Agricultural Show
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 3rd July 1944 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter
Young Farmers of Crumlin. Agricultural Show. A big success.
Crumlin Young farmers’ Club’s first agricultural show on Saturday was a big success. In some classes it was necessary to duplicate prizes owing to the number of entries received. The large attendance made heavy demands on the catering resources of the Ulster Menu Co., and it was necessary some time before the show was over to announce that everything had been sold out. The officials of the club, which was founded a little over a year ago, are to be congratulated on the results of their initial effort as show promoters. Results:-
Special prizes
Best cow or heifer in Friesian section – S. Wilson, Crumlin.
Best Ayrshire in show – Harold Lusk, Carnmoney
Best cross-bred heifer – William Clarke, Muckamore
Best exhibit in agricultural horse section other than pure-bred
Clydesdale – N.C. Ferguson, Newtownards
Best Ayrshire Bull – James Agnew, Kirkcubbin
Best dairy cow – James Watt, Templepatrick
Exhibitor gaining highest points in show – Hamilton and Crawford, Upper Ballysillan.
Best Calf, any breed – R. Thompson, Ligoniel.Horses –
Pure-bred Clydesdale stallion – 1. David Todd, Saintfield
Pure-bred Clydesdale colt, gelding or filly – N.C. Ferguson
Pure-bred Clydesdale, four years old and upwards – N.C. Ferguson
Colt, gelding or filly, suitable for agricultural work, excluding pedigree Clydesdales – White, Tomkins & Courage, Greenisland.
Two or three year olds suitable for agricultural work – Thomas Creaney, Crumlin
Five year olds and upwards suitable for agricultural work – James McClurg, Crumlin.
Four year olds, suitable for agricultural work – N.C. Ferguson.
Brood mare in foal or with foal at foot, suitable for agricultural work – W.A. Drummond, Muckamore.Cattle
Ayrshire and Ayrshire cross (confined) – Hector Hillis, Crumlin
Friesian and Friesian cross (confined) – John Palmer, Crumlin
Cross-bred heifer calf, under 12 months – R.J. Duncan, Crumlin.
Cross-bred heifer showing no broad teeth – Will Cochrane, Dundonald.
Cross-bred heifer not showing more than four broad teeth – W. Clarke, Muckamore.
Cross-bred heifer in milk – John Johnston, Randalstown.
Cross-bred dairy cow in calf – W. Clarke.
Cross-bred dairy cow in milk – James Watt, Templepatrick
Cross-bred bull, any age – William Officer, Crumlin
Best group of three animals – R.J. Duncan
Ayrshire heifer born after January 1, 1943 – Roy Wilson, Crumlin.
Ayrshire heifer born between January 1 1942, and January 1 1943 – Hugh Suffern, Crumlin.
Ayrshire heifer born between January 1, 1941 and January 1 1942 – James Agnew, Kircubbin
Ayrshire cow in milk – James Agnes
Ayrshire cow in calf – R. Thompson, Ligoniel
Ayrshire bull born before January 1, 1943 – Harold Lusk, Carnmoney
Best group of three animals – James Agnew
Friesian heifer born on or after January 1, 1943 – Samuel Wilson, Crumlin
Friesian heifer, born between January 1, 1942 and January 1, 1943 – James Gordon, Glenavy
Friesian heifer, born between January 1, 1941 and January 1 1942 – S. Wilson
Friesian cow in calf or in milk – S. Wilson
Friesian bull, born on or after January 1, 1943 – John Elliott, Crumlin
Friesian bull, born before January 1, 1943 – S. Palmer & Sons, Crumlin
Best group of three animals – S. Wilson
Best fat beast – R.J. WilsonSheep
Border-Leicester ram – East Antrim Sheep Co., Ballynure
Border-Leicester ewe – East Antrim Sheep Co.
Border- Leicester ram, lamb – East Antrim Sheep Co
Border-Leicester ewe lamb –East Antrim Sheep Co.
Black face ewe with lamb or lambs – Hamilton & Crawford
Blackface yearline ewe – Hamilton & Crawford
Cross-bred ewe with lamb or lambs – Hugh Suffern
Cross-bred yearling ewe – Hugh Suffern
Cross-bred yearling ewe – Hugh Suffern
Cross-bred pen of two lambs – R.M. Duncan
Blackface ewe lamb- Hamilton & Crawford
Blackface rams – Hamilton & CrawfordJumping and riding
Riding for style and general appearance
- William Allen, Moira
- John McMinn, Ballyclare
- A. Willis, Ballyfinaghy
Open jumping competition
- J.A. Stirling, Templepatrick<.
- R. Ervine, Banbridge
- T. McD. Keys, Londonderry
Riding for style and general appearance for children
- Miss Patricia Agnew, Portglenone
- Miss Patricia Agnew, Portglenone
- Miss Adair McClelland, Ballylinney
Novice Jumping competition
- W. Allen, Moira
- Jack Bamber, Ballymena
- G.W. Wilson, Glenavy
- Samuel McNeilly, Ballyclare
- Miss Alyson McVeigh
- M. Lorimer, Crumlin
Children’s Jumping competition
- Miss Patricia Agnew
- F.R. Best, Lurgan
- R.H. Megahey, Ligoniel
Champion Stone wall
- R. Barron, Aldergrove
- H. Forbes, Templepatrick
- D. McCreedy, Banbridge
Identity Card

