Glenavy School Ballysessy

The school at Ballysessy was originally just within the parish of Camlin. There do not appear to be any records in existence for this school. Fortunately we have photographs.

The school has since been converted into a private house.

Glenavy School 1927

Glenavy P.E. School Senior group 1927

The following have been identified from a list of names in the possession of a local person. cannot guarantee accuracy of the information.

Rear Standing Left to right:
Teacher Mr. Walker. Morris Walker, Jack Brown, Sidney Taggart, Violet White,
Nan Walker, Ruby Johnston, Nancy Johnston, Lily Farr.

Middle row standing. Left to right:
Elsie Wilson, Sally Bell, May Ingram, Sara Green, no name, no name, no name, Ruby McCullough, May Wilson, Maureen Ingram, Olive White, Minnie Withers,
Ethel Green, Anna Matier.

Next row kneeling – Left to right:
Tommy McCord, Martha Withers, Flossie Johnston, Maggie Watson, no name,
Lily Kennedy, Helen Crosie, Bessie Laird, Walter White.

Front row – Left to right:
Bobby Wilson, Jim Lyle,Jack Matier, Jimmy McCartney, Wm J McCullough,
Fred Bell, Tommy Matier, Eddie Ingram, Joe Marsden.

Glenavy National School. No date

Glenavy National School. No date

Glenavy School 1936

Glenavy School 1936

Glenavy P.E. School - Juniors.

Glenavy P.E. School – Juniors

Provided by Aaron Matier

Glenavy Primary School 1948

Glenavy Primary School 194

Picture kindly provided by a friend8

Glenavy School 1953

Glenavy School 1953

Glenavy School 1953

Glenavy School 1953

Glenavy School 1964

Glenavy School 1964

Thanks to Derick McClurg for providing a copy of these photographs

Glenavy School

Glenavy School

Believed to be pupils at Glenavy School

Believed to be pupils at Glenavy School – no date

Glenavy School

Glenavy School – no date

William Harbinson presents Mrs Hutchinson with cheque donation to Ulster Institute for the Deaf

William Harbinson presents Mrs Hutchinson with cheque donation to Ulster Institute for the Deaf
“William Harbinson, a pupil at Glenavy Primary School, presents Mrs. Marie Hutchinson, appeal secretary for the Ulster Institute for the Deaf with a cheque for £150 which was collected by the schools’ 38 pupils in a month.”

Photograph from The Ulster Star dated 25th April 1980
– appears with permission of The Ulster Star.

Glenavy School

Glenavy School
Thanks to Harry McCullough for providing copies of these photographs

Glenavy School

Glenavy School
Thanks to Harry McCullough for providing copies of these photographs

Mr James Walker

Article: Taken from the Antrim Guardian 25th October 1974.

Mr and Mrs James Walker, Glenavy 1974

Mr and Mrs James Walker, Glenavy 1974

Music and school teaching would appear to have had a special appeal in the case of Mr. James Walker, of 15 Gobrana Road, Glenavy, Crumlin.

A pianist from the age of twelve, he secured a teaching post at Castlerea, Co. Roscommon, in the year 1906, when he also became organist of the local parish church.

Similar appointments were subsequently undertaken at Leckpatrick, Strabane, and at Crom, in Co. Fermanagh.

Fort-eight years ago Mr. Walker moved to Glenavy as principal of the local school and of course the job of organist was “thrown in.”

Although Mr. Walker has since retired from the teaching profession, he is still the parish organist and “officiates” at morning and evening services on Sundays,
“I enjoy church music and I wouldn’t miss a service. In fact, I have rarely been absent during the past 48 years in Glenavy,” he stated.

Mr. Walker, however, had an extra task in the church – he was on the select vestry for all those years and recently received a gift to mark his faithful service. He pioneered the choral festival in Lisburn Rural Deanery and for several years was conductor.

Even after 68 years as a church organist, Mr. Walker has no plans for retiring.

As on parishioner said: “The church – and the music – wouldn’t be the same without him.”

Mr. Walker, wearing his robes, is pictured outside the church with Mrs. Walker.

School Principal, James Allen, Retires

The following is from a newspaper cutting, source unknown dated Thursday 26th July 1979.

Head retires after 25 years

The feeling of warmth and friendship summed up friday evening’s entertainment, held in the Protestant Hall, Glenavy, to mark the retirement of Mr. Jim Allen, after 25 years as principal of Glenavy Primary School.

past and former pupils made the evening’s entertainment go with a swing.

Reverend Oliver Thompson acted as chairman and compere for the evening’s concert.
Mr. Morris the Headmaster of Crumlin High School and Mr. Leckey of Ballymacricket paid tribute to their colleague and friend, thanking him for his help and assistance over the years.

Mr James Allen receiving a carriage clock and cheque from Mr J. Christie

Mr James Allen receiving a carriage clock and cheque from Mr J. Christie

Mr. J. Christy and Mrs. Williamson, representing the Parents’ Teachers’ Association, presented gifts of a carriage clock and a cheque to the former principal, and Mrs. Allen received a glass bowl and a set of goblets.


Mr. Allen in his reply thanked the people for the splendid gifts, especially the time piece, which will always remind him of his days spent in the school.

He said he originally discovered Glenavy some 30 years ago, when he was out driving with friends and petrol was only 2/6d a gallon.

He discovered the primary school in the village a few years later when he was headmaster.

He said “We have made a lot of friends and found contentment and happiness, something of which the Chancellor of the Exchequer has not yet got his hands on.”


“Life is like a pattern of strands, new strands and new children come along and grow up and fit into community life. And our lives have been permitted to be interwoven with yours, and that is something which we shall always cherish.”

Mr. Allen thanked all the staff and people he had worked with over the years for their support and loyalty.

Mrs. Allen also suitably replied and she spoke of the warmth and friendship she had encountered over the years with the people of Glenavy.

And she thanked them for the beautiful gift which would always be a reminder of their friendship.

Local children took part in the concert, which featured former students who presenteda sketch of the TV Programme “Mastermind.”

The accompanists were Mrs. Moore, Mrs.Barr and Mr. Wilson.

The Parents Association presented an excellent supper bringing the evening to a close.

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