Death Notice — Samuel Davidson
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 11th January 1866 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Davidson – January 10, At Drumaduff, Upper Ballinderry, Samuel, youngest son of John Davidson aged 15 years, deeply regretted. His remains will be removed from the above address for interment in Templecormick Burying-ground, tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at two o’clock.
Farm Sale, Upper Ballinderry
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard 9th March 1889
Upper Ballinderry. Farm of grazing land for sale.
TO be sold by public auction, on the premises, on Saturday, the 16th day of March inst, at the hour of one o’clock p.m.
That farm or parcels of land in the town land of Drumnaduff, County of Antrim, containing 13a 2r 20p the greater portion being held by Lease for lives, and the remainder from year to year, under Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., the rent of the entire being £12 8s, or thereabouts. In the above measurement there is included about one acre, on which stands a dwelling house, suitable for a purchaser or a caretaker.The above farm is situate close to Ballinderry Railway Station, and within easy distance of the good market-town of Lisburn. It was lately in the possession of Mr. James P. Hart, and is being sold by the present owner, Mr Edward Mockler, by reason of it being an out farm.
For particulars as to title, &c., apply to George McIldowie & sons, solicitors, 26 Corn Market, Belfast. Samuel Morton, Auctioneer, Donegall Street, Belfast.
Sale of Land and Stock
Extract from Lisburn Herald — 3rd February 1900
Drumnaduff, Upper Ballinderry
Farm of Land
And stock
For sale by auctionWe have received instructions from Mr. Geo.
Higginson to Sell by auction, on the premises,
As above, on Thursday, 15th February,
1900, at 2 o’clock.Those valuable lands. Situate in
The Townland of Drumnaduff, County
Antrim, containing 6a. 1r. 23p., Statute
Measure, or thereabouts, held for ever, subject
to payment of an Annuity or Yearly sum of
£4 8s 0d, to the Irish Land Commission, for 49
Years, from 1st May, 1893, and afterwards free
forever.There is a comfortable Dwelling – house and
suitable Office-houses on the Farm.
The lands are of good quality, and are well
Watered, Fenced, and drained. They are
Situated convenient to the county road, within
1 mile of Ballinderry Railway Station, and
About 6 miles from Lisburn.
After the sale of the Farm will be sold, 5 six-
Quarter – old Bullocks and Heifers, and 3 Weanling calves.
Terms – For farm, £25 deposit at time of
Sale; for stock, cash. Purchasers to pay
Auction Commission.For further particulars, apply to
Ferguson & Harvey, Auctioneers
And Valuers, 24, Arthur Street,
Belfast; and Lisburn.
Anthrax Prosecution
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard Saturday April 2nd 1910.
Outbreak of Anthrax at Ballinderry
Prosecution at CrumlinAt Crumlin Petty Sessions last Monday Colonel McClintock J.P., presiding – Dergeant Gilpin, Aghalee, prosecuted a farmer named Jas Calwell, of Drumanduff, for having failed to report a case of anthrax amongst his cattle, and for having removed the carcase of an animal that had died from that disease to Belfast.
Complainant stated that the prosecution had been ordered by the Department of Agriculture for the purpose of serving as a warning to farmers throughout the country. On the 11th February the owner noticed that one of his cows which was pregnant, was unwell, and had her bled, afterwards calling in a local butcher, who slaughtered her, and the carcase was then taken for sale to Belfast market, where rh inspectors condemned it. It was then found on examination that the animal had suffered from anthrax, which made it compulsory on the owner to notify the authorities at once, in order that the necessary steps should be taken with the view of having the disease stamped out. Defendant had failed to notify until the 22nd February.
The defendant, in reply to District-Inspector Heatley, said that the Inspectors in Belfast advised him to hurry home as the police might be there as soon as he. That was why he didn’t think it necessary to report the case at the time.
Mr Heatley – This is one of the very cases where the animal should not be bled.
The defendant, replying to the chairman, said that one of the veterinary surgeons he had engaged to examine the cow was not sure about the disease, and told him that if he had any more deaths he should inform the police.
Mr Higginson, J.P. – That shows how absurd it is that any ordinary person should know that the animal was suffering from anthrax.
The Chairman – It is a very serious thing this disease.
The Complainant – Defendant was informed of the disease on the 15th February.
The Chairman – It is the duty of the farmers to at once notify. As this is the first case, and possibly the defendant was ignorant of the law, we will only fine him 5s and costs.
