Death Notice — Edward Connor
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Tuesday 29th September 1829 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
On the 12th inst. In Ballinderry, Edward Connor, aged 77 years, and for many years a resident of Lambeg, near Lisburn.
Marriage — Jacob Moorhead and Alice Bell
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 26th Jan 1841 and is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
On the 21st inst by the Rev. Joseph McKee, of Killead, Mr Jacob Moorhead, Ballinderry, to Alice, third daughter of Mr Clements Bell, of Boltnaconnell, formerly merchant in Belfast.
House and Shop To Let
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 9th March 1841 and is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
To Be Let.
For such term of years as may be agreed on, and possession given on the First of May next.
That eligible concern, in the Village of Lower Ballenderry, and County of Antrim, either with or without the Farm attached to the same. The house is extensive, and will be let either with or wanting the Stores and Corn Kiln. The situation is one of the best in the North of Ireland for general country business, and has been more than half a century established in the Grocery, Spirit, Haberdashery, and Grain trade. The household furniture and Shop fixtures will also be given at a valuation, if required.
For further particulars apply to the Proprietor, John Bell. Ballenderry, 18th Feb. 1841.
Transportation for Young Offender
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 16th April 1841 and is used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
A Young offender.
James Fletcher, for stealing five shillings in silver, a gold ring, and a brooch, the property of James Kane; also, for assaulting Susanna Kane; also, for entering the house of Thomas Walkington; all on the 15th March, at Ballinderry.
Mrs. Kane swore that she lived with Thomas Walkington, and on the 15th March she went into her room and found the prisoner hid under the bed; that he had a pistol in his hand, and said he would shoot her on the spot if she gave any alarm; and she let him leave the house before she gave any alarm; and she then told some persons, who followed him, and got her ring and brooch with him. Two other persons were examined, who stated that they found him hid in a field, and got the ring and brooch where he was lying. Guilty, to be transported for seven years.
This boy is about fourteen years of age. He was sentenced to six months imprisonment at the last summer assizes, and after that he was sentenced to two months imprisonment, so that he was only a few days out of gaol when he committed the crime for which he is to be transported.
Tea Meeting – Grand Templar Lodge-room
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard, Saturday, February 16th 1878
I.O.G.T. – A tea meeting was held in the Grand Templar Lodge-room, Ballinderry, on Tuesday evening, February 12th, at eight o’clock. After tea had been partaken of Bro. William John Park was called to the chair. The chairman then delivered a stirring address on the evils of temperance. Bros. Joseph McConnell, Lisburn. H. Conn, J. McComiskey, jun., James Duff, James Kelly and Park, Ballinderry, gave some excellent and interesting addresses, recitations and a selection of creditably rendered music. Bro. Peel proposed that the best thanks of the Ballinderry Lodge be given to the Lisburn brethren for their kindness in coming out, and for their valuable assistance in the programme. The motion was seconded by Bro. Culbert, and passed by acclamation.
Death Notice — Jane McKnight
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated Thursday 15th January 1880 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
McKnight – January 14, after a lingering illness, at the residence of her husband, Rockvale, Ballinderry, Jane, wife of Mr. John McKnight, aged 39 years. Funeral tomorrow (Friday) morning, at eleven o’clock, at the family burying-ground, Magheragall Meeting-house. Friends will please accept this intimation.
Ballinderry Meadows For Sale
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 23rd July 1887
Meadows for sale at Ballinderry – instructions from Major Nelson, Ballinderry to sell by public auction on 25th July at 11 o’clock – about 11 acres of excellent meadows.
Farm Sale
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard, Saturday September 24 1887.
Sale by Auction
A farm of land for sale at Ballinderry.I have received instructions from Nathaniel Kidd to sell by public auction, at the Auction Mart, Bow Street, on Tuesday 4th October, 1887 at 12 o’clock.
All that farm of land, now in possession of Vendor, situated in the Parish of Ballinderry, CO. Antrim, about 1 mile from Ballinderry Station, on the Antrim Junction Railway, held under Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., containing 148 acres, at the yearly rent of £108. The Land is in the highest state of cultivation, having been in Grazing for the last 5 years. There is a good dwelling house on the farm, suitable office houses, and a newly built milk house;also, a churning machine. Above farm is well adapted for dairying purposes. Possession will be given on 1st November next.
Terms – £100 deposit at sale; remainder of Purchase Money may remain on receiving proper security.
No 2 farm is considered a very valuable grazing farm; it is situated in the townland of Magheraliskmisk, parish of Magheragall, Co of Antrim, formerly in the possession of William Kidd, deceased, held under same Landlord, and contain 51a 2r 49., at the yearly rent of £45 4s 0d. It is situated on the leading road from Megaberry to Ballinderry, about 1 ½ mile from Ballinderry station. On this farm there is a 2 storey Dwelling house with suitable Offices, and plenty of water I the driest season, and it is laid out in grass. Terms – £50 deposit at sale; remainder on getting possession, which may be given at 1st November. W.J. Bailey, Auctioneer.
Hospital Admission
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard, Saturday September 24 1887.
County Antrim Infirmary
Accidents admitted to Hospital for week ending Thursday September, 22 1887:
Patrick Mulholland, Ballinderry, incised wound of wrist.
Death Notice
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 8th October 1887
Nelson – October 2nd at his residence, Ballinderry House, Ballinderry, Richard Ravenscroft Nelson, Major, late Royal South Militia in the 53rd year of his age.
Death Notice — Anne Murray
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 30th August 1888 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Murray – August 29, at Ballinderry, Miss Anne Murray, formerly of Moira. Funeral will leave Ballinderry for interment at Derryaghy, tomorrow (Friday) morning, at eleven o’clock.
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard Saturday January 19th 1889
Belfast Equity Sessions
Utahan v CuahnahanThis case was brought by James Cushnahan of Pilot Street, commission agent as executor of Patrick Cushnahan, against Hugh Cushnahan and Edward Cushnahan, Ballinderry, to have the estate of the administered under the order of the court, and for an order that the interest now existing in the farm at Ballymacward should be declared a grant on the original tenancy.
Mr. Maguire, who appeared for the plaintiff, applied that the case should be adjourned to the next Sessions.
Mr. Whittaker (instructed by Messrs. Harper & Mills) opposed the application on account of the delay which had already taken place.His Honour adjourned the case, the plaintiff to pay the defendants’ costs of the day.
Re McKnight, minors.
Mr. W.M. Whittaker (instructed by Mr. R.H. Berryhill) applied, on behalf of Jonathan McKnight, for an order that one third share of the sum of £99 9s 2d which had been lodged in court by the executors of Mr. Ferguson, and the sum of £29 18s 9d coming to him under his father’s will, should be paid out. The father, who formerly carried on business in Ballinderry as a publican, bequeathed all his property to his wife for life or widowhood, and on her death or marriage equally between his three children. The widow subsequently married and the children became entitled. His Honour made the order sought.
