, assembled at about half past eleven o’clock at the church, without either drums, fifes, flags, or any other party emblem, but each carrying a Bible in his hand. After the usual morning service, Mr. Smith ascended the pulpit, and took as his text the last clause of the 17th verse of the 17th chapter of the Gospel by St. John – “ThyWord is Truth” – from which he preached a truly eloquent and Christian sermon, pointing out in the clearest manner the superiority of the Bible over every other book as a guide to Christians in all ages of the world. After the service was concluded, the members left the church, marching two and two, each going to his respective lodge room, where they had refreshments provided; and, after spending the evening agreeably, all proceeded home well pleased with the manner in which they had spent the glorious anniversary of the 12th of July. This is the third time that the Orangemen of the Glenavy district have celebrated the 12th in a similar manner.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Saturday Morning, July 13th 1872 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
Antrim, Friday
The glorious anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne was celebrated today by the Orangemen of Antrim and surrounding districts in a manner worthy of the occasion. Notwithstanding that some misunderstanding with the Northern Counties and Ulster railway Companies had arisen, in consequence of which several large bodies of the Orangemen in various parts of the country were obliged to hold meetings in other places, still the demonstration today was one of the largest and most imposing ever held in this county, proving unmistakably that the Orange cause has taken a firm hold in the affections of the Protestants of Antrim. From an early hour this morning the town of Antrim presented a scene of unwonted gaiety and animation. Orange flags and banners floated from the windows of a large number of the houses, and a beautiful Orange arch spanned the road opposite the Protestant Hall. Another beautiful arch spanned the road leading from the town to that portion of the park on which the demonstration took place. About ten o’clock large numbers of Orangemen, wearing the insignia of the Order, commenced to arrive in town from the country districts, and they paraded the streets playing loyal airs. It was fully one o’clock before all the lodges had arrived in town, and some time before that hour the first detachment of the brethren, accompanied by their lady friends, marched in procession to the place of rendezvous which was but a short distance from the town, and which was kindly granted for the occasion by Viscount Massereene. The site was one of the best that could have been selected, commanding, as it did, a view of Antrim Castle and the town of Antrim on the North, and to the West Lough Neagh, while in the far distance the landscape of hill and dale could scarcely be surpassed.
A spacious platform was erected in the centre of the ground, and was gaily decorated with flags and lilies, which presented a pleasing aspect. About two o’clock the number present was variously estimated at 15,000 to 20,000 persons. The light summer dresses of the ladies contrasting with the deep orange and purple banners of the brethren presented a spectacle of the most brilliant description. Only one feeling seemed to pervade the vast assemblage, and that feeling was one of loyalty and attachment to the principles of Protestantism (unreadable) the reflecting mind must have witnessed the scene with intense pleasure, when he remembered that those present were the representatives of the sturdy yeomen of the nation, upon whom depended the stability and prosperity of the country.Lord Massereene’s private band, under the leadership of Mr. H.R. Calcott, was present during the day, and performed a number of select airs in first-rate style, and contributed much to the pleasures of the day. The conduct of the large assembly was most exemplary in every respect. Large numbers of people were conveyed by the Northern Counties and Antrim Junction lines. We understand that a number of lodges belonging to Killead District no. 2, which sits in the Agnes Street Hall, went by the former line. Notwithstanding the crowds which travelled by both lines, not a single hitch occurred, and the manner in which the arrangements were carried out is most creditable to the efficient managers of the respective lines. Mr Cotton and Mr Shaw are entitled to the thanks of the brethren for their efficient service and all the arrangements gave the utmost satisfaction, notwithstanding the vast multitudes which had to be accommodated.
We understand that no less that 20 lodges were represented at the meeting.
The newspaper report goes on to mention those dignitaries present. They include. Br. Andrew Annett, Stoneyford, Br. Thomas Chaise, Crumlin; Br. Longford Geddis, Glenavy; Br. John Patterson, Glenavy; Br. Wm Cairns, Ballyvannon….
The following districts were represented:- Drumragh, Larne, Ballinderry, Glenavy, Ballymena, Magheragall, Sixmilewater, Derriaghy, Ahoghill, Antrim, Belfast Districts Nos 1,2,3, and 8, Staffordstown, Killead no 1 and no 2, Braide, Carrickfergus.
