Presbyterian Church, Camlin

Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory — 1845

The following is an extract from 1845 Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory

XXXIV Templepatrick Presbytery, congregaries, ministers & towns

Crumlin – Alexander G Canning, Crumlin

Presbyterian Congregation

The following extract is from the Coleraine Chronicle dated 13th May 1854

Crumlin Presbyterian Congregation – We have much satisfaction in directing attention to an address in our advertising columns, which, together with a purse of 56 sovs., has been presented to the Rev. A.C. Canning, minister of the Presbyterian Congregation of Crumlin, County Antrim, in connection with the General Assembly (brother to the Rev. J.A. Canning, the respected pastor of the New-Row Presbyterian Church, Coleraine), as an evidence of the kindly feeling which ought to prevail between minister and people. It is now about 200 years since Presbyterian congregations were established in the neighbourhood of Crumlin by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland; and in a list of Presbyterian ministers in Ireland, in the year 1689, we find John Frisland, of Upper Killead (Carmavey), John Malcolm, of Lower Killead (Gartree), and David Airth, of Glenavy (The Mount, Ballydonaghy, parish of Crumlin). Some years subsequent to this, a few houses having been built at Crumlin, and the meeting-houses at Gartree and the Mount (Lower Killead and Glenavy) requiring to be rebuilt, it was determined to unite the two congregations, and to build a new meeting-house at the village of Crumlin, being a point nearly central between them: while, about the same time, Carmavey, or Upper Killead, meeting-house, requiring to be rebuilt, the congregation determined to build it nearer the centre of the parish. It was accordingly built where Killead meeting-house at present stands, instead of at Carmavey, its former site. A good many years afterwards, the Synod of Ulster, erected the congregation of Dundrod, to accommodate Upper Glenavy and Upper Killead, which the foregoing arrangements had left rather deficient of church accommodation, so that the present congregations of Killead. Crumlin, and Dundrod, correctly represent the ancient congregations of Upper Killead (Carmavey), Lower Killead (Gartree), and Glenavy (Ballydonaghy Mount). When the Remonstrant Synod was formed in 1828, the Presbyterian Congregation of Crumlin seceded from the Synod of Ulster, and joined the Remonstrants along with their minister, Rev.N. Alexander, and no attempt was made to establish an Orthodox Presbyterian (or Trinitarian) Congregation in Crumlin until the year 1835.At that time fourteen families, who were all who could be got to sign the memorial to the Presbytery, determined to make the attempt. That it has eminently successful the address and presentation in our advertising columns abundantly testify. Before the congregation arrived at its present prosperous state, and when comparatively feeble, in addition to the exertions of those who are now connected with it, liberal assistance and encouragement were given to it by others. Of these we would particularly mention the late Lieutenant- General Sir H.R. Pakenham of Langford Lodge, Arthur Henry, Esq., of Celbridge, and Robert Macaulay, Esq., formerly of Glenoak, Crumlin, and now of Inver Mills, Larne; and the present Lieut- Colonel Pakenham, M.P., and Arthur Henry, Esq., still continue kindly to assist and encourage the congregation. A deputation, consisting of the principal members of the congregation, waited on Mr Canning, at his house, on Monday evening, for the purpose of presenting the address and testimonial, on which occasion the deputation, joined by the Rev. Mr. Magill, of Dundrod, one of the congregation’s most esteemed friends, was hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Canning.