Mr Heatley – It is right that it should be known that the magistrates have power to fine up to £5.
Dr. Mussen J.P. I think the county councils should publish notices throughout the country giving particulars as to the symptoms of anthrax.
The other magistrates concurred.
Complainant – may say that the local butcher contracted the disease, and but for the skilful treatment of Dr. Mussen the case might have been very serious. It is only right to state that afterwards defendant took every reasonable precautions as regards disinfecting and isolation.
"He used his gifts to help his fellow man"
William Calwell 30th July 1863 – 30th July 1953
I had reason to go and visit my maternal grandparents former homestead at Crew, Glenavy a number of years ago with my mother. The farmstead, which had been in the family for generations, had been abandoned in the 1960’s and sold to a neighbouring farmer.

The Tumbling Paddy at a disused farmstead at the Crew, Glenavy
We visited the derelict cottage and outbuildings and my mother recalled happy memories of her childhood as she passed from room to room in her former homestead. We wandered into the old barn and I noticed a strange farming implement hanging on the side of the barn wall. My mother informed me it was the "tumbling paddy" once used by my grandfather in the fields in the immediate vicinity of the farm. This was a hay collector that was harnessed to the horse. The wooden prongs gathered up every last bit of hay that was in the field. When the collector was full a chain mechanism was operated by the farmer and the hay would tumble from the rake into a mound.
I had mentioned my discovery to another local man and former neighbour of my grandfather. He recalled that there was a similar implement used in a bygone time which was referred to as the "Calwell" hay collector, invented by a man who he believed was linked to the Ballinderry area of Lisburn.
Sale by Auction, Tansy Road, Upper Ballinderry
The following extract is from The Ulster Star dated 28th January 1961 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Tansy Road, Upper Ballinderry, Co. Antrim.
Sale by AuctionFreehold small holding
With dwelling and out-offices(by instructions per reps. Margaret Hatton – deceased)
At my Mart, 8 Bridge Street, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 7th February, at one o’clock p.m.
This attractive holding forming part of the lands of Drumanduff contains 8 acres, 2 roods, 24 perches held FREE of RENT. There is a soundly constructed Two-storied slated dwelling thereon containing – hall, Two reception rooms, five bedrooms, kitchen and scullery. The out-offices comprise byre, fuel store, poultry house, shed, etc. The lands adjoining are of good quality compactly laid-out in four divisions all under pasture and well watered by never-falling stream. They have good frontage to County Road with easy access. Small garden and paddock. The property is attractively sited with short lane-way approach and D/E gates to tansy Road. One mile Bus service Lisburn- Glenavy. Lisburn 6 miles.
Inspection each week-day from 12 o’clock. Keys with Mrs. W. Reid adjoining.
Immediate possession will be given.
John T. McConnell and Son, Solicitors, Castle Chambers, Lisburn
David Mairs
Tel Lisburn 3128. Auctioneer and valuer, 8 Bridge Street, Lisburn
Mrs Martha Peel
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 31st January 1975 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Grand Old Lady
Mrs Martha Peel
Mrs. Martha Peel, the oldest woman in South Antrim, died on Friday at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peel, "Marlmount", Ballinderry Road, Lisburn. She was 102.
Formerly Miss Martha Hazley, Mrs. Peel was a native of Ballinderry are and despite her years had an active mind and enjoyed good health. She had only been confined to bed three weeks before her death came peacefully.
Mrs. Peel formerly lived in the Ballinderry area but moved to Lisburn some years ago. Her husband, Mr. George Peel, died four years ago at the age of 86.
Mrs. Peel had a wonderful memory and she had many visitors including Mr. Jim Molyneaux, the Unionist M.P. for South Antrim at Westminister, for whom she always voted at election times. She always managed to go to the polling stations, although at the last election she used a postal vote.
She attended many Twelfth demonstrations and also visited Scarva on July 13. Her last outing was to Ballinderry in August.
A member of the Church of Ireland, Mrs. Peel in latter years was associated with St. Paul’s Church in Lisburn.She is also survived by two daughters, Miss Meta Peel, Ballynahinch Road, Lisburn and Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Brookhill, Magheragall.
The funeral took place on Sunday to the Middle Churchyard, Ballinderry, the services in the home, in the church and at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. Kenneth Cochrane, rector of St. Paul’s.
There was a large concourse of mourners including Mr. Molyneaux.