William Halfpenny
A sad story about a young boy called William Halfpenny who lost his life in September 1829. His cruel father, Arthur, ended up in jail.
The incident took place close to the Garrett old homestead which is located at the end of a lane, Garlandstown Road, Glenavy almost opposite Fourscore Orange Hall, in the townland of Tullynewbane. The witness in the case is named as a "Mr. Wakely" I would assume this is in fact Mr Wickliffe who lived on the neighbouring farm to the Garrett family. The surname Wickliffe was often shortened in the area to "Wickey", "Wakliffe" etc.
Belfast Newsletter 8th September, 1829….
Coroner’s Inquest – On Tuesday last, an inquest was held at Tullynewbane, Glenavy on the body of a boy named William Halfpenny, who had been severely beaten with a stick by his father last Sunday evening. One of the witnesses stated, that on the above evening, when at his own door, he observed Arthur Halfpenny, the father, running towards him, and when he met him, Halfpenny told him he had been beating his son up from Garret’s (a neighbour’s house), and that he had fallen off a gap, and could not speak or walk. He entreated the witness to go and see him; when they went to the spot the child was, as the witness described "working for death;" the father bled the child, but he died soon after. Several other witnesses were examined to the same effect, and the Jury afterwards returned a verdict that the boy "came by his death from blows inflicted on him by his father," who was accordingly committed to jail.
The case was later reported in the Belfast Newsletter dated 2nd April, 1830 ….
Manslaughter – Arthur Halfpenny for an assault on William Halfpenny, his son, at Glenavy, of which he died. Samuel Wakely – Was acquainted with deceased, and his father, the prisoner; he saw them together on Wednesday evening, 12th August; they were walking together in his land; about an hour after, he saw the deceased in his father’s barn working for death; prisoner told him he had been beating his son from a neighbour’s house; prisoner seemed agitated, and witness told him he was afraid he had killed his son; witness then went to see the child, and he appeared to be vomiting violently, and very sick; the child died in a few minutes after; the father began to cry, and said he had killed his boy, and hoped the earth would open her mouth and swallow him up; the child was very much disfigured with bruises, and his body and face were black with them; the prisoner used frequently to beat the boy severely. Cross examined – Deceased was an only son; the father was fond of the boy, and took a great deal of pains with his education.
As a result of a trial at the Antrim Assizes in April 1830, Arthur Halfpenny was found guilty of the manslaughter of his own son, and he was sentenced to two years imprisonment in the House of Correction and given hard labour.
Freehold Registrations, 1830
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 6th April 1830 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast.
No. 26
Name and Residence of Applicant: William Bryans, Tullynewbane
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: Houses and land, Upper Massereene, Townland of Tullynewbane and Ballyminimore
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 20
Name and Residence of Applicant: James Phillips, Tullynewbane
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: Houses and land, Upper Massereene, Townland of Tullynewbane
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Freehold Registrations, 1831
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 30th September 1831 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast on the 24th October, 1831.