Collection Sermon for larger church and school house

The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Thursday 25th July 1861 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

Crumlin – On Sunday last, at half-past four o’clock in the afternoon, public worship was conducted in this church, and a collection sermon preached by the Rev. Hugh Hanna, of Belfast, the collection being intended to meet the expenses incurred by the necessary enlargement of the church, the erection of a Sabbath School-house, and house for the sexton. The Rev. Dr. Cooke had kindly arranged to preach on the occasion, but was prevented by severe illness, and it may be mentioned that the latter circumstance has called forth a deep and strong sympathy in the neighbourhood, as, perhaps, nowhere is the character of that venerated champion of the truth held in higher estimation than in this district. The attendance was very large, every available spot, including the stairways, being occupied, and several unable to obtain admission. The subject of the preacher’s discourse was 1st Corinthians, 3. 11 – “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” – from which he delivered an eloquent and instructive sermon. The minister, the Rev. A.C. Canning, then stated that although they were met on the Lord’s Day, and in the solemn circumstances of public worship, he considered it to be a duty to express to those present his feeling of deep gratitude, which he participated in, with all the members of the congregation, for the ready and cordial response which had been given to intimations of the service on the part of the clergy and members of the Established Church in the neighbourhood, joined to their substantial aid, on the part of the members of venial churches around, and also many Christian friends at a distance. He felt it to be a duty to refer particularly to the uniform and liberal aid given to their cause by the late Gen. Sir. H. Pakenham and his family. The collectors on the occasion were – Thos. S. Pakenham, Esq., Glen Oak; Hamilton Ferguson, Esq., Tully House; Wm McCord, Esq., Ahoghill; E. Johnson Smith, Esq., Glenavy;J.S. Whitfield, Esq., Crumlin; S. Donaldson, Esq., Tromery Cottage; who were assisted by Mr. A. Molyneux, Dr. Hume, Mr McConnell, Mr. McKee, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. Cousins and other members of the congregation. The sum collected, including donations from friends who were unable to attend, amounted to nearly £70. Mr. Canning thankfully acknowledges receipt of donations from friends unable to be present. Some time since received –
G.Moffatt, Esq., M.P., London, £2; Samuel Gibson, Esq., do., £2; Messrs. Peek, Brothers, do., £1. Now received – J. Coates Esq., Wellington Park, 10s; J. Torrens, Esq., Edenmore, £1; Miss Hamilton, Mount Vernon £1; George K. Smith, Esq., Belfast £1; Rev. E.J. Smith, Glebe, Glenavy, £1; John Lytle, Esq., North Street, Belfast £1; Philip Johnston, Esq., Belfast, 10s; G.T. Brooke, Esq., J.P., Templepatrick, £2; James Gibson, Esq., Chairman of Queen’s County, £1; A.J. Macrory, Esq., Duncairn, £1; Alexander Montgomery, Esq., J.P., Potterswalls, £1; Rev. R. Bickerstaff, Glebe, Killead, £1; Thomas McClure, Esq., J.P., Belmont £1; Miss McClure, Belmont, £1; Mr Montgarrett, Crumlin, £1; Mrs Blair, Killead, £1; Mr. S. Donaldson, Tromery Cottage, £1.

Ordination Service – Mr J.A. Canning

The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard, dated Saturday June 1st 1889.

Ordination Service at Crumlin.

On Tuesday last, the Presbytery of Templepatrick met in the Presbyterian Church, Crumlin, for the purpose of ordaining Mr. J.A. Canning assistant and successor to his father, Rev. A.C. Canning, who, after a ministry of over half a century, has resigned the active duties of the ministry in connection with this congregation. There was a large congregation present. After devotional exercises, Rev. R.M. McBride preached an able and forcible discourse from the text “Dotli Job fear God for nought?” (1st chapter of Job, 9th verse). Rev. John McClure gave a lucid explanation of the Presbyterian form of Church government, after which the charge to minister-elect and people was delivered by the Rev. Thomas West. Mr. Canning was then solemnly set apart to the duties of the ministry by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery, Rev. Mr. Canning, sen., offering up the ordination prayer. In this afternoon, the Presbyterian and a company of friends were entertained by the congregation at luncheon in the Courthouse. Rev. Arthur Pakenham, J.P. Presided.

