Ballinderry Parish Magazine, 1909
The following extract is from the Ballinderry Parish Magazine dated February 1909.
Our annual social reunion was held in Upper Ballinderry Schoolroom on Friday evening, January the 8th. There was a very large attendance of the parishioners and their friends. The proceedings began by having tea at half-past six, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who were present. The programmes was of a varied and attractive character in the opinion of the large audience, one of the best ever furnished at our social gatherings. We hope this augurs well for the future success of these pleasant annual gatherings. The songs were all high-class and well rendered, while Mt. Maurice St. Clair fairly brought down the house by his clever conjuring tricks and perfect ventriloquism. His witticisms were crisp, fetching, and never vulgar. A most excellent and practical address was given by the Rev. W.T. Browne, B.D., Rector of Killyleagh.
The following is a summary of the programme:-
Songs by Miss Bolton, Miss McIlveen, Miss McCord, Rev. James Richardson, Mr. Allen; recitations by Miss C. Mockler, Miss May Ferris, Miss Mabel Peel; Mr. Morris St. Clair, conjuring and ventriloquism. The Rev. W. J. Minchin (rector) presided, and on his own behalf and on behalf of the audience thanked all those who helped to make the meeting so pleasant and successful, especially the teamakers and the ladies and gentlemen who contributed to the programme. Our special thanks are due to Mr. Bolton and his family for kindly lending the piano for the occasion. Miss Bolton very kindly played the accompaniments.
The monthly meeting of the Band of Hope was held in Upper Ballinderry School on the 18th ult. A practical and useful address was given by the Rev. James Richardson, Rector of Stoneyford. The Band of Hope choir contributed a very enjoyable programme. The musical part of the programme was prepared under the guidance of Miss McCord and the different times showed careful training. The Rev. P. N. Carleton taught the boys to recite and read, and the recitations and readings were thoroughly appreciated, and from the manner in which they were rendered they showed an amount of care bestowed on their preparation. The programme consisted of songs by the choir, readings and recitations by George Hill, Maggie Lavery, Agnes Armstrong, Lily Stevenson, Johnny Stevenson, Sarah Falloon, Joseph Beckett. The meeting was closed by the Rector pronouncing the Benediction.
Ballinderry Upper School Bazaar
Easter Monday and Tuesday 1913
Page 1
"Courage, brother, do not stumble,
Though the path be dark as night;
There’s a star to guide the humble;
Trust in God and do he right." – Dr. McLeod"Joy is the grace we say to God." – Ingletow
"Throw thyself on thy God, nor mock Him with feeble denial;
Sure of His love, and oh! Sure of His Mercy at last;
Bitter and deep through the draught, yet drain thou the cup of thy trial,
And in its healing effects smile at the bitterness past!"
– Sir John Herschel.
(Lines which occurred to him during sleep)."Follow with reverent steps the great example
Of Him whose holy work was doing good;
So shall the wide earth seem our Father’s temple,
Each loving life a psalm of gratitude." – WhittierQuotation – (May come in time for printing). To be sent end of February.
Page 2
"We are put here to do what service we can, for honour and not for hire.
The sods cover us; and conscience, the worm that never dies, sleeps well at last.
These are the wages, besides those which we receive so lavishly day by day; and they are
enough for a man who knows his own frailty and sees all things in the proportion
of reality." – R.L. Stevenson"Be useful where thou livest, that they may both want
and wish thy pleasing presence still; kindness, good parts,
great parts, are the way to compass this.
Find out men’s wants and will, and meet them there.
All worldly joys go less to the one joy of doing kindnesses."
– George Herbert"A woman that feareth God shall be praised: She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue
Is the law of kindness." – Prov.31, v.26."Most wondrous book! Bright candle of the Lord!
Star of Eternity! The only star
By which the bark of man can navigate
The sea of life, and gain the coast of bliss securely."
– Pollock (Course of Time)."Everyone of us should try to find out what we can do
best, and pursue it steadily.""Efforts are always successes, It is a greater thing to
try without succeeding, than to succeed without trying.""The world is full of willing people – some willing to
work, and the rest willing to let them."Page 3
" ____ beast and bird
Have seen and heard
That which man knoweth not." – Burial of Moses by C.F.A."In character, in manners, in style, in all things, the
Supreme excellence is simplicity.""A name is often an important element in success." – Burke."There is so much bad in the best of us,
And so much good in the worst of us,
That it hardly behoves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.""As a rule, man’s a fool:
When it’s hot he wants it cool,
When it’s cool he wants it hot,
Always wanting what is not,
Never pleased with what he’s got;
As a rule, man’s a fool.""True love is at home on a carpet,
And mightily likes his ease;
And true love has an eye for a dinner,
And starves beneath shady trees.
His wing is the fan of a lady,
His foot’s an invisible thing,
And his arrow is tipp’d with a jewel,
And shot from a silver string." – Willis."A Coeur vaillant rien d’imposable."Page 4
"Erin! Thy silent tear never shall cease;
Erin! Thy languid smile ne’er shall increase,
Till, like the rainbow’s light,
Thy various tints unite,
And form in Heaven’s sight
One Arch of Peace.""Why should we faint, and fear to live alone,
Since all alone, so Heaven has will’d we die;
Nor even the tenderest heart, and next our own,
Knows half the reasons why we smile and sigh."
– Keble (24th Sunday after Trinity)."It’s the very best world we live in,
To lend, or to spend, or give in.""He prayeth best who loveth best
All things, both great and small.""On the whole, it is patience which makes the final
difference between those who succeed and fail. All the
greatest people have it an infinite degree, and among
the less. The patient weak ones always conquer the
impatient strong." – Ruskin."Dear Church among the leafy limes,
I cherish you in fondest thought,
In other scenes and other times,
And all the change the years have brought."
– Original.Page 5
"What thou lovest,
That too, become thou must –
God, if thou lovest God;
Dust, if thou lovest dust.""In his duty prompt, at every call –
He watch’d, and wept, and felt, and prayed for all."
– Goldsmith."The bells themselves are the best of preachers;
Their brazen lips are learned teachers,
From their pulpits of stone in the upper air
Sounding aloft, without crack or flaw,
Shriller than trumpets under the law,
Now a sermon and now a prayer.
The clangerous hammer is the tongue,
This way, that way, beaten and swung;
That from mouth of brass, as from mouth of gold,
May be taught the Testaments, New and Old."
– Longfellow."Man’s natural tendency is upward:
God inspires the tendency,
The soul trys to counteract it.""Mark how there still has run,
Evermore from above,
Through thy life’s darkest way,
The golden threads of love." – R.C. Trench"The inner side of every cloud is bright and shining;
I therefore turn my clouds about,
And always wear them inside out,
To show their lining." – E.F. Fowler.Page 6
"Better to strive and climb,
And never reach the goal,
Than to drift along with time
An aimless, worthless soul.
Aye better to climb and fall;
To sow, though the field be small;
Than to throw away, day after day,
And never strive at all." – Anon."Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops yourself.""True friends, like ivy and the wall it props,
Both stand together, or together fall." – Anon"Give your whole attention to what you are doing,
And think nothing unworthy of careful consideration."
– Confucius."O, wad some pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursel’s as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
And foolish notion;
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
And ev’n devotion!""A little learning is a dangerous thing."Page 7
"They also serve who only stand and wait." – Milton"The child is father to the man." – Wordsworth"Then prove we now with best endeavour
What from our efforts yet may spring;
He justly is despised who never
Did thought to aid his labours bring.
For this is art’s true indication,
When skill is minister to thought,
When types that are the mind’s creation
The hand to perfect form has wrought.""Nae treasures, nor pleasures
Could make us happy lang;
The heart aye’s the part aye
That makes us right or wrang.""How to fulfil within us what is God!
Ah! Could we this attain, what joy were ours!
How flawless then the coin that from the Mint
Of God Himself came flawless! How defined
In outline sharp and clear our upward track!
We are such undeveloped negatives, exposed
Not to the bright radiance of God’s Light,
But to the sickly beams of our pale selves,
That leave an impress blurred and purposeless.