The following are amongst those lodges mentioned:
Glenavy true Blues 471; Dundrod true Blues 73; Crumlin 314; Low Quarters 187; Ballinderry 68; Killultagh 167; Fourscore; Glenavy 340; Ballinderry Black reds 143; Ballinderry Black reds 172; Ballyvannon 227.
At two o’clock, Lord Arthur Edwin Hill-Trevor M.P., Grand Master, was requested to take the chair.
The report carries an indepth coverage of the speeches made. They centre around the issue of Home Rule.
We are informed that the large assemblage quietly dispersed.
The following extract is from The Northern Whig, Belfast, Tuesday, July 13th, 1875.
Moira (from our reporter)
The anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne was celebrated here yesterday in the beautiful demesne of Sir Thomas Bateson, Bart., M.P., who kindly granted it for the occasion through his agent, Jas. L. Davie, Esq., J.P. The little village itself was handsomely decorated for the occasion, there being several very pretty arches through it composed of orange lilies, evergreens, and flags, which had the effect of giving the place a very lively appearance. The train which leaves Belfast at half-past ten o’clock brought a considerable number of people into the town from that place and the intermediate stations. On arriving at the platform, the different lodges fell into the marching order, and proceeded into the town, accompanied by fife and drum bands. After marching through the town they proceeded out the several roads, and met the different lodges wending their way to the place of meeting. All the contingents having met together, they moved on to the town and marched through it, and from thence to the demesne where a very substantial platform was erected. The procession presented a very picturesque appearance, the members of each lodge being adorned in the regalia usually worn on such occasions. The appearance of the procession was not a little enlivened by the number of fair sex that were observable among the ranks, and as usual the display of orange ribbons was very conspicuous. There was also a brassband in attendance, which added greatly to the enjoyment of the day. It must be said that the arrangements were anything but satisfactory. It was shortly after one o’clock when the different lodge had arrived at the place of rendezvous, but, strange to say, it was three o’clock before any speaker made his appearance. In fact, some of the lodges which had come from a long distance had fallen into marching order to return home when it was announced that the speakers had arrived. The delay in getting the speakers forward was the subject of general complaint. However, about three o’clock, the lodges all gathered round the platform, and the meeting was opened immediately.
The following lodges were represented: Crew 124, Ballyvannon 227, Crumlin 314, Your Lasse 340, Ballydonaghy 351, Glenavy 471, Glenavy 618, Stoneyford 136, Broomhedge 121, Magheragall 159, Magheragall 197, Broomhedge 406, Magheragall 361, Stoneyford 716, The Maze 130, Kilwash 345, Ballinderry 143, Killultagh 147, Killultagh 148, Hillsborough 1928, Killwarlin 504, Killwarlin 586, Leeney 582, Hillsborough 793, Hillsborough 144, Bleary 12, Boynestown 1, Tommynacorbitt 17, Docombra 22, Drumgorr 23, Tarson 26, Drumclogher 41, True Boyne, Lurgan 44, Lurgan 24, Crossmacalky 46, Gideon Temperance Lurgan 48, Drumgorr 57, Lurgan 63, Ballydugan 120, Boyne Temperance 204, Lurgan 252, Lurgan 352, Analoist 371, Corcreeny 372, Ballynoghy 556, Lurgan 752, Leeney 754, Analoist 1558, Tomnafiglasson 1658, Aughlee 1993, Aughlee 42, Aughlee 192, Aughlee 236, Coalisland 402, Kilwarden 504, Aughlee 403, Hillsborough 920, Soldierstown 224, Knock 82, No Surrender 91.
The report names those on the platform and states that the Rev. Charles Waring was called to the chair.
The issue of Home Rule was also mentioned in the speeches.
One of the resolutions called for the closing of public -houses on Sunday.
The fifth resolution stated “That we, as Orangemen, deem it most expedient that the use of the Bible should have free course in all our schools, and not be restricted to any particular time of the day.”
