The following information has been extracted from “Clergy of Connor from Patrician times to the present day based on the unpublished Succession Lists compiled by Canon J B. Leslie.” This book was published in 1993. Permission has been kindly given by the Representative Church Body. The material is the copyright the Representative Church Body.
Over time additional material in relation to the clergy will be added.
(Lann Abhaigh … Church of the Dwarf)
St Aidan rebuilt after fire & cons 1939
St Andrew Tunny cons 1854
(1) 1616 JOHN WILKINSON MA Vicar Glenavy (Connor) 1616
Here in 1622 (Royal Visitation); Magheragall and Havye c 1616 – 1618 (First Fruits); also here in 1622 (Royal Visitation); serveth the Cure of Aghagallon (1622 UV)
Presented 14 Nov (Liber Munerum) Incumbent 17 Jun 1624 ((Royal Visitation 1634)
Trinity College Dublin School 1614 BA 1617 MA 1622
D 24 Sept 1617 p 22 Dec 1618; R Baronstown and Preb of Kane (Armagh) 1622;
Vicar Ballinderry Glenavy Maghergall and Magherameske (Connor) 1623; still here in 1634 (Royal Visitation)
Appointed Domestic Chaplain to Edward Lord Chichester 25 Aug 1625.
Married daughter of Rev Thomas Peers. Issue 1. Capt Thomas JP High Sheriff Co Cavan 1669 2. Fulke 3. Margaret married ..Workman.
Extract from Charles Watson’s Glenavy Past and Present 1892:
The first Vicar, Meredith Gwyllim, M.A., was ordained Deacon by Primate Christopher Hampton, 24 Sept., 1617 ; and Priest by the same, 24 Sept., 1617. He became Domestic Chaplain of Edward Lord Chichester, 25 July, 1625. The fourth Vicar, Alexander Moor, M.A.; is mentioned in Harris’ Life of King William, page 502: “Alexander Moor, Precentor of Connor, Vicar of Glenavy, Camlin, and Tullyrusk, apostatised to Popery : and the King, by patent dated 26 Sept., 1688, gave him a dispensation to hold and enjoy the said dignity and vicarage and the profits thereof, both spiritual and temporal.” He and Peter Manby were the only two clergy that are mentioned as perverts in the reign of James II. (Reeves).
(3) 1638 PHILIP TANDY instituted 18 Jun
Gloucester Hall Oxford BA 1632
Vicar Magheragall (Connor) 1637/1638 (First Fruits); Glenavy 1638; schoolmaster at Lisburn; evidently fled to England during the Rebellion of 1641 as he was voted £50 for transporting out of England; Curate Lisburn 1658 – 1660 (Seymour’s Commonwealth Manuscripts p 60 and 216)
Married Mercy (she died 1703 aged 85 buried at Lisburn Cathedral (Archdall’s Lodge 111 101) states in error that he married Elizabeth R her sister) daughter of Frances Rawdon of Rawdon Hall Yorkshire.
(4) 1657 JOHN WALLWOOD preaching minister (1657 visitation)
Wallwood (or Walwood).
Trooper in Major James Rawdon’s Troop, Hill’s Horse 1643 – 1647; Chaplain to Monk’s Regular Horse 15 Nov 1649 – 1659 (?); Commonwealth Minutes at Urney, Denn, Annagelliffe and Denn (Kilmore); Glenavy Camlin and Tullyrusk (Connor) 1657; (Antrim Inquis and Seymour Seymour Commonwealth Manuscripts); Vicar Kildrumferton (Kilmore) 1661; Dean of Kilmore 1661 – 1670; also Dean of Raphoe 1661 – 1670; R Inniskeel (Raphoe) 1664.
Married and had issue: 1. Rev John Rector and Vicar Killaghtee (Raphoe) 1681 born Raphoe educated by Mr Eaton entered Trinity College Dublin 16 Apr 1673 aged 17, Schol 1675, degree not recorded but was MA in Diocesan Register.
Ordained by Bishop of Raphoe; Vicar Maghera (Dromore) 1640 -1654; Comw Minister at Ballintemple and Duralumin (Kilmore); Curate Aghalee and Aghagallon (Dromore) in 1658; Curate Ballinderry coll 22 Mar (First Fruits) Glenavy and Crumlin (Connor) 1660; Curate Magherameske (1661 Visitation).
United with Tullyrusk (1661 Visitation)
(6) 1661 RICHARD DAVYS instituted 26 Mar (First Fruits)
(7) 1675 ALEXANDER MOORE instituted 1/11 Sept with Camlin & Tullyrusk (First Fruits)
Vicar Glenavy, Camlin and Tullyrusk (Connor) 1675 (First Fruits); Precentor of Connor 1687 (First Fruits) (He subsequently joined the Church of Rome and received from King James 11 a dispensation to continue in this dignity but was deprived soon after.)
(8) 1680 – 1694 PHILIP MATTHEWS, Or LEMUEL MATTHEWS, (Phillip 1693/1694 visitation); resident 11 Sep 1694 (First Fruits) c1644 – 1705
Born c1644 Swansea Wales; matriculated Lincoln College Oxford 25 May 1661 aged 17
Schoolmaster at Carrickfergus 1661 (Royal Visitation); Chaplain to Bishop Jeremy Taylor; Vicar Glenavy and Prebendary of Cairncastle (Connor) 1666-1694; Vicar Aghagallon Magherameske and Aghalee (Dromore) instituted 7 Oct 1668 (First Fruits); Archdeacon of Down 1674 – 1694; attained 1689. (He was deprived of his Archdeaconry for neglect of duty and other misdemeanours by a special Visitation held at Lisburn 1693/1694 The Lord Justices appear to have restored him to the Prebendary but not to the Archdeacon)
Son of Rev Meredith Matthews and brother of Rev Meredith Matthews and uncle to Venerable Philip Mathews Archdeacon of Connor.
Died 1705 acc to DNB
Publications: A Pindarique Elegy upon the death of Bishop Jeremy Taylor, Dublin, 1667
The Argument of Archdeacon Matthews for a commission of Delegates upon his appeals and decrees of Nullities, 1704
(9) 1695 ROBERT QUAILE, instituted 23 Jan (First Fruits)
D 12 Jul 1691 by Baptist Bishop of Sodor and Man p 4 Jun 1693 (Diocesan Register) Down; Vicar Glenavy, Grange and Camlin and Vicar Tullyrusk (Connor) 1695 (First Fruits)
Buried 3 Jun 1697 at Lisburn (Parish Register). Will proved 1687
(10) 1697 HENRY MITCHELL instituted 13 Dec (First Fruits)
Vicar Glenavy Camlin and Tullyrusk (Connor) 1697 (First Fruits)
(11) 1707 GEORGE WILKINS, instituted 9 Sept (First Fruits)
c1675 – 1716
Born Lisburn; baptised Lisburn 22 July 1675; educated by Mr Harvey Lisburn; entered Trinity College Dublin 10 May 1693 aged 18 Schol 1696 MA 1697
Curate Glenavy (Connor) – 1707; Vicar 1707 – 1716; Rector Lisburn 1716 – 1727
Son of Rev Joseph ; married and had issue:
1. John baptised Lisburn 16 Apr 1716
2. James baptised Lisburn 9 Oct 1718
3. A daughter married John Lee of Limerick and through the Lee family a MS known as the Haslam MS was preserved and is now in the PRONI and it includes an account of William 111’s visit to Lisburn.
Died between 25 June and 12 July 1727
(12) 1716 BENJAMIN GATFIELD, instituted 1 Nov (First Fruits)
c1684 –
born c1684 Basildon; Matric Exeter College Oxford 5 may 1702 aged 18 BA 1706 MA
Curate Glenavy (Connor) – 1716; Vicar 1716 – 1724
Son of James Gatfield Vicar Basildon Berkshire
(The Benjamin Gatfield who married 26 Nov 1729 at Seagoe Elizabeth Fleming was probably his son)
(13) 1724 ANTHONY ROGERS, inducted 12 Aug (Diocesan Register)
c1689/1690 – 1741
Born c1689/1690 Dowdeshall Gloucs; Queen’s College Oxford matriculated 16 Mar 1705/1706 aged 16 BA 1709 MA 1712 P 11 Sep 1713 (Oxford); R Whittington (Gloucester) 1718; Glenavy (Connor) 1724 – 1727; Lisburn 1727 – 1741; Portaferry (Down) and Chancery of Down 1729 – 1741
Son of Thomas Rogers (plebanus); married 13 Nov 1733 Lisburn Cathedral Anne Redmond (died 25 Sep 1751).
1. Conway died 26 Nov 1837
2. Henrietta Anne buried 26 Mar 1837
3. Margaret Alice
4. William (died 21 Sept 1817) and issue a daughter Anne (d 8 Aug 1824) married Major William Stewart 35th Regt of Foot.
Died 15 Jan 1741 Lisburn and buried at Lisburn Cathedral (monument Inscription quoted in Carmody p 40)
(14) 1727 ANTHONY WELSH, – 1763?
Entered Trinity College Dublin 15 May 1721 (no particulars given) BA not recorded MA 1729
Vicar Glenavy (Connor) 1727 – 1763 (Diocesan Register); Ballinderry 1730 – 1763
Perhaps son of Anthony Walsh (gent) of Lisburn whose Prerogative Will was proved 1729; married 19 Aug 1749 St Mary Dublin Mary Tipping (died at Clare St Dublin 1776 aged 55) (Freeman’s Journal 1-3 Oct 1776 and FDJ Sep 28-10 Oct 1776). Issue only son Anthony Roy School Armagh entered Trinity College Dublin Jul 1773 aged 17 and entered Lincoln’s Inn 9 Feb 1776.
