This church was consecrated on Saturday 12th September, 1903.
Sale of Work
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday June 20th 1903.
Parish of Glenavy
A Sale of Work
On behalf of
District Church for Crumlin
Protestant Hall, Glenavy
Friday, June 26th –
Opening ceremony at Three o’clock by Mrs.
McClintock, Glendarragh, Chairman
Rev. J.A. Stewart, M.A.
Saturday, June 27th –
Re-opening Ceremony at 3.15 by Mrs. F.W.
Ewart, Lisburn, Chairman –
Dr. Mussen, J.P.
Numerous attractions – half hour Concerts,
Wright’s Bijou Orchestra, Mechanical
Fishpond, Photography, Shooting, Washing,
Darning and other competitions.
Admission six pence
Railway arrangements – Return tickets
On Friday at Single Fare from Belfast, Lisburn,
Antrim, and Intermediate stations. Cheap
Tickets Belfast on Saturday.
The presence of all interested in the work of
Church Extension in the Country is earnestly
District Church in Crumlin
To the Editor of the "Lisburn Standard"
Dear Sir – Last year you very kindly inserted a letter of mine in your paper in reference to the above object. May I once again draw the special attention of the friends of Church extension in this country to the sale of work which is to be held (D.V) in the Protestant Hall, Glenavy, on Friday and Saturday, June 26th and 27th, to help on this good work? Many friends from Lisburn and the neighbourhood encouraged us at our recent bazaar by their presence and practical sympathy. I would express the hope that the same kindness will be shown to us on this occasion. My people have taken up this work with great energy, the result of being more than two-thirds of the money required for the erecting the district church in Crumlin has been obtained. We are, however, anxious to raise the remaining one third, so that the church, which is now nearly completed, may be consecrated free of debt. Contributions from those unable to be present will be gratefully received by, yours faithfully,
J Boyle-Glover, Vicar.
7th Anniversary – Church of St John, Crumlin
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 24th September 1910.
Parish of Glenavy
Anniversary Services.
On the 18th inst., the seventh anniversary of the consecration of the Church of St.John, Crumlin, was suitably observed. Services of a festive and thanksgiving nature were held as follows, and were exceedingly well attended – St. John’s, Holy Communion 8.30; Parish Church, morning prayer and Holy Communion 11.30; St John’s evensong 4.30; and Parish Church at 7. The special preacher was the Rev. Canon Moore, M.A., Vicar of Holywood, who delivered most appropriate and helpful sermons. The offertories, which were liberally contributed to were in aid of the "Local Diocesan Fund" (in the Parish Church) and "Special Church Purposes" (in St. John’s). The special collectors in the latter church were Dr. Mussen, J.P.; Dr. A.A. Mussen (Liverpool), Dr. Norman Patrick, and Mr. R.G. Scott. The special music was particularly well rendered by the combined choirs, under Mr. A.G. Camp and included the anthem "Lift up your heads" (J.L. Hopkins), and Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A flat" (A.G. Camp).
Anniversary Services for the Church of St John
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated 23rd September 1911.
Glenavy Parish
Anniversary Services
On the 17th inst the eighth anniversary of the consecration of the Church of St. John, Crumlin, was observed. The following services were held – St. John’s – Holy Communion, 8.30am; evening prayer 4.30pm. Parish Church – Morning prayer and Holy Communion 11.30am; evening prayer 7 pm. The services were well attended, that at St. John’s at 4.30pm being so much so that additional seating had to be provided to accommodate an overflowing congregation in the aisles. The special preacher at the morning and afternoon services was the lord Bishop of the Diocese, who gave most helpful and eloquent addresses, preaching from the texts, Isaiah vi and 2, and Acts 11.,42. A most touching reference was made by the bishop in his morning sermon to the late ex-Primate, Archbishop Alexander, and the "Dead March" was played after the offertory hymn. The offertory at the parish church was devoted to the "local diocesan fund," and that at St. John’s to "special church purposes." Liberal responses were made. The festive music included "Lift up your heads" (Patton) and Arnold’s Magnificant and Nunc Dimittis. The singing of the combined choirs of the Parish Church and St. John’s was very effective and devotional. The following clergy assisted – Rev. J. Boyle-Glover (Vicar), Rev. A.M. Yair, and Rev. W.R.S. Clarendon.
Rev. J.B. Glover Memorial – Unveiling Ceremony
The following is an newspaper extract date and source unknown.
Rev. J.B. Glover Memorial at Crumlin Church, Unveiling ceremony.
Chancellor R.S. Breene, M.A., St. Peter’s Belfast, was the preacher in St. John’s Church, Crumlin, on Sunday afternoon, when a tablet was unveiled by Mrs. John Larmour, Derriaghy, to the memory of Rev. John Moore Boyle Glover, M.A., rector of Glenavy from 1899 to 1914, who died in 1943. Mr. Glover served for many years in St. Saviour’s Battersea, after leaving Glenavy. It was due to his efforts that ST. John’s Church was erected.