‘To thine own self be true,’ the poet urged;
What self? We ask in childlike wonderment,
And ever and again that Light Divine
Breaks through our clouds, and shapes itself in Fire,
That for a space to those who dream and see
Reveals the answer that uplifts our souls." – Original.Page 8
"While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand;
When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall;
When Rome falls, the world." – Byron."Gifts stink from some:
They are so long a-coming, and so hard;
Where any deed is forc’d, the grace is marr’d." – Ben Johnson."We cannot change yesterday – that is clear,
Or begin on to-morrow before it is here;
So all that is left for you and for me
Is to make to-day as sweet as can be.""Each man’s chimney is his golden milestone,
Is the central point from which he measures every distance
Through the gateways of the world around him." – Longfellow."This above all: To thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou cans’t not then be false to any man." – Shakespeare."Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
Do noble things, nor dream them all day long,
And so make life, death, and that vast forever,
One grand sweet song." – C. Kingsley."Dum spiro, spero."Page 9
"Fortuna favet fortibus.""Veritas prevalebit.""Hear both sides.""The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from Heaven
Upon the place beneath; it is twice bless’d –
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes." – Shakespeare."Do what is worthy of reward, and desire none.""Unless you are deliberately kind to every creature,
you will be often cruel to many." – Ruskin."He who to manhood grows a grief
Is but half-rooted; with a will untamed and self-disciplined;
Who seeks his own,
To him no mellowness of being courses." – H.BonarPage 10
"When you’ve got a war to wage –
A mental one or fistic –
Meet troubles calmly, not with rage,
And do be optimistic.""Only a sweet and virtuous soul,,
Like seasoned timber, never gives." – Geo. Herbert"The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to try thy soul with hoops of steel." – Shakespeare"Do not waste time, for that is the stuff life is made of." – Franklin"The railroad….transmutes a man from a traveller
into a living parcel." – Seven Lamps of Architecture."It is a good thing o be rich, and a good thing to be
strong; but it is a better thing to beloved by,
of many friends.""Let him who gropes painfully in darkness or uncertain
light, and prays vehemently that the dawn may
ripen into day, lay this precept well to heart – ‘Do the
duty which lies nearest thee’ which thou knowest to
be a duty. The second duty will have already become
clearer." – CarlislePage 11
"There’s folks nowadays know what happened afore
they were born, better nor they know their own
business." – Silas Marner."There never was a person that did anything worth
doing, who did not really receive more than he gave."
– H.W. Beecher."It’s pretty to be in Ballinderry,
It’s pretty to be in Aghalee,
But prettier to be in Ram’s Island
Under the Ivy Tree."
– Lines of the favourite old song, "Ballinderry.""Wisdom is ofttimes nearer when we stoop,
Than when we soar." – Wordsworth"Have heart that never hardens, and a temper that
never tires, and a touch that never hurts." – Dickens"Minds that have nothing to confer
Find little to perceive.""Be just and fear not."Page 12
"’Tis distance lends enchantment to the view,
And robes the mountain in its azure hue." – Campbell."Tout le monde vient a celui qui sait attendre." – Napoleon the Great."Don’t say there is very little Christianity in the world. Say rather, There is very little in me. When you say the former, the latter is true.""He who seeks a friend without a fault,
Will have to remain without a friend.""Keep smiling.""Kind hearts are more than coronets." – Tennyson.Page 13
"In form too I differ, I’m thick and I’m thin;
I’ve no flesh and no bone, yet I’m covered with skin;
I’ve more points than the compass, more stops than the flute;
I sing without voice, without speaking confute;
I’m English, I’m German, I’m French, and I’m Dutch;
Some love me too fondly, some slight me too much;
I often die soon, though I sometimes live ages,
And no monarch alive has so many pages." – Hannah Moore."There is so much bad in the best of us,
And so much good in the worst of us,
That it ill behoves any of us
To find fault with the rest of us." – R.L. Stevenson"L’union fait la force.""The sun has no word apart for man the individual,
and the moon, like a violin, only praises and laments
our private destiny. The stars alone, cheerful and whisperers,
confer quietly with each of us like friends; they
give ear to our sorrows smilingly, like wise old men;
and by their double scale, so small to the eye, so vast
to the imagination, they keep before the mind the
double character of man’s nature and fate." – Prince Otto"Do something for each other,
Tho’ small the help may be;
There’s comfort oft in little things
Far more than others see.
It takes the sorrow from the life,
It leaves the world less bare,
If but a friendly hand comes nigh
When friendly hands are rare."Page 14
"To thine own self be true –
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou cans’t not then be false to any man.""Let us be back’d with God, and with the seas,
Which he hath given for defence impregnable,
And with their helps only defend ourselves;
In them, and in ourselves, our safety lies." – Shakespeare"Make a little fence of trust around to-day;
Fill it in with loving words, and therein stay;
Look not through the bars upon to-morrow;
God will help thee bear what comes of joy or sorrow.""Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others,
cannot keep it from themselves.""The world without women would be a perfect blank,
Like a sheet of paper – not even ruled.""By constant amendment,
We rise to preferment."Page 15
"He was a wise and faithful tyke,
As ever leapt a sheagh or dyke;
His honest, sousie, white – striped face
Aye got him friends in ilka place." – Burns"Glory is like a circle in the water,
Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself,
Till by broad spreading it disperses to nought." – Shakespeare"The inner side of every cloud is bright and shining;
I therefore turn my clouds about,
And always wear them inside out,
To show the lining."" ‘Tis education forms the common mind,
Just as the twig is bent, the tree’s inclined." – Pope"Do the thing that’s nearest
Though its dull at whiles;
Helping when you meet them,
Lame dogs over stiles.""A little drinking is a dangerous thing;
Learn deep to touch not the pernicious spring."
Catch – my – Pals."May you live as long as you want,
And never want as long as you live."Page 16
"So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on,
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone;
And with the morn those angel-faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile.""He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most
High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.""Seldom can the heart be lonely,
If it seek a lonelier still;
Self-forgetting, seeking only
Emptier cups with love to fill.""All things are best fulfilled in their due time,
And time there is for all things.""The man who never makes a mistake, never makes
Anything." – Russel LowellRecipe for misery –
"Be a half-hearted Christian." – Henry Drummond."To err is human, to forgive divine."Page 17
"The path of a good woman is indeed strewn with
Flowers, but they rise after her steps, and before them.""In a parlour there were three,
A maid, a parlour lamp, and he;
Two’s company, without a doubt,
And so the parlour lamp went out.""Take this lesson to yourself, loving heart and true –
Golden years are fleeting by; youth is passing too.
Learn to make the best of things; lose no golden day;
Time can never bring you back changes swept away."
– Sarah Doudney."Hope shall brighten days to come, and memory gild
the past." – Moore."Learn from the birds what food the thickets yield;
Learn from the beasts the physic of the field;
Thy art of building from the bee receive;
Learn of the mole to plough, the worm to weave."
– Pope."There is not in the wide world a valley so sweet,
As the vale in whose bosom the bright waters meet;
Oh! The last rays of felling and life must depart,
Ere the bloom of that valley shall fade from my heart.""Womanliness means only motherhood;
All love begins and ends there." – Robt. Browning.Page 18
"Dare to be true?" – George Herbert."Amor omnia vincit.""Many hands make light work.""Every mickle makes a muckle.""All who joy would win, must share it;
Happiness was born a twin." – Byron."Dico absentibus nihil nisi bonum.""If you have nothing good to say of the absent, say nothing." – Latin Maxim"The Schools are by far the most important institutions
That we have, and especially when they are under
enlightened management, and impart good and wholesome
instruction." – Original"Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet, take
That for an heritage."
– Richard Loveace (died at Westminster, 1658)Page 19
"Act well you part,
There all the honour lies.""Like Dian’s kiss, unasked, unsought,
Love gives itself, but is not bought." – Longfellow."Laugh a little bit;
Keep your face with sunshine lit,
Gloomy shadows oft will flit
If we have the wit and grit
Just to laugh a little bit." – Eliza Cooke."Every life is meant to help all lives ; each man should
Live for all men’s betterment." – Alice Cary."We’ll big a house – a wee wee house,
And we’ll live like king and queen;
Sae blithe and merry we will be,
When we sit by the fire at e’en.
A man may drink and no be drunk;
A man may fight and no be slain;
A man may kiss a bonny lass,
And aye be welcome back again." – Burns.One of Queen Victoria’s golden sayings.
"Let one never hear the word trouble; only tell one
How the thing is to be done rightly, and I will do it if I can."Page 20
"Little do ye know your own blessedness, for to travel
Hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true
Success is to labour." – Robert Louis Stevenson."Look not mournfully into the past,
But wisely use the present,
And go boldly into the future.""Were we to take so much pains to be what we ought
To be, as we do to disguise what we really are, we
Might appear like ourselves, without being at the
Trouble of any disguise at all." – Rochefoudauld."God holds the key to all unknown,
And I am glad;
If other hands had held the key,
Or if He trusted it to me,
I might be sad.""Never bear more than one trouble at a time. Some
People bear three kinds – all they have ever had, all
They have now, and all they expect to have.""So act in thy brief passage thro’ this world,
That thy apparel, speech, and inner store
Of Knowledge be adapted to thy age,
Thy occupation, means, and parentage."
