The following are extracts from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Parish of Tullyrusk
A large commodious Presbyterian Meeting House was built in 1826 in the town land of Dundrod, the inhabitants of the parish being principally of that persuasion.
The only public building in the parish is the Presbyterian meeting house in the town land of Dundrod, near its northern side and on the road from Antrim to Lisburn. It is a plain but neat roughcast house measuring 60 feet long and 40 feet wide, rather lofty and having a high pitched, hipped roof. It is very neatly and comfortably fitted up internally, having a good gallery and containing accommodation for 800 persons. It was erected by subscription in 1827 and cost 1,100 pounds.
Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory — 1845
The following is an extract from 1845 Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory
XXXIV Templepatrick Presbytery, congregaries, ministers & towns
Dundrod, William Magill, Crumlin
Burials at Dundrod Presbyterian Burial Ground
Gravestone inscriptions from the Dundrod Presbyterian Burial Ground have been transcribed. View transcriptions
Marriage Notice — McIlroy / Kennedy
The following is an extract from the Belfast Morning News dated Wednesday September 25th 1861
Sept 20 in Dundrod Pres Church by the Rev. Wm. Magill, John McIlroy Esq., to Eliza, eldest daughter of the late John Jennedy, Esq., Ballyutoag.
Rev William Magill (1815-1880)

The burial place of the Rev. William Magill, born 1815 died 1880, minister at Dundrod for 40 years

Memorial tablets at the grave of Rev William Magill
One of the memorial tablets at the grave of Rev. William Magill
Presentation Subscribers
There is a copy of the presentation made to the Reverend William Magill, minister of the Presbyterian Church of Dundrod displayed in the church containing the address. The following names are listed as subscribers:
John Potts, Esq £5 0 0 Robert Sinclair 3 0 0 Joseph Thompson 3 0 0 James Watters, jun 3 0 0 Thomas Sherlock 3 0 0 William McClure 2 0 0 Hugh Edgar 2 0 0 Samuel Johnston 2 0 0 John Thompson 2 0 0 Samuel Graham 2 0 0 Moses Whiteside 2 0 0 Andrew Adgey 2 0 0 Joseph McCullagh 2 0 0 James Armstrong 2 0 0 F.M. Kennedy 2 0 0 David Patterson 1 10 0 James Watters, sen 1 10 0 Robert Millikin 1 0 0 William Gilliland 1 0 0 William Armstrong 1 0 0 John Kennedy 1 0 0 Cladius Mairs 1 0 0 Thomas Herdman 1 0 0 Thomas Ireland 1 0 0 Andrew Mairs 1 0 0 Samuel Johnston, jun 1 0 0 William Mairs 1 0 0 Abraham Porter 1 0 0 Archibald Ramsey 1 0 0 William & G. McClure 1 0 0 John Higginson 1 0 0 Alexander Watters 1 0 0 Roger McNeight 1 0 0 John Connor 1 0 0 David McCullagh 1 0 0 David Adgey 1 0 0 Thomas Scott 1 0 0 George McClure 1 0 0 John Johnston 1 0 0 T & D Ramsey 0 15 0 John McIlroy 0 15 0 John Graham 0 15 0 John Officer 0 10 0 Andrew McClean 0 10 0 William McCreight 0 10 0 William McNeight 0 10 0 Alexander Bamford 0 10 0 John & William Irvine 0 10 0 Mrs. Smyth 0 10 0 William R. May 0 10 0 James Graham 0 10 0 Edmund Collins 0 10 0 Andrew Kernaghan 0 10 0 Mrs. Nesbitt 0 10 0 William Thompson 0 10 0 John Upton 0 10 0 Robert Thompson 0 10 0 William Officer 0 10 0 John McIlroy, jun 0 10 0 Robinson Officer 0 10 0 Robert Gilliland 0 10 0 Arthur Nelson 0 10 0 James Ireland 0 10 0 Arthur McNeice 0 10 0 Thomas Watters 0 10 0 George Lyons 0 10 0 Samuel Palmer 0 10 0 Miss Palmer 0 10 0 William H, McCall 0 10 0 Thomas Boomer 0 10 0 John Thompson 0 10 0 Joseph Wright 0 10 0 Andrew Graham 0 10 0 David Ferguson 0 7 6 William Graham 0 7 6 William J. McConnell 0 7 6 John Adgey 0 5 0 John Millikin 0 5 0 George Millikin 0 5 0 James Willis 0 5 0 Thomas Jamison 0 5 0 Samuel Graham 0 5 0 John May 0 5 0 Andrew Walker 0 5 0 Thomas Calvert 0 5 0 Archibald Huston 0 5 0 James Steel 0 5 0 Thomas Irvine 0 5 0 Andrew Frazer 0 5 0 John Crawford 0 5 0 James Crawford 0 5 0 William Higginson 0 5 0 Robert Lowery 0 5 0 Samuel Bamford 0 5 0 William Tinsley 0 5 0 Samuel McDonald 0 5 0 Mrs. Watters 0 5 0 Mrs. Magowan 0 5 0 Joseph Adgey 0 5 0 George Mitchell 0 5 0 James Irvine 0 5 0 David Calvert, jun 0 5 0 Francis Armstrong 0 5 0 Robert Calvert 0 5 0 Mrs. McClure 0 5 0 Miss Hall 0 5 0 Edward Smyth 0 5 0 David Nelson 0 5 0 David Brown 0 5 0 William Blair 0 5 0 Miss Reid 0 5 0 Henry Blackert 0 5 0 James Sutherland 0 5 0 James Moore 0 2 6 David McClure 0 2 6 Alexander Kelly 0 2 6 Thomas Orr 0 2 6 James Wilson 0 2 6 William Irvine 0 2 6 David Watters 0 2 6 Joseph McKee 0 2 6 Miss Tinsley 0 2 6 John Sutherland 0 2 6 William Clendinning 0 2 6 David Calvert, sen. 0 2 6 Samuel Halliday 0 2 6 Sarah Boomer 0 2 6 James Greer 0 2 6 Miss Moorehead 0 2 6 Daniel McFadden 0 2 6 Wm. McConnell, Esq. Cherryvalley 2 0 0 J & A.T Mairs, Esq., Belfast 1 0 0 G.A. Hume, Esq., M.D. Crumlin 1 0 0 B. Oakman, Esq., Clementsmount 0 10 0 Robert Officer, Esq., Belfast 0 10 0 William Addison, Esq., Belfast 0 10 0 Balance from sale of tickets 7 5 0
Bazaar and Sale of Work – 1889

