Freehold Registrations, 1831
The following is an extract from The Belfast Newsletter dated 30th September 1831 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast on the 24th October, 1831.
No. 138
Name and Residence of Applicant: David Bell, Linygarvy
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: House and land, Upper Massereene, town land of Linygarvy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
Landed Estates records
Sir Richard Wallace – Consolidated Final Notice to land owners and occupiers. 24th October 1877
I have been given copies of printed landed estates records still in possession of local families.
Unfortunately they have "seen better days." I have transcribed as much of the document as possible.
(Notice No.1, Map no 1 –Camlin…)
Landed Es…
Consolidated Final Notice….Owners and Occupiers.
In the matter of the Estate of Sir Richard Wallace, Bart, and M.P., Owