History of Langford Lodge
Langford Lodge, once in the possession of The Rowley family came into the possession of the Pakenham family through Catherine Rowley. She married Edward Michael Pakenham. 2nd Baron Longford, and M.P. for Longford (1743 – 1792) in 1768.
Catherine was the daughter of Hercules Langford Rowley, M.P. & Elizabeth (nee Ormsby), Viscountess Langford.
She died in 1816.
The heir was to be General Sir Edward Michael (Ned) Pakenham, KCB (1778 – 1815. He was killed at siege of New Orleans. He was unmarried.
Sir Edward had recommended Captain John Armstrong as the land agent at Langford Lodge. He had once been paymaster to Sir Edward in the Fusiliers. John Armstrong’s second son, born in 1808, was named Edward Pakenham Armstrong.
On the death of Sir Edward Pakenham, Langford Lodge went to his brother General Sir Hercules Pakenham (1781 – 1850). He had been wounded at the siege of Badajoz in 1812. He had been the M.P. for Westmeath. He was married on 25th December, 1817 to Emily Stapleton (1798 – 1875), the daughter of Lord Le Despencer. He died at Langford Lodge on 7th March 1850.
Langford Lodge passed to their eldest son Edward Wm. Pakenham. He died at The Battle of Inkerman in 1854 and the estate then passed to Rev. Arthur Hercules. He died unmarried in 1895 and the estate then passed to Colonel Hercules Arthur Pakenham.
Knights of the Shire thanked by Freeholders
The following is taken from the Belfast News Letter dated 29th September – 2nd October, 1789. Thanks to the Belfast News Letter for permission to use this extract.
Hercules Rowley – living at Langford Lodge 23rd September 1789 standing for a candidate for this County – The Freeholders of the County of Antrim take leave to return warmest thanks to the Knights of the Shire, the honourable H. Rowley, and the Rt. Honourable John O’Neill..for their having in so faithful and exemplary a manner represented this County in the present parliament. (Hercules Rowley was with John O’Neill, Shanes Castle.)
Death – James Dunlop
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Friday 1st May 1829.
Death – on the 26th ult. James Dunlop aged 76 years – 36 years of that time he was gardener at Langford Lodge.
Langford Lodge – Shooting Permission
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 17th September 1830 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Game. The Hon. Colonel Pakenham desires that no person will shoot, hunt or course on any part of His estates in the counties of Antrim and Londonderry, without his express permission in writing all former permissions are withdrawn. Langford Lodge, 1st Sept, 1830.
Birth – Colonel Pakenham’s son
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 15th April 1834
Birth – At Langford Lodge, on the 10th inst, the Lady of the Hon. Colonel Pakenham, of a son.
Ordnance Survey Memoirs
The following extract is from “Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim XIII 1833, 1835, 1838”. Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Langford Lodge
About 70 years ago Langford Lodge was a fishing lodge, slated, containing only 2 rooms and an entrance. This was before Lady Langford’s time, in the Right Honourable Hercules Langford Rowley’s time. In ‘85 Sir Hercules Pakenham, the present proprietor’s grandfather, pulled it down and built a 2 storey house with very narrow windows and exactly like Castle Upton in its present state, with turrets.
In 1821 it was pulled down by the present proprietor, the Honourable Major-General Sir Hercules Robert Pakenham KCB., who built it in its present form, 3 – stories high with 3 bows, partly on the site of the old. James McBlane of the county Down was the architect. The front is supported by 4 pillars of cut stone, fluted, each pillar in one piece, without a joint, measuring 11 feet 6 inches high by 6 feet in circumference, imported from Scotland.
About 20 acres of ornamental ground is attached and about 70 acres of planting, consisting of all sorts of forest trees. The old(est) was planted about 300 years ago and the latest in 1837. Some of the oldest inhabitants remember to hear their ancestors say that the trunks were so thick that, after cutting, a man could walk on them without touching the ground from Langford Lodge to Crosshill. Many of the shoots of those large oaks remain standing, and are very large also, about Langford Lodge.
Quay at Langford Lodge
This is an outline (drawing) of the quay and boathouse at Langford Lodge: “a” is the mouth of the quay, “b” is the interior of the quay itself; it measures about 80 feet, almost square, “c” is the boathouse. The whole was built about the year ‘85 by the Right Honourable Hercules Langford Rowley. Vessels of 60 tons burthen can come with safety into this quay. Depth of water in the quay during the winter from 6 to 7 feet. Summer depth in summer about 2 and a half feet, sometimes so low as 20 inches. Boathouse, built about the same time as the quay, is, of stone and lime with shingled roof. Depth of the water in summer, about 1 furlong from the shore, 48 feet. 7th September 1838.