Sale of Work Ticket – Dundrod Presbyterian Church
Retirement Presentation to William Higginson
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 3rd December 1898.
Presentation to Mr. W. Higginson.
Honour to whom Honour is due.On Monday evening last Mr. William Higginson, P.L.G., was made the recipient of a very beautiful marble clock from the teachers and scholars of the Dundrod Congregational Sabbath School. The occasion of the compliment was his retirement from the office of superintendent, which he has filled with great acceptance for several years. The address bore very appreciative testimony to the valuable services Mr. Higginson has rendered to the cause of religion during the forty years he had laboured in the school – first as a teacher, then as the conductor of an adult Bible Class, and finally as the superintendent. It emphasised his regularity, his punctuality, and the fervid earnestness which characterized all that he did. The address was read by Miss Meta McBride, and the presentation made by Miss Maggie McClure. Mr. Higginson having made a very feeling and appropriate reply, Rev. R. McBride, who presided on the occasion, and the Rev. W.J. Baird added their congratulations. Those electors residing within the Crumlin, Tullyrusk, and Derriaghy polling districts will be pleased to learn that Mr. Higginson, having been earnestly solicited by many voters in the various districts to allow his name to be put forward as a candidate for the County Councillorship of the division, has consented to come forward at the proper time.
The Diary of Jane McClure
The Diary of Jane McClure has been kindly provided by James Kernohan, a family member. It is believed that Jane was in fact a Sunday School teacher at the church. It gives us a fascinating insight into daily life into the area in the 1902/1903 period.