The newspaper concludes the it may be stated that, with the exception of a couple of fine showers of rain, the weather was beautifully fine. After the meeting separated the entire party – numbering between eight and ten thousand people – left the town immediately and shortly after six o’clock Moira presented its usually quiet and monotonous appearance.
The following extract is from the Northern Whig, Belfast Thursday, June 13th 1876.
Randalstown (from our reporter)
A very large meeting was held in Shane’s Castle Park, which was thrown open for occasion by Lord O’Neill. Large contingents arrived from Belfast by special and ordinary trains, which served to swell materially the enormous number coming from Ballymena, Kellswater, Cookstown, Glenavy, Ballinderry, and other localities. The train accommodation was tested to the utmost , but the arrangements were excellent. The local police force, which was augmented by the addition of thirty men, under the command of Sub-Inspector Wray, had no special service to perform, as all passed off quietly. It was after one o’clock before the first part of the extensive procession, composed of the various lodges, marshalled into line as they arrived, entered the park, and the speaking did not commence till about half past two o’clock. Considerable difficulty was experienced in so toning down the music at the outset as to allow the speakers to be heard, but once a hearing had been secured, the speeches were listened to with much attention.
The report states that the chair was taken by Lieutenant-Colonel Bowell, M.P., Grand Master of British North America. A full account of the speeches are given.
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard Saturday June 15th 1889.
The Twelfth Anniversary
A change has been made in connection with the meeting – place for the brethren of the Belfast and Lisburn Districts on the coming Twelfth. As previously decided, it was arranged that the demonstration should take place in a field immediately adjoining the Lambeg Station, on the Great Northern Railway; but it has since been ascertained that the place would not be sufficiently large to accommodate the immense numbers who will come together on the occasion, and the brethren who have had the charge of the choice of rendezvous have been engaged in endeavouring to obtain a more suitable place of meeting. In this, we are glad to announce, they have been entirely successful, and Mrs. Niven has placed at the disposal of the brethren a large field of about thirty acres in extent, at Chrome Hill, which is situated about five miles from the city, on the Old Lisburn Road. The demonstration promises to be one of the largest and most enthusiastic gatherings of the kind that has ever taken place in Ulster, and, including Lisburn and the nine Belfast districts, there will also be present the districts of Aghalee, Ballinderry, Magheragall, Derriaghy, Glenavy, Hillsborough, Lower Iveagh, Saintfield, Kilkeel, Holywood, Strandtown, and last, although not by any means least, County Cavan, headed by the patriotic leader of the Ulster Conservative Party – Bro. Colonel Saunderson, M.P.,; and Bro. R.H. Johnston, C.G.M. The Apprentice Boys of Derry and their Governor, Mr. John Guy Ferguson, have also been invited to attend, and their presence will add increased interest and enthusiasm to the proceedings. The chair will be taken by the Right Honourable the Earl of Erne, K.P.,Imperial Grand Master, and the following noblemen and gentlemen will take part in the meeting :- The Marquis of Carmarthen, M.P., Lord Arthur Hill, M.P.,Lord Ernest Hamilton, M.P., Colonel Saunderson, M.P., Major Somerset Maxwell, D.L.,Mr. William Johnston M.P.,Mr. W.E. Macartney, M.P., Mr John Gy Ferguson, Governor of the Apprentice boys of Derry, Mr. R.H. Johnston, GrandMaster of County Cavan; Revs. Dr. Kane, Grand Master of Belfast, Dr. Crozier, Canon Pounden, S.M. Moore, B. Banks, H. Woods, and S. McComb. From this list it will be seen that the addresses will be of an able and eloquent character, and everything points to an important and highly-successful gathering.
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday July 13th 1889.
Before dealing with the procession and the meeting, we append the districts and their officers, as kindly furnished to us by the District Secretary, viz:-
(list includes)
Ballinderry District Lodge, No. 3 District Master, Robert Marshall, Upper Ballinderry; Deputy District Master, Thomas Whiteside, Megaberry, District Chaplain, Rev. Canon Sayers; District Treasurer, Thomas Hamill, Lower Ballinderry; Secretary, John Duncan, Lower Ballinderry; 68, Samuel Beckett, Ballymaclose; 72, Thomas Heasley, Upper Ballinderry; 86, Thomas Whiteside, Megaberry; 143, Robert Allen, Ballymaclose; 147 Henry Quigley, Killultagh; 148, Samuel Porter, Upper Ballinderry; 191, John Duncan, Lower Ballinderry.