Sale of Work by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, December 13th 1890

Sale of Work in Crumlin

On Friday and Saturday last, the Market House in Crumlin was the scene of a sale of work, the undertaking being set of foot by the ladies connected with the local Presbyterian Church, probably, probably one of the oldest in connection with the General Assembly. For some past it has been patent to the members of the congregation that the building in which they worship was badly in need of renovation, and they were also aware of the fact that a debt remained on the edifice. A happy idea was broached and it was to the effect that the deft fingers and artistic taste should be utilised in preparing a number of useful and ornamental articles, and offering them for sale at a fancy fair. The matter was taken up con amore and (unreadable) commenced their praise worthy undertaking than (unreadable) and was freely offered. Ladies connected with other churches volunteered their assistance, and this was forth-coming, not only in the form of work, but also in money contributions. That was as it should be, and it need not be said that the united effort was crowned with gratifying success. The sympathy and help extended to the enterprise by outsiders indicate the respect felt for the Rev. A.C.Canning, the aged pastor of the congregation, who, since his settlement at Crumlin in 1837, has lived, not only in the affections of his own church, but who has been deservedly esteemed by people of all denominations. For more than half a century he laboured in the word and doctrine, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the fifteen families who attended his ministrations augmented to ninety – a congregation thoroughly united and leal to the pastor, who had gone in and out amongst them for fifty years. This fealty was strikingly illustrated a little more than twelve months ago when the congregation gave a unanimous call to the Rev. J.A. Canning , L.L.B., to be his father’s assistant in the pastorate of the congregation, and who is likely to be as much beloved in the future as Mr.Canning, senior, has been in the past. The Market-House was suitably decorated for the occasion, which has been looked forward to with so much interest. Much time was devoted to decorating the stalls, and when the doors were thrown open for the admission of the public, the room presented a very attractive appearance. At one o’clock the sale was opened by the Rev. Arthur H. Pakenham, J.P., Langford Lodge, who is deservedly popular with all creeds and classes in the neighbourhood of his ancestral home. Amongst those present during the day were – Rev. Charles Watson, Vicar of Glenavy; Rev. S. Sides, Glenavy; Rev. E.P. Roe, rector of Crumlin; Rev. Dr. Orr, Rev. Thomas West, Antrim; Rev.A. McKinney, Parkgate; Rev. Robert Wallace, Lylehill; Rev. Charles Donaldson, Hillsborough; Rev. T.H. Hall, Rev. Thomas Lyle, Muckamore; Dr. Mussen, Glenavy; Dr. Dunlop, Edenderry; Dr. Alister; Messrs. Joseph English, W. Mountgarrett, Jonathan Peel, W.A. McKee, D. Johnston, J. Whitfield, and T. McCOnnell.

The 100th psalm having been sung.

Rev. Mr. West engaged in prayer.

Rev. Mr. Pakenham referred to the fact that his ancestor, Sir. Arthur Langford, had endowed that congregation about the latter part of the 17th century. It was then a Scotch kirk, and he himself was a Presbyterian. His (the speaker’s father, Sir Hercules Pakenham), gave the land on which the present church had been erected, and his brother had subscribed to the congregation. For these reasons he considered h was in his right place in being present on the occasion. (Hear, Hear) Alluding to the ministry of the Rev. A.C. Canning, he pointed out how the congregation had grown and prospered under his care. Very often the church was the most uncomfortable and ugly looking building in the district, and he was glad to see that the steps were being taken for the renovation and embellishment of the Presbyterian Church of Crumlin. (Hear, Hear) It was but right that this should be made both beautiful and comely. They would find in Scripture how much care had been lavished on the Tabernacle and the various temples which has been erected in Jerusalem, and this showed them that it should not be a matter of indifference to them whether the house of God was ornamented or not. Turning to the congregation , which was the real Church, built up with living stones, they were struck by the great progress it had made. When the Rev. A.C. Canning took charge of it in 1837, it consisted of only fifteen families, while now there were ninety connected with the church, and this was some testimony to the good work which had been performed by Mr. Canning during his fifty years’ ministry. He (Mr. Pakenham) thought that that congregation should help him and his son to continue in this good work, (Hear, hear) In declaring the sale open, he commended its object to the people of the district.