No. 139
Name and Residence of Applicant: Rev. John S. Brown, Glenavy
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Tullynewbane & Ballymineymore
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 152
Name and Residence of Applicant: William Kilpatrick, Tullynewbane
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Tullynewbane
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)
County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Parish of Glenavy
Column 1 : | Number and letters of Reference to map |
Column 2 : | Occupiers |
Column 3 : | Immediate Lessors |
Column 4 : | Description of Tenement |
Column 5 : | Area |
Not included – | Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property. |
Townland: TULLYNEWBANE Ordnance Survey map number: 59 |
1a | Hugh Edgar | Marquis of Hertford | House, Offices Land | 46 01 02 |
2 | same | same | same | 10 02 05 |
3 | Alexander Courtney | same | House, Office Land | 08 01 15 |
4 | William Kirkpatrick | same | House, Offices Land | 01 02 25 |
5a | George Johnston | same | Office and land | 27 00 25 |
5b | John Scott | George Johnston | House and garden | 00 00 12 |
5c | David Menice | same | House and garden | 00 01 05 |
5c | Richard Johnston | same | House and garden | 00 00 18 |
6 | Abraham Dickson | Marquis of Hertford | Herd’s ho., Off.,land | 35 02 25 |
7 | James Stewart | same | House, Office Land | 05 02 22 |
8 | James Wickliffe | same | House, Office Land | 06 01 32 |
9 | John Gartland | same | House and land | 04 02 32 |
10 | John Wickliffe | same | House, Office Land | 06 03 04 |
11 | Robert Garrett | same | House, Office Land | 12 01 36 |
12 | Daniel Trowland | same | House, Office Land | 15 03 37 |
13 | Joseph McCullagh | same | Herd’s House, Land | 15 02 17 |
14 | John Curry | same | House, Office Land | 26 01 00 |
15 | Andrew Armstrong | same | Herd’s ho., Offs.,Land | 28 01 31 |
16 | James Phillips | same | House, Offices, Land | 38 03 10 |
17 | James Kennedy | same | House, Office Land | 11 02 15 |
18 | Robert Phillips | same | House, Offices, Land | 25 02 04 |
Total | 328 01 12 |
Death Notice — James Phillips
The following extract is from the Northern Whig dated Wednesday June 15th 1864.
Phillips – June 6, at Tullynewbane near Glenavy, Mr. James Phillips aged 75 years.
Death Notice – William Kirkpatrick
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 1st September 1865 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Kirkpatrick – Aug 29 at his residence The Fourscore, Glenavy Mr. William Kirkpatrick aged 88 years.
Mr James Edens’ Estate
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald Saturday June 29th 1929.
Mr Jas Edens, farmer, Tullynewbane, Glenavy, who died on 30th January left personal estate of £2031 10s 5d
George McClure Awarded Compensation
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 01 02 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Glenavy Personation Charge
Magistrates Refuse Informations
Farmer awarded CompensationA case in which considerable interest was evinced came before the magistrates presiding at Crumlin Petty sessions yesterday. It was that of a young farmer named George McClure, of Tullynewbane, who on the 28th ult., at Glenavy, was at the instance of one of the Radical personating agents arrested on the serious charge of personation in connection with the South Antrim elections. The justices in attendance were – Dr. Mussen, J.P. (in the chair); Messrs William Higginson, J.P.; Robert Suffern J.P., James S Hunter J.P., James Morrison J.P., and Thomas K. Moore.
Mr W.G. Maginess, solicitor, Lisburn, represented the defendant, and there was no appearance on behalf of the prosecution.
Mr Martin Kirk, solicitor, Antrim, said he understood that the defendant has been arrested at the instigation os one of the agents of Mr. Clow, who, on hearing of it, instructed him (Mr Kirk) to attend that court that day and inform the magistrates that he did not know anything about it.
The Chairman – this boy has had to suffer the disgrace of being arrested and dragged up here before the Court. I must say that I think it was very disgraceful.
Mr. Higginson – It was scandalous, and a great many people in the country have felt very keenly over it, as this is one of the most decent boys in the neighbourhood.
Mr. Maginess – it would have been better if they had kept this personating agent at home. A curious thing about it is that I am told the defendant was voting for the man the agent represented.
Mr Kirk said a mistake had been made, and in the circumstances he would ask their Worships to refuse informations without prejudice. If the defendant had a case there was a remedy for him in another court.
Mr. Maginess – I object to anything of the kind. The informations are either good or bad. If they are refused the Court can give compensation not exceeding £10 and not less than £5. I ask for the highest sum.
The chairman – I would be in favour of the £10.
Mr Higginson concurred.
Mr. Maginess – I could take the case to a higher court and get £100.
The Chairman – I myself pleaded with the agent at the time to let the boy off.
Mr Kirk suggested that they should split the amount and say £7 10s.