Glenavy District Lodge, No.4 – District Master, Arthur Mussen, M.D., Glenavy; Deputy District Master, William Wheeler, Stoneyford; District Chaplain, Rev. A.S. Melville; Treasurer, Allen Bickerstaff, Crumlin; Secretary, John Corken, Glenavy; 73 Edward Irvine, Ballyhill; 124, Joseph Neill, Crew; 227, Arthur Mussen, M.D., Glenavy; 314 James Patterson, Crumlin; 340, Wm. J. Smyth, Ballypitmave; 351 William Wheeler, Tullyrusk; 471, William J. Williamson, Crumlin; 618, Charles Quigley, Glenavy.
The procession was on of the most imposing ever seen in Ulster. It started about eleven o’clock, the route being – Railway Street,Bachelors’ Walk, Antrim Street, Bow Street, Castle Street and Seymour Street. All along these thoroughfares and side paths were crowded with spectators, and from many windows ladies and children gazed upon the spirit stirring sight. The lodges of Aghalee district came first, and after these the brethren from Glenavy, headed by their District Master, Bro Dr Mussen, came in sight accompanied by the Glenavy Brass Band …
The following extract has been taken from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday July 19th 1890.
The Twelfth of July
Bi-centenary Celebration
Demonstration at BallymacashIn accordance with the arrangements made by the Lisburn District Lodge, Ballymacash was the rendezvous for the lodges in this town and neighbourhood on Saturday last, the Twelfth of July, the bi-centenary of the Battle of the Boyne. A most suitable field, about one mile and a half from this town, on the request of the Rev. Canon Pounden. The District Master, been placed at the service of the Orangemen for the day by the deservedly popular lord of the soil, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart. And the gathering of the loyal brotherhood on the ever-to-be remembered anniversary was looked forward to for some time past with great interest. It was widely known that the lodges in the Derriaghy, Magheragall, Ballinderry, and Glenavy Districts had accepted the invitation of the Lisburn brethren to meet them at Ballymacash, and an immense attendance of brave men and fair maidens was expected. …
Glenavy District Lodge, No. 4 – District Master, Arthur Mussen, M.D., Glenavy; Deputy District Master, James Lorimer, Stoneyford; District Chaplain; Treasurer Allen Bickerstaff, Crumlin; Secretary John Corken, Glenavy; 73 Edward Irvine, Ballyhill; 124 Joseph Neill, Crew; 227 Arthur Mussen, M.D., Glenavy, 314 James Patterson, Crumlin; 340 Wm. J. Smyth, Ballypitmave; 351 James Sutters; 471 J. Nutt; 618 Charles Quigley, Glenavy.
All the lodges had their usual complement of fifers and drummers; but in addition to these the Glenavy numbers had requisitioned the efficient services of the Glenavy and Dundrod Brass Band and the Glenavy Flute Band. When all the lodges had assembled and taken up positions in various parts of the spacious field, the effect was cheering, but it would have been vastly more inspiring had old Sol smiled upon the scene with his wonted July brilliancy. Some of the flags were very fine, and we observed a few that had been unfurled for the first time on the “Twelfth”. One of these hailed from Lisburn, another from Hillhall, and a third from Crumlin. The latter bore a likeness of Mr. W.E. Macartney, and we have reason to know that the popular representative of South Antrim is greatly gratified by this mark of respect and confidence …

The 12th July 1908
(Kindly provided by the Downer family)
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, July 15 1916
In Lisburn on Wednesday, for the first time there was no recognition in any form of the anniversary of the Boyne victory. The customary midnight drumming parade was abandoned, and there was no arches nor flags displayed. But for the unclosed licensed premises and fruit shops, the day resembled the quietude of Sunday. Most of the large mills and factories were closed. On the stroke of 12 noon the doors leading into the railway station were shut, and remained closed for five minutes as an evidence of remembrance and sorrow for the fallen brave of the Ulster Division as well as sympathy for the bereaved relatives.
