Glenavy Carnival Week 1961
This publication is the First Annual Parish Carnival Week, Chapel Hill, Glenavy Souvenir Programme 14th – 21st May 1961. The proceeds in aid of Church Building Renovation Fund. Provided by Glenavy Carnival Committee.
Inside page reads:
A.D. 461.….A.D. 1961
Honour the fifteenth centenary of the death of Saint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland by coming to Slemish, on Sunday, June the fourth.
There are numerous local adverts in this publication including:
- Kelly’s Service Station, Whitehall, Aghagallon, Lurgan Phone Aghalee 237
- Brian McKenna mobile Draper and Footwear specialist, 53 Cushendall Road, Ballymena, Phone Ballymena 6686
- Ben Pinkerton, Main Street, Crumlin Phone Crumlin 323
- Northern Bank Limited – Lisburn – J. Brown, Manager and W.H. Gray, Sub. Manager
- Harry Eastwood Motora, Belfast and Lisburn.
- Harry Eastwood and sons, Bridge Street, Lisburn phone 31186
- Allam’s The Livestock Centre – R.J. Allam Ltd., Oxford Mart, Oxford Street, Belfast
- David McCullough, The Mills. Glenavy phone Crumlin 253
- The Three Star Press – L. Davenport, Ballynadrenta, Crumlin, Co. Antrim
- Brankin’s of Corner House, Glenavy phone Crumlin 459
- Glenavy Service Station (Henry Macauley), Ballysessy, Glenavy phone Crumlin 440 or after hours Crumlin 417
- Stirling’s Livestock Sales. Crumlin Livestock mart – Monday: Sale of Fat Cattle and Sheep. Robert Stirling, Auctioneer and Livestock salesman. Antrim, Larne and Crumlin. Phone Crumlin 368
- T.F, Gilbert of Crumlin phone Crumlin 228
- Bannon’s Ltd, 75 Lower North Street, Belfast. “You are cordially invited to view our wide range of furniture, carpets and household goods at – St Joseph’s School, Glenavy Road, Crumlin from the 3rd July until the 8th July inclusive.”
- Passionist Pilgrimage to Lourdes – American Express, 9 North Street, belfast
- Musgrave & Co. Ltd St Ann’s Works, Belfast
- The Northern Ireland Farmers’ Bacon Co. Ltd. Phone Cookstown 3321
- Creamline Products Limited, Lurgan, Co. Armagh
- S. Bickerstaffe, Roses Lane Ends
- Charles Mc Stravick & Sons builders providers, Derryclone, Aghalee. Phone Aghalee 254
- The Horseshoe Inn, Ballinderry. P Horner
- St. Mary’s Catholic Repository, 5 – 7 Chapel Lane, Belfast 1
- Gents Hairdresser – Frank McCann, Main Street, Glenavy Phone Aghalee 286
- Isaac Agnew Ltd., 63 Chichester Street, Belfast, 1
- P. McCorry, 37 Church Place and Francis Street, Lurgan
- Lillian, Draper of Main Street, Crumlin
- William Noble & Co., 14 – 20 Little Patrick Street, Belfast, 15.
- J.C. Marley, Lisburn complete funeral furnisher
- Dublin Road Hotel, J.C. Marley Proprietor
- Aero Service Station, Seacash, Aldergrove – R.J. Wiggins & Son.
- The Hereford Arms, Glenavy. Lounge and Public Bar Fully Licensed. Prop: Mrs. Johnston. Phone Crumlin 467
- P.Young & Sons, Maghera, Co. Derry. Main Contractors for the erection of St. Aidan’s Intermediate School, Glenavy
- Langarve Stores, D.P. Mulholland & Sons, General Merchants, Glenavy Phone crumlin 264
- R & E Heatley, contractors, 51 Dock Street, Belfast 15
- McCauley & Kelly, Painting and decorating contractors, 38 Lucerne Parade, Stranmillis Road, Belfast.
- Doone Bros. Glenavy Family Butchers.
- The Chestnut Inn, Glenavy, Proprietor Mrs. R. Mulholland phone Crumlin 246
- Wm Brankin for renovating, ploughing and manure spreading phone Aghalee 344
- McKenna & McGinley Ltd, Belfast and Portadown
- Hughes Bread, Model Bakeries, Springfield Road, Belfast
- James McConnell, Dispensing Chemist, The Medical Hall, Crumlin. Phone Crumlin 236
- Kelly’s Wine Stores, 217 Beersbridge Road, Belfast
- Ambrose Serridge Ultan Book Stores, 91 Castle Street, Belfast
- J.B. Kennedy’s Bread, Beechmount Avenue, Belfast
- Kinahan soft drinks, Lyle & Kinnahan Limited, 5 – 9 Arthur Street, Belfast 1
- W. McGrattan & Sons Ltd, fruit importers and salesmen 17 – 24 May’s Market, Belfast also at St. George’s Market, 59 Oxford Street, Belfast
- Seamus Keenan, The Broagh, Castledawson – House, church and public contractor
- B.B.C. Refreshments Ltd famous for Dimple Drinks
- New Premises opening shortly at Main Street, Crumlin – Hessie McQuillan fashions.