The following ladies had charge of the various stalls: No 1 – Mrs Erskine, Miss Nixon, Miss Abernethy. No.2 – Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. McConnell. No. 3 – Miss Arnold, Miss Connolly, Miss Suffern, Miss Gillespie, Miss McCurdy, and Miss McFee. No. 4 – Mrs. Canning, Mrs. McDonald, and the Misses McClure. No 5. – Mrs. Scott, Miss Mountgarrett, Miss Rea, Miss Gilmore, Miss Boyd, and Miss Burrows. Refreshment stall – Mrs. Nixon, Mrs. McClure, Miss Houston, and Miss McConnell. Miss McCurdy and Miss Suffern officiated in the post office, and the shooting gallery was in charge of Dr. Alister, Messrs S. McClure, W. Mountgarrett, and R. Gurd.

During the evening the following programme of music was rendered, the different selections being much appreciated:- Pianoforte Solos – “Joyous Spring” (Wilson), Mr. Gurd, “Norwegischer Brontzug” (Gregg), Miss Mussen; Miss English; “The song of the Brook” (D. Brocca), Miss Lizzie Perry “Tarantelle” (Pieczonkw), Mr. Gurd; “Chacone” (Durand), Miss Mussen; “Reveries” (Rosellen), Miss English; Polonaise (Hermann Necke), Miss L. Peel; “Sonato” (Reinecke), Mr. Gurd; “Sonata, B Flat” (Dussek), Miss Mussen; “Lee gardes du Rio” (Luini), Miss L.Peel; National Anthem.

Second Day.

On Saturday, the sale of work was resumed at one o’clock, and soon afterwards the Market-house was well filled, many persons having come a considerable distance to give their countenance and pecuniary assistance to the undertaking. Some of the citizens of Belfast journeyed to the scene, and the towns of Antrim, Moira, Hillsborough, Lisburn &c., assisted to swell the throng. Many of the clergymen, whose names appear above were again present as were also the following:- Messrs C.E. McClintock J.P.; A. Mussen, M.D.; C. Magill, M.D.; R.H. Berryhill, S.F. McConnell, Wm. Fitzgerald, Joseph English, C.P.S., T.J. English, C.P.S.; Wm. Bullick, J.H. McConnell, J.H. Molyneaux, Andrew Sinclair, Wm Mountgarrett, Wm Wilson, R. Alister, J. Scott, A.C. Davies and R.Y. McKinstry. The ladies who had charge of the stalls and their fair assistants were very active in pushing business, and success rewarded their perseverance. Some of our Lisburn friends invested largely, and they returned to their homes with a miscellaneous collection of pretty articles. During the evening hours the room was an animated scene. Good humour was in the ascendant, and more jokes were cracked in a few hours than has been the case in Crumlin for as many years. The following was the musical programme:- Pianoforte solo “The Soldier’s Chorus.” Miss F. Powell; violin solo “Les Cloches de Cornerville,” Miss Ida Powell; pianoforte solo, selections from “Faust.” Miss Annie Beggs; violin duet, “Neapolitane,” Miss Alice Davies and Mr. Crossfield Davies; pianoforte solo “Il Travatore,” Miss F Powell; quintette “Dreedina Gavotte,” piano, Miss. A. Beggs; violins, Miss F. Powell, Miss A. Davies, Miss Ida Powell, Mr. C Davies; violin solo, “Scotch Airs,” Miss Ida Powell; pianoforte duet, “Fairy Queen Galop,” Miss F. Powell and Miss Ellison; violin, selections from “Maritana,” Miss A. Davies and Mr. C. Davies; pianoforte solo, “L’Invitation a la Valse,” Miss F. Powell; violin solo “Bohemian Girl,” Miss Ida Powell; pianoforte solo, “Carnival de Venice,” Miss A. Beggs; song, Mr. R. T.. McKinstry; pianoforte duet “May- pole Dance,” MissF. Powell and Miss Ida Powell; song, Mr. R. McKinstry; pianoforte solo, “Come back to Erin,” Miss F. Powell. The names of the instrumentalists are in guarantee that the various selections were rendered with ability and finish, and it goes without saying that they were rewarded with hearty applause. It is quite necessary to use any words in lauding the singing of Mr. R.Y. McKinstry. “None but himself can be his parallel.” All we shall say is he was in fine form, and his songs evoked hearty laughter. He was of course encored, and also, of course, responded with his usual good nature. After a hearty rendering of the National Anthem, the curtain fell on an event which will be memorable in the annals of Crumlin.