United with Ballinderry, Camlin and Tullyrusk (1754)
(15) 1763 CONWAY BENNING, instituted 8 Jun (First Fruits)
Baptised 19 Mar 1737 at Lisburn Cathedral; educated by Mr Arthur; entered Trinity College Dublin 5 Feb 1755 BA 1760 LL.born and LL.D 1776
D 7 June 1760 Belfast by William Bishop of Down p 1761; Vicar Glenavy, Camlin and Tullyrush (Connor) 1763 – 70; Vicar Culfeightrin 1766 – 70; Rector Donacloney (D&D) Rector Magherally Archdeacon of Dromore 1770 – 77; Vicar Rathmolyon (Meath) 1778 – 1823
Son of James Benning of Lisburn Co Antrim by Jane (nee Reed) (who were married at Lisburn 8 Aug 1727); married 26 Jan 1770 at Carrickfergus Anne (died 5 Sep 1819 in her 76th year) daughter of Henry Ellis of Prospect Carrickfergus. Issue 1. Conway (Lieut RA 25 July 1795; Capt 66th Foot 8 Jan 1807 killed at Albuera 16 May 1811) “. James married 13 Sep 1801 St Peter’s Dublin Charlotte Berry sister of Frederick Berry Birr. She d his widow 10 Jan 1830 3. Eleanor married 22 May 1795 Noah Webb Dalway of Bellahill Co Antrim MP for Carrickfergus and was ancestress of that family 4. Millicent Mary married 14 Nov 1798 Samuel Allen MD son of Samuel Allen of Lisconnan Co Antrim and had issue 10 children.
Her grandson Conway Dighton compiled an account of Conway Benning printed in The Families of French and Nixon H. born. Swanzy 5, Jane married 12 Sept 1800 Thomas Higinbotham of Dublin.
(member of the Amicable Annuity Company of Newry admitted 1 Aug 1770)
Died 30 Mar 1823 bur at Rathmolyon. Memorial Tablet in Church
(16) 1770 JOHN PHIBBS, (PHIPPS) instituted 5 Jul (First Fruits)
Probably John son of Charles Phipps schoolmaster who was born in Dublin; educated there by Dr Sheridan; entered Trinity College Dublin 16 Feb 1724/5 aged 17 BA 1730
Vicar Culfeightrin (Connor) May – July 1770 (First Fruits); Glenavy 1770 -77
Died 1777 (DR)
(17) 1777 – 1782 HENRY REYNETT, instituted 1 Apr (Diocesan Register)
born 3 Feb 1736 (Johnson Family bible) Sanhills Parish of Galloon (Clog); educated by Mr Norris; entered Trinity College Dublin 7 May BA 1758; Univ of Edin DD 20 Nov 1793
Curate. Annahilt (Dromore) 1761; Vicar. Magheragall (Connor) 1765 – 77; Glynn 1773 (First fruits) Glenavy 1777 – 82; Billy 1782 – 90. Res.
son of Lieut Henry Reynett; married 1st 12 Oct 1761 Lisburn Henrietta daughter of Rev Thomas Johnson; married 2nd 11 Oct 1770 Belfast Parish Church Mary daughter of Rev Gilbert Kennedy of Belfast by Elizabeth daughter of Rev Hamilton Traill Rector Killinchy (Down). Issue (by his 2nd wife) James Traill Reynett baptised Belfast 13 Feb 1772 by James Traill Bishop of Down.
(18) 1783 SAMAREZ DUBOURDIEU, instituted 1 Apr (Diocesan Register)
Born 1 Sept 1717; educated by Mr Dufay; entered Trinity College Dublin 15 may 1734 BA 1738; grad Edinburgh University MD 12 Sep 1793
Minister of the French Congregation at Lisburn c 1756; Curate Lambeg (Connor) from 1768 and Vicar Glenavy 1783 – 1812
Son of John Armand Dubourdieu Minister of the Savoy Chapel and Chap to the Duke of Richmond and Lennox (a Huguenot) by Charlotte, Countess D’Esponage; married June 1750 (ML June 8) Mary daughter of Rev Shem Thompson Vicar Kilcock (Meath). Issue 1. Rev John (see above) 2. Shem Medical Officer Co Longford Infirmary married Jane Brown died 10 Aug 1819 3. Samarez born 1766 Surgeon to Longford Militia died unmarried 21 Aug 1801 4. Charlotte died 10 Aug 1827 5. Anne died unmarried.
(Opened School in Leixlip Co Kildare; and a Classical School in Bow Street Lisburn 2 Aug 1756)
Died 14 Dec 1812
The following is an extract from The Parish of Lambeg by Rev. H.C. Marshall. Published in 1933 by Victor McMurray, Lisburn.
Saumarez Dubourdieu
He was the son of the Rev. Jean Armang Dubourdieu, and Charlotte, Countess d’Esponage. The family tradition says that his father escaped as an infant with his mother from France at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and in later years was minister of the French Church in Savoy, London, which was the principal West-end congregation and was frequented by the most distinguished of the Huguenots.
There was another minister of the Savoy named Jean Dubourdieu who was celebrated as a preacher and still more as an author. He was chaplain to three Dukes of Schomberg in succession, and was with the last Duke at the Battle of the Boyne. In 1707 he preached a sermon in London which was afterwards published, wherein he alluded to the French King Louis XIV, as a Pharaoh to the oppressed Huguenots of France. The French King singled him out from the many refugee preachers in England and demanded, through his minister in London, that he should be punished. Louis’ complaint was formally referred to the Bishop of London (the French Church being under his jurisdiction) and Dubourdieu was asked for his reply. He stated that during the War he had, after the example of several prelates and clergymen of the Church of England, preached freely against the common enemy and persecutor of the church, and as the greater part of his sermons had been printed with his name affixed he was far from disowning them, but that since the proclamation of the Peace of Utrecht he had not said anything that did in the least affect the French King. However, no further steps were taken.
This Jean Dubourdieu was probably an uncle of Jean Armand Dubourdieu mentioned above; a French satire of the period is pointed at “Jean Armand and his uncle Jean” of the Savoy.
Saumarez Dubourdieu was born in Dublin (according to “Alumni Dublinenses”), on 1st September, 1717, but was baptized at the French Church of Les-Crecs, London, the entry in the Baptismal Register reading:- “Dubourdieu: 4 Sep. Saumarez, fils de. M. Jean Armand de l’Eglise de Savoy et de Charlotte”. He was educated by Mr. Dufay and entered T.C.D. on 15th May, 1734, and graduated B.A. Vern 1738.
Afterwards he conducted a school at Hillsboro’. Leixlip, Co.Dublin, and opened a classical school in Bow Street, Lisburn, on 2nd August, 1756. In an advertisement in the “Belfast News-Letter” of that time it stated, in connection with this school, “there is good accommodation for lodgers in the town, he has room in his house for a small number of boarders who will have an opportunity (besides the learned languages) of being taught French.”
It is supposed that Saumarez Dubourdieu was brought to Lisburn through the influence of his relative, the Rev. Charles de la Valade, who was the first minister of the French church there.
We now come to his connection with Lambeg. As well as holding his school in Lisburn (which the monument in Lisburn Cathedral tells us he did for 56 years) Saumarez Dubourdieu was minister of the French church in the same town, and, according to the inscription on his tombstone in Lambeg church-yard, he held this latter position for “a longer period” than 50 years. But, according to the tombstone, he was also “officiating clergyman” of Lambeg for 50 years, though no dates are given. From other sources we know that he was appointed Vicar of Glenavy in 1783 and remained there till his death in 1812. All this is somewhat confusing and we are afraid definite dates cannot be given for his stay in Lambeg. We know that he was in Lambeg in 1768 and 1796, according to Diocesan Visitations, and that he signed the vestry minutes on 4th April, 1774, and 27th May, 1776. Doubtless he must have held some of his appointments in plurality. Probably he was responsible for Lambeg Parish while still minister of the French Church, as well as holding his school there, and held the parishes of Lambeg and Glenavy in plurality after he had relinquished his other positions in Lisburn. We leave it at that.
He married, in March, 1750, Mary, daughter of the Rev. Shem Thompson, D.D., Vicar of Kilcock, Co. Kildare, and had issue:-
(1) John: Born in Dublin, 1755; B.A., T.C.D., 1775; Deacon (Dromore) 1775, Priest (Down) 1777; Assist. Curate of Killead 1775; Assist Curate of Annahilt 1778; Rector of Annahilt 1789 – 1817; Vicar of Moira 1817 – 1821; Rector and Vicar of Drumgooland and Drumballyroney 1821 – 1839. He married, on 28th March, 1780, in Lisburn Cathedral, Margaret Sampson (who died 5th April, 1817) by whom he had four sons and four daughters. He compiled statistical surveys of the Counties Antrim and Down and died on 29th July, 1839.
(2) Shem: for over 29 years Medical Officer of Co. Longford Infirmary. He married Jane Brown and had issue. He died on 10th August, 1819.
(3) Saumarez: born 1766; Surgeon to Royal Longford Regiment of Militia. Died, unmarried, at Ennis on 21st August, 1801, and was buried in Old Franciscan Abbey there, while his brother officers erected over his resting place a memorial to his memory.
(4) Charlotte: died at Lisburn on 10th August, 1827
(5) Anna: died, unmarried, prior to 1827
The Rev. Saumarez Dubourdieu, who resided in Seymour Street, Lisburn, died on 14th December, 1812, and was buried in Lambeg Churchyard two days later. The inscription on his tombstone, which was repaired a few years ago, will be of interest:-
“Here lieth the Body of the Reverend
Suamarez Dubourdieu, A.M.
Who was Fifty years Officiating Clergyman
of this Parish
and for a longer period Minister of the
French Protestant Church of Lisburn.
Subsequently Vicar of the Parish of Glenavy.
He was also Master of the Classical School of Lisburn.
The youth committed to his care
he instructed in useful and in ornamental learning
The flock of which he was the Pastor
in the true principles of the Christian
And all who witnessed his conduct
by the bright example of a well-spent
He died on the 14th Day of December 1812,
aged 96 years and 3 months.
His grateful scholars
in remembrance of his virtue
have caused this stone to be dedicated to his
and a monument more suitable to his
merits and to their gratitude
in the Parish Church
The following is a translation of his lengthy inscription in Latin which is on his monument in Lisburn Cathedral: –
This monument is erected to the memory of the
Rev. Saumarez Dubourdieu, A.M., Minister of
The French Protestant Church in this town,
Vicar of the Parish of Glenavy, and fifty-six
Years master of the Classical School of Lisburn.