The quay or landing place at Langford Lodge on the shore of Lough Neagh is 3 and a half feet deep of water in summer at low water mark and 7 and a half feet in winter at high water mark. The headland is 5 feet above the water mark in winter and 6 yards in length by 6 yards broad.
Arthur Pakenham and the Indian Famine Relief
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 18th April 1841 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Subscriptions for the Indian Famine Relief fund – Hon & Rev Arthur Pakenham, Langford Lodge, Crumlin donated £15.
Captain Pakenham’s complimentary dinner
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 03 02 1854 and has been used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Dinner to Captain Pakenham, M.P. – Yesterday (Thursday) evening the tenantry of Capt. Pakenham’s Four Towns estate entertained him at dinner at Roughfort school – house, in testimony of their esteem for him as an indulgent and kind landlord. There were nearly one hundred of the tenantry and friends present. We will publish a report of the proceedings in a future publication.
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 06 02 1854 and has been used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Dinner to Captain Pakenham, M.P.
Thursday evening last (as announced in Friday’s News-Letter), a complimentary dinner was given to Captain Pakenham, on of the Parliamentary representatives for the county of Antrim, at Roughfort, by his tenantry of the Fourtown estate, “in testimony of their esteem for him, as a kind and indulgent landlord.” Roughfort school-house, in which the entertainment took place, was decorated with evergreens, the walls having been literally covered with palm and laurel, and presenting a handsome and bower-like appearance. It was brilliantly illuminated by a number of neat lamps and silver candelabra; and the services of a portion of the band of the 12th Regiment, from Belfast, added materially to the effect and éclat of the proceedings.
About 120 gentlemen sat down to dinner, which was not only excellent in every department, but admirably served. To the skill of Mr. Walker, of Bridge Street, Belfast, this was altogether owing, as he spared no pains and apparently no cost, to have the cuisine perfect.
The chair was occupied by Thomas Bigger, Esq., Derryfarm; and on his right sat Captain Pakenham, M.P., the guest of the evening. Mr. Thomas Stevenson acted as vice-chairman. Among the other gentlemen present were the Rev. Arthur Pakenham, Rev. Mr Adair, Rev. F. McCammon, James Torrens, Esq., Solicitor; Charles W. Armstrong, Esq., J.P., Samuel Gelston, Belfast; James McClarnon, Wm. Beck, James Owens, Holestone; John Hamill, Jas. Alexander, Esqrs.; Rev. Mr. Smith, Dr. Dundee, Dr. Black; Messrs. Samuel Giffen, John Giffen, W. Alexander, Robert Wright, John Hamill, jun., Thomas Jamison, Samuel Bigger, John Huston, Joseph Bigger, jun., Samuel Moore, E. Wiley, Richard Thomson, Charles Dickey, Wm Johnston, James Campbell, John Williamson, James McCluskey, John Fulton, Jas. Walker, Wm. McKinney, John McBride, Joseph Templeton, Samuel Mcgrady, John Horner, Andrew McKeown, Robert Barron, Alex. Wiley, John Wilson, Hans Stevenson, Alex. Kelso, and a number of others.
Grace having been said by the Rev. Mr. Adair, and thanks returned by the Rev. Mr. McCammon, the Chairman rose and said – Gentlemen, this entertainment originated with the tenants of the Four Towns, as a mark of their high esteem and respect for our landlord, Captain Pakenham, who has lately succeeded to this and to his other family estates. The chair was, by the unanimous wish of us all, to have been taken by Samuel Graeme Fenton, Esq., the proprietor of a large manufacturing establishment – a gentleman respected by us all, and one whom, from his position as an eminent merchant, and his high station as a gentleman and a scholar, even our landlord must be proud to find on the roll of his tenants; but, unfortunately, he has been prevented by his indisposition from joining us. I now ask Mr. Alexander to read same letter, and an address to Captain Pakenham.
James Alexander, Esq., secretary, then read letters of apology from S G Fenton Esq., of Belfast, and Richard Davison, Esq., J.P. Mr. Davison was obliged to be in London for the opening of Parliament, and Mr. Fenton’s letter as follows:-
College Square, Belfast, January, 31st, 1854 … Gentlemen – it is with very sincere regret, as well as much reluctance, that I enclose you a note from Dr. Purdon, from which you will see that I am unable to preside at your dinner to Captain Pakenham on Thursday …
Guardians – Antrim Union – meeting attendance
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 03 04 1854 and has been used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Poor Land Unions
Antrim Union – Return, showing the number of days on which each of the Guardians attended the weekly meetings of the Board, during the year ended 25th March, 1849:-
The following appear under Ex-Officio Guardians
