"Diocese of Down & Connor Ancient and Modern
Extract from Diocese of Down & Connor Ancient and Modern Volume 2 by Rev. J. O’Laverty P.P.M.R.I.A. Published by M.H. Gill & Son, Dublin.
One of the townlands adjoining Templecormac is Derrykillultagh – "the oak-wood of Killultagh," which is by some supposed to give name to the Manor. The territory more likely received its name – "the wood of the Ultach, or Ulstermen," because it was in it their chiefs were inaugurated, on the hill of Crew.
William Ardbuckle Assaulted
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard Saturday May 11th 1889
Assault at Derrykillultagh. It having been reported to the constabulary at Lisburn that a serious assault had been committed at Derrykillultagh on a man named Ardbuckle, inquiries were made, and it was found that the injured man had been removed to a house near Glenavy, and that he was under the care of Dr. Mussen. Charles E. McClintock, Esq., J.P., attended at the injured man’s residence on Thursday evening, for the purpose of taking his depositions. District- Inspector Fleury, Head-Constable Ray, and Mr. T.J. English, C.P.S., Lisburn were present. From the despositions, it appeared that an assault had been committed, but there had evidently been great provocation. Miss Cardwell, the person accused, was present, and entered into her own recognizance to appear at Crumlin Petty Sessions, on the 27th inst.
Police v Cardwell
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard, Saturday June 1st 1889.
Police v Cardwell
This was a prosecution for alleged serious assault by Miss Cardwell on a man named William Ardbuckle.
When the case was called, it transpired that Mr. Charley, who was engaged for the defence, was unable to attend, and an adjournment was asked for, but Mr. H. Mulholland, who was also retained in the case, stated his instructions were to oppose an adjournment unless his costs of the day were paid; subsequently however, on the case being again called, Mr. Mulholland consented to the adjournment, and it accordingly stands over until next court-day.
Malicious Fire Destroys Valuable Hay
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated 6th August 1898
On Saturday morning last five cocks of valuable hay belonging to Mr. Wm. Laird, Derrykillultagh were, as alleged, maliciously destroyed by fire. The hay was worth £10. At the recent annual meeting of the Grand Jury, Mr. J. Laird, J.P., was awarded compensation for a quantity of hay destroyed in a similar manner. The police are endeavouring to find out the perpetrators of these wanton outrages. It is hoped the miscreants will shortly be made amenable.
Killultagh School Fete
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated 27th August 1898
School Fete at Killultagh
The annual outdoor fete in connection with the Methodist Sunday Schools was held on Thursday, the 18th inst, the place selected being the old historic grounds of Killultagh, the residence of John Laird, Esq., J.P., kindly granted for the occasion. The children and friends, numbering about 150, assembled at the schoolroom, where a short service was held, after which they proceeded by cars to the place of rendezvous, where they were warmly received and most hospitably entertained by the esteemed host (J. Laird, Esq., J.P.) ably assisted by Mrs Laird and Mr. William Laird. After partaking of a sumptuous tea, so kindly provided by the hosts, a number of games, races &c., were indulged in. As the party were about to return home, Mr. Laird had another special treat in store for the little ones, viz sweets and gingerbread, and a supply of pears was distributed by Mr. John Moore. A number of speeches were made, and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Laird family, who had contributed so largely to the day’s enjoyment, throwing themselves heartily into all that could make the young people happy. Three hearty cheers were given for the devoted superintendent (Miss Johnson) and the Pastor (Rev. J. W. McWilliam), and the procession again turned homewards, feeling that a most enjoyable day had come to an end, but that Killultagh would still live in their memories.
J.D. Martin & Co.
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard – Saturday July 13th 1901.
J.D. Martin & Co.’s Auction Sales.
15th – Hay, Derrkillultagh, William Conway, 4.
Cowkeeper Prosecuted
The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Wednesday 30th December 1914 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Prosecution at Crumlin
Cowkeeper Summoned Under Dairy and Cowsheds Order.At Crumlin monthly Court of Petty Sessions. Dr. Mussen, J.P. presiding, W.J. Adams, Derrykillultagh, was prosecuted by the Lisburn Rural Council for failing to carry out certain improvements to his cowshed in pursuance of a notice served on him under the dairy, Cowsheds and Milkshops Order.
Mr. D. Barbour Simpson, solicitor for the prosecution, said that, according to the reports of the council’s inspectors, defendant’s byre was improperly floored and channelled, and insufficiently provided with windows. Notice allowing defendant thirty days to make improvements was served so far back as February last, and on his stating that he was going to build a new byre, he was given a further extension of sixty days, but he had done nothing whatever to remedy matters. Some time ago the Belfast Corporation sought powers to inspect dairies and cowsheds in the adjoining rural districts on the grounds that the rural authorities were lax in having the law carried out. At the instigation of the dairymen and cow keepers, a storm of protest was raised, While the Local Government Board, as the result of an inquiry, refused to grant the Corporation the powers sought, they impressed on the councils the great necessity of enforcing the Dairies Order, which was made for the protection of the health of the community. If the Council failed in their duty, it would lead to the district being visited by Corporation officials armed with arbitrary powers. His clients had no desire to unduly punish defendant, but asked that such a penalty would be imposed as would impress on him and others the advisability of obeying the law.
Evidence having been given, the magistrate fined defendant 10s and 20s costs, and ordered him to do the necessary work within twenty days, with the alternative of a penalty of 40s for each day that the work remained undone after the time specified.
Death Notice — Margaret Gray
The following extract is from the Belfast Evening Telegraph dated Thursday 25th February 1915.
Gray – February 23, 1915, at her residence, Derry Killultagh, Ballinderry, Margaret widow of the late William Gray. The remains of our beloved mother will be removed, for interment in the family burying-ground, Glenavy Churchyard, on to-morrow (Friday) at 11am. Friends will please accept this intimation. James and Margaret Johnston.
Notice to Creditors — Samuel Green’s estate
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, March 16th, 1918
Notice to Creditors
In the goods of Samuel T. Green, late of Derrykillultagh,
in the County of Antrim, Farmer, deceased.
All persons having claims or demands
against the Estate of the above Deceased
who died on the 14th day of November, 1917, are
hereby required on or before the 22nd day
of March 1918, to furnish detailed particulars
thereof, in writing, to the undersigned Solicitor
for the Executors, to whom Probate was granted
on the 22th day of February, 1918.
Dated this 28th day of February, 1918.
William George Maginess, Solicitor,
28, Bow Street, Lisburn.
Death Notice — William Lowry
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting source unknown.
Lowry – February 28, 1929, at his residence, Derrykillultagh, Glenavy, William, dearly-loved husband of Jane Lowry. Funeral tomorrow (Saturday) to Glenavy Churchyard, at 2pm. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife.
"Buildings of County Antrim
The following can be found in the book "Buildings of County Antrim by C.E.B. Brett published in 1996." page 11, no 9. Includes a photograph by M. O’Connell.
Derrykillultagh Rath, Glenavy. Situated to northwest of Lisburn Road, Glenavy. Town land – Derrykillultagh.
Open-Air Meeting
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, July 26 1947.
Annual Open-Air Meeting
will (D.V.) be held in
Mr. Wesley Adams’ field, Derrykillultagh, on Sunday, 27th July at 3.30pm
Mr. J. Kerr, Mr. V.McAfee, and others.
A hearty welcome to all.
Teacher and poet who went from Lisburn to Texas
There are several sketches of Henry’s life recorded in early 20th century newspapers and other published sources, but there is little detail about his early life. Some of the published information about him is in fact incorrect.
One fascinating insight into the life of Henry is set out in a set of ten letters penned by him from January to July 1902. They had been sent to the home address of Francis Joseph Bigger, the noted historian and antiquarian, at Antrim Road, Belfast. Henry had sent F.J. Bigger a review copy of his last poetry book and he was providing a pen picture of himself.

Moneyrea School where Henry McD. Flecher was a teacher
Henry states that he was born in the parish of Ballinderry about half a mile from “the shore of the king of lakes’ – Lough Neagh, and less than half a mile from Lough Beg also known as Portmore Lake. He reminisces about his first lesson at his mother’s knee and later how he accompanied his brothers to school at Ballinderry when he was old enough to walk the two miles to get there. He claims that by the time he started school he could read the Bible.
The change of the surname from Fletcher to Flecher is explained in a letter written on 19th May 1902. He claims the family were of French extraction, the source of the name being "fleche" – French for arrow. Henry took the liberty of taking the ‘t’ from the surname to make it a "properly spelled word."
‘A friend to the friendless and a sympathizer with the oppressed’
The Digger continues his tale of a local poet who left for America
HENRY Flecher, during his time a teacher, did not confine his efforts education. He was also a prolific poet.
His poems appeared in the local press under the name ‘Coilus’ and in 1859 he won second prize in a poetry competition organised by The Northern Whig, to celebrate the Robert Burns centenary.

The grave of ‘a son of Killultagh’ – Henry McDonald Flecher located at Knights of Honor Cemetery, Blossom, Lamar County, Texas
At this time he brought out his first book titled ‘Rhymes and Ravings of a County Antrim lad’. In a letter to Francis Joseph Bigger in 1902 he states that he “was so dissatisfied with that little escapade that I instructed a friend to take the volumes up for firewood and waste paper as soon as issued.” That would explain the difficulty in finding a copy today.
His second volume of poetry was published in 1866 and the Belfast Newsletter reviewed it. "This little volume contains a number of pieces, chiefly the productions of evening hours and after daily exertion in the occupation of teaching in an elementary school. Mr. Flecher often writes very sweetly and touchingly and we are mistaken if some of his pretty songs do not at once become popular in many parts of Ulster."