Rushyhill Purple Invincible L.O.L. 1940

Rushyhill Bazaar

The extract is from the Lisburn Herald dated Saturday April 11 1931.

Rushyhill Orange Hall. Successful bazaar.

Promoted by L.O.L. No 1940 with the object of raising funds to carry out necessary improvements to the building, a very successful bazaar was held on Easter Monday, in the Orange Hall. The large attendance indicated that the project had the sympathy of the people and deservedly so, as the brethren themselves had responded generously before seeking assistance from outside.

The stalls were laden with a choice selection of goods, and the revenue from these was considerably augmented by the patronage extended to a number of side attractions.

R.W. Br. Armstrong, J.P., D.C.G.M. Belfast, and D.G.M.I., who presided, thanked the brethren for the invitation given him, and said he was delighted to be present to give them whatever assistance he could. It was difficult for a lodge, situated as theirs was, in a mixed district to make all the headway desirable in raising funds. In the Orange Hall Clifton St., Belfast, matters were different. There about 200 lodges and preceptories met, and with 8,000 to 10,000 brethren attending they had no lack of funds. In that district the lodge meeting there stood alone. He was pleased to see them so well assisted by the ladies, and he was sure that the project would be a great success. (Applause.)

Mrs. J. Rankin, Tullyrusk, Dundrod, introduced by the chairman as the president of the Dundrod Women’s Unionist Associaion, formally declared the bazaar open, and hoped it would be the means of realising all the funds required.

Mrs. Rankin was then presented with a bedroom clock, suitably engraved, by Miss Jean Dawson, who was the recipient of a box of chocolates.

On the motion o Br. Robert Armstrong, junr, seconded by Br. Wm Geddis a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs. Rankin, and on the proposition of Br. Thompson, W.D.M., Dundrod, seconded by Br. Tinsley, a similar compliment was paid to Br. Armstrong.

Sales were then commenced and carried on with briskness during the remainder of the evening.

The sale was re-opened on Tuesday, and despite the fact that there were two other sales of work within a radius of seven miles, it proved a great success.

It should be noted that no drawing for prizes took place on either day, owing to the non-return of the books, and as consequence these will be disposed of on 1st May, but a further notice will be given.

The committee desire to extend their sincerest thanks to the workers and all those who assisted in making the bazaar the success it has been.

The following were stall holders:

Work Stall – Misses E. Davison, S. Dawson, M. Dawson, L. Green, J. Spratt.
Grocery Stall – Misses Lucy Edens, M.Gray, Mary Brown, M. Tinsley.
Confectionery Stall – Misses L. Brown, N. McCartney, J. Brown.
Refreshment Stall – Mrs. R. Greer, Mrs. F. McConnell, Misses L. Ellis, S. McConnell, L. Elliott, E.Green, A.McBride, G.McBride.
Farmers Stall – Messrs. W.J. Davison and John Dawson
Hoop-la – Messrs. H. Smyth, J. McKnight, S. Geddes.
Shooting – Messrs. J. Edens and G. Phillips
Door – Messrs John Stewart and D. McFarland

Junior Lodge and LOL 1940 Rushyhill

Members of the Junior Lodge and LOL 1940 Rushyhill

Members of the Junior Lodge and LOL 1940 Rushyhill

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