Number of days George J. Clarke., J.P., Chairman 49 Thomas Montgomery, Esq., J.P., Vice-chairman 26 Charles W. Armstrong, Esq., J.P., D. Vice-Chairman 7 The Rt Honourable Lord Viscount Massareene and Ferrard, D.L., J.P. 6 Lieut. Gen the Honourable Sir H.R. Pakenham, D.L., J.P. 5 The Honourable George Handcock, J.P. 2 James Whitla, Esq. J.P. 7 John Smyth, Esq., J.P. 3 Thomas B. Adair, Esq., J.P. 0 John Owens, Esq., J.P. 1 T.D. Bateson, Esq, J.P., 0 The following are some of the Elective Guardians – representing the under mentioned divisions
Electoral Divisions Seacash James McCord, Esq 8 Ballynadrentagh Wm. MrErvale, Esq 11 Ballyrobin Thomas Morrison, Esq. 22 Dundesert James Kirker, Esq. 7 Crumlin Benjamin Oakman, Esq. 10 Signed Henry C. Scott, Clerk of Union
Board – Room, 28th March, 1849
Lady Pakenham and the Barrack Street Ragged School
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 26th April 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Sale of Work in aid of the Barrack Street Ragged School, Belfast Xmas 1861 – one of the Patronesses was Lady Pakenham, Langford Lodge, Lisburn.
Colonel Pakenham, MP, departs for Canada
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Thursday 27th June 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Colonel Pakenham and the Representation of Antrim – We direct attention to an address issued by Lieutenant – Colonel Pakenham, M.P., to the electors of the County Antrim, in reference to his impending departure to Canada. The 30th Regiment, as our readers are aware, is one of three ordered to proceed to Canada, and Lieutenant – Colonel Pakenham feels himself called upon to accompany it. He does not think that this necessitates his surrendering his position as one of the representatives of the County Antrim, for he says truly that the business of the session is nearly over; and he expresses a hope, which we trust will be realised, of being in his place in the House of Commons early in the ensuing year. Colonel-Pakenham has adopted a very proper course in addressing his constituents thus frankly, and we are certain that they will be satisfied with his explanation.
Bazaar and Fancy Fair
The following is an extract from the Northern Whig dated 14 09 1867.
Bazaar and fancy Fair in aid of The Ragged School, Barrack Street, Belfast December 1867.
Amongst the Patronesses was The Honorable Lady Pakenham, Langford Lodge.
Death Notice — Lady Pakenham
The following extract is reproduced with permission from The Belfast News Letter
1st February 1875 (Death)
Pakenham – January 27th at Southwick Park, Hants, the Hon. Lady Pakenham, daughter of the late Lord le Despenser, and widow of the Lieu – General the Hon. Sir Hercules Pakenham, K.C.B.
Funeral Notice – Frank W Knox
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 12th May 1884
Knox – May 10, at Langford Lodge, Frank W. Knox. His remains will be removed for interment in Gartree Cemetery on to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon, at one o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.
Death – Rev A.H. Pakenham, MA
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 30th March 1895
Pakenham – March 29, at Rostrevor, Rev. A. H. Pakenham, M.A., of Langford Lodge, aged 70 years.
Funeral Notice – Rev A.H. Pakenham, MA
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Monday 1st April, 1895
Pakenham – March 29, at Rostrevor, Rev. A. H. Pakenham, M.A., of Langford Lodge, aged 70 years. Funeral will leave Langford Lodge, on Thursday, the 4th of April, at half-past ten o’clock, for Gartree Church.
James Orr marries Maria Nelson
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 16th April 1898
Marriage. Orr – Nelson. April 6 at the Cathedral. Lisburn by Rev Canon Pounden, James, second son of Conway Orr, Lisburn, to Maria, sixth daughter of the late James Nelson, Langford Lodge, Crumlin.
Yacht Sailing
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 15th September 1902. It appears here with the permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Lough Neagh Club.
Lough Neagh one-design class yachts sailed a ladies’ race at Antrim on Saturday last, in squally weather. Much local interest was excited by the event, and all who witnessed the race admired greatly the pluck shown by the ladies in venturing out and sailing so good a race on the roughest day these yachts have sailed this season. Four yachts started at 2.30 o’clock, in a strong breeze from the west and a fairly heavy sea, both wind and sea increasing during the race, the wind backing to almost south-west. Kingfisher crossed the line almost at gunfire, and rounded the first mark well ahead, but was cut out by Sealark during the beat to the second mark. Sealark, rounding with a good lead, got well away, and won a race that must have been exciting for the ladies who had the difficult task of steering in the strong wind and rough water. Kingfisher was second, Curlew being a good third. The prizes were presented by the crew of Windhover. The starters were – Sealark (Viscount Massereene and Ferrard), steered by Miss Alice Henry; Kingfisher (Lord O’Neill), steered by the Honourable Miss O’Neill; Curlew (Major Arthur Pakenham), steered by Mrs. Arthur Pakenham; Yellow Wagtail (Mr. Bartion), steered by Miss Weir. Details:-