Grazing Land – Glenvilla, Ballinderry
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard, Saturday March 15th 1890.
Glenvilla, Ballinderry
Auction sale of Land for Grazing, cutting and crop.
To be sold by public auction, on Monday, 17th March, 1890,on the lands of Mr. Henry Jebb, Glenvilla, Ballinderry, the following, in lots to suit purchasers:-
60 acres of superior grazing, well watered and fenced; 45 acres of excellent force grass for cutting; 14 acres of good meadows; also, 10 acres of wheat, abaird; 7 acres of oats.Terms – Credit to 1st november, 1890, on approved bills; 3 per cent off for cash.
Henry Jebb.
Andrew Cherry, Auctioneer, Lurgan.
Death Notice
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated Saturday 15th March 1890
Kidd – March 25 – at his residence Upper Ballinderry, Nathaniel Kidd aged 46 years.
Abbott vs Usher
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, April 12, 1890
Court Action
This was an action brought by Francis Abbott, of Magheragall, against William Usher, of Ballinderry, for cash lent by plaintiff to defendant.
The plaintiff alleged that in June 1884, the defendant borrowed from him in Lisburn fair the sum of £8, in order to pay for a cow which he had purchased that day. It appeared from the evidence that at the date mentioned the plaintiff was indebted to the defendant’s father in the sum of £50, which sum had since been paid: and it was alleged on behalf of the defendant that this sum of £8 had been allowed for on the settlement of the above sum of £50. The evidence was very conflicting between the witnesses, and his Honor stated that he had no option but to dismiss the case; but, at the request of the solicitor for the plaintiff, he made it a dismiss without prejudice.
Mr. G.B. Wilkins appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Lockhart for the defence.
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, June 27th 1890
The sale of Lady Wallace’s Estate – Good News.
In our issue of May 3rd we published a circular, signed by Mr. Fred L/ Capron, J.P. intimating to the tenants of Lady Wallace in the town lands of Largymore, Lisnatrunk, Tullynacross, Taghnabrick, Ballyskeagh, Ballymullen, and Ballantine (in the Counties of Down), and in the town lands of Lambeg and Daringly (in the County of Antrim), that her Ladyship would be willing to sell them their holdings at twenty years purchase upon their present rental; but it was added that, "considering the position of the farms, she would not give back a year’s rent, as upon the more distant portions of the estate." The Lisburn Standard of June 13 contained the following advertisement:-
"A great number of the tenant-farmers in the Townlands of Knockmore, Ballymacoss, Clogher, and Magheralave cannot accept Lady Wallace’s offer to purchase their holdings unless they get an abatement of a year’s rent, same as given on other portions of the estate, as most of them could not pay up arrears."
We learn that some days since a memorial was forwarded to Lady Wallace, through Mr. Capron, J.P., asking her to allow the tenants to purchase their holdings on the same terms as tenant-farmers in Ballinderry, Glenavy, and other parishes are paying – twenty years’ purchase, with one year’s rent forgiven; and we understand a number of the memorialises have received an intimation that her Ladyship has graciously acceded to the request. We take it, therefore, that the tenants over the whole estate are thus, by Lady Wallace’s generosity, placed, so far as the terms of purchase are concerned, on a perfect state of equality, and we congratulate all interested on the fact.
Irish Elk Discovery
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, September 20th 1890
Interesting Discovery – A few days ago, Mr. Hugh Kirk, Lower Ballinderry, County Antrim, had workmen employed making some excavations on his farm, and at a depth of about 30ft, the skull of an Irish elk was found in excellent preservation. The horns are of great size, and perfect. It is supposed that the spot where the skull was found was formerly part of the bed of a river or stream.
Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
Extract from the Lisburn Herald 26th June 1897
There was a very hearty celebration in their district of her Most gracious Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee on the evening of the 22nd inst. Between four and five hundred of the inhabitants assembled in a large field adjacent to the railway station, and a very pleasant social evening was spent. About 9.30 p.m. the National Anthem was sung with enthusiasm, and a magnificent bonfire was lighted, which illuminated the surrounding country for several hours. All classes and creeds were represented, and joined in demonstrations of loyalty and in heart cheers for our beloved Queen.
Claims to Peerage by Frederick William Carey
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald, February 26th 1898.
A Belfast Carter and the Peerage
Interesting to Ballinderry PeopleThe Belfast News-letter says – The publication of our columns of the singular claims made by Frederick Wm. Carey, carter, residing in Ballymacarrett, aroused widespread interest, not locally alone, but throughout the United Kingdom. The leading London, as well as the English, Scotch and Irish provincial newspapers gave extensive extracts from our article, and not a few commented upon the remarkable nature of the case. The edition of the Belfast News – letter containing the article was in large demand, and the copies since have been almost exhausted. One result of the wide publicity given to the affair, and which is, perhaps, not cause for surprise was been to bring forward a number of other claimants to the estate of the late John Carey, of Toome. What may eventually ensue is hard to predict, but Frederick Wm. Carey continues to be confident in the success of his efforts. As we previously pointed out he was so successful, when last the matter was before the Master of the rolls in the Dublin Courts, as to displace John McKelvie, by whom a conditional order was obtained on the ground that he was the nearest of kin, but whose relativity was on the maternal side, while Carey’s is on the paternal. According to the terms of the advertisement issued by the Chief Clerk of the High Court , unless some person proves a nearer kinship on the paternal side than Fredk. Wm. Carey he is adjudged the heir-at-law. The family traditions of the origin of the name of Carey are as follows :- About the time of Henry Vii, a gentleman traveller called Simon came from Caria, in the province of Western Asia, and took up his abode for some time in Wales, where he was characterised as Simon ap Caria (Simon of Caria). After some time he settled in London, and there Simon ap Caria became Simon Carey, and having succeeded in trade as a merchant, and becoming established in the Corporation and connected with the Government, his family, by inter-marriage, became connected with some of the first nobility of England, so that Sir George Carey, Simon’s great grandson, was married to Mary Boleyn, sister of Ann Boleyn, and mother of Queen Elizabeth. Sir Henry Carey, son of Sir Robert Carey, the first cousin of Queen Elizabeth, was by her created Lord Hundsen on 13th January 1559. On Elizabeth’s death, of which Sir Robert Carey, son of Lord Hunsden, got the first notice from his sister, Lady Scrope, be posted off at once to James, in Edinburgh, with the news, for which service James created him Lord Falkland. His son James Carey, the second Lord Falkland, a most amiable character in most troublesome times, was Secretary of State to Charles the First. He was killed in the battle of Newbury in the thirty-fourth year of his age. Sir George Carey, brother of Lord Hunsden was one of James generals, and grandfather of Colonel Thomas Carey, of Upper Ballinderry, in the County of Antrim, and Mullacrogory, in the County of Cavan, of which he became possessed in return for his service under Cromwell in 1653. Nota Bena – This table was compiled from the statement of Thomas Carey of Gracehill; John Carey of Cootehill; Price Carey of Drumsigh; Sarah White (maiden name of Carey) of Gracehill; Margaret Hastings whose mother Mary was the sister of John Carey of Holden’s Valley, and grand daughter of Colonel Thomas Carey, of Upper Ballinderry; and other traditional sources. Further examination of this interesting pedigree upon which Carey relies to substantiate his present claim shows that the descent is carried down from Price Carey, a brother of Thomas Carey of Upper Ballinderry, both of whom figured in the Battle of The Boyne; then from Thomas, to Thomas a son of John. The latter Thomas Carey had no son, and the nearest of kin was his brother James, who had two sons – one named James and the other John, the latter being the late John Carey, of Toome, the disposition of whose estate is at present in question. Frederick William Carey’s claim appears to be that James, the brother of John Carey, of Toome, had four sons, the third being William, was the father of the claimant; and that the two elder brothers died without issue William’s son became the nearest of kin. The case appears, however, to be one of such complexity that there is an expectation of considerable controversy before it is finally settled.