In manners he was courteous and unaffected,
In conduct pious, candid, and of strict integrity,
Descended from French Parentage,
Who had been forced from the land of their nativity
By religious persecution,
He merited and obtained for himself
A name, a habitation, and a country among strangers
Unwarped by worldly allurements,
He instructed the youth committed to his care,
In learning, useful and ornamental;
The flock of which he was Pastor,
In the pure principles of the Christian Faith;
And all who were witnesses of his conduct,
By the bright example of a life well-spent.
By a wife deservedly dear to him,
He left four children,
Worthy of such a parent.
He departed this life on the 14th December, 1812,
Aged ninety-six years and three months,
His Scholars,
In grateful remembrance of his virtues
Have caused this marble
To be erected.”
(19) 1813 EDWARD CUPPLES, LL.born., instituted 27 Feb (First Fruits)
born c1785 baptised at Carrickfergus 2 Aug 1785; entered Trinity College Dublin 4 Jan 1802 aged 17 BA 1806 LL.born 1809 D 1807 p 1809; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1808; Vicar 1813 – 45. Res
son of Rev Snowden Cupples and Elinor (nee Ross) and brother of Rev Thomas Cupples (see below).
Died 22 Nov 1857 at Lisburn.
(20) 1845 – 1851 ROSS JEBB, M.A., instituted 15 Aug (First Fruits)
born c 1782 Dublin; educated by Mr Lyons; entered Trinity College Dublin 6 Jan 1797 Schol 1800 BA 1802
Curate Drumachose (Derry) 1808; Belfast (Connor) 1814 – 16; Knackered (Down) 1820; Vicar Tickmacrevan (Connor) 1832 – 45; Glenavy 1845 – 51
son of Dr Frederick Jebb Master of the Rotunda Hospital by Elizabeth daughter of Major William Somerville who was grandson of Sir James Somerville 1st Bart MP; married Fanny..(died at Glenavy Glebe 2 Dec 1848). Issue 1. Frederick Engineer US Navy died 20 Jun 1863 on Board the Hospital Ship “Red Rover” Mississippi Squadron (BNL) 2. William married at Ballyculter Church 16 Aug 1869 Julia widow of Samuel Wilson (son of Rev John Wilson Vicar Ballyculter (Down) ) 3. Edward 4. Thomas Casement 5. (his 2nd daughter) Elizabeth died 24th Jan 1865 at the residence of Rev John Wilson Car Lough (BNL).
Died 10 Jul 1851 aged 70 at Glenavy Glebe (Gents Magazine Sep 1851)
(21) 1852 EDWARD JOHNSON-SMYTH, M.A., instituted 9 Jan (Diocesan Register)
born c 1815 Co Down; educated by Mr Ringwood; entered Trinity College Dublin 12 Oct 1838 aged 23 BA 1842 MA 1850
D 1843 p 1844; Curate Atherton (Connor) 1843; Derraghy 1844 – 52; Vicar Glenavy 1852 – 85. Res
son of Thomas Smyth gen; married 1st Aemilia (?Stewart) died The Glebe Glenavy 1st April aged 67; married 2nd Jane daughter of William Scott of Knapogue Castle Co Clare. Issue 1. son Edward Johnson-Smyth Chap in World War 1 died at Rouen.
Publication: Correspondence between Rev E J Smyth Vicar of Glenavy and Rev George Pye RC Priest, Belfast, 1854.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated January 13 1852 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
The Rev. Edward Johnson Smyth, A.M., curate of Derriaghy, has been promoted to the union of the vicarage of Glenavy, in the diocese of Down and Connor, consisting of the vicarages of Glenavy, Camlin and Tullyrusk, on the presentation of the Marquis of Hertford, the patron of this benefice, worth about £300 per annum, paid by his lordship, who is lay rector.
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard Friday 27th February 1925.
Johnson-Smyth – February 21st 1925, Charlotte (Zenana Bible and Medical Mission, Benares), daughter of the late Thomas Johnson-Smyth, Glenavy, County Antrim, grand-daughter of the late Edward Johnson-Smyth, Rector of Glenavy.
(22) 1885 CHARLES WATSON, born.D., instituted 21 Mar (Diocesan Register)

Rev Charles Watson
Trinity College Dublin BA 1877 MA 1880 BD 1891D 1877 p 1878; Curate Bangor (Down) 1877 – 80; Rector Ardglass 1880 – 85; Vicar Glenavy (Connor) 1885 – 97; Rector Newcastle (Dromore) 1897 – 1905; Archdeacon of Dromore 1900 – 05. res
married 29 Dec 1880 at the house of the bride’s mother in Belfast Jane daughter of Charles Finlay of Belfast. Died 28 Apr 1907 Finglas
Publication: Glenavy Past and Present, Belfast, 1892.
Died 17 Dec 1887.
(23) 1897 JOHN HENRY MERVYN instituted 21 May (Diocesan Register)
born 1863 Banbridge Co Down; Trinity College Dublin BA 1885 Divinity Testimonium 1886 MA 1890
D 1886 p 1887; Curate Carrickfergus (Connor) 1886 – 89; St Anne Belfast 1889 – 94; Acting CF Belfast 1890 – 97;
Evangelist Lect St Paul Belfast 1894 – 96; Rector Glenavy 1897 – 99; Diocesan Curate and Assistant Inspector of Schools Down 1899 – 1908; Hon Min Can Belfast Cathedral 1906 – 15; Diocesan Inspector Schoolss Religious Education 1908 – 16; Rector Ballyhill (Connor) 1916 – 35; ret
son of Gore Mervyn Inspector RIC (descendant of the Mervyns of Forthill Wilts and Castlemervyn Trillick Co Tyrone) by Mary Anne (nee Howe: a descendant of Admiral Howe); married 5 Jan 1907 Tullylish CH Prudence Elizabeth daughter of John Myles of Limerick and sister of Very Rev Edward Albert Myles Dean of Dromore and of Sir Thomas Myles; no issue.
Died 20 Jan 1943
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard Saturday 28th September 1899
Advert –
The Vicarage, Glenavy
Auction of Household Furniture Cow, & E
We have been instructed by the Rev. John Mervyn (who is removing) to Sell by AUCTION, on the premises as above, on Friday, October 6th 1899 at 11 o’clock,
The entire household furniture, comprising:- Dining Table, Overmantle, Easy Chairs, Rocking and other chairs, Mahogany and other tables, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Spring and Hair mattresses, Wardrobes, Washstands and Ware, Dressing Glasses, Pictures, fenders and Fire Irons, Linoleum, Towel Rails, Lamps, Delf, Kitchen utensils, Boiler, Mangle, Bin, Press, Milk Crocks, &c, &c; also One Cow in full milk, Calf, quantity Hay, Hot Bed frames, Lawn Mower, quantity Wire Paling (about 150 yards), Water Barrels, Wheelbarrow, Ladders, Spades, Shovels, Graipes, Forks, and sundry implements and Effects too numerous to mention. Terms – Cash and Auction Commission. Ferguson & Harvey, Auctioneers and Valuers, 24 Arthur Street, Belfast; and Lisburn.
(24) 1899 JOHN MOORE BOYLE GLOVER instituted 30 Sep (Diocesan Register)

Rev J.M. Boyle-Glover
Trinity College Dublin BA 1891 Downes Lit Pri (1) 1892 MA 1894D 1889 p 1891; Curate Down (Down) 1889 – 91; Rector Annahilt 1891 – 99; Vicar Glenavy (Connor) 1899 – 1914; St. Saviour’s Battersea Park (Southwark) 1914 – 25; Rector Wool Hampton (Ox) 1925 –
Died 7 Aug 1943
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard, Friday , August 14, 1914
Offer to Glenavy Vicar
The trustees of the parish of St. Saviour’s, Battersea Park, London, S.W., have offered the living to the Rev. J. Boyle Glover, vicar of Glenavy. In making the offer one of the trustees (Canon Allen Edwards, of South Lambeth) writes – “We do so with the greatest heartiness and unanimity, and very much hope you will be led to accept it.” Rev. J. Boyle Glover has written to the trustees asking for a little time to consider their kind and entirely unexpected offer.
There is a Memorial dedicated to Rev J.B.Glover at St John’s, Crumlin – read about the Unveiling Ceremony at Crumlin Church.
(25) 1914 RANDOLPH REGINALD MUIR instituted 5 Feb (Diocesan Register)

Rev R.R. Muir (1914-1932)
born c 1878; QUB BA 1900D 1903 p 1904; Curate St Aidan Belfast (Connor) 1903 – 6; Kilkeel (Dromore) 1906 – 8; Seapatrick 1908 – 10; Min Can and Res Preacher Down Cathedral 1910 – 12; Vicar Saint field (Down) 1912 – 14; Glenavy (Connor) 1914 – 32; ret
son of George Alexander Johnstone Muir of Larne Co Antrim; married 30 Apr 1918 St Mark Dundela Belfast Martha Evelyn daughter of Joseph Lewis of Sandycroft Bloomfield Co Down
Died 28 Jul 1938 aged 60.
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, July 1st 1916.
Military Cross for Glenavy Rector’s Nephew
Second – Lieutenant James Lennox Muir (attached 1st Battalion) Royal Irish Rifles, who had been awarded the Military Cross, is the youngest son of the late Mr. G.A.J. Muir, V.S., Larne, and nephew of the Rev. R.R. Muir, B.A., rector of Glenavy. He went to the front a few months ago.
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard Friday July 29 1938.
Death of Rev R R Muir BA, Glenavy
The death took place yesterday at Thornleigh, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast of the Rev Robert Randolph Muir BA, late vicar of Glenavy. Aged 59, Mr Muir retired about six years ago owing to ill-health.
A native of Westport, County Mayo, Mr Muir was the son of the late George Johnstone Muir, who cane from Ayrshire. He was a graduate of the Royal University of Ireland. In the course of his career he was curate of St Aidan’s (Belfast), Kilkeel, and Sea Patrick (Banbridge) when the late Bishop Grierson was rector. Later, he was a minor canon at Downpatrick, rector of Saintfield, and then vicar of Glenavy. Deceased leaves a widow and three young sons who are at school.
