Red Cow Found in Village
The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Fri 5th Aug – Mon 9th Aug 1791 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
In the village of Crumlin, on Monday laft, a Red Cow, with fome white on her back, about nine years of age, and appears to be in the beef line, which id fuppofed to be ftolen, as the perfon that owned her could not give a fatifactory account of himfelf, and fearing of being detained made off. Now and perfon, by proving their property and paying the expences, may have faid Cow by applying to John Dickey of Crumlin.
Dated this 3d day of Auguft, 1791.
Kilnmen wanted at Crumlin Mills, 1810
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 2nd August 1810 and is reproduced here by permission of the Belfast News Letter
Two Kilnmen wanted
One to attend a wheat kiln, the other to take the care of a kiln for oats.
Men properly qualified, and well recommended, will get good wages, and be accommodated with house and garden, and cow’s grass. Apply at Crumlin Mills. September 27.
Book Extract
The following is an extract from the "Statistical Account or Parochial Survey of Ireland – Parishes of Glenavy, Camlin & Tullyrusk" by the Rev. Edward Cupples.
Crumlin, (a corruption of Camlin) is a neat, regularly built town, consisting of one long and wide street from the centre of which issues a smaller one, leading to Antrim. It is situated on the verge of the parish of Camlin, and along the river of that name. By a census taken by the writer, in the year 1808, there was 89 inhabited houses in it, and 3 uninhabited. At that time, it contained 430 inhabitants; of whom 202 were males, 228 females; 127 protestants, 180 protestant dissenters, and 123 Roman Catholics; the average number of inhabitants to each house being nearly five. In the return made in the year 1813, pursuant to act of Parliament, the number of inhabitants was 587; of whom 285 were males, 302 females; 174 protestants, 246 protestant dissenters, and 167 Roman catholics. This is a modern town, and appears to be increasing. About fifty years ago it consisted of only two houses, one of which was a public house, and the other a smith’s forge. The continuity of Mr. Mc Aulay’s flour mills, and the Rev. Mr. Alexander’s academy, have probably contributed to its prosperity. A post, which arrives six days in the week, was established here about six years ago. Mrs. Sarah Campbell is the deputy post-mistress. The distance from Dublin is 76 miles; from Lisburn, 9; and from Belfast 10. The town is held immediately under Lieutenant Colonel Heyland, whose elegant seat of Glendarragh is contiguous to it; and under whose auspices it has attained its present prosperity.
Trades and Professions in Crumlin.
Apothecaries 2 Weavers Linen manufacturers 13 Grocers 10 Cloth shops 2 Delft shops 3 Tanners 2 Shoemakers 8 Tailors 2 Bakers 2 Miller 1 Mason 1 Smiths 3 Milliner 1 Butchers 2 Carpenters 4 Cartmaker 1 Dyer 1 Nailors 3 Flaz-dresser 1 Publicans 8 Innkeeper 1 Surveyor 1 Watchmaker 1 Painter and Glazier 1 Labourers 24 Various dealers 7
Along the way between Lurgan and the town of Antrim
The following is an extract from "Original Poems, sacred, moral elegiac" by William Anderson, English Teacher, 2nd volume MDCCCXLI (1841). Thanks to the staff at The Linenhall Library, Belfast for their assistance in relation to sourcing this book.
On the author travelling along the way between Lurgan and the town of Antrim
From Lurgan town I chanced to go
A journey unto Antrim town:-
Believe me, what I say is so, –
No finer country’s to be found.For, as I passed along that way,
I had a fine prospective view
Of hill and dale; I now do say,
The country was to me quite new.I only was a stranger there,
When I along that way did pass,
In summer time, could not forbear
To notice what fine corn and grassWithin the fields of that fine land –
As fine a crop as ever grew,
With plantings fine on every hand,
Appeared quite pleasing to my view.The pasture- fields were mantled o’er
With grass so green and daisies bright;
Those rural scenes were more and more
Attractive still unto the sight.But what I now have more to say,
In passing on along that line,
It sometimes caused me to delay,
To view the handsome dwellings fine.Of farmers’ houses, neat and clean,
Respectable, and very grand,
‘Tis quite a pleasing lovely scene,-
Serve to embellish that fine land.A land so fertile, and so good,
To equal it ‘tis very rare;
For wheat and oats, ‘tis understood,
That none with it is to compare.Besides all that, no other place
In Irish ground, that you would see,
Could yet compare – it is the case –
With orchards fine, abundantly.The fruit it is so good and fine,
Of various kinds that are so nice,
Those at a distance do incline
To buy those fruits at a good price.And with them, they do cross the sea,
To other parts, as I am told;
They, for their pains, rewarded be,
When their fine fruit they have it sold.Those fruits I need not mention here,
Nor to describes the various kind,
But what is common, say not dear,
As in that place you there will find.Oh, what a fine and pleasant view,
To Westward, as I passed along!
To me, indeed, it was quite new –
I to that place did not belong.Lough Neagh it to the left does lie,
