Religion, riots and rhyme in Glenavy

Glenavy Parish Church
The people of Glenavy and surrounding districts in previous generations were no strangers to violence. Early records and documents that have survived the ravages of time give us a brief insight into the troubled past.
A Mrs Adkinson, wife of Captain Adkinson, related her experiences of the burnings in Lurgan in 1641 and the effects the uprising during that period had on her family. She had relocated to Glenavy according to Public Record Office of Northern Ireland D695/145.
It was often said that the Parish Church in the village had escaped the notice of Oliver Cromwell due to the density of trees in the area, unlike the churches of Templecormac, Tullyrusk and Trummery. Read more »
Freehold Registration
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 30th June, 1829 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
County of Antrim
List of persons applying to Register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be held at Belfast, for the Division of Carrickfergus, in the said County pursuant to the Act of 10th George the Fourth, Cap.8, entered by the Clerk of the Peace.
No: 54
Name and Residence of Applicant: Hugh McCorry, Aghadalgon
Description of Freehold: House and land Aghadalgon
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No: 67
Name and Residence of Applicant: John Dogherty, Aghadalgon
Description of Freehold: House and land Aghadalgon
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Marriage – Patrick McCorry and Jane Moorhead
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 30th November 1830 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Marriage: On the 25th inst by the Rev Joseph McKee, assistant to the Rev. Robert Orr, Killead, Mr. Patrick McCorry, of Aghadalgan, merchant, to Jane, eldest daughter of Charles Moorhead, Esq. of Carnaghles.
Freehold Registrations, 1831
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 30th September 1831 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast on the 24th October, 1831.
No. 137
Name and Residence of Applicant: Robert Bell, Aghadalgon
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Aghadalgon
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 141
Name and Residence of Applicant: John Dogherty, Aghadalgon
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Aghadalgon
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
John Thompson, Insolvent
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 29th Jan 1841 and is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
In the matter of John Thompson, an Insolvent. To be sold by public auction, on Monday the 15th day of February next, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon of the said day, at the Office of Daniel McDonnell, Solicitor, Belfast (pursuant to the resolution of the Creditors), the said Insolvent’s Interest in all that portion of Land, held under the Marquis of Hertford, from year to year, situate at ballymacricket, near Glenavy, containing nine acres and a half, subject to the yearly rent of £10 4s 6d payable half yearly: and, also, that farm of land in Aghadalgan, also near Glenavy, held by lease, from the said Marquis of Hertford, for the life of Robert Oakman, containing twelve acres and a half, subject to the yearly rent of £14 11s 8d payable half yearly: on the latter farm are erected very comfortable Dwelling houses and suitable offices.
Dated 22nd January 1841.
Daniel McDonnell, Attorney for the Assignee, No 77 Upper Dominick Street, Dublin and Belfast.
Arthur Hamill, assignee, John Devlin, Auctioneer.
"Springvale House" for sale
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 13th October 1848 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Farm for sale by private contract
To be sold, the premises and land called Springvale House and farm, the property of the subscriber. The farm consists of 11a 9p held by a fined-down lease for three young lives, under the Marquis of Hertford at the small Yearly rent of £? 3s, and is situate in the townland of Aghadalgan, Parish of Glenavy, County of Antrim, on the high road leading from Antrim to Lurgan.
The premises are commonly known as the "halfway House" and are two miles from the village of Glenavy, and only twenty minutes walk from the shore of Lough Neagh.
The house is extremely well adapted for the purposes of an Inn, or place of general business, the situation being admitted, on all hands, to be first rate. It would also admirably answer for the manufacture of Linen or thread, as a drying-loft, boiling house, and shed have been recently erected in connexion with the other buildings; and there is a supply of Spring water, which has never been known to fail, even in the driest season.
The dwelling house is two storeys high, and is fit for the reception of a respectable family. To this are attached excellent office houses, a well appointed shop, a walled in yard, a garden well stocked with the choicest Fruit, and an orchard in full bearing. The land is in the highest state of cultivation, newly fenced, and partly thorough-drained. To parties wishing to commence business, so favourable an opportunity as the present rarely offers itself.
Proposals will be received by Henry Seeds, Esq., Solicitor, Lisburn; or by the Proprietor at the premises, till the 1st day of November next; and should no purchase be effected previous to that day, the said Farm and Buildings will be sold by auction, on the premises, on the following day, Thursday, the 2nd of November, at the hour of Twelve o’clock noon. Terms at sale.
William McCartney, Proprietor. 12th October, 1848
Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)
County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Parish of Glenavy
Column 1 : | Number and letters of Reference to map |
Column 2 : | Occupiers |
Column 3 : | Immediate Lessors |
Column 4 : | Description of Tenement |
Column 5 : | Area |
Not included – | Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property |
Townland: AGHADALGON Ordnance Survey map number: 59, 58, 62 & 63 |
1 | Jacob Thompson | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,land | 17 00 17 |
2a | James McKee | same | House,Office,land | 04 01 25 |
2b | John McKee | James McKee | House, Garden | 00 01 30 |
3Aa | James Keyland | Marquis of Hertford | Office,land | 08 03 05 |
3B | same | same | same | 01 01 31 |
3Ab | William Morgan | James Keyland | House, Garden | 00 00 24 |
3Ac | Richard Cummins | same | House | – |
4 | Daniel Keane | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,land | 07 01 18 |
5 | William Keyland | same | land | 04 01 25 |
6 | same | same | same | 03 01 32 |
6a | Hugh Heany | William Keyland | House, Garden | 00 00 24 |
6b | Rose Nugent | same | House | – |
6c | Andrew Leslie | same | House, Garden | 00 01 08 |
7 | Robert Usher | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,land | 11 02 01 |
8 | same | same | same | 12 01 29 |
8a | John Thompson | Robert Usher | House | – |
8b | Lewis Courtney and John McKee | same | House, Garden | 00 00 20 |
8c | William McConkey | same | House | – |
8d | Robert Magennis | same | House,Garden | 00 00 24 |
8e | Unoccupied | same | House | – |
9 | Hugh McCorry,jun. | Marquis of Hertford | House,land | 04 00 31 |
17Ac | same | same | 00 00 15 | |
10 | Maria McCorry | same | House,land | 03 00 03 |
9a | same | same | same | 00 00 14 |
17Ad | same | same | same | 00 00 15 |
11 | James Lennon | same | House,Office,land | 13 03 04 |
12 | Catherine McCorry | same | House,land | 01 00 11 |
13 | John Kearns | same | land | 08 02 29 |
14 | John Creany | same | land | 03 02 04 |
15 | Daniel McKaveny | same | land | 13 00 03 |
16Aa | Bernard McCorry | same | House,land | 05 01 16 |
16B | same | same | land | 00 03 00 |
17Ab | same | same | Office,gardens | 00 00 16 |
17a | Catherine Shakey | same | House,garden | 00 00 20 |
17b | Patrick Crossey | Bernard McCorry | House | – |
17A a | Hugh McCorry, sen. | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,land | 02 02 27 |
17B | same | same | same | 04 02 23 |
17c | Michael McCorssey | Hugh McCorry, sen | House | – |
18A a | Constantine Doherty | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,land | 01 00 27 |
18B | same | same | same | 13 02 34 |
19Aa | William J. Doherty | same | House,office,land | 01 02 02 |
19B | same | same | same | 01 00 26 |
20 | same | same | same | 12 02 23 |
21 | Robert Bell | same | House,Offices,land | 18 01 09 |
