Glenavy 1894

An inland village in the County Antrim, eighteen miles from Belfast by the Great Northern Railway. The village is very romantically situated on the shores of Lough Neagh. There is a handsome Church of Ireland and an attractive Methodist Church, a Protestant Hall, with reading and amusement room as well as the University School in the village, and a Roman Catholic Chapel on mile distant. Population about 200.

Post office – Miss Ferris, postmistress
Dispensary – Open on Saturdays from 10 to 12 o’clock.
Medical Officer – Arthur Mussen, M.D., The Cottage, Glenavy


Allen, Miss Margaret, grocer
Andrews, Wm. National Schoolmaster
Armstrong, Mrs. Sarah, publican and farmer
Armstrong, M.P., farmer, Goremount
Bell, John, farmer, Bellgrove
Bell, Allen, Springfield, farmer
Bolland, Joseph, school principal
Briggs, S.S., farmer
Christie, Rev. W.J., Methodist Minister
Conway, Rev. George P.P., Ballymacarrett (?Ballymacricket)
Corken, John, farmer
Donaldson, Miss, Langarve
Downer, Mrs
Downer, Miss
Ferris, George, publican and farmer
Gibson, James, farmer, Crossvale
Heffron, Rev. H., R.C.
Ingram, Wm., Pigeontown
Irwin, Thomas, carpenter
Johnston M.L.& S., general merchant
Johnston, Miss M.E.
Johnston, John, farmer, Weir house
Johnston, Mrs. A., farmer, Hopevale
Lorimer, James, farmer and miller, Edenvale
Lorimer, Archibald, farmer and miller
McClure, John, Landgarve
McCurry, E.D.
McKavanagh, Mrs. L., grocer
McMullan, Thompson, grocer
Newell, Rev.C.F., B.A. curate
Oakman, John, farmer, Pigeontown
Waring, Lucas, farmer, Bellbrook
Watson, Rev. Charles, M.A., rector
Watson, H.H.B., flock manufacturer
Wilson, David, farmer, The Laurels

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