- Birthdays and Bazaar Book and Quotation Calendar, 1915
- Birthdays and Bazaar Book and Quotation Calendar, 1915
The front cover reads
“Who was born today?
Killead Presbyterian Church
Birthday and Bazaar book
Quotation Calendar
Page 3
Quotation Calendar
In connection with
Compiled by Miss M.A. Irwin
Edited by Rev. J.A.H. Irwin, D.Ph.
With a Brief Historical Sketch of Killead
Presbyterian Church
Printed by Davidson & McCormack, Ltd.
Northgate Works
Page 5
We desire to thank our numerous subscribers for their contributions both of matter and money. We have endeavoured to be as accurate as possible, but if we have overlooked any errors or omitted any names, we crave the indulgence of our friends.
I am indebted to my predecessor, Rev. W.J. Baird, B.A., Agnes Street, Belfast, for the use of block and for having collected most of the material for this historical sketch.
Though somewhat early, we wish all our patrons a happy and prosperous 1915.
J.A.H. Irwin
Killead, June, 1914.
N.B. – We would respectfully call the attention of our readers to the different firms that have patronised our pages with advertisements. As we have been using goods from all these places, in most cases for over ten years, we can unreservedly testify to the reliability of the different articles and the trustworthiness of the respective firms.
P.S. – If any of our readers are feeling small by reason of the small amount they have paid for this book of wit and wisdom, we will be glad to help them out.
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Killead Presbyterian Church
In pre-Reformation times we know that in what is now known as the Parish of Killead there were no less than seven churches, a fact which at once bears testimony to the thickly populated nature of the district and the religious character of the people. One of these was in Ballyrobin, at Rockhill, one in Carmavey Graveyard, one in Dundesert, one in Ballykennedy, one in Ballyquillan, one at Kilmakevet, and one at Killealy or Killead. The church at Killead is spoken of as being in ruins in 1622, but the site was not ploughed up till 1795. It can still be seen in the field immediately behind the Manse, now in the possession of Mr. Gault.
The blue banner of the Covenant was planted in Ireland about 301 years ago, and one of the first places where it floated to the breeze was in the Parish of Killead. A minister called Mr. James Glendinning came over from Scotland about 1622, and started meetings at Oldstone. Where these meetings were held is not exactly known, but the probabilities are they were held in the house of Mr. Hugh Campbell of Duket Hall in the coast of Ayrshire, who had settled here and took a prominent part in the meetings. Glendinning seems to have been a man of great fervour and eloquence, but lacking in balance. As a result of these meetings one of the greatest revivals that our land has ever witnessed swept over the whole district, and not only this congregation but Irish Presbyterianism as a whole was born out of the Pentecostal fire of these revival gatherings. Among the
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great numbers who took a stand for Christ at these meetings – a stand from which they never receded – the most notable were Sir Hugh and Lady Clotsworthy, the grandparents of the first Viscount Massereene. The great success of the movement seems to have been too much for Glendinning’s mental balance, and in 1626 he departed to visit the Seven Churches of Asia.
After Glendinning’s departure there came over from Scotland to take up the work here no less a personage than the grandson of John Knox, Josias Welsh, who was at that time Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, but owing to the forcing of prelacy on the Scotch people he was compelled to resign his chair. Welsh was a man of great gifts. He was able to stir the consciences of the people in that rare way which is only the gift of the deeply spiritual. But unfortunately he was not allowed to prosecute his good work in peace. At this time the attempt was being made by the King of England to foist Episcopacy on the people of Scotland – an attempt that was as futile as it was fruitful of disastrous consequences, not only to Scotland but also to Ireland, where it was afterwards so vigorously made, consequences that are abundantly evident in this Island to the present day. Welsh and the other ministers and many of the people had fled from Scotland and had taken refuge in Ireland. At this time the Irish Episcopal Church was separate from the English Episcopal Church and had a separate creed, a confession compiled by Primate Ussher of Armagh. This confession was as Calvanistic as the Westminster confession afterwards was, and consequently these Scotch ministers had no hesitation in conforming to it. Further, many of the bishops were themselves Scotchmen and therefore kindly disposed to these ministers, so that Welsh and the others while really Presbyterian in creed and worship held orders under the Bishops. Their success, however, in ministering to the spiritual wants of the people and in turning many unto righteousness roused the
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jealously of the Episcopal clergy, and they complained to Bishop Echlin, who suspended the new comers. The matter was brought before the Primate Ussher, who wrote to Echlin to relax “his erroneous censure,” which he did. However the malcontents were not to be outdone and they complained to Charles 1. Charles was then under the guidance of that notorious ecclesiastic Archbishop Laud, and acting on his advice he deposed Welsh and the others in 1632. This brought about Welsh’s death, for not being permitted any longer to preach in his church, he preached in the people’s houses, and standing at the open door, so that those outside as well as those in could hear, he caught a cold from which he never recovered. He died on the 23rd June 1634. His remains lie buried in Templepatrick old burying-ground. The next to take up the work as an Englishman, Mr Henry Colwort, a man “of a fervent spirit and able delivery, and a blessing to the people.”Meanwhile Laud had formed a scheme for the better dealing with Dissenters in Ireland: he brought about the union of the English and Irish Churches. This Ecclesiastical union was no less fruitful of trouble than the later political union has been. Taking advantage of this new power, Leslie, who was then Bishop, in 1636 deposed Mr. Colwort of Killead and Mr. Cunningham, minister of Antrim and three other Presbyterian ministers from their charges because they refused to bow the knee to Episcopal government. Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Brice and Mr. Ridge all died of broken hearts because they were prevented from ministering to their beloved flocks. Mr. Colwort fled to Paisley, and Mr. Hamilton, of Ballywalter – the fifth minister deposed – fled to Dumfries. From the banishment of Mr. Colwort, we lose sight of this congregation until 1660, a period of 24 years. These were very trying years in the history of our land. The Black Oath was enforced against the Presbyterians. Many suffered in the rebellion of 1641, although at first the Presbyterians were unmolested in that outbreak; but
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in their fear of Popery they joined their former persecutors and suffered severely for their mistake. In the following years events moved rapidly. Laud and Charles 1 were both executed, and the Commonwealth established under Cromwell. Probably during those trying years the work of God and the cause of Presbyterianism were maintained in this district by such pious laymen as Mr Campbell and other, for at the restoration in 1660 we find a strong congregation under the charge of Mr Robert Hamilton. Charles II was restored to the throne of England, to a large extent by the influence of Scotch Presbyterians, but in characteristic fashion, as soon as he was firmly secured on the throne he attempted to kick away the Presbyterian stool by which he had risen, broke his most solemn oath, and set about persecuting Presbyterians as vigorously as ever. In 1661 Jeremy Taylor, who was the bishop of this diocese, deposed some thirty six ministers from their congregations, and among them Hamilton, of Killead, and James Cunningham, of Antrim. Owing to the intercession of Lord Massereene these tow brethren obtained about half-a-year’s liberty after the others, only on condition that they were not to lecture or expound the Scriptures before preaching, according to their former practice. In 1663, however, Hamilton, with many other ministers, was thrown in prison. Again Lord Massereene interceded for Hamilton, and he was allowed to remain in a private capacity among his people until his death, December, 1673. Probably Hamilton came over during the Commonwealth. In any case, we know that in his day, probably before 1660, the present Church building was erected, and probably our existing Schoolhouse was built about the same time.
After Mr. Hamilton, John Frieland came as minister in 1675. In deference to his name (Free-land), John McMullan, Esq., of Dublin, gave him and the congregation the grant of the Glebe land, which the congregation still enjoys. Mr. Frieland died in the 12th March 1716. Mr.
- Killead Manse
- Killead Presbyterian Church, built about 1655
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Robert Whirling succeeded him in the ministry. He was deposed in 1526, ( ? 1726?) for what is not specified, and restored but not allowed to preach in the congregation. However, he afterward laboured in Kilrea and in Second Donagheady. Mr. Hugh Scott was ordained in 1733, and removed to Newtownards in 1735. Mr. John McConnell was ordained in 1737, and died 1770. His remains lie under a slate flag in the aisle in front of the pulpit. Tradition says he desired his remains to lie there because people had tramped over him while alive and he wished them to tramp over him when dead. Of course that generation and their successors are all dead, but let us hope the present minister emulates the meekness of his predecessor – a meekness peculiar even in a Presbyterian minister. He was succeeded by Mr. Andrew Hume in 1772, who was deposed in 1783. Mr. Robt. Orr was ordained in 1787. During his ministry the subscription controversy reached its climax. Dr. Henry Montgomery, the great opponent of Dr. Cooke, was born and baptised in this congregation and brought up under the ministry of Mr. Orr, and he preached his first sermon in this pulpit. Dr. Montgomery was a born leader of men, a profound scholar and most eloquent orator. While having no leanings whatever towards Unitarianism, we agree with Mr. Woodburn in deploring the fact that Montgomery and his followers were driven out of our Church, as we believe that time would have healed the difficulty and kept him and his followers nearer to the orthodox faith, as most of those who followed him were more drawn by the powerful personality of the man than a love for Unitarianism, but the separation confirmed the division, and drove many of them further than they ever intended to go. We are not surprised that Mr. Orr was among the devoted followers of Mr. Montgomery, and had not resigned the year before the final separation , this Church would most probably have been in the hands of the Unitarians. Mr. Orr died in 1833. Mr. Joseph McKee was ordained as his assistant and successor in 1826.
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During his ministry the congregations of Dundrod, Muckamore, and Loanens were formed. We have some idea of the size of the congregation and the population of the district at that time when we learn that at the beginning of Mr. McKee’s ministry there were over 800 families and almost 4000 souls connected with this church. At the beginning of his ministry (1827) the present roof was put on the Church. Mr. McKee died in 1856, and Mr. Henry Robinson Mecredy was ordained as his successor in 1850. Owing to an unfortunate legal quarrel with the trustees at the beginning of his ministry, and failing health at its close, the Church property was neglected for the greater part of that time, so that when Mr. W.J. Baird was ordained as his successor in April, 1891, his difficulty was not in looking for work to do, but in knowing where to begin. Owing to his untiring efforts and indefatigable energy the whole Church was renovated and reseated, the manse overhauled, the School repaired, a wall and railing put round the graveyard, and many other needed improvements made, and well up to £2000 raised and spent on the improvement of Church property. Mr. J.A.H. Irwin was ordained in succession to Mr. Baird on 24th November, 1903, and since then new stabling and car sheds for the accommodation of horses and vehicles on Sabbath have been erected, also a complete new set of office-housing in connection with the manse, the sexton’s house completely overhauled, and other minor repairs executed. In 1908 a beautiful new organ was presented to the congregation by Miss Catherine Morrison, Crookedstone, in memory of her father and mother.
There are many old and quaint headstones and monuments in the graveyard, and a few very neat ones of modern design. Our photo shows one erected to Mr. Cunningham, a member of a very old Killead family, who was killed in action on board a British vessel, near Montsterrat in the year 1796, and his remains are buried in that island. He left an endowment to the poor of this parish
- The Cunningham Monument, 1796
- Monument of The Morrisons of Crookedstone
- The Mecredy Monument
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which amounts to nearly £20 a year. The next gives a view of the Morrison monument, which records the deaths of four generations of that family – a family which has as many branches in the new world as its roots are strong in the old. The last is a photo of a little column erected to the Rev. H.R. Mecredy’s memory a few years ago.

The School, built about 1655
The Schoolhouse which it is proposed to supersede by the new building – the object of the present Bazaar – is probably as old as the Church building. We find Mr.McKee raising money for its repairs over 70 years ago. Part of it was originally a Masonic Hall, and the under part is still church stabling. It is entirely out of date and useless for our present needs. As we have no hall large enough to hold meetings in, we hope that the present effort will raise sufficient funds to enable us to build an up-to-date new School, and also supplement the Board of Works grant for a comfortable teacher’s residence.