22Aa | James Culbert | same | House Offices,land | 02 03 23 |
22B | same | same | same | 03 00 13 |
23 | Philip Culbert | same | land | 01 03 22 |
24 | George Bell | same | House,Office,land | 01 00 11 |
25a | John McCorry | same | House,land | 05 03 06 |
25b | Catherine Close | same | House,land | same |
26 | John McCorry | Patrick Lennon | land | 00 01 20 |
27 | Sarah Hannan | Marquis of Hertford | House,land | 01 00 11 |
28 | John Courtney | same | House,Office,land | 03 00 13 |
29 | same | John Morgan | land | 03 03 34 |
30a | John Morgan | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,land | 05 02 06 |
30b | Catherine Morgan | John Morgan | House,garden | 00 00 20 |
31 | Patrick Lennon | Marquis of Hertford | House,Offices,land | 16 02 27 |
32 | same | same | same | 16 00 36 |
32a | Maria Morrison | Patrick Lennon | House | – |
32b | Sarah Brownlee | same | House | – |
32c | Thomas Lawrey | same | House | – |
33a | John Hickland | Marquis of Hertford | House,land | 10 03 11 |
Henry McKaveny | same | same | same | |
34 | Solomon Courtney | same | House,Office,land | 03 03 34 |
35Aa | Arthur Heany | same | House,land | 04 02 05 |
35B | same | same | same | 03 03 14 |
35Ba | Philip McCorry | Arthur Heany | House | – |
36A a | James Heany | Marquis of Hertford | House,Office,land | 08 00 08 |
36B | same | same | same | 00 02 30 |
36a | John Heany | same | House,small garden | – |
37 | same | same | land | 03 02 24 |
11b | same | same | House | – |
38 | Daniel Keyland | same | land | 07 02 28 |
39 | Hugh Heany | same | House,land | 03 03 34 |
40 | Edward Addison | same | House,Offices,land | 21 03 12 |
41 | Maria Keyland | same | House,Offices,land | 23 03 14 |
Total | 336 02 03 |
PRONI Will Calendars
The following information is taken from the will calendars in the PRONI and are reproduced with kind permission of Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Solomon Courtenay Junior
Date of Death 31 12 1875
Date of Grant 21 02 1876
Effects under £200
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Solomon Countenay junior late of Aghadalgan County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 31 December 1875 at same place were granted at Belfast to Alice Jane Courtenay of Aghadalgan the Widow of said deceased.
Daniel Kain
Date of Death 09 07 1879
Date of Grant 06 02 1880
Effects under £100
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Daniel Kain late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 9 July 1879 at same place were granted at Belfast to James Kain of Lisburn same County Scutcher a Child of said deceased.
John Johnston
Date of Death 25 09 1883
Date of Grant 29 09 1884
Effects £82 5s 2d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of John Johnson late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer who died 25 September 1883 at same place was proved at Belfast by James Donnelly of Ballyvannon in said County Farmer one of the Executors.
Lewis Courtney
Date of Death 01 09 1889
Date of Grant 06 05 1895
Effects under £121
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Lewis Courtney late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer who died 1 September 1889 at same place were granted at Belfast to Solomon Courtney of Aghadalgon Farmer the Son.
Arthur Heaney
Date of Death 07 06 1890
Date of Grant 31 10 1891
Effects £84
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Arthur Heaney late of Aghadalgan County Antrim Farmer who died 7 June 1890 at same place was proved at Belfast by John Heaney of Ballymacricket Tailor and John Heaney of Aldergrove Farmer both in said County the Executors.
James Heaney
Date of Death 13 02 1895
Date of Grant 11 07 1895
Effects £249 15s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of James Heaney late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer who died 13 February 1895 at same place was proved at Belfast by William John Heaney of Aghadalgon Farmer one of the Executors.
Henry Lennon
Date of Death 18 09 1895
Date of Grant 18 12 1895
Effects £327 10s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Henry Lennon late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer who died 18 September 1895 at same place was proved at Belfast by Hugh Creaney of Ballyvannon and William John Heaney of Aghadalgon both said County Farmers the Executors.