– From the Code of Mann.Page 21
"May we all meet the daughters of fortune, except
The eldest – misfortune.""Who loves not woman, wine, and song,
Remains a fool his whole life long.""Tho’ the last glimpse of Erin with sorrow I see,
Yet wherever thou art shall seem Erin to me;
In exile thy bosom shall still be my home,
And thine eyes make my climate wherever we roam."
– Moore."If all unite, as once we did,
To keep her flag unfurled,
Old England still may fearless bid
Defiance to the world.
But fast will flow the Nation’s tears,
If lawless hands should seize
‘The Flag that braved a thousand years,
The Battle and the Breeze.’ "
-W.H. Bellamy, Esq.Professor of Education in University College, Cardiff.
"Ceux qui vivent, ce sont ceux qui luttent; ce sout
Ceux don’t un desseiu ferme emplit l’ame et le front,
Ceux qui d’un haut destin gravis sent l’aapre cune,
Ceux qui marchent pensifs, epris d’un but sublime,
Ayant devant les yeux sans cesse, nuit et jout,
On quelque saint labour on quelque grand amour,
C’est le prophete saint prosterne devant l’arche,
C’est le travailleur, pretre, ouvrier, patriarche,
Caux don’t le Coeur est bon, ceux don’t les jours sont pleins,
Ceux la vivent, Seigneur! Les autres, je les plains."
– Victor Hugo.Page 22
"He that walks..only thirsting
For the right, and learns to deaden
Love of self, before his journeys closes
He shall find the stubborn thistle bursting
Into glossy purple which out redden
All voluptuous garden roses."
(Ode on the death of the Duke of Wellington).
– Tennyson"In Reverence is the chief joy and power of life."
– Ruskin."I never saw anyone lost on a straight road." – Akbar"Ah, fill the cup; what boots it to repeat
How time is slipping underneath our feet;
Unborn to-morrow, and dead yesterday,
Why fret about them if to-day be sweet?"
– Omar Khayyam."The inner side of every cloud is bright and shining;
And so I turn my clouds about,
And always wear them inside out."
– E. Thornycroft Fowler."He jests at scars who never felt a wound."
-Shakespeare"Oh, never star
Was lost here but it rose afar." – H. Browning.Page 23
"There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it ill behoves any one of us
To talk about the rest of us.""Thou who would’st give, give quickly;
In the grave thy loved one can receive no kindness.
Be wise, all ye living…remember time passes, and
does not return." – Thomas Carlyle"There is no good arguing with the inevitable. The
only argument available with an east wind is to put on
An overcoat." – Lowell."In the elder days of arts, builders wrought with
Greatest care,
Each minute and unseen part, for the gods see everywhere.""Life is mostly froth and bubble;
Two kinds stand as stone –
Kindness in another’s trouble,
Courage in our own.""The lips truth, the voice prayer, the eyes pity, the
Hands charity, the figure uprightness, the heart love."
– An old Quaker.Page 24
"We seldom repent talking too little, but very often
Talking too much.""Let a man try faithfully, manfully, to be right; he
Will grow daily more and more right." – Carlyle"In Faith and Hope the world will disagree,
But all mankind’s concern is Charity."
-Pope Essay on Man."Life shall succeed in that it seems to fail;
What I aspired to be,
And was not, comforts me;
A brute I might have been, but would not sink
The scale." – Robert Browning."Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant;
Let the dead Past bury its dead;
Act, act in the living Present,
Heart within and God o’erhead." – Longfellow"To be strong is to be happy." – Longfellow"Don’t tie a knot on a bulldog’s tail." – An Old Song."He hath a tear for pity, and a hand open as day for
melting charity."Page 25
"It requires very little ability to find fault; that is
why there are so many critics.""Don’t talk of what you are going to do – Do it.""The moving finger writes; and having writ,
Moves on; nor all thy piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.""Oh! A word is a gem, or a stone, or a song,
Or a flame, or a two edged sword,
Or a rose in bloom, or a sweet perfume,
Or a drop of gall, is a word."
– E. Wheeler Wilcox."Autumn: wheezy, sneezy, freezy.
Winter: slippy, drippy, nippy.
Spring: showery, flowery, bowery.
Summer: hoppy, croppy, poppy." – BradyMotto for 1913 – For us Irish."Patriae, infelici fidelis." – "Faithful to my unhappy country.""Vincit amor patriae." – "Love of our country prevails."Ruskin’s motto was "To-day."
"Since time began,
Today has been the friend of man;
But in his blindness and his sorrow,
He looks to yesterday and to-morrow."Page 26
"Think nought a trifle, though it small appear;
Small sands the mountain, moments make the year,
And trifles life,
Thy care to trifles give,
Else thou must die, ere thou hast learned to give."
– Young (Love of Fame)."To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.""Yes! You find people ready enough to do the Good
Samaritan without the oil and the two pence.""Nature has given women so much power, that the
law has very wisely given them little.""Without haste, without rest;
Many Christians never seem to learn this lesson of Rest.""It is not a question of who you are, or of what you
Are, but of whether God controls you.""God save the fools, and don’t let them run out! – for
If it wasn’t for them, wise men couldn’t get a living."
– Josh. Billings.Page 27
"If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Your’s is the earth, and everything that’s in it;
And which is more, you’ll be a man, my son."
– Rudyard Kipling."Rain, rain, go to Spain,
And never come to us again." – Nursery Rhyme"Not in the clamour of the crowded street,
But in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.""Not by appointment do we meet delight and joy;
They heed not our expectancy.
But round some sudden corner in the streets of life,
They on a sudden clasp us with a smile.""I expect to pass through this world but once. Any
good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I
can show to any fellow-creature, let me do it now; let
me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this
way again.""Up! God has formed thee with a wiser view,
Not to be led in chains, but to subdue;
Calls thee to cope with enemies, and first
Points out a conflict with thyself – thy worst."
– Cowper.Page 28
"Of the dead and the absent, speak nothing but good.""In character, in manners, in style, in all things, the
supreme excellence is simplicity." – Longfellow."Faith is the star that gleams above,
Hope is the flower that buds below;
Twin tokens of celestial love
That out from Nature’s bosom grow,
And still alike in sky, on sod,
That star and blossom ever point to God.""Work as if thou had’st to live for aye;
Worship as if thou went to die to-day.""La temps qui change tout, change anne nos humeurs;
Chague age a ses plaisirs, sou esprit et ses moeurs." – Boileau."Les ennemis de nos ennemis sont nos amis." – La Rochefoucauld."The world recedes; it disappears!
Heav’n opens on my eyes; my ears
With sounds seraphic ring;
Lend, lend your wings! I mount! I fly!
O grave! Where is thy victory?
O death! Where is thy sting?"
– Pope (Dying Ch. To his Soul)Page 29
"Hope, like the gleaming taper’s light,
Adorns and cheers the way;
And still, as darker grows the night,
Emits a brighter ray." – Goldsmith"It is must meet we arm us ‘gainst the foe;
For peace itself should not so dull a kingdom,
But that defences, musters, preparations,
Should be maintain’d, assembled and collected,
As were a war in expectation."
-Shakespeare (Henry V)"Shun delays: they breed remorse."
– Napoleon the Great."Aye put a stout hert to a stae brae.." – Scotch"Always put a stout heart to a stiff hill." – English."If I could put upon this card, the half that I would say,
I’m sure the postage would be more than I could ever pay;
For you are all the world to me, and when I’m far away,
Each moment seems an hour long, and every hour a day!""Be still, and know that I am God." – Psalm xlvi. 10.Page 30
"Onward, onward may we prove
Through the path of duty;
Virtue is true happiness,
Excellence true beauty;
Minds are of celestial birth,
Make we then a Heaven on Earth."
– Montgomery"When ‘dear’ and ‘love’ they one another call,
Take swift depart,
Nor wait the coming squall.""Life is a word – begin it;
Life is a bubble – win it;
Life is a pure heart – shield it;
Life is a sceptre – wield it.""My banks they are furnish’d with bees,
Whose murmur invites one to sleep;
My Grottoes are shaded with trees,
And my hills are white over with sheep.
I seldom have met with a loss,
Such health do my fountains bestow –
My fountains, all border’d with moss,
Where ‘the harebells and violets grow."
– Shanstone."If Gold rust, what shall Iron do?""Reflected from the vastly Infinite,
However dulled by earth, and human mind,
Holds somewhere gems of beauty and of light,
Which, seeking, thou shalt find."Page 31
"There’s a divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough hew them how we still.""Talk not of wasted affection – affection never was wasted.