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard – Saturday, July 18th, 1906.
James Culbert
Death of Mr. James Culbert.
Mr. James Culbert, later relieving officer for the Antrim division of the Lisburn Union. died at his residence on the Antrim Road; Lisburn, on Thurs day. He was a native of Ballinderry, and had in his early years been a farmer; but for the last twenty he held the position: of relieving-officer of the Lisburn district. and of late also the appointments of sanitary sub-officer and inspector of dairies under the Lisburn Rural Council. Mr. Culbert was a very respectable and conscientious official. who always endeavoured .to discharge his duties to the best of his ability, and be not only secured the esteem of the public, but was held in high estimation by the Guardians, who reposed the greatest confidence in him in dispensing relief to the poor. He had reached the age of seventy years, and up till January last continued to discharge his public duties; but he was then compelled to take sick leave, and his duties were temporarily performed by his brother official pending his expected recovery. In April, however, acting on the opinion of his medical adviser, Mr. Culbert resigned and his successor appointed. On the consideration of the question of Mr. Culbert’s superannuation, the Guardians showed the highest appreciation of his long and faithful services by granting him the largest pension which they had power to allow. Mr. Culbert was a widower, but leaves behind a family of four daughters and a son to mourn his loss. There are many in this district in which he was so long known in his official capacity, who will hear of his demise with sincere sorrow, and feel much sympathy for his children to whom he was a most : affectionate and devoted father.
South Antrim Election
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard 22nd January 1910.
South Antrim Election.
Public meetings on behalf of Mr. Charles C. Craig, The Ulster Unionist Candidate, will be held as follows:-
Friday 21st January, Aghalee Hall at 6 pm Chairman – James Knox, Esq., J.P.
Friday 21st January, Lower Ballinderry at 7.30pm Chairman – H Walkington, Esq
Saturday 22nd January, Upper Falls Orange Hall 7pm Chairman – Walter J Richardson, Esq
Saturday 22nd January, Collin Orange Hall 8pm Chairman – E J Charley Esq., J.P.
Monday 24th January, Upper Broomhedge Orange Hall at 6pm Chairman – Rev. J. Leslie
Monday 24th January, Glenavy Protestant Hall 8pm Chairman – Dr. Mussen J.P.
Tuesday 25th January Knocknadona Protestant Hall at 6pm Chairman – Wm Higginson, Esq. J.P.
Wednesday, 26th January. Dunmurry (The Hall) at 8pm
Tuesday 27th January Lisburn Orange Hall at 8pmCharles A. Mackenzie
Election Agent
12 High Street, Belfast.
New Dispensary for Glenavy
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated 13th May 1911.
Glenavy Dispensary
In the House of Commons on Tuesday, Mr. Devlin asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention had been called to the inconvenience caused to the poor in the Ballinderry portion of the Glenavy dispensary district by the fixing of the new dispensary at the village of Glenavy, which is on the border of the Crumlin dispensary district, thus practically depriving the poor of the Ballinderry district of medical relief.
Mr. Birrell – The proposal in this case is to provide a residence for the medical officer of the Glenavy dispensary district. There already exists a dispensary depot at Ballinderry, which is not intended to disturb. The medical officer has hitherto resided at Glenavy, but the Guardians provisionally selected three sites for a residence – one at Glenavy and two at Ballinderry, in the Ballyscolly electoral division. The Medical Inspector to the Local Government Board visited the district in March last, and reported on the sites. The Board communicated with the Guardians and expressed their opinion that the site of Glenavy was the most convenient and suitable, and should consequently be adopted. The Guardians, having considered this letter and memorials in favour of the several sites, decided on the 4th ult., to acquire the site at Glenavy.
H. Barbour, County Council
The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated Saturday June 10th 1911
Ballinderry Electoral Division
Antrim County CouncilLadies and Gentlemen. – Your having returned me unopposed for another three years of the County Council spurs me on to greater efforts in efficiency and economical government. I am very grateful for the confidence you reposed in me, and trust you will never have reason to regret your kindness to me.
I am,
Yours sincerely,
H. Barbour.
Strathearne, Dunmurry,
Co. Antrim, Ireland
2nd June, 1911.
The Fairy Faith
The following is an extract from a book titled "The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries" by W. Y. Evans Wentz, first published in 1911.
Evidence from County Antrim
"At the request of Major R.G. Berry, M.R.I.A., of Richill Castle, Armagh, Mr. H. Henry Higginson, of Glenavy, County Antrim, collected all the material he could find concerning the fairy – tradition in his part of County Antrim, and sent to me the results, from which I have selected the very interesting, and, in some respects, unique tales which follow :-
The Fairies and the Weaver – Ned Judge, of Sophys Bridge was a weaver. Every night after he went to bed the weaving started of itself, and when re arose in the morning he would find the dressing which had been made ready for weaving so broken and entangled that it took him hours to put it right. Yet with all this drawback he got no poorer, because the fairies left him plenty of household necessaries, and whenever he sold a web (of cloth) he always received treble the amount bargained for.
Meeting Two Regiments of "Them" – William Megarry, of Ballinderry, as his daughter who is married to James Megarry, J.P., told me, was one night going to Crumlin on horseback for a doctor, when after passing through Glenavy he met just opposite the Vicarage two regiments of them (the fairies) coming along the road towards Glenavy. One regiment was dressed in red and one in blue or green uniform. They were playing music, but when they opened out to let him pass through the middle of them the music ceased until he had passed by."
Hibernians Visit Glenavy
The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, August 31st, 1912 reports the following incident in Glenavy.
