The Area in the 1830s
The following extract relating to Glenavy is taken from “A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland; Comprising the several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate, Market, and Post Towns, Parishes, and Villages, with Historical and Statistical Descriptions” by Samuel Lewis published in 1837. In two volumes.
It gives an interesting account of the area prior to the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.
Glenavy, or Lynavy, a post-town and parish, in the barony of Upper Massereene, county of Antrim, and province of Ulster, 7½ miles (S.) from Lurgan, on the road to Antrim; containing 3390 inhabitants, of which number, 399 are in the town. According to the Ordnance survey it comprises 16,786 statute acres, 9219½ of which are in Lough Neagh and 342½ in Lough Portmore. The soil is well cultivated, and there is very little waste land or bog; there is some basalt. The town contains 68 houses, and is divided into two equal parts by the river Glenavy. It has four quarterly fairs, principally for horned cattle and pigs. Here is a large cotton-mill, and much flax is spun and woven in the cottages. At Glenconway is an extensive bleach-green. From its situation on Lough Neagh, this parish has a communication by water with Belfast and Newry. The principal seats are Goremount, the residence of Mrs. Gore; Ballyminimore, of W. Oakman, Esq.; and Glenconway, of Mrs Dickson. The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Connor, united to the vicarages of Camlin and Tullyrusk, and in the patronage of the Marquess of Hertford, who is impropriator of the rectory and proprietor of the parish; the tithes amount to £221, 19. 4., of which £172. 17. 4. is payable to the vicar, and £49. 2. 2. to the impropriator; and the gross value of the benefice is £380 per anum. The glebe-house, in the parish of Camlin, was built in 1819, on a site given by the Marquess of Hertford, at an expense of £1072, of which £500 was a loan and £300 a gift from the late Board of First Fruits. The church was rebuilt in 1814; it is a handsome edifice with a square tower, for the erection of which the Marquess of Hertford subscribed £100 and the late Board gave £200 and lent £250. In the R.C. divisions the parish is the head of a union or district, comprising also Camlin and Killead, and containing two chapels, one of which is a large building near Glenavy. There is also a place of worship for Primitive Methodists. There are schools at Ballynacoy, Crew, Fourscore, Ballyvanen and Old Park. On Ram’s island, in Lough Neagh, are the remains of a round tower; and in the parish are several raths and tumuli. From Crew hill a fine view is obtained of Lough Neagh and parts of six counties, with several towns and seats.
The Area in 1888
The following is an extract from the 1888 publication titled “The book of Antrim” by George Henry Bassett.
It gives a brief description of the area and some of the inhabitants. As in most directories some of the details can be somewhat dubious in relation to spelling and accuracy.
Glenavy is a prettily situated village, in the parish of same name, and barony of Upper Massereene. It is a station on the Great Northern Railway, 8¼ miles north by west from Lisburn, and 10 miles north by east from Lurgan. The land of the district is good. It is largely for grazing purposes and sheep fattening. Crops: oats, potatoes, beans, and a little wheat and flax. The officers, to mark their appreciation of the kindness of the villagers, presented a silver goblet.
Church of Ireland : Rev. C. Watson, Rev. W. Munce, curate
Dispensary Dr. : A. Mussen
Grocers, Drapers : Miss M. Allen, Miss M.A. Johnston, Miss A. Lagan, Mrs. L. McEvanagh
Methodist Church : Rd. Cole
Miller & finisher : J. Larmour
Post M. : Miss M. Ferris
R.C. : Rev. G. Pye, P.P., Rev. F. Brady, C.C.
Schools. National : Miss M. Howe, S. Clugston, J. Laughry
Spirit retailers : – Armstrong, G. Ferris, J. O’Neill, J. Ross
Station Master : MahoodFarmers and Residents
Addison, Edw., Aghagalgan
Armstrong, Jos., Crewpark
Armstrong Ml., Goremount
Ballance, Hy., Eden Lodge
Bell, Allen, A’darragh
Bell, Dd., Ballyvorally
Bell, Jno., A’darragh
Briggs, Sl.S., Glenconway
Burrowes, A., Ballymote
Collier, Ml., Ballynacoy
Corken, Jno., A’darragh
Curry, Mrs., Tullynewbane
Donaldson, The Misses
Ferris, Jas., Ballymineymore
Green, Sl., Crewpark
Higginson, Rt., Ballyvollen
Ingram, W., Ballyvorally
Ingram, Wm., Ballyvollen
Johnston, Edward, Ballyvorally
Johnston, Jas., Ballypitmave
Johnston, Jas., Glenavy
Johnston,J., B’mineymore
Johnston, Miss A., Hopevale
Kennedy, J., Tullynewbank
Kennedy,T., Ballypitmave
Lorimer, Jas., Edenvale
Leyness,N., Elm Hill
Lowe, Wm., Ballyvorally
Lynas, T.J., Elmhill
McAuley, Jas., Edenturcher
McClure, G., Tullynewbane
McClure, Jno., Langarve Ho
McCullough, Mrs. M.J., Tullynewbank
McKeveney, Dl., Ballyvannen
McNeice, I.M., Crewmount
McVeigh, R.T., Ballysessy
Mairs, Rt., Ballypitmave
Megarry,Jas., Ballyvorally
Mulholland, Jno., Tullynewbank
Mussen, Dr.A. (Crnr.), The Cottage
Neill, Jos., Crew
Oakman, Jno., Pigeontown
Phillips, R.T., Furze Lodge
Phillips, W.J., Tullynewbane
Quigley,C., Ballycessy
Smith, Jas., Ballypitmave
Steele, Rt., Tullynewbank
Stewart, Jno., Crew
Thomson, Adam, Aghadalgan
Usher,Rt., Aghaldalgan
Waring, Lucas, Lake View
Weatherup, M.J., Ballymote
Whiteside, Wm., A’darragh
Annual Vestry
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard Saturday, May 4th 1889
Parish Of Glenavy
The annual vestry of this parish was held on Easter Monday at six o’clock p.m. There was a large attendance, especially of young men, and much interest was shown in the proceedings. The Rev. J.R. Sides, B.A., Curate was present, and, after prayer and reading a portion of scripture, the vicar presented the report, which showed a good balance in hand, and was adopted. It was unanimously agreed that a heating apparatus should be inserted in the church before the winter, and a committee was appointed for the purpose. Some improvements in the graveyard were proposed, and it was agreed that they should be carried out during the summer. The following elections were made:-
Churchwardens – Messrs J. Lorimer and J. Smyth.
Select vestry – Messrs A. Mussen, M.D.; W. Fitzgerald, W. Bullick, W. Gresham, J.G. Oakman, J. Wickliffe, W. Wheeler, R. Jebb, T. Sloane, J. Corken, and H. Ballance.
Sidesmen – Messrs. H. Higginson, George Rollins, and James Ingram.
Heart votes of thanks were given to the outgoing churchwardens, Dr. Mussen and Mr. W. Bullick, and also to Mr. J. English, the honorary secretary of the Select Vestry.