(26) 1932 ROBERT AUGUSTINE MOLLAN instituted 26 Sept (Diocesan Register)

Rev. A.A. Mollan (1932-1935)
born 23 May 1895 Borris-in-Ossory Leix; ed King’s Hosp Dublin; Trinity College Dublin BA 1919 Divinity Testimonium (2) 1921 MA 1922D 1921 p 1922; Curate St Donard Belfast (Down) 1921 – 23; Diocesan Curate Clogher 1923 – 27; Christ Church Lisburn (Connor) 1927 – 32; Rector Glenavy 1932 – 35; Kilwaughter Cairncastle and Raloo 1936 – 42; Clogher Cathedral 1942 – 51; Can of Clog and Preb of Tullycorbet 1944 – 51; Precentor of Clog 1951 – 60; Rector Ballybay Aughnamullen and Crossduff 1951 – 66; RD of Ballybay 1951 – 66; Can and Preb of Donaghmore in St. Patrick’s Cathedral Dublin 1960 – 62; Dean of Clog 1962 -66; ret
Son of Rev Robert Moriaty Mollan Rector Desertegney (Derry) (son of Rev Robert Mollan Rector Drumgath (Dromore) 1878) by Elizabeth daughter of George Seale of Ballycuddy Johnston Co Kilkenny; married 19 Jul 1939 Dora Usher daughter of Rev Canon Charles Smith Rector Drumquin (Derry) by Dorothea Carleton daughter of Benjamin Harden of Clontarf Dublin. Issue 1. Dorothea Elizabeth born 20 Dec 1941 married 22 Aug 1963 Peter Boyle son of Rev Richard Henry Boyle, Rector Banagher U (Meath) 1960 2. Robert Charles born 28 Dec 1942 Trinity College Dublin BA 1964 married 13 Sep 1969 at Radlett Par Ch Herts Philippa Caithness.
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald 26th November 1932.
Glenavy parish
Rev. R.A. Mollan welcomed
On Wednesday evening last the Protestant Hall at Glenavy was packed to its very utmost at a social meeting organised to welcome the Rev. R.A. Mollan, M.A. to the parish as curate-in-charge. This was the first meeting of the kind held for some years past and aroused great interest. The hall was nicely decorated by the ladies, and the general atmosphere was of the most happy and cheerful description.
The Rev. W.B. Jones, M.A., rector of Christ Church, Lisburn, presided, and the proceedings were opened by the singing of “O God our help in ages past” and prayer by Mr. Mollan.
Short addresses of hearty welcome to the new minister were given by the chairman, the Rev. J.W. Minchin, M.A.; Rev. W.A. de V. Lloyd Dodd, M.A.; Rev. J. Walton, M.A, Methodist minister; Colonel H.A. Pakenham, C.M.G., D.L.; Mrs. Molloy, Mr. J. Thompson, people’s churchwarden; and Mr. J. Walker, secretary to the Select Vestry.
Rev. R.A. Mollan thanked the parishioners for their very hearty welcome, and said that he was greatly encouraged by the support he was receiving.
During the evening an entertaining programme rendered. Recitations were given by Miss M Wilson and Mr. A.T. Annesley; and songs by Miss Allen, Miss Pat Williams, Messrs. Charles Allen, John Allen, and D. Williams; also a quintet, “The Quakeresses” by the Misses M.Wilson, E. Wilson and P.Walker.
Votes of thanks were passed to the chair and speakers on the proposition of Messrs. D. Mairs, J.P.; Alexander Woods, J.H. Haslett, and D. Johnston, the pleasant proceedings concluding with the singing of the National Anthem.
(27) 1936 WILLIAM JOHN CHAMBERS Curate-in-charge 1936 – 1937; Rector 1939-1949

Rev W.J. Chambers
D 1925 p 1928; Curate Charles Plymouth (Ex) 1925; St Matthew Belfast (Connor) 1927 – 32; Curate-in-charge Drumlane (Kilmore) 1932 – 36; Curate-in-charge Glenavy (Connor) 1936 – 37; Rector 1937 – 49married and had issue: 1. Kathleen 2. Doris 3. Frederick. Died Aug 1949 (Literature table dedicated to his memory in Glenavy Ch Jan 1975.)
The following is an extract from a newspaper cutting scrap book, original date and source unknown.
The death of Rev. William John Chambers, Vicar of Glenavy, has cast a gloom over the Parish. The sad event took place on Sunday night in the Lagan Valley Hospital, where deceased had been receiving treatment for the past fortnight.
The late Mr Chambers came to Glenavy 14 years ago as curate-in-charge, in succession to Rev. R.A. Mollan, M.A., and in a short space of time was raised to the status of vicar. Previous to taking Holy Orders he was in the Army and spent a number of years with the Ordnance Department, having served during the first World War in Mesopotamia and other places in the East. He left the Army with the rank of Major, and was ordained in England 24 years ago. Later he came to Belfast as curate of St. Matthew’s, Shankill Road, and after holding an appointment as Rector of Drumlane, Co. Cavan, returned to his former parish as curate.
Mr. Chambers claimed long connection with the Church of Ireland, through his mother and grandmother the latter marrying Rev. Thomas Welsh, Rector of Tartarghan, Co. Armagh.
Keen Church Worker.
During his time as Vicar of Glenavy, Mr. Chambers was instrumental in carrying out extensive renovations to the Vicarage and the Curatage, and the present Parish Church, which was rebuilt in 1939 after a disastrous fire, is a lasting memorial to his keen sense of forethought in having nothing but the best in the House of God.
Being very fond of music he took a great interest in the choir, and at his last service, three weeks ago, joined heartily in the singing.
The funeral took place at Clonallon, Warrenpoint, on Wednesday after a service in the Parish Church at 2pm. Further details will be given next week.
To his son, Dr. Chambers, Medical Officer at Castlederg, and his two daughters much sympathy is extended in their heavy bereavement.
(28) 1950 ARTHUR JOHN ERNEST CAMPBELL instituted 20 July (Diocesan Register)

Rev. A.J.E. Campbell (1950-1962)
born 20 Jun 1910 Athlone Co Westmeath; educated Ranelagh School Athlone & Mountjoy School Dublin; Trinity College Dublin BA & Divinity Testimonium 1933 MA 1938
D 1934 p 1935; Curate St Matthew Belfast (Connor) 1934 – 42; Incumbent Drumright (Dromore) 1942 – 49; Glenavy (Connor) 1950 – 61; Rector St Matthew Belfast 1961 – 74; RD Dunserverick 1974 – 78; ret
Son of Arthur Campbell of Ballydrum Co Longford (son of John Campbell of Ballydrum Co Longford) by Sarah Jane (sister of Dean Henry Robert Brett above) daughter of John Brett of Dromore West Co Sligo (grandfather of Rev John Thomas Armstrong (see above); married 2 Apr 1956 St George Belfast Edith Mary daughter of William and Henrietta Walker, Grosvenor Road, Belfast.
Died 2 Jan 1989.
Publication – History of Shankill Parish – St Matthew Belfast
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 23rd December 1961 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Institution of Rector.
Many of his former parishioners travelled from Glenavy to Belfast on Saturday for the Institution of the rev. A.J.E. Campbell as incumbent of the parish of Shankill.
The ceremony, performed by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt. Rev. Dr. R.C.H. Elliott, took place in St.Matthew’s Church, Shankill Road, Belfast.
Mr. Campbell has been rector of Glenavy since 1949 and was at one time a curate in St. Matthew’s. In his sermon Dr. Elliott told the parishioners that they had in their new rector one who would worthily uphold the high traditions in the ancient parish of Shankill.
Commenting on the Shankill’s long history, he said that the present church was now almost 90 years old, having been consecrated in 1872. It had been preceded by several others, some of them dating back to Celtic times.
The Rev. R.C. Sinclair, curate assistant in Glenavy, will be in charge of the parish until the appointment of Mr. Campbell’s successor.
(29) 1962 – 1976 ST GEORGE CHARLES HERBERT LUNDY instituted 3 Feb (Diocesan Register)

Rev St. G.C.H. Lundy
born 23 Apr 1914; educated Drogheda Gram School; Trinity College Dublin (3rd cl Mod History and Political Science) 1936 Divinity Testimonium (2) 1938 MA 1940D 1938 p 1939; Curate Christ Church Lisburn (Connor) 1938 – 41; Curate St Mary Belfast 1941 – 43; Curate-in-charge St Mark Ballysillan Belfast 1943 -45; Ballintoy 1945 – 52; Rector St Silas Belfast 1952 – 62; I Glenavy 1962 – 76
son of George Thomas and Annie Bridget Mason Lundy of Dublin; married 1 Sep 1942 Harriet daughter of Samuel and Harriet Waring of Lisburn
Died 11 Sep 1976
- The final resting place of the Rev. Lundy at Ballintoy Parish Church
- The final resting place of the Rev. Lundy at Ballintoy Parish Church
(30) 1977 – 1992 THOMAS OLIVER THOMPSON instituted 21 June (Diocesan Register)
Born Coleraine; educated Coleraine Technical College; Trinity College Dublin Dip Bibl Stud 1963 (Accountant before Ordination)
D 1963 p 1964; Curate Christ Church Lisburn (Connor) 1963 – 1968; Chaplain/Supt Ulster Inst for the deaf 1968 – 1977; Vicar Glenavy (Connor) 1977 – 92; retired
(31) 1993 TIMOTHY WRIGHT instituted 5 Mar (Diocesan Register)
born Birmingham; educated Blue Coat School Walsall; NUU B.Sc 1985; Cranmer Hall Theological College St John’s College Durham Cert in Theology
D 2 July 1989 p 30 June 1990; Curate St Michael & AA Bramcote (S’well) 1989 – 93; I Glenavy & Crumlin (Connor) 1993 instituted 5 Mar.
son of Charles Alan and Josephine (nee Tibenhan) Southwell
(1) 1707 GEORGE WILKINS see Vicar no. 11 for details
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1713
(3) 1716 BENJAMIN GATFIELD see Vicar no. 12 for details
Born 27th December 1695, Lisburn; Trinity College Schol 1716 BA 1717
D 6 September 1719 Kilmore Cathedral; Curate Devilish (Clogher) 1721; Glenavy (Connor) 1725; Dunaghy 1731; Vicar Louguile 1736-63; and Curate Dunaghy again 1743 and to 1759 (Visitation Book); Rector Dunaghy 1763 – 1769
Son of Thomas and Hannah Lascelles Rogers of Lisburn; married 9th December 1725 Anna Harma daughter of Alexander Harma Lieut 46th Foot. Issue 1. George b 19 June 1736 ( in the Army) 2. Henry b 17 January 1728 3. Thomas born 3rd March 1739 died 10 March 1739 4. Alexander born 27th April 1742 died 19th June 1742 5. Lascalles of Clough County Antrim born 12th October 1743 died at Belfast 7th March 1829 aged 85. 6. William born 3rd January 1748 7. Rachel born 21st September 1726 married John Owen of Tildarg, County Antrim. (Their grandson was Venerable George Christopher Smythe Archdeacon of Connor 1893 – 1903) 10. Hester (Pedigree in Ulster Office)
Died 1769. Will dated 22 January 1762 was proved 24th July 1769 (For further details see Mid-Antrim Part 2 pp 66 – 70 by Eull Dunlop 1991)
(5) 1732 AMOS JONES
University of Glasgow MA 10th March 1718 as “Amesius” Jones
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1732 (as Amos) (Visitation Book) Vicar Tickmacrevan 1734 – 1747
Born c 1708 County Antrim; educated by Mr. Clarke Lisburn; entered Trinity College Dublin 10th July 1726 aged 18 BA 1731
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1735 still here in 1739 (Visitation Book); Perpetual Curate Ardglass 1760
Son of James Cumine JP of Ballyorgan County Down; married Jane Maxwell. Issue 1 James JP of Killough County Down married 1st.Lascelles and 2nd Jan 1792 Mary daughter of Very Rev. James Dickson Dean of Down and widow of Rev. Edward trotter Prebendary of St Andrew (Down); he died 1st June 1821 aged 80 2. John married Millicent daughter of Rev. J. Lindsay Curate Carrickfergus (Connor) and had issue Rev Ralph R Kilpipe and Kiln nor (Ferns) 1802 – 1839. (Will dated 27th July 1761)
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1746 (Visitation Book); Loughguile 1748 (Visitation Book)
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1749; and to 1756 (Visitation Book); District Curate Island Magee – 1758; signed Parliamentary Return 1766 and here in 1768 (Visitation Book) Died 1770 (Lodge)
Born c 1736; educated by Mr. Johnston; entered Trinity College Dublin as Sizarship 4th January 1751 aged 15 Schol 1753 BA 1755
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1759
Son of Richard Taylor.
(10) 1762 JAMES FORDE
Born c 1737 Droheda; educated by Rev Mr Forde Molesworth Street, Dublin; entered Trinity College Dublin 15th April 1757 aged 20 BA 1761
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1762; Vicar Magheradroll (D&D) 1763 – 1816
Son of Robert Forde (merchant); married and had issue 1. Roger entered Trinity College Dublin 1st December 1788 2. Rev James Curate Dromara (Dromore) 3. Selina married February 1802 Hans Ogle of Newry (Faulkner’s Dublin Journal 17th February) and died his widow 30 July 1856 aged 74 at Fathom House Newry 4. Patience married 29th September 1790 John Waring of Bell Hill County Down 5. Sarah married 2nd November 1790 Richard Hutchinson of Stranocum House County Antrim.
Died 1st January 1816 Drogheda
Born c 1737 educated by Mr. McLaughlin; entered Trinity College Dublin as Sizarship 15th June 1756 aged 18 Schol 1759 BA 1760
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1764
Son of Columbus McAllister farmer and brother of Christopher McAllister Curate of Kilroot (Connor) 1768 (Visitation Book)
(12) 1779 DAVID GORDON
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1779
Married and had issue: daughter married 3rd April 1817 Thomas Anderson formerly of Somerset Coleraine (Belfast News Letter 8th April 1817)
(13) 1808 EDWARD CUPPLES see no. 19 Vicar
(14) 1826 – 1845 DANIEL BELL, licensed 2 Feb 1826 (Diocesan Register)
Born 1802 Antrim; educated by Dr. Bell; entered Trinity College Dublin 1821 aged 18 BA 1825 MA 1832
D 1825 p 1827: Curate Tickmacrevan (Connor) 1825; Glenavy 1826 – 1945; Rector Inch (Down) 1845 – 1876; Prebendary in Down cathedral. Res 1876
Son of Edward Bell farmer of Glenavy, County Antrim; married 17th December 1846 (Belfast News Letter) St Ann Dublin, Eliza Fleetwood youngest daughter of Thomas Faulkiner Fleetwood of Banagher by Susanna Sophia (nee Bell) (granddaughter of Alan Bell) Issue 1. Rev Edward born 22nd November 1847 ( Vicar Holy Trinity Loughborough) 2. Thomas Fleetwood born 26th June 1849 3. Henry Daniel born 15th December 1850 4. Rev George Robert 5. Rev. William born 12th September 1861 (Rector Kilmeen (Ross) 1899 – 1902 murdered by a servant 1902) 6. Alan born 13th November 1863 7. Sibylla (Annie) born 30th November 1852 married 12th August 1879 Ambrose P Noble of Loughborough 8. Eliza Margaret born 14th December 1859 (RVHB). All the above were baptised at Inch Parish Church.
Died 1st June 1892 aged 90 at 3 Kenilworth Terrace Rathgar Dublin, buried at Mount Jerome Cemetery.
(15) 1846 DOUGLAS WILLIAM TEAPE, licensed 8 May (Diocesan Register)
Born c 1810 Dublin; educated by Rev. McDonnell; entered trinity College Dublin 20th October 1831 aged 21 BA 1836
D 1837; Curate Foyran (Meath) in 1843; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1846; Craigs 1853; Perpetual Curate Borris-in -Ossory (Oss) 1867 – 1872; Rector Ballyroan (Leigh) 1872 – 1885
Son of William Teape (shopkeeper); married Jan or Feb 1843 Garvaghy Church Charlotte daughter of Joseph Blake of Marymount Dromore County Down.
Died 22nd May 1885 aged 72.
(16) 1846 – 1851 EDWARD MOORE
Born c 1822 County Down; educated by Mr. Frazer; entered Trinity College Dublin aged 17 BA 1844
D 1845 p 1846; Curate Craigs (Connor) 1845 – 1846; Glenavy 1846 – 1851; Perpetual curate Drumnakilly (Armagh) 1851 – 1871; Rector 1872 – 1874
Son of John Moore. Died 30 May 1874 aged 51 (Belfast News Letter)
(17) 1852 WILLIAM TWIBILL, licensed 17 Jan 1853 (Diocesan Register)
Born c 1829 Louth; entered Trinity College Dublin 1846 aged 17 BA and Divinity Testimonium (1) 1851 LL.B
D 1852 p 1853; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1852 – 1853; Bangor (Down) 1853 – 1860; St Audoen’s (Dublin) 1862 – 1864; Rathdrum (Glendalough) 1865 – 88; Donaghmoine (Clogher) 1866 – 1872; Perpetual Curate Pomeroy (Armagh) 1873 – 1879; Rector Drumcree 1879 – 1883; Curate St Thomas Dublin (Dublin) 1883 – 1884; Rector Kilt Egan (Leigh) 1884 0 1898; Preb of Ullard 1895 – 1900
Son of George Twibill; married (as her second husband) Jane Hamilton (died 17th September 1901) daughter of Rev Archibald Hamilton Perpetual Curate Derg (Derry) 1808 – 1849.
Born c 1828 Leicestershire; educated by Mr Martin; entered Trinity College Dublin 5th May aged 17 BA and Divinity Testimonium (2) 1851
D 1852 p 1853; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1853; Perpetual Curate Gartree 1853 – 1898; Inspector of Church Schools Diocesan Down Connor and Dromore
Son of Rev Samuel Roe; married Elizabeth Malvina (died 1st March 1902 at Donore House, Muckamore) daughter of Robert Fitzgerald JP of Levally Rathdowney.
Died 25th November 1898 aged 70.
(19) 1853 – 1856 JAMES MARSHALL,
Born c 1826; educated Belfast Coll ; entered Trinity College Dublin 1st July 1844 aged 18 BA (June Mod Eth and Log) 1849 MA and Divinity Testimonium (1) 1853; entered Gray’s Inn 29th April 1848 as junior Sophister Trinity College Dublin; called to the Irish Bar 1850.
D 1853 p 1854; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1853 – 1856; Perpetual Curate St Mark Ballysillan Belfast 1856 – 1884; to New Zealand; Incumbent St Mark Aroha Auckland 1891 – 1889; minister Ellerslie Auckland 1889 – 1892; Exam Chap to Bishop of Auckland 1891 – 1900; retired 1892; Licensed to Officiate Diocese Auckland 1904.
Son of Rev James Marshall Millford County Donegal; married and had issue 1. A daughter born at Ballysillan 6th March 1863 2. A daughter born 1st August 1864 (Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette)
B c 1823 Dublin; educated privately; entered Trinity College Dublin 6th November 1843 aged 20 BA 1850
D 1853 p 1854; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1855; Perpetual Curate Muckamore 1860 – 1871; Incumbent Drumbo (Down) 1871 – 1872; Rector Dowra (Kilm) 1876; Curate St Peter Paddington (Lon) 1876 – 1880; Rector Pen how (Mon) 1880 – 1886; Vicar Queen Charlton Somerset (B&W) 1886 – 1894. Res and lived at Bath
Son of James Whiteside.