“The Time of my Life”
A local Rifleman writing to a relative says he had the time of his life on the 1st July when the Ulster Division made their famous dash. He would not have missed it for any Twelfth of July and is anxious to have another go at the Germans.
- The 12th July 1925 (Kindly provided by the McKeown family)
- The 12th July 1925 (Kindly provided by the McKeown family)
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald Saturday June 29th 1929.
Glenavy District LOL no 4
Orange Demonstration (7 districts)
12th July 1929,
Will be held at
Glenavy , County Antrim.
In a field kindly granted by Bro. David McCullough, The Mills.Permits for refreshment tents, stalls etc, can be had at the following prices:-
Large tents £3 0 0
Small tents and 4 wheel Vehicles 1 10 0
Two wheel vehicles 0 10 0
Lodge Permits 0 5 0
No intoxicating Drink allowed to be sold in the field.
Application for permits should be sent to
Bro Thomas T Clendinning, District Secretary
Thornleigh, Ballycairn, Aghalee or
Bro. Richard Waring, 5 Market Square, Lisburn
God Save the King
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald, Saturday July 6th 1929.
12th July demonstration at Glenavy
Magheragall District, no 9
Train for Glenavy will leave Brookmount at 11.15am
David Benson WM, James McCleery, sec.
The following is from the Lisburn Herald dated Saturday 6th July 1929
Battle of the Boyne Anniversary “Twelfth” Arrangements
The local demonstration this year in celebration of the 239th anniversary of the battle of the Boyne is to be held on Friday next, in a fiedl placed at the disposal of the brethren at Glenavy. It is 50 years since the last Orange gathering met in the vicinity of the loyal village, and no effort is being spared to make the coming meeting one of the largest in the Six Counties. The Districts that have accepted the invitation of Glenavy District LOL are – Aghalee, Ballinderry, Lisburn, Magheragall, Derriaghy, and Hillsborough. Bro George Thompson JP, DDM, Glenavy is to preside and the proceedings are timed to start at 2 o’clock pm.
The following are the resolutions to be submitted:-
Proposed by Bro E S Clarke, J P., D .G.M.I., D.M., Lisburn; seconded by Bro. E.J. Charley, J.P., D.C.M.I., D.D.M., Derriaghy –
(1) That we, the Orangemen, in public meeting assembled on 12th July 1929 express our thankfulness that His Majesty King George V has been preserved. We pray that Almighty God may be pleased to restore our Gracious Sovereign to his full strength and health. We tender to Her Majesty the Queen, our respectful sympathy in all the anxiety she has endured.
(2) Proposed by Bro Lieutenant-Colonel H A Pakenham CMG., JP, DL; seconded by Bro the Right Hon Thomas Moles MP; supported by Bro Hugh Minford JP, MP – That we rejoice that the result of the elections of Northern Ireland has shown a continuance of confidence in the Premiership of Lord Craig Avon. We welcome the settlement of our education difficulty, and we trust that our settlement will safeguard the instruction of our Protestant youth in the faith for which the Reformers died and for which our ancestors battled.
We assure Lord Craigavon that he can rely on our support in all lawful measures to preserve our rights against the designs of our enemies of the Province.
That we rejoice at the continued progress of our Order throughout the world.
The proceedings will terminate with votes of thanks to Bro McCullough for the use of the field to the chairman, and the singing of the National Anthem. It is requested that there be no drumming during the progress of the speech-making.
The following is from The Lisburn Standard dated 18th July 1930
The Twelfth in 1930 took place on Saturday last at Ballyaughliss. 9 lodges from Glenavy were present.
Brother George Thompson J.P., D.M. Glenavy proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and the speakers, and in doing so said that by kind invitation of Brother Clarke they were there that day. Their best thanks was due to Brother Clarke and the Lisburn District.
1932 – Lodge One Fifty Two
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard Friday 18th November 1932.
Lodge One Fifty Two
1932 ExcursionsThe following was composed by Brother Joseph Hope of Holywood, and recited by Brother Graham, W.M., at the annual social of L.O.L. 152, held recently in Lisburn.