A Lively Sunday in Glenavy
Rumoured Visit of HiberniansProtestants Muster to Defend Village against Sabbath Desecration.
Exciting ScenesFor several weeks past the inhabitants of Glenavy have suffered from much annoyance and provocation from Nationalist excursionists, who while passing through the village, conducted themselves in such a reprehensible manner, utterly regardless of the sanctity of the Sabbath Day, as to rightly excite the indignation of the loyal and peace-loving populace of that district. Not only did the visitors, during church hours, sing Fenian songs, but taunted and used the most provocative language towards individuals whom they passed on the road. Similar, if not worse behaviour, had recently been experienced in Crumlin. The climax was reached when a rumour was circulated early last week that the Hibernians were going to hold a demonstration on Sunday in the vicinity of Glenavy, through which they would march in procession with bands and flags. This was too much for the Protestant boys, who quickly made up their minds that under no circumstances would they permit a visitation of the kind, and from some source, unauthorised, we were assured, by the Orange Society or Unionist Club, instructions were given for the publication of a small poster, which read as follows:
"Protestants of Glenavy and Crumlin districts, assemble in your thousands at Glenavy on Sunday, August 25th, at nine o’clock a.m. to protest against the invasion of the village and district by Hibernians from Belfast or elsewhere on that date, and to protest against their Sabbath desecration. God save the King!"
Parcels of the posters were forwarded to the outlying districts, but, through the intervention of Dr. Mussen, J.P., the respected District Master of the Orangemen, the exhibition of the bills was promptly countermanded. It was only at the last moment that the Doctor became aware of the existence of the bill, and, realising the gravity of what might follow, he caused messengers to be sent to stop the posting, and recall all available bills. To a great extent his efforts succeeded, but in some places we observed copies posted high up on the trees. The Doctor’s anxiety did not end here, for at much personal inconvenience he used his powerful influence to the utmost to prevent a counter demonstration. However, the "Boys" had their back up, and no amount of persuasion could turn them aside from what they believed was their bounden duty to stand firm and resist the invaders, whose insults they were not going to tolerate any longer. They had no desire to quarrel with their Roman Catholic fellow-residents, with whom they had been living peaceably: but they opposed in the strongest manner the desecration of the Sabbath. They freely admitted that they did not mind the holding of sports or demonstrations on week days, but they certainly would not allow them to take place there on Sundays.
It subsequently transpired that it was a party of gaels, and not the Hibernians, who were coming to a feis, or sports meeting at Feumore, which is situate about 4 miles from Glenavy, and not far from the shore of Lough Neagh. However, the determined attitude adopted by the people of Glenavy made it patent to the authorities that the situation was very serious. Representations to this effect were accordingly made by the police to those responsible for the arrangements in connection with the demonstration at Feumore, and at the request and on the advice of the constabulary it was decided early on Sunday morning that the Belfast contingent, travelling by the 9.5 a.m. train from the Great Northern Railway terminus, should alight at Ballinderry, and proceed thence to Feumore, which is almost equi-distant from either station, there to join the other contingents. At the same time the members of the Neill O’Neill Pipers’ Band at Cockhill, whose intention it was to await the arrival of the Belfastmen at Glenavy station at 9.18 a.m., were acquainted by the police of the altered arrangements, but, evidently mistrusting their informants, they decided to adhere to their original intention, and march to Glenavy Station, on the outskirts of the village. On the arrival of the train at Ballinderry at 9.11 a.m. the Belfast Pipers’ Band detrained, and accompanied by several men of the Royal Irish Constabulary, they formed up and marched off quietly. At Glenavy, however, at least two hundred Protestant men and youths, ignorant of the changed plans, had assembled at the approach to the station to watch the arrival of the train, and to await developments. When the Cockhill contingent came in sight there was considerable hooting and some shouting, and when the train steamed in the Cockhill men marched up to the other corner of the approach to the station. The police had to exercise considerable tact to ensure that order was kept. As soon as the Neill O’Neill Band and their followers numbering some fifty in all, perceived that they had made a fruitless journey they turned about and marched down the road on the way to Feumore to the accompaniment of a chorus of hooting from the crowd which had assembled. Had it not been for the presence of Dr. Mussen, who stepped between the two parties, and the cordon of police, under District – Inspector Heatley of Antrim and Sergeant Barrett, the opposition to the presence of the demonstrators might have taken a more serious form. However, the Protestant crowd made no attempt to harass the Cockhill party, but simply saw to it that they made no effort to enter the village. On the departure of the band the defenders proceeded in an orderly and becoming manner to the Belfast road, a little beyond and to the right of the parish church, where they halted to await the approach of brake-loads of Hibernians who were expected to come in that way from the city. Fortunately the visitors did not put in an appearance, for their reception would have been of the warmest character, and the small force of police at the command of the District-Inspector could not have averted the collision. There were no incidents worthy of recording. From eleven o’clock until the afternoon in fact the place was so calm and peaceful that the reporters adjourned to the church and attended Divine service, the preacher on the occasion being the Rev. Mr. Clarendon, curate, who preached a sermon particularly appropriate to the times.
As the day advanced the crowd, which had stubbornly remained on the watch, was largely augmented, amongst the new arrivals being many cyclista from the outlying hamlets. The police having circulated that the Belfast Gaels were most likely to entrain at Ballinderry on the return journey, the crowd became more scattered in the early part of the afternoon, though never out of touch with the main body, who could not be induced to move from the village. They were leaving nothing to chance, and were not disposed to place any reliance on rumours. We made a journey to Ballinderry during the day, and had as opportunity of noting the remarkable system of cyclist patrols, with evidently, pickets stationed at every road leading towards the Lough. The plans were so perfect that the "invaders" could not have crossed the border line unobserved. The whole country was watched, and all strangers were closely scruntized. Even the Belfast reporters, notwithstanding that they were in good company, were at times eyed with suspicion. Especially was this case at Ballinderry, when they made their first appearance there. They were promptly challenged, and with equal promptness responded, the result being satisfactory to both sides. Towards evening the crowds concentrated in the vicinity of both Glenavy and Ballinderry stations to await the coming of the Gaels. The return train to Belfast was timed to leave Glenavy at 7.50 p.m. and Ballinderry seven minutes later. At six o’clock in consequence of a message received from Ballinderry, the police were strengthened at Glenavy, and District-Inspector Heatley, who all day had discharged his duty with great discretion and ability, proceeded hurriedly to Ringsend, where he met the Belfast pipers’ Band attended by a crowd some 250 strong. Mr Heatley warned them of the danger they would incur if they approached Glenavy in such a manner, and strongly advised the followers to return to their homes, he undertaking that if they did so he would see the Belfast party safely into the train. Luckily his advice was accepted. The contingent from Belfast was then escorted by the police towards the station. The crowd, which had assembled in the main road at the steep approach to the station, greeted them with booing as they turned the corner and came in sight, and as they reached the station stones were thrown. The party sprinted over the last hundred yards or so to the accompaniment of a shower of stones, and as they dashed into the waiting room where the other passengers were assembled, the police turned, and leaping over a fence, ran down the embankment to the main road again, where by dint of pushing and persuasion they managed to get the crowd up the road towards the village. They were greatly assisted by Dr. Mussen, who again did all he could to quell the excited crowd. There yet remained about ten minutes before the train was timed to depart, and during this period , with the gathering gloom, members of the crowd made many attempts to clamber over the station fences and gain the platform. The attitude of the crowd became so menacing that, on the advice of Mr. Sherlow, the intelligent stationmaster, the passengers vacated the waiting room in favour of a smaller room, in which they extinguished the lamps. Here they spent a few anxious minutes while the police, whose numbers were extraordinarily small, were busily engaged keeping the station approaches clear. At length the train arrived, and the passengers dashed across the platform into the nearest compartments. Two of the pipers were struck with stones – one on the chin and another on the side and arm. It was with a sigh of relief that the police and the passengers saw the train move out of the station.