- Edward Scott, general merchant and draper, Glenavy. Phone crumlin 237
- Fagan, Flesher, Main Street, Crumlin
- J.A. Ervine Ltd., 2 College Square North, Belfast 1
- H. Brankin, Crossvale, Moira Road, Glenavy phone Crumlin 415
- C Crawford, Ballynacoy, Glenavy phone Stoneyford 245
- Oporto Wine and Spirit Store, 153 Agnes Street, Belfast. Branch Store The Elite, 135 Snugville Street. Prop: Patrick McCambridge. Manager Laurence Fleeton
- Sports Equipment – McGlade Bros. 211 Donegall Street, Upper, Belfast
- Ulster Farm By-products Ltd, Glenavy
- Marshall’s the Book shop 120 Donegall Street, Belfast
- Redmond Jefferson, Bow Street, Lisburn
- John F. Mullan & Co Ltd Associated insurance brokers, 36 Victoria Square, Belfast
- Kevin McCall, Ltd 79 – 81 Gt. George’s Street, Belfast
- Ingles & Company Ltd
- Holmes, Mullin & Dunn Ltd 542 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast
- Raymond McCormick, Painter and decorator, Magheralane, Randallstown
- John Thompson & Sons Ltd, Donegall Quay Mills, Belfast
- John Hunter, The Boot shop, Crumlin
- Rea’s (prop – W.J. Dunlop) Main Street, Crumlin.
- Walkers, Bank Buildings, Banbridge
- Mooney Brothers – specialise in the construction of Tennis courts, playing fields and all types of landscape gardening. Feymore, Roses Lane Ends, Ballinderry Phone Aghalee 304
- Louis McCullagh, Ph C., M.P.S., Glenavy. Phone Crumlin 433
- Loughview Dairies Crumlin phone 324
- Bamford’s Dairy, Ltd., 26 – 32 Landseer St., Stranmillis Road, Belfast
- J.J. Morrison, Photographer, Crumlin Phone Crumlin 340
- Alex Ferguson, Shoeing forge, Glenavy
- James D. Bennet Ltd., 121 Avenue Street, Glasgow.
- John G. Hughes, Main Street, Glenavy
- Maguire’s garage 534 – 542 Falls Road, Belfast 12
- Wilson Motors (Crumlin) Ltd taxi and self drive service phone Crumlin 221
- The Grove Garage, Glenavy (Herbert Ingram) phone 255
- W. McAreavey Main Street, Crumlin
- Scott, Toomebridge
- Francis Collins, general Merchant, phone Crumlin 213
- McCambridge’s, Ballyvannon, Ballinderry phone 331
- Munster & Leinster Bank Ltd.
- Browne & Nolan Ltd, 40 Fountain Street, Belfast
Glenavy Carnival Week
The Carnival Committee:
President: Very Rev. Patrick Kerr, P.P., S.T.L.
Vice – President : Rev. Hugh O’Boyle, C.C.
Chairman: Rev. Daniel A. Crilly, C.C.
Hon. Secretary: Mr. P. Ritchie, B.A.
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. F. O’Brien, P.T.
Messrs. M. Fitzpatrick, P.T., F. Donnelly, P.T., P. Toman, P.T., F. Rogers P.T., J. McCann, P.T., M. O’Kane, P.Y., L. Fleeton, P. O’Neill, J. Ayre, D. Fleeton, Aodh Cormican, M. Fleeton, Ph. Cormican, J. McCorry, V. McKavanagh, G. Mulholland, B. Hickland, T. Connolly, J. Kane, Liam Cormican, M. Nelson, J. O’Neill, B. Connolly, C. Cormican, B. McCorry, O. Ruddy, J. Creaney, H. Magee.
Ladies Committee:
Mrs. Hughes, Miss J. Heaney, Mrs O’Boyle, Mrs I Armstrong, Mrs Doone, Mrs J Mulholland, Mrs J. Cormican, Mrs H. Magee, Mrs A Heatley, Mrs P. McCloskey, Mrs A. Cormican, Mrs Crossey, Mrs J Brankin, Mrs M Armstrong, Mrs Mary Faloon, P.T., Miss R. McHenry, P.T., Miss B. Devlin, P.T., Miss Mulholland P.T., Miss M Armstrong, Miss Rosemary Heatley, Miss K. Mulholland, Mis K. Cormican, Miss Hickland, Miss S. McCorry, Miss Imelda McGarrell, Miss Lena Lavery, Miss Marjorie O’ Boyle, Miss Kathleen McCrory.