One hundred years have passed and gone
And thirty-seven more
Since James Innis and John Coburn
To Lisnagarvey bore
The Warrant of our Orange Lodge
From far renowned Lough Gall,
Here still we see it flourishing
And honoured yet by all.
For still ’tis true One Fifty Two
Moves onward on its way,
Still going strong it moves along
Here prospering to-day.
Through hopes and fear and changing years
To Orange traditions true,
Was loyal still in good and ill
Our Lodge One Fifty Two.For thirty years as Master
Brother Innis held the chair
Beneath whose rule she flourished
As her records still declare.
And that ancient seat of honour
Ever since has nobly been
Filled by Johnson, Spence and Gribbon
Brother Kane, St. George and Greene.
By Harvey, Hall and Greenfield
McNeice and Johnston too
By Gilmour, Millar, Noble
And now ’tis just as true,
That Brother Graham upholds the fame
Of Lodge One Fifty Two.We went to Ballinderry
On the Twelfth day of July
With band and banner leading;
There’s no one will deny
As usual our members
Turned out in numbers fine –
From Bachelors’ Walk to Bow Street
We formed a straight blue line;
All in good order marching,
Wearing our sashes blue,
With our officers us leading,
Marched Lodge One Fifty Two.We came from Ballinderry –
Returning, as we went,
In orderly procession –
Where a pleasant day we spent.
Brothers Graham and Roberts led us,
Still to tradition true;
Our Master and his Deputy
With Brother Gilmore who,
Still to tradition true;
Our Master and his Deputy
With Brother Gilmour who,
Together with our Deacons,
To whom our thanks are due.
Who kept in line with order fine,
Our Lodge One Fifty Two.July the Thirteenth Day we went
From Lisburn, roaming far,
And took a trip by train and ship
From Lisburn to Stranraer.
Arriving there we quickly were
With dinner well supplied;
Sufficient food and service good
Our hunger satisfied.
From thence unto Portpatrick
We all by buses went
With Sisters, Wives and Sweethearts,
A pleasant time we spent.Oh, ’tis lovely in the sunshine
On a sunny summer day
With the lass you love beside you
Speeding lightly on your way.
With the spell of Cupid o’er you
And the rapture love reveals
What words can be describing
The joy the lover feels.
To Stranraer, back returning,
A lovely drive had we;
Where fields unto the harvest
Were ripening rapidly.
Past homesteads, farms and mansions,
Lough, woodland, heath and lea
Until to Stranraer we came back
Where we enjoyed our tea.Through Stranraer’s streets we wandered
Along Lough Ryan’s shore
Till on the boat once more afloat
We homewards turned once more.
A calm and peaceful passage
Brought us to Larne again
And soon from there returning were
To Belfast by the train.
From Belfast back to Lisburn
Again by bus we went,
When all agreed that we, indeed,
A pleasant day had spent.One Wednesday in August
We travelled to the sea,
From Lisburn down to Cober town
Through Newtownards went we,
When passing Ballygrainel it seemed a little rainy
Till we came to Donaghadee,
Here, from the bus descending,
A little while we spent
Some went to hear the Pierotts –
Some other places went;
Some walked along the promenade
With wives and sweethearts there
And everyone seemed bent upon
Enjoying the sea air.To Bangor then we journeyed,
As it was nearing night
Where the parade was brilliant made
By the electric light.
Festooned in lamps that brightly shone
The promenade along
Whose brilliant hue the presence drew,
Of an admiring throng
All scintillating shined they there
On poles Venetioan fixed,
Red, yellow, pink and white and blue
Harmoniously were mixed.From the Pier unto the Pickie
The illuminated pathway led
Which on the sea delightfully
Its bright reflection shed.
Through crowded streets of Bangor
We roamed in happy mood
Till all of us left by the bus
And came to Holywood,
Where, standing in the High Street there,
The buses formed in line
And joining hands fraternally
We all sang “Auld lang Syne.”Then with three cheers for Lisburn
To Hope was said “good-bye”
Of Hope bereft, not hopeless left
Was either you or I –
That some in the future we,
Together once again,
Will have a day from home away
By steamboat, bus and train;
With sisters, wives and sweethearts
Old friendships to renew
For Brotherhoods fraternal good
In Lodge One Fifty Two.This is the simple story
Of how we travelled far
By bus and train and steamboat, too,
From Lisburn to Stranraer.