Photograph taken at the wedding of
Margaret McClure (extreme right).
She emigrated to Canada.
The lady second from right is Jeannie McClure.
Copy kindly provided by members of the family
Visition of the Congregation
The following is from The Lisburn Standard dated May 9th 1903.
Visitation of Dundrod Presbyterian Congregation
On Tuesday the Templepatrick Presbytery met in Dundrod for visitation of the congregation.
Present – Revs D. Stewart (moderator pro tem.), T. West, R. Wallace, J.A. Canning, A. McKinney, W.J. Baird, D.H. Craig, and J. Little, with Dr W. J. Taggart, Messrs T. Ferguson, R. Bell and W. Higginson elders, and a considerable representation of the people. Rev James Little (pastor loci) conducted public worship, preaching an earnest and practical sermon from Col 111., 1. Messrs. W J McKnight and George Waters represented the Session, and Messrs Alex Kennedy and James Patterson the Committee. The Presbytery came to the following finding – "The Presbytery on the first visitation since the lamented death of their brother Mr. McBride hereby record that they still hold him in grateful memory, recognising the splendid work he did in the congregation, in which he laboured zealously for 17 years. They are pleased to find the congregation in a satisfactory and flourishing state; that Mr. Little discharges his ministerial duties with faithfulness and ability, and that he is so effectively supported by the earnest co-operation of his office-bearers; that there is an improvement in the observance of family worship; that the people stand so high in their contributions to Christian missions; and that there is a good attendance at public worship. They congratulate the congregation on their position in regard to the temperance question; that there are so many faithful elders taking the oversight of the flock; and that their church property is so well secured. Without reflecting on those members who contribute so well to the Sustentation fund, that would urge non-contributors to assist this very important fund for the maintenance of the Church in the country, and would also recommend the re-organisation of the congregational library." Mr Canning was appointed to read the finding and address the people on a convenient day. The ordination of the elders in First Donegore was fixed for the 27th May. Mr. Little to preach, Mr. Baird to expound, and Mr. Hamilton to give his charge.
Afterwards the Presbytery were hospitably entertained. Mr Best and Mr Baird proposed a vote of thanks to the congregation and ladies who assisted in providing the dinner, which was conveyed by the Moderator, and responded to by Mr. Little, Mr Watters and Mr. McKnight.
Nomination of Rev Dr James Little
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald 20th August 1910
Call to a Dundrod Minister
At a meeting of the congregation of Knoxland Quaod Socra Parish, Dumbarton, on Tuesday evening, it was unanimously agreed o nominate the Rev. Dr. James Little, of Dundrod Presbyterian Church, County Antrim, for the vacancy caused by the resignation of the Rev. T.B. McCorkindale.
Dr Little’s Farewell Sermon
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 24th September 1910.
Dundrod Presbyterian Church
Dr. Little’s Farewell SermonOn Sabbath last the Rev. Dr. Little concluded his ten years ministry in Dundrod Presbyterian Church by preaching his farewell sermon to an audience which crowded the church in every part. People were present who had driven eight, nine and in some cases fourteen miles. In all, there were forty-nine vehicles, which conveyed worshipers to the church, and one young man cycled thirty-five miles to be present at this memorable service. At the conclusion of the deeply-impressive and practical sermon on "The Magnitude of God’s mercy," based on Isaiah 1., 18, Dr. Little, amidst manifestations of deep sorrow, addressed his parting words to the congregation and people of Dundrod, thanking all for their great kindness to him and his during his sojourn amongst them, He declared that they could never forget the unfailing love and true devotion of every one connected with that church towards them, and he earnestly prayed that God’s choicest blessings might be their portion. At the close of the service Dr. and Mrs. Little took a farewell of the large congregation present by shaking hands with them as they passed out. Dr. Little is to be inducted to the church and parish of Knoxland, Dumbarton, on 28th inst. He has the best wishes of his many friends in Ireland for the greatest success in his new sphere of labour.
The quiet hero who became a much loved minister at Dundrod Church

