Aghacarnan Townland, Ballinderry

Matthew Maze convicted of assault

The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Fri 9th October – Tue 12th October 1795 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

At a General Quarter Seffions of the Peace, held at Antrim in the county of Antrim, on Thurfday, the 8th day of October, 1795 – the undernamed perfons were tried, convicted and fentenced by the Court as to their names is annexed…….

Matthew Maze, of Aghena Kernan, convicted of affaulting Elizabeth Montgomery – fined fix fhillings and eight pence.

James Davy of Knockcairne, and Henry Davy, of Ballynacoy, having fubmitted to an indictment for affaulting James Adams, and pleaded a releafe – were fined fix pence each.

William Black, of Seacafh, convicted of affaulting James McConaghy – to be imprifioned three months in the county jail.

Ordnance Survey Memoirs

The following extract is from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.

Discoveries in a bog.

In the townlands of Ballynadolly and Aghacarnan there is between 150 and 200 acres of newly cut-out bog, not more at present than from 2 to 4 feet in depth, and a large portion of it cut out altogether. the subsoil is partly of whitish and reddish sand and partly a blue clay. No other than baked turf to be got from this bog at present, though at a former period there were several feet of slane or spade turf cut over the present remains,and some good oak and fir timber got imbedded in the exterior, but nothing at present except a few oak blocks. The portion of the bog that the Marquis of Hertford holds in his own hands is annually let in small lots to the public and the remainder of it attached to different farms adjoining its shores.

At the depth of from 6 to 10 feet beneath the surface of this bog there have been discovered at different periods within the last 40 years a large quantity of oak plants varying in length, breadth and thickness, but all evidentally dressed and brought to shape for some particular purpose, many of them morticed and wooden pins through each end. Some of this latter timber is still extant on Thomas Thompson’s of Ballynadolly and other houses, but changed in form and converted to other uses. There was also large quantities of decayed nuts found. Also a quantity of decayed wheat was found in 1834 at some depth beneath its surface. It is called the Wolf bog, and is said to have been formerly inhabited by wolves. Informants Thomas Thompson, Daniel McKeown and others. 5th August 1837.

Freehold Registration, 1829

The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 30th June, 1829 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.

County of Antrim

List of persons applying to Register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be held at Belfast, for the Division of Carrickfergus, in the said County pursuant to the Act of 10th George the Fourth, Cap.8, entered by the Clerk of the Peace.

No: 39

Name and Residence of Applicant: James Moorehead, Aghacarnon
Description of Freehold: House and land Aghacarnon
Yearly Value to be registered: £10

Freehold Registrations, 1830

The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 6th April 1830 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.

The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast.

No. 21

Name and Residence of Applicant: John Tuft, Aghacannon
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: Houses and land, Upper Massereene, Townland of Aghacannon and Moneycromog
Yearly Value to be registered: £10

No. 31

Name and Residence of Applicant: William Montgomery, Aghacannon
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: Houses and land, Upper Massereene, Townland of Aghacannon
Yearly Value to be registered: £10

Extract from Griffith Valuation 1862 – Union of Lisburn (Part of)

County of Antrim — Barony of Massereene — Union of Lisburn

Column 1 : Number and letters of Reference to map
Column 2 : Occupiers
Column 3 : Immediate Lessors
Column 4 : Description of Tenement
Column 5 : Area
Not included Rateable Annual Valuation of land and buildings and Total Annual Valuation of Rateable property.
Ordnance Survey map number: 63
1 Arthur John Johnston Marquis of Hertford Land 17 08 25
2 David McKnight same House, Office Land 07 03 00
3 James McKnight same House and Land 00 03 50
4 Alexander McGhee same Land 16 00 05
5 same same same 14 02 25
6 William Moorhead same House, Offices Land 45 03 25
7 William Copeland same House and Land 10 00 35
8a Henry Copeland same House and Land 02 00 00
8b same same same 01 00 05
9a Bernard Hillis same Farm ho, Office & ld 27 03 15
10 Thomas McAleary same Land 17 02 15
11 Robert Frazer same Office and Land 12 00 20
12 same same Land 33 01 20
13 same same Land 20 02 30
11a William Hendren Robert Frazer House and Garden 00 02 30
13a Unoccupied same House
13b John Burnathy same House and garden 00 00 15
13c David McKnight same House and sm garden
13d Thomas Peel same House
14a Robert Frazer Marquis of Hertford House, Offices Land 73 02 30
14b Eliza Mason Robert Frazer House and Garden 00 00 25
14c Valentine Bell same House and Garden 00 00 25
14d William Fleeton same House and Garden 00 10 00
15 Thomas Browne Marquis of Hertford Land 16 02 05
15a John Irwin Thomas Browne House and Garden 00 05 00
16a John Costelloe Marquis of Hertford House, Office Land 31 03 10
17 John Tuft same House, Offices Land 35 03 05
18 William Thompson same House, Office Land 11 03 20
20a Rev. Henry Leebody same House, Office & land 01 03 00
21 same same same 10 01 00
20b Presbyterian Meeting House & graveyard   
see exemptions House, Office & land
22 Browne Marquis of Hertford Land 09 02 31
Total of Rateable Property    452 02 21
Exemptions : Presbyterian Meeting House and Graveyard     00 01 00
Total including exemptions    452 03 21

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated 13th April, 1889

Breach of warranty case.

Lancelot Magee of Ballinderry sued Thomas Conway of Aghacarnon, for £3, loss and damage sustained by reason of defendant having sold to plaintiff a mare which defendant warranted would draw her best quietly, whereas said mare would not cart or draw her best quietly.

Mr. Lockhart appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Wilkins for the defendant.

After hearing evidence as to the ownership of the mare, His Honour dismissed the case, on the grounds that the action had been wrongly brought against the defendant.

The Court then adjourned.

J.D. Martin & Co.

The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard – Saturday July 13th 1901.

J.D. Martin & Co.’s Auction Sales.

15th – hay, Aghacarnan, Arthur Clarke, 2.30.

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