J.A.H. Irwin
Killead, 1st June 1914

J.A.H. Irwin
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25th, 26th, 27th June, 1914.
To be opened on Thursday, 25th, by
Miss E. Orr Owens, Holestone.
Chairman, Rev. Dr. Bingham, Moderator of the General Assembly.
To be opened on Friday 26th, by
Lady Baxter, Coleraine.
Chairman, Col. H.A. Pakenham, Langford Lodge
To be opened on Saturday, 27th, by
Mrs. Miller, “The Chase,” Helen’s Bay.
Chairman, Mr. R. Thompson, Muckamore Abbey.
No 1 work stall – Miss Irwin, The Misses McComb (Crosshill), The Misses Mayers, and the Misses Nixon
No 2 work stall – Mrs Morrison and Miss McComb (Carmavey)
No 3 work stall – Mrs Killen and Mrs McCurdy
Variety Stall – Mrs Byers
Provision Stall – Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Craig
Sweet Stall – Miss Robb (Carmavey House)
Flower Stall – Miss Minnie Mayers
Farmers’ Stall – Mr W R M Boyd and Mr T K Moore, J.P.
Refreshment tent – Mrs Moore
Hon Secretaries : Mrs Moore, Mr John Byers B.A.
Hon Treasurers: Mr. Jas. Morrison, J.P., Rev. Dr. Irwin
Friday 1
Rev. Dr. T.S. Graham, The Manse, Comber
Be pitiful, for every man is fighting a hard battle. – Ian Maclaren
Rev. William Salmonds, Loanends Manse
A Glory gilds the sacred page,
Majestic like the sun,
It gives a light to every age –
It gives, but borrows none,
Cowper (Olney Hymns.)
Saturday 2
Lizzie Bell, Tully
She saith unto Him: Yea, Lord, I believe that Thou art the Christ the Son of God which should come into the world.
Sunday 3
Mrs. Cummings, 32 Ottawa Street
Monday 4
J. Burns, 7th Avenue, New York
It’s coming yet, and come it will,
When man to man the world o’er
Shall brithers be for a’ that. – Burns
Tuesday 5
Josiah Redpath, Glasgow
The first man who ruined the Roman people was he who first gave them treats and gratuities – Plutarch
Wednesday 6
Jas. Hamilton, 11 Rosetta Avenue.
Procrastination is the thief of time
Thursday 7.
Jeanne D’Arc
Friday 8
M. Cummings, Killead Manse.
Speech is silver; silence is golden.
Rev. Robert Hyndman, Cookstown.
My presence shall go with thee – Ex. 33, 14.
Rev. Thomas Lyle, 16 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin.
Truth has no discords.
Rev. John Waddell, Clovely, Bangor, Down.
So long as men do their duty, even if it be greatly in a misapprehension, they will be leading pattern lives; and whether or not they come to lie beside a martyr’s monument, we may be sure they will find a safe haven somewhere in the providence of God. – R.L. Stevenson: “Notes on Edinburgh.”
Rev. John Montgomery, The Manse, Quigley’s Point, Co. Donegal.
But in his duty prompt at every call
He watch’d and wept, he prayed and felt for all. – Goldsmith.
Saturday 9
Mary Wallace, Hillhead House.
She hath done what she could.
Rev. T.S. Killen, Manse, Bailieborough.
We do pray for mercy,
And that same prayer should teach us all
To render the deeds of mercy. – (Merchant of Venice.)
Sunday 10
Jeannie Baxter, Rickamore, Templepatrick.
What thing thou doest, bravely do;
When heaven’s clear call hath found thee,
All thoughts, all passions, all delight,
Whatever stirs this mortal frame,
Are all but ministers of Love,
And feed its sacred flame.
Monday 11
R. Thompson, Muckamore Abbey.
Man must toil for good, or he shall toil for ill.
Tuesday 12.
Johann Weinrich Pestalozzi
Wednesday 13
Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Kennet, Alloa, N.B.
Life is nought but froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone –
Kindness in another’s trouble,
Courage in your own.
Rev. D.D. Boyle, 14 Kirkliston Drive, Belfast.
Beat your own best.
Thursday 14
T. O’Donnell, Patterson, N.J.
Old Ireland free once more.
Friday 15
Mina Boyle, Gallony, Feeny.
The quality of mercy is not strained.
Saturday 16
Mrs. Beattie, Ballyhill
As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
Liz Connolly, Knockcairn
A wise old owl sat on an oak,
The more he heard the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard –
Why can’t we all be like that bird?
Sunday 17.
Gen.Sir. Ian Hamilton, London
There can be no affinity nearer than our country. – Plato
James Horner Eakin, Drumcovitt, Derry.
The tear down childhood’s cheek that flows,
Is like a dewdrop on the rose;
When next the summer breeze comes by
And waves the bush the flower is dry.
Monday 18
Rev. John Brewster, Rathmullen, Co. Donegal.
Gos send His teachers into every age,
To every clime, and every race of men,
With revelations fitted to their growth
And shape of mind, nor gives the realm of Truth
Into the selfish rule of one sole race.
Mast. Jamesie W. Weir, Mountain View Terrace.
There is a home for little children
Above the bright blue sky.
Tuesday 19
Henrietta S. Scott, Hannaville, Greenisland
Hope, like the glimm’ring taper’s light,
Adorns and cheers the way;
And still, as darker grows the night,
Exists a brighter ray. – Goldsmith
Wednesday 20
Much speaking and lying are cousins.
Thursday 21
King Oscar II of Sweden.
Friday 22.
Ethel Mackey, Killealy, Muckamore.
When the cat is away the mice may play.
Rev. J. McIlrath, B.A., Donegall Road, Belfast.
Man never is but always to be blest.
Saturday 23
Rev. Alex. Crothers, Roseyards, Stranocum
We will see this thing through.
Sunday 24
R.M. Johnston, Belfast
A rich man’s foolish sayings pass for wise ones.
Monday 25.
The whirligig of time brings in its revenges. – Shakespeare.
Tuesday 26.
Mrs. J. McFarland, Termeel, Dungiven.
But,oh! For the touch of a vanished hand
And sound of a voice that is still.
Wednesday 27
German Emperor.
Thursday 28
Josiah Beck, Donegore.
Don’t cross the bridge till you come to it,
It is a proverb old and of excellent wit. – Longfellow
Tom. S. Kirk, Dunadry.
Be good, and let who will be clever;
Do noble deeds, not dream them all day long;
Then make Life, Death, and the great Forever
One grand sweet song.
Harry Kirkpatrick, Ballyrobin, Muckamore.
‘Tis a very good world we live in
To lend, or to spend, or to give in;
But to beg or to borrow or get a man’s own,
‘Tis the very worst world that ever was known.
Friday 29
James S. Hunter, Lakeview, British Crumlin
By constant amendment we rise to preferment.
James Braithwaite, Rose Cottage, Stoneyford, Lisburn.
When I upon they bosom lean,
And fondly ca’ thee a’ my ain,
I glory in the sacred ties
That made us anew ha once were twain.
Saturday 30.
Doty Gorman, Ballymote, Co.Sligo.
Let us gossip of one another’s virtues, then will the vices take care of themselves.
Sunday 31
Susanna Fielding, Lisnataylor, Crumlin.
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.
Monday 1
Robert Fenton, Main Street, Antrim
Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations.
Wm. Hunter, Ardmore, Crumlin
Our evil deeds hurt our neighbours; our evil thoughts hurt ourselves. – Augustus Hare.
Rev. T.J.K. Rankin, Legacurry, Lisburn.
Keep your face always towards the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you. – M.B. Whitman
Rev. Phineas McKee, Newry.
Brother, thou hast watched on hour;
But many hours go to make up our day,
And some of those are dark with fearful power,
And Satan watches our souls alway.
The spirit may be willing, but indeed
The flesh is weak, and so much more the need
To pray and watch, my brother, watch and pray. – E. Nesbit.
Tuesday 2
W.M. Killen, M.D., 34 Clifton Street, Belfast.
Speak the truth in love.
Maggie Brown, Ballyutoag.
Smile on the world, and the world will smile on you.
Adam Bailie, Cannover, Toombridge.
Good luck.
Wednesday 3
John Christy, Penn Av., Pittsburg.
Beware of the fury of a patient man. – Dryden
Thursday 4
Where might is right, right is not upright. – (German)
Friday 5
James Macgregor, 9th Avenue, New York.
No greater rogue than he who married for money, and no greater fool than he ho marries only for love. – Dr. Johnson.
Saturday 6.
Queen Anne.
Sunday 7
Isaac Robb, 205 York Street, Belfast
Though hearts may break,
Yet for England’s sake
Duty must be done.
Monday 8
James Kirkpatrick, Lyle View, Ballyrobin
I’m no’ very young, nor I’m no’ very auld,
But a bachelor’s life for me is o’or cauld,
So I keen nothing much better to sweeten this life,
As the truth I must tell you, I’m wanting a wife.
Tuesday 9
Henry Thompson, The Elms, Crumlin
If you want a thing to succeed, get behind it and push; don’t sand in front and pull. – Robert Hoe.
Sara Shaw, Antrim
Love your neighbour, but don’t break down the fence.
Rev. Samuel Thompsom, M.A., Mooreville, Antrim Road, Belfast.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget, lest we forget.
Wednesday 10
Mrs. McKelvey, Boghead.
Oh, Hope of every contrite heart!
Oh, Joy of all the meek!
To those who fall how kind Thou art,
How good to those who seek!
Thursday 11
C. Gardner, Belfast.
Lives there a man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said;
“This is mine own, my native land?”
Emma Jane Nixon, Ballymacilhoyle House, Crumlin.
I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to a human being, or a word that I can speak for Jesus, let me do it now; let me not neglect nor defer it, for I shall not pass this way again.
J.H. McConnell, Cherry Valley.
Go on, and take care.
Friday 12
Charles Darwin
Saturday 13
C.H.H. Killen, Tully, Muckamore.
Who best bear his mild yoke, they serve Him best. – Milton
Sunday 14
S. Robinson, Ballytweedy.
As thy days they strength shall be,
This is quite enough for thee;
He Who knows thy frame will spare
Burdens more than thou canst bear.
Monday 15.
Rev. R. Workman, Crusheen, Cadogan Park, Belfast.
Ulster will fight, and Ulster will be right.
R.H. Murphy, Belfast
A prudent man is like a pin – his head prevents him from going too far.
Tuesday 16
John Topping, Model Schools, Bailieboro’.
There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it ill beseems any of us
To find much fault with the rest of us. – R.L. Stevenson.
J.M. Russell, “Northern Constitution,” Coleraine.
Cold upon the dead volcano
Sleeps the gleam of dying day.
Mrs. Killen, Carrickfergus.
All the best work is done the way ants do things – by tiny, but tireless and regular additions. – Lafcadio Hearn.
A wide-spreading, hopeful disposition is the best umbrella for this vale of tears. – W.D. Howells.
Wednesday 17
Daisie E. Graham, “Langside,” Larne Harbour.
The grief that does not speak
Whispers the o’er-fraught heart and bids it break. – Shakespeare.
Mrs. Sherlock, Seacash, British.
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for another. – Charles Dickens.
Thursday 18
M.M. Rutherford, Caddagh House, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan.
Trust in God and keep your powder dry.
Friday 19
Lizzie Graham, 69 Battenberg Street.
Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I remember now. I am in this earthly world: where to do harm is often endurable, to do good sometimes accounted dangerous folly. – Macbeth.
Saturday 20
William R. Nixon, Ridpath P.O., Sask, Canada.
Money may be the root of all evil – but what would a nation be without it.
Sunday 21
John Millar, Seacash
Do unto others as you would wish others to do unto you.