Glenavy Carnival 1961
It is our privilege, dear patron, to bid you welcome to Chapel Hill and to present you with the Souvenir Programme of our Carnival Week. During the long weeks of preparation, now happily ended, we have had you constantly in our minds. You were the centre of all our interests and of all our planning, for we know full well that it is upon you that the success of our efforts ultimately depends.
In the pages that follow we hope that you will find much to interest you. Our aim has been to make the programme of the Carnival as comprehensive as possible so that all tastes may be catered for. We hope that we have lived up to our slogan – “Something for everyone!” It has led us to study your interests in many directions, and as a result, we have flung our net far and wide to bring you the very best in entertainment, both indoor and outdoor. We may be excused for taking pride in the fact that, be you young or old, male or female, married or single, you will find that we have catered for your particular interest.
Perhaps at this point we should enter our plea. To this particular field of entertainment we in Glenavy are newcomers, and – let us be the first to admit it – we have a lot to learn. Unforeseen circumstances ,may hinder our programme from running as smoothly as you and we would wish, but we have made an honest effort to ensure that it does. If there are delays and disappointments from time to time may we apologise in advance and plead our inexperience as excuse? We cannot, of course, be held accountable for the weather, but we are quite content to leave that ancient enemy of outdoor sport in the hands of God. May He smile on us during the next seven days!
The purpose underlying our Carnival has been a spur to our efforts and has taken the sting out of the hard work involved in organising it. It is proves successful we will have hastened the work of renovations the Church of St. Joseph at Chapel Hill, and the building and dedication to the service of God of a new church in Feymore. By your presence and by your generosity you have encouraged us greatly. In this commemorative year of St. Patrick, the builder of churches, we thank you simply and from our hearts.
What then do we offer you during the next week? We offer you the thrills and excitement of the sporting events, the gaiety of the carnival ceilidhes, the drama of the Patrician pageant, the lilt of music and song, the joys of meeting old friends and of making new ones, and all the fun of the fair. In a word, we offer you – Glenavy Carnival, 1961!
To you and all our friends we bid hearty “Cead Mile Failte.” It is our earnest hope that you will enjoy every moment you spend with us and you will come often during the week. Once again, thank you for your support.
The Organising Committee
Very Rev. Daniel Canon McEvoy, P.P.

Very Rev. Daniel Canon McEvoy, Parish Priest of Glenavy and Killead
1923 – 1960
It seems but yesterday since we gathered together, both priests and people, to mourn his passing and pay our last respects to a well loved parish priest. His funeral will be long remembered as an indication of the regard in which Daniel Canon McEvoy was held by all creeds and classes. The sad strains of his funeral dirge have hardly ceased to haunt us with their lingering melody, and yet – it is almost a year since we commended his great soul to God in his solemn requiem, and committed his body to the embrace of the dark earth of his beloved Glenavy.
Of his love for Glenavy and its people there can be no doubt. In the short time that I had the privilege of being his curate it was the one thing about the Canon that impressed me most. He was happy when he was in Glenavy amongst his own. For thirty seven years as parish priest he was, in the biblical sense of the term, the “Shepherd of his flock,” and the “Father of his people.” It was characteristic of the man, when he knew his end was approaching, that he should chose to die in Glenavy. In spite of the ravages of his illness and extreme weakness he achieved his desire, and so he came home. From the shadows of the death chamber his tired old eyes used to linger on the little church across the way, and we who watched him knew that he was content. He would meet his God close by where he met Him morning after morning for forty years of his priestly life.
It is not surprising that a warmhearted people should respond to such affection. The people of Glenavy loved the Canon and his memory is safe in their keeping. When they talk of the priests who have served them they will link the name and the memory of Father Dan McEvoy with the late Father George Pye whose name is still green because of his priestly virtues, his warmth and his sympathy.
Many memories of the Canon will come crowding into our minds as we keep his first Anniversary on the coming thirteenth of June. It is not for me, who, to my great regret, knew him and worked with him for only five months to recall Canon McEvoy as his people knew him and thought of him. That would be a presumption on my part. I have therefore asked Father Sloan, C.C., who was his curate for almost ten years, to contribute the following appreciation.
The Canon
Canon McEvoy, born in Glenarm in 1874, was ordained in St. Patrick’s, Belfast by Most Rev. Dr. Henry on the Feast of St. John the Evangelist, 27th December, 1898. He served in the Diocese of Down and Connor as an exemplary priest for over sixty one years, forty of which he spent in the parish of Glenavy, as curate from 1899 – 1902, and as parish priest from 1923 until his death on 13th June 1960.
The Canon was, as his people said “one of the old school,” a man of strong faith and open heart. As a priest he was the “soggarth aroon.” the father of his flock and he was at his best always when with his people. He loved to linger with them, to be among the crowd after Mass, to be with them in the Hall on the sideline at a football match: he rejoiced with them at wedding receptions and felt keenly their sorrow on the occasions of their bereavements. His sermons were short, direct and forthright.
As a man the Canon was always young in outlook. He loved the company of young people, priests and laity, and his conversation interested them greatly, especially when he spoke of the great changes he had seen in his lifetime. To the very end of his days he followed sport, and his particular pastimes were the study of Irish History, which he often discussed with seamen and whose similarly interested.
To everyone in Glenavy and district he was “the Grand Old Man” of Chapel Hill. His prayers and his blessing were sought not only by the members of his flock. The lesson he lived was Christlike, “live in peace and charity with your neighbours.”
May God rest his great soul.
The Church of the Dwarf.
The ancient name of the Parish of Glenavy was Lann Abhaic, the Church of the Dwarf. The “G” was prefixed at a comparatively recent date. In all English documents up to the seventeenth century the name is found in some such form as Lenavy, Lynavy, or Lennewy. The traditions as told in the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick (written in the eleventh century), is that when St. Patrick was preaching in the district, he made many converts, and left a church there under the care of his disciple Daniel who was so small as to be nick-named “the Dwarf.” He was also called in politer circles St. Patrick’s Angel because of the purity of his life. But it was the nickname that is preserved in the name of our parish. Abhac being the Irish for Dwarf.
The site of the church founded by St. Patrick is said to be a little outside the village, at the angle where the Pigeontown road meets the Glenavy – Ballycessy road. The Protestant Church occupies a site that was used in Catholic times, but the ancient church was probably on the opposite side of the road.
Thus did the church and parish come to be known as Lann Abhaic, in memory of the saint who was left by St. Patrick as the first parish priest – Daniel the Dwarf – who laboured and died there and was buried amongst his own people. Thus, too, does the name Glenavy bring us back to the days of our National Apostle when he was plating the faith amongst the pagan inhabitants of Dalaradia.
Crew Hill
The early history of Glenavy is closely connected with that of the Kingdom of Uladh or Ulidia. The Kings of Uladh were proclaimed on the medals for the winners and runners-up.
Crew Hill, on the eastern side of the parish. The coronation stone is still to be seen near the summit of the hill, but the “spreading tree” under which the ceremony took place, and from which Craobh Tulcha or the Crew is named, was cut down in 1099 by the Kinel-Owen, the hereditary enemies of the Ulidans. There is a large rath which lay have been the royal residence, on the south side, as you approach the summit. Nothing more remains to mark the scene where many a time the clansmen of Uladh gathered round their King from far and wide, to be drilled and marshalled for many a fierce encounter.
The hill rises to a height of 629 feet and commands a view of the entire parish. On the west, Lough Neagh stretches away in the distance to where Slieve Gallion and the hills of Derry and Tyrone are dimly visible. We turn towards the south and the rich plains of Down stretch out before us. On the north the fertile tract of country lying around Crumlin, Antrim, and Templepatrick meets our view. The eastern side presents a contract to the other three. Here one sees the mountainous district of the Rock and Stoneyford threaded by the roads from Glenavy to Belfast. Truly it was a site well chosen – this ancient stronghold of the Kings of Uladh.
The Crew Hill came into prominence in the history of Ireland after the destruction of Emania in 355 A.D., up to then the centre of royal power for the whole province of Ulster. After that defeat the territory of Iladh was reduced to the country lying east of Lough Neagh and the Newry River. The King of Uladh, then, who was crowned on the Crew Hill, had subject to him the Kings of Dalriada, of Dufferin, of the Ards, of Lecale, of Iveagh, and of several minor provinces.
Space does not permit us to follow the fortunes of the Kingdom of Uladh through all its chequered history, but one or two events we cannot pass over. The first is the Battle of the Crew Hill in 100s A.D., in which the Ulidians were defeated by their old enemies, the Kinel-Owen. From the Annals of the Four Masters we see what enormous forces were engaged: “In this battle were slain Eochy, son of Ardghair, King of Uladh, and Dubhtinne his brother; the two sons of Eochy, Cuduiligh and Donal: Garvey, lord of Iveagh: Gillepadruig, son of Tumelty; and the most part of the Ulidians in like manner. The battle extended as far as Deueight and Drumbo. Donagh O’Linchey, lord of Dal-Araidhe and royal heir of Uladh, was slain on the following day by the Kinel- Owen. Aedh O’Neill, lord of Aileach and heir – apparent to the High Kingship of Ireland fell in the heat of the battle in the twentieth year of his age.”