David Corkey
He [David Corkey] began working for the Shankill Road Mission where he remained for four years prior to his calling from the Dundrod congregation.
Over 160 names from the Dundrod congregation signed the calling papers, dated 5th January 1911.
He was ordained there on the 20th February 1911.
Opening Ceremony
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald Saturday April 12th 1913.
Dundrod Presbyterian Church
The ceremony connected with the opening of the new hall recently erected in memory of the late Robert McBrde, took place on Wednesday afternoon, 2nd inst., at three o’clock. There was a good attendance of the general public, which included – Revs. Dr. West. B.A., Robert Wallace, M.A., Alexander McKinney, D.H. Craig, Wm. Martin, D. Stewart, M.A., J.A.H. Irwin, M.A. B.D., Wm. Corkey, M.A., Wm. Salmond, A.F. Moody, B.A., Drs. A. Mussen, J.P., Wm. Hunter, Samuel Gawn; Messrs W.J. Frazer, J.P., E.J. Johnston, J. Gardener, Hugh Ritchie, Alexander Nixon, Gilliland Kennedy, Mrs. Ferguson, and Miss McBride, daughters of the late Rev. Mr. McBride.
On the motion of Mr.W.J. McKnight, seconded by Mr. Hugh Crawford, the chair was taken by the Rev. Dr. West. The proceedings were opened with praise and prayer, after which the chairman gave a few reminiscences of his own long connection with Dundrod, speaking in very high terms of the work and worth of Rev. R. McBride.Rev. Robert Wallace, Lylehill, the next oldest co-presbyter of Mr. McBride, then delivered a warm eulogium on his zeal and faithfulness in the carrying on of the work of Dundrod congregation. He concluded by highly complimenting the architect (Mr. Jas. Hunter, B.E.) and builders (Messrs. Pinkerton & Son), on having erected a building so much above the ordinary in design and workmanship.
At this stage, Mr. Francis Curley, Belfast in a very happy and felicitous speech, proceeded to declare the hall open, saying how pleased he was to be present, and complimenting the Dundrod people on their very flourishing appearance.
Rev. D.S. Corkey, pastor loci, then gave a graphic sketch of the continued progress of Dundrod congregation since its inception in 1826.
Rev. D. Stewart referred somatically to the strong Christian personality which the late Rev. Mr. McBride possessed.
A very hearty and cordial vote of thanks was proposed to Mr. Curley by Mr. Wm. Higginson J.P., seconded by Mr. Alex Kennedy, and passed enthusiastically.
Mr. R.J. Graham moved, and Mr. David Patterson seconded that the best thanks of the meeting be given to Dr. West for so ably presiding, and also to those friends who so kindly acted as collectors or sent subscriptions.
The motion was passed with much cordiality, and the interesting proceedings terminated.
Dundrod War Memorial

War Memorial at Dundrod Presbyterian Church
The following names appear on the War Memorial in the porch area at Dundrod Presbyterian Church.
To the Honour
And in everlasting remembrance of those
From this Congregation who served in
The Great War, 1914 – 1919.
This tablet is affectionally dedicated.Capt. Revd. D.S. Corkey B.A., C.F.
2nd Lieut. A. McCullough
Sgt. Major H. Brown
Sgt. R. McFarlane
Corpl. R.A. Clendinning
Corpl. S.A. Spence
Pte. W.J. Armstrong
Pte. Geo. Brown killed
Pte. Adam Brown died
Pte. D. Calvert
Pte. S. Carlisle
Pte. R. Graham
Pte. Thos. Heaney killed
Pte. W. Henderson
Pte. F.G. Henderson
Pte. R. Irvine
Trooper S. Johnston
Trooper R. Lowry
Pte. J. Mairs
Pte. Jos T. Milliken
Pte. J. McCartney
Gnr. S. McCartney
Pte. T. McFarlane
Pte. W. McFarlane
Pte. S. McFarlane
Pte. J. UptonAlso Pte. Wm. J, McCrane the devoted orderly of
Captain Corkey.
WWI Casualty List
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, August 26 1916
The following name appears in the Official list of casualties:
T. Heaney, Dundrod.
Parish Boundaries
The following extract is taken from Presbyterian Church in Ireland Parish Boundaries 1917. Printed at "The Witness Office" 58, 60 & 64 Royal Avenue.
Presbytery of Templepatrick
DundrodFrom cross roads near Wolfhill House by watershed over Wolf and Divis to Carbavoy bridge; by straight line to groganstown; byroad passing to Castlerobin and by river to Stoneyford Bridge by Road passing Tullynewbank to Glenavy; by road passing Tullynewbank to Glenavy; by road passing Ballyminymore, Heathery Hill, to branch of Dundesert River, by branch of Dundesert River to road leading to Nutt’s corner; by road through Ballynaconnett to road through Ballyhill; by road passing Ballyhill, Ballyutoag to Cross Roads near Wolfhill House.
Death Notice – Archibald Officer
The extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Thursday 15th July 1937 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Officer – July 13 1937 at his residence, Dundesert, Crumlin. Archibald (Archie), eldest son of Annie and the late John Officer. Funeral to the family burying ground, Dundrod, today (Thursday) at 2pm. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted.
Sunday School Prizes