Born c 1829 County Cork; educated by Dr Stackpoole; entered Trinity College Dublin 2nd July 1849 aged 20 BA and Divinity Testimonium (2) 1855 MA 1862 BD and DD 1876
D 1856 p 1857; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1856; Derriaghy 1858 – 1862; St George Belfast 1862; Christ Church Belfast 1863; Incumbent St Luke Belfast 1863 – 1890
Son of Thomas Cotter (gentleman); married 11 January 1859 Desercreat Church County Tyrone Ellan Murray (died 8th December 1908) daughter of rev William John Knox of Ardpatrick Stewartstown C of Donaghenry (Armagh) by Mary Leticia (nee Kyle). Issue 1. Pearson 2. Margaret died 12 January 1870 aged 8 (Belfast newsletter) 3. Lily 4. Mary
Born c 1835 County Armagh; educated Armagh Royal School; entered Trinity College Dublin 15th October 1852 aged 17 BA 1857 Divinity Testimonium (1) 1857
D 1858 p 1859 ; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1859; Christ Church Belfast 1859 – 1860; Perpetual Curate Upper Falls 1860 – 1886
Son of Robert; married 6th March 1861 Eliza daughter of Nelson Trafalgar Foley by Katherine Francis of Ballygally County Waterford. Issue 1. Katherine Frances died 5th January 1926 of Hillside Mortimer Berkshire. Brother of Rev. William Anderson.
Died at the Vicarage Upper Falls 14th August 1886 (Tablet in Upper Falls Church).
(23) 1860 RICHARD IRVINE, licensed 17 Jun 1862 (Diocesan Register)
Born c 1833 County Fermanagh; educated Enniskillen School; entered Trinity College Dublin 3rd November 1854 aged 21 BA (Jun Mod Eth and Log) 1859 Divinity Testimonium 1860 MA 1869 BD and DD 1882
D 1860 p 1861; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1860; St George Belfast 1863 – 1866; Christ Church Belfast 1866 – 1867; Rector St Stephen Belfast 1869 – 1903; Preb of Rasharkin 1898 – 1903
Son of Gerard Irvine (merchant); married 31st July 1861 St Anne Belfast Frances daughter of Robert Stewart MD Resident Physician at the District Hospital for the Insane Belfast. Issue 1. Rev Gerard V Bulford Wilts 1908 – 15 2. Rev. Frederick Julius Vicar Loddington Leics 1921 – 1925 married 23rd April 1924 Dorothy Elsie Cole daughter of Robert Henry Metge LL.D. MP of Athlumney 3. Francis Stephen born December 1873 (?) served in 1914 – 1918 War Department Director General Medical Services Northern Command and Assistant Director HQ; retired as Colonel 4. Arthur Edmund Stewart RAMC in 1914 – 1918 War Lt Colonel DSO Became Assistant Director Medical Services in India 1939. 5. Richard Abercrombie Provincial Commissioner Northern Territories Gold Coast, served in 1914 – 1918 war with Lancs Fus. Awarded DSO CMG and Belgian Croix de Guerre 6. Mary Stewart married 24th August 1892 Carter Napier Draper son of Henry N Draper JP FCS MRIA of Dublin 7. Another daughter.
Died 21st August 1903 aged 70
(24) 1860 FRANCIS COOPER, licensed 17 Jun 1862 (Diocesan Register)
Born c 1832 Cork; educated by Mr. Tyner; entered Trinty College Dublin 1st July 1852 aged 20 BA 1859 MA (Adeund Cantab) BD 1877 DD 1879
D 1860 p 1961; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1860 – 1867; Chaplain Mission to Seamen Cork 1867; Vicar Cahir (Lism) 1872 – 1881.
Son of rev Francis Cooper Curate Drishane (Cork) by Anne daughter of Leonard Leader of Stake Hill County Cork; married 24th September 1863 Christ Church Cork Elizabeth Mary (died 1898) daughter of Horace Hayes of Cork. Issue 1. Francis Horace died at Willesden 27th February 1924 2. Rev Horace Hayes MA St John Coll Cambridge died 23rd April 1928 (Irish Times) 3. Rev. Leonard Leader MA Durham Chaplain at Lugano 1924 – 1932 4. Anthony died at Waterford 1881 (Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette)
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter 28 09 1863 Monday. Reproduced by permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
Cooper and Hayes Sept 24 at Christ Church, Cork by Rev THC Finney, assisted by the Rev A D Macnamara, the Rev Francis Cooper, Curate of Glenavy to Elizabeth Mary only daughter of Horace Hayes Esq, Cork.
D 1965; Curate Saintfield (Down) 1865; Glenavy (Conn) 1867.
Born c 1845 Tullamore; educated privately; entered Trinity College Dublin 1st July 1863 aged 18 BA 1867 Divinity Testimonium (2) 1868 MA 1872
D 1868 p 1869; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1868 – 1873; St James belfast 1873 – 1876; Incumbent Muckamore 1876 – 1884; St Mark Ballysillan Belfast 1884 – 1896; Dromore 1900 – 1922; Precentor of Down 1917 – 1922
Son of Robert Harding (gentleman) and brother of Venerable Jonathan Harding Archdeacon of Dromore quod vide.
Died 20th July 1922 aged 77.
Born c 1844 Monkstown County Cork; baptised 1st Jan 1845 St Peter Cork; educated by Dr. O’Brien; Trinity College Dublin BA 1867 Divinity Testamonium 1870
D 1870 p 1871; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1870 – 1876; Vicar Kilroot and Templecorran 1876 – 1915
Son of Rev Richard Parkes Bennett Curate Kilmocomogue (Cork); married Alice Rosamund (died at Downpatrick 15th June 1926). Issue 1. Alice married JSW Winder and died in Dublin 4th December 1957 (Irish Times) 2. Kathleen Maud died 26th June 1879 aged 9 months 3. Rosina Victoria died 12th August 1880 aged 5 weeks 4. Annie J died 5th May 1964 5. F S died 28th December 1968 6. GM died 14th july 1969 (may have been his son)
(28) 1874 HENRY HARE
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1874
(29) 1876 – 1880 JOHN LESLIE licensed 29 Sept 1876 (Diocesan Register)
Trinity College Dublin BA 1876
D 1876 p 1877; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1876 – 1880; Incumbent St Matthew Broomhedge 1880 – 1927
Son of Robert Leslie of Caragh County Kerry and brother of Rev James Leslie; unmarried
Died 23rd December 1928.
(30) 1876 – 1878 ALEXANDER STEWART MELVILLE, licensed 29 Sept (Diocesan Register)
Trinity College Dublin BA 1876 MA 1884
D 1876 p 1877; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1876 – 1878; St Mark Liverpool (Liverpool) 1878 – 1979; Senior Curate Lime house (London) 1879 – 1882; Assistant chaplain Baggotrath (Dublin) 1882 – 1883; Senior Curate St Saviour Southwark (Southwark) 1883 – 1888; Chaplain to Newington Workhouse 1888; Lecturer of St Cath Cree London 1889
Publication: Walter Ellithorne, A County Parson’s Facts and Fancies, Wyman 1886.
(31) 1878 – 1884 WILLIAM MOORE, licensed 15 Oct (Diocesan Register)
St Aidan 1876; University of Durham BD 1895
D 1878 p 1879; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1878 – 1884; Incumbent Drumgooland (Dromore) 1884 – 1892
Son of William Moore (Engineer to Liverpool Docks) ; married 19th August 1872 Marianne daughter o Thomas Frizelle of Bridge House County Sligo.
Died 4th August 1920.
Publication: Codex Christi a plea for the New Testament.
(32) 1884 – 1885 WILLIAM MURDOCK, licensed 29 Oct (Diocesan Register)
Born c 1851 County Derry; educated in Belfast; entered Trinity College Belfast 18th June 1872 aged 21 BA (Senior Mod Eth and Log) and Divinity Testamonium (2) 1875
D 1875 p 1876; Curate Clonmel (Lism) 1875 – 1877; Ballintoy (Conn) 1877; Magheralin (Dromore) 1877 – 1884; Glenavy (Connor) 1884 – 1885; Perpetual Curate Ardglass (Down) 1885 – 1888.
(He went on a voyage to Australia for health reasons in 1888 and died there shortly after his arrival)
Son of Robert Murdock (farmer).
Died 1888 Australia.
(33) 1885 – 1887 WILLIAM JAMES STEPHENS MUNCE, (afterwards Muntz) licensed 28 Oct (Diocesan Register)
QUI BA (2nd Hon Biol Sci) 1882 Sen Sci Pri 1882; Royal University Ireland MA 1884; LL.B. 1890 LL.D 1894; Exeter College Oxford BA (2nd cl Jnv) 1897 MA 1901 BD 1906 DD 1910
D 1885 p 1886; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1885 – 1887; Whitehouse 1887 – 1889; Incumbent Scarva (Dromore) 1889 – 1891; Tullylish 1891 – 1894; C H Trin Marylebone (London) 1897 – 1901; Vicar Likely (Bradford) 1901 – 1908; St. John Upper Holloway (London) 1908 – 1918; TCF 1918 – 1919; All SS Forest gate (Chelmsford) 1919 – 1925.
Died 1st April 1925
Publication: Rome, St Paul and the Early Church, 1913
(34) 1888 JOHN ROBERT SIDES (Sen), licensed 25 Oct
Born c 1851; Trinity College Dublin BA 1888 MA 1901
D 1888 p 1889; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1888 – 1891; rector Clogherny (Armagh) 1891 – 1900; Donaghmore 1900 – 1928; Preb of Tynan 1926 – 1928; retired
Son of William Sides RIC (born 19th May 1816 in Mountrath, died 27th November 1907 in Kells County Meath) by Isabella (nee Kerr); married 1875 Margaret born 1842 died 5th January 1927 daughter of John Cloney of Swords County Dublin. Issue 1 Rev Richard William born 18th March 1876 Curate in Charge of Trillick (Clogher) 1933 – 1940 married Isabel hunter and had issue Dr Kathleen M Sides 2. Rev John Robert Jr rector All SS Burt (Raphoe) born c1877 married Hilda Morris and had issue John Robert MB 1936 (Trinity College Dublin) Kathleen Hilda, Norah Margaret, Jane Isabel married Harold Temperley Eyres and Mary Patricia; he died 21st march 1933 aged 56 3. Rev Nathaniel St George (Arm supp p 148) born 14th April 1879 Rector Sixmilecross and Dunmoyle (Armagh) 1939 – 1952 married 1st 30th June 1915 Sylvia Margaret Victoria daughter of Captain A E Coote of Armagh and married 2nd Olive Margaret daughter of William Silk of Hampstead London and had issue including Rev James Robert.