Two years later another important event took place – the visit of Brian Boru to the crew Hill. It was nine years before the battle of Clontarf. Brian was now reigning in place of the deposed Malachy as High King of Ireland, and in an effort to consolidate his position he marched north to claim the allegiance of the northern kings. The expedition arrived at the Crew Hill in 1005 A.D., and the Ulidians tendered their submission. It seems to have been a very friendly visit, judging by the magnificent gifts that were given and exchanged.
Another century passed by and the fortunes of the Kingdom of Uladh were on the wane. Against the Crew Hill the enemies of Ulidia were relentless in their attacks. In 1099 Donal O’Lochlainn led an army of the Northern Hy-Neill across Toome into Uladh. He reached the Crew and found the men of Uladh waiting, but again the Kinel-Owen were victorious. They took the opportunity of inflicting a lasting humiliation on their old enemies. They cut down the Sacred Tree on the Crew Hill under which the Kings of Uladh had been inaugurated for centuries. Thus passed the glory of Croabh Tulcha. With the falling fortunes of it Chieftains it lapsed into oblivion. But the Hill itself remains a reminder to the men of Glenavy of the part their forefathers played in the shaping of history.
Our Churches
- The School, built about 1655
- St. Joseph’s Church, Chapel Hill, Glenavy
- A View of the Lough
- St. Aidan’s Voluntary Seconday Intermediate School Dedicated and Blessed by Most Rev. Dr. Magean, Bishop of Down and Connor. September 1960
The following interesting account of the churches in the parish is to be found in Monsignor Olivetti’s “History of the Diocese of Down and Connor.”
During the time of persecution Mass was celebrated at the site of the present church of Glenavy, which is in the town land of Ballymacrickett, and at a high bank in the town land of Ardmore, which overhangs Lough Neagh. The Catholics erected, about the time of the restoration, a Mass House at Ardmore, the walls of which form part of the dwelling house of Mr. Thompson; they afterwards erected a chapel at the Mass station at Ballymacrickett. On Palm Sundays and such occasions it was customary for the priest to celebrate Mass at a place called the “Gulf” on the banks of Lough Neagh, which was nearly central for the two congregations. The chapel at Ballymacrickett was burned in 1796 by the Wreckers, after which Mass was celebrated at the ruins, until another chapel was built by Father Crangle in 1802. A new Church, dedicated to St. Joseph, was erected on the site of the old by Father George Pye, P.P. It was consecrated by the Bishop of the Diocese, Most rev. Dr. Dorrian on September 13th 1868.
After the Catholics ceased using the Mass-House at Ardmore, they assembled for Mass at a storehouse at Ballyginniff. Father Crangle built a small chapel at Alder grove (townland of Ballyquillan) which was enlarged and altered into the present church, erected by Father MacMullan in 1824. It was dedicated under the invocation of St. James. Father MacMullan is buried in front of the altar; and in front of the church the Rev. John McAreavey is interred. There is preserved in Aldergrove Church a holy water stroup from the old Church of Templepatrick: it was presented to Father James MacMullan.
Glenavy Dear
(Old Ballad to the air of “The Banks o’Doon.”)
Glenavy dear, my native soil,
Where I have spent my early days,
Though distant from you many a mile
I’m still inclined to sing your praise;
Your fine green hills, your meadows broad,
Your walks and groves and streamlets clear.
Where many a pleasant hour I play’d,
Unknown to cares, Glenavy dear.
Sweet Ballymote, that friendly spot
My eyes did first behold the light,
Imagination paints the cot
Where I partook of pure delight
Twas from yon hill I went to school,
To Ingram’s Mount, or very near,
And never yet did dream at all
To part with you, Glenavy dear.
Twas there my principles were formed,
It was there I learned to use the quill,
To write and cypher there I learned
And these, thank God, befriends me still;
Some hundred times on Sunday morn,
Our reverend prelate thee to hear,
With heart clate and free from harm,
I passed through thee Glenavy dear.
The silver lake below the town,
Where boats do scud before the gale,
Where fish in plenty do abound
The speckled trout and curling eel;
At sweet sixteen I’ve often been
Along your fine, delightful shore.
Reflecting on the early scenes
Reminds me of Glenavy dear.
But twenty years have nearly run
Since I those groves and glens surveyed,
My comrades are dispersed and gone,
And of my friends great numbers dead,
My father and my mother too,
In death’s embrace do moulder here,
Which soon may be my fortune too,
So fare-thee-well, Glenavy dear.