This is the simple story
I have simply told to you
Of both our lodge excursions in nineteen thirty-two
When all agreed our thanks indeed right heartily were due,
Unto our Lodge Committee, and Brother Gilmour who
Upheld the fame and honoured name of Lodge One Fifty Two.
The following extract is from The Belfast Telegraph dated Friday July 12th 1935. It is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Telegraph.
S. Antrim Assembly
Dunmurry to Lough Shore
Gathered at DerriaghyEarly morning Lisburn Parade.
From an early hour this morning Lisburn was celebrating the “Twelfth,” for shortly after midnight parties of loyalists, complete with “Lambegs” and fifes took possession of the streets, and as well as welcoming in the great anniversary kept it in company for several hours.
The parade of brethren assembled at the Orange Hall at an early hour this morning, and undertook the customary parade of the town, the banners regalia, and so on maintaining harmony with the carnival appearance of the town.
The parade was headed by the district officers, and during the march through Lisburn was joined by members of the country areas adjacent to Lisburn.
The route then lay out the Belfast Road to Seymour Hill, Dunmurry, kindly granted to the brethren by Br. Capt. F. Charley. The Lisburn brethren were met by the Derriaghy district as they neared Dunmurry, Derriaghy being hosts this year. At this point the other districts from Glenavy, Magheragall, Aghalee, Hillsborough, and Ballinderry joined in.
The officers, visitors and their friends were kindly entertained to luncheon by Capt. And Mrs A.F.Charley.The arrangements for the day were carried out by the officers of the Derriaghy district, and left nothing to be desired. He officers are:- W.D.M. Br. J.C. Gray; D.D.M. Br. D. Morrow; district secretary, Br. G. Wright; district treasurer, Br. T. Hanna.
On the motion of Mr. R.A.Ellis W.D.M. Aghalee, seconded by Br. Alfred Johnston, District Secretary Hillsborough, Br. James C. Gray W.D.M. Derriaghy took the chair.
The devotional part of the proceedings were led by Brs Rev C I Peacocke, M.A. D.C., rector of Derriaghy, and Rev. J.H. Orr B.A., D.C., Hillsborough
The Chairman said it was his privilege and pleasure as District Master of Derriaghy to welcome them all there that afternoon for the annual demonstration. It was some years now since they met in the village of Dunmurry, and the local brethren hoped they would carry back pleasant recollections of the hours spent there. He was very pleased to see such a turn-out of the members of the districts, which amalgamated each year for the demonstration, and he wished them a very jolly time. Judging by the faces he saw around him they were enjoying themselves and he trusted the remainder of their time would be as pleasant.
The following extract appeared in The Ulster Star on 26th July 1996. Thanks to the Ulster Star for permission to use this extract.
Lisburn Twelfth fifty years ago (1946)
Perfect weather and the presence of thousands of members of the Orange Order, cheered on their way by happy crowds, helped to make the 256th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne celebrated in Lisburn on Friday. July 12. 1946, probably the largest and most representative held in the district up to that date.
In addition to every lodge in the Lisburn Number Six there were lodges from the Derriaghy, Hillsborough, Ballinderry, Magheragall, Glenavy and Aghalee Districts and the whole combined in making the demonstration one of the most colourful in Northern Ireland.
From early morning Lisburn people and those from outlaying areas gathered for the demonstration and when the Orangeman, bands and banners got moving through the principal thoroughfares en route to the field at Deneight, no one could have failed to be impressed by the spectacle and pageantry of the demonstration.
The procession was headed by Lisburn District led by Mr. Robert Hamilton, District Master, accompanied by Mr. E.S. Clarke, DL., Past County Grand Master and a Deputy Grand Master of Ireland; Mr. A.G. Baird, District Secretary; Mr. William Dick, District Treasurer; the Reverend Andrew Fullerton, D.G. Chaplain, the Reverend David Hay, D.G. Chaplain and other prominent members of the order.