Presbyterianism in Crumlin

The following is an extract from “Glenavy Past and Present” by Rev. Charles Watson in 1892.

[Contributed by the Rev. J. .A. Canning, LL.B.]

THE connection between Crumlin Presbyterians and the General Assembly was established in the year 1838, when, under its regime, fourteen families formed themselves into a congregation, and presented a call to the Rev. A. C. Canning, a licentiate of the Derry Presbytery. On the 13th of October of that year he was ordained in a circular group of trees still standing outside the village. The exertion of the young clergyman was then put forth to develop his small nucleus of a congregation, and to erect a church. An appeal was made to the lord of the soil, the Honourable General Pakenham, for a building site, and he, with the catholicity of spirit and practical generosity which have ever characterised his family, cheerfully granted the request, and gave as freehold the ground required, and in all the early struggles of the infant church uniformly proved himself the congregation’s friend and liberal supporter. Through the exertion of the minister and congregation, and the hearty response made by their own and the sister churches, in the year 1839 the present building was opened for public worship by the Rev. James Morgan, D.D., of Fisherwick Place Church, Belfast. In the church records the following names appear as members of the first session :- “William Beattie, Robert Macauley, J. Ballantine, John Dickson, and Thomas English.” Led by “the Kindly Light” of the Church’s Great Head, cheered and strengthened by the good wishes and generous aid of many friends outside their own “communion,” the zealous pastor and his devoted people soon found that “their lines had fallen in pleasant places,” and they “had a goodly heritage.” The germ of orthodox Presbyterianism continued to grow, and now, after the lapse of 50 years, with many an ebb and flood in its short history, there are in connexion with the congregation almost a hundred families. Having served that Master who had led him through many difficulties, and had crowned his efforts with success, Mr. Canning, after a faithful and fruitful ministry of fifty-one years, retired from the active duties of the pastorate, and was succeeded by his son, the Rev. J. A. Canning, who continues to work in a portion of the vine-yard breathed upon by the kindly and inspiriting influence of zealous co-operation in the congregation, and cordial sympathy on the part of the other religious communities.

Parish Boundaries

The following extract is taken from Presbyterian Church in Ireland Parish Boundaries 1917. Printed at “The Witness Office” 58, 60 & 64 Royal Avenue.

Presbytery of Templepatrick

From Moore’s Quay by road passing Aldergrove Cross Roads to river, by river to road through Randox; by road through Randox to Dundesert River; by River to road passing Springfield; by road passing Springfield, Heathery Hill, Ballymonymore to Glenavy, by road passing Pigeontown and Leap Bridge, by river to shore; by Coast to Moore’s Quay.

Rev John Alexander Canning

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated Saturday January 26th 1929.

Death of Crumlin Minister.

The death took place at his residence Parkley, Crumlin, County Antrim, on Tuesday of Rev. John Alexander Canning, LL.B., T.C.D. minister of Crumlin Presbyterian Church.

In 1889 Mr Canning was appointed assistant and successor to his father, Rev. A.C.Canning, who from 1838 had been pastor of Crumlin Church. Mr. Canning was a graduate of Dublin University from which he obtained the degrees of B.A., LL.B. His theological course was taken at the Assembly’s College, Belfast, and he was licensed by the Templepatrick Presbytery on May 1st 1888.

For some time Mr. Canning had not enjoyed robust health. The news of his death will cause deep regret amongst the members of the Irish Presbyterian Church, as he was a faithful pastor and an eloquent preacher.