The author of these verses was Hugh McWilliams, who lived at Dillon’s Hill in the town land of Ballymote. If you stand at Hendron’s Corner and face towards Glenavy village, Dillon’s Hill is on your right – the farm belongs to Mr. Hendron. The house was among the trees at the summit of this little hill, but now only traces of the garden remain . It is said that he was a schoolteacher and that he emigrated to America, where he died. It is also said that he was a schoolteacher and that he emigrated to America, where he died. It is also said that he was a brother of Father Bernard McWilliams whose grave is in the Protestant cemetery, Glenavy. It is certain that the Protestant Church occupies a site which was used in Catholic times, for the old holy water stoup, a basin hollowed out of black stone, is still preserved in this graveyard.
“Ingram’s Mount” was at Ballycessy, on the Glenavy side of the present entrance to Mr. Acheson’s. It was removed during the time of the Seftons and used to fill a pond in the lawn. The school was on Sefton’s land. It would seem from the poem that Hugh McWilliams went to Mass through Glenavy, and we must conclude from this that he was going to what was known as “Thompson’s Mass-house.” This was in the town land of Ardmore, almost at the end of the Diamond road where it joins the road lying along the Lough shore. It was on the site of present buildings and part of the old walls was retained. In some of the old deeds connected with this property there is mention of “Thompson’s Mass House”. A tomb stone with an inscription on it was found when the occupants were putting a range in this house.
It is said that there was formerly a graveyard adjoining the house, and in the orchard on the opposite side of the road human bones have been found. The Mass-house was probably on the site of a church which is mentioned in the area in a document about 1615. In the later days of semi-toleration it would have been natural for people to have recourse to the old walls of the former building and restore them to their original purpose.
Father Bernard McWilliams died in 1798 aged 32. The poet had some verses published in 1759 which makes him more or less a contemporary of the famous Robert Burns who wrote “The Banks o’Doon.” That is about all we know of him, but as long as those old fashioned verses are remembered we can catch a glimpse of former days in our parish, before the railways threw their lines across the green fields of Carnkelly and Aughnamoney, and while the stone which in a later day would help to house the Lord, lay uncut beneath the bushes in Ballymacrickett.
Our Competitions and Trophies
1. The Canon McEvoy Memorial and Perpetual Challenge Cup
This beautiful cup was presented by the people of the parish in memory of their late parish priest, the Very Rev. Daniel Canon McEvoy. It is the premier award in our carnival and has been reserved for the principal competition, the Senior Invitation Football Tournament. The winners of this Tournament will receive the Cup for one year, and in addition, eighteen personal Trophy Cups engraved and eighteen clocks. The runners-up will receive eighteen travelling clocks.
2. The Ballydonaghy Perpetual Challenge Cup.
This very handsome Cup has been very kindly presented by the people of the townland of Ballydonaghy. It will be presented to the winning team in the Minor Football Tournament, and will be held by them for one year. The winners will receive in addition eighteen miniature Trophy Cups, and the runners-up eighteen beautiful medals.
3. The St. Aidan’s Cup
In view of the intense aroused amongst the “Finn MacCools” of Glenavy by the proposed Tug-o-War competition, the committee has decided to award a new Cup, to be known as the St. Aidan’s Cup. It will be awarded for one year to the winning team, and no doubt the various districts of the parish will battle like giants for the honour of retaining it. In addition the winners will receive eight beautiful Trays engraved “Glenavy Carnival 1961” and eight sets of Drinking Glasses. The runners-up will receive eight inscribed biscuit dishes.
4. The Dalboyne Shield.
This fine Perpetual Challenge Shield will be awarded to the Amateur Boxing Club scoring the highest number of points in our Boxing Contests. In view of the fact that we have recently established St. Aidan’s Amateur Boxing Club in the parish, we hope that these tournaments will arouse considerable interest amongst the sportsmen of the parish in the noble art of self defence. All the boxers engaged will receive cups and medals.
5. The Cuchullain Perpetual Challenge Cup
We have gone back to the great days of the red Branch Knights in Ulster to find a name for this beautiful little Cup. The feats of the boy Cuchullain in the sports field have never been equalled. His is a fitting name to give this trophy which will be awarded for the Inter-Schools’ Athletics. The Competition will be decided on a system of points awards, five for a win, three for a second, one for a third. In the event of a tie the points will be divided. The winners, I.e. the school scoring most points will hold the Cup for a year. Miniature Cups and medals will be awarded to first, second and third in each event.
6. St. Joseph’s Perpetual Challenge Cup
This trophy will be awarded to the team which wins the laurels in the Seven-a-side Football Competition. This has always proved an attractive contest and will excite a great deal of interest. There will be sets of fine (missing in original publication).
7. St. Dympna’s Perpetual Challenge Cup.
The Carnival Committee wishes to place on record its pleasure at the formation recently in Glenavy of a new Camogie Club. The members wish it every success and as an earnest of their good wishes and interest in this fine outdoor game for girls they are presenting St. Dympna’s Cup to the victors in a challenge camogie match to be held by them for one year. There will be sets of medals for winners and runners-up. We hope to see the Glenavy girls issue the challenge next year.