Meanwhile at Ballinderry, an equally determined crowd had gathered, and had occupied the roads from Feumore, but no one was molested. The arrival from Feumore of four members of the Royal Irish Constabulary was greeted with party cries, with booing, and with shouts of "Where are the pipers?" When the train arrived from Glenavy stones were thrown, and six panes of glass were smashed, and one of the missiles striking a passenger on the knee. At the first sign of stone throwing the constabulary advised the passengers to stand, with the result that no one was injured either by falling glass or by stones, and on the train proceeding on its journey matters assumed a normal aspect.
A humorous incident occurred at Glenavy in the morning. A few of the villagers were watching the departure of the Belfast contingent, and noting that they were few in number, speculated as to how the remainder of the anticipated crowd would perform the journey. One of the men noted that at the rear of the train a red flag was flying, denoting that a special train was following. The crowd awaited the arrival of the special, and as it approached one of their number exclaimed, "They are bringing the Hibernians in closed vans!" But the train did not draw up – it was composed of horse boxes, and was proceeding to Antrim to collect horses in connection with the Dublin Show.
The Lisburn Herald, on 7th September, 1912 reported the following:
Sunday Excursions at Glenavy.
Local Orangemen’s protest.The members of L.O.L. No. 227 Glenavy at their monthly meeting held in the Protestant Hall on the evening of the 31st ult., passed the following resolution:
"That we desire the most emphatic manner to enter our solemn protest against the unseemly and irrelevant manner in which the Lord’s day has been for some time past desecrated by the conduct of gangs of outsiders, who, under the guise of excursionists behave in the most disorderly manner, towards the loyal Protestant inhabitants. We resent this behaviour more especially as the village is well known for the spread of goodwill and friendly toleration which pervades the different sections of the community. We would deplore anything that would tend to disturb this friendly feeling and as we believe such reprehensible conduct would do so, we call on the authorities to suppress these invasions otherwise we believe they may lead to breaches of the peace, probably violence."
Signed by Dr. Mussen.
The Lisburn Herald makes the following observations:
Under the caption "Skirmish between Hibernians and Ulstermen," the "London Daily Chronicle" (Radical) has an amusing paragraph, referring to a Gaelic festival at "Glenary" (meaning Glenavy), "County Down." It tells its readers that the Hibernians were to hold a "Gaelic" meeting, and goes on to say that at Ballinderry shots were "fired in the air and several persons received injuries!" Just imagine that. We must have missed the aerial fusilade, but then we never thought of looking for the merry Hibernians in aeroplanes. Any Gaels we saw were on "Shank’s Mare," and right well did they gallop. We were not aware that Glenavy had crossed the Lagan into the County Down. After all, we don’t expect accuracy in the English Radical Press regarding Irish happenings.
The following extract is from The Irish News and Belfast Morning News dated Monday 26th August 1912. This extract is reproduced by kind permission of The Irish News. This paper gives a slightly different account of the day’s events.
Wild Sunday Scenes.
Attack upon Excursionists at Glenavy
Station Besieged
Unionist Mob Assails Non-Political Travellers.
Revolver Shots
Passengers’ Experience Returning from Aeridheacht.
(from our Reporter)The spirit generated by recent Unionist oratory is finding expression in more ways than one in rural Ulster. Its latest phase developed yesterday in an attack made upon a body of excursionists engaged on an outing neither political nor religious in character – an aeridheacht and sports held at Feymore, Co. Antrim, on the shores of Lough Neagh and within view of Ram’s island. Everything possible was done in advance to organise local feeling in the district against what was wilfully misconstrued into a "Hibernian Invasion," although it was perfectly clear and obvious that the function, which was promoted locally, was not identified with any religious or political body or organisation, and neither in its character nor in any detail of the arrangements gave the slightest excuse for feeling, not to say the violence and turmoil actually evoked on this occasion. The nominal excuse manufactured in advance to be argued on behalf of the mob is a misdirected zeal against what they are supposed to consider "desecration of the Sabbath". It is thus left open to inference that the population of the district consider the attacking of visitors and the creation of riot, a better way of spending the Sunday than participating in a peaceful and pleasant Irish gathering such as held on the Lough shore yesterday afternoon.
A Preliminary Poster
The fact of such a function taking place on a Sunday was quickly seized upon by the extremist Orange and Unionist section; and, under the old pretence of religious qualms of conscience, they made their hostile intentions known in the earlier part of last week by the following "proclamation," which appeared on posters throughout the neighbourhood:
"Protestants of Glenavy and Crumlin districts! Assemble in your thousands at Glenavy on Sunday, 25th August, at 9 o’clock a.m., to protest against the invasion of the village and district by Hibernians from Belfast or elsewhere on that date and to protest against the desecration. God save the King!"
Yesterday the police force in Glenavy and Ballinderry was strengthened by bodies of constabulary from Lurgan, Toomebridge, and other outlying districts, and prior to the arrival of the Belfast train the unusually pastoral environment of both villages was quite transformed in appearance by the number of police on duty. The place looked as it preparing for fierce encounters between opposing parties.
Avoiding Trouble
Acting on the advice of the police, the Pipers’ Band from Belfast and other visitors to the aeridheacht from the city did not proceed to Glenavy, but broke the journey at Ballinderry. On arrival, the platform was practically deserted except for a few loungers. The threats of what would happen on their return journey from Feymore were, however, already being whispered abroad, and these threats afterwards proved no idle words. The counter move of the band to avoid coming in contact with a mob at Glenavy proved successful, but it rather incensed the rowdies, who were assembled in hundreds at the last mentioned station. However, they were not left altogether without what they would probably term “fun”.