Lough Beg another lake bear to, –
It is but small, it is close by
The larger lake which I did view.In miles extend ‘bout twenty-four;
Its breadth is twelve, they tell to me;
From Western to the Eastern shore,
Lough Neagh would mind you of the sea.In it there is an island grand,-
It is renowned for its fame;
Great numbers there they oft do land-
Ram’s Island it is called by name.‘Tis two miles distant from the shore,
Unto that island of which I speak;
Some go to it health to restore,
And some for pleasure they do seek.In it there is a building fine,
To ‘commodate those that so call;
Fine walks and flowers do combine
To please the minds of great and small.The Derry mountains I did spy
Along, as I did pass that way;
Slievegullen, with its summit high,
I saw it plain most of the way.Some handsome villages I passed through –
Namely, that place called Aughalee;
As I did on my way pursue,
It was quite pleasant unto me.The next place, then, of any note,
Was Ballinderry – there I came;
‘Tis a fine place, tis’ not remote,-
I found it was of ancient fame.Fine handsome buildings I saw there,
Fine shops and stores I there did spy;
The people to them do repair,
For every article they do buy.The finest orchard in that place,
Is close by it, that building rare;
The distance but a little space
From off the building I saw there.A fine Moravian Chapel there,
And Preacher’s house so neat and grand;
The people thither do repair,
Their duty then to understand.And hear the Word of God explained –
The Scriptures good that they might know
Religion they have n’er disdained,
Lest it should prove their overthrow.For we should still to it adhere, –
Be always ready at the call;
Then there is nothing we should fear,
But in peace and love with all.A School-house, also, in that place,
For male and female children there,
To teach them good, and give them grace,
For which the youth they all repair.Into Glenavy then did come –
An ancient village on my way;
The buildings few, yet there are some,
But almost are gone to decay.The church is handsome, steeple grand;
It is adorned with clock and bell –
Low in a valley it does stand –
The hours that pass does truly tell.Then straight to Crumlin I did go –
A village handsome to the view;
‘Tis most delightful, it is so,
When I my thoughts on it renew.Some buildings there are fine and neat,
But most of them they are but low;
But, at the same time, are complete,-
In them there’s comfort, I do know.Two Meeting-houses are in that town,
For Presbyterians, so direct;
They’re neatly built, and of renown:
Their Clergy they do much respect.Beside, a School-house there, most grand-
It is for those of every sect;
Unto the village nigh at hand.
Instruction there is given direct.There is a fine dispensary
Established in that small town,
Where medicine is got quite free,-
A doctor there to serve it round.He is a gentleman of skill,
In which, indeed, it is well known;
His patients they do love him still,
Which every one of them do own.Hard by that village, there does stand
Glenoak, a famous ancient seat;
It does adorn that fertile land –
That building fine, and very neat.There are other buildings near the place;
But it would trespass on the time:
I find that it would be the case –
I’ll not be guilty of that crime.Thus to describe them, one and all,
No farther here I will pursue;
Perhaps, again, that I may call,
And write you something that is new.I straight set off for Antrim town;
The country, as I went along,
Was a fine rich and fertile ground,-
The people there were very throng –At their employment, what it may:
Their labour was of different kind;
As in this world, where we do stray,
There’s divers work, of divers kind.I now in Antrim did arrive,
A town both ancient and of fame;
In trade the people there do thrive;-
Industry good will do the same.An ancient castle in that place –
A noble Lord does in it dwell;
He’s of a noble ancient race,
As many here do know full well.So, I am at my journey’s end,
No farther here I mean to go;
My mind can hardly comprehend
These true remarks, I find it so.I now did say my journey’s end,
Which, with man’s life, we may compare,-
We often here have to contend
With sorrow, trouble, anguish, care, –Until, at once, we’re called away,
And taken out of this world’s din,
No longer in it then to stay –
No longer live in guilt and sin.
Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory — 1845
The following is an extract from 1845 Thom’s Almanac & Official Directory
Fairs now held in Ireland – Crumlin – first Monday monthly
In the 1855 the Fair in Crumlin is listed as the 1st Monday in each month except September. The population of Crumlin is listed at 398.
In 1845 The Hon Sir H.R. Pakenham, Langford Lodge, Crumlin and Portsmouth is listed as a Deputy Lieutenant for County Antrim.
In 1845 The Medical Officer of dispensaries for Crumlin is listed as John L. Gaussen, M.D.
In 1855 George A. Hume M.D. is listed as a Medical Officer for Crumlin and a member of the Board of Guardians for Lisburn Borough. They met every Thursday.
In 1845 the Petty Session Court in Crumlin is on the 2nd Wednesday. W. English is listed as the clerk. The Magistrates in the area are listed as Charles William Armstrong, Cherryvalley and Langford Heyland, Glendarragh, Crumlin.