Rev. W.J. Chambers and Rev. W. G. Frazer took part in the service and Miss E.C. Logan was at the organ.
The little church with its lychgate, standing in a prominent position overlooking Lough Neagh, was filled to capacity for the service.
The tablet, which in design and shade tones beautifully with the simple dignity of the interior, occupies a suitable place on the wall overlooking the pulpit, and carries the inscription: –
"To the Glory of God and in loving memory of John Moore Boyle Glover, M.A., Rector of Glenavy 1899 – 1914, who died August 7, 1943. To his efforts the building of this church is due.
“An Ideal Clergyman.”
Chancellor Breene said “I feel greatly honoured at having to take part in the service on this occasion. I worked only a short time in this parish with Mr. Glover. His memory is perpetuated in this beautiful little church and also in the tablet which has been placed upon its walls as the gift of his widow. I feel that this is an opportunity to bear testimony to the true value which I always set on my association with John Moore Boyle Glover as my second rector. He was an ideal clergyman. He made me work hard with system and efficiency in every department of parochial activity, but I can always say – as I think everyone else said who worked with him – he worked hard himself. He was always sharing the labour of the parish, and he took the major responsibility.
I don not think people realise the complicated nature of the Christian ministry. There are many side to the duties of the parish clergyman. Of Mr. Glover I can honestly say that he saw the work of the ministry as a whole – a whole, of which no part could be neglected without peril to the other parts. He had a balanced conception of the ministry and what it involved in this parish – a very difficult one by reason of its configuration. It was thoroughly and regularly and effectively visited by both of us, and in those days motor-cars were not very plentiful.
“Strenuous work.”
The work was laid out so that we did not tread upon each others’ heels; it was well spaced. The sick were his constant care. He took his turn at the services in the three churches, pushing around this great area usually on an ordinary bicycle. That was in itself a matter of physical exhaustion. He must have cycled an enormous number of miles in the average year. He visited the schools and knew the children and teachers intimately. He had a great communicant nucleus in each place, and had an especial interest in the work of the Church overseas. He was not narrow in his sympathies or lukewarm in his support.
He gave himself to careful preparation of his sermons and looked for careful preparation from his colleagues. He did not indulge in pulpit fireworks; preaching was for him a most serious duty.
In conclusion Chancellor Breene spoke of Rev Mr Glover’s many happy links with Crumlin and district, and said that he loved the services in St John’s Church. The church at Crumlin was a memorial in itself, but the tablet , which was the gift of his widow, completed the story. IN London and Oxford dioceses he won a high place in the esteem of his clerical brethren. Mr Glover had a deep affection for Glenavy and Crumlin districts and came back year after year to refresh his memory amid the old familiar scenes.
Glenavy Parish Church Magazine

Glenavy Parish Church Magazine
October 1903
The following are extracts from the October 1903 Magazine:
Vicar – Rev. J.M. Boyle-Glover, M.A.
Curate – Rev. E.M. Harris, B.A.
Parish Church – Sunday; Holy Communion, 1st and 3rd Sundays in
the month, after Morning Service. Morning Prayer, 11.30 a.m.
Evening Service, 7 p.m.
St. Andrew’s Feumore, -Sunday: Holy Communion, last Sunday
in month. Morning Prayer, 12 noon
Crumlin – Evening Prayer, 4.30 p.m.
Robert James Lewis and Mary Lowry
Lizzie Wickliffe
Consecration of St. John’s Crumlin – This important event in the history of or Parish has now taken place. It is a matter of the utmost thankfulness to know that the object of all our many prayers and efforts has been attained. We cannot in out limited space give a detailed account of the actual Consecration Service, or of the other Special Services connected with it. We would refer those who are anxious to read the full report to the News Letter of Monday September 14, or the Lisbon (SIC – Lisburn?) papers of the 18th. We would, however, say here that all the services were of a most solemn character, and were attended by large and deeply interested congregations. The special preachers were:- The Bishop of Dioceses: Revs. Canon McClintock, W.F. Garstin, and J.L.Sloane. The words which were spoken were most stimulating, helpful and kindly; each preacher referring in the language of praise in connexion with the erection of the new Church of St. John. The opinion has been expressed by all who have been inside the sacred building, that it is a credit to the architect (Mr. Geo. Sams), to the contractor (Mr. T.A. Irvine) and all who worked with him. It is, we think, not too much to say that for style (early English) and for beauty there are few churches which surpass it. The interior of the sacred edifice has been much enriched by very handsome gifts, the following among others may be mentioned:- Solid Silver Communion Service, from Mrs. Pakenham, Communion Linen, from Mrs McClintock; Font, Rev. E. and Mrs Harris; Bible for Lectern in memoriam; Mr. And Mrs. Irvine; Prayer Book for Desk, Dr. Mussen; Communion Service Books, Mr. J. Patterson and "A Friend"; Cloth for Holy Table, Mrs. Boyle Glover; Chancel Mats, Miss Benning, Carved Desk for Communion Table, Colonel McClintock; Notice Board, Mr. E. McClintock; Oak Hymn Board, Master Theodore Boyle-Glover; Markers for Bible, Rev. C.F. Newell; Markers for Prayer Book, Rev. J.H. Mervyn; Pulpit Lamp, Mrs. Harris. On Saturday, the 12th , the Clergy and visitors were hospitably entertained to tea by Miss English in the Masonic Hall, on which occasion Dr. Mussen, on behalf of the Select Vestry, congratulated the Vicar and parishioners the completion and consecration of St. John’s and expressed very warm thanks to all those inside and outside of the parish who had borne a part in carrying out this good work. The Vicar also gave expression to his feelings of gratitude to Almighty God for permitting him and his people to erect a House of Worship to His Glory. Thanks were also returned to Miss English for her kindness. September 12 will be long looked back upon as a day to be remembered with thankfulness in the old parish of Glenavy, which can now boast of a Parish Church, renowned for its age and beauty, and two chapels of ease – St. Andrew’s, Feumore, and St. John’s Crumlin. God grant that these buildings, dedicated to His worship, may be places where many shall gather together each Lord’s Day to praise and bless Him, Who is the Giver of all things.