Start at 2.30 – Once round course, eight miles.
Sealark 1st 3h 33m 30s
Kingfisher 2nd 3h 35m 0s
Curlew 3rd 3h 35m 45 s
Yellow Wagtail –
The Late General Pakenham
The following extract is from the Ballymena Observer dated 28th February 1913
The Late General Pakenham, C.B.
Distinguished Soldier laid to rest. Impressive scenes.
On Tuesday the remains of Lieutenant-General Thomas Henry Pakenham, C.B., D.L., of Langford Lodge, Crumlin, who died in London on Thursday , were laid to rest in the picturesquely-situated church-yard at Gartree, County Antrim.
Rain was falling heavily when the train arrived at the little country station, but notwithstanding the downpour there was a large crowd waiting. A four-wheeled estate waggon, draped with purple, was in readiness, and the coffin, which was covered with a Union Jack, was placed upon the waggon. The cortege then started on its way through the village and along the road to Langford Lodge. The flag at Crumlin Police barracks was at half-mast, as were also a number of flags at shops and dwelling-houses and the blinds in nearly every house were drawn down. The melancholy procession was principally composed of tradesmen, farmers and the employees of the late General. The entrance to the beautiful demesne was reached at about a quarter to twelve, and on arrival at the house a short halt was made, and the coffin was carried indoors, where it was received by Lieutenant-Colonel Pakenham who had gone on in advance of the cortege.
Among those who attended to pay their respects to the dead were the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor and Dromore (Right Rev. Charles D’Arcy, D.D.), Rev. Canon Frizell, Rev. Canon Clarke, Rev. J. Dewing (rector of the parish), and Rev. J.H. Irwin, D.D.; Sir Robert J. Kennedy, C.M.G., D.L.; Lieutenant-Colonel McClintock, Major McCalmont, M.P.; Mr. C.C. Craig, M.P.; Mr. T.H. Torrens, D.L.; Mr. J.R. Bristow sub-sherriff of the county; and Mr. R.G. Scott. Representing the Crumlin Presbyterian Church were Rev. J. L. Canning, LL.D.; Messrs J.H. McConnell, Abraham Mackey, Alexander Nixon, Thomas Herdman, A. Parke, and Dr. Hunter. Gartree Unionist Club, of which the deceased was president, was represented by Messrs. Frank Manderson and George Rankin, and Crumlin Unionist Club was by Messrs A. Calwell, D. Melville, G. Armstrong and J. Benson.
Wreaths were sent by members of the family, and by Rev. Mr. Dewing and Mrs Dewing, Mr. Graham Molloy, Mr Briand Molloy, the minister and members of Crumlin Presbyterian Church, the members of Gartree Unionist Club, the employees at Langford Lodge, and the teachers and pupils of Gortnagallon National School.
Before the remains were brought out of the house for the last journey the General’s plumed hat, sword, and medals were placed upon the coffin. The procession was then reformed, and the body was conveyed to the church where a large number of people had assembled. A short but impressive service was held in the church the officiating clergy being the Lord Bishop, Rev. Mr Dewing, and Canon Frizell. At the conclusion of the service the Dead March in “Saul” was played by the organist and the coffin was borne out to the grave. The burial service was read by Canon Clarke, the Lord Bishop pronounced the committal sentences, and concluded the solemn proceedings with the benediction.
Robert Edward Michael Pakenham
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 22 01 1915. It appears here with the permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
The Officers’ List
Reported from Headquarters under date 18th January:-
Died of wounds:
Pakenham, Capt. R.E.M., Royal Munster Fusiliers.
The following details are taken from The Commonwealth War Graves Commission site with permission:
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Captain Regiment/Service: Royal Munster Fusiliers
Unit Text: 2nd Bn.
Age: 40
Date of Death: 17/01/1915
Additional information: Son of Major Charles Pakenham, of Headon Hall, Alum Bay, Isle of Wight; husband of Nancye Pakenham.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: 162. 44601. Cemetery: KENSAL GREEN (ALL SOULS’) CEMETERY
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, September 30 1916.
Lieutenant G R M Pakenham
Lieutenant G R M Pakenham, Rifle brigade who has again been wounded, is a son of Mr. William Law Pakenham, Berkhampstead, and a descendant of Admiral Sir Thomas Pakenham, KCB, a well-known Ulsterman. Lieutenant Pakenham is a distant relative of the branch of the Pakenham family of Langford Lodge, Crumlin, whose present head, Lieutenant-Colonel H A Pakenham commands the South Antrim Volunteers (11th Royal Irish Rifles.)
Knighthood for Rear-Admiral Pakenham
