Freehold Registration
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 30th June, 1829 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
County of Antrim
List of persons applying to Register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be held at Belfast, for the Division of Carrickfergus, in the said County pursuant to the Act of 10th George the Fourth, Cap.8, entered by the Clerk of the Peace.
No: 48
Name and Residence of Applicant: Edward Bell, Aghnadarragh
Description of Freehold: House and lands Aghnadarragh
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No: 49
Name and Residence of Applicant: William Bell, Aghnadarragh
Description of Freehold: House and lands Aghnadarragh
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No: 57
Name and Residence of Applicant: John Bell, Aghnadaragh
Description of Freehold: House and lands Aghnadaragh
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Freehold Registrations, 1831
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 30th September 1831 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast on the 24th October, 1831.
No. 172
Name and Residence of Applicant: William Whiteside, Aghnedarah
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Aghnedarragh
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Landed Estates records
Sir Richard Wallace – Consolidated Final Notice to land owners and occupiers. 24th October 1877
I have been given copies of printed landed estates records still in possession of local families.
Unfortunately they have "seen better days." I have transcribed as much of the document as possible.

Landed Estates records 1877

Landed Estates records 1877

Aughnadarragh townland map

Landed Estates records 1877

Aughnadarragh townland showing Bellbrook

Aughnadarragh townland showing Ashvale and Bellvale

The 1877 estate map of Sir Richard Wallace showing part of Aghnadarragh and Ballyvollen