In 1855 the Petty Session Court in Crumlin is on the first Monday. Joseph English is listed as the clerk. The Magistrates in the area are listed as Charles William Armstrong, Cherryvalley and Langford Heyland, Glendarragh, Crumlin.
Guardians – Antrim Union – meeting attendance
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 03 04 1854 and has been used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Poor Land Unions
Antrim Union – Return, showing the number of days on which each of the Guardians attended the weekly meetings of the Board, during the year ended 25th March, 1849:-
The following appear under Ex-Officio Guardians
Number of days George J. Clarke., J.P., Chairman 49 Thomas Montgomery, Esq., J.P., Vice-chairman 26 Charles W. Armstrong, Esq., J.P., D. Vice-Chairman 7 The Rt Honourable Lord Viscount Massareene and Ferrard, D.L., J.P. 6 Lieut. Gen the Honourable Sir H.R. Pakenham, D.L., J.P. 5 The Honourable George Handcock, J.P. 2 James Whitla, Esq. J.P. 7 John Smyth, Esq., J.P. 3 Thomas B. Adair, Esq., J.P. 0 John Owens, Esq., J.P. 1 T.D. Bateson, Esq, J.P., 0 The following are some of the Elective Guardians – representing the under mentioned divisions
Electoral Divisions Seacash James McCord, Esq 8 Ballynadrentagh Wm. MrErvale, Esq 11 Ballyrobin Thomas Morrison, Esq. 22 Dundesert James Kirker, Esq. 7 Crumlin Benjamin Oakman, Esq. 10 Signed Henry C. Scott, Clerk of Union
Board – Room, 28th March, 1849
John Cassell’s Coffees
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 15th January 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
John Cassell’s coffees.
Agents included :
Jas Johnston, Crumlin
P. Logan, Glenavy
M. Bradbury, Glenavy
Mrs Alderdice, Lisburn
S&W Young, Market Square and Bow Street, Lisburn
Birth Notice — Hume
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Monday 31st January 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
January 29, at Crumlin, the wife of George A. Humw, Esq., M.D., a daughter
Crumlin Fair
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Friday 1st February 1861 and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Fairs in Ulster during the ensuing week
Crumlin, Monday
Call for Tenders – fence construction
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated July 8th 1875 and is reproduced with permission of the reproduced with permission of the Belfast News Letter.
List of applications not contracted for at Sessions, to be tendered for at Summer Assizes 1875.
Tenders for the execution of the following works will be received at the Office of Secretary of the grand Jury, County Courthouse, Belfast, until four o’clock p.m., on Friday the 16th July.
25 – to make 30 perches fences on road from Belfast to Crumlin, by Quarterland, at Mr. Pott’s; and – cost not to exceed 1s.
Dr Alister’s Complaint
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated Saturday May 4th 1889
Crumlin Petty Sessions
On their worships taking their seats on the Bench, Mr. Wilkins solicitor, Lisburn, said, before the ordinary business of the Court commenced, he had a matter to bring before their worships, and an application to make. He said he was instructed by Dr. Alister, of Crumlin, to represent to their worships a grievance of which he complained. Mr. Wilkins said that Dr. Alister occupied a house in the main street of Crumlin, and that every evening, after six o’clock, a number of parties were in the habit of congregating on the footpath opposite Dr. Alister’s house, leaning up against his door, and interfering with the patients passing into his establishment, and altogether acting in such a manner as to make it impossible for Dr. Alister to tolerate it any longer. He had therefore to apply to their worships to make an order that the police summon the parties offending under the Summary Jurisdiction Act.
The Chairman said that he thought the application should be made to the constabulary officer, and not to them.
Mr Wilkins – Pardon me sir; the police have been applied to, and have failed to discharge their duty, and it is to you, as the custodians of the peace of this district, that my client now looks for redress.
Mr. Ball, D.I. – I will meet Mr Wilkin’s wish as far as possible, and I will give instructions that every person found offending will be prosecuted.
Mr Wilkins – I am quite satisfied when you say that. The matter then dropped.
George Wilson — Auctioneer and Valuator
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated January 1st 1898
George Wilson Auctioneer and Valuator Glenavy & Crumlin. Sales conducted in town or country.
George Wilson, carpenter, builder and contractor
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated Saturday 15th January 1898
George Wilson, Carpenter, builder and contractor, Glenavy – all kinds of work executed on shortest notice. Estimates free. Cars for hire.
Thomas Heany injured
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 9th April 1898
The Queen Victoria Ambulance, Lisburn received a call to Crumlin on Monday where a labourer named Thomas Heany had met with a serious accident. A traction engine having passed over his legs. The injured man was brought to Lisburn under the charge of Dr. Carson. He was admitted to the Infirmary, where he received attention from Dr. Ward, and subsequently Surgeon Kirk of the Royal Hospital, Belfast.
