The following are extracts from “Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838”. Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Trades or callings
Grocers 3, grocer and spirit shops 2. whiskey shops 1, milliners 2, houses of entertainments for the poorer classes 2, saddlers 1, (signed) George Scott.
Tables of Trades and Occupations
Apothecary and surgeons 2, constabulary 3, carpenter 1, grocers 3, houses of entertainment 2, innkeepers and publicans 3, mantua makers 2, postmaster 1, schoolmaster 1, sextoness 1, saddler 1, shoemakers 2, tailor 1, weavers (blank)
Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory — 1845
The following is an extract from 1845 Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory
Post Offices in Ireland
Glenavy, County Antrim – Francis McAfee, Postmaster
Distance from Dublin 98 miles
Dublin Mail arrives 6.53 a.m.
Dublin Mail despatched 5.21 p.m.
In the 1855 Directory the post mistress is listed as Anne Jane Ferris. The Dublin Mail arrived then at 4.27 a.m. and was despatched at 7.20 p.m.
Share Certificate — ML & S Johnston, Glenavy

Share Certificate for ML & S Johnston, Glenavy
dated 1909.
(Kindly provided by the McKeown family)
F G Barrett, Glenavy

Shop front of F G Barrett, Glenavy.
Date unknown.
Glenavy Merchant’s Will
Extract from The Lisburn Standard 9th March 1912
Glenavy Merchant’s Will
Mentioned in Chancery DivisionIn the Chancery Division, Dublin, on Tuesday, before Mr. Justice Barton, the matter of the Attorney – General (Patrick Diamond) v. Phillip McKavanagh, Archibald McKay, and Henry Gillen was mentioned.
This case was listed for directions as to certain provisions in the will of the late Henry Gillen, who had carried on business as a general merchant in Glenavy, County Antrim. By his will he settled certain houses, known as Gillen’s Row, on his daughter Teresa Clenaghan for life. And in the event of her dying without issue or without making a will, the property was to be sold and out of proceeds £500 was to be given to the parish priest for the decoration of the church. Teresa Clenaghan died without issue and without making a will. A summons was then brought to settle a scheme and to have the trusts carried out. Some difficulty was caused by reason of there being a clause against allegation in the lease under which the houses were held, but eventually the consent of the landlord was obtained for the sale of the houses, and they had been disposed of.
Mr. Justice Barton directed that the costs of the relator and defendants, together with those of the receiver should be paid out of the money in hand, and that the scheme be abandoned owing to the smallness of the amount left. This he ordered to be paid over to the parish priest to be expended as directed by the will.
Mr. Dockrell, B.L. (instructed by Mr. D. Barbour Simpson, solicitor), appeared for the Relator; Mr. J.M. Whitaker, B.L. (instructed by Mr W.G. Maginess, solicitor), for Henry Gillen; and Mr. Roseuthal, B.L. (instructed by Messrs. O’Rourke & McDonald, solicitors), for the Trustees of the settlement.
Glenavy Burglary
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard — Friday 30th November, 1934. The article states M.L.S. Robinson and not Johnston.
Glenavy Burglary
On the night of 21st November, or the morning of 22nd, the premises of Mr. M.L.S. Robinson, grocer and general merchant, Glenavy, were entered by a person or persons unknown, when tobacco, a razor, and a pipe, all valued about £2, were stolen. It appears that the party responsible effected entrance from the rear by forcing a window, a pane of glass being cut away. So far, no arrest has been made in connection with the affair, but it is expected that one will be made in the near future. The case is being investigated by Sergeant Sloss and the police from Crumlin.
Receipts from Glenavy Shops
M.L. & S Johnston Ltd
This receipt is dated September 4th 1936 and is for goods purchased at M.L. & S. Johnston Ltd. General Merchants and Providers.
Interestingly enough the receipt reads “Glenavy, Belfast”

Johnston Receipt 1936
Phone – CRUMLIN 37
The receipt gives us some idea of what was being sold from this establishment.
Metal eave spout. Stop ends, shoes, offsets, eave hooks, metal down pipes, down pipe hooks, firebricks, fireclay, spout bolts, timber and cement. The shop also provided delivery as we can see from the 6d charge. The bill has been paid on September 19th.
Alex. Ferguson
This receipt is from Alex. Ferguson, the local Blacksmith in the village.

Ferguson receipt
“All classes of jobbing done on shortest notice. Shoeing Forge, Glenavy.”
It is dated May 14th 1936.
On this occasion the purchase included wall ties, bolts, hinges, handles and hooks.
M.L. & S Johnston Ltd
This receipt is dated October 7th 1938 and is for goods purchased at M.L. & S. Johnston Ltd. General Merchants and Providers.
Interestingly enough the receipt reads “Glenavy, Belfast”.
The receipt gives us some idea of what was being sold from this establishment and includes roofing material, glass, lead washers, timber, sarking, British cement, sash sill, putty, hinges, wire nails, bolt and pad bolts.
The rear of the receipt reads:
Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1926.
Oil per cent Albuminoids per cent
Cotton Cake
Linseed Cake
Linseed Meal
Fish Meal
Calf Meal
Cooked Food
Nitrate of Soda
Sulphate of Ammonia
Another receipt dated 21st February 1944 from M.L. & S. Johnston, Ltd. is for the sale of 2¼ tons of basic slag 14% @ £2 17s 6d a ton.
A further receipt dated May 12th 1948 is for 25 cwt of basic slag 14% @ £3 15s 6d a ton and ½cwt Hydralime costing 4s 8d.

M.L. & S. Johnston Ltd
William J. Yarr
This receipt is not dated but is believed to be from 1955 and is for goods purchased from William J. Yarr Glenavy & Crumlin.
It is interesting to note the price of 5 gallons of petrol at this time was £1 1s 1d.

William J Yarr receipt dated 1950s
William J. Yarr
This receipt is dated 13th January 1951 and is for goods purchased from William J. Yarr Main Street, Glenavy – Grocer, Hardware & General Merchant. Phone Crumlin 243.
The receipt has been printed by local printer J.J. Morrison, Crumlin.

William J Yarr receipt dated 13 January 1951
Ferguson – Glenavy Shoeing Forge
This bill is dated 2nd February 1973 and is for goods purchased from the local blacksmith Ferguson – Glenavy Shoeing Forge – electric welding and engineering works.
The bill is for work carried out – cutting and welding 2 man hole grids, tractor jacks, gate hangings, repairing tractor grape etc. The bill was paid on 3rd February 1973.

Ferguson receipt dated 1973
J.V. Heatherington
This receipt is dated 2nd July 1968 and was issued by the local chemist J.V. Heatherington, M.P.S., Main Street, Glenavy. Phone Crumlin 433.

J V Heatherington receipt dated 1968