"Ecclesia de Kenles"
The following extract is from "Diocese Of Down and Connor. Ancient and Modern" by Rev. J. O’Laverty P.P.M.R.I.A. Volume 2. 1880.
Parish of Derryaghy
"Ecclesia de Kenles" is valued in the Taxation of Pope Nicholas at the comparatively large sum of 4 ½ marks, yet the site cannot now be identified. The name Kenles assumes in modern terms the form of Kells. As it occurs in the taxtion between "Talarusk" and "Karryn" it is to be presumed that it I in the vicinity. Perhaps it may be discovered about Islandkelly or Drumankelly. Colgan, in a note to the Life of St. Olcan, among the various places supposed to be named from that saint, mentions – "Boith-Bolcain (the hut of Olcan), near Vonnere (Connor), in the barony of Cill-Ultach (Kilultagh)," which is the town land of Bovolcan, near Stoneyford. No ecclesiastical remains have, however, been discovered in that town land ; but Archdall, following Colgan, describes Boithbolcain as a "Church near Connor, founded by St. Bolcan, a disciple of St. Patrick."
The following extract is from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim II 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Parish of Derryaghy
MarketsDruminkelly: markets Lisburn and Belfast; conveyance: cars and carts: prices: butter 8 (d) per lb, potatoes 1s 10d per cwt, oats 6s 6d per cwt; charges for conveyance; to Belfast 5d per cwt, to Lisburn 2d ha’penny; produce: oats and potatoes ; soil light, moory soil in parts and clay ; manures: dung and lime; surface: gently undulating ; flax; very little; spinning: a little, 2d per diem can be earned by it; weaving: some linen and calico; pasture land: about four fifths in pasture; average produce 7 cwt of oats per acre, 65 cwt of potatoes.
PRONI Will Calendars
The following information is taken from the will calendars in the PRONI and are reproduced with kind permission of Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Robert Elliott
Date of Death 04 09 1864
Date of Grant 12 10 1864
Effects under £50
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Robert Elliott late of Druminkelly in the County of Antrim Farmer deceased who died 4 September 1864 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oath of James Leckey of Bovolgan (Lisburn) in the County of Antrim Farmer one of the Executors.
William McGurnahan
Date of Death 01 02 1868
Date of Grant 29 06 1868
Effects under £20
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of William M’Gurnahan late of Knockmore County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 1 February 1868 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of James Gribbin of Drumankelly Farmer and William M’Gurnahan of Knockmore Labourer both in (Lisburn) said County two of the Executors.
James Morrow
Date of Death 02 10 1877
Date of grant 05 03 1880
Effects under £200
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will (with two Codicils) of James Morrow late of Drummondkelly County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 2 October 1877 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of Joseph Lewis of Magheragall and William Lewis of Stoneyford both in same County Farmers the Executors.
Robert Willis
Date of Death 02 05 1883
Date of Grant 23 05 1883
Effects £133 10s
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Robert Willis late of Drumankelly County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 2 May 1883 at same place were granted at Belfast to Richard Willis of Wilton-street Belfast Labourer a Brother.
David Lewis
Date of Death 18 08 1887
Date of Grant 21 12 1887
Effects £290 5s 6d
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of David Lewis late of Drumankelly County Antrim Farmer who died 18 August 1887 at same place were granted at Belfast to Robert David Lewis of Drumankelly Farmer a Child.
James Gribben
Date of Death 21 04 1888
Date of Grant 30 05 1888
Effects £482 10s
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of James Gribben late of Drumnakelly Stoneyford County Antrim Farmer and Road Contractor who died 21 April 1888 at same place were granted at Belfast to Annie Gribben of Drumnakelly Stoneyford the Widow.
Thomas Johnston
Date of Death 19 11 1893
Date of Grant 04 01 1894
Effects £621 1s 1d
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Thomas Johnston late of Drumankelly County Antrim Farmer who died 19 November 1893 at Castlerobin said County were granted at Belfast to James Johnston of Drumankelly Farmer the Father.
James Johnston
Date of Death 28 08 1896
Date of Grant 25 09 1896
Effects £113 18s
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of James Johnston formerly of Drumankelly Lisburn County Antrim and late of 71 Wilton-street Belfast Retired Farmer who died 28 August 1896 at latter place granted at Belfast to James Abbott of Market-square Lisburn Merchant.
James Quinn
Date of Death 08 08 1898
Date of Grant 08 02 1899
Effects £22
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of James Quinn late of Drumankelly County Antrim Farmer who died 8 August 1898 granted at Belfast to Rowland Savage and John Ritchie both of Bow-street Lisburn Merchants.
Richard Breathwaite
Date of Death 23 08 1905
Date of Grant 20 09 1905
Effects £1635 5s
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Administration of the estate of Richard Breathwaite late of Drumankelly County Antrim Farmer and Road Contractor who died 23 August 1905 granted at Belfast to Margaret Breathwaite the Widow.
Accidental Drowning – Thomas Johnston
The following is an extract from the Belfast Weekly Telegraph dated Saturday 25th November, 1898.
Drowning of a Stoneyford Farmer – An inquest was held on Monday on the body of Thomas Johnston, of Drumankelly, near Stoneyford, who was found on the previous afternoon, lying in a pool of water about two feet deep. It appeared from the evidence that Johnston was in Belfast on Friday with a load of hay, and that in the evening on his way home he was accompanied to Castlerobin Crossroads by a man named Thomas Quinn, who left him seated on the bank of broken stones and went to get some assistance to take Johnston to his home. When Quinn returned the deceased could not be found, and the road was searched for him in vain. On Sunday evening the body was discovered, and information of the fact was conveyed to the police at Lisburn. After evidence of identification had been given, Sergeant Morgan and Constable McMahon deposed to finding the body in the pool, and the former added that he found a £1 note and a half-sovereign in one of the man’s pockets. After hearing all the evidence, the jury found that Thomas Johnston was accidentally drowned.
A Stoneyford Centenarian — Mrs Catherine Quinn
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, September 30 1916.
Quinn – September 28th 1916, at her son’s residence, Drumankelly, Stoneyford, Lisburn, Catherine in her 102nd year, widow of the late James Quinn – R.I.P. The remains of my beloved mother will be removed from above address for interment in the family burying-ground, Tullyrusk, on Saturday afternoon at 12 o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. James Quinn.
A Stoneyford Centenarian
Born in Waterloo YearMrs. Catherine Quinn, of Drumankelly, Stoneyford, Lisburn who died on Thursday morning, had reached her hundred and second year, having been born in May 1815. In full possession of her faculties she maintained good health till the last, there being no signs of acute illness until Sunday. She had a remarkably good memory, and was full of stories of the bygone days, recollecting amongst other incidents, going into Lisburn to see the first train to run between Belfast and Lisburn. Her husband died some 18 years ago, but there are surviving three sons and daughter. Mrs Jack Beattie, Bachelor’s Walk, is a grand daughter.