The local pipers’ band were also unaware of their Belfast visitors’ sudden intention to get out at Ballinderry, and, as had been previously arranged, they marched from their rooms to Glenavy Railway station with the object of accompanying the Belfast contingent to the field. As the time approached for the arrival of the train the waiting crowd had assumed considerable proportions, and a cordon of police, under the charge of District-Inspector Heatley, was drawn across the road, dividing the station from the mob.
Glenavy Scenes
The whistle of the train was the signal for a rush towards the railway premises. This was quickly checked by the police, who drove the yelling crowd back about two hundred yards from the station. When it became known that the Belfast contingent had avoided the rowdies by curtailing their rail journey, the mob became unmanageable. They made every effort to get at the local band, which had meanwhile started to march towards the field. The scene at this period was wild, stones and other missiles being thrown at the heads of the unfortunate musicians who retreated under cover of the police. Dr. Mussen, J.P., coroner for the district, in the face of some danger from the missiles, used his efforts to check the disorder, but without much avail, until at last the band got clear on the way to the field.
The mob then attempted to march towards the catholic Church, but were stopped by the police, who forced them back.
Mob’s Movements
They then came along the Belfast Road using vile and violent language, and calling upon all whom they met to declare their religion. A rumour was current amongst them that several contingents en route for the aeridheacht would travel by brakes in Glenavy, and it was under this impression that the crowd occupied the road. During the day the mob, flanked by cyclist "scouts," patrolled the district in the hope of meeting any belated travellers by road from Belfast suspected of being bound for Feymore.
In The Evening
Excursionists Attacked at Glenavy and Ballinderry.In the evening – after the aeridheacht and sports, which were of a most successful and enjoyable nature – things began to look serious again, both in Glenavy and Ballinderry, when crowds assembled around the railway station. Taking it for granted that the Belfast contingent would walk back to Ballinderry, a crowd of several hundreds waited expectantly for them, relieving the "vigil" by using blasphemous language regarding the Pope and Catholics in general. But they were again outwitted, as the band decided to return to Glenavy. After leaving the field the crowd accompanying the two pipers’ bands grew to considerable proportions. They were met by District-Inspector Heatley, who advised the local men to return home, and not give any excuse for a riot. This advice was immediately acted upon, and the Belfast contingent continued their journey.
The arrival of the little band at 8.20 p.m. at glenavy was the signal for an outburst of yelling by a crowd of several hundreds stationed at a cross-roads near the railway station.
Revolver Shots.
Stones, Bricks, and all kinds of missiles were flung at the oncoming band; while revolver shots could be hear repeatedly. The scene became very wild, and, amidst the excitement, the district-inspector rushed forward and shouted "Run for it boys." The little band did run, under a fusillade of stones.
Railway Station Siege.
The station premises were at last reached by the Belfast people, but not before several had received nasty wounds. Amongst those injured are James Taylor and James Clements, who received cuts to the head and body. Refuge was taken in the waiting- rooms, but the mob outside made several attempts to get in through the windows. The lights in the rooms were extinguished, but the police by this time had, by a flank movement, cut off the main body of hooligans from the premises and chased them up the road. This state of siege was, however, maintained until the arrival of the train.
Immediately the train left the platform, showers of missiles crashed against the carriages, and the passengers – amongst whom were a number of women and children – were forced to shelter from the risk of stones or broken glass. Revolver shots were also to be heard, adding to the confusion and terror of the ladies and young people huddled in some of the carriages.
An Adventurous Journey.
A renewal of the attack occurred when the train reached Ballinderry, As the train steamed into this station the passengers were forced to find safe, if sometimes undignified position, sheltered from the flying missiles which came from one side. The roughs here appeared to be ensconced behind every hedge and railing, for stones and bricks came in volleys against the carriages, smashing the glass of the windows. The whistle of the guard was a welcome sound, and at last the train steamed out of "firing distance."
Considerable excitement was evident amongst waiting passengers at stations between Ballinderry and Belfast on witnessing the condition of the carriage. On arrival in Belfast a large crowd had gathered in Great Victoria Street. Up to the present no arrests were reported in connection with the affair either in Glenavy or Ballinderry.
A report of the Aeridheacht and sports appears in our sporting page.
Gaels at Feumore
Enjoyable programme of Sports and Irish Music and DancingAn enjoyable aeridheacht mor was held yesterday at Feumore, Co. Antrim, when a splendid Gaelic programme of sports and amusements was submitted. The weather, though threatening in the morning, turned out beautifully fine when the proceedings commenced. There was a large attendance from the various districts, and the field presented a very animated appearance, with the coloured costumes of the pipers and the holiday dresses of the ladies. No better spot could have been selected for such a meeting than the broad field which overlooks Lough Neagh and the picturesque island below. A procession, headed by the Belfast Pipers, marched to the field, when the proceedings were opened by Mr. F.J. Bigger, M.R.I.A., who, in an eloquent speech, referred to the necessity of teaching Irish in the schools and also of having a thorough knowledge of the history of the country inculcated into the minds of the young. An excellent sports programme was gone through, the following being the events and winners:-
100 yards open handicap – J. O’Hara,1, P.Lavery, 2. Wm. Lavery, 3.
Long Jump – J. O’Hara 1., J. Hannon, 2., Wm. Lavery, 3.
One mile open handicap – J. Hannon,1, J. Brannon, 2. J. Barnes, 3.
Putting 16lb shot – J. Magee, 1. J. Filbin, 2. W.H. Hickland, 3.At the conclusion of the sports an enjoyable programme of dancing and singing was submitted, after which the prizes were presented by Father McBride.
The following is an account as appeared in The Lisburn Standard, Saturday, August 31st 1912.
Party Feeling At Glenavy
Protestants Resent Sunday Desecration
Will Stand it no Longer.The village of Glenavy and the surrounding district was the scene on Sunday of a remarkable state of affairs, which was the outcome of a rumoured invasion of the place by a band of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, whose intention it was said was to hold a demonstration and a sports meeting.
Naturally the prospect of such a gathering on the Sabbath was the source of much indignation among the loyal inhabitants, and seeing that on a number of occasions recently Nationalists had driven through the village during church hours singing and shouting Fenian songs, the inhabitants made up their mind to put a stop to this Sabbath desecration, in their district at any rate.
Accordingly on Sunday morning a number of Protestants assembled at Glenavy Railway Station shortly after nine o’clock to await the arrival of the train from Belfast. Meanwhile the authorities were alive to the possibility of unpleasantness, and, getting into communication with the intending visitors – Gaelic Leaguers and not Hibernians as was at first thought – prevailed upon them to agree to detrain at Ballinderry station and walk to Feumore – the distance being much the same as from Glenavy. The party which was a small one included a number of pipers in Gaelic costume, was accompanied by a few policemen, and met with no interference at Ballinderry, the station and its approaches being deserted.
