Freehold Registration
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 30th June, 1829 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
County of Antrim
List of persons applying to Register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be held at Belfast, for the Division of Carrickfergus, in the said County pursuant to the Act of 10th George the Fourth, Cap.8, entered by the Clerk of the Peace.
No: 42
Name and Residence of Applicant: Jacob Lyons, Tullynewbank
Description of Freehold: House and land Tullynewbank
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)
County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Parish of Glenavy
Column 1 : | Number and letters of Reference to map |
Column 2 : | Occupiers |
Column 3 : | Immediate Lessors |
Column 4 : | Description of Tenement |
Column 5 : | Area |
Not included – | Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property. |
Townland: TULLYNEWBANK Ordnance Survey map number: 59 |
1a | Johnathan Bell,jun | Marquis of Hertford | House, Offices Land | 26 01 00 |
1b | Johnathan Bell, snr | Jonathan Bell | House | – |
2 | George Lyons | Marquis of Hertford | House, Offices Land | 19 00 10 |
3 | John McCreanor | same | House, Offices Land | 10 02 30 |
4 | Charles McCreanor | same | Land | 06 03 34 |
5 | James O’Neill | same | House, Office Land | 12 03 10 |
6 | Bernard O’Neill | same | House and Land | 04 02 00 |
7Aa | Eliza Heany | same | House and Land | 05 01 20 |
7B | same | same | House, Office Land | 02 03 35 |
8a | Rose Gillen | same | House and Land | 05 01 20 |
8b | Hugh Gillen | Rose Gillen | House | – |
9 | John Mulholland | Marquis of Hertford | House, Office Land | 29 00 20 |
10 | James Morgan | same | House, Office Land | 10 00 30 |
11a | John Kennedy | same | House, Offices Land | 10 02 23 |
11b | same | same | same | 07 01 15 |
11c | same | same | same | 01 02 19 |
12 | George Allen | same | Land | 14 00 10 |
13 | Adam Morrow | same | House, Office Land | 15 01 03 |
14 | Patrick Close | same | Land | 27 00 00 |
14a | William J. Morgan | Patrick Close | House and Garden | 00 01 32 |
14b | Mendica McCann | same | House and Garden | 00 01 20 |
14c | Richard Horner | same | House | – |
14d | Anne Nugent | same | House | – |
15a | George Dickson | Marquis of Hertford | House, Office Land | 01 01 00 |
15- | Edward Andrew | Marquis of Hertford | Land | 04 00 12 |
16 | Edward Andrew | same | House, Offices Land | 06 03 04 |
17 | same | same | same | 19 03 00 |
Total | 241 03 27 |
Death Notice — Randal Bell
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated 29th March 1890
Bell – March 27th at Tullynewbank, Glenavy – Randal, beloved son of Johnathan Bell.
Court Case
Extract from the Lisburn Herald dated Jan 4th 1913
Adultured Buttermilk
At Belfast Summons Court, on Monday – Mr. John Gray, R.M. presiding.
Patrick McCreanor, Tullynewbank, Glenavy was prosecuted for having sold buttermilk adulterated with 17.3 parts per cent of excess added water. Mr. J. graham defended. A fine of 20s and costs was imposed.
For Sale – David Bell’s Farm at Tullynewbank
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 20th January 1917.
Tullynewbank, Glenavy
Auction of Valuable Farm.I am instructed by Mr. David Bell to sell by auction at my Mart, Lisburn on Tuesday 30th January, 1917 at one o’clock.
His farm in Tullynewbank, containing 26 acres, or thereabouts Statute, held in fee-simple subject to an annuity of £7 11s to the Irish Land Commission. There is a comfortable Dwellinghouse and suitable Offices on the Farm which has been all in Pasture for a long number of years. There is a constant water supply.
The farm is situate off the road leading from Glenavy to Stoneyford about half a-mile from Glenavy Railway Station.
For Title &c., apply,
W.G. Maginess, Solicitor, Lisburn
W.S. Harvey, Auctioneer, Belfast & Lisburn
Death Notice — Mary Steele
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown.
Steele – January 28, 1943 at her residence, Hillcrest, Tullynewbank, Glenavy, Mary, widow of Robert Steele. The remains of our dearly-loved mother will be removed for interment in the family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard, on Sunday at 2.30. Canadian papers please copy. Deeply regretted by all.
Shop Receipts
Charles McCambridge, Tullynewbank
These bills are dated June 1967 & November 1967 and are issued by Charles McCambridge, Tullynewbank, Glenavy, County Antrim. Sand and stones supplier. Also J.C.B. and tractor for hire. Phone Crumlin 320 or 524.

Charles McCambridge receipt

Charles McCambridge receipt dated June 1967
"Prairie House" – Auction Sale
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 5th December 1975 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
"Prairie House," Tullynewbank, Glenavy, County Antrim.
Important Auction Sale
Valuable 50 acre farm with fine residence and outbuildings.
At the Mart, 8 Bridge Street, Lisburn on Tuesday, 16th December, at 1 O’Clock P.M.
By instructions – Dr. J.A.H. McClelland.
Prairie House
This highly attractive farm contains 50 acres or thereabouts held under three folios – Free of Rent.
The soundly constructed 2 storeyed slated residence thereon, fronting the County Road, has been well maintained and is in very good structural and decorative repair.
The accommodation comprises Entrance Porch and Hall; Drawing Room; Dining Room; Living room with tiled floor and modern fireplace – Boiler grate; well fitted working kitchen, fully tiled walls, sink unit, etc. Four good Bedrooms; Bathroom – Shower fitting, Immersion heater and toilet.
Enclosed glass area at rear; Saddle room; greenhouse etc., Water supply from good well for domestic purposes by Electric pump, also mains supply installed; Mains electricity with ample power plugs. Telephone installed.
The out-buildings comprise implement store 45′ x 17′ block and brick built with slated roof. Loose house – water laid on. Corrugated Iron enclosed Hayshed 40′ x 20′, fuel store etc., all in good repair. Electricity installed throughout.
The adjoining lands are laid out in sizeable divisions all under pasture and cutting – cattle crush erected. They have been well maintained and are in a high state of fertility, well fenced with drinking trough erected to each field. Intersected by Co. Road, giving easy access with wide gates to all fields.
The property is exceptionally well sited fronting the Old Glenavy Road with wonderful views over adjoining countryside. Glenavy Village – 2 miles; Lisburn 7 miles.
Viewing each afternoon or by telephone appointment – Ring Stoneyford 240.
Solicitors: E & R.D. Bates & Company, Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast.
David Mairs
Auctioneer and Valuer
8 Bridge Street, Lisburn
Telephone Lisburn 3128.