Died 18th March 1937 aged 86 Athelford Ballycastle.
(35) 1891 CHARLES FREDERICK JAMES NEWELL, licensed 2 Jul (Diocesan Register)
Born County Armagh; Trinity College Dublin BA 1885 Divinity Testimonium 1886
D 1887 p 1889; Curate All SS Portsea (Portsmouth) 1887 – 1891; Glenavy (Connor) 1891 – 1894; Vicar Templepatrick (with Donegore from 1922) 1894 – 1934; Curate in charge Donegore 1897 – 1922; Hon CF 1920; TCF 1922; retired
Son of James Newell; married A Mussen (his widow died in America 24th January 1953) daughter of Arthur Mussed MD of Glenavy and had issue.
Died September 1946 at the residence of his son in law in California.
Other information : Issue: Frederick Arthur Newell Born 11th October 1894. Attended Campbell College Sept 1909 – July 1912. Listed in the College Register 1927 as a Lieut in the Machine Gun Corps in the Great War. Living at The Vicarage, Templepatrick, County Antrim. In the 1954 college register he is listed at 7 Slievemoyne Park, Belfast. Charles Augustus Mussen Newell born 28th September 1907. Attended Campbell College September 1919 – April 1924. Listed in the College Register 1927 as a motor engineer living at The Vicarage, Templepatrick, County Antrim. In the 1954 College Register he is listed as having attended the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. and having been a flight officer in American Army Airforce Last known address c/o Mrs West, Route 1, Box 60E, OJAI, California, USA.
Educated St Bee’s 1891
D 1893 p 1894; Curate Carling ford (Armagh) 1893 – 1894; Glenavy (Connor) 1894 – 1896; Acting Chaplain at Bilbao 1897 – 1898; Vicar Stoke upon Trent (Lich) 1899 – 1900; Cobridge 1900 – 1901; Curate Tamlaght (Armagh); Rector Tempo (Clogher) 1903 – 1906; Derrygortreavy (Armagh) 1906 – 1912 res
Eldest son of Arthur Nelson JP of Armagh
Died 3rd March 1929 Brighton, buried at Howe.
(37) 1896 ROBERT WILLIAM WISEMAN ALEXANDER licensed 15 Mar 1897 (Diocesan Register)
Born 11th January 1870; Trinity College Dublin BA 1894 Divinity Testimonium 1896
D 1896 p 1897; Curate Glenavy (Connor) c 1896- 1898; Coleraine 1898 – 1899; Rector Balderdash (Derry) 1899 – 1902; Glendale (Raphoe) 1902 – 1906; Rural dean Kilmacrenan E 1905 – 1911; Aghadowey (Derry) 1906 – 1911; Canada Official Diocese Calg 1912 – 1913; rector Wetaskiwin and Rural dean 1913 – 1914; Priest in charge Ponoka (Edmonton) 1914 – 1919; Missy Rocky Mountain House District 1919 – 1920; Ch. Ch Millarville 1920 – 1921; Slopes of Rocky Mountains 1921 – 1923; Incumbent St Benedicts, High River 1923 – 1926; Hon Can of St George Calg Cath 1925 – 26; to New Zealand; Vicar Waihi 1926 – 1927; Vicar Taranaki 1927 – 1929; Priest in charge Kawiha 1929 – 1932; Curate in charge Murdison 1933 – 1934; Vicar 1934 – 1938; Licensed to officiate Diocese Waikato 1939 – 1947; retired
Son of Admiral Henry McClintock Alexander, son of Rev Robert Alexander Preb Aghadowey 1832 – 1869.
(38) 1898 JAMES LEDLIE SLOANE licensed 3 Oct (Diocesan Register)
Trinity College Dublin BA (Sen Mod) 1894 Divinity Testimonium 1896
D 1896 p 1897; Curate Ballymacarrett (Down) 1896 – 1898; Glenavy (Connor) 1898 – 1901; All SS Forest Gate (London) 1901 – 1903; St. Stephen Bath (B&W) 1903 – 1909; Ruabon 1909 – 1912; H Trin Upper Tooting (London) 1912- 1914; Vicar Great Barrington Toynton (Gloucester) 1915 – 1922; Curate Bowdon (Ches) 1924 – 1931; Vicar Bunbury U 1931 – 1935; Curate Tarvin 1935 –
(39) 1901 – 1907 ERNEST MUSGRAVE HARRIS licensed 22 Sept 1902 (Diocesan Register)
Born 1875; educated Rathmines School; TCD Jun and Sen Exhib Theol Exhib BA (Resp) 1898 Div Testimonium (1) 1901 BD 1907
D 1901 p 1902; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1901 – 1907; Rector Ardclinis 1907 – 1913; Groomsport (Down) 1913 – 1938; retired
Son of Rev Samuel Musgrave Rector Rothmans (Dublin) by Nannie eldest daughter of William Heron MRCSE of Dublin; married 10 Dec 1901 Frances (dies 26th February 1922) daughter of Andrew Dunlop. Issue 1. Brent Andrew Musgrave (their only son) born 9th September 1914 died at The rectory, Groomsport 21st December 1927 2. Dorothea Frances Annette BA died Bangor Hospital 3rd January 1964
Died 6th July 1945
(40) 1908 WILLIAM RANDAL SLACKE CLARENDON licensed 29 Oct (Diocesan Register)
Trinity College Dublin BA 1904 Divinity Testimonium 1905 MA 1938
D 1906 p 1907: Curate Derryloran (Armagh) 1906 – 1908; Glenavy (Connor) 1908 – 1913; Maralin (Dromore) 1913 – 1931; Lic to officiate Diocese Down 1932 – 1934; Vicar Templepatrick and Donegore (Connor) 1934 – 1951; retired
Son of Very Reverend Thomas William (son of Frederick Villiers Clarendon of Dublin by Margaret Jane (nee Slacke); Married 21st September 1931 at Jonesborough County Armagh Norah Barnett daughter of J Barnett Steen of Belfast.
The following extract is from Campbell College Register 1894 – 1927.
No. 265. Clarendon, William Randall Stacke; Sept 1895 – Dec 1895; son of Rev. T.W. Clarendon, B.D., The Rectory, Maralin; b. 20th Nov., 1892. Great War: Capt 12th Batt.R. Inniskilling Fusiliers. Clergyman. Address: The Rectory, Maralin.
No. 675 Clarendon, William; Sept 1902 – Dec 1903; son of Rev. T.W. Clarendon, B.D., The Rectory, Maralin, Co. Down; b. 5th Oct., 1887. Great War. R.A.M.C. Orderly Room Sergt. Address: Central Medical Board, Royal Air Force, 3 & 4 Clements’ Inn, Strand, W.C.2.
(41) 1913 – 1915 RICHARD SIMMONS BREENE 19 Jan 1914 (Diocesan Register)
Born 25th June 1886; QUB BA (2nc cl Hist Pol Econ and Jurispru) 1910 MA 1914 LL.B 1918 LL.D. 1919
D 1911 p 1912; Curate Ballynure (Connor) 1911 – 1913; Glenavy 1913 – 1915; TCF 1915 – 1920 (Despatches) 1918; Curate Newry (Dromore) 1920; Hon CF 1920; Rector Killinchy (w Kilmood 1923) (Down) 1920 – 1926; St Peter Belfast (Conn) 1926 – 1963; M of Gen Synod 1923 – 1963; Rural Dean North Belfast 1831 – 1947; Dom Chap to Bishop of Down 1935 – 1945; Exam Chap 1938 – 1967; Chanc of Connor 1941 – 1956; regr Diocs Down & Dromore 1941 – 1960; Connor 1941 – 1963; Dom and Exam Chap Bishop of Connor 1942 – 1963; Dean of Connor and Prec of St Anne’s Cathedral Belfast 1956 – 1963; retired (a distinguished scholar)
Son of Thomas John Breene by Mary daughter of Nicholas McInerny of Kilrush County Clare; married 1st 24th September 1913 Louisa (died 1956) daughter of Robert Denison. Issue 1. Arnold. 2. Molly; married 2nd 23 September 1958 Vera Elizabeth capper (widow)
Died 4th February 1974
Editor of The Irish Churchman; Church of Ireland Correspondent to the Belfast Newsletter contributing weekly “Viator” Column; Author of Carol “O Bethlehem is a small place.”
Publication: St Peter’s Jubilee Book 1950.
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, April 8 1916.
Northern Clergy in Army.
The following clergy of the Diocese of Down and Connor, and Dromore are now engaged in war service, either as military chaplains or in some other capacity – Revs. JBA Hughes, Rector of Ballywalter; R N Ruttle, curate of Ballynafeigh; Alex Moore, rector of St. Donard’s, Belfast; C C Manning, rector of Comber; J E Swinhoe, minor canon, Downpatrick; John Redmond, curate of Holywood; Canon Ross, rector of Ballymena;J.C. Reilly, curate of Ballywillan; A S Woodward, rector of Ballysillan; James Quin, rector of St. Michael’s, Belfast; R.M. Morrow, rector of Billy;H C Townsend, rector of Craigs; C J Newell, rector of Templepatrick; R.S. Breen, curate of Glenavy; PWN Shirley, rector of Glynn; John Tobias, curate of Christ Church, Lisburn; T J Patrick, rector of Loughguile; JAO Richardson, rector of Drumgooland; WP Clarendon, curate of Maralin (who has obtained a commission) and JEM Watson, curate of St James’s, Belfast.
The following extract is from Campbell College Register 1894 – 1927.
No 2035. Breene, Richard Arnold Simmons; Sept 1925 -; son of Rev. R.S. Breene, M.A., LL.D., 4 Beechgrove, Bristol Avenue, Belfast; b. 5th June, 1914.
