Elizabeth Magee convicted of Stealing
The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Monday 20th July 1795 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
At a General Quarter Seffions of the Peace, held at Antrim, in and for the County of Antrim, on Thurfday the 16th day of July 1795; the following perfons were tried, convicted and punifhed as to their names annexed :-
Elizabeth Magee of Lambs-mofs, convicted of ftealing a fack of turf, the goods and chattels of Felix Magee – to be confined one week in the Houfe of Correction.
Hertford Estate Rejoicings
The following extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated 10th February 1859 and is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Rejoicings on the Hertford Estate.
When it became known on Tuesday last that the lady of W.T. Stannus, Esq., J.P., Lisburn, had given birth to a son and heir, the tenantry on the Hertford estate assembled in large numbers on yesterday evening to manifest their respect and gratitude towards the family, by kindling large bonfires on the range of hills extending from Aughrim towards Glenavy. Tar barrels blazed on Bannister’s Hill, Whitemountain, Aughrim, Crew Hill, Carnkilly, Sentry Hill and other places. Many hearty cheers were given, which broke the dull ear of night, and were echoed far and wide amid the Glens of Stoneyford, and the adjacent districts. Such demonstrations as these give a sure indication of the state of public opinion on the estate. The agent of the Hertford Estate is deservedly popular amongst all classes of the tenantry. They have always found him to be a gentleman in the highest sense of the term, willing at all times to investigate their claims in a fair, free and full manner. The best proof of this is that great improvements are taking place on the estate, and the sweet power of cultivation appears, when formerly there was nothing but a dismal swamp, or a barren heath. This is not the only time on which the tenantry of this great property manifested their respect and esteem for the agent. On the occasion of his marriage with a lady of high rank, they presented him with a valuable service of plate, and gave a dinner at which were present, not only the respectable and influential men of all parties on the estate, but also many gentlemen from the adjacent districts. Such demonstrations of regard indicate a sound state of things, and furnish a pleasing picture of the mutual confidence and good-will which prevail between the agent and tenantry of one of the largest properties in Ireland.
Death Notice — Mrs Lecky
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 10th April 1863 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Lecky – April 9 at Stoneyford, Mrs Lecky, aged 81 years.
Clearance Sale
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 22nd November 1902.
Stoneyford, Co. Antrim
Extensive Clearance Sale
(Without reserve)
of Stock, Machinery, farming implements, Furniture, Etc.I have favoured with instructions from Mrs. Chapman (having sold her farms and retiring from business) to realize by Public Auction on the premises, on Saturday, 6th December, 1902, commencing at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. sharp.
Stock: 6 quarter-old heifers and bullocks, 1 black Polled Bull, 1 very useful Mare, in herd fed condition.
Machinery and implements: Threshing, churning, and mowing machines, turnip slicer, turnip pulper, Weighbridge, beams and weights, horse churn, small plunge churn, dairy utensils and rundlets, iron pig troughs, corn bin, meal barrels, large grain barrel, water barrel cart, three cart axles, barrow, spades, shovels, graipes, forks and rakes, lime boilers, tar barrel, planks, draining tiles, netting wire, iron, double trees, scrap iron and lumber, 1 farm cart, 1 governess cart and good outside car, almost new; cart, plough, and car harness, 4 pikes hay (about 30 tons), over 100 tons manure, 80 head of fowl.
Household furniture: two large double wardrobes, piano, mahogany tables and chairs, iron bedsteads and palliasses, eight day clock, pictures, large bath, kitchen and scullery effects, a quantity of other sundries too numerous to mention.
Terms of sale – Cash, and 5 per cent commission under £3. Four months credit on approved security, or 2½ per cent. Discount for cash and commission as above.
E.H. Oakman, auctioner, surveyor, and valuer,
5 Garfield Street,
Belfast and Lisburn.
South Antrim Election
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard 22nd January 1910.
South Antrim Election.
Public meetings on behalf of Mr. Charles C. Craig, The Ulster Unionist Candidate, will be held as follows:-
Friday 21st January, Aghalee Hall at 6 pm Chairman – James Knox, Esq., J.P.
Friday 21st January, Lower Ballinderry at 7.30pm Chairman – H Walkington, Esq
Saturday 22nd January, Upper Falls Orange Hall 7pm Chairman – Walter J Richardson, Esq
Saturday 22nd January, Collin Orange Hall 8pm Chairman – E J Charley Esq., J.P.
Monday 24th January, Upper Broomhedge Orange Hall at 6pm Chairman – Rev. J. Leslie
Monday 24th January, Glenavy Protestant Hall 8pm Chairman – Dr. Mussen J.P.
Tuesday 25th January Knocknadona Protestant Hall at 6pm Chairman – Wm Higginson, Esq. J.P.
Wednesday, 26th January. Dunmurry (The Hall) at 8pm
Tuesday 27th January Lisburn Orange Hall at 8pmCharles A. Mackenzie
Election Agent
12 High Street, Belfast.
Joseph Steed
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald dated 09 April 1910.
The death took place on Thursday in Lisburn Union Infirmary of Joseph Steed, an Indian Mutiny veteran who was a native of Stoneyford and was admitted to the institution on the 25th Jan last.
The following information is on the PRONI website –
Joseph Steed Date of death 7th April 1910.
Date of grant of will at Belfast 29th April 1910Probate of the will of Joseph Steed late of 16 Smithfield Street, Lisburn, County Antrim, Army Pensioner who died 7th April 1910 at The Union Workhouse, Lisburn, granted to John Ritchie, Workhouse official. Effects £6 7s 7d.
There is a record of a Joseph Steed in the 37th Foot 1st Battalion North Hampshire regiment. He was a private.
The only Joseph Steed listed in the 1901 census is residing at 85 Corporation Street, Belfast with the McKay family. He is one of a number of boarders listed there. He is listed as a pensioner, 64 years of age, a Roman Catholic, unmarried, born in County Antrim.
Casualty List — J. Jordan
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated 27th October 1916.
Local Men on official casualty lists
Royal Irish Fusiliers.
17183 J. Jordan, Stoneyford.
From Ballycarrickmaddy to the moon

Professor Koichi Ohta
The recent visit of a retired Japanese professor of physics to the townland of Ballycarrickmaddy, situated outside Lisburn, attracted a lot of attention locally.
Professor Koichi Ohta and his wife considered themselves fortunate to have been able to leave Japan three days after the earthquake caused devastation in their homeland.
Professor Ohta embarked on a month long tour throughout Europe seeking out information relating to eminent physicists who were pioneers in their specialised fields and had made discoveries that would change the lives of future generations. He has already published biographies of leading physicists and he has plans for another book to include a number of Irish born physicists.
Obstructions and recesses
by "The Digger"
In July 1846 it was reported that a member of the public had been travelling from Hillsborough to Antrim via Magheragall and Stoneyford on a horse and gig. The traveller was inconvenienced about a quarter of mile on the approach to Stoneyford and was forced to turn the gig and ride a further 3 miles out of his way. A road contractor had taken down a bridge and had piled stone across the road. It was claimed that had the horse not taken fright at the stones, the man would have not seen them and it was speculated that the contractor’s neglect could have led to "limbs broken." A correspondent to the local press asked "Is there no one whose duty it is to prevent or punish persons who thus break up and intercept the public highway?"