Ultimately informations were refused, and defendant was allowed £7 10s compensation.
Death Notice – Leah Scott
The following extract is from The Belfast Telegraph dated Wednesday July 3rd 1935. It is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Telegraph.
Scott, July 2, 1935, at her residence, Fourscore, Glenavy, Leah Scott. Funeral private.
In Memory – Samuel Lowry
The following is an extract from a newspaper, source unknown.
Lowry – In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, Samuel Lowry, died 29th March 1941.
There is someone who misses you sadly
And finds the time long since you went;
There is someone who thinks of you daily,
But tries to be brave and content.
Ever remembered by his loving wife and family, Fourscore, Glenavy.
Death Notice — Patrick Donnelly
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 5th September 1944 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Donnelly – September 4, 1944 (suddenly), at his home, Tullynewbane, Glenavy, Patrick Donnelly, of Chichester Galleries, Belfast – R.I.P. Funeral from St. Joseph’s, Glenavy, following Mass at 11am, tomorrow (Wednesday), to adjoining burying ground. On his soul, sweet Jesus, have mercy.
In Memoriam – Samuel Lowry
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday March 30th 1946.
In Memoriam
Lowry – In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father Samuel Lowry died 29th March 1941.
Gone is the face we loved so dear
Silent the voice we loved to hear
‘Tis sad, but true, we wonder why
The best are always first to die.We will meet our loved one yonder
As we journey one by one
Through the valley of the shadow
To the land of endless sun.Ever remembered by his loving wife and family, Fourscore, Glenavy.
Death Notice — Agnes Jane Scott
The following is an extract from a newspaper, source unknown.
Scott – May 23rd, 1958 at her residence Fourscore, Glenavy, Agnes Jane, beloved sister of William Scott. Funeral tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 pm., to the family burying-ground, Dundrod. House private. Deeply regretted.
William Scott, Grocer

William Scott, receipt dated 1936
This receipt is dated 16th March 1936 and was issued by William Scott, Grocery and Provision Stores, Fourscore, Glenavy, County Antrim.
The bill gives us some idea of the goods sold by William Scott – Asbestos, screws, bricks and cement.
William Scott was a local Justice of the Peace. He was born on 3rd December 1884. He was the son of William Scott (1850 to 1904) and Jane Kennedy (1845 – 1906).
William had the following sisters:
Elizabeth who married William Carlisle in 1892
Jane born 21 June 1874 died 27 November 1875
Sarah Kennedy born 24 August 1869 died 31 December 1878
Martha born 1st October 1880 died 17 February 1883
Leah born 1868 died 2 July 1935
Agnes Jane born 6th April 1877 died 23 May 1958
The family burying ground is at Dundrod Presbyterian Church.
William married Lucy Crichton Edens in about 1940. She died on 13th December 1988.

William Scott receipt dated 1945
This is another receipt from William Scott, Fourscore. Telephone Stoneyford 225. It is dated 11th September 1945. It is for 20 cwt of cement – cost £4. The receipt was printed by J.J. Morrison, Crumlin.
William Scott, JP
The following extract is taken from a local newspaper:
New magistrate sworn in.
Mr William Scott Fourscore was sworn in as a JP for the County of Antrim at Lisburn Petty sessions on Thursday September 5th 1946 before Mr JC Austin RM. Mr Scott was congratulated on his appointment by Mr Austin, Captain William F Creery District inspector on behalf of the police, Dr HA Maginess solicitor on behalf of the sessional bar and Mr George L Alderdice, clerk of the Petty Sessions. Mr Scott returned thanks and said he would do everything he could to uphold the dignity of his office and discharge the duties connected with it. Also on the bench was Mr William Scott, Osbourne Park, Belfast who was sworn in as a magistrate in 1918.
Death Notice – William Scott, JP
The following is an extract from the Belfast News Letter Mon Oct 13th 1958, reproduced by permission of the Belfast News Letter.
Scott Oct 11th 1958 suddenly at his residence, Fourscore, Glenavy William Scott JP dearly loved husband of Lucy. Funeral today (Monday) at 1pm to the family burying ground at Dundrod.
Glenavy Branch Unionist Association
Scott the officers and members of the above branch learn with regret the death of their esteemed vice president William Scott JP and tender their deepest sympathy RA Bell secretary.
William Scott was a well known figure in business, the Young Farmer’s Clubs and Unionist circles. He was referred to as "The Grocer Scott" or "J.P."
He was also well-known for his witty prose and speeches. Many local ballads and poems are attributed to William Scott.
Obituary – William Scott, JP
The following extract is from The Farmers’ Journal 1958.
Sudden passing of "Journal" Director
Mr. W. Scott, J.P.It is with deep regret that we have to announce the death of Mr. William Scott, J.P., Fourscore, Glenavy, County Antrim, a leading public figure in his County, a prominent foundation member of the Ulster Farmers’ Union and Director of the Farmers’ Journal Limited. Mr. Scott collapsed and died just after midnight on Friday, October 10th, while taking his dog for a walk.
It could be said of Mr. Scott that over a lifetime his one interest was serving his fellow man and he did that in many ways, in fact less than two hours before he died he was in the home of a friend assisting with an Income Tax problem. He was a recognised authority on pensions and insurance and travelled all over Northern Ireland helping farmers and their wives with problems. Mr. Scott carried on a grocery business and had a farm of 120 acres at Fourscore.
He was a member of the Antrim Farmers’ Association, a body that was in existence long before the U.F.U. was founded, but in 1917 the members of the Antrim Association, one of whom was Mr. Scott formed the Antrim Branch of the Union. Mr. Scott later identified himself with the Union’s Dundrod Branch of which he was Honorary Secretary for a long number of years. He was vice-president of Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club and a past chairman of the Antrim County Committee of the Union. At the time of his death he was a Member of the U.F.U. Council, a member of the Union’s Publicity and Labour and Transport Committees and had been a Journal Director for a number of years. He was also a member of Lisburn Rural District Council, and a member of Antrim County Library Committee.
President of the Crumlin and District Angling Club and a Vice President of the local Unionist Association, Mr. Scott was a member of the Committee of Dundrod Presbyterian Church. A faithful attender at all meetings to which he was called, Mr. William Scott will be remembered most by his multitude of friends for his knack of composing a reply to a dinner toast entirely in verse and a few moments before he rose to speak. Many of his verses in tribute to Union members were published in the pages of this Journal.
The Funeral
The funeral to Dundrod burying ground at 1pm on Monday 13th October, was, with perhaps the exception of the late George Thompson, the largest ever seen in the district for miles. It is estimated that over 500 people turned out to pay their last respects to a beloved friend, and farmers came from as far afeld as Monryrea, Portglenone, Ballymoney, Greyabbey and Ballymena. Over two hundred cars lined the roads on either side of the house and church.
The twenty three floral tributes included one from the President of the Ulster Farmers’ Union, Staff and Council; one from the Directors and Staff of the Farmers’ Journal Ltd., and one from the Dundrod Branch of the Union.
Representing the President, who was unable to attend, was Mr. Officer A. Gorman of Nutt’s Corner, Chairman of the Antrim County Committee of the Union. The U.F.U. Staff was represented by Mr. Samuel White, Organising Secretary. The Board of The Farmers’ Journal Limited was represented by the Chairman, Mr. Robert Gibson,J.P., and Messrs J. Martin, J.P., A.E. Swain and Mr Samuel Ritchie. The Farmers’ Journal Staff, Edward Fox & Son,Ltd of Stratford-on-Avon, England and the Journal’s London Office were represented by Mr. John Caughey, Junr (Editor) and Mr. E.J. McConville (Asst Advertisement Manager). The Union’s Publicity Committee was represented by Mr John Frew (Past Chairman) who is also Antrim County Secretary. The South Antrim Group of the Union was represented by the Group Chairman, Mr Samuel Ritchie and the Group Secretary, Mr. G. Craig McIlroy.