Sunday School prize, 1904
This inscription was inside the book "Little Freddie of Friends in need" by E. Everett-Green. The inscription reads:
Dundrod S.S.
Presented to
1st prize
Alexander Kennedy
Jany. 1904.

Sunday School Prize, undated
This inscription appeared inside a book titled "Pat the lighthouse boy." by E. Everett-Green. The inscription reads:
Presented to
1st prize
Dundrod Sabb. School
Alexander Kennedy

Sunday School Prize, 1947
This inscription was inside the book "The Vanished Stamps Mystery" by Michael Poole published by Oxford University Press. The inscription reads:
Presented to
good answering
Address & Presentation to Rev Corkey — 1919
Address and Presentation to the Rev. David S. Corkey, B.A. on his return from France as Chaplain to the Forces.
Presentation to Rev Corkey, 1919
Dear Mr. Corkey,
We the members of the Dundrod Congregation and friends coming to pass feel that we cannot allow your homecoming to pass without some recognition on our part of the noble and patriotic services which you have rendered to our King and Country and the cause of humanity when our Nation was struggling in a life or death combat with a most relentless and unscrupulous foe.
For almost four years you have unflinchingly stood by our young men, ministering to their wants both temporal and spiritual, and gaining their confidence and respect in a most remarkable manner. When you might with good reason, have retired sooner, you determined at great inconvenience and self sacrifice, to see the enemy vanquished, and our Nation and her Allies secure a complete victory.
We assure you of our sincere sympathy in the great loss which you have sustained in your so valiantly helping to keep the enemy from our shores and saving our Country from the ruin and degradation which have befallen the inhabitants and territory of other places through which the enemy have passed.
We now ask you to accept this Illuminated Address, Pulpit Gown and Case of Treasury Notes as a small token of our appreciation of your great services in doing one man’s part in bringing this terrible War through which we have passed to a successful end.
And our prayer is that the God who kept you amidst danger innumerable, and brought you safely back to your home, may still keep and guide you in carrying on the work of your ministry in this place for many years to come.
Signed on behalf of the Congregation.
Session Committee
Hugh Crawford, David Patterson , John Higginson, William McCreight, George Thompson, John McClure, Alexander Kennedy, Robt. J Graham.April 1919
Photo – Dundrod Presbyterian Church

Dundrod Presbyterian Church.
Thanks to Harry McCullough for providing this photograph.
Death Notice — Mr John William Watterson
The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 5th January 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.
The death has taken place of Mr. John William Watterson, Dundrod, a well-known and popular figure in the district.
Mr Watterson, who is survived by his wife, was prominent in the Orange Order, being a member of Dundrod Temperance L.O.L. No 73 and a member of Crumlin Branch Murray Apprentice Boys’ of Derry. He was also a member of Dundrod Silver Band. The funeral to Dundrod Burying Ground on the 19th inst, was largely attended.
Dundrod Presbyterian Church, 2008