If it enrich not the heart of another, its waters, returning
Back to their springs, like the rain,
Shall fill them full of refreshment."
– Longfellow."Being good is an awful lonesome job."" ‘Tis better to bear the ills we have,
Than flee to others we know not of.""Never seek for amusement, but be always ready to be amused."
– Ruskin."Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at
A distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."
– Carlyle."When wardly cares attack the kirk,
And folk their wardly gear do crave,
Oh! Never frae yer duty shirk,
Out gie a helping’ hand to save;
It matters nocht hoo sma’ yer mite,
‘Twill sune grow big, gin we unite."
– Burns.Page 32
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the
Burden of it for another."
-Charles Dickens."For every evil under the sun, There is a remedy, or there is none.
If there is one, try and find it;
If there isn’t, never mind it."
-Shakespeare."To lend, or to spend, or to give in,
It’s a very good world that we live in;
But to beg, or to borrow, or ask your own,
There never a worse world ever was known.""Say, does the road wind upward?
Yes, to the very end;
Woes the journey last the whole day long,
From morn to night, my friend.""Let us depart; the universal sun
Confines not to one land his blesses beams;
Nor is man rooted, like a tree, whose seed
The winds on some ungenial soil have cast,
There, where he cannot prosper."
– Southey."Charity is a plant which takes root in the heart,
Grows in the pocket, and bears fruit in the hand."
– Anon.Page 33
"Politeness is like an air-cushion: there my be
Nothing solid in it, but it eases the jolts of the world
– Anon."In every flower that blooms around
Some pleasing emblem we trace;
Young love is in the myrtle found,
And memory in the pansy’s grace;
Peace in the olive branch we see,
Hope in the half-shut iris glows,
In the bright laurel victory,
And lovely woman in the rose."
– From Chazet M.S."Music can noble hints impart,
Engender fury, kindle love;
With unsuspected eloquence can move,
And manage all the man with secret art."
– Addison."Music, the tender child of rudest times,
The gentle native of all lands and climes,
Who hymns alike man’s cradle and his grave,
Lulls the low cot, or peals along the nave."
– Hon. Mrs. Norton."Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man,
And writing an exact man. "
– Lord Bacon."Oh, Life! How pleasant in thy morning,
Young Fancy’s rays the hills adorning."
– Burns.Page 34
"Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you’ll weep alone:
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has troubles enough of its own.""He prayeth best who loveth best
All things, both great and small:
For the dear Lord Who loveth us,
He made and loveth all."
-Coleridge (Ancient Mariner)Duke – " A life exempt from public haunts, finds
tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons
In stones, and good in everything."
– Shakespeare ("As You Like It.")"Into our hearts and into lives
Shadows will sometimes fall,
But the sunshine is never wholly dead,
And the sky is still smiling overhead,
And God is over all.
There is no love like the love of Jesus,
Never to fade or fall,
Till the fold of the peace of God
He has gathered us all.
Tale time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord,
Onward! Upward! Heavenward.""If you friend has got a heart,
There is something fine in him;
Cast away his darker part,
Cling to what’s divine in him."Page 35
"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time
Are not worthy to be compared with the glory which
Shall be revealed in us. If God be for us. Who can be
Against us." – Rom. Viii: 18, 31"Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for
Israel is, that they might be saved." -Rom. X:1."So she tells me the legend – centuries old –
Of the mandarin, rich in lands and gold;
Of Lichi fair, and Chang the good,
Who loved each other as lovers should;
How they hid in the gardener’s hut awhile.
Then fled away to the Beautiful Isle.
Though the cruel father pursued them there,
And would have killed the hapless pair;
But a kindly power, by pity stirred,
Changed each into a beautiful bird.
Grandmamma puts her spectacles on,
And shows me on the plate
The mandarin’s house, the island home,
The boat, the bridge, the gate.
‘Here is the orange-tree where they talked,
Here they are running away,
And over all at the top you see
The birds making love alway.""Religion, I say, is not to be proved, but to be lived."
– Henry Drummond."Do live in no chance world.""The great doing of little things will make a great life." – F.B. MeyerPage 36
"Good name in man or woman
Is the immediate jewel of their souls."
-Shakespeare"How happy is he born and taught,
That serveth not another’s will;
Whole armour is his honest thought,
And simple truth his utmost skill."
-Sir Henry Wooton."They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts.""Somebody did a golden deed,
Somebody proved a friend in need,
Somebody sang a beautiful song,
Somebody smiled the whole day long.
Somebody thought it was good to live,
Somebody said, ‘I am glad to live.’
Somebody fought a valiant fight,
Somebody lived to shield the right:
Was that somebody You?""We only pass through this way once; and any
kindness we can show, or any good we can do to any
human being, let us do it now; let us nor defer or
neglect it, for we shall not pass this way again.""Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal."
– Moore.Page 37
"His rooms were crowded with Etruscan aperies,
Fine noseless busts, and Roman pots and pans;
He had a marble Venus, on a stand,
Wanting a leg and a right hand;
A sweeter piece of art was never found,
Had not those brutes, the sailors (rot ’em)
In bringing her from Rome, knock’d off her bottom,
She would have sold for thirty thousand pounds."
-Colman (Vagaries, Two Parsons.)"Offer up thy heart to God in thankfulness and
praise." – Wordsworth."Make new friends, but keep the old –
Those are silver, these are gold;
Brows may wrinkle, hair grow grey,
Friendship never wears away.""If you have made a weary soul the brighter,
If you have eased another’s toil or pain.
If you have made a comrade’s burden lighter,
You have not lived in vain.""Few boys are born with talents that excel,
But all are capable of living well.""Our rash faults
Make trivial price of serious things we have,
Not knowing them until we know their grave."
– Shakespeare.Page 38
"Borrowed money often causes a total loss of money."God’s in His heaven,
All’s right with the world.""Never venture, never win.""Straight is the line of duty,
Curved is the line of beauty;
Follow the first, and thou shalt see
The second surely following thee."
-Douglas Jerrold."No home rule!""Honour and shame from no condition rise;
Act well your part – there all honour lies."
– Pope"A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a
man of wit, and a pebble on the hand of a foot."
-J. Roux."If there’s a good work to be done, a woman is the
man to do it." – Irish Proverb."Live pure, speak truth, right the wrong, follow the
King."Page 39
"Oh ! Adam was a gardener, and God who made him
That half a gardener’s proper work is done upon his
knees." – Rudyard Kipling."Certainly it is heaven upon earth to have a man’s
mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon
the poles of truth." – Bacon."If everybody would sweep their own doorstep, a
street might easily be kept clean.""Love covereth many sins.""For what are men better than sheep or goats,
That nourish a blind life within the brain –
If, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer,
Both for themselves and those who call them friend;
For so the whole round world is every way
Bound with gold chains about the feet of God."
– Tennyson"Howiver, I’m not denyin’ the women are foolish.
God made ’em to match the men." – George Eliot."Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world’s
need feed;
Speak truly and each word of thine shall be a
fruitful seed;
Live truly and thy life shall be a great and noble
creed." – Bonar.Page 40
"A prudent wife is from the Lord." – Prov, xix. 14."Now or never, now and for ever.""Work without hope draws nectar in a sieve,
And hope without an object cannot live.""Be Briton still to Britain true,
Among oursel’s united;
For never, but by British hands,
Maun British wrangs be righted."
– Robie Burns." ‘Tis not in mortals to command success. But we’ll
do more, Sempronius: we’ll desire it. " – Addison"Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control;
These three alone lead life to sovereign power.""Two things together stand as one:
Sympathy in others’ troubles, courage in your own.""We live by Faith."Page 41
"Fight, pray and struggle on,
Loving God best;
Then when they work is done,
Lie down and rest.""We make ourselves our happiness;
We are ourselves our wretchedness."
-Geo. Herbert."No star is ever lost we once have seen;
We may always be what we might have been.""Not once or twice in our fair island story,
The path of duty was the way to glory."
-Tennyson."It is always a grave error to suppose that we
Christians are ordained by God to live as spiritual parasites
On the thoughts of others." – Hermann."Since the affairs of men rest still uncertain,
Let’s reason with the worst that may befall."
– Shakespeare."Without our hopes, without our fears,
Without the home that plighted love endears,
Without the smiles from plighted beauty won,
Oh! What were man? – A world without a sun."
– Campbell.Page 42
"One impulse from a vernal wood
May teach you more of man,
Of moral evil and of good,
Than all the pages can." – Wordsworth."In every part and corner of our life, to lose one’s
self is to be gainer; to forget one’s self is to be
happy." – R.L. Stevenson."The simplest saint, with all his limitations, is a
greater personality than the most splendid sinner."
