Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)
County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Parish of Glenavy
Column 1 : | Number and letters of Reference to map |
Column 2 : | Occupiers |
Column 3 : | Immediate Lessors |
Column 4 : | Description of Tenement |
Column 5 : | Area |
Not included – | Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property |
Townland: Ballymoneymore Ordnance Survey map number: 59 |
1 | David Blizzard | Marquis of Hertford | Land | 128 01 36 |
2 | Church Education Society’s School house, Teacher’s house and land |
see exemptions | ||
3a | Eliza Steele | Marquis of Hertford | House and Land | 14 03 35 |
3b | unoccupied | Eliza Steele | House | – |
3c | Mary Irwin | same | House | – |
Total of Rateable Property | 145 01 31 | |||
Exemptions: Church Education Society’s School House Teacher’s house & land |
01 03 10 | |||
Total including exemptions | 145 01 01 |
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 18th November1881 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
In the County Antrim County Court 41 – Division of Belfast – Equity Side. October sittings, 1881. Advertisement for Incumbrancers.
Pursuant to a degree of J. Hastings Otway, Esq., Q.C., Judge of the said Court, made in a suit wherein James Johnston, of Ballymoneymore, in said County, and another, are plaintiffs; and James Nelson of Balmoral, in said County, is defendant.
All persons claiming to be incumbrancers of all that and those that Farm of Land and Premises, situate in the townland of Aughnadarragh, Barony of Upper Massereene, and County of Antrim, and held by the said defendant as tenant from year to year under Sir Richard Wallace, Baronet, are, on or before the 26th day of November, 1881, to send by post, prepaid, to the Registrar of the said Court, at the County Courthouse, Belfast, their Christian and surnames, addresses, and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities held by them, or, in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said decree.
Every person holding any incumbrance is to produce the same before the said Registrar, at the County Courthouse, Belfast, on the 28th day of November, 1881, a Twelve of the clock noon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims, and of which sitting, all persons concerned are required to take notice.
Dated at the County Courthouse, Belfast, this 5th day of November, 1881.
H. McNeile McCormick, Registrar of the said Court.
Fredk. W. Charley, Lisburn, solicitor for Plaintiffs.
Fourscore School
The Rev. Charles Watson in his book "Glenavy: Past and Present" (1892) makes reference to an area known as the Fourscore:
This place, so named on account of a four-score acre field, lies near Knockcairn, and possesses one of the finest country schools in the parish. Before being built, the school was held in a building at the Ligger Bridge, on the road to Crumlin, the walls of which were pulled down about two years ago. The foundation stone of Fourscore was laid by Fortescue Gregg, Esq., on July 12, 1837. The Orangemen attended in great numbers, George Lyons, Master of Lodge 340, Thomas Green, Robert Thompson, John Wickliffe, Wm. John Smyth, David Gray, and Thomas Wheeler being among the number. It was not opened till 1840, owing to Mr. Gregg’s death. The school-room and teacher’s residence were, however, completed by subscription. Mr. William Scott, uncle of the present Mr. William Scott, of Fourscore, was the first teacher. It was then under the Church Education Society, but the Rev. Ross Jebb, Vicar, placed it under the National Board. When the Rev. Edward Johnson-Smyth came to the parish, in 1852, he again put it under the Church Education Society; but, in 1885, it was again put in connexion with the Board by the present vicar, after many improvements, to which the people generously subscribed. The teachers have been Messrs. W. Scott, William Boston, John M’Farland, W. Crawford Bradshaw, and now Mr. James Farr occupies that post. Near Fourscore lives Mr. John Wickliffe, who, though in his 86th year, never misses attending the parish church and the meetings of the select vestry. His wife, who is a year older, is still both chatty and cheerful.
The Fourscore lies within the townland of Ballymoneymore. The 1830’s Ordnance Survey map records the acreage for this townland to be just over 146 acres.(146 acres and 1 perch). There are a number of prominent forts marked in this town land. These three forts appear as raths on modern maps now. The current Fourscore Orange Hall occupies the site of a former schoolhouse and is located at the junction of the Tullyrusk Road and what is known locally as "Codger’s Lane". On the 1830’s map there appears not to be a building at this point and the Four Score School House is marked NNW of this location at a place known and marked as "Ligger Bridge". This confirms the Rev. Watson’s account of the Fourscore.

Fourscore School Foundation Stone

Fourscore Orange Hall, 2007
Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland
The following extract is from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
The Glenavy River
… From thence it runs to the town land of Ballymoneymore in the parish of Glenavy, through rather an open valley composed of small, irregular connected features, where the banks are steep, average height 25 feet. The young plantations on these banks, surrounding W. Gregg Esquire’s cottage, gives the country a picturesque appearance…
Footbridge, Fourscore
Along "Cadger’s (or Codger’s) Lane" were the original stepping stones across the river. The 1904 Ordnance Survey map clearly marks the foot bridge. This is on the boundary of the town lands of Ballymoneymore, Tullyrusk and Knockcairn. Earlier maps show "Cadger’s Lane" crossing a mill-race prior to the approach to the Glenavy River crossing.
Extract from The Lisburn Standard — Saturday November, 17th 1900
Lisburn Rural District Council Quarterly meeting held at the Workhouse, Lisburn on Thursday.
One of the motions taken up included … "By Councillor Graham – to build footbridge over Fourscore river on Cadger’s Lane, townland of Tullyrusk."