Dundrod Presbyterian Church, 2008

Noticeboard at Dundrod Presbyterian Church, 2008
There is a brass plaque below the noticeboard reading:
"In loving memory of the late John Kennedy.
From the Kennedy family."
Above the front door of the church an
inscription reads:
"Presbyterian Meeting House
Erected A.D. 1827"
Noticeboard reads:
Service of Worship – Sunday 11.30am
Sunday School – 10.30am
Rev. Angus Stewart,
The Manse,

The Rev. David Sloane Corkey
taken from the book
David Corkey – A Life Story by Ethel Corkey
Church Plaques
Inside the church there are a number of plaques on various items presented by members of the congregation.
This is not a comprehensive list.
Table in porch – In memory of Andrew Brown, Boltnaconnell. The gift of his wife Jane. 1957.
12 chairs – These twelve chairs are the gift of Miss Jane Kennedy in memory of her father and mother. 1957
Collection plates – These plates were presented by the Girls’ Auxiliary 1957
Notice board – Presented on the occasion of the re-opening services by William and Maude Bell, Tullyrusk, 1957
Baptismal font – In loving memory of the Reverend David S. Corkey, B.A. Minister of this church 1911 – 1924 and of his wife Constance presented by their daughters Constance and Maureen.
Memorial in church – To the glory of God and in memory of all those associated with this congregation who served in the Second World War 1939 – 1945.
Memorial in church – To the glory of God and in affectionate remembrance of the Reverend David McKinney M.A. Minister of this congregation 1925 – 1967. Minister Emeritus 1967 – 1994. A faithful pastor and a friend to all.
Memorial of Rev William Magill
Memorial in church porch – In affectionate memory of the Rev. William Magill born in the County Down 1825 Died at Dundrod 11th March 1880. He was an able preacher, a good pastor, and an affectionate teacher.
Through his influence with the Marquis of Hertford he secured to the congregation the Manse-farm: this, with the manse and school-house are some of the results of his abundant labours.
After a faithful ministry of 40 years and much suffering, he passed on to take his place among those who have come out of much tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Erected by the Congregation and friends.
Brass plaque in porch – The carpeting of the ground floor was the gift of William Brown, Dundrod. In memory of the Brown family 1957.
Brass plaque in porch – The vestibule floor was a gift in memory of Edward Bell of Cochranstown from his wife Elizabeth Emily and family. 22nd June 1986.
Brass plaque in porch – To the Glory of God. The sound system in this church was given in loving memory of Andrew Pinkerton 47 years a member of session, 23 years Clerk by his wife and family of Boltnaconnell. 15th September 1996
Brass Plaque in porch – To the Glory of God and to the congregation of Dundrod The Organ in the Church Historical Room was presented by Robert and Emma Jane Graham, Ballydonaghy, Crumlin in loving memory of his father and mother, brother James and sisters, Maggie and Mary Agnes, of Thompson’s Bridge, Dundrod. 1st March, 1964.
Brass plaque in porch – The pew cushions in this church were the gift of Palmer and John Robinson and families in memory of their sister Margaret Jane Robinson. 23rd June 1986.
Brass plaque in porch – The Electric light was installed by John Kennedy, The Glen in memory of his father and mother 1957.
Memorial of John Potts
Memorial in church porch – In memory of John Potts. Born in Dundrod 12th Feb 1806 died in Belfast 2nd Sep 1863.
He was chiefly instrumental in founding this church of which he was an elder till the time of his removal to Belfast where he was also an elder in Dr. Cooke’s church May Street and an alderman in the municipal corporation of that town twenty years.
This tablet is inscribed by his brother Robt. Potts.
"After he had served his own generation by the will of God he fell asleep and was laid unto his fathers." Acts XIII, 36.
Round stained glass window in church – This window was presented to the Glory of God by the Dundrod Company of the Girls Brigade June 1956
Round stained glass window in church – This window was presented by Margaret Gordon to the Glory of God and in loving memory of her father and mother Andrew and Mary Gordon. Boltnaconnell. June 1966.