The 1877 estate map of Sir Richard Wallace showing part of Aghnadarragh and Ballyvollen
(Notice No.1, Map no 1 –Camlin…)
Landed Es…
Consolidated Final Notice…. Owners and Occupiers.
In the matter of the Estate of Sir Richard Wallace, Bart, and M.P., Owner and Petitioner.
To all whom it may Concern.
The Landed Estates Court, Ireland, has ordered the title of the said Sir Richard Wallace to (amongst others) the towns, lands, hereditaments, and premises hereinafter mentioned to be investigated, and a Judicial Declaration made thereon, that the said Sir Richard Wallace has a good and sufficient title to the towns and lands of Aughnadarragh, otherwise…… Ballydonaghy (part of), Ballysessy otherwise Ballycessy (part of),… Ballyvollin, Gobrana otherwise Gobb (part of), Landgarve (part of)… 0 roods and 5 perches statute measure, and all situate in the Barony…… Parish of Camlin, and County of Antrim, all held in fee simple, and which… agreements for lease, rights of common, rights of turbary, rights of way, and other rights and casements set forth in the schedule hereto.
If any person alleges that he has any interest in said premises, not derived under said leases, agreements, or tenancies, or that his interest is incorrectly stated, or claims any right of common, or of cutting turf, right of way, or other easement affecting any of the said lands, and not admitted in the said schedule, or any objection to the boundaries as delineated on the said map, he must lodge his objection, in writing, with the Clerk of the records of the said Court, on or before the 22nd day of December next, otherwise his interest will be barred and concluded by said Judicial Declaration; and said map will be treated as conclusive and binding on all persons whoever. And such objection must be verified by affidavit, entitled as above, and sworn, if out of Dublin, before one of the Commissioners to administer Oaths in Chancery, and transmitted under cover, sealed with the seal of the said Commissioners.
And Notice is also given to the Owners and Occupiers of adjoining… that I have fixed Wednesday, the 16th day of January next, at my Char… Estates Court, Inn’s-quay, for the settlement of the Rental of said Prem… person interested is at liberty to attend.
Dated this 24th day of October 1877.
F.L. James McDonnell,…
Longfield, Davidson & Kelly,
Having Carriage of said Order.
62 Upper Sackville –street, Dublin; and Dungannon
Right of way, and other Easements admitted to exist: The right of… marked on ma… preserved in t… The public right… cars, cattle, … lettered. T… land, w… Neagh…tion of…
Number on map: 1
Tenants’ Names: Lucas Waring
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £6 7s 8d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 27a 3r 36p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year,
tenancy commenced on 1st NovemberNumber on map: 1a
Tenants’ Names: Lucas Waring
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £58 19s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 75a 2r 39p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated the 1st day of
November 1829, from Francis Charles Marquis of Hertford to Robert Bell, for the lives and life of Prince George of Cumberland, Charles Tisdall, and James Bell, at the yearly rent of £55 15s. 8d., with £2 13s 4d for receiver’s salary.
The acreage given in the lease is 74a. 2r. 18p.; the quantity here is taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report. The amount stated in rent column includes £2 13s. 4d. for receiver’s salary, and 10s for tithe rent-charge, payable for this holding.Number on map: 2
Tenants’ Names: William Whiteside
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £23 5s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 25a 3s 14d
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 3 & 3a
Tenants’ Names: John Higginson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £54 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 49a 1r 30p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st NovemberNumber on map: 4
Tenants’ Names: John Corkan
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £21 16s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 18a 2r 38p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st NovemberNumber on map: 5
Tenants’ Names: James Nelson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £17 10s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 14a 2r 1p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st NovemberNumber on map: 6
Tenants’ Names: John Bell
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £41 6s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 38a 1r 5p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st NovemberNumber on map: 7
Tenants’ Names: John Bell and Lucas Waring, representatives of Dolway Bell
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £33 16s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 38a 0r 8p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 1st of August 1836, from Francis Charles Marquis of Hertford to Dolway Bell, for the lives and life of the said Dolway Bell, John Bell, and Robert Bell, at the early rent of £47 17s., with £2 8s for receiver’s salary. The acreage given in this lease is 38a.2r.36p. as in this townland. This lease includes 18a 3r and 4p. of the lands of Ballyvollen (being tenancy No. 2 in that townland, and there stated to contain 20a.1r.8p.); the quantities here stated are taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report. The amount stated in rent column is the proportion of rent and fees payable for the portion of this townland thereby dismised.Number on map: 8
Tenants’ Names: William Bell
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £77 14s 7d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 69a 2r 33p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 18th November1881 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
In the County Antrim County Court 41 – Division of Belfast – Equity Side. October sittings, 1881. Advertisement for Incumbrancers.
Pursuant to a degree of J. Hastings Otway, Esq., Q.C., Judge of the said Court, made in a suit wherein James Johnston, of Ballymoneymore, in said County, and another, are plaintiffs; and James Nelson of Balmoral, in said County, is defendant.
All persons claiming to be incumbrancers of all that and those that Farm of Land and Premises, situate in the townland of Aughnadarragh, Barony of Upper Massereene, and County of Antrim, and held by the said defendant as tenant from year to year under Sir Richard Wallace, Baronet, are, on or before the 26th day of November, 1881, to send by post, prepaid, to the Registrar of the said Court, at the County Courthouse, Belfast, their Christian and surnames, addresses, and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities held by them, or, in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said decree.
Every person holding any incumbrance is to produce the same before the said Registrar, at the County Courthouse, Belfast, on the 28th day of November, 1881, a Twelve of the clock noon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims, and of which sitting, all persons concerned are required to take notice.
Dated at the County Courthouse, Belfast, this 5th day of November, 1881.
H. McNeile McCormick, Registrar of the said Court.
Fredk. W. Charley, Lisburn, solicitor for Plaintiffs.
Death Notice — T.A. Bullick
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 07 02 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Mr. T.A. BullickA message from Christchurch, New Zealand, announces the death of Mr. T.A. Bullick, who passed away at his residence at Papanui on 11th December, after a short illness, the result of a chill. He was born at Belgrove, Ireland, seventy three years ago, and emigrated to New Zealand in 1862. He first went to Nelson, but afterwards joined the firm of Messrs J T Peacock & Co at Lyttelton. Later on he was employed by Messrs, Slanders & Co., first at Nelson and then at Christchurch. For a long time he was the firm’s manager in Christchurch. He remained with it for over thirty years, and when it went out of business he succeeded it, and carried on as a general merchant. About ten years ago he retired from business life.
Auction – Dwelling and Land
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 30th December 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Sales by Auction
Town of Lisburn and townland of Aughnadarragh, Glenavy.
Auction of Dwelling – House building ground, and farm of land.We have received instructions form the Trustee of the late Dr. G. Waring to sell by auction at our property Mart, 25 Bow Street, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 24th January, 1911, at 2 o’clock.
Lot 1 – That commodious dwelling house, being No 35, Castle Street, Lisburn, which contains 3 large reception rooms, 7 bedrooms, dressing-room, nursery, consulting-room, study, 3 pantries, kitchen, scullery, cellars, bathroom, w.c., &c.
There is also an extensive Office –house accommodation, consisting of Coach-house, Stable, Lofts, Sheds, and Yard, with gateway entrance from Castle Street.There is a large walled-in garden, with two Conservatories, Potting- house &c.
It is beautifully situated, overlooking the Castle Gardens, and is substantially erected.
The property is held forever, free of rent.
Lot 2 – Parcel of ground, containing 25 perches, situate at rere of Castle Gardens. Held for ever, free of rent.
Lot 3 – Building ground, situate in Wallace Avenue, Lisburn, adjoining Lot 1 at rere, having a frontage to Wallace Avenue of 47 feet, and from front to rere 149 feet.
This lot is held forever, free of rent.
Lot 4 – farm, all in pasture and meadow, situate in the Townland of Aughnadarragh, containing 25a 3r 14p. Statute measure, or thereabouts, bought out under the Land Purchase Acts, subject of an Annuity of £11 2s 10d to the Irish Land commission (2nd decade).
There is a comfortable slated dwelling house on the farm; also accommodation for 20 head of Cattle, Stable, Barn, and granaries, and there are other Offices and 2 orchards.
This farm is situate 1½ miles from Glenavy and Crumlin, and about 12 miles from Lisburn. Terms – Deposit of 20 per cent and Auction Commission to be paid at sale.
For title &c., apply to
Wheeler & McCutcheon, solicitors, having carriage of the sale, Wellington Place, Belfast.
W.G. Maginness, solicitor, Lisburn.
Ferguson & Harvey, Auctioneers and Valuers, Belfast and Lisburn.
Death Notice — Mary Bell
Extract reproduced from The Northern Whig, Belfast — Thursday May 29th 1913
Bell, May 27, at her residence, Bellgrove, Glenavy, Sarah Ann, second daughter of Jonathan Bell. Her remains will be removed from the above address, for interment in Glenavy Burying-ground, this (Thursday) morning at 10.30.
Farm Sale
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard, Friday, January 9th, 1920
Sales by Auction
Aughnadarragh and Ballycessy, Glenavy
Two valuable Farms of Land
For Sale by Auction.We have been favoured with instructions from Mr. Thomas Steele (who is retiring from farming) to sell by auction, at our Mart, 25, Bow Street, Lisburn, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 13th January, 1920 at one o’clock.
Lot 1 – At that Valuable Farm of Land containing 26 Acres Statute Measure or thereabouts, situate in the Townland of Aughnadarragh, held under Irish Land Commission, subject to the yearly Annuity if £9 7s 4d.
There is a most comfortable dwelling house and the Office houses comprises byre, Stable, large Barn, Hay-shed, etc., all stated and in first-class repair.
Lot 2 – All that valuable farm of Land known as "the Home Farm", situate in the Townland of Ballycessy, containing 19½ acres, statute measure or thereabouts, held under Irish Land Commission, subject to the Yearly annuity of £10 5s.
There is a very comfortable dwelling house with all necessary Officehouses including 2 Horse Stable, byre for 4 cows, Potato House, Piggery; Fowl – house, etc., and all have been maintained in good order.
On Lot 1 there are three Orchards, and on Lot 2 there is a young Orchard, all are well stocked with Fruit Trees, which are very profitable and most remunerative.
The lands are of the very best quality, well fenced, drained and watered. Lot 1 is all in pasture, and Lot 2 under usual rotation of crops, one field having been ploughed, and the Meadow Lands have been heavily manured for this season’s Crops.
The Farm Lot 1 is situate one mile from Glenavy and one mile from Crumlin on the leading road, and Farm lot 2 is situate ten minutes walk from Glenavy Railway Station, 1½ miles from Crumlin on the main road, both Farms being about 12 miles from Belfast, and nine miles from Antrim.
For title and conditions of Sale, apply to
D. Barbour Simpson, Solicitor, Chichester Street, Belfast; and Lisburn.
W.S. Harvey & Sons.
Auctioneers, 47 Arthur Street, Belfast and Lisburn.
The following can be found in the publication "Buildings at Risk Autumn 1993 by The Ulster Architectural Heritage Society in Association with Environment Service : Historic Monuments and Buildings" page 11. Includes a photograph.
"Bellgrove", Glenavy, Aghnadarragh townland, Crumlin. Situated 2.5 miles South West of Crumlin off the B12 & 2 miles North west of Glenavy. Grid reference 135 736.