Ann Lennon
Date of Death 23 11 1898
Date of Grant 06 05 1912
Effects £356 7s 6d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Ann Lennon late of Aghadolgan Glenavy County Antrim Spinster who died 23 November 1898 granted at Belfast to Hugh Creaney Farmer and Catherine Lennon Spinster.
Robert Usher
Date of Death 27 03 1901
Date of Grant 07 11 1904
Effects £291 10s 3d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Administration (with the Will) of the unadministered estate of Robert Usher late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer and Publican who died 27 March 1901 granted at Belfast to Ellen Usher Widow (Former Grant 22 April 1901)
Robert Usher
Date of Death 27 03 1901
Date of Grant 22 04 1901
Effects £674 3s 11d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Robert Usher late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer and Publican who died 27 March 1901 granted at Belfast to Joseph Usher Farmer.
Elizabeth Lennon
Date of Death 21 10 1902
Date of Grant 06 05 1912
Effects £101
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Administration of the Estate of Elizabeth Lennon late of Aghadolgan Glenavy County Antrim Spinster who died 21 October 1902 granted at Belfast to Catherine Lennon Spinster.
Joseph Usher
Date of Death 21 06 1904
Date of Grant 10 08 1904
Effects £357 4s 5d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Administration of the estate of Joseph Usher late of Aghadolgan Glenavy County Antrim Farmer and Publican who died 21 June 1904 granted at Belfast to Ellen Usher the Widow
Joseph Doherty
Date of Death 19 12 1911
Date of Grant 19 01 1912
Effects £687 1s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Joseph Doherty late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer who died 19 December 1911 granted at Belfast to Agnes Doherty the Widow and Constantine Doherty Farmer.
James Kane
Date of Death 16 03 1914
Date of Grant 19 06 1914
Effects £134 10s 10d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Administration of the Estate of James Kane late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Farmer who died 16 March 1914 granted at Belfast to Elizabeth Moore Married Woman
Patrick McCorry
Date of Death 05 05 1914
Date of Grant 26 02 1926
Effects £30 10s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
McCorry Patrick of Aghadalgan county Antrim farmer died 5 May 1914 Administration (d.b.n.) (with Will) Belfast 26 February to Charles McCorry farmer. Effects £30 10s. Former Grant Belfast 18 December 1914.
James Lennon
Date of Death 08 04 1914
Date of Grant 22 02 1915
Effects £235 10s 6d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of James Lennon late of Aghadolgan Glenavy County Antrim Farmer who died 8 April 1914 granted at Belfast to Charles Domelly and Patrick Crossey farmers.
Patrick McCorry
Date of Death 05 05 1914
Date of Grant 18 12 1914
Effects £262 3s 7d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Patrick McCorry late of Aghadalgan County Antrim Farmer who died 5 May 1914 granted at Belfast to Margaret McCorry Widow and Hugh Creaney Farmer
Patrick McCorry
Date of Death 05 05 1914
Date of Grant 26 02 1926
Effects £30 10s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
McCorry Patrick of Aghadalgan county Antrim farmer died 5 May 1914 Administration (d.b.n.) (with Will) Belfast 26 February to Charles McCorry farmer. Effects £30 10s. Former Grant Belfast 18 December 1914.
Constantine Doherty
Date of Death 05 09 1914
Date of Grant 17 05 1915
Effects £237 5s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Administration of the Estate of Constantine Doherty late of Aghadolgan County Antrim Farmer who died 5 September 1914 granted at Belfast to Robert Doherty Farmer.
Edward McComb
Date of Death 10 03 1915
Date of Grant 07 03 1938
Effects £24 0s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
McComb Edward of Aghadalgon Glenavy county Antrim farmer died 10 March 1915 Administration Belfast 7 March to Elizabeth Thompson widow. Effects £24.
James Hefferon
Date of Death 27 09 1915
Date of Grant 15 11 1915
Effects £60
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of James Hefferon late of Crumlin County Antrim Publican (Retired) who died 27 September 1915 at Aghadalgan County Antrim granted at Belfast to Charles McCorry Farmer and James H. Mooney National School Teacher
William John Heaney
Date of Death 08 06 1916
Date of Grant 05 04 1917
Effects £484 10s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of William John Heaney late of Aghadalgan County Antrim Farmer who died 8 June 1916 granted at Belfast to John Morgan and William J. McCorry Farmers
Mary Anne Thompson
Date of Death 228 12 1916
Date of Grant 19 02 1917
Effects £896 10s
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Mary Anne Thompson late of Aghadalgon County Antrim Widow who died 28 December 1916 granted at Belfast to Thomas Thompson and John Addison Farmers.
James McKee
Date of Death 21 02 1917
Date of Grant 03 05 1929
Effects £31 0s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
McKee James of Aghadolgan county Antrim farmer died 21 February 1917 Administration W/A (d.b.n.) Belfast 3 May to James McKee gardener. Unadministered effects £31. Former Grant Belfast 20 March 1918.
Miss Mary Heaney
Date of Death 16 01 1918
Date of Grant 04 02 1926
Effects £66 13s 4d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Heaney Mary of Aghadalgan Glenavy county Antrim spinster died 16 January 1918 Administration Belfast 4 February to Robert Heaney farm labourer. Effects £66 13s. 4d.
Arthur Peel
Date of Death 10 09 1922
Date of Grant 06 12 1922
Effects £1210 14s 7d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will with one Codicil of Arthur Peel late of Aghadolgan County Antrim Farmer who died 10 September 1922 granted at Belfast to John Addison and Albert Arthur Peel Farmers Effects £1210 14s. 7d.
Edward Dolway McCorry
Date of Death 29 05 1929
Date of Grant 02 08 1929
Effects £241 2s 6d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
McCorry Edward Dolway of Aghadolgan county Antrim farmer died 29 May 1929 Probate Belfast 2 August to Patrick McCorry Bernard McCorry and James McCorry farmers. Effects £241 2s. 6d.
Hugh Hannon
Date of Death 26 12 1929
Date of Grant 15 05 1930
Effects £37 10s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Hannon Hugh of Aghadolgan county Antrim farmer died 26 December 1929 Administration Belfast 15 May to Joseph Hannon farmer. Effects £37 10s.
John McKee
Date of Death 27 03 1926
Date of Grant 27 04 1927
Effects £1 0s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
McKee John of Aghadalgon Roses Lane Ends county Antrim farmer died 27 March 1926 Administration Belfast 27 April to James McKee gardener. Effects £1.
Thomas Thompson
Date of Death 31 03 1929
Date of Grant 16 08 1929
Effects £918 11s 9d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
Thompson Thomas of Aghadalgon county Antrim farmer died 31 March 1929 Administration Belfast 16 August to Elizabeth Thompson the widow. Effects £918 11s. 9d.
Catherine McCorry
Date of Death 22 12 1942
Date of Grant 11 08 1943
Effects £105 0s 0d
Registry BelfastFull Abstract:
McCorry Catherine of Aghadalgon Glenavy county Antrim died 22 December 1942 at Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast Administration Belfast 11 August to Patrick McCorry farmer the husband. Effects £105.
Albert Peel
In the 1915 Belfast Street Directory, the following is listed as a "Guardian" within the Lisburn District:
Albert Peel, Aghadolgan – for Glenavy
Swine Fever, 1931
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter and dated 27th December 1931. It is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Lisburn Board of Guardians
Mr James Gregg, V.S., reported as follows – The veterinary department say that swine fever exists at the premises of J. Gilliland, Lisnatrunk; W. Hawthorn, carrycot; Wm. Magee, Ballymacward; Robert Bell, Legaterriff; George White, Lisburn; Joseph McKnight, Ballyclough; Robert Morrow, Whitemountain; John McKee, Ravarnet; William Andrews, Blaris;James McKee, Aghadalgan; Joseph O’Hara, Ballymaclose; Moses Moore, Crew Park; Isaac Matchett, Aghakilmoney; William Kelly, Lisburn; James Archer, Lisburn; and that the disease does not exist at Mary A. Caldwell’s, Crew.
Courtney Family Photos
The following photographs appear with permission of Carol Appleyard. Carol can be contacted at