In attendance on behalf of the Northern Ireland Pigs Marketing Board was the Chairman Mr A.E. Swain and Mr. R.P. Smyth represented the Milk Marketing Board of Northern Ireland.
Mr A Weatherburn and Mr S Duffield Gibson, Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of Lisburn Rural District Council were present. In attendance were hundreds of farmers from neighbouring branches and from Mr. Scott’s own Branch of Dundrod.
Treasure Hunt Ballads penned by William Scott
A popular pastime was that of participating in Treasure Hunts, where clues were given out to participants in days gone by. The winners were the ones with the most answers/points on returning to the starting point. It was used as both a fundraising and social event. Read more >>
William Scott from Fourscore, Glenavy, is believed to have penned the following treasure hunt ballads:
Antrim Division Young Unionist Association
Treasure Hunt – 6th June, 1956The Scrutineers reserve the right to disqualify any person unduly late.
Antrim Young Unionists to-night
Hope you’ll have lots of fun,
And that the scenery you’ll enjoy
When motoring on this run.1. There is a name upon a sign
And it is on your way,
If you do as it does instruct
It knowledge will convey.
And there’s a town that is eight miles
Right from your starting place,
You’ll think of it and then perhaps
Toward it direct your face.
And on the road maybe you will
Be good enough to name2. A flower – it’s bound to catch your eye,
The name is very plain.3. Three tie rods then when passing by
Did next draw my attention,
And their position I would like
To-night that you would mention.4. A thing a white flag does chill
You will collect if you desire
Your answers all to fill.
An article that ceased to work –
It for our sustenance stood,5. Now the diameter you’ll note
That once did process food.
Proceed until a word named Mex
Does your attention draw,
Then take left turn and on your route
Go on without a flaw.
I saw when once upon this road
A very powerful grid.6. The bars you’ll count if for a prize
To-night you make a "bid."
Then from a bridge’s parapet
I watched the waters flow7. And wondered what the distance is
Unto their bed below.
Some men are sober all the time
Or so a saying states;8. Now name a person on the road
To which this phrase relates.
A right turn take and reach a school
Built in nineteen sixteen;
‘Bout Peter Townsend there I did9. Some information glean.
As you go on you’ll cross the road
And it is still the main.
With caution you will there proceed
This is a warning plain.
When on this road that’s straight and long
I’ll ask a simple thing –10. Just mention what’s in Holy Writ
The name of the first King.
Upon a treasury note, I see
That’s value for one pound
"Bank of England" and I ask11. How often is it found?
Four "Ts" upon a gate I saw
But they’re not very plain,
Perhaps you will be good enough12. To give the owner’s name.
13. You’ll give the name of one who did
Here at a business ply.
The place is derelict, I think
That no one can deny.
Pass by a gate that massive is14. And on it you will count
The rods – and on your sheet you’ll state
To what they do amount.
Quite soon now you will reach the straight
Or so they name this road,
Be careful as you take right turn
Here with your precious load.
Upon this road observe a truck
It stationary is.15. Its colour is the thing I want –
A very simple quiz.
Pursue this road and then you’ll turn
First road upon the left,
And when I think of questions now
My mind is near bereft.
Two pillars I did notice soon
Of them you can take heed
One flat and one a pointed top16. To what place did they lead?
And farther on along this road
Imprinted on a gate
I saw some emblems what are they?17. To what do they relate?
Then where this road does terminate
I there did see a sign
And toward the left then at this point
My car I did incline.18. "A product of the Master Mind!"
You’ve often heard the phrase;
If you don’t get it then you may
The scruntineers amaze.
We’ve heard of old Victorian days
And I do hope you’ll find19. A thing upon the road that will
Of bygone days remind.
