Social Re-Union
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated Saturday 27th January 1912.
Orange Institution
Roses Lane Ends Temperance No Surrender LOL No 68A most successful social re-union under the auspices of above lodge and workers in connection with bazaar was held in Ballymacraven School on Saturday evening, January 20th. The proceedings throughout were of an enthusiastic nature. The lodge is one of the most flourishing under the jurisdiction of the Ballinderry District, and the officers and members are imbued with that brotherly spirit of true loyalty and high regard for the principles of the Orange Institution. The school was tastefully decorated for the occasion with flags and evergreens, and at the back of the platform was suspended the banner of the lodge. The tea tables were presided over by the Misses Clenaghan, Miss. M. Edens, Mrs. John Taylor. After tea the chair was taken by Mr. Albert A.O. Peel, Rural District Councillor, and amongst those present were – Miss Eva Peel, Miss M. Peel, Miss L. Bickerstaff, Miss Murdock, Miss I. Dogherty, Miss Ingram, Miss E. Hazley, Miss C. Clenaghan, Miss J. Clenaghan, Miss W. Kerr, Messrs J.G. Ingram, R. Hewitt, Portadown; John G. Clarke, D. Johnston, J. Taylor, J. Peel, W. Mockler, C. Mockler, Jonathan Peel and J. Arnold.
The Chairman said he desired to thank them all most heartily for the honour done him in asking him to preside over such a fine gathering. He said the meeting was tinged with melancholy owing to the absence of Mr. Mockler, who met with an unfortunate accident a short time ago. He (the chairman) was sure it was the feeling of everyone present, when he said that he hoped ere long he would be restored to his usual good health, and be able to strike another blow on behalf of the Union (applause). At present they were met at a very critical period in their history. There was a Government in power who seemed ready at any time to hand them over to the tender mercies of their enemies – men whose record in the past is stained with treason and disloyalty. He was sure that everyone present would be bad for Ireland, and plunge the country in bankruptcy. What will happen to the industries of the North under a Dublin parliament? The burden of taxation would be intolerable to the loyal minority, who are the leaders in industrial enterprise not only in Ulster, but wherever it exists in the other provinces. Ireland’s great want is steady industry, her abiding curse is agitation. The Unionist Party asked for no privileges, and they demanded no ascendancy for class or creed, they only said they would remain as they were – citizens of the United Kingdom. A very interesting musical programme was then gone through, after which games were indulged in, and on the motion of Bro. J. G. Ingram, seconded by Br. John G. Clarke, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the lodge for their kind hospitality, and to the tea-makers and chairman, and the singing of “God Save the King” and “Auld Lang Syne” ended an enjoyable evening.
Rev Dr C.K.S. Moffatt Farewelled
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated June 5th 1948.
Farewell to Rev. C.K.S. Moffatt
Returning to United States.A special farewell meeting was held in Roses Lane Ends Orange Hall last Friday evening in honour of the Rev. Dr. C.K. S. Moffatt, who, in a short time, sails for the USA.
The hall was packed to capacity and Mr. A. Peel, who presided, spoke of the wonderful work done in the district during the special revival services conducted by Dr. Moffatt and wished him God speed as he returned to the United States to continue his work there.
Mr. J. Johnston, sen., also spoke highly of the sincere way in which Dr. Moffatt had presented the Gospel and of the results that had been achieved since his coming to this country.
A box of irish linen handkerchiefs, was presented to Dr. Moffatt by Miss Jean Totten on behalf of the the committee of the Christian Fellowship Meeting, Roses Lane Ends.
In his reply, Dr. Moffatt said he would always treasure the handkerchiefs, and when thousands of miles away would often take a walk down “Memories Lane” and think of his friends in Roses Lane Ends. He added that if it pleased God to open up the way, he hoped to return to this country in the not too distant future.
Musical items were contributed by the following: – Misses V. Moffatt, M.Tuft, B. Ross, N. Ross and K Johnston, Messrs W. Higginson, G. Evans, B. Beckett and R. Higginson (Belfast). Mrs Peel was at the organ.
With the singing of the well known hymn “God be with you, till we meet again,” a very pleasant evening was brought to a close.
Unveiling of New Drums
The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated June 19th 1948.
Roses Lane Ends Temperance Flute Band
The ceremony of unveiling new drums
Will take place in Roses Lane Ends Orange Hall,
On Friday 25th June 1948 at 8.30pm
The ceremony will be performed by Mrs. A.A. Peel, Oakleigh, Roses Lane Ends.
Chairman: Mr. R. Yarr.
A social evening will follow the unveiling ceremony. Admission: Gents 2/6; ladies 2s
12 July 1948

Ballinderry District Brotherhood – L.O.L. 68 – Rose Land Ends
Thanks to Michelle Rea via Facebook for providing this photograph from 12th July 1948