Rev. Alfred Torrens, Ramelton
The man who builds, and wants wherewith to pay,
Provides a home from which to run away. – Young
Alexander Harper, 66 St. Lawrence Road, Clontarf.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. – Benjamin Franklin.
Monday 22
Rev. G. Faris, Caledon
Let us remember that we differ as much from other men as they differ from us. – Bishop Butler.
Tuesday 23
Miss R.McIlroy, Carmavey.
Make those about you cheerful
With merry words and smile;
The clouds can’t last for ever –
Forget them for a while.
So manufacture sunshine,
And defy the gloomy day;
And almost before you know it
Clouds will have passed away.
Wednesday 24.
Rev. A. W. McFarlane, 3 The Mall, Waterford.
Then he that patiently wants burden bears,
No burden bears, but is a king! A king! – T. Deleker’s “The Happy Heart.”
Thursday 25
Rev. R.J. Morrell, Bangor.
Cast all your cares on God; that Anchor holds. – Tennyson
Friday 26
A.H. Brander, Edinburgh
Castles in the air cost a lot to keep up.
Saturday 27
T.K. Moore, Crookedstone.
Nature has given women so much power that the law has wisely given them little.
J. Witherspoon, 34th Street, Philadelphia.
He that can be patient, finds his fortune at his feet.
Sunday 28
J.L. Guthrie, Glasgow.
Quoth the raven – Nevermore.
S. Mawhinney, Linford, Templepatrick.
Lest we forget.
Monday 1
Canon G.W. Pennethorn, Heathfield Vicarage, Surrey.
Lind hearts are more than coronets. – Tennyson
Tuesday 2.
Mary J. Byers, Killead, Muckamore.
Is life worth living? Yes so long
As there is wrong to right,
Wail of the weak against the strong,
Or tyranny to fight.
Wednesday 3
Agnes M. Rea, 14 Yarrow Street, Belfast.
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of Time.
Footprints, that perhaps another
Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labour and to wait. – Longfellow.
Rev. S. Maine Shaw, Carrickfergus.
The path of duty is the way to glory.
Thursday 4
Conrad W. Rongten.
All useless science is an empty boast. – Shakespeare.
Friday 5
Robert Kelso, Boardmills Manse, Lisburn
Thou cam’st not to thy place by accident,
It is the very place God meant for thee;
And shouldst thou there small scope for action see,
Do not for this give room to discontent.
Saturday 6
H.L. Bridgeton, Dublin.
Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn.
Sunday 7
A stingy man is always poor.
Monday 8
J R Monteith, Belfast.
‘Tis more brave to live than to die.
Tuesday 9
Robert Harper, Elm Grove, Dungonnell
The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like what one has to do.
Bertram Frank Watson, Sedgeford, Heathfield, Sussex.
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith than Norman blood.
Wednesday 10
Dr. Luther’s shoes will not fit every village priest. – (German)
Thursday 11
James Wilson, Seacash, Tully.
If you lose your temper, don’t look for it.
Friday 12
Rev. James B Woodburn, The Manse, Castlerock.
Please, see the blue in the sky, and there is always more then we can see. _ Henry Drummond.
Mary Lorimer, The Mills, Glenavy,
Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.
Mrs. J. Browne, Dundrod, Crumlin.
God helps those who help themselves.
Saturday 13
Jane Graham, Carmavey.
Charity suffereth long and is kind.
Sunday 14
Dan Baxter, Chicago.
Make yourself a sheep, and the wolves will eat you.
Monday 15
Rose Fleming, Nurses’ Home, Belfast.
Grant me, indulgent Heav’n, that I may live
To see the miscreants feel the pains they give,
Deal freedom’s sacred treasures free as air,
Till slave and despot be but things which were. – R Burns
Rev. Joseph McCorkell, The Manse, Moville.
And if, through patient toil, we reach the land,
Where tired feet with sandals loose may rest,
Where we shall clearly see and understand –
I think that we shall say, “God knew the best.”
Jane E. Robb, Straidhavern House
Count life a stage upon thy way,
And follow conscience, come what may;
Alike with heaven and earth sincere,
“Fear God,” and know no other fear.
Tuesday 16
Maggie McComb, Whtestown.
The heart aye’s the part, aye,
That makes us right or wrang. – Burns.
Thos. Burns, Carnaughliss.
Laugh, and the world will laugh with you;
Cry, and you’ll cry alone.
Rev. James Scott, Banbridge.
Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again;
The eternal years of God are hers;
But error wounded writhes in pain,
And dies amid her worshipers.
Mr. William McKelvey, Boghead.
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were an offering far too small;
Love so amazing, so Divine,
Shall have my soul, my lie, my all.
Wednesday 17
Joseph H Dunbar, Belfast
Who doth the raven for a guide invite
Must marvel not on carcasses to light.
Thursday 18
Samuel McConnell, Holestone, Doagh.
There is no vice so simple but assumes
Some mark of virtue on his outward parts.
Friday 19
J.R. Broadbent, Liverpool.
I have seen some nations like over-loaded asses,
Kick off their burdens, meaning the higher classes. – Bryon.
Saturday 20
Rev. Dr. R. Corkey, Monaghan,
He giveth twice who giveth quickly.
Sunday 21
Nature takes as much pains in forming a beggar as an emperor.
Monday 22
Rev. Dr. James Bingham, The Manse, Dundonald.
Little flower, but if I could understand what you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is. – Tennyson.
Tuesday 23
Maggie McGown, Lennox-Lea, Cranmore Avenue, Belfast
There is so much bad in the best of us,
And so much good in the worst of us,
That it hardly behoves any of us
To talk about the rest of us. – R.L. Stevenson.
Wm Paul, Aughlish, Derrychrier.
Like many, trust few;
Always paddle your own canoe.
Wm. L. Coleman, Ballytweedie.
There is a land, of every land the pride,
Beloved of heaven o’er all the world beside;
There is a spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
Oh! Thou shalt find whe’er thy footsteps roam,
That place thy country and that spot thy home.
Wednesday 24.
John Wilson, Seacash, British.
No man on earth has power or skill
To control a woman’s will;
For if a woman will, she will – you depend on it;
And if she won’t, she won’t – so there’s an end to it. – C.H. Spurgeon.
Thursday 25
W. McFetridge, Garvagh.
A habit of looking for the best in everybody, and of saying kindly instead of unkindly things about them, strengthens the character, elevates the ideals, and tends to produce happiness.
Friday 26
John Irwin, Markethill, Co. Armagh.
Soap deferred makes the dirt grow thick.
Hugh Farr, 423 Lisburn Road.
Enable with perpetual light
The dullness of our blinded sight;
Anoint and cheer our soiled face
With the abundance of Thy grace;
Keep far our foes, give peace at home;
Where Thou art Guide no ill can come.
Tillie Graham, 69 Battenberg Street
Know well, my soul, God’s hand comtrols
Whate’er thou fearest;
Round Him in clamest music rolls
Whate’er thou hearest.
What to thee is shadow, to Him is day,
And the end He knoweth;
And not on a blinded aimless way
The spirit goeth. – Whittier.
Margaret E. Deane, Strand House School, Derry.
So they, that truly attempting nobly fail,
Deserve great honour of the commonwealth.
Saturday 27
Rev. Andrew Frederick Moody, Rockmount, Belfast
I am of the Church, and will be glad to do any benevolence. – Shakespeare
Sunday 28
L.M. Errant, Manchester
The poor pay for all.
Monday 29
Maggie G. Scott, Carmavey, Muckamore
‘Mid pleasures and palaces, though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble there’s no place like home. – Payne.
Tuesday 30.
John gamble, 33 Rosemount Gardens, Belfast
Friendship, like a sever’d bone,
Improves and joins a stronger tone
When aptly reunited. – Cowper.
Andrew Nimmo, Randalstown.
Think not a trifle small,
Small though it appear;
Sands the mountains make,
Moments the year,
And trifles life.
Wednesday 31.
Rev. R. H. Wilson, Ballymoney.
And His will is our peace: this is the sea
To which is moving onward whatsoever
It doth create, and all that Nature makes. – Dante.
John Cowan, Dunadry.
Make the best of everything;
Think the best of everybody;
Hope the best for yourself.
Robert W. Boyd, Loanends Cottage.
Work as if you would live for ever;
Live as if you would die tomorrow.
James H. Reid, Aughlish, Derry.
Better late than never.
Thursday 1
L. W. Forsythe, Ballyrobin, Muckamore
Young fools are comparatively harmless; it is the old fools that make most of the trouble in the world. – Josh Billings.
Rev. Samuel Walker, Donaghadee.
Be true.
Friday 2
Wilhelmina Annesley, Carmavey, Muckamore.
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want. – Ps. 23:1
Saturday 3
Samuel Erskine, Ballyquillan
Slow but sure.
Gilbert Erskine, Ballyquillan
A fellow- felling makes us wondrous kind –
I wonder would the poet change his mind
If, turning in a crowd, he chanced to find
A fellow feeling in his coat behind?
Sunday 4
Miss Lizzie Kelly, Caw, Garvagh
Remember me, my dearest,
When on these lines you look;
It was my hard-earned “bob”
That put this in your book.
Robert G. Scott, The Park, Crumlin.
Never let a day pass without doing some good and charitable act.
Alexander Patterson, Drumhirk, Newtownards.
O, wad some pow’r the giftie gie us,
To see oursels as others see us?
It wad frae monie a blunder free us
And foolish notion. – Burns
Monday 5
Robert Gunnie, Templepatrick.
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.
Tuesday 6
J.W. McNinch, Larne
If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men’s cottages princes’ palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching.
James Stevenson, Lisnataylor.
My notion of a wife a forty is that man should be able to change her like a banknote for two twenties.
Maggie J.R. Lynn, Ballyrobin.
The best obedience of my hand
Does not appear before Thy throne;
But faith can answer thy demands
By pleading what my Lord hath done.
Emily M. Robb, Straidhavern.
Let fraud and wrong and baseness shiver
For still, betwixt them and the sky,
The falcon “Truth” hands poised for ever,
And marks them with her vengeful eye.
Robert Russell, 80 Eglantine Avenue, Belfast.
A little help is better than much sympathy.
R.A. Magee, Urney, Strabane.
Man wants but little here below,
And is not hard to please;
But woman, bless her little heart!
Wants everything she sees.
Wednesday 7
Maggie Robinson, Aughnamillan House.
‘ Tis easy enough to be pleasant
When life flows along like a song;
But the man worth while
Is the one with the smile
When everything goes wrong.
Thursday 8
Samuel McClurg, Castle Street, Antrim
You ask me for something to help you
To make the Quotation Book pay,
So I send you these lines to assist you,
And wish you success every day.
Friday 9
Elizabeth N. McCaughan, Ballynenagh, Moneymore.
Don’t look for the flaws as you go through life,
And even when you find them
It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind,
And look for the virtues behind them. – Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Saturday 10
Annie Millar, Seacash.
Good temper is a precious bann –
It keeps a home in heavenly calm.
Mrs. S. McIlroy, Carmavey.
Words are easy, like the wind;
Faithful friends are hard to find.
Sunday 11
Henrietta Kirkpatrick, Shaneoguestown.
Angry words are never good,
Though spoken but in kindness;
Words are better understood
If uttered but in kindness.
Monday 12
Every ten years one man has need of another.
Wm. Mackey, Killealy, Muckamore.
Charity begins at home.
Tuesday 13
John Ferguson, Silversprings, Templepatrick.
Do the work that’s nearest,
Though it’s dull at whiles,
Helping, when you meet them,
Lame dog over stiles.
Wednesday 14
Rev. R.C. Elliott, Dunlane Manse, Randalstown.
Don’t get discourage. It is often the last key on the bunch that opens the lock.