Rear-Admiral William Christopher Pakenham C.B., M.V.O., a kinsman of Lieutenant-Colonel H A Pakenham of Langford Lodge, Crumlin, commanding officer of the 11th battalion Royal Irish Rifles (South Antrim Volunteers). Rear-Admiral Pakenham is appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.
Wounded – Lieutenant Colonel Pakenham
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, September 23 1916.
Colonel Pakenham Invalided
Lieutenant-Colonel Pakenham, Lanford Lodge, Crumlin, has been invalided from the front. He has seen a considerable amount of active service with his battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles.
Colonel H A Pakenham
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 23 February 1929
A Much-travelled Senator
Colonel H A Pakenham, C.M.G., a member of the Senate of Northern Ireland passed another milestone on Sunday, and he has still a long way to go before he attains the age reached by his father the late Lieu – General T H Pakenham, C.B., who was twice wounded in the Crimean War, and who afterwards became M P for the County of Antrim. Col. Pakenham has led a life of infinite variety since he joined the Grenadier Guards in 1883. He fought with the Soudan Expedition of 1885, and thirty years later he commanded the 11th (Service) Battalion Royal Irish Rifles. Ulster Division, in the European War. In the interval he served the State in Canada, in India, and in Australia; he discharged duty at Whitehall, and he stood twice as a candidate for the Imperial Parliament. Colonel Pakenham is the fastest speaker in the Senator and bids fair to rival Mr Robert Crawford, of Ballymena, the terror of the House of Commons reporters. Like the late Sir Henry Wilson, he is an exception to the rule that soldiers do not excel at public speaking – “Around and About” in the “News-Letter.”
Shooting Competition – 1929
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald Supplement Saturday September 21st 1929.
B Specials.
Shooting competition at CrumlinFor the shooting competition for the sub district teams of No 2 District B Specials, hald at Langford Lodge rifle range, each of the nine sub districts had a team of seven to represent them, and after a keen competition the Muckamore team won the District Cup and medals with a score of 269 for the three practices. Randalstown were second with 246 points and Dundrod third with 193.
The individual best scores were – S Sgt F Reford, Muckamore, 46; S Con T O’Neill 44; S Sgt J Reford, Muckamore, 43.
Colonel Pakenham CMG., DI., kindly entertained the teams to tea after the shooting, and the cup medals, and prizes were handed over to the winners by Mrs Molloy, MBE.
Amongst those present were Colonel and Mrs H R Charley, Captain and Mrs Booth, Miss Molloy, Captain R Thompson, DC, No 2 District; SDC’s D Bill, W Nixon, A Robertson, J Campbell and G Thompson.
Shooting Competition – 1930
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated Friday 15th August 1930.
South Antrim Specials Shooting Competition.
Seven sub-districts take part.
Keen Struggle between Dunmurry and Glenavy.The members of No. 1 District shot off their inter Sub-District Competition for cup and medals, presented by the County Commandant, District Commandant, and Sub District Commandant respectively.
The competition took place recently at Glenavy, on a range kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. James Ross. The teams were detailed to the targets in the following order:-
Aghalee, Knocknadona, Lurganure, Glenavy, Lisburn, Brookmount, and Dunmurry.
The first practice “Application” finished with Dunmurry leading, having made 19 bulls, 15 inners, and 1 mag. – total score 123. Glenavy was the next best with a total of 110. Brookmount 100, and Lisburn 99.
In the second round “Rapid” Glenavy scored 106, Dunmurry’s score being 105.
In the third and last round “Snapshooting” Glenavy and Dunmurry scored 99 points each the total scores being – Dunmurry (winners) 197; Glenavy (runners up) 285 points. The remainder finished in the following order:- Lisburn, Brookmount, Lurganure, Knocknadona and Aghalee.
At the conclusion of the competition Sub District Commandant A. Ross, Glenavy, extended a cordial invitation to the teams, their officers and friends to the Protestant Hall, where a sumptuous tea was provided by his wife and himself.
Captain A. Ronald Booth, Adjutant, occupied the chair, on his left, being Mrs Booth, Miss Wilson, and Mr. Fergus Wilson, of Springfield. On his right were Captain Gaussen, Adjutant, City of Belfast and his daughters.
Before giving out details of the competition Captain Booth read out apologies for absence from Colonel Pakenham, Langford Lodge, and one from Colonel H R Charley, County Commandant, who was unable to attend owing to illness. Before the giving out of prizes, Captain Booth congratulated Dunmurry on their victory and also Glenavy on giving them such a run for first place.Mrs. Booth graciously presented the medals to the winning team also the individual prize to Special Constable T. Watson, of Glenavy, being only one point behind Constable McCappin.