Harvest Festivals – St. Andrew’s Feumore, Thursday Evening October 1, and Sunday, October 4. Parish Church, Friday October 23 and Sunday October 25. Special Preachers in Parish Church will be duly announced. "Offerings for Sunday School Prize Fund" and "Missionary Association."
Bible Classes will be commenced early in October. Days to be announced in Church.
Parish Church – Change of Hour of Evening Service – The Vicar desires that it should be known throughout the parish that the Hour of Evening Service, from November to May, will be 6.30.
Monthly Meetings – Fourscore, Wednesday, September 30, Feumore, October 1; Crew and Ballyvannon, Wednesday, October 7.
Postcard of St John’s

St John’s, Crumlin
Variety Sale for Building Fund
The following is from The Ulster Star dated 4th March 1961 and appears with permission of the Ulster Star.
Variety Sale.
The annual variety sale in aid of St. John’s Hall building fund, was held recently in the Orange Hall, Crumlin.
The rector of Glenavy has three churches under his care: St. Aidan’s, Glenavy; St. John’s, Crumlin and St. Andrew’s, Tunny.
Various schemes are in hand to raise funds to build a new parochial hall in Crumlin and the variety sale usually realises about £150.
This year’s successful sale, plus the first opening of the mile of sixpences, which realised £75, should bring the total accumulated funds for the new hall over £2000.
Building Projects
The following extract is from Parish of Glenavy Year Book 1981.
Building projects
St. John’s, Crumlin
St. John’s Church, Crumlin, was built during the incumbency of the Rev.J.M. Boyle Glover and consecrated on Saturday, 12th September, 1903. The records of that time contain some interesting snippets of information, It appears that the Select vestry had the choice of four sites and eventually decided to build on "Mr. Whitfield’s site". The builder was Mr. T.A. Irvine whose tender of £714 was the lowest of six received, the highest being £1,000. A two-day Bazaar was held to raise funds for the new Church and the proceeds (which included £4.13.0 for ‘Palmistry’ and £1.7.6 for an ‘X-Rays Exhibition’!) totalled £228. Donations of £335 and a grant of £40 from the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge brought the total to £603. During the next year a further £400 was raised and a Year Book of 1934 states, "the fact that St. John’s was opened free of debt reflects the utmost credit on the parishioners". Another observation reads as follows "Early English in style, with red-tiled roof and handsome lych-gate, St. John’s is one of the most beautiful of the small Churches of the Diocese."
Celebrating 80 Years
The following is taken from the Ulster Star dated 2nd September 1983 and appears with permission of the Ulster Star.

St. John’s Parish Church, Crumlin,
celebrating eighty years in existence
Bishop for St. John’s
The Rector and parishioners of St. John’s, Crumlin, are preparing for two special events this month.
the first is the visit by the Bishop of Connor to administer the rite of confirmation to 14 adult candidates on Sunday September 4, at 7pm.
On the following Sunday, September 11, at 7pm a special thanksgiving service will be held to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the consecration of the church.
It was on September 12, 1903, that the church was opened at a cost of £714.
It has been described as one of the loveliest in the country, and the Rector and parishioners have been hard at work giving it a special spruce-up for the anniversary service.
The lovely lych-gate has been repainted, the roof cleaned,the exterior painted, and the whole property renewed.
During the years the church has become a Crumlin landmark, and the parishioners, friends and neighbours will fill it to capacity at the special service, when the guest preacher will be the Rev. Fred Graham, Stoneyford.