The funeral took place on Thursday to Crumlin Presbyterian Churchyard. A service was held first n the house and was conducted by Rev. Dr. Lowe and Rev. D. H. Hanson B.A., C.B.E. Larne. In the church where another service was held, the following too part – Rev W A Barker, Lylehill; Rev D Stewart, M.A., and the Moderator of the General Assembly (Right Rev T A Smyth, M.A., LL.B.) who gave the address. Those taking part at the graveside service were Rev A McKinney, Parkgate, and Rev. D. McKinney, Dundrod.

In the church the Moderator paid a tribute to the qualities of Mr. Canning, his broad and unselfish devotion. There was no place in his nature, said the Moderator, for narrowmindedness or provincalism. He was widely read, and was ever found active in the services of his Master. The Moderator concluded by expressing condolence with the widow and her children – three daughters and a son.

Rev Canning’s Estate

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald Saturday June 29th 1929.

The Reverend John Alexander Canning, Parkley, Crumlin who died on 2nd January left personal estate of £8544 14s 72.

Favouring Rev F R M Bryars

The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald on Saturday July 6th 1929

The congregation of Crumlin Presbyterian Church have made out a call in favour of Rev. F R M Bryars, BA, a licentiate of the Dungannon Presbytery and at present assistant to Rev. John Pollock D.D., St Enoch’s Church, Belfast.

Ordained — Rev F.R.M. Bryars, B.A.,

The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald 7th September 1929.

Crumlin Presbyterian Church
New Minister Ordained

Rev. F.R.M. Bryars, B.A., was ordained minister of Crumlin Presbyterian Church on Tuesday last. The new minister is a licentiate of Dungannon Presbytery, and for three years assisted Rev. Dr. Pollock at St. Enoch’s, Belfast. He succeeds Rev. J.A. Canning, LL.B., who died in February, having completed almost 40 years in Crumlin.

The ordination service was attended by a large congregation. Rev R.C.Elliot, Moderator of Templepatrick Presbytery, presided, and the sermon was delivered by Rev. W.J. Chaney, Loanends. Rev. D. Stewart, Clerk of Presbytery, read the Rule of Faith, and Ordination prayers were said by Rev. Dr. Pollock and Rev. Wylie Blue. The charge to the newly-ordained minister and congregation was delivered by Rev. R.H.S. Black, Templepatrick.

Following the ordination service, a luncheon was served in the schoolroom by ladies of the congregation.
The toast of “The King” was enthusiastically honoured.

Very Rev. Dr. T.A. Smyth, M.A., LL.B., responded to the toast of “The Government of Northern Ireland.” He said he had had many opportunities of meeting the Governor, and had found him to be exceedingly interested in everything concerning the welfare of the country and the happiness of the people. Dr. Smyth paid a tribute to the new minister, and hoped Mr. Bryars would have as good a ministry in crumlin as the late Mr. Canning.

The sentiment of “The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland” was responded to by Rev. Dr. Pollock, who said he had been in four denominations and he loved the Irish Presbyterian Church the best of all. Dr. Pollock also referred in complimentary terms to the newly-ordained minister.

Rev. Mr. Bryars said he greatly appreciated the honour the Crumlin Congregation had done him, but would not make any rash promises in regard to the future. He would endeavour to carry out his work to the best of his ability.

Mr. Robertson also spoke on behalf of the congregation.

Rev. W.A. Barker, B.A., who was in charge of the Committee, was made the recipient of a token of esteem, which was handed over by Dr. Hunter.

Rev. Wylie Blue responded to the toast of “The Belfast Presbytery.”

“Buildings of County Antrim”

The following can be found in the book “Buildings of County Antrim by C.E.B. Brett published in 1996.” page 54, no 48. Includes a photograph by M. O’Connell.

Presbyterian Church, Crumlin. Situated north of Main Street, Crumlin. Townland – Ballytromery.

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