8. St Colcille’s Perpetual Challenge Cup
Like St. Dympna’s Cup this Cup will be awarded to the winners of a challenge, this time for football. Both teams competing will receive sets of medals.
9. The Glenavy Cup
To encourage Irish Dancing in general, and the formation of an Irish Dancing Class in Glenavy in particular, the Committee will present the Glenavy Cup to the competitor, in the opinion of the adjudicator, who shows most promise amongst the dancers in our Irish Dancing Competitions.
These are our main competitions and trophies, but we have pleasure in informing our friends the children that there will be prizes for the novelty races in the children’s sports, and that in addition to the Three Prizes in each section of the Fancy Dress Parade, each child who takes part will receive a gift.
We wish to place on record our thanks to all those people whose generosity made the presentation of these Trophies possible.
The Carnival Week
Day by day….hour by hour
Sunday, 14th May
2pm The Cuchullain Cup, (Heats)
Heats will be run in the following events: 100 yards girls & boys, 80 yards hurdles girls & boys, Relay 4 x 100 yards girls & boys, Long jump girls & boys, hop, step and jump girls & boys, High jump girls & boys.
The following schools will take part:- Ballymacrickett, Aldergrove, Crumlin, Feymore, Derrynaseer, The Rock, Hannahstown.
The winners in each heat will go forward to represent their school in the Finals of the Cuchullain Cup on Sunday 21st.
3pm The St Columcille’s Cup
Challenge football match – Glenavy v St. Enda’s
4pm Band Parade by St. Patrick’s Pipe Band, Glenavy followed by the Children’s Fancy Dress Parade in three classes.
4.30 pm St. Aidan’s Cup tug o War competition. (heats) Teams from Cockhill, Ballydonaghy, Ballineary and Feymore competing. Semi-finals and finals on Sunday, 21st.
5.30 pm St. Joseph’s Cup competition. (Seven a side football) Entris for this competition accepted in field.
7 p.m. Official opening of Carnival and Carnival Oration by Very Rev. George Clenaghan, P.P., Loughguile.
Trial Minor Match. Antrim County v S.W. Antrim Selection
8pm Inter-County Senior Challenge Match. Antrim v Armagh
9.30 pm In honour of the Patrician Year – “The life and Times of St. Patrick” – a spectacular Pageant by the pupils of St. Aidan’s Secondary Intermediate School
10 pm First Great Carnival Ceilidhe. Music by McCusker Brothers Ceilidhe Band. Fear a toighe – Liam O’Connor of BBC and UTV fame. Spots, hats and novelties. Other Guest Stars. Come and enjoy the real Irish Carnival Spirit in St. Clare’s Hall. Taille – 4 shillings.
Points to remember!!!
O’Neill’s Super Amusements and side shows in full swing all week.
Pongo each night in the Marquee. Today we start the “Snowball”. Watch it grow!!!
Monday 15th May.
7.30pm The Ballydonaghy Cup competition
Minor Invitation Football Tournament. 8 selected teams. A. St Peter’s (Lurgan) v St. Edna’s, (Glengormely)
8.30 pm The Canon McAvoy Cup competition
Senior Invitation Football tournament. 8 selected teams.
a. Clann Eireann (Lurgan) v St. Ergnat’s (Moneyglass)
9 pm in St. Clare’s Hall
A superb variety concert by the pupils of St Aidan’s Secondary Intermediate School Their first public appearance in Variety.
Laugh your blues away at the whimsical antics of “Thompson in Tir na nog.”
Supported by music, song and dance. Items in wide variety. Admission 3/6 and 2/6
Don’t Forget! Our monster Carnival draw. £250 in prizes, £100 first prize. 6d per line. Cards available in the Field each night. Don’t miss a golden opportunity!
Tuesday 16th May
7.30 pm The Ballydonaghy Cup
b. Michael’s (Aghagallon) v Rossa (Belfast)
8.30 pm The Canon McEvoy Cup
b Mitchel’s (Aghagallon) v Rossa (Belfast)
9 pm In St. Clare’s Hall
Amateur Boxing Tournament.
St. Peter’s ABC Lurgan v St Aidan’s ABC., Glenavy
Plus strong supporting bouts.
Admission to all parts – 2/6
Teas, minerals, Ice cream available each night
Nightly ballot in the Field for valuable prizes.
Don’t forget “Pongo” in the Marquee!!!
Special for the Ladies
In St. Aidan’s S.I. School commencing at 8pm
Cookery demonstration including the use of food mixer and most modern appliances
Washing machine demonstration in co-operation with EBNI
Fashion parade by Pupils of St. Aidan’s S.I.