An identity card for Crumlin Young Farmers Club dated 1st March 1948

An identity card for Crumlin Young Farmers Club dated 1st March 1948
Fifth Annual Show
The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald dated 22nd May 1948
Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club
Fifth Annual Show
To be held on
Saturday 5th June 1948.
Extensive classes for
Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry,
Riding and Jumping Competitions.
Entries close – Agricultural Classes, 22nd
May 1948; Riding and jumping events,
29th May, 1948.J. Wylie Palmer, Sec.,
Phone – Dundrod 207. Dundesert, Crumlin.
Crumlin Young Farmers Club Public Speaking Competitors

Crumlin Young Farmers – newspaper cutting December 1949
(source unknown)

Crumlin Young Farmers – newspaper cutting December 1949
(source unknown)
Treasure Hunts
A popular pastime was that of participating in Treasure Hunts, where clues were given out to participants in days gone by. The winners were the ones with the most answers/points on returning to the starting point. It was used as both a fundraising and social event. Read more >>
William Scott from Fourscore, Glenavy, is believed to have penned the following treasure hunt ballad:
TREASURE HUNT 1956All reply sheets to be returned not later than 10.30 p.m.
Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club renew
Their Treasure Hunt again
And hope for everyone that these
Instructions will be plain.
Cross railway bridge and take right turn
(1) And find for me a name;
What did he do? I ask of you,
(2) To gain such widespread fame.
The road that’s next upon the right
Again you will pursue,
(3) Where you will note some symbols of
Some lovers that are true,
Pass by the rhubarb I did see
And it is massive strong
(4) And tell me unto whom you think
This rhubarb does belong.
Keep road A tow six and on it,
In time you need not lag,
But take left turn when you do pass
(5) What’s on a nation’s flag.
When you pass by E.B.N.I.
Swing left and then traverse
The road that leads unto a place
(6) That mentioned is in verse.
In a short time a bridge you’ll cross
(7) And I would like its name,
If you don’t get it on the map
Perhaps it will you shame.
There is a measure fairly large
And it’s not used for gin;
(8) I wonder what you think it holds
The name of it is "Hin".
(9) A copy of the Highway Code
That gives each vital fact
When you are out upon the way
I hope you will collect.
And on the way quite soon you’ll reach
A place that’s named Cairn Hill.
(10) Then give its height if you do wish
Your answers all to fill.
I passed a house that conjured up
Some thoughts within my mind
Of a detective, and I trust
(11) The owner’s name you’ll find.
And after this at the cross roads
I noticed little there
So slack your speed because I think
That here you should take care.
Turn and pass by where four posts are
They’re stamped B.W.C.
And on the journey you will go
I hope from worries free.
Upon the way a gate I saw,
Two bars are slightly bent,
(12) The colour give, the owner’s name,
And then go on content.
(13) Write a word with every vowel
As the journey you traverse
In their sequence – and a word then
With them all in the reverse.
Turn left at disc that is marker 1
This leads toward Leathemstown,
B one 0 one you’ll journey on
As you go motoring round.
The Belfast Water Commissioners had
A local in the chaor;
(14) To the examiners his name
I hope you will declare.
Some big trout on the dam were caught
And bigger ones were lost;
Folk need a licence here to fish
(15) And find out now the cost.