(42) 1918 – 1926 JOHN WILLIAM CLEMENTS licensed 5 Jul (Diocesan Register)
Born 25th July 1879 Markethill County Armagh; educated privately; QUB BA 1915
D 1916 p 917; Curate Coleraine (Connor) 1916 – 1918; Glenavy 1918 – 1926; Curate in Charge Killenumery U (Ardagh) 1926 – 1932; Rector Laragh and Lavery (Kilmore) 1932 – 1941; Arvagh and Carrigallen 1941 – 1957; retired
Son of Thomas Waugh and Caroline (nee Bain) Clements; married 11 June 1911 Margaret Douglas Norwood of Belfast. Issue 1. Dorothy Caroline 2. Edith 3. Rev Thomas 4. Sarah Kathleen.
(43) 1939 JOHN BERTIE FISHER licensed 29 June (Diocesan Register)
Born 28th March 1915 Kobe Japan; educated Kingstown Grammar School; Trinity College Dublin BA 1936 Carson Bibl Pri and Abp King Pri (2) and Eccles Hist Pri (1) 1938, Bibl Gk Pri (2) 1939 Divinity Testimonium (1) 1939 BD 1944
D 1939 p 1940; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1939 – 1941; Curate in Charge Bannow and Duncormick (Ferns) 1941 – 1944; Incumbent Kiltegan and Stratford (Leigh) 1944 – 1951; Rector Kilternan (Dublin) 1951 – 1983; Rural Dean of Killiney 1977 – 1983; retired
Son of Charles Reuben Fisher of Bessbrook County Armagh (son of Joseph Reuben Fisher of Bessbrook and Helen nee Dempster of Galloway Scotland) by Isabel Mary nash of County Waterford daughter of Rev Richard William Herbert Nash Rector Klamath (Ossory) 1881 – 1888 and Eleanor Nina daughter of John Trant DL of Dovea County Tipperary (she died 13th March 1913); married 17th October 1939 St Paul Glenageary Dublin Mary Patricia daughter of George Llewellyn of Dublin and Menie Nash of Cork.
(44) 1941 – 1944 ROBERT IRWIN HANLON licensed 29 Sept (Diocesan Register)
Born 1917; Trinity College Dublin BA (2nd cl Mod) 1940 Divinity Testimonium 1941 BD 1955
Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1941 – 1944; Curate in charge Garrison and Slavin (Clogher) 1944 – 1947; Tempo 1947-1953; CF 1954 – 1958; Vicar Sproxton w Saltby and Coston (Leics) 1958 – 1963; Croxton Kerrial w Branston-by-Belvoir 1963 – 1982; retired.
(45) 1945 – 1949 WILLIAM JOHN THOMAS FRAZER licensed 15 Mar (Diocesan Register)

Rev and Mrs Frazer
Born 20th July 1911 Limerick; educated RBAI; QUB BA 1935; TCD BA & Divinity Testimonium 1937 MA 1964
D 1938 p 1939; Curate St Andrew Belfast (Connor) 1938 – 1941; and again 1949 – 1950; Curate in Charge Derrybrusk (Clogher) 1941 – 1945; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1945 – 1949; Curate in Charge Aghaderg (Dromore) 1950 – 1959; Incumbent 1959 – 1977; Prebendary of Dromara 1965 – 1966; Treasurer of Dromore 1966 – 1977.
Son of Rev John Frazer by Frances Frazer (nee Brett); married 3rd September 1940 St James Belfast Jean daughter of George solicitor and Ann Downey Belfast.
Died 14th July 1977 Loughbrickland buried at Aghaderg.
(46) 1950 – 1953 WILLIAM JAMES FOSTER MOORE licensed 23 June (Diocesan Register)
Born 12th November 1926 Ray House Manorcunningham County Donegal; educated Roy Sch Raphoe; Trinity College Dublin BA 1920 MA 1965
D 1950 1951; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1950 – 1953; Coleraine 1953 – 1957; Incumbent Finvoy and Rasharkin 1957 – 1966; Rector Broomhedge Lisburn 1966 – 1983; Rural Dean of Lisburn 1980 – 1983; Rector Dunluce 1983 -; Chaplain to the Forces (ACF) Cadet Force Medal 1983; Canon of St Anne’s Cathedral 1988
Son of Charles Moore (farmer) Ray House Manor Cunningham (son of William and Margaret Moore) by Mary Jane Moore (nee Foster) and brother of Venerable Edward Alexander Moore Archdeacon of Raphoe 1983; married 10th December 1957 St Mary’s Church Belfast Evelyn daughter of James and Mary (nee Higginson) Baillie of Crumlin County Antrim and Belfast.
The following is a newspaper cutting – date and source unknown.
Co. Antrim Rector married in Belfast

Rev William James Foster Moore and his bride Miss Evelyn Baillie
The Rector of Finvoy and Rasharkin, rev. William James Foster Moore, B.A., was married on Tuesday in St. Mary’s Church, Crumlin Road, Belfast, to Miss Evelyn Baillie, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Baillie, Crumlin, County Antrim. Son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Moore, Swilly View House, Letterkenny, the bridegroom was accompanied by the rector of Cookstown, rev. R.M. WIlkinson, as best man. His brother Mr. laurence Moore, was groomsman.
The rector of Glenavy Rev. A.J.E. Campbell, performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a trained gown of white velbet decoreated with sequins and pearls. Her pearl coronet supported an elbow length veil, and her boquet was of pale pink carnations and freesia.
Miss Margaret Williamson, Mrs Johnston Barnes, and little Daphne Peters were attendants. Their frocks were full length, of ruby red velvet, with head-dresses to tone. cream carnations lay on the muffs they carried.
A reception was held at Belfast castle.
Leaving for a honeymoon in London, Mrs. W.J.F. Moore wore a tweed suit of charcoal grey and blue, with three-quarter length jacket, and accessories to tone.
(47) 1954 – 1957 ERNEST HUBERT GOUGH licensed 25 June (Diocesan Register)
Born Belfast; Educated Methodist College Belfast; Trinity College Dublin BA 1953 MA 1957
D 1954 p 195: Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1954 – 1957; Christ Church Lisburn 1957 – 1961 ; Curate in Charge St Ninian Belfast 1961 – 1962; Incumbent 1962 – 1971; St Bartholomew Belfast 1971 – 1985; Templepatrick and Donegore 1985 -; Prebendary of Connor 1991 –
Son of Ernest Augustine Gough of Belfast (son of Thomas and Agnes Gough of Belfast) by Sarah daughter of Stewart and Margaret Anderson of Woodford Newtowngore, County Leitrim.
(48) 1957 – 1959 JOHN MOORE Licensed 7 July (Diocesan Register)
Educated Limavady Technical College; St Aidan College
D 1957 p 1958; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1957 – 1959; St Michael Belfast 1959 – 1960; incumbent Enniskeen U (Meath) 1960 – 1963; Curate Carmoney (Connor) 1963 – 1965; Curate in Charge Templepatrick 1965 – 1968; Rector Templepatrick and Donegore 1968 – 1985; retired
(49) 1960 – 1963 ROBERT CHARLES SINCLAIR licensed 3 July (Diocesan Register)
University of Liverpool LL.B. 1949; Ely Theological College 1958; QUB LL.M. 1969
D 1960 p 1961; Curate of Glenavy (Connor) 1960 – 1963; Chap RN 1963 – 1967; Curate of Cregagh (Down) 1967 – 1968; perm to office Diocese Connor 1969; Lecturer Belfast College Tech 1969 – 1976; Waterford Reg Coll 1976 – 1979; College of Commerce Rathmines 1979
(50) 1964 – 1967 WALLACE FENTON licensed 28 June (Diocesan Register)
Born Doagh, County Antrim; Trinity College Dublin Div Sch Short Course 1962 – 1964; in Church Army before ordination.
D 1964 p 1965; Curate Glenavy (Connor) 1964 – 1967; Rector Tullanisken and Clonoe (Armagh) 1967 – 1987; BC Sallaghy (Clogher) 1987 –
Son of Samuel Fenton of Doagh County Antrim (son of Charles and Nancy Fenton of Ballyclare County Antrim) by Mary daughter of Thomas and Sarah Wallace of Doagh.
(51) 1967 – 1970 JAMES SMILEY MARTIN licensed 25 June (Diocesan Register)
Educated Templemore Avenue Secondary School; Trinity College Dublin GOE 1965
D 1967 p 1968; Curate of Glenavy (Connor) 1967 – 1970; St Mary Belfast 1970 – 1973; Carnmoney 1973 – 1974; Incumbent Mallusk 1974 –
Son of Thomas and Martha Martin
The following relates to ministers linked to Tullyrusk and Camlin Parish:
TULLYRUSK (near Stoneyford)
Only Church ruins and graveyard remain
JOHN WALLWOOD Preaching min (1657 Visitation)
United to Glenavy; V RICHARD DAVYS (1661 Visitation)
Still there (1664 Visitation)
VICARS See Glenavy list
1675 ALEXANDER MOORE with Camlin and Glenavy (First Fruits)
1695 ROBERT QUAILE with Camlin and Glenavy (First Fruits)
1697 HENRY MITCHELL with Camlin and Glenavy (First Fruits)
1763 – 1770 CONWAY BENNING with Camlin and Glenavy
(?Croimghleann/ ? Croimlinn.The Crooked Glen/Pool)
Church ruins on the edge of parish: Bishop’s mensal
JOHN WALLWOOD, preaching min (1657 Vis)
1660 JOSEPH DUNBAR with Glenavy
1675 ALEXANDER MOORE with Glenavy and Tullyrusk
1695 ROBERT QUAILE with Tullyrusk (First Fruits)
1697 HENRY MITCHELL with Tullyrusk (First Fruits)
With Ballinderry Glenavy and Tullyrusk Curate GEORGE TAYLOR (1754 Vis)
1763 – 1770 CONWAY BENNING
BISHOP JEREMY TAYLOR ordained ANDREW AYTON in Camlin 1661. James 11 destroyed the churches of Camlin, Tullyrusk and Magherameske Church of St John Crumlin cons 1903; Parish now with Glenavy.
1845 – Changes of Incumbents
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 19th August 1845 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Ecclesiastical Changes – It is said that certain changes of incumbents are about to take place, which will give new rectors to the parishes of Inch, Armoy and Glenavy.
Rev Charles Watson
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 15th November 1890
The Rev Charles Watson gave £2 2s 0d towards the Wallace Memorial.