Thursday 15
W. McComb, Snugville, Belfast.
I have always believed that it is better to stimulate than to correct, to fortify rather than to punish, to help rather than to blame. – A.C. Benson.
J.G.A. Kydd, Dunreeva, Coleraine.
In (the) union there is strength.
Friday 16
J.R. Gould, Winnipeg.
A corporation has no soul to be damned nor body to be kicked.
Saturday 17
Rev. James Moody, The Manse, Dundalk.
To mourn a mischief that is past and gone
Is the next way to draw new mischief on. – Shakespeare (Othello)
Sunday 18
What’s the use of putting honey in an ass’s mouth?
Monday 19
Rev. Samuel Currie, The Manse, Clones
This hath He done, and shall we not adore Him?
This shall He do, and can we still despair?
Come, let us quickly fling ourselves before Him,
Cast at His feet the burden of our care.
Tuesday 20
J. Alexander, Heathfield Park, Sussex.
Let me but do my work from day to day,
In field or forest, at the desk or loom,
In roaring market-place or tranquil room;
Let me but find it in my heart to say,
When vagrant wishes beckon me astray:
This is my work, my blessing, not my doom;
Of all who live, I am the one by whom
This work can best be done in my own way.
Then shall I see it not too great nor small,
To suit my spirit and to prove my powers;
Then shall I cheerfully greet the labouring hours
And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall
At eventide, to play, and love, and rest,
Because I know for me my work is best. – Henry Van Dyke.
T.H. Corry, Bangor.
He loved me and gave Himself for me.
Wednesday 21
Charlotte Bronte.
Charlotte Bronte’s husband was a Nicholl of Killead – J.A.H. Irwin
Thursday 22
Madame De Stail
Friday 23
M. Hunter, Camcairn, Crumlin
Love all; trust a few; do wrong to none. – Shakespeare
Meng Tsung Yuan, Hsinmintun
Built thee more stately mansions, O my soul!
As the swift seasons roll;
Leave thy low-vaulted past,
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thee from Heaven with a dome more vast,
Till thou at length art free,
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea.
Rev. V.M. Corkey, Culnady.
Live for something.
Half the wrecks that strewn life’s ocean,
If some star had been their guide,
Might have now been safely riding,
But they’re drifting with the tide.
George W. Hamill, 46 York Road.
All things reconciled
In Thee, O Lord – all fierce extremes that beat
Along time’s shore, like chidden waves grown mild,
Have crept to kiss Thy feet.
Saturday 24
Mrs. Shannon, Carrickfergus
True friendship consists not in a multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice.
Sunday 25
John P. Hayden, M.P., House of Commons.
Wait and see.
Crozier Hanna, Lower darkley House, Tassagh, Armagh.
The chief end of all our efforts is, or should be, God’s glory.
It is our great privilege and duty to see to it here and now.
Monday 26
Rev. W. H. Gillespie, Irish Presbyterian Mission, Kirin.
An honest man’s the noblest work of God.
Tuesday 27
Mary Wollstonecroft.
Wednesday 28
Annie L. Gilmore, Boveedy, Kilrea.
Life was not lent to us to be expended in that idle mirth which resembles the crackling of thorns under the pot. – Scott
Dorothy May Curry, 36 Lawnbrook Avenue, Belfast.
What is the good of a kindness
If you do it a day too late?
Samuel Kennedy, 100 Woodvale Av., Woodvale Rd., Belfast.
Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him – Psalm 103, verse 13.
Rev. R. Dykes Shaw, D.D., 21 Lauder Road, Edinburgh.
My own hope is the sun will pierce the thickest cloud earth ever stretched.
Thursday 29
Nannie Thompson, Ardmore, Crumlin.
Sincerity, a deep, genuine sincerity, is the first characteristic of all men in any heroic way. – Carlyle.
Eva G.S. Robb, Straidhavern House.
To cloak another’s fault is, doubtless, kind;
And often sage, to seem obtuse and blind;
Yet all deception vitiates the mind.
Tho’ censure be not always right or meet,
Is darkness, therefore, light, and bitter sweet?
Nay! Rather hold – the burden of my song:
That falsehood, black or white, is plainly wrong.
Agnes Murray, Nurses’ Home, Belfast.
If none were sick and none were sad,
What service could we render?
I think if we were always glad
We scarcely could be tender.
Friday 30.
W.H. Speers, New York.
When the calf gets a fortune he expects to be called Mr. Bull. – (German)
Saturday 1
James Hunter, Lakeview, British, Antrim
Enjoy yourself while young, for you have a long time to be dead.
M.E. Magee, Old Mill, British.
I only ask that fortune send
A little more than I shall spend.
Robt. Keys, 30 Clarendon Street, Londonderry.
Give what you have. To someone it may be better than you dare to think.
Sunday 2
James Saunders, 107 Ravenhill Road, Belfast
Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
Monday 3
J. H. Bates, New York
Money, like manure, is useless until spread.
Tuesday 4
Thos. Huxley.
Wednesday 5
Tillie Magee, Old Mill, British.
Few things are needed to make a wise man happy, but nothing can make a fool content.
Thursday 6
Wm Warwick, Thornleigh, Templepatrick.
Do thy duty – that is best;
Leave unto thy Lord the rest.
Friday 7
Robert Browning.
Saturday 8
J. Fitzpatrick, Dublin.
Disguise our bondage as we will,
‘Tis woman, woman rules us still.
Sunday 9
Rev. James E. Ferguson, Randalstown.
Truth for ever on the scaffold,
Wrong for ever on the throne;
But that scaffold sways the future,
And behind the dim unknown
Standeth God within the shadows,
Keeping watch above His own. – Lowell
James R. Johnston, Ballyhill, N.S.
‘Tis not in mortals to command success;
But we’ll do more, Sempronius! We’ll deserve it. – Addison.
Monday 10
Samuel H. Irwin, Galloney, Feeney, Derry.
Time flies!
D. Bonthrone, Newton of Flakland.
What signifies the life o’man
An ‘twere na for the lasses, O?
I.Pankhurst, London.
Not she with traitorous kiss her Saviour stung,
Not she denied Him with unholy tongue;
She, while apostles shrunk, could danger brave –
Last at His cross and earliest at His grave. – E.S. Barrett.
Tuesday 11
Edward Bell, Tully.
God bless the person that proposed, and everyone that helps in any way to bring the project to a successful issue, so that the new School House and Teachers’ residences in connection with Killead Presbyterian Church may be completed and opened free of debt, and all may be done to the Glory of God. Amen.
E.A. McFarlane.
Sight is a great blessing, but there are times and places in which it is far more blessed not to see. – faber.
Wednesday 12
Mrs. T.K. Moore, Crookedstone.
Be to my virtues very kind,
Be to my faults a little blind.
Margaret Cummings, Tully, Muckamore.
Our lives are albums written through
With good or ill, with false or true;
And as the blessed angels turn
The pages of our years,
God grant they read the good with smiles
And blot the bad with tears.
Thursday 13
Thomas Lyle, Killealy, Muckamore.
No surrender! No surrender!
Ulster fears no foe:
We’ll defend her; none shall bend her.
No surrender! No!
Friday 14
Nathaniel Davidson, Dunadry.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it;
Only engage, and then the mind grows heated;
Begin, and then the work will be completed. – Goethe.
Mrs. Morrell, Bangor.
We cannot change yesterday – that is clear,
Or begin tomorrow until it is here,
SO all that is left for you and for me
Is to make today as sweet as can be.
Saturday 15
Sir Ray Lankester, London.
Noblese oblige.
Sunday 16
Alexander McCotter, Garvagh, Co. Derry
No shattered box of ointment
We ever need regret,
For out of disappointment
Flow sweetest odours yet. – Mrs. Browning.
Elizabeth McComb, Crosshill.
Honesty is the best policy.
Monday 17
W.H. Rogan, Dublin
He has a great fancy to marry that goes to the devil for a wife.
Tuesday 18
Maggie S. Dallas, Caw, Garvagh
It is the peculiar quality of a fool to be quick in seeing the faults of others, while he forgets his own.
Mrs. McPherson, Swanvale, Muckamore.
As cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
Willie Bell, Ballynadrentagh.
He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the only begotten Son of God. – John 3. 18.
Wednesday 19
R.L. brown, Londonderry
Who needs a sot to get his cot,
Will lose the cot and get the sot.
Thursday 20
F. Ellis, Glasgow.
Much may be made of a Scotchman if he be caught young. – Johnson.
Friday 21
In prosperity no altars smoke.
Saturday 22
J. Ernest Gribbon, Pittsburg.
Words are weak and most to seek when wanted fiftyfold.
Sunday 23
Mrs. J.R. Campbell, The Banks, Ardmore.
Onward! Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See! His banners go!
Monday 24
A mad parish must have a mad priest.
Tuesday 25
Rev. John Kyle, Tullylish, Laurencetown.
To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little, and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence, to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation, above all, on the same grim condition to keep friends with himself – here is a task for all that a man has of fortitude and delicacy. – R.L.S.
Wednesday 26
J.T. Oswald, Edinburgh
Though this be madness, yet there’s method in it. – Shakespeare.
Thursday 27
Mrs. Robert Wallace, Ballyrobin.
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.
Friday 28
M.R. Frazer, Bristol.
Plenty is dainty.
Saturday 29
Alexander Kennedy, The Hollow, Dundrod.
Make the best of everything; think the best of everybody; hope for the best for yourself.
Sunday 30
M.E. Wells, St. Louis
Marrying is easy, but housekeeping is hard.
Monday 31
R.Hanna, Kilmarnock.
Poverty is no shame, but being ashamed of it is.
Miss Morrison, Crookedstone, Muckamore.
Do not grasp at the stars, but do life’s plain common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things of life. – Lord Houghton.
Tuesday 1
Samuel Gamble, Knocknalossett.
Men must work and women must weep,
Though storms be sudden and waters deep.
Andrew Scott, Upper Cumber Manse, Claudy.
It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of the great whole of life dawns upon you – Phillips Brooks.
M. Ritchie, Feeney, Londonderry.
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him – Nahum 1.7.
Wednesday 2
David Patterson, Thorndale, Dundrod.
Nay! Speak no ill, but lenient be
To others’ failings as our own;
If you’re the first the fault to see,
Be not the first to make it known.
Thursday 3
Charles McBurney, B.A., Belfast
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Friday 4
John Harbison, Pittsburg.
Learned fools are the greatest of all fools.
Saturday 5
Mary Agnes Milliken, Ballytweedie, Muckamore.
The inner side of every cloud
Is bright and shining;
I therefore turn my clouds about
And always wear them inside out
To show the lining.
Sunday 6
Thos. McDermott, Rathfriland.
A mountain may change its place, but a woman will not change her disposition. – Koran
Rev. W. Brann, Ballyeaston.
You may ask me to quote for your album;
I scarcely know how to begin,
For there’s nothing original in me
Unless it’s original sin.
Monday 7
Rev. R.W. Dodds, The Manse, Botanic Avenue
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. – Jesus
Tuesday 8
J.R. Stoopes, Muckamore.
Draw the sword then, England, draw,
With thy mighty imperial arm;
Stand by your first-born, Ulster,
Lest she come to harm.
Yours to protect and help her,
Yours to bridge the ford,
And pass them safely over,
Faithful men of god.
Born of an honoured ancestry,
Tribes of a noble race;
Justice, truth and virtue,
True to their fathers’ faith.
Then shall England never
Bend the imperial will;
And for God and Ulster,
Ulster shall be Ulster still.- Original.
Wednesday 9
Mrs. Campbell, Tully, Nutt’s Corner.
Christian pilgrim, watchful be,
Many eyes are watching thee;
Satan witches to enthral,
Wordlings watch to see thee fall.
Saviour watch Thy servant too;
Guide and guard him safely through.
Thursday 10
M.L. Thompson, Muckamore Abbey.
To love is to go out of self.