Appleyard Family
Rear row – Anthony Langan, Irene Cinnamond, Mary Heatley, Mattie McCorry,
Rita Heatley, ?, Jane Anne Courtney
Middle – Jean Heatley, ? , Mary Langan
Front – Sheila Langan, Eileen Heatley, Sheila McCorry, Martha Heatley,
Rose McCorry.
Rose died shortly after the photograph had been taken in the 1940’s.
The picture may have been taken outside Rivervale.

Ellen Courtney
1901 – 1987.
Born at Chapel Hill
and lived there all
her life.

Lizzie Courtney
1899 – 1996.
Born at Chapel Hill and lived there all her life. Unmarried.

Ellen McAreavy nee Wightman
1845 – 1932
This lady was the mother of Jane Courtney (nee McAreavy). She came from the Mournes area and her father David was a miner

Taken in 1960 outside Courtney’s on Chapel Hill. Four generations.
The baby is Carol aged about 4 months.
Her mother Eileen (Ellen) Kirk (nee Heatley), grandmother Annie Heatley (nee Courtney) 1909 – 1996, and Great grandmother Jane Ann Courtney (nee McAreavy) 1877 – 1960
all appear in the picture.
Jane Ann Courtney passed away a couple of months after the photograph was taken.

Wedding day of Mary Courtney and Anthony Langan with Sarah (Sally) Courtney and Peter Langan.
Mary and Anthony would eventually move to England.

The Courtney homestead at Chapel Hill – Rivervale.
Built by Lewis Courtney (great great grandfather to Carol Appleyard). Added to by his son Solomon (Sammy) Courtney. Photo taken in the 1960’s

James Joseph Heatley and Anne Jane Courtney on their wedding day in July 1931 at St. Joseph’s Glenavy

Some of the Courtney children – two of whom died in infancy, two in their 20’s and two before the age of 45.
Rear – Charles 1900 – 1928, Lizzie 1899 – 1996
Middle – Ellen 1901 – 1987
Front – Mary 1905 – 1962, Edward 1902 – 1942, Annie 1909 – 1996

The 1st communion of Sheila and Mary Langan

Solomon (Sammy) Courtney 1867 – 1948
with Louis Courtney 1923 – 1969,
his youngest son.
Louis was a gifted pianist.
The 1911 census records that Solomon and his wife Jane had been married 15 years, had 9 children in total with 8 living.
Robert Cinnamond – the Ballinderry Balladeer
The Digger celebrates the life and legacy of a local singer

Robert Cinnamond
On Wednesday 5th June 1968 news was filtering through of the shooting of Robert F. Kennedy in the United States. It was a topic of conversation amongst a group of people who had gathered in the graveyard of St Joseph’s, Ballymacricket, Glenavy to pay their respects to a well-known and well-respected gentleman, Robert Cinnamond, who had passed away on the 3rd June 1968 aged 84 years.
Robert had spent several years in the United States himself and the Kennedy dynasty and the American culture would have been a familiar way of life to him. Indeed there was a further irony in the fact that Robert’s daughter Vera had taken the Kennedy surname through marriage.
Read more »
Robert Cinnamond, 1938

Robert Cinnamond July 1938
Photograph kindly provided by the Cinnamond family
Let by Auction – Enkeymore, Aghadalgan
The following extract is from The Ulster Star dated 28th January 1961 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Enkeymore, Aghadalgan, Glenavy
Letting of landsI am instructed by Mr. Albert A. Peel, Esq., D.L., J.P., to Let by auction on the lands on Saturday, 4th February at Three o’clock p.m. 49 acres prime grazing lands, well watered and fenced in lots.
Terms – usual Land credit
David Mairs
Auctioneer and Valuer,
8 Bridge Street, Lisburn
Tel. Lisburn 3128
Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green

Glenavy Cardwell and 40 Shades of Green published in The Antrim Guardian, 27 November 2014
Almost two hundred years ago James Green from the parish of Ballinderry, County Antrim married Nancy Cardwell in her native parish of Glenavy. That was in September 1817 in the new parish church building in Glenavy village which had been the resting place to many of the Cardwell ancestors, from at least the early 18 th century.
A lack of records and scant details of those that survive from this period inhibit the researcher when attempting to establish the exact origin of the bride and groom on this occasion.
An American biographer, R.H.W. Peterson, compiled a sketch of James Green and his family and he informs the reader that James was the son of a Methodist minister called John and his wife Lizzie, born on 8th January, 1791. At the age of 19 he had lost both parents and in 1822 he and his wife left these shores for America, arriving in New York after 86 days at sea.