Footbridge over Fourscore River
Valuable fee-simple grazing farms
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated Saturday 21st January 1911.
Important sale of valuable fee-simple grazing farms at Islandkelly and Lower Ballymacward, near Stoneyford.
We have received instructions from Mr. Geo. Connor to sell by auction at our property mart, 24 Arthur Street, Belfast, on Friday, 10th February, 1911 at one o’clock, the following farms of land :-
Lot 1. Farm situate in the townland of Knockcairn, County Antrim, containing 152 acres 1 rood 2 perches, statute measure or thereabouts held in fee simple, subject to a terminable annuity to the Irish Land Commission, reduced as from 1st May, 1908, to £50 15s 0d, and further reducible.
On this farm there is a good, recently erected dwelling house, containing 2 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, bathroom (H&C), 2 pantries, kitchen, dairy, &c.; the office houses comprise:- byres for 24 cows, stables for 6 horses, coach-house, boiling house, harness room, stores, fowl-house, and a large Iron hay shed.
Lot 2 farm situate in Knockcairn (adjoining lot 1) containing 97 acres 2 roods 10 perches, statute measure or thereabouts, held in fee-simple, subject to a like terminable annuity, reduced as from 1st November, 1908, to £34 9s 9d, and further reducible. On this farm there is a recently erected Dwelling-house, with extensive office-houses, comprising byres for 53 cows, 6 loose boxes, barn, storehouses, &c.
Lot 3 farm situate in the townland of Ballymoneymore (adjoining lots 1&2) containing 128 acres 2 perches, statute measure or thereabouts, held in fee-simple, subject to the small terminable annuity of £7 8s 10d, reduced from 1st November 1910, by £12 18s 1d per cent, and further reducible.
Lot 4 farm situate in the townland of Islandkelly, containing 78 acres 1 rood 33 perches, statute measure or thereabouts, held in fee-simple, subject to a terminable annuity to the Irish Land Commission, reduced as from 1st November, 1908, to £30, and further reducible.
Lot 5 farm situate in the townlands of Islandkelly and Lower Ballymacward, containing 49 acres, 3 roods and 7 perches, statute measure or thereabouts held in fee-simple subject to a termiable annuity to the Irish Land Commission, reduced as from 1st November, 1903, to £17 4s 8d and further educible.
Lot 6 farm situate in the townland of Lower Ballymacward, containing 30 acres 1 rood, statute measure or thereabouts, held in fee-simple, subject to a payment of a terminable annuity to the Irish Land Commission, reduced as from 1st November, 1903, to £11 4s 4d, and further reducible.
the foregoing lands are of superior quality, extra well watered, drained and fenced. The fields are large and there is easy access from the County Roads.
The lands have been in grass for upwards of 50 years, and are well known as among the best grazing lands in the North of Ireland.
All the buildings are slated, substantially built and in good repair.
The Knockcairn farms are situate 9 miles from Belfast, 8 from Antrim, and 3 from Crumlin and Glenavy, and the Stoneyford farms are situate 8 miles from Belfast, and 5 from Lisburn.
Terms – £20 per cent deposit on each lot, and Auction Commission to be paid at time of sale.
For title and conditions of Slae & 2., apply to
Wheeler & McCutcheon, solicitors, Wellington Place, Belfast.Ferguson & Harvey, auctioneers and valuers, Belfast; Lisburn and Ballyclare.
Gilbert Harkness’ Farms for Sale
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 20th January 1917.
Fourscore, Glenavy
Sale of Valuable freehold FarmsI am instructed by Mr. Gilbert Harkness to sell by auction at my mart, 24, Arthur Street, Belfast on Friday 2nd February 1917 at one o’clock his two farms as follows:-
Lot 1 – farm situate in the townland of Ballymoneymore, containing 61 acres 3 roods 19 perches, statute, held in fee-simple free of all rent.
Lot 2- Farm in same townland, containing 35 acres, 3 roods, 19 perches, statute also held in fee-simple, free of all rent.
There is a large shed 48ft x 36ft, absolutely complete, whilst a second shed adjoining, 98ft x 28ft, is in the course of erection. Part of the lands comprising about 33 acres, is in stubble (a portion ploughed) and the remainder is in pasture for upwards of a century. The land, which is rich Loam Soil, is thoroughly drained and capable of producing splendid crop. The farm is bounded on the one side by the Glenavy River, and on the other by the Fourscore and Knockcairn Roads. It is situate about 9 miles from Belfast, and a short distance from Glenavy and crumlin.For full particulars as to title & c., apply to
Thomas McKinty, solicitor
Royal Avenue, Belfast,
W.S. Harvey auctioneer, Belfast & Lisburn
by The Digger
I have often heard the story of local children in the district stepping off a local bus onto a "bing" of stones in a stone recess at the side of the road. This occurred about sixty years ago. When the story was first related to me the word "bing" grabbed my attention.
According to the 1930 edition of Chambers Scots Dialect Dictionary the word refers to "a crowd, a heap or pile." The word now appears to have slipped from the vocabulary of the younger generation. I have heard the word used locally when referring to a pile of stones, sand or wood. Former generations referred to the "potato-bing" The famous bard, Robbie Burns, himself used the phrase in "The Bings of Ayr" – "Potatoe-bings are snugged up frae skaith…."
In 1842 Ann and Jane McBride from the Moira area were arrested and brought before Downpatrick Crown Court for the alleged theft of a quantity of potatoes believed to have been taken from what was referred to as a "potato-bing." It was reported that these ladies were obliged to commit the act out of distress and hunger. They were imprisoned for three months and given hard labour. It would not be the only court where the word bing appeared. In June 1898 a resident of Ballinderry, County Antrim appeared before Lisburn Magistrates Court charged with an alleged stabbing. A police officer told the court that when he interviewed and subsequently cautioned the accused, he replied that the complainant had "fell out with him at the Lime Kiln" and threw him on "a bing of stones" and struck him on the face.