Book Launch
A new book has been launched (2008) titled "Laura Bell, Courtesan & Lay Preacher: being a consideration of her life & legend as recorded by those who knew her, and those who wished to know her."
It has been written by Anthony S. Drennan, Belfast. The first edition of this book has been limited to 299 copies.
This book traces the life of Laura Bell from her beginnings in the Glenavy area to high society in London. Laura Bell’s family lived at Bellbrook House, Glenavy.
Further details and copies of the book may be obtained at
House Fire — Morrison Home
The following is from a newspaper cutting (date and source unknown):

Morrison family after farmhouse fire
A serious outbreak of fire occurred on Saturday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morrison, Aughnadarragh, Glenavy. Mrs. Morrison and her young son Charles, were in the kitchen about 10 o’clock when they noticed a crackling noise and smoke coming from a room above the kitchen. By this time the fire had got a firm hold.
Crumlin N.F.S. were summoned, and with the assistance of the Lisburn Brigade, prevented the fire spreading to the adjoining outhouses. The house, a two storey slated building, was completely gutted, and only a few articles of furniture were saved.
Valuable assistance was rendered by a number of civilians, and Sergt. John Graham, and Constable L. Farrelly, R.U.C. Crumlin. Unfortunately for Mr. and Mrs. Morrison the building was not covered by insurance.
Mrs Gordon, Glenavy

Date and source unknown. Mrs Gordon, Glenavy Co. Antrim with the Champion Fresian, Cottagehill Biddy, R.M.
BBC Media Clip — Woolly Mammoth Tooth at Aghnadarragh
In 1986 geologists drilling at Aghnadarragh, just outside Crumlin, for seams of the fossil fuel lignite, came across something every unexpected.
Encased in the layers of sandy mud they found a huge tooth – one that was obviously too big to belong to any local animal.