– J.R. Illingworth."Because right is right, to follow right were wisdom
In the scorn of consequence." – Tennyson"Nor heed the sceptic’s puny hands,
While near her school the church spire stands;
Nor fears the blinded bigot’s rule,
While near her church spire stands the school."
– Whittier."When an man marries, he domesticates his recording
Angel." – R.L. Stevenson."Pleasant words are as an honeycomb: sweet to the
Soul, health to the bones." – Solomon.Page 43
"A little bit of patience often makes the sunshine come,
A little bit of love makes a very happy home,
A little bit of hope makes a rainy day look gay,
A little bit of charity makes glad a weary day.""How doth the little bust bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower!"
-Dr. Watt."It is a foolish thing to be miserable beforehand for
fear of misery to come, for a man loses the present
which he might enjoy in the expectation of the future.""For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should
not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 111. 16."The Son of Man is come to save that which was lost."
-Matt. Xviii. 11"Be not greedy to add money to money, but let it be
As refuse in respect of our child." – Tobit."Are we not brothers?
So man and man should be."
– Shakespeare.Page 44
"There was honesty amongst thieves, and this was
what distinguished thieves from honest men.""Yet do thy work: it shall succeed
In thine or in another’s day;
And if denied the victor’s meed.
Thou shalt not lack the toiler’s pay."
– Whittier."Two went to pray; oh! Rather say
One went to boast, the other to pray;
One draws up near and stands on high
Where the other dares not cast his eye;
One nearer to God’s altar trod,
The other to the altar’s God."
– St. Luke xviii."Make the best of everything, thisk the best of every-
Thing, hope the best of yourself, and persevere." – Anon."In our halls is hung armoury of the invincible knights
Of old. We must be free or die who speak the tongue
That Shakespeare spake; the faith and morals hold
Which Milton held. In everything we are sprung of
Earth’s first blood, have titles manifold." – Wordsworth."The fox never sent a better messenger than himself."Dr. J.B. Johnston, Gilford.
"A fool and his money are soon parted."Page 45
"We can only know our relationship to God through
our relationship to each other. The garden of Eden
surely exists still on earth for those who have faith
and purity enough still to believe in their own honour."
-Charles Kingsley."The victory of good is as sure as that God is in
Heaven." – Bishop Boyd Carpenter."It’s a long lane has no turning.""God’s in His heaven;
All’s right with the world.""To err is human, to forgive divine.""To do thy duty, that is best;
Leave unto thy god the rest.""Above the clouds the sky is blue.""Things should never be done by halves. If it is
right, do it willingly; if it be wrong, leave it undone.
every day is a little life, and our whole life is but a
day repeated."Page 46
"That we may fight the fight of faith,
And follow at Thy side:
Steps wherein our fathers trod,
The faith for which they died.""The world is too much with us, late and soon;
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.""My crown is in my heart, not on my head,
Not decked with diamonds and Indian stones,
Nor to be seen. My crown is called ‘Content’ –
A crown that seldom kings enjoy.""Our daily duties are a part of our religious life, just
as much as our devotions are.""Life is not made up of great sacrifices and duties, but
of little things, of which smiles and kindness and small
obligations given habitually are what win and preserve
the heart.""There is pleasure in the pathless woods;
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more.""To live in the hearts we love, is not to die."Page 47
"He that by the plough would thrive,
Himself must either hold or drive.""Christian pilgrim, watchful be,
Many eyes are watching thee;
Satan watches to enthral,
Worldings watch to see thee fall.
Saviour, watch Thy servant, too;
Guide and guard him safely through.""O! lovely place with plenty crowned,
Come, spread thy blessings all around;
Let fleecy flocks the hills adorn,
And valleys smile with wavy corn.""Politeness is like an air-cushion. Nothing much in it,
but it eases the joly wonderfully.""The best preacher is the heart, the best teacher is
time, the best book is the world, the best Friend is
God.""But let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season
we shall reap if we faint not.""It is better to have too humble than too excellent an
idea of one’s powers."Page 48
"Let us then be what we are, speak as we think,
In all keep ourselves loyal to truth and the sacred
Profession of friendship.""Every wish is like a prayer, with God."
– E.B. Browning."The sweetest noise on earth – a woman’s tongue, a
String that hath no discord."
– Barry Cornwall."True beauth of character gleams out unconsciously,
and without effort.""A home is the only thing that can guarantee the
holiest felicities of life.""How far that little candle throws its beams:
So shines a good deed in a naughty world."
-Shakespeare."Nothing that is great is easy." – Ruskin."It is a good divine that follows his own instructions."
-Shakespeare.Page 49
"An honest man’s the noblest work of God.""Soft eyes looked love to eyes which spoke again,
And all went merry as a marriage bell." – Byron."Reverence is the chief joy and power of life." – Ruskin."Self-knowledge, self-reverence, self-control –
These three alone lead life to soverign power."
– Tennyson."Bands of Good-will – the hands of Good-will are loveliness
and loving- liness." – Sir Phillip Sidney."How to get on – If we see rightly and mean rightly,
We shall get on." – Ruskin."That a little knowledge of things is dangerous, is
open to dispute; but beware of a little knowledge of
oneself." – Meredith"The scalp of your enemy is progress."
– Stephen’s Crook of Gold.Page 50
"Do what you can, being what you are;
Shine like a glow-worm if you can’t like a star."
– Judge Payne."Kings, then, at last have but the lot of all:
By their own conduct they must stand or fall.""Sincerity, whate’er it cosy,
Is the virtue we shoul practise most;
Unswayed by interest, unsubdued by fear –
Whate’er we are, we always should appear."
– M. Thompson."The paths of wisdom are all peace." – Ruskin."Life is mostly froth and bubble;
Two things stand like stone-
Kindness in another’s trouble,
Courage in our own." – Adam Sidney Gordon."How much better it is to weep at joy than to joy at weeping."
– Shakespeare.Page 51
"I had rather have a fool to make me merry, than
Experience to make me sad." – Shakespeare."For he that feeds men serveth few;
He serves all who dare be true." – Emerson."To be right in great memorable moments is perhaps
The thing we need most desire for ourselves.""Her modest looks the cottage might adorn,
Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn." – Goldsmith."The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as
the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.
it is twice blessed: it blesseth him that gives, and him
that takes." – Shkespeare."They seem to take away sun from the world who
withdraw friendship from life, for we have received
nothing better from the Immortal Gods, nothing more
delightful." – Cicero."Through labour to rest, through combat to victory."
-Thomas a Kempis."Never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you;
You only double trouble, and trouble others too."Page 52
"Build like a fence of trust around to-day;
Fill the place with loving deeds, and therein stay;
Peer not through the sheltering bars at to-morrow:
God will help thee bear what comes of joy or sorrow.""Not once or twice in our rough island story,
The path of duty was the way to glory."" ‘Tis distance lends enchantment to the view,
And gilds the mountain in its azure hue."
– Thomas Campbell."None but the brave deserve the fair.""Life is short! Do all the good you can while here.""I shall pass through this world but once. Any good,
Therefore, I can do, or any kindness that I can shew to
Any human being, let me do it now; let me not defer
It, or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." – Anon"The first condition of human goodness is something
To love; the second is something to reverence."
– George Eliot.Page 53
"Never put off till to-morrow what you can do today.""All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful-
The Good god made them all." – C.F.A."The secret of life is not to do that which one likes,
but to try to like what one has to do." – Stanley"We can never replace a friend. When a man is fortunate
enough to have several, he finds that they are
all different: no one has a double in friendship."
-Schiller"Presence of mind and courage in distress
Are more than armies to procure success.""Charity suffered long and is kind." – 1 Cor. Xiii. 14"Oh! Many a shaft at random sent
Finds mark the archer never meant,
And many a word at random spoken
May soothe or wound a heart that’s broken."
– Sir Walter Scott.Page 54
"What this troubled old world needs
Is less of grumbling over creeds,
Fewer words and better deeds." – Nesbitt."Remember that when you are in the right you can
afford to keep your temper, and that when you’re in
the wrong you can’t afford to lose it." – G.H. Lorimer."That is a good book which is opened with expectation
and closed with profit." – Alcott."Never fuss or flurry,
Never fret or fume;
If the devil trys to worry,
Make him leave the room.""The more we live, more brief appear
Our life’s succeeding stages;
A day to childhood seems a year,
And years like passing ages."
-I. Campbell."Be to my virtues very kind,
Be to my faults a little blind."" ‘Tis sweet to hear a brook,
‘Tis sweet to hear a Sabbath bell;
‘Tis sweet to hear them both at once,
Deep in a woody dell."