Samuel Kyle, Langford Lodge.
Peace and plenty in our land.
Friday 11.
Robert John Morrell Irwin, Killead Manse.
Boys will be men.
E.J. Mayers, Diamond.
The best is yet to be –
The last of life for which the first was made.
Saturday 12
Harriet Martineau.
Sunday 13
James Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa.
Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds.
Monday 14
J. Byers, Killead, Muckamore.
The greatness of a nation depends on the education of its people.
Mrs. Mary Millar, 75 Bolton Drive, Mount Florida, Glasgow.
Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark unfathom’d caves of ocean bear:
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air. – Gray.
Tuesday 15
Emy Graham, Langside, Larne Harbour
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Rev. Wm. Corkey, Townsend St. Church, Belfast.
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin –
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.
Wednesday 16
A wise man thinks all he says; a fool says all he thinks.
Thursday 17
Pamela F. Rankin, Luton, England.
Be noble, and the nobleness that lies in other men, sleeping but never dead, will rise in majesty to meet thine own. – Lowell.
Friday 18
Rev. D.H. Maconachie, Newtownards.
Man is based on hope, he has properly no other possession but hope; this habitation of his is named the place of hope. – Carlyle.
George Alexander, Little Court, Chorleyend. (1858)
I am sick to death of cleverness. Everybody is clever nowadays. You can’t go anywhere without meeting clever people. The thing has become an absolute public nuisance. – Owen Welch (The Importance of being Earnest)
Saturday 19
Thomas Bole, Daisyhill Manse, Castlecaulfield.
Don’t talk of what you are going to do. Do it!
Rev. R.W.R. Rentoul, Clonmel.
I left it all with Jesus long ago.
R. Buick Knox, Ballydown, Banbridge.
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Sunday 20
John Clancey, Boston, Mass.
There is nothing so intolerable as a fortunate fool.
Monday 21
James Law, Glarryford, Co. Antrim.
Never venture; never win.
Minnie Harper, Carmavey
The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight;
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night. – Longfellow.
Tuesday 22
Patterson Boyle, Dungiven.
Never leave off till tomorrow what can be done today.
Wednesday 23
J. Kane, Liverpool
Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness. – Seneca.
Thursday 24
K. Baum, Berlin.
An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
Friday 25
Rita Entwhistle, Muckamore.
The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts, and the great art in life is to have as many of them as possible. – Bovee.
S. J. Gilmour, B.A., Croaghbeg N.S., Bushmills.
Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice.
M.A. Moore, Crookedstone.
Loin des yeux, pres du Coeur.
Saturday 26
David McMaster, 94 Castlereagh Road, Belfast.
Our life is ours in sacred trust
To shape as best we can,
For if we fail, our failure must
Impair God’s perfect plan.
Rev. J. T. Heney, Banagher Manse, Londonderry.
We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.
Sunday 27
When you have to fool the world tell the truth. – Bismark
Monday 28
William Cummins, Tully, Muckamore.
Happiness is assured to him who promotes the happiness of others.
Rev. Robert Simpson, D.D., 35 Manor Place, Edinburgh.
He that truly has the word of Jesus can hear His silence also. – Ignatius.
Tuesday 29
J. Irwin, New York.
It is the quiet people who are dangerous.
Wednesday 30
Agnes Davison, Tully, Muckamore.
Count that day lost whose low, descending sun
Views at thy hand no worthy action done.
Thursday 1
Jinty McComb, Woodbine Avenue.
Never trouble till trouble troubles you;
You only double trouble and trouble others too.
Isabella Gamble, Knocknalossett, Shercock.
The world is so full of a number of things,
I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.
Rev. J. Alexander Anderson, D.C.L., The Manse of West Calder, Edinburgh.
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith, A whole I planned.
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid. – Robert Browning.
Rev. R.W. Hamilton, The Fort Manse, Lisburn.
The Lord reigheth.
Friday 2
David Marcus, Enniskillen.
This above all, to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can’st not then be false to any man.- Shakespeare.
Saturday 3
Rev. Dr. J.A.H. Irwin, Killead.
The editor of a quotation calendar is like Johnston’s lexicographer – “a harmless drudge.”
Sunday 4
Thomas H. Scott, Glenoak, Crumlin.
Usefulness is the rent we are asked to pay for room on earth.
Monday 5
Few persons know how to be old.
Tuesday 6
Mrs. J. Logan Ayre, Kirkcowan, N.B.
And others’ follies teach us not,
Nor much their wisdom teaches;
And most of sterling worth is what
Our own experience preaches.
Reginald McKenna, M.P., London.
Education is the poor man’s haven. – Latin.
Wednesday 7
Fannie hawthorne, Donore House.
What is life when wanting love. – Burns.
Mr J. Martin, Victoria Crescent Rd., Ravenhill Rd., Belfast.
Friendship, like phosphorous, is seen plainest when all around is dark.
Of Course, Ballydonaghy.
But what if I fail of my purpose here,
It is but to keep the nerves at a strain;
So dry one’s eye and laugh at a fall,
And baffled get up and begin again,
Thursday 8
Susie Rea, Station Road, Antrim.
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child.
J.L. Brown, 37 Genard Street, Toronto, Ontario.
Remember me when this you see,
And always bear in mind
That you and I will have to die
And leave this world behind.
Friday 9
Wm.S. Thompson, Ardmore, Crumlin
Do it now.
Saturday 10
Margaret Salmond, Loanends Manse.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. – Emerson,
George White, Lisnataylor, Muckamore.
Can a child pretend to choose
Where or how to live?
Can a Father’s love refuse
What is best to give?
Sunday 11
He that was born under a threepenny planet will never be worth a groat.
Monday 12
R. Campbell Ferguson, M.A., LL.D., 105 Eglantine Avenue, Belfast
Ease after toile, porte after stormie seas,
Peace after warre, death after life,
Dothe greatly please.
Rev. David J. Gordon, The Manse, Poyntpass, Co. Armagh.
The world has a million roosts for a man, but only one nest. – The Autocrat of the Breakfast table – O.W. Holmes.
Tuesday 13
Rev. Samuel Moffett, Galgorm Road, Ballymena.
What am I?
An infant crying in the night,
An infant crying for the light,
And with no language but a cry.
Wednesday 14
John Lynn, 5 Windsor Avenue, Bangor
Look up, and not down;
Look forward, and not back;
Look out, and not in –
Lend a hand. – H. Bushnell.
Mrs. E.J. Johnson, Crumlin.
It is easy to sit in the sunshine
And talk to the man in the shade.
Thursday 15
E.J. Johnson, Crumlin.
To err is human, to forgive, Divine.
Hercules White, Ballysculty.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
E.J. Johnson, Crumlin.
Be in time.
Friday 16
Thos. Scott, Hannaville, Greenisland, Co. Antrim.
Believe me when I tell you that thrift of time will reward you in after life with a usury of profit far beyond your most sanguine dreams, while the waste of it will make you dwindle alike in intellectual and moral stature far beyond your darkest reckonings. – W.E. Gladstone.
E.H. Naylor, Punnett’s Town, Heathfield, Sussex.
Patience wins.
Saturday 17
William J. Molloy, Tai Tapu, Christchurch, New Zealand.
How rich Thy favours, God of Grace,
How various and divine!
Full as the ocean they are poured,
And bright as heaven they shine.
Mary Price, Lisnataylor, Crumlin.
I’m not ashamed to own my God,
Or to defend His cause,
Maintain the glory of His Cross,
And honour all His laws,
Jesus my Lord, I know His name –
His name is all my boast;
Nor will He put my soul to shame,
Nor let my hope be lost.
Nathan Gray, Antrim.
Bread (Bloomfield’s) is the staff of life.
Rev. S.J. Lyons, Millisle.
‘Tis only noble to be good;
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith than Norman blood.
Sunday 18
A beggar is never out of his road.
Monday 19
Ina Cowan, Clady.
To patchwork learned quotations are allied –
Both strive to make our poverty our pride.
Tuesday 20
Mrs. Andrew Carlisle, West Grove, Cloughinduff, Templepatrick.
It was never yet loving that emptied the heart,
Or giving that emptied the purse.
Rev. Arthur Parke, Ballykelly.
With even course thy path of duty run;
God nothing does, or suffers to be done,
But you yourself would do, if you could see
The end of all events as well as He.
Wednesday 21
Remember Lot’s wife
Thursday 22
St. Mary Magdalene
Friday 23
Rt. Hon A.J. Balfour, M.P., London
Politicians never love nor hate. – Chesterfield
Saturday 24
Rev. John Sturgeon, Boardmills, Lisburn.
Courtesy costs nothing.
Sunday 25
Dorothea F. Rowland, Warrington.
Go to! Thy love
Shall chant itself its own beatitudes
After its own life-working. A child’s kiss
Set on thy sighing lips shall make thee glad;
A poor man served by thee shall make thee rich;
A sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong,
Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense
Of service which thou renderest. Such a crown
I set upon thy head – Christ witnessing
With looks of prompting love. – E.B. Browning.
Monday 26
John Calderwood, Rathlin, Glarryford.
Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. – Shakespeare.
Tuesday 27
Maggie Thompson, Kilcross
If God be for us, who can be against us?
Wednesday 28
Rev. D. Cummins, Glenwherry.
Act well your part –
There all the honour lies.
Thursday 29
S.J. McComb, Nutt’s Corner.
And the stately ships go on
To their haven under the hill;
But, O, for the touch of a vanished hand,
And the sound of a voice that is still! – Tennyson
Friday 30
Clara Moore, Dundesart, Crumlin
I wouldn’t give a penny for a man as ‘ud drive a nail in slack because he didn’t pay extra for it. – Adam Bede.
Lily McClughan, Ivy Cottage, Ballyarnott.
Thise who are bent on doing evil can soon find an excuse.
R. McLoughlin, The Rectory, Lurgan.
Reflect that life, like every other blessing,
Derives its value from its use alone. – Samuel Johnson Irene.
Agnes F. Gawn, Antrim.
Where is the use of the lip’s red charm.
The leaven of hair, the pride of the brow,
And the blood that veins the inside arm –
Unless we turn, as the soul knows how,
The earthly gift to an end Divine?
A lady of clay is as good, I trow.
Give the carver a hand to aid,
Who fashions the clay no love will change,
And fixes a beauty never to fade. – Robert Browning.
Rev. W.B. Douglas, Jose Navarrette, 62 Puerto Santa Maria, Spain.
This is no world
To play with mammets, and to tilt with lips:
We must have bloody noses, and crack’d crowns,
And pass them current too. – Shak., King Henry IV, Part I, Act III., Sc 3 log. Hotspur
Saturday 31
J. Armstrong, New York
Nothing will justify profanity. – Stonewall Jackson.
Sunday 1
When all men say you are an ass, it is time to bray.
Monday 2
George Browne, 19 Kilmorey Street, Newry.
Wouldst thou fashion for thyself a seemly life?
Then do not fret over what is past and gone;
And, spite of all thou mayst have left behind,
Live each day as if thy life was just begun.
Lydia E. Waghorn, Punnett’s Town, Heathfield, Sussex.
Our little systems have their day –
They have their day, and cease to be;
They are but broken lights of Thee,
And Thou, O Lord, art more than they.
Tuesday 3
Rev. Denham Smith Boyd, Sloperton, Kingstown, Co. Dublin.
For the earth shall bear more than enough,
That temperance may be tried. – Milton, “Paradise Lost,” Book Eleven
Wednesday 4
Maud A. Robinson, Aughnamillan House.
Friends are like melons –
Shall I tell you why?
To find one good
You must a hundred try.
Rev. Robert Anderson, The Manse, Castlewellan.
In out truest moments we know that, after all, the question of our lives is the question of character. Indeed, it looks as if this strange life of ours were made only for character. – Simpson
Thursday 5
Rev. Samuel B. Thomson, Ardavon, Garvagh.