Crumlin Co-operative Dairy
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated 11th June 1898
Crumlin Co-operative Dairy was opened on Wednesday. Special rates have been granted by the railway company for the conveyance of milk and butter to Belfast and other large centres. About 700 gallons of milk per day have been received but it is believed that through the efforts of the committee and the efficient manager, Mr Lyons a largely increased patronage will be secured.
Advertisement for Hay and Grain Sheds, 1912
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald Sat 23rd March 1912
Hay and Grain Sheds 1912
Our business in the erection of sheds is steadily increasing. Last year we erected or supplied materials in the neighbourhood of the following places – Antrim, Banbridge, Ballynahinch, Ballygowan, Ballyutoag, Castlereagh, Comber, Crumlin, Desertmartin, Dundonald, Downpatrick, Glenavy, Greyabbey, Killinchy, Killyleagh, Lurgan, Moira, Newtownards, Randalstown, Rathfriland, Saintfield and Tynan. …
Correspondence invited.
Potts & Houston
Iron and Hardware Merchants
115, North Street,
Retirement of Sergeant Barrett
The following extract is from the Lisburn Herald 31st August 1912.
Retirement of Sergeant Barrett
The Chairman said he desired to express the regret the magistrates felt that they were not to see Sergeant Barrett there any more as he was retiring from the Constabulary. He had always found the sergeant most courteous, obliging, and efficient in the discharge of his duty in that district. He was an exemplary man in every respect, and they were sorry to lose him.
Colonel Pakenham, Dr. Mussen, and Mr. Hunter endorsed the observations of the chairman.Mr. Maginess said, as the senior solicitor present, he could bear out what had been said about Sergeant Barrett, who had conducted his cases in a fair and honourable manner, and had given no trouble to the legal profession.
District-Inspector Heatley said he was much obliged to their worships and Mr. Maginess for thei kind remarks concerning Sergeant Barrett, with whom he had been associated for several years, both as constable and sergeant – he had been promoted while serving under him – and he was one of the best men he ever had.
Sergeant Barrett said he wished to return his best thanks for the flattering remarks that had been made in reference to him. He had been 25 years in the Royal Irish Constabulary – one of the best forces in the world. He was leaving it as he entered it without a stain on his character. During the time he had been stationed in Crumlin and it was comforting to him to know that in the cases he brought there he was dealing with such an intelligent and considerable body of gentlemen as their worships, and as for the inhabitants, there was not a more loyal or lawabiding people anywhere. He had always found them very kind, and willing to render him every assistance in the discharge of his duties, which, in consequence, were rendered pleasant. He was sure his successor would have little trouble with them. He (the sergeant) was glad to think that he was not going far away – that he was practically going to live in their midst. He had decided to settle down in Glenavy and hoped to meet them often.
Death Notice — Alexander J Caldwell
The following is an extract from the Belfast Evening Telegraph dated Wednesday 17th February 1915.
Death of Mr. Alex. J. Caldwell, Crumlin
The sudden death of Mr. Alexander J. Caldwell on Saturday, at his residence, Railway Hotel, has removed a prominent and popular figure from the social and public life of Crumlin. A native of Cootehill, Co. Cavan, he came to reside at Crumlin about 25 years ago, where his genial personality quickly won him hosts of friends. He was a member of the Church of Ireland. A Freemason for almost 30 years, he took a keen interest in the welfare of the Order in Crumlin. His organising ability, influence, and energy were successfully given to wipe off a load of debt from the local Masonic Hall. In both Lodge and Chapter 140, to which he belonged, be filled with the greatest acceptance the highest office it was in power of his brethren to bestow, and his death has created a gap which will be extremely difficult, if ever possible to fill. He was an ardent member of the Orange and Black Orders. One of the staunchest of Unionists, he filled the office of half-company commander to the local (G) company of the U.V.F. Seven years ago he was elected a member of the Antrim R.D.C., and two years later appreciation of his fine business abilities was manifested by his election, to the office of vice-chairman of the Antrim Board of Guardians. He was also a keen and thorough-going sportsman. The esteem which his many-sided interest had earned was shown by the very large representative cortege which followed his remains to their last resting-place in Glenavy Churchyard. The immediate relatives present were:- Messrs. J.A. Caldwell (son), Robert and Thomas Caldwell (brothers), John Corken (father-in-law), James Fegan (brother-in-law), Wm. Armstrong, Thos. Hill, and David Black (nephew).