– Coleridge.Page 55
"Trust no future, howe’er pleasant;
Let the dead past bury its dead;
Act, act in the living present –
Heart within and God o’erhead."
– Longfellow."Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labour and to wait."
– Longfellow."Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labour and to wait."
– Longfellow."I detect more good than evil in humanity;
Love lights more fires than hate extinguishes;
And men grow better as the world grows old."
– Ella. W. Wilcox"A wit’s a feather, and a chief’s a rod;
An honest man’s the noblest work of God."
– Pope."A stitch in time makes cowards of us all.""There’s so much bad in the best of us,
And so much good in the worst of us,
That it ill becomes any of us,
To talk about the rest of us."Page 56
"The great thing in life is to be not what people call
us, but what we are.""Dare to be true – nothing can need a lie;
A fault which needs it most grows two thereby."
– G. Herbert."We cannot finish everything in this world; but we
can make a beginning, and bequeath a noble example."
– Smiles."Write kindness on marble,
Injury on sand.""Life appears to be too short to be spent in
nursing animosity or registering wrong.""They have rights who dare maintain them."
– James Russell Lowell."Speak fitly or be silent wisely." – George Herbert."Did you ever tide over a misfortune by harping on it?"Page 57
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.""A friend is one who comes in when the world has
gone out.""The only way to have a friend is to be one."
-Emerson."It’s a long lane that has no turning.""Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.""What you have said I will consider; what you have
to say I will with patience hear; and find a time both
meet to hear and answer." – Shakespeare."To err is human, to forgive divine.""Pity and need make all flesh kin." – E. Arnold."Forsake not an old friend, for the new is not
comparable to him." – Eccl. Ix. 12.Page 58
"It is not work that kills,
But no work and overwork.""To meet,to know, to love, to part.
Is the sad tale of many a human heart.""Love, I think, chiefly grows in giving; at least,
Its essence is the desire of doing good, or giving happiness."
– Ruskin."You were made for enjoyment, and the world was
filled with things which you will enjoy."
– "The Stones of Venice.""Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and
still likes you.""We should make the same use of a book that a bee
does of a flower. She steals sweets from it, but does
not injure it.""Better to be than to seem.""Hasten slowly."Page 59
"Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labour and to wait."
– Longfellow."By the work one knows the workman.""True happiness consists not in the multiple of
friends, but in their worth and choice." – Ben Johnston."Art little? Do thy little well, and for thy comfort
know great men can do their greatest work no better
than just so. " – Goethe"Many a little makes a muckle.""The world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every
man the reflection of his own face.""Fair be all thy hopes,
And prosperous be thy life in peace and war.""If we cannot speak well of people, we should say
nothing at all."Page 60
"Two men looked out through prison bars,
The one saw mud, the other stars.""Be strong, live happy, and love – but first of all Him,
Whonm to love is to obey." – Milton."When you play, play hard;
When you work, don’t play at all.""Our life is a little holding, lent to do a mighty
labour." -Meredith"Be he born in barn or hall,
‘Tis manners makes the man and all.""Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing." – Solomon."The darkest wave hath light foam near it.""Don’t look for the flaws as you go through life;
And even when you find them,
It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind,
And look for the virtue behind them.""The longer you grow, the more you live."Page 61
"If your lips would keep from slips,
Five things observe with care –
Of whom you speak, to whom you speak,
And how, and when, and where.""So many gods, so many creeds,
So many paths that wind and wind;
While just the art of being kind
Is all this sad world needs." – Ella W. Wilcox.(And) "If any partner drew her, he would paint
her unaware,
With a halo round her hair." – Browning."Some demon stole away my pen (forgive th’ offence),
And once betrayed me into common sense." – Pope."Press on! And he who may not share
The toil or glory of your flight,
May ask at least, in earnest prayer,
God’s blessing on the right." – G. Whittier."I am glad to think that I am not bound to make the
world go right, but only to discover, and to do with
cheerful heart, the work that God appoints."
– Jean Ingelow."He who is virtuous is wise, and he who is wise is
good, and he who is good is happy."
– King Alfred’s Boethius.Page 62
"Better late than never.""The inner side of every cloud is bright and shining:
And so I turn my clouds about,
And always wear them inside out,
To show the lining.""Of making many books there is no end;
And much study is a weariness of the flesh.""The fairest action of our human life is scorning to
revenge an injury.""Life hath quicksands: Life hath snares;
Care and age come unawares.""Virtue is like a rich stone – best plain set." – Bacon."I think of all the treasures
That fell from the lap of God,
And scattered themselves through the mazes
Of paths that men since have trod.
Sympathy is the greatest of jewels,
And rarest of all its kind –
The gem most nearly royal,
Yet the hardest of all to find."Page 63
– Greek Tragedy."Tautum relegio potuit suadere malorum." – Lucretius."Sich vour Ganzen, Guten, Schonen,
Resolut zu leben.""Willst du im Unendliche schreiten,
Geh nur im Endlichen nach nach allen Seiten." – Goethe."Whatever you are, be that;
Whatever you say, be true;
Straightforwardly act, be honest; in fact,
Be nobody else but you.""Words are like leaves; and where they most abound,
Much fruit of sense is rarely found.""There is no saying shocks me so much as that which
I hear very often – that a man does not know how to
pass his time." – Cowley.Page 64
"There’s a time to be jolly, a time to repent,
A season for folly, a season for Lent;
The first as the worst, we too often regard;
The rest as the – but our judgement is hard.""All common things, each day’s events,
That with the hour begin and end;
Our pleasures and our discontents,
Are rounds by which we may ascend.
The longing for ignoble things;
The strife for triumph more than truth;
The hardening of the heart that brings
Irreverence for the dreams of youth." – Longfellow."Nothing great is lightly won, nothing won is lost;
Every good deed, nobly done, will repay the cost;
Leave to Heaven, in humble trust, all you will to do;
But, if you succeed, you must ‘Paddle you own
Canoe.’ ""There is no blessing fortune sends
Like old and ever-trusted friends.""Never too late to mend.""To be educated is to feel that the world is a place
Of promise, and has in it an intention of better things."
– Bishop Gore.Page 65
"Let all thy converse be sincere;
Thy conscience as the noonday clear.""He prayeth best who loveth best
All things both great and small." – Coleridge."The nation shall be saved by the breath of the
Children.""The grand essentials of happiness are – something to
do, something to love, something to hope for.""Praise is the salt that seasons right to man and
whets his appetite for moral good.""There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at
the flood, leads on to fortune.""No longer forward or behind
I look in hope or fear,
But grateful take the good I find,
The best of now and here."Page 66
"Have you had a little kindness shown?
Pass it on!
‘Twas not given for you alone:
Pass it on!
Let it wipe another’s tears,
Let it travel down the years,
Till in heaven the deed appears;
Pass it on!""Never despair, never be discouraged, however dark
the way, however great the difficulties and repeated
failures. Press on!""Will there be rise of fountains long repressed,
To swell with affluents the forward stream?
Will men perceive the virtues in unrest,
Till life stands prouder near the poet’s dream?
Our hopes, in battling acts embodied, dare
Proclaim that we have paved the way for feet;
Now stumbling, airless cavernous, and air
That feeds the soul, we breathe, for more entreat.""Education is the apprenticeship of life." – Wilmott"Be the day weary and never so long,
At length it ringeth to evensong.""There are no hearts like English hearts,
Such hearts of oak as they be." – Foresters.Page 67
"Their’s not to make reply,
Their’s but to do or die;
Into the valley of death
Rode the six hundred." – Tennyson."Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.""The other side of every cloud
They say is bright and shining;
So I will turn my cloud about
To find the silver ining.""Fais ce que doit advienne que pourria.""Here we have met
We know not why;
Suns rise and set,
And moons wane by;
Awhile we feed
A tiny flame,
And dying, speed
To whence we came.""Whatever you are, be that;
Whatever you say, be true;
Straightforwardly act, be honest;
In fact, nobody else but you.""Think of ease, but work on."Page 68
"Friendship is like a vase, which, when it is flawed
by heat or violence, may as well be broken at once: it
never can be trusted after." – Landor."Keep your face always towards the sunshine, and the
shadows will fall behind.""My God shall supply all your need, according to His
riches in glory by Christ Jesus.""Experience is a good school,
But the fees are somewhat high." – Heine."In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.""When the day returns, return to us our Sun and
Comforter, and call us up with morning faces and with
morning hearts, eager to labour, eager to be happy,
if happiness shall be out portion; and. If the day be
marked for sorrow, strong to endure it."
– R.L. Stevenson."The purest treasure mortal times afford, is spotless
reputation." – Shakespeare.Page 69
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves.""He who keeps his mouth shut swallows no flies."