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
Friday 6
Alfred Tennyson.
Saturday 7
Mr. J. Louden, Kilmakee.
Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well.
Wm. Gillespie, 4 Lonsdale Street, Belfast.
Trust no party state or faction,
Trust no leaders in the fight,
But in every word and action
Trust in God and do the right.
Sunday 8
Amos T. Weekes, Letchworth, Garden City
And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. – I Cor., 13:13
Monday 9
Wm. McNutt, Hillhall Manse, Lisburn.
Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you.
Tuesday 10
John McElderry, Ballymoney
He knoweth the way that I take, and when He hath tried me He shall bring me forth as gold.
Francis C. Forth, Belfast
To mourn a mischief that is past and gone
Is the next way to draw new mischief on. – Othello, Act I., Scene 3.
Wednesday 11
J.M. Killen, M.D., Larne.
Give thy thoughts no tongue,
Nor any unproportioned thought of his act;
Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice;
Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgement;
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy;
For the apparel oft proclaims the man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee. – Shakespeare.
Thursday 12
Rev. J. Logan Ayre, Kirkcowan Manse, N.B.
The days pass on, the years lie far behind,
Not so the visions deep in the soul enshrined;
These still remain, links with a happy past,
Sure pledge of other joys which shall for ever last. – J.L.A.
Sissie Cummings, Tully, Killead.
The seed you are sowing
Through time will be growing,
And each one must gather his own;
In joy or in sorrow,
Today or tomorrow,
You will reap what your right hand hath sown.
Miss Jane King, Bellasis, Virginia, Co. Cavan.
Of things that be strange who loveth to read,
In this book let him range, his fancy to feed.
Friday 13
Dr. T.B. Hill Scott, Avonmore, Antrim.
Corrupted freemen are the worst of slaves – David Garrick.
The bearings of this observation lays in the application on it. – Charles Dickens.
Saturday 14
Maggie Molloy, Ballysculty.
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
Sunday 15
Charlotte J. Harper, Carmavey.
Be to my virtues very kind,
Be to my faults a little blind.- Prior.
Monday 16
Mr. John Goudy, Carmavry.
Patience is the best virtue.
Tuesday 17
T.E. Moody, Ballyharvey.
Indulge not in vain regrets for the past, in vainer resolves for the future – act, act as in the present. – F.W. Robertson.
John Malcom, Stirling, N.B.
One flag, one land, one law –
One nation evermore. – O.W. Holmes
Wednesday 18
Percy C. Harland, St. Johns’s, Heathfield, Sussex.
Teach us the lesson Thou hast taught,
To feel for those Thy blood hath bought;
That every word, and deed, and thought
May work a work for Thee.
For all our brethren, far and wide,
Since Thou, O Lord, for all hast died;
Then teach us, whatsoever betide,
To love them all in Thee. – G. Thring.
Thursday 19
J. Killen, Tully, Muckamore.
To see ourselves as others see us,
It would from many a blunder free us,
And silly notion. – Burns.
Rev. Robert Davey, Dunmurry.
To have what we want is riches, but to able to do without is power. – Geo. MacDonald.
Friday 20
Mr. W. McKeown, 18 Enfield Street, Belfast.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
Saturday 21
John A. Nixon, Ridpath P.O., Sask., Canada.
Good health is the greatest wealth.
Sunday 22
Rev. James Connell, Donagheady, Strabane.
Be not simply good; be good for something.
Monday 23
T.J. Macnamara, M.P., London.
Attempt nothing beyond your strength.
Tuesday 24.
J. Whitmore, London.
Better an empty purse than an empty head.
Wednesday 25
W.P.C. Taylor, Crumlin
Sunshine, broken in the rill,
Though turned aside, is sunshine still. – Thomas Moore.
Rev. John McCammon, Kilraughts Manse, Ballymoney.
God sends great angels in our sore dismay,
But little ones go in and out all day.
Thursday 26
Charlotte I. Thompson, 6 Bedford Avenue, Boxhill, England.
He who climbs only where he sees footprints makes no discoveries. – “Festus,” Philip Bailey.
Mrs. Galloway, 13 Botanic Avenue, Belfast.
Insist on yourself, never imitate. – Emerson.
Friday 27
Better a healthy peasant than a sickly king. – Ferdinand III.
Saturday 28
Luke McQuitty, Templepatrick Manse.
A wise old owl sat on an oak,
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke, the more he heard –
Why can’t we all be like that bird.
Rev. Robert Smyth, Portrush.
Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace.
Rev. Thomas Hamilton, LL.D., Vice-Chancellor Queen’s University, Belfast.
Not love thy life, nor hate! But what thou liv’st
Live well! How long or short – permit to Heaven. – John Milton.
Sunday 29
He that goes too far to marry goes to be deceived or to deceive. – (Spanish)
Monday 30
Jeannie Rankin, Ballysculty.
This world would be a better place,
And joys more thickly strewn,
If folk cared less for others’ faults,
And tried to mend their own.
Tuesday 31.
M. Graham, Olney Terrace, Ballygomartin Road.
Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.- Shakespeare.
Rev. David Marshall, Mountjoy, Omagh.
Take thy self-denial gaily and cheerfully, and let the sunshine of thy gladness fall on dark things and bright alike, like the sunshine of the Almighty.- James Freeman Clarke.
Wednesday 1
“Belfast News-letter,” Donegall Street, Belfast. (1737)
The newspaper which outlives the rest does so because it was best fitted to – it had to earn the confidence of its readers, and keep it. It had to be a better Newspaper than any other, and better Newspapers go to the homes of better buyers. Every bit of its circulation has the element of quality and staying power . And it is respectable, home-loving element of every community – not the touts and gamblers – towards which the merchant must look for his business vertebrae – he cannot find buyers unless he uses the Newspaper that enters their homes. And when he does enter their homes he must not confuse the sheet that comes in the back gate with the Newspaper that is delivered at the front door. – Herbert Kaufman.
Margaret Jane Kelly, West End, West Haddon, Rugby.
Kind hearts are more than coronets.
Thursday 2
Mrs. McCurdy, Tully House.
There is so much bad in the best of us,
And so much good in the worst of us,
That it ill-behoves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.
Friday 3
M.E. Davison, Crosshill, Crumlin
Perfumes, the more they’re chafed the more they render
Their pleasant scents; and so affliction
Expresseth virtue fully. – John Webster.
Saturday 4
Robt. W. Marsh, The Priory, Nettleton, Wiltshire, England
Only one life – it will soon be past;
Only what’s done for Jesus will last
Sunday 5
Rev. J.H. Morton, Eglinton Street, Belfast.
Seek not proud riches; but such as thou mayst get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly. – Bacon
Monday 6
Miss H. Robb, Tully, Muckamore.
To live in the hearts we love is not to die.
Tuesday 7
Louise Entwhistle, Muckamore.
Laugh to-day, lest there be less to laugh at to-morrow.
Miss McCurdy, Randox.
Sigh not for what might have been; make the best of what is.
Wednesday 8
John Officer, Suite 15, Avoca Block, Wpg., Canada.
Fall from your horse and break your neck;
Fall from the mast unto the deck;
Fall to the earth from heaven above;
But never, never fall in love.
Thursday 9
Mrs. A. Hamilton, Ballynadrentagh.
Absent or dead, let a friend be dear,
A sigh the absent claims, the dead a tear.
Friday 10
Robina R. Milliken, Ballytweedy
Seldom can the heart be lonely,
If it seeks a lonelier still –
Self – forgetting, seeking only
Emptier cups with love to fill.
Rev. Henry C. Waddell, Howth, Co. Dublin.
For the swift is not the safe, and the sweet is not the strong;
The smooth is not the short, and the keen is not the long;
The much is not the most, and the wide is not the deep,
And the flow is never a spring, when the ebbs is only neap. – F.R. Havergal: “Compensations.”
Saturday 11
Lizzie McComb, Crosshill, Crumlin.
Absence of occupation is not rest;
A mind quite vacant is a mind distressed. – Cowper
Sunday 12
Harriet McPherson, Swanvale, Muckamore.
Love your neighbour, but do not pull down the hedge.
Monday 13
Rt. Hon. H.H. Asquith, M.P., London
Wait and see.
Rev. F. Moore, Glasleck Manse, Shercock.
Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. – Matt. 7:1-2.
Tuesday 14
Rev. W. Mackeown, Cork.
The great guiding landmarks of a wise life are indeed few and simple. To do our duty, to avoid useless sorrow, and to acquiesce patiently in the inevitable. – W. Lecky.
Wednesday 15
Jane McComb, Woodbine Avenue.
There is an unseen hand that holds the helm of every godly life.
Jack Hull, Christie’s Hill, Crumlin.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife,
His ox thou shalt not slaughter;
But, thank the Lord, it is no sin
To love thy neighbour’s daughter.
Rev. G.A. Stephenson, D.D., LL.D., Iona, Adelaide Park.
Oh! Bother man, fold to thy breast thy Brother!
Whose Pity dwells the Love of God is there.
To worship rightly is to help each other –
Each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer.- Whittier.
John Hay, Mills of Crichie
O,wid some power the giftie gie us
Tae see ourselves as others see us?
It wid frae mony a blunder free us.- Burns.
R.J. Craig, Randalstown.
But who love best have best the right to know
That Love by right Divine is Deathless King.
Thursday 16
J. Denham Osbourne, Mountjoy Sq., Dublin
Dulce est desipere in loco.
Friday 17
Rev. S. Lyle Harrison, The Manse, Castlebellingham.
New every morning is the love
Our wakening and uprising prove;
Through sleep and darkness safely brought,
Restored to life, and power, and thought.- Kebie.
Satueday 18
E.D. Devine, Belfast
Hughes’ Bread is the staff of life.
Sunday 19
A braying ass eats little hay.
Monday 20
Mrs. R. McCully, Galloney, Feeney, Derry
Weak though we are, He still is near,
To lead, console defend,
In all our sorrow, sin and fear –
Our all-sufficient Friend.
M.A. Irwin, Killead Manse
Sweet to rejoice in lively hope,
That when my change shall come
Angels will hover round my bed
And waft my spirit home.
Rev. William Logan, The Manse, Letterkenny.
Fret not thyself because of evildoers.
Tuesday 21
Margaret Cameron, 14 Brookvale Avenue.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Wm. Hunter, M.B., Crumlin, CO. Antrim.
Follow Light, and do the Right –
For man can half-control his doom. – Tennyson.
Rev. John Y. Minford, Joymount, Carrickfergus.
One does not require to go to the high places of the world for stimulus to kindness, sunny temper, truth, mercy, fidelity, and cheerfulness. – Dr. James Moffatt.
Rev. R.T. Megaw, 55 Botanic Avenue, Belfast.
Love conquers all things.
Wednesday 22
Rev. R.J. McFarland, Bellasis, Virginia, Co. Cavan.
Trust thyself; every heart
Vibrates to that iron string.- Emerson.
Rev. Joseph Cordner, Drumbo, Lisburn.
The stars shine over the earth,
The stars shine over the sea,
The stars look up to the mighty God,
The stars look down on me;
The stars will shine for a million years,
For a million years and a day;
But Christ and I will live and love
When the stars have passed away.
Thursday 23
Aggie Bell, Ballynadrenta.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.- John 3:16
Mrs. F. McComb, Woodbine Avenue.
Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.
Aggie Bell, Ballynadrenta.
And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels. – MalachI 3:17.
Friday 24.
For an ass, a buffoon is the best teacher.
Saturday 25
Rev. W.J. Farley, The Manse, Kilrea, Co. Derry.
Tasks in hours of insight will’d
Can be through hours of gloom fulfilled. – M. Arnold, “Morality.”
Sunday 26
Thomas McComb, Woodbine Avenue.
Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us,
To see ourselves as others see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
And foolish notion.
Rev. Ed. F. Simpson, West Church Manse, Ballymena.
Be good, sweet maid,
And let who will be clever.
Monday 27
Dr. H. Hope Scott, Whittingham, Lancs.
Alas! That spring should vanish with the rose!
That youth’s sweet-scented manuscript should close!
The nightingale that in the branches sang,
Ah! Whence and whither flow again, who knows? – The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Thomas Davidson, Park View.
Day for toil – an hour for sport;
But for a friend – is life too short? – Emerson.
Tuesday 28.
At last the foxes all meet at the furrier.
Wednesday 29.
Isabel E. Holmes, Annavale, Islandmagee.
Some precious words are born of earth,
Some others by the angels given;
But sweetest of celestial birth
Are these: “My Mother,” “Home” and “Heaven.”
Thursday 30
St. Michael.
Lord Roberts, London
Aye ready.
Friday 1
Rev. Wm. D. Wallace, The Manse, Ramelton.
None are so blind as those who will not see.
Saturday 2
Rev. J.C. Thompson, Bexhill-on-Sea.
What if where life’s morning dawned
‘Mid paling stars
And ruby fires in Silver bars,
The Twilight falls!
Mine eyes look to the Great Beyond
In Western skies
Gold deepens into amber dyes
In Sunset halls.
At morn or eve my God is near,
All years to bless,
And crown my life with what success
His will ordains.
The night may come, I will not fear,
All’s day with Him,
My cup is full to utmost brim
While God remains. – J.C.T.
Kenneth B. Duncan, The Manse, Killucan.
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you –
You only double trouble and trouble others too.
Sunday 3
Rev. R. Allison, Kilbride Manse, Doagh.
The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.
Gracie. C. Bonthrone, Newtown House, Newton-of-Falkland, N.B.
A true friend is one who makes us do what we can.
Monday 4
Jennie E. MacWilliam, Rostrevor, Co. Down
Do thou best,
To God the rest.
Tuesday 5
Rev. Thomas West, D.D., The Manse, Antrim.
Faith is unerring. It is the star which leads to Christ.- Watson.
Wednesday 6
Janie McGown, Lennox-Lea, Cranmore Avenue, Belfast
Howe’er it be, it seems to me
‘Tis only noble to be good;
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith than Norman blood. – Tennyson.
Thursday 7
Rev. W.C. Steele, Hillsborough.
Go on! Go on!
Friday 8
Rev. D.B. Knox, Whitehead, Co. Antrim.
Yes, thro’ life, thro’ death, thro’ sorrow, and thro’ sinning,
Christ shall suffice me, for He hath sufficed,;
Christ is the end, for Christ was the beginning,
Christ the beginning, for the end is Christ. – F.W.H. Myers.
Thomas Sefton, Glendona, Glenavy.
Trust no future, howe’er pleasant!
Let the dead past bury its dead;
Act – act in the living present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead. – Longfellow.
Saturday 9
J.M. Malcom, Stirling.
Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant .- Socrates.
James Morrison, Crookedstone, Muckamore.
Science is a first-rate of furniture for a man’s upper chamber, if he has commonsense on the ground floor. – Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Sunday 10
Mrs. James Morrison, Crookedstone, Muckamore.
To err is masculine; to forgive feminine.
Samuel Ritchie, Lakeview, Templepatrick.
Be knowledge we do learn ourselves to know,
And what to man and what to God we owe.- Spenser.
Monday 11
Rev. W.T. Latimer, Eglish, Dungannon.
Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labour and to wait.
Tuesday 12
Rev. James Knowles, Richmond House, Belfast.
The sweetest word in our language is Love. The greatest word in our language is God. The word expressing the shortest time is Now.
James Hopkin, Altinure.
Keep your face always towards the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you.
Wednesday 13
Rev. James Irwin, Newmills Manse.
Nil desperandum.
Thursday 14
Mary McComb, Moffet’s Terrace, Holywood.
There’s a Providence that shapes our lives,
Rough hew them as we will.
Rev. D. Stewart, M.A., Dunadry.
If hopes be deeper,
Fears may be tears.
Friday 15
Mrs. Lizzie Armstrong, Ballyrobin, Muckamore.
Live and let live.
A. Smyth, Cross, Londonderry.
There is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.
Saturday 16
Rev. Jos. McCausland, Carland Manse, Dungannon.
So much o do, so little done,
No wonder that the world’s unwon;
So much to do by you, by me,
So little love with charity.
Sunday 17
Rev. A. McKinney, Parkgate.
Three may keep a secret, – if two of them are dead. – Franklin.
Monday 18
Rev. John Davidson, D.D., Glennan, Glasslough.
If there be an end to which Government is bound to attain – if there are two ways of attaining it – if one of those ways is by elevating the moral and intellectual character of the people, and if the other way is by inflicting pain, who can doubt which way away Government ought to take. – Macaulay.
Tuesday 19.
Rev. A.R. Crawford, Mount Randal, Belfast.
Quotation from Postal Regulations:- The charge for letters to all places outside the British Empire and U.S.A. is 2 ½ d.
George Henderson, Fair View, Randalstown.
Mutual tolerance and respect are of the essence of a country’s greatness. – Lord Dudley.
Wednesday 20
Rev. J. McKinstry, The Manse, Randalstown.
Unus ex pluribus.
Thursday 21
Rev. William McDowell, The Manse, Cavan.
Buy the truth, and sell it not.- Prov. Xxiii. 23.
Friday 22
Fanny Weekes, Letchworth.
Measure thy life by loss instead of gain;
Not by the wine drunk, but the wine poured forth;
For love’s strength in love’s sacrifice,
And whoso suffers most hath most to give.- H.E. Hamilton King, in “The Disciples.”
Saturday 23
J. Torrens, M.B., The Cave, Connor.
A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.
Sunday 24
C.A. Moore, Clady.
Never let what you do not understand upset what you do, because the former is connected with ignorance, whereas the latter is based upon knowledge.- Bacon.
William R.M. Orr, LL.D.l 97 Wellesley Avenue, Belfast.
The greatest evils are from within us, and from ourselves also we must expect our greatest good. – Jeremy Taylor.
Mollie Mackey, Killealy, Muckamore.
Votes for women.
Donald McMillan, 32 Bannerman St., C. Bank.
I am convinced that it is by his personal conduct that any man of ordinary power will do the greatest amount of good that is in him to do.- Ruskin.
Monday 25
Miss Shanks, Lisburn.
If you know of a thing that will darken the joy
Of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy;
That will wipe out a smile, or the least way annoy
A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy –
It’s a very good plan to forget it.
Tuesday 26
Wm. Grahan, Carmavey.
All that glitters is not gold. – Shakespeare.
E.R. Clarke, Vicarage, Killead.
Ulster will fight, and Ulster will be right.
Wednesday 27
J. Stirrett, Fountainville, Antrim.
Some slight good is always wrought
Beyond self-satisfaction,
When we are simply good in thought,
However we fail in action.
Rev. John Pollock, 7 Glandore Park, Belfast.
Never to run the risk of making a mistake is the greatest mistake of all. – Dr. F.E. Clark.
Thursday 28
Agnes Larmour, Ballyharvey, Muckamore.
Make new friends, but keep the old –
One is silver, the other gold.
Sir Edward Carson, K.C., M.P., 5 Eaton Place, London, S.W.
They have rights who dare maintain them.
Friday 29
Nancy Jane Irvine, Ballyhill.
For age and want save while you may;
No morning sun lasts a whole day. – Franklin.
Saturday 30
F. Connon, Crumlin.
One swallow does not make a summer, but one swallow of Connon’s beef makes a new customer.
J.B.K. Hill, Oughterard, Galway.
The wiser mind grieves less for those time takes away than for those it leaves behind.
Sunday 31.
Isabel McKeown, 261 Shankill Road.
There is so much bad in the best of us,
There is so much good in the worst of us,
That it ill behoves either of us
To say what we think of the rest of us.
Mrs. Patton, Tully.
Bachelors’ wives and old maids’ children are always well trained.
Monday 1
Rev. James Meeke, Kingsmills, Whitecross.
It is never too late to mend.
Tuesday 2
Mrs. Bickerstaff, Balysculty, Nutt’s Corner.
Make haste ye, for the night is far spent and the day is at hand.
Frank H.H. Hill, Gloonan Lodge, Ahoghill, Co. Antrim.
Agriculture is the chief support of empires.
Rev. David Graham, The Manse, Armagh.
Howe’er it be, it seems to me
‘Tis only noble to be good;
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith than Norman blood.
Sarah J. French, Ballyrobin, Muckamore.
As little recked I sorrow’s power
Until the flowery snare
O’ witching love, in luckless hour,
Made me the thrall o’ care. – burns.
Wednesday 3
Rev. Thomas Madill, LL.D. Garvagh.
And oh! It were a gallant deed
To set before mankind,
How every race and every creed
Can be love combined.
Can be combined, yet not forget
The fountain whence it rose,
As fed by many a rivulet
The stately Shannon flows.
Thursday 4
Rev. J.W. Coulter, Magherahamley Manse, Ballynahinch.
The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on, nor all your piety nor wit can lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.
Friday 5
Agnes Patrick, Ballyutoag.
Be good and do good.
Ellie Campbell, The Banks, Ardmore.
Old friends are turest,
True friends are fewest,
That’s why we treasure them
More than the newest.
F.M. O’Loughlin, The Rectory, Lurgan.
A little thing is a little thing. But faithfulness in little things is a very great thing.
Andrew McKillop, Antrim.
Live and let live.
Mrs. John Shiels, Broad Street, Magherafelt.
All common things, each day’s events,
That with the hour begin and end,
Our pleasures and our discontents,
Are rounds by which we may ascend.- Longfellow.
Saturday 6
Norman Kirk, Antrim.
Be good and you’ll be wise.
Dinah McGown, Lennox-Lea, Cranmore Avenue, Belfast.
Live pure, speak true, right wrong.
Mr. Savage, Clady, Dunadry.
Nor more can you distinguish of a man
Than of his outward show; which, God he knows,
Seldom or never jumped with the heart. – Shakespeare (Richard III)
Norman Kirk, Thornleigh, Muckamore.
A fellow feeling makes one wondrous kind:
I wonder would the poet change his mind
If perchance one day he chanced to find
A fellow feeling in his coat behind.
Sunday 7
Miss E. Sherlock, Seacash, British.
A little bit of patience often makes the sunshine come,
A little bit if love makes a very happy home,
A little bit of hope makes a rainy day look gay,
A little bit of charity makes glad a weary way.
Wm. James Peploe, Dallington, Sussex.
Keep troth. – Motto of King Edward 1
Monday 8
L. Jackson Holmes, Antrim.
He that pleads his own case has a fool for his client.
Tuesday 9
Margaret Weir, 18 North Queen Street, Belfast
Faith, Hope and Charity.
Alexander Scott, may buoy, Garvagh.
You have asked me to write in your calendar,
And I don’t know how to begin,
As there is nothing original in me
Except original sin.
Wednesday 10
S.W. Chambers, Holywood.
Ah! Is Thy love indeed
A weed, albeit an amaranthine weed,
Suffering no flower except its own to want?
Ah! I must –
Designer infinite!-
Ah! Must Thou char the wood ere Thou canst linin with it. – Francis Thompson.
Thursday 11
Wm. Henry, Coleraine.
Be good and fear not. Let all the ends thou aimest at be thy country’s thy God’s and truth’s – Shakespeare.
Friday 12
Samuel Armstrong, Ballyrobin, Muckamore.
Every cloud has a silver lining
Beatrice M. Roger, Highands, Sussex.
Time there was but it is gone;
Time there may be, who can tell.
Time there is to act upon,
Help me Lord to use it well.
Mrs. A. Barbour, Ballyrobin.