I saw when looking at a house
A window with one pane,
(16) The present owner state and then
You will go on again.
Two pillars you will notice and
A top that is displaced,
In your reply I’m sure that you
(17) The owner will have traced.
When you see nineteen twelve turn left
(18) And give a hors’s height
In hands – and I do think this will
Most surely meet your sight.
(19) A coedian you’ve listened to
And also have enjoyed
Has artificial legs I’m told
The natural were denied.
A man within the U.F.U.
Did occupy the chair,
(20) What year was that? I hope to me
The answer you’ll declare.
Keep left again and soon you’ll see
(21) Another displaced top.
You’ll say to whom it does belong
And at it do not stop.
The figures 13-3-15
I think they are a date.
The Scrutineers would like to know
(22) Now what does them relate.
(23) I’m sure you’ve often heard the phrase
"Was it a rat I saw"
What is peculiar ‘bout it now?
There’s certainly no flaw.
A ten bob note I’ve looked upon
And wondered could you name
(24) The power that faithfully promises
To pay to me the same.
(25) A picture of a Wren I hope
Your efforts will not tax,
And after this I think you may
Just sit back and relax.
Crumlin Young Farmers once again
Thank you for your support,
And trust when on the circuit you
Have well enjoyed the sport.W.S.
William’s rhyming Treasure Hunt clues are back in fashion

William Scott from the Fourscore, Glenavy who composed the original 1956 Treasure Hunt for Crumlin Young Farmers
The Digger recalls a well known local character who will be celebrated at an event during Crumlin Festival.
IT has been said that history often repeats itself, and there have never been truer words amongst the members of the Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club.
They have organised a treasure hunt for the evening of Wednesday 5th August as part of the Crumlin Festival Week and will be basing the clues on those put together by a well known local man for a similar event way back in 1956.
Organisations, clubs and charities are always on the lookout for novel ways of fundraising. In the past it was commonplace within the district for concerts, dances, soirees and beetle-drives. In the 1950’s and 60’s the district was alive with showbands being booked up for fundraising dances – ‘Windsor Serenaders’, ‘Kit-Kat Orchestra’, ‘Bob Crawford and his Orchestra’, ‘The Hilltoppers’, ‘Will Craig and his boys’, ‘Blue Star Band’, ‘Fred Hanna and his Band’, ‘Gay McIntyre and his B an d’ and even ‘Dave Glover and his Band’.
Dance at Ballyhill Orange Hall
The following extract is from The Ulster Star dated 28th January 1961 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club
A Dance will be held in Ballyhill Orange Hall on Friday, 3rd February.
Music by "The Hilltoppers"
Dancing 9 – 2
Admission 6 shillings (inc. Supper)
Inter-Club Dance
The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 16th March 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.
Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club
Inter – Club dance postponed from 8th February to be held in ball hill Orange Hall Friday, march 22, 1963. Dancing 9 – 2. Music by the Northernaires. Admission (inc. supper) – 6 shillings.
Christmas Eve Dance
The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 21st December 1963 and used with permission of The Ulster Star.
Crumlin Young Farmers’ Club
Christmas Eve Dance
Will be held in the
Mount Orange Hall
Music – Jimmy Johnston Showband
Admission 5s Dancing 9 – 2
Light Refreshments Available.