– Old Spanish Proverb."A true friend is not born every day." – Bishop Hall."Of the unspoken word thou art master;
The spoken word is master of thee."
– Eastern Proverb."Always laugh when you can. It is a cheap medicine.
Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is
the sunny side of existence." – Byron."Be still, sad heart, and cease repining:
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining.
The fate is the common fate of all –
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and deary." – Longfellow."Never tell evil of a man if you do not know it for
certainty; and if you know it for certainty, then ask
yourself, Why should I tell it?" – Lavater.Page 70
"Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
So do our minutes hasten to their end." – Shakespeare."We feel we are nothing – for all is Thou and in Thee;
We feel we are something – that also has come from
Thee." – De profoundis."A wise man will make more opportunities than he
finds." – Bacon."Do the work that’s nearest,
Though it’s dull at whiles;
Helping, when you meet them,
Lame dogs over stiles.
See in every hedgerow
Marks of Angels’ feet,
Epics in every pebble
Underneath our feet." – Charles Kingsley."Whoever will eat the kernal must crack the nut.""True friendship, like the ivy, clings
To olden times and olden things.""Be just and fear not."Page 71
"The say what they say;
Let them say.""There is nothing so disappointing as failure – except
success." – Anon"Every bubble holds a rainbow.""It’s not always the best soap that makes the most
suds.""Heaven and earth are threads of the same loom.""Keep your temper; it is more worth to you than
anyone else.""Great deeds cannot die;
They with the sun and moon renew their light,
For ever blessing those that look on them."
-Tennyson.Page 72
"Dieu est comme un cercle dout le centre est partout
et le circonference nulle part." – Pascal."Who learns the words of the wise is making an
ever-blossoming garden for his special delight.""He that tholes wins.""The man o’ independent mind
Is king o’ men for a’ that." – Burns."The love of money is the root of all evil.""It’s guid to be merry and wise;
It’s guid to be honest and true.""We look before and after,
And pine for what is not;
Our sincerest laughter
With some pain is fraught,
Our sweetest songs are those
That tell of saddest thought."- Shelley.Page 73
"We are such stuff as dreams are made of – rounded
off by a little slip." – Shakespeare."Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime;
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time." – Longfellow."God send everyone their heart’s desire."
– Shakespeare."We move under a canopy of love." – Trench."Good courage breaks ill luck.""I know how far high failure
Overleaps the bounds of low success.""Life is a lovely thing when our hopes are high, but
the secret is to know it lovely and love worthy
when we have no hopes at all.""If you spill your pot of beer,
Then your luck will disappear."Page 74
"Think of ease, but work on.""It’s the songs you sing, and the smiles you wear,
That makes the sunshine everywhere.""Hitch your waggon to a star." – Emerson."Daughters of the new era, claim your share in the
world’s movement, not only for the removal of your own
disabilities, but rather for the privilege of offering the
fullest service of which you are capable; not for the
gratification of ambition, but for the spiritual enrichment
of mankind." -Rev. W. Temple, M.A.
(Head Master of Repton.""What England needs is not only good war-men and
good workmen, but good prayer-men." – King Alfred."I am ashamed that women are so sinple
To offer war when they should kneel for peace,
Or seek for rule, supremacy and sway,
When they are bound to serve, love and obey."
– Shakespeare (Taming of the Shrew)."We, as we live and work, are to be always thinking
of those who are to come after us, that what we do
may be serviceable, as far as we can make it so, to
them as well as to us." – Ruskin.Page 75
"The happiness of life consists in something to do,
Something to love, something to hope for."
-Dr. Chalmers"God measures souls by their capacity
For entertaining His Best Angel, Love;
Who loveth most is nearest kin to God,
Who is all love or nothing." – E.W. Wilcox."Life is mostly froth and bubble;
Two things stand like stone –
Kindness in another’s trouble,
Courage in your own.""There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at
The flood, leads on to fortune.""Look how thou walkest; take good heed thy soles
Do not tread on the heels of thy poor brethren."
-Dant Inferno."Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise that what
it might appear to others that what you were or might
have been was not otherwise that what you had been,
would have appeared to them to be otherwise."
– Alice in Wonderland.Page 76
"Spend, and the world spends with you;
Go broke, and you’re broke alone.""Full many a gem, of purest ray serene,
The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear;
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen
And waste its sweetness on the desert air."
– Gray’s Elegy."Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some would eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
And sae the Lord be thankit." – Burns."Is there any reason why sixty shall not find a woman
Beautiful and charming still, it being only a question
Of whether her mind has kept burning a light to shine
Outward through her life and lips and heart. And if
Younger women look on at her triumphant progress,
And snigger and wonder, the men know."
– Helen Mathers."Youth’s for an hour,
Beauty’s a flower,
But love is the jewel that wins the world."
– Moira O’Neill."A man’s reputation is what his fellow-men see of
Him. A man’s character is what god sees of him."Page 77
"Be wise:
Soar not too high to fall,
But stoop to rise." – Massenger."No one is useless in the world who lightens the
burden of it for anyone else.""Self-control is that wonderful virtue which enables a
man to kick himself without attracting the attention of
anyone." – Max O’Rell."Thy life, wert thou the pitiful lest of all the sons of
earth, is no idle dream, but a solemn reality. It is
thy now. It is all thou hast to fron eternity with.""Love rules the court, the camp, the grove,
And men below and saints above,
For love is heaven, and heaven is love.""I know not where His islands lift
Their fronded palms in air;
I only know I cannot drift
Beyond His love and care."" ‘Tis the greatest folly not to be jolly. That’s what
I think."Page 78
"Since life is oft perplexing.
‘Tis much the wisest plan
To bear all trials bravely.
And smile whene’er you can.""Prayer may not bring money, but it brings what no
money can buy – a power to keep from sin and be content
with God’s will, whatever He may please to send.""A soft answer turneth away wrath.""In that book of life – God’s album –
May your name be penned ith care;
And may all who here have written
Write their names for ever there.""Despise no man’s observations, but light your torch
from every man’s candle.""Do the work that’s nearest,
Though it’s dull at whiles;
Helping, when you meet them,
Lame dogs over stiles.""Count that day lost whose low descending sun
Views from your hand no worthy action done."Page 79
"Thou shalt not covet your neighbour’s wife,
His ox thou shalt not slaughter;
But thank the Lord it is no sin
To love thy neighbour’s daughter.""The blue of heaven is larger than the cloud."
– Browning."Confide ye aye in Providence,
For Providence is kind;
And bear ye a’ life’s changes
Wi’ a calm and tranquil mind.
Tho’ pressed and hemmed on every side,
Hae faith and ye’ll win through,
For ilka blade o’ grass keps
It’s ain drap o’ dew.""Ah! When shall all men’s good be each man’s rule?
Universal peace like a shaft of light across the land.""We shall pass through this world but once. Any
good thing, therefore, we can do, or any kindness we
can shew to any human being, let us do it now. Let
us not neglect or derer it, but we shall not pass this
way again." – Carlyle."Celui qui ve fait jamais de fautes ve fait jamais rien."
– Unknown.Page 80
"All truth is calm,
Refuge and rock and tower;
The more of truth, the more of calm –
Its calmness is its power.
Calmness is truth,
An truth is calmness still;
Truth lifts its forehead to the storm
Like some eternal hill. " – Bonar."The world is so full of a number of things,
I am sure we all ought to be happy as kings."
– Stevenson."Au fang ledanj das Eude.
Semper eadem.""Vivere sat vincere.""Take what is, and trust what my be,
Is life’s true lesson.""The nightingale has a lyre of gold,
The lark’s is a clarion call,
And the blackbird plays upon a boxwood-flute,
But I love him best of all."Page 81
"Hold on, and on, and on,
Till the Master bids you lay down;
Then…Rest!""Use the present so wisely that the past may be
Pleasant to recollect, and the future not alarming to
Contemplate.""The poorest service is repaid with thanks."
Shakespeare (Taming of the Shrew)."Small herbs have grace,
Great deeds do grow apace,
And since methinks I would not grow so fast,
Because sweet flowers are slow, weeds make haste.""The world is a bundle of hay;
Mankind are the asses who pull;
Each tugs it a different way,
And the greatest of all is John Bull." – Byron"Learning maketh young men temperate, is the comfort
Of old age – standing for wealth with poverty, and
Serving as an ornament to riches." – Chicero.Page 82
"Marriage may often be a stormy lake, but celibacy
Is almost always a muddy horse pond." – T.L. Peacock."Fear is stronger than death, and love is more prevalent
than fear, and kindness is the greatest endearment
of love." – Jeremy Taylor.