Exhibition of Arts and crafts. Admission 2 shillings
Wednesday, 17th May
7.30 pm The Ballydonaghy Cup
c. Antrim v Glenavy
8.30 pm The Canon McEvoy Cup
c. Tones (Lurgan) v Fianna (Coalisland)
9 p.m. Grand Super Variety Concert
We have pleasure in presenting for the first time – Sally McNally – Irish Ballad Singer, sister of the famous Eileen Donaghy. Also Biride Sweeny and his Harmony trio, Mary McAvoy, Irish harpist. Peter Sherry, violinist. The Shamrock Quartette. Seamus McKeown, tenor. Una Kelly, Soprano. James Daly, accordionist. Jim Cavanagh, Elocutionist. Frank O’Neill, baritone and Compere.
Admission 3/6 and 2/6
Thursday, 18th May
7.30 pm The Ballydonaghy Cup
d. Clann Eireann v Moneyglass
8.30 pm The Canon McEvoy cup
d. Kick hams (Creggan) v Clan-na-gaul (Lurgan)
8.30 pm. It is our privilege to present fresh from their fourth successful American Tour, Ireland’s little Ambassadors of Song.
The Little Gaelic Singers in a great gala concert. They will charm your heart away. Make sure you apply early for your ticket. It will guarantee your seat. Tickets 5 shillings and 3/6. Apply – Ref.D.Crillt, C.C., Parochial House, Glenavy
Friday, 19th May
7.30 pm The Ballydonaghy Cup.
Semi final
8.30 pm The Canon McEvoy Cup
Semi final
9.30pm Repeat performance of the Patrician Pageant
10 pm St Clare’s hall
Second grand Ceilidhe. Music by Clann Eireann Ceildhe Band. Fear a toighe – Rory Campbell. Taille 3 shillings.
Snowball Pongo now in full swing. Try your “Lucky Numbers”
Other field competitions to try your skill
Are you an “L” plate driver or can you really reverse a tractor? Try it!!
Deadline approaches for the Great Carnival Draw. Don’t throw away £100!!!
Saturday, 20th May
7.30pm The Ballydonaghy Cup
8.30 pm The Canon McEvoy cup
Semi final
9pm St Clare’s Hall
The Dalboyne Shield Boxing tournament. Twelve exciting contests running through all the weights. Boxers from Belfast, Lisburn, Coalisland, Dromore, Lurgan, including many champions.
Boxing fans! Come and enjoy a fine night’s entertainment. Ringside seats 5 shillings. All other seats (including stage) 3 shillings.
Carnival Sunday, 21st May
1pm Irish Dancing competitions.
These will be held in St. Clare’s Hall and will be attended by the leading schools of Dancing.
2pm The Cuchullain Cup (finals)
3pm South West Antrim League Match
Glenavy v Hannahstown
4 pm St Dympna’s Cup – Challenge Camogie Match
Alder grove v Williams
5pm St. Aidan’s Cup – Tug o war competition
6pm Donkey Derby and band parade. Heats and finals
7 pm Ballydonaghy Cup Tournament final
8pm Official close of Carnival Week.
Great Carnival Draw takes place for valuable prizes.
8.30pm The Canon McEvoy Cup final
9.30 pm Final performance of Patrician Pageant.
10 pm Great Presentation Carnival Ceilidhe.
Music by Roddy McCorley Ceilidhe Band.
Hats – spots – novelties.
Presentation of Trophies by Mr. Brian Moore. County Chairman, Antrim County Board.
Taille – 4 shillings.
A Word of Thanks
A Carnival Week on such a scale as ours demands the limit in hard work and co-operation from a great many people. The Committee wishes to record its deep appreciation and gratitude to the following who helped us considerably.
St. Joseph’s Gaelic Football Club, Glenavy
Antrim Co. G.A.A. Board
Armagh Co. G.A.A. Board.
S.W. Antrim G.A.A. Committee
The Official Referee
All our visiting teams and competing clubs.
The Amateur Boxing Clubs of Lisburn, Lurgan, Coalisland and Belfast
The M.C., Official referees and Judges.
St. Patrick’s Pipe Band, Glenavy
All our guest Artistes and Bands
Mr. V. Crossey
The Teachers of the Parish
Father J. Sloan, C.C.
Father P.McKavanagh, B.A.
The Ladies of the Apostolic Work and their helpers
St. Clare’s Boys’ and Girls’ clubs
The Donors of Trophies, gifts and subscriptions
Messrs B&T Woods, Berry St
The Ulster Bank, Crumlin
Messrs R&D McAlister, Belfast
The Irish Whiskey Bonding Co., Ltd
O’Neill’s Amusements
Mr. T. McNally, Printer, Randalstown, for his courtesy and attention.
All our advertisers on whose generosity this programme depended.