When a few minutes later, the train stopped at Glenavy it seemed at first as if similar conditions were to be in evidence there. Only a few people got out of the train, and passed down the avenue leading to the main road, which is thirty five feet below the railway level and out of view of the station. At the gate leading from the station there was gathered a crowd of Gaels with pipers waiting for their friends, while facing them, and separated only by a few yards was an assemblage of about 200 of the villagers. In the space between, District Inspector Heatley, Antrim, had a cordon of his men drawn across the road, while Dr. Mussen and he did the utmost in a tactful and friendly way to prevent anything in the nature of disturbance. On being informed that their friends were already on the way to Feumore, the Gaels, who represented the Cockhill fraternity marched speedily away in the direction of Ballymacricket Chapel, to attend the eleven o’clock mass prior to engaging in their sports. The village party returned to the village.
On the return journey the Gaels reached Glenavy station at 7.30 and there was some stone throwing, and the arrival of the train came as a welcome relief. At Ballinderry a large crowd congregated near the station in anticipation of the return of the Gaels. Some shots were fired in the air, and as the train came in there was loud groaning when the uniformed Leaguers were seen in one of the carriages. As the train moved out, the stones were thrown through one or two of the windows, but happily no person sustained any serious injury.
Local Protestants complain of singing and brawling parties of Hibernians and Gaelic Leagurers from Belfast principally, who drive through the village on Sundays and make the air bedious with their curses and party cries.
They say they have stood enough of this vulgarity and will stand it no longer.
Death Notice — Mary Jane Tate
The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated 11th July 1924
TATE – July 6th, 1924, Mary Jane Tate, late of "The Beeches" Upper Ballinderry. Her remains were removed from "Chlorine" Clonavin Park, Lisburn, and interred in Magheragall Churchyard, on 8th inst. A. Tate.
Death Notice — William McCurry
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 16th January 1931 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
McCurry – January 14, 1931 at District Hospital, Lisburn, William McCurry, late of Ballinderry. Funeral today (Friday), as 12 noon, from above hospital for interment in Trummery. Jane Green.
Death Notice — William McCurry
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 15th November 1931 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
McCurry – January 14, 1931 at District Hospital, Lisburn, William McCurry, late of Ballinderry, Funeral tomorrow (Friday), at 12 noon, from above Hospital for interment in Trummery.
Obituary — Mr Tom Sefton
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 15th September 1945, and is reproduced with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Mr. T. SeftonMr. Tom Sefton who died suddenly at his residence, 36 Dorchester Park, Malone, at the age of 39 was the elder son of the late Burton Sefton and of Mrs. Sefton, St. Aubyn’s, Deramore Drive, Belfast. He was a member of the staff of the Ulster Weaving Co., Ltd., and had been connected with the linen trade all his life, as his father had been. For many years he was secretary of the old Columban Society in Northern Ireland. He was a long life member of the Naturalists’ Field Club and the CIYMS., a member of St. John’s Church, Malone and in recent years was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. He is survived by his wife and small son. An ancestor, John Sefton of Lancaster, received a grant of lands from King James the first in 1609 at the request of Sir Foulke Conway, the Servitor of Killultagh.
Pigeon Racing
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated 8th May 1948.
Pigeon racing. Ballinderry and District Society.
The third race of the season took place from Bray, a distance of 92 miles, on 1st May, six members sending 48 birds. Result:- McDonald 875 yards per minute (3d and 6d pools); 2, Evans, 873; 3, McDonald 846 (nomination), 4, Lavery, 811; 5, Spence, 791; 6, Beckett, 784; 7, Costello, 706. The attention of intending members is drawn to an advertisement which appears in this issue.
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated 22nd May 1948.
Pigeon racing. Ballinderry and District Society.
The fifth old bird race was flown last Saturday from Wexford, a distance of 152 miles. Much interest was taken in the race as the winner will receive the Linton Cup kindly presented to the club by Mr. J.G. Linton, Magheragall.
H. McDonald, of Ballinderry, timed the first arrival to win the cup, all pools and nomination. Result:- 1, McDonald 1294 yards per minute; 2, McDonald, 1276 (3d and 6d pools); 3, Evans, 1272; 4. McDonald, 1230 (nomination); 5, Costello 1212; 6, Lavery, 1202; 7, Spence, 1168; 8, Beckett, 1149
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated 12th June 1948.
Ballinderry and District Society.
The eighth old bird race was flown last Saturday from Bude, a distance of 266 miles. Birds were liberated at 7.30am in a strong SW wind, the first arrival being timed at 2.7pm. Result: 1, McDonald, 1179 (3d and 6d pools); 2, McDonald, 990 (nomination); 3, Lavery, 981; 4, Evans, 862; 5, Costello, 651.
Velocities in the Dungarvan race flown on Saturday, 29th may were as follows: 1, McDonald, 1003 (3d and 6d pools); 2, Spence, 993; 3, McDonald, 978;4, Evans, 967; 5, Beckett, 959; 6, McDonald 935 (nomination); 7, Costello, 925; 8, Lavery, 849.
Rev Dr C.K.S. Moffatt Farewelled
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated June 5th 1948.
Farewell to Rev. C.K.S. Moffatt
Returning to United States.A special farewell meeting was held in Roses Lane Ends Orange Hall last Friday evening in honour of the Rev. Dr. C.K. S. Moffatt, who, in a short time, sails for the USA.
The hall was packed to capacity and Mr. A. Peel, who presided, spoke of the wonderful work done in the district during the special revival services conducted by Dr. Moffatt and wished him God speed as he returned to the United States to continue his work there.
Mr. J. Johnston, sen., also spoke highly of the sincere way in which Dr. Moffatt had presented the Gospel and of the results that had been achieved since his coming to this country.
A box of irish linen handkerchiefs, was presented to Dr. Moffatt by Miss Jean Totten on behalf of the the committee of the Christian Fellowship Meeting, Roses Lane Ends.
In his reply, Dr. Moffatt said he would always treasure the handkerchiefs, and when thousands of miles away would often take a walk down "Memories Lane" and think of his friends in Roses Lane Ends. He added that if it pleased God to open up the way, he hoped to return to this country in the not too distant future.
Musical items were contributed by the following: – Misses V. Moffatt, M.Tuft, B. Ross, N. Ross and K Johnston, Messrs W. Higginson, G. Evans, B. Beckett and R. Higginson (Belfast). Mrs Peel was at the organ.
With the singing of the well known hymn "God be with you, till we meet again," a very pleasant evening was brought to a close.
Lighting at Lower Ballinderry
The following extract is from the Lisburn Standard dated Friday 25th August 1950
Lisburn Rural Council Meeting on Tuesday:-
Ballinderry Lighting.Mr Green asked about the delay in providing lighting at Lower Ballinderry. The poles were there, but apparently the planning officer objected to their erection along the road. The clerk agreed to take the matter up with the Electricity Board.
First Ploughing Match – Ballinderry Young Farmers’ Ploughing Society
The following extract is from The Ulster Star dated 21st January 1961 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Preliminary Notice…
Ballinderry Young Farmers’ Ploughing SocietyThe First Ploughing match of this newly-formed Society will be held on the 25th February, 1961, on the lands of Mr. S. Thompson, The Villa, Lower Ballinderry.
The four classes are – (a) Open Hydraulic; (b) Y.F.C. Hydraulic. Open to competitors under 25 on or before 31st October, 1960; (c) Y.F. Hydraulic confined to members of Ballinderry Y.F.C.; (d) Confined Hydraulic to competitors residing within a 5-mile radius of Upper Ballinderry cross-roads.
– Closing date for entries will be 15th February –
Entries should be sent to Angela Davidson, Ballymave, Upper Ballinderry, Lisburn. Entry fee 10 shillings.
Letting of Lands – Burnside, Lower Ballinderry
The following extract is from The Ulster Star dated 28th January 1961 and appears with permission of The Ulster Star.
Burnside, Lower Ballinderry
Important letting of LandsI am instructed by Mr. John Arnold. J.P., to let by auction on the premises on Wednesday 15th February at 3 o’clock pm.
40 acres prime grazing lands in lots
9 acres old lea (Eligible) for labour.
19½ acres cutting.Usual land terms
David Mairs
Auctioneer and valuer, 8 Bridge Street, Lisburn tel. Lisburn 3128
Mr Edward Hamill
The following is from The Ulster Star dated 11th March 1961 and appears with permission of the Ulster Star.
Mr Edward Hamill with one of his many boxes of moths
He hunts for tigers in his garden
Would you like an introduction to an oak eggar, a peacock and a tiger? Then call on the proprietor of a service station on the Moira Road.
There you will see Mr. Edward Hamill of Ballinderry, a student of entomology in general and lepidoptery in particular.
All of which means nothing more startling that that he is interested in insects and butterflies and moths.
In fact it would be correct to say that he has a passion for collecting both common and rare Lepidoptera.
"Lepidopterous insects are those four scale-covered wings, such as moths and butterflies," he explained to a Star reporter.
"I am interested in all kinds of insects and so is my wife, but while she is getting very keen on those of the beetle kingdom, I find that I am more and more drawn to the study of butterflies and moths."
"I have several thousand examples mounted in my home. Some are very common and others are comparatively rare in Ulster. I trapped all of them myself and most of them in my own back garden."
Mr. Hamill told our reporter that he first became interested in his absorbing spare-time hobby when, some years ago he accidentally captured the rare "Death head hawk" moth in the garden of his parents’ home in Megaberry.
"This is the largest kind of moth and the specimen I caught was very good. It had a wing span of four and a half inches," he added.
The death head hawk is a migrant and, according to Mr. Hamill, is seldom seen in Ulster, where it is regarded as a rare visitor.
"Of the 70 British varieties of butterflies 45 are found in Ireland and Britain has about 2000 species of moths and Ireland more than 500," Mr. Hamill said.
Mr. Hamill uses a mercury vapour lamp to trap his specimens. This is mounted on a special box which has a lining impregnated with a weak solution of chloroform.
The moths are attracted by the strong light into the box where they become unconscious.Mr. Hamill inspects his night’s "harvest" and releases those he does not want. The moths which are suitable for his collection he re-doses with chloroform – this time in a solution strong enough to kill them painlessly.
Before the moths can be mounted on the rustless entomological pins in the specimen boxes they go through a lengthy period of preparation.
"The moths are all crumpled and bunched together when I take them from the trap," Mr. Hamill said.
"They have to be treated to smooth out their wings and for this I use a special kind of transparent paper."
"There is a special setting board on which I do this – the board has grooves in which the moths’ bodies lie and I straighten the wings with fine entomological instruments. It takes from six to eight weeks before they can be mounted on pins after this process."
The wide range of brilliant and delicate colouring of the specimens in Mr. Hamill’s collection made our reporter wonder if they had all been acquired recently.
Mr. Hamill explained that almost without exception, the colours remain constant and he selected one "small copper" butterfly which was nearly ticketed with its name, place and date of capture.
This had been found at Lough Neagh on August 11, 1927. It was the brightest looking 34 year old our reporter had seen for a long time.
The popular distinction between what is a moth and what is a butterfly has been summed up as moths are ugly and butterflies are pretty but after a glimpse at Mr. Hamill’s collection it was obvious that this was not a true definition.
He has delicate fairy-like insects and ones with a true splash of gold shining on their wings and they are moths and not butterflies.
"The correct way to detect the difference is by looking at their antennae not their wings," Mr. Hamill explained. "The moth’s antennae always tapers off, whereas the butterfly’s invariably ends in a tiny knob as a club to lepidopterists."
Mr. Hamill recommends this hobby to those who are interested in keeping fit.
"Just try taking an afternoon on your holidays chasing over the sands after a rare species of butterfly. You’ll find it a more energetic pastime that you thought," he remarked. "It’s one of the best ways of losing weight that I know."
Footnote – An oak eggar is a moth which feeds at the top of trees, a peacock is a brilliantly-coloured butterfly and, as every small boy with an interest in aeroplanes knows, the tiger is a moth.
Ballinderry YFC
The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 18th May 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.
Preliminary notice.
Ballinderry YFC.A treasure hunt will be held on Friday, 31st May, 1963. A social will follow.
Ballinderry "Fives" — Dance to follow Semi-finals and Final
The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 25th May 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.
Ballinderry Football Club
The semi-finals and final of the Five a side Senior competition will be held at Villa Park, Ballinderry on Friday 14th June 1963. Admission 1 shilling. Kick off 7.30pm
A Dance will follow in Ballinderry memorial Hall at which the Cups and Medals will be presented. Dancing 9pm – 2am. Music by the Summer Hill Dance Band. Adm.; Ladies 3 shillings, Gents 4 shillings.
Ballinderry "Fives" — Final & Presentations
The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 22nd June 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.
Ballinderry "Fives" attract big entry.
Forty teams drawn from Lurgan, Aghalee, Lisburn, Dunmurry, Glenavy, Crumlin and Ballinderry competed in the Ballinderry Football Club’s five-a-side competitions which concluded last Friday evening.
There were 24 teams in the senior section which was won by Queen’s Park, Lurgan. Runners-up were The Rockets, Ballinderry.
The junior final was contested by two local sides, The Satellites and Ballinderry Road Men. Eventual winners were the Road men.
The trophies which included two new cups presented by Messrs James Turkington and Cecil Bunting were handed over by Mr. Turkington at a dance in Ballinderry Memorial Hall.
A special medal for the best young player in the competition was won by 11 year old W. McAuley from Finaghy.