("The Miracles of Divine Mercy.")"It’s a melancholy consideration indeed, that our chief
comforts often produce our greatest anxieties, and that
an increase of our possessions is but an inlet to new
disquietudes." – Goldsmith.What is the difference between an accident and a
If Lloyd- George walked into the Thames on a foggy
night, it would be an accident; but if someone pulled
him out, it would be a catastrophy." ‘Mid every change the years unfold,
The dearest friends are still the old."
(Feb. 24th, 1855.)Page 83
"On the eigth day of March it was, some people say,
That St. Patrick at midnight he first saw the day;
While others declare ’twas the ninth he was born,
And ’twas all a mistake between midnight and morn;
For mistakes will occur in a hurry and shock,
And some blamed the baby, and some blamed the clock,
Till with all their cross-questions, sure no one could
If the child was too fast or the clock was too slow."
– S. Lover."Bonny Portmore, you shine where you stand!
The more I look on you, the more I think long;
If I had you now, as I had you before,
All the lords in Europe could not purchase Portmore.
There’s no lords in Europe such rights could afford,
As the sunny Ram’s Island and the bonny Portmore;
There are two lakes for fishing, and fowling again,
And the deer-park for hunting the head of all game.
When the ‘Diana’ was launched from off the dry land,
Both lords and nobles they stood looking on;
She sailed round by the deer-park, and home by
And effected her landing at bonny Portmore."
-An old traditional song of Ballinderry."Every charitable act is a stepping-stone toward Heaven."Page 84
"Patience is the finest and worthiest part of fortitude,
And the rarest too.""The night is long that never finds the day.""To thine own self be true.
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thous cans’t not then be false to any man.""A fool and his money are soon parted."
– Hezekiah vi. 17."Beware of a bad woman, and do not trust a
good one.""A girl who is a ‘dream’ usually has enormous awakening
possibilities when she becomes a wife.""In the battle of life it is safer to be thick-headed
than thin-skinned." – J.B. Shaw.Page 85
"To brutes our Maker, when the globe was new,
Lent only life; to men a spirit too,
That mutual kindness in our hearts might burn,
The good which others did us to return,
That scattered thousands might together come,
Leave their old woods, and seek a general home."
– Hodgson."A hinking man is the worst enemy the Prince of
Darkness can have.""The bird that sings the sweetest song
Is not the only bird that has
The gift of song within its throat.
There are songs in other bosoms
Which no human ear hath heard;
There are melodies that never knew a note.
For a bird may feel like singing,
And not have the voice to sing,
While another has the soft melodious art.
So may you and I, though tuneless,
Set our birdlike thoughts a-wing,
If we only have the gift of singing in the heart.""He that filches from me my good name,
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And makes me poor indeed.""The rank is but the guinea stamp,
The man’s the gow’d for a’ that."Page 86
"There is room for the man who looks before he
Leaps, and also for the man who looks after he has
Leaped and wonders that he has leaped so far."
-Rev. W. Gorman."Make yourselves nests of pleasant thoughts, bright
fancies, satisfied memories, faithful sayings, treasure
houses of precious and restful thoughts, which care cannot
disturb, nor pain make gloomy, nor poverty take
from us." – Ruskin."AH! Take the cash in hand and waive the rest."
– Omar Khayyam."Greater is he who overcometh temptation than he
who is above it."
"With vigour, O! teach me, kind Heaven, to sustain
Those ills which in life to be suffered remain,
And when ’tis allowed me the goal to descry,
For my species I lived, for myself let me die.""A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
– Old Proverb."There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at
The flood, leads on to fortune."Page 87
"In the long run, men only hit what they aim at.
Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they
had better aim at something high." – Thoreau."The only way to have a friend is to be one." – Emerson."Here’s to the wings of friendship;
May they never molt a feather." – Dickens."The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make
His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee;
the Lord lift up His countance upon thee, and give
thee grace, both now and evermore.""What is a letter? Let affection tell.
A tongue that speaks for those who absent tdwell;
A silent language uttered to the eye,
Which envious distance would in vain deny;
A link to bind when circumstances part;
A nerve of feeling stretched from heart to heart,
Formed to convey, like an electric chain,
The mystic flash the lightening of the brain,
A thrill at once through its remotest link,
The throb of passion by a drop of ink.""Much study is a weariness to the flesh –
So said the wisest of the wise;
Yet schools and colleges accumulate,
The bane and blight of many lives."Page 88
"When you speak to other people for their good, it
is influence; and when other people speak to you for
your good, it is interference."
– Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler."I shall pass through this world but once. If,
therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good
thing I can do, let me do it now; let me not defer
it, or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.""Don’t think it is necessary to say all you think to
everyone. The world would be a mass of turmoil, if
we all gave candid opinions of each other."
– Sir Henry Lawrence."Unto thine own self be true;
And it shall follow, as the night the day,
That thou cans’t not then be false to any man."
-Shakespeare."Action speak louder than words." – Miss Wetherall." ‘Tis sweet, as year by year we lose friends out of
sight, in faith to muse how grows in Paradise our
store." – Keble.Page 89
"What greater thing is there for two human souls
that to feel that they are joined for life, to strengthen
each other in all labour, to rest on each other in all
sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be
with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the
moment of last parting." -George Eliot."Think truly, and thy thoughts
Shall the world’s famine feed;
Speak truly, and each word of thine
Shall be a fruitful seed;
Love truly, and thy life shall be
A great and noble creed." – Bonar."There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shadows and in miseries.""Votes for Women!""To love and be loved, is the greatest happiness of
existence." – Sydney Smith.Page 90
"A happy man or woman is a better thing to find
than a five-pound note." – R.L. Stevenson."There’s a divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough-hew them how we will." – Shakespeare."Life’s a mirror, if we smile,
Smiles come back to greet us;
If we’re frowning all the while,
Frowns forever meet us." – Anon."Now the day is over,
Night is drawing nigh,
Shadows of the evening
Steal across the sky.
Now the darkness gathers,
Stars begin to peep,
Birds and beasts and flwoers
Soon will be asleep.
Through the long night watches
May Thine angels spread
Their white wings above me,
Watching round my bed.
When the morning wakens,
Then may I arise,
Pure and fresh and blameless
In Thy holy eyes."Page 91
"Bis dat, qui cito dat.""A rolling stone gathers no moss.""Constant dripping wears a hole in a stone.""There’s a divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough hew them as we will.""Nothing more common than the name of a friend;
Nothing more rare than true friendship.""He giveth twice who giveth quickly.""Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man,
and writing an exact man." – Lord Bacon.Page 92
"How empty learning, and how vain is art;
But as it mends the life, and guides the heart.""The more we know, the better we forgive;
Whoever feels deeply, feels for all who live."
– Madame de Stael."It is not in morals to command success;
But we’ll do more – we’ll deserve it." – Shakespeare."Do not look for trouble, unless you know what to do
with it when you find it.""He that aims at the heavens, which yet he is sure to
come short of, is like to shoot higher than he that aims
at a mark within his reach.""A blessed thing it is for any man or woman to have
a friend, one human soul, whom we can trust always,
who knows the best and the worst of us, and who loves
us in spite of our faults."Page 93
"Farewell, Ballinderry, and dear Aghalee,
Ram’s Island – its Round Tower, and old Ivy Tree;
I’ll remember you oft, with a heart running o’er.
Sandy Bay, and Shane’s Castle, and bonny Portmore.
In absence, kind fancy these scenes will restore,
The beautiful cottage, and bonny Portmore.""All’s well that ends well." – Shakespeare.
FINISPage 94
Without Quotations.Page 95
Page 96
Ballinderry Bazaar 1913
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated 5th April 1913.
Ballinderry Bazaar
We are pleased to learn that the bazaar held on Easter Monday and Tuesday on behalf of Upper Ballinderry National School was a great success, the financial returns exceeding the anticipations of the promoters in connection with the baking competition. Mrs. Dr. N.O. McConnell, Belfast, kindly officiated as judge, a service which was much appreciated.
Parish Protest
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated 11th November 1921.
Ballinderry Parish Protest.
At a meeting of the Select Vestry of Ballinderry Parish on the 4th inst., the following resolution was unanimously adopted:-
We the select Vestry of Ballinderry Parish, repudiate the statements of the Chairman of the Lisburn Guardians attributing the outbreak of scarlatina and diptheria in this neighbourhood to the unsabitary state of Upper Ballinderry School, and we assert that there are no grounds whatever for the statements he has made.
Ballinderry Upper School 1965

Ballinderry 1965
Thanks to Derick McClurg for providing a copy of this photograph