A gate with missing bars I saw20. How many missing were?
Spend little time about this spot
And then depart from there.21. A person now deceased you’ll name,
Well known to every nation,
Pursued like one upon this road
A certain occupation.22. A bottle with some foreign words
Is what I now desire
Think of Mid-Ulster – it’s a clue
To what you do require.
Turn left at "Highwayes" and then look
Beyond a certain gate.23. In Roman numerals you may place
The equal of that date.24. Tell me the colour of two hearts
That’s sure to meet your eyes;
If you don’t name them then you will
Examiners surprise.
And after this I hope that these
Instructions are quite plain,
A narrow road upon the right
When you depart the main.
33,000 then I saw
This number’s prominent25. Its place and what it does relate
Will make me feel content.
At Rathmore I did see a door
And it reminded me26. Of something that I had last night
When sitting at my tea.
The Hunt is ended but for you
To get a prize quite sure,27. The oldest florin in the realm
I trust you will procure.
And from this to the starting point
Just now the way you’ll trace
And very likely you will get
Refreshments at this place.W.S.
TREASURE HUNT 1956All reply sheets to be returned not later than 10.30 p.m.
Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club renew
Their Treasure Hunt again
And hope for everyone that these
Instructions will be plain.
Cross railway bridge and take right turn
(1) And find for me a name;
What did he do? I ask of you,
(2) To gain such widespread fame.
The road that’s next upon the right
Again you will pursue,
(3) Where you will note some symbols of
Some lovers that are true,
Pass by the rhubarb I did see
And it is massive strong
(4) And tell me unto whom you think
This rhubarb does belong.
Keep road A tow six and on it,
In time you need not lag,
But take left turn when you do pass
(5) What’s on a nation’s flag.
When you pass by E.B.N.I.
Swing left and then traverse
The road that leads unto a place
(6) That mentioned is in verse.
In a short time a bridge you’ll cross
(7) And I would like its name,
If you don’t get it on the map
Perhaps it will you shame.
There is a measure fairly large
And it’s not used for gin;
(8) I wonder what you think it holds
The name of it is "Hin".
(9) A copy of the Highway Code
That gives each vital fact
When you are out upon the way
I hope you will collect.
And on the way quite soon you’ll reach
A place that’s named Cairn Hill.
(10) Then give its height if you do wish
Your answers all to fill.
I passed a house that conjured up
Some thoughts within my mind
Of a detective, and I trust
(11) The owner’s name you’ll find.
And after this at the cross roads
I noticed little there
So slack your speed because I think
That here you should take care.
Turn and pass by where four posts are
They’re stamped B.W.C.
And on the journey you will go
I hope from worries free.
Upon the way a gate I saw,
Two bars are slightly bent,
(12) The colour give, the owner’s name,
And then go on content.
(13) Write a word with every vowel
As the journey you traverse
In their sequence – and a word then
With them all in the reverse.
Turn left at disc that is marker 1
This leads toward Leathemstown,
B one 0 one you’ll journey on
As you go motoring round.
The Belfast Water Commissioners had
A local in the chaor;
(14) To the examiners his name
I hope you will declare.
Some big trout on the dam were caught
And bigger ones were lost;
Folk need a licence here to fish
(15) And find out now the cost.
I saw when looking at a house
A window with one pane,
(16) The present owner state and then
You will go on again.
Two pillars you will notice and
A top that is displaced,
In your reply I’m sure that you
(17) The owner will have traced.
When you see nineteen twelve turn left
(18) And give a hors’s height
In hands – and I do think this will
Most surely meet your sight.
(19) A coedian you’ve listened to
And also have enjoyed
Has artificial legs I’m told
The natural were denied.
A man within the U.F.U.
Did occupy the chair,
(20) What year was that? I hope to me
The answer you’ll declare.
Keep left again and soon you’ll see
(21) Another displaced top.