Votes of thanks were proposed by Sub District Commandant D Benson, of Knocknadona, to Mr. And Mrs Ross for the splendid tea, Mrs Booth for the gracious manner in which she presented the prises, Mrs. L. Waring and Mrs. G. Elliot for their great assistance at the tea tables. These were passed by acclamation, and acknowledged on the ladies’ behalf by the Adjutant, District Commandant, Capt. L. Waring, and Sub District Commandant A. Ross.
Judging by the expression of satisfaction, Mrs. F. Farr is to be congratulated on making the tea, everyone being loud in their praises of the beverage.The singing of the National Anthem brought a happy meeting to a close.
The following extract is from the Ulster Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 26, 1963. It is reproduced with the permission of the Ulster Archaeological Society.
By D.M. Waterman(Archaeological Survey of Northern Ireland)
The site described in this paper lies close to the east shore of Lough Neagh in the town land of Gartree, Co. Antrim (O.S. 6in. Antrim Sheet 58, grid ref. 096750).
It is situated in the former demesne of Langford Lodge, which was converted for use as an aerodrome during the war of 1939 – 45 and was subsequently acquired by the M.B. Aircraft Co. Ltd., the present owners. Although landing facilities for aircraft are still maintained, most of the area of the demesne is now farmed and it was in advance of an agricultural improvement scheme, involving the destruction of a rath, that an excavation was carried out on behalf of the Ancient Monuments Branch of the Ministry of Finance in September – October, 1960.
The Site
The now ruinous mansion of Langford Lodge occupies the tip of a promontory thrusting westwards into Lough Neagh (fig.1). At Gartree Point the shore of the Lough turns abruptly towards the east and extends in this direction to the limit of the demesne at Lennymore Bay, where the Crumlin River enters the Lough.
The earthwork lies 700 yards E. of Langford Lodge and about 770 yards S.S.W. of Gartree church, at a height of 100ft. O.D. It is not shown as an antiquity on any edition of the O.S. 6 in. map, although a number of neighbouring earthworks are recorded on the 1856 survey lying just above or below the 100ft. contour.
Before excavation the rath was seen to consist of a circular platform about 80 – 85 ft. in diameter at the summit, rising 3-5 ft. above the general level of its surroundings (fig.8). It stood on a subsoil of sandy boulder clay, which in the vicinity of the monument was poorly drained, giving rise to permanent water-logging of a ditch which is enclosed the mound on all sides. The site was heavily overgrown with ash, elder and thorns and clearance revealed numerous stumps of more massive timber with which the earthwork had been planted. On the S.E. side of the platform were the remains of a 19th century ice-house, cut deeply into the mound and with a ruinous rubble-stone superstructure which further contributed to the inauspicious appearance of the site as a subject for archaeological examination. To the N.E. of the ice-house the course of the ditch was interrupted by a slight causeway and the face of the platform at this point was indented to form a ramped approach to the summit. Tome did not permit an adequate investigation of these features; they possibly mark the site of an original entrance but equally well may have been made recently to facilitate access to the ice-house.
There are a further 12 pages on this site including, the excavation details and the finds.
The Pakenham Family
The following book has been published (2007) by Widened & Nicholson about the Pakenham family –
“Soldier Sailor – An Intimate Portrait of an Irish Family” by Eliza Pakenham.
There are references in this book to Langford Lodge.
The Pakenhams
The following is an extract from “Glenavy The Church of the Dwarf 1868 – 1968” by Rev. Patrick J. Kavanagh.
The Pakenhams
When Chichester was governor of Carrickfergus three of his officers were Hugh Clotworthy, Henry Upton and Roger Langford. These men were rewarded for their services by receiving Crown grants of choice lands once belonging to the O’Neills. Clotworthy got Massareene, Upton got Templepatrick and Langford sited his residence on a slight peninsula projecting into Lough Neagh which is still known as Langford Lodge.
Later on the Langford and Longford (Pakenham) families were united and the large house built which later served as N.I. Base Command for U.S. troops in the second world war. The present Gartree church which was once the private chapel of the Pakenhams was built in the 1830’s by Lieut. Gen. Sir Hercules Pakenham. His elder brother General Edward Pakenham was commander of the defeated British Army at New Orleans. The last of his family to die in war was Major Hercules Dermot Pakenham who died from wounds received at Dunkirk.
The Pakenhams sold the estate to the Air Ministry in 1940 when the airfield was opened. In 1959 the estate was bought by the Martin Baker Aircraft Co. and T.A. Sappers demolished the huge rambling mansion.
The Yank who won his Glenavy girl
The Digger recalls a wartime romance at Langford Lodge

The Yank who won his Glenavy girl
The Protestant Hall in Glenavy was just one of many focal points during the second world war where people both young and old would meet for social gatherings and soirees in the district. Myrtle Armstrong and her sister Patricia were no exception. Their father, Thomas, was the local railway stationmaster, since the arrival of the family in the village in 1940.
Myrtle recalls that one evening they attended a dance in the hall. The music for the dances were provided by a local pianist and fiddler, and usually went onto into “the small hours.”
The Shell House, Langford Lodge

The Shell House, Langford Lodge. Photograph by J. Morrison. This card was addressed to Mr & Mrs Pye at Doddington Cottage, nantwich, Cheshire, England
The Terrace, Langford Lodge

The Terrace, Langford Lodge. Photo by J. Morrison. Postmark on rear 15th September 1936. Addressed to Mrs Pye, The Lodge, Doddington Park, Nantwick, Cheshire, England
The Digger recalls a wartime romance at Langford Lodge

Langford Lodge
RICHARD Neff had spent the whole of the entire war on the base at Langford Lodge until the end of the war in 1945. He was to be moved to another base in the Lancashire area of England. The base at Langford Lodge closed at the end of July 1945.
Fortunately, Myrtle had relatives in the Liverpool area and she was able to be with her new husband for a short period of time. Richard was subject of another transfer to the south of England. They would part there and Myrtle made her way back to Northern Ireland by boat. Richard returned to the United States and the couple spent both their first Christmas and wedding anniversary apart, separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
Langford Lodge

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing the inside of a factory at Langford Lodge

Family photograph in possession of the Neff family at the wedding of Richard Neff and Myrtle Armstrong. January 25th 1945

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing the construction works at Langford Lodge in 1942. Note the mud!

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing the construction works at Langford Lodge in 1942

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing some of the American military personnel at Langford Lodge. Richard Neff is pictured in the bottom photograph, middle

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing the inside of a factory at Langford Lodge.

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing some of the scenes from those who entertained the American personnel at Langford Lodge.

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing some of the personnel watching the entertainment at Langford Lodge

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing some of the work in progress inside the factory at Langford Lodge

Taken from a souvenir book in the possession of the Neff family showing some of the entertainment artists at Langford Lodge including A.B.C. Show, Carol Landis and the Ranch Boys