When all the Orangemen had reached the field in the early afternoon I was estimated that the number of people present totalled five thousand. On a platform ideally situated on the crest of the hill, a short religious service was conducted by Mr. Fullerton, Grand Chaplain; Mr. Hay, District Grand Chaplain and the Reverend T.G. Keery, District Chaplain, Derriaghy.
The address was given by the Reverend N.E. Mulligan, MBE, District Grand Chaplain, Belfast.
Also on the platform were Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Herbert Quin, MP; Mr. Joseph Morgan, Colonel H.R. Charley and many other officers of various lodges in the Lisburn and adjoining districts.The proceedings began with the singing of the hundredth psalm. All people that on earth do dwell followed by prayer by Mr. Hay.
The gathering then sang the hymn “O God of Bethel.”
The portion of Scripture from Joshua 24 verse 14 was read by Mr. Fullerton.
Mr. Mulligan, for his address, close as his theme the importance of religion as a spiritual basis for everything in life and used as an illustration a message from Viscount, then Field Marshal, Montgomery to the twenty-first Army Group padres in which the great soldier said that he firmly believed that no matter what enterprise man embarked upon it must have a spiritual basis if it was to achieve lasting success.
Mr. Mulligan said that proven and established way of life was a message which needed to ring in their ears again and again if they were to accomplish anything.
The only lasting structure on which they would build a true foundation was God.
Speaking of the victories that had been won in centuries gone by and in recent years, Mr. Mulligan referred to the flower of the country’s manhood who had died that others might be free and said that if they were to prove themselves worthy of the freedom they would have to make up their minds about the type of foundation on which they intended to build their future.
After Mr. Mulligan’s address the gathering joined in the singing of the hymn “O God our help in ages past,” which was followed by prayer by Mr. Keery.
The resolution of loyalty to King George the sixth was proposed by Mr. Quin and seconded by Mr. Morgan.
Mr Quin said they had dedicated themselves to maintain their position in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Mr. Quin said they had dedicated themselves to maintain their position in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Mr. Morgan, referring to the open Bible, described it as their charter and said if they never had a Bible they would not have a conscience.
He appealed to the youth to read the Bible, which had given them their laws and their freedom.
Mr. Hamilton proposed a vote of thanks to the speakers and Mr. Richard A. Ellis, District Master, Aghalee, seconded.
Thanks to Mr. Hamilton for presiding was proposed by Mr. John Arnold, District Master, Ballinderry and seconded by Mr. John Parker, District Master, Magheragall.
Mr. Albert Brown, Deputy District Master, Magheragall and Mr. Joseph Magowan, Deputy District Master, Glenavy, thanked Mr. Smyth Patterson for the use of the field and the members of the Deneight lodge for the use of their hall for the luncheon.
Mr. Hamilton, on behalf of the Lisburn district, thanked the visiting Orangemen from the other districts for their large and brilliant turnout.
The proceedings ended with the singing of the National Anthem.
The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 6th July 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.
Local Twelfth Parades
Some 4000 Orangemen from Lisburn, Hillsborough, Magheragall, Derriaghy, Aghalee, Ballinderry and Glenavy Districts will be holding a demonstration at Glenavy next Friday in commemoration of the 273rd anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne.
The Orangemen, accompanied by their enthusiastic followers and bands will be arriving in the County Antrim village from early morning.
Lisburn brethren will be travelling in two special trains from Lisburn railway station at 10.25am and 1045 am returning from Glenavy at 4.55pm and 5.15 pm. On the same train will be Orangemen from Dunmurry and Lambeg.
The Lisburn Orangemen and bands will meet at Lisburn Orange Hall on Friday morning at 9 o’clock, moving off at 9 15 am for a parade of the principal streets of the town before boarding the trains for Glenavy.
The procession will leave Glenavy from 11.30 am onwards for Mr. David McCullough’s field on the Belfast Road, about a quarter of a mile from the village. The meeting in the field will begin at 2pm and the principal speakers will be the local Mps Mr S Knox Cunningham, and Mr. R.W.B. McConnell.
Before the meeting the Glenavy District Lodge will be hosts to the visiting District Officers and speakers at luncheon in the Protestant Hall.