You’ll say to whom it does belong
And at it do not stop.
The figures 13-3-15
I think they are a date.
The Scrutineers would like to know
(22) Now what does them relate.
(23) I’m sure you’ve often heard the phrase
"Was it a rat I saw"
What is peculiar ‘bout it now?
There’s certainly no flaw.
A ten bob note I’ve looked upon
And wondered could you name
(24) The power that faithfully promises
To pay to me the same.
(25) A picture of a Wren I hope
Your efforts will not tax,
And after this I think you may
Just sit back and relax.
Crumlin Young Farmers once again
Thank you for your support,
And trust when on the circuit you
Have well enjoyed the sport.W.S.
The Wickliffe and McKeown family
There is an interesting document at www.Lisburn.com titled CHILDHOOD MEMORIES OF MONA MCKEOWN (1904-985) OF GLENAVY.
Sarah Mosina McKeown compiled her memoirs about 1966/1967. She refers to older family members including her grandmother Wickliffe.
Her mother was Jane McKeown nee Wickliffe. Jane Wickliffe (baptised 30 May 1875 at Glenavy Parish Church) was the daughter of Moses and Sarah Jane Wickliffe from Tullynewbane. She had two other siblings – Lizzie (baptised at Glenavy Parish Church 3 1 1872) and John (baptised at Glenavy Parish Church 28 11 1873.)
Moses Wickliffe had been the son of John and Jane Wickliffe from Tullynewbane. He was baptised at Glenavy Parish Church on 15th January 1837. The Wickliffe name goes back to at least the 1720 period in Glenavy records and there is evidence of the surname in the Tullynewbane area from the early 1800’s.
Moses married on 14th October 1870. At this time his age is recorded as 28 years. He married Sarah Jane Adams from Glenavy, daughter of Robert Adams, a farmer. The witnesses to the wedding were Johnston Adams and Betty Wickliffe.
Moses Wickliffe died a young man. He was buried at Glenavy Parish Church on 20th March 1876 aged 38 years. His wife Sarah Jane was still alive in 1911 and is listed in the 1911 census, aged 73, a Methodist, partially blind at Tullynewbane. It states she had a total of 3 children and only one survived. This was Jane McKeown (nee Wickliffe).
PRONI Will Calendars
The following information is taken from the will calendars in the PRONI and are reproduced with kind permission of Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
John Wickliffe died 21 10 1897.
Date of grant of will 01 12 1897 at Belfast
Effects £39 1sFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of John Wickliffe late of Tullynewbane County Antrim Farmer who died 21 October 1897 granted at Belfast to Bessie Wickliffe of Tullynewbane Spinster
John Wickliffe was the father of Moses Wickliffe. The executors of his will were Joesph Colburn and James Collier of Ballynacoy. The farm at Tullynewbane was left to his wife Jane and daughter Bessie. He also left money to his daughter in law Sarah Jane (wife of late Moses Wickliffe) and her daughters Lizzie and Jane. John also made mention of his sons John and Samuel who were in New Zealand and his daughter Sarah Jane Millar who was in Australia.
A descendant of the Wickliffe family made contact in December 2007 and informed me that John Wickliffe had emigrated to Australia in 1860, and then sailed onto New Zealand within two years of landing.
Baptism records in Glenavy show that John and Jane Wickliffe, Tullynewbane had possibly the following children:
John (baptised 29 07 1832)
David (baptised 25 1 1835)
Moses (baptised 15 1 1837)
Sarah Jane (baptised Dec 1839)
Samuel (baptised 4 6 1843)
John and Jane Wickliffe are possibly the couple who married at Glenavy in February 1829. Jane’s maiden name was Barrett/Barnett – or similar spelt surname. There is a burial record of John Wickliffe aged 97 at Glenavy Parish Church on 23 10 1897. Jane Wickliffe appears to have died aged 96 years and is buried at Glenavy in March 1899.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 17th October, 1899 and is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Messrs. J.D. Martin and Co’s Property Sales.