Alexander J Caldwell
Dentist — Mr Chapman
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard 22nd December 1916.
Dental NoticeWe bed to intimate that
Mr. Chapman
attends the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month in
Crumlin – Mr Robinson, Lough Neagh Terrace, Hours – 10 to 12
Glenavy – Mr. J. Armstrong, Saddler. Hours – 12.15 to 1
Manning & Chapman Ltd., Surgeon dentists, 33 Railway Street, Lisburn, Phone 85. 15 Castlereagh Street, Belfast.
Glenavy Village Blacksmith

Kindly provided by Aaron Matier.
The Blacksmith’s Shop – John Matier is pictured 1st Left.
Receipt – Dr William M Hunter

This is a receipt is dated 29th May 1934 and is for the professional services of the local doctor Dr. Wm. M. Hunter, Camcairn, Crumlin, County Antrim. Telephone 25. On this occasion 8s 6d had been paid
Sergt J Campbell succeeds Sergt S Moss
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 29th March 1938, and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Crumlin Police Sergeant.
At Crumlin Petty sessions yesterday, Mr. J.M. Mark, R.M., welcomed Sergt. J. Campbell, who has succeeded Sergt. S. Sloss now of Ballymena, as sergeant in charge of Crumlin R.U.C. barrack.
Crumlin Village Postcard

Thanks to Jennifer Spence via Facebook
for providing this view of Crumlin Village
Receipt – William Groves

This bill was issued on 21st June 1963 by William Groves, Building contractor, Alexandra Terrace, Crumlin, County Antrim
Crumlin Together Website
A community focused website featuring Crumlin Village and surrounds has been established as part of a "Communities in Transition" scheme. Details of local attractions, news and events, as well as a picture gallery and useful local links are just a few of the website’s features.
Take a look at Crumlin Together.
Main Street, Crumlin Village

Crumlin Main Street
Thanks to Roisin McVeigh for providing this photograph

Crumlin Main Street
Thanks to Roisin McVeigh for providing this photograph
Joseph Christie

Joseph Christie
Extract from the Ulster Star dated 3rd October 1975.
The late Mr. Joseph Christie, who recently received
the Imperial Service medal after completing almost
40 years service with the
Ministry of Public Building and Works at Aldergrove.
Mr. Christie is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Rose Elizabeth Christie who lives in Crumlin.
Crumlin Motor Mart

Crumlin Motor Mart
Extract from the Ulster Star dated 24th January 1975