Home-keeping hearts are happiest,
For those that wander they know not where
Are full of trouble and full of care,
To stay at home is best.
James Thompson, Crawford Square, Derry.
Fool! All that is, at all.
Lasts ever, past recall.
Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand sure;
What entered into thee,
That was , is , and shall be;
Life’s wheel runs back or stops; Potter and clay endure.
Saturday 13
J. Entwhistle, Muckamore.
Have more than thou showest
Speak less than thou knowest
Lend less than thou owest.
M.A.F. Wallace, Hill-head House.
As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
I. McBurney, Lodore, Belfast.
Let no man think he can despoil
And rob his kind by trick and fraud,
And at the last make peace with God
By tossing alms to honest toil.
Sunday 14
Rev. A. Cuthbert, Carrickfergus.
Semper idem.
Monday 15
Edward Donaghey, 6 Fitzwilliam St., Belfast
Wise men ne’er sit and wail their loss,
But cheerily seek how to redress their harms. 3 Henry VI., v.4.
Anna E. Simpson, Craigdarragh, Straidarran.
Kind hearts are more then coronets.
Tuesday 16
M. Helena Harper, Etna Lodge, Helen’s Bay
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith than Norman Blood. – Tennyson.
Rev. George Thompson, D.D., Church House, Belfast
‘Tis not what man does which exalts him, but what man would do.
Rev. J.H. Murphy, 1 Belgrave Place, Cork.
‘Tis not in morals to command success, –
But we’ll do more, Sempronius; we’ll deserve it. – Addison.
Wednesday 17
Mrs. N.McComb, Carnmavey.
Come what may,
Time and hour runs through the roughest day.
Rev. David Steen, The Manse, Islandmagee.
That best portion of a good man’s life –
His little, nameless, unremembered acts
Of kindness and of love.
Thursday 18
Alexander Orr, gartenane, Bailieborough.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Friday 19
Dr. Saml. F. Gawn, Antrim.
Life is a battle to be fought valiantly – to dare nobly, to will strongly, and never falter in the path of duty.
Annabella Nixon, Ballymacilhoyle House, Crumlin.
Long, long be my heart with such memories filled,
Like the vase in which roses have once been distilled;
You may break, you may shatter the vase if you will,
But the scent of the roses will cling to it still.
Wilfred J. Rowland, Warrington.
Who knows not that there is a mutual bond of amity and brotherhood between man and man all over the world, neither is it the English sea that can sever us from that duty and relation….It is not distance of place that makes enmity, but enmity that makes distance.- John Milton.
Rev. J.C. Johnston, 69 Wadehouse Terrace, Dublin.
I have heard
Time flowing in the middle of the night,
And all things floating to a day of doom. – Tennyson.
Saturday 20
Sanuel Logan, Templepatrick.
Little said is easy mended, and nothing said needs no mending.
Rev. Thos. Macafee, The Manse, Ardglass.
Psalm XXXVII. 3.
Matthew XXVIII. 20
Nil desperandum Christo duce.
Rev. J. Meeke, Ballinderry.
What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension, how like a god!
Sunday 21
Agnes Nixon, Groomsport Co. Down
Whatever you are, be that!
Whatever you say, be true;
Straightforwardly act,
Be honest, in fact
Be nobody else but you.
James C. Bryson, Rockhill.
The world that we are living in
Is mighty hard to beat,
You get a thorn with every rose –
But aren’t the roses sweet.
Samuel Ronald Irwin, Killead Manse.
Boys will be boys.
Monday 22
Rev. J. Shilliday, D.D., Mission House, Surat.
For the love of God is broader
Than the measures of man’s mind,
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wondrously kind.
Tuesday 23.
R. White, Kilkeel.
Vita, verities, victoria.
Wednesday 24
Rev. P.W. White, Stonebridge.
Dieu et mon droit.
Thursday 25
Mrs A.E. Erskine, Seacash.
We cannot all be heroes,
And thrill a hemisphere
With some great, daring venture,
Some deed that mocks at fear;
But we can fill a lifetime
With friendly acts and true:
There’s always noble service
For noble souls to do. – C.A. Mason.
Friday 26
Jane B.P. Suffern, Evervale, Nutt’s Corner, Crumlin
He prayeth best who loveth best
Both man and bird and beast.
Annie J.R. Kirkpatrick, Augulish, Derry
Be good, sweet maid.
Saturday 27
James Byers, Baillieboro’, Co. Cavan.
He who lives only to benefit himself, confers on the world a benefit when he dies.
Alexander Buchanan, Magheramore, Dungiven
A good friend is better than a near kinsman.
Sunday 28
Elsie Mackey, Killealy, Muckamore.
My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter! O my Christian ducats!
Justice! The law! My ducats, and my daughter. – Merchant of Venice.
Monday 29
Rev. Thos. McDermot, Knowhead.
No gain that I experience must remain unshared.
Tuesday 30
Rev. William Dickie, Saintfield.
No more! Where ignorance is bliss,
‘Tis folly to be wise.
Wednesday 1
Rev. Thos. C. Fulton, D.D., Moukden, China.
For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Rev. D.S. Corkey, Dundrod, Co. Antrim.
Be not as the hypocrites of a sad countenance. – Jesus
Thursday 2
David C. Hogg., H.M.L., M.P., Londonderry. (1840)
Fear God; honour the King.
Friday 3
Rev. Wm. Park, D.D., Sans Souci Park, Belfast.
To thine own self be true.
Saturday 4
Robert Harper, Lisnataylor.
He that is down need fear no fall.
He that is low no pride;
He that is humble ever shall
Have God to be his guide.
Rev. R.S. Simpson, 35 Manor Place, Edinburgh.
With kind greetings and best wishes for your success.
Sunday 5
Aggie Brown, Ballyhill.
‘Tis only by pathways of dole and pain,
That men unto heavenly rest attain.
E. Lewis, Rose Cottage, Muckamore.
The smallest effort is not lost:
Each wavelet on the ocean toss’d
Aids in the ebb-tide or the flow;
Each raindrop makes some flowret blow;
Each struggle lessens human woe.
Monday 6
Rev. Dr. J. McIlveen, Belfast.
Be pitiful.
Rev. Dr. Alexander White, 7 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh.
Brutus never read a book but to make himself a better man.
Tuesday 7
Rev. R. Allen Beatty, Strangford Manse.
To make a fireside shine
For weans and wife;
That’s the true pathos and sublime
Of human life.
Wednesday 8
Samuel R. Millar, 75 Bolton Drive, Mount Florida, Glasgow.
To me more dear, congenial to my heart,
One native charm than all the gloss of art. – Goldsmith
Rev. Wm. James Lowe, D.D., Church House, Belfast.
Our little systems have their day;
They have their day and cease to be;
They are but broken lights of Thee,
And Thou, O Lord, art more than they.
Thursday 9
James White, Tully.
A merry heart is a good medicine.
J.D. Chambers, St. Johnston.
To thine own self be true.
Friday 10
A. Miller, J.P., Millbrook.
Old friends are best.
Saturday ,11
Anna J.B. Getty, Kirkmoyle, Ballymoneu.
O world, as God has made it!
All is beauty:
And knowing this is love, and love is duty.
What further may be sought for or declared?
Isobel Wilson, Belfast.
A woman’s advice is of a small account, but the man who does not take it is of no account. – Cervantes.
Sunday 12
Rev. W.A.Watson, M.A., 42 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast.
I am with you alway.- Matt. XXI I. 20
Monday 13
Lillie Kennedy, 183 Crumlin Road, Belfast.
There are three things that can never be recalled – The sped arrow, the spoken word, an the lost opportunity. – Arab Proverb.
Rev. G. Moody, Buncrana.
Be good.
Tuesday 14
S.T.H. Scott, Banbridge.
Eyes rest upon us from eternity’s stillness,
Here is all fullness,
Ye brave to reward you,
Work and despair not.
Mrs. Harper, Elm Grove, Dungonnell.
When you stand at a sorrowful bit of the road,
And the hand you loved has loosed its clasp,
E’en then take heart, for farther on
There are hope and joy and dawn of day –
You shall find again what you thought was gone.
Wednesday 15
Alice Eva Watson, Sedgeford, Heathfield, Sussex.
Be ye kind one to another.
Rev. J.W. Gibson, The Manse, Andersonstown, Belfast.
‘Tis education forms the common mind;
Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclined.
Thursday 16
Miss Emma Hall, Bailieboro’.
Do as well as you can today, and perhaps tomorrow you will be able to do better.
Friday 17
Rev. S. Wallace Morrison, Donaghadee.
Sin is the violation of an obligation that has no measure or limit, and the guilt of sin is alike immeasurable. – Prof Barrows.
Saturday 18
Rev. Stewart Dickson, Saintfield, County Down.
Nothing but the infinite pity is sufficient for the infinite pathos of human life.
Sunday 19
Thomas Swan, The Lodge, Buncrana.
Oh, wouldn’t the days seem lank and long
If all went right and nothing went wrong?
And wouldn’t our lives be extremely flat
With nothing whatever to grumble at? – W.S. Gilbert
Monday 20
S.D. Wright, Belfast.
All work is an influence;
Let yours be good and thorough.
Tuesday 21
Prof. H.C. graham, M.A., College Avenue, Derry.
Virtue is not wholly benevolence or vice wholly the opposite. – Butler.
Wednesday 22
Rev. James Maconaghie, Fortwilliam Park.
One can sometimes love that which do not understand, but it is impossible to understand what we do not love. – Grindon.
Thursday 23
Thomas Thompson, 70 Ottawa Street.
John Graham, Langside, Larne Harbour.
The night is long that never finds the day. – Shakespeare.
Thomas Lynn, Ballyrobin, Muckamore.
My only books are women’s looks,
And folly – all they taught me.
Rev. James Gallaugher, Largy, Limavady.
Love never faileth.
Friday 24
Mrs. G. Erskine, Glebe Cottage, Ballyquillan.
I know not where His islands lift
Their fronded palms in air;
I only know we cannot drift
Beyond His love and care.
Miss McComb, Albertville, Crumlin Road.
Just a little word of cheer
Lightens every duty,
Just a smile will often show
Faces wreathed in beauty;
Sprinkle sunshine as you go,
Comfort the distressing,
And your own reward will be
Heaven’s choicest blessing.
Saturday 25
Violet Walker, Nutt’s Corner.
Be wise.
Helena Reir Moore, The Manse, Markethill.
Those who trust us educate us. – Geo. Eliot.
Sunday 26
Rev. H.H. Moore, Manse, Markethill.
But the greatest of those is charity. – New Testament.
Monday 27
Rev. J. McKee, Baltragh.
I will not fail thee nor forsake thee. Only be thou strong and very courageous that thou mayest observe to do according to all that I have commanded thee. Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. – Jehovah to Joshua.
Tuesday 28
John W. Renshaw, B.A., LL.D., Shaftesbury House, 3 Botanic Avenue, Belfast.
Do as you ought what you ought, and leave hoping and fearing alone.
Richard Braitwaite, Stoneyford, Lisburn.
He that loveth a book shall never want a faithful friend.- Barrow.
Martha McComb, Crosshill, Crumlin.
We can all do better than yet we have done,
And not be a whit the worse;
It never was loving that emptied the heart,
Nor giving that emptied the purse.
Wednesday 29
Rev. Geo. Magill, D.D., Belfast.
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
Thursday 30
John T. Poston, J.P., Benvista, Derrychrier, Co. Londonderry.
This world is full of beauty,
Like that other world above;
If we only do our duty,
It might be full of love.
To duty firm, to conscience true,
However tired and pressed;
In God’s high sight clear work we do,
If we but do our best.
Friday 31.
Rev. D.S. Kee Coulter, Gilnahirk.
Rev. D.H. Craig, Donegore.
Be in time.

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