… A farm at Tullynewbane, formerly in the possession of the late Mr. John Wickliffe, held under the Irish Land Commission for forty nine years, at the annuity of £6 4s was bought by Mrs. Wickliffe at £85.
Their unmarried daughter Bessie died on 3 3 1899. She was buried at Glenavy on 5 March 1899. She left money to her sister-in- law Sarah Jane Wickliffe (widow of Moses) and their children Lizzie Wickliffe and Jeannie McKeown (nee Wickliffe.)
In 1924 Jeannie McKeown erected a headstone at Glenavy Parish Church in memory of the Wickliffe family
The McKeown family grave is also in Glenavy parish Church.
Early days of the Ulster Tower at Thiepval and Lisburn
by The Digger

William and Sarah McMaster outside their home at Nettlehill Road, Ballymacash, Lisburn with Maisie Richardson (centre). William had been the caretaker of the Ulster Tower at Thiepval, France after it opened in 1921
DURING my childhood days at home, a system of communication existed between our household and several elderly neighbours. A high pitched "Yoo hoo, yoo hoo" or the rapid banging of a stone on the outside wall would be the first indication that either party wished to make contact.
On one of those occasions I was summoned to the hedgerow and spoken to by the elderly lady who handed me an old telescope that had seen better days. It was a gift and I was told it was being passed onto me as a representative of the next generation in order to ensure its preservation.
I was so engrossed in the newly acquired toy that the story being related to me by my elderly neighbour about the background and history was lost.
At that time the story of the telescope having been used to view the countryside around Thiepval from a tower paled into insignificance. My understanding of the place-name "Thiepval" then went no further than the name of the military barracks in Lisburn and it would be many years later I would learn of its true historical significance-
"Was ever a charge in the world like this?
Shall ever a son of Ulster miss
A fame that is wholly and solely his —
A fame of sublimest splendour?"
The opening lines of a poem titled "The Charge of the Ulster Brigade at Thiepval July 1st 1916." penned by Samuel Kennedy Cowan, born in Lisburn in 1850.
‘Snow’ place like home as winter grips Lisburn
by The Digger

Photograph kindly provided by Caroline Price, shows a group of people, believed to be in the Glenavy area, clearing snow when falls were measured in feet
AUTUMN has passed and we are now firmly in winter’s grip. There’s no rose without a thorn. The sound of tapping the glass on the barometer is a sound mostly confined to the past now. The changing of the hand indicated a change in the weather.
"The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow" may also be an indicator surpassed by modern technology.
Most cars now have a digital readout providing us with up to the minute temperature readings with a frost warning indicator in case we have failed to noticed the glistening on the road’s surface.
A light dusting of snow can have an immediate effect on our normal daily routine, affecting our transport systems and schools. There are still many people in the district who can recall a time when snowfalls were measured in feet and not inches. There is an inscription on a headstone in the graveyard at Dundrod Presbyterian church which is a stark reminder of a previous winter. An unfortunate member of that congregation lost his life when he, as the inscription states, “perished in a snow storm” on the 18th January, 1941. That tragic event occurred in the area close to Divis mountain. I heard another story from that area of a man who set out on foot in heavy snow drifts and when he returned he related the story that he had been able to look down the chimney tops of neighbouring homesteads as he passed by!
Death Notice — Johnston
Johnston – May 28 1939 at his residence, Tullynewbane, Glenavy, Thomas, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth. Funeral to the family burying ground Glenavy Churchyard, tomorrow (Tuesday), at 2pm. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and family.
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown.
Johnston – May 28, 1939 at his residence, Tullynewbane, Glenavy, Thomas Johnston, beloved brother of George Thompson. Funeral to the family burying ground, Glenavy Churchyard tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2pm. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Brother and Sister-in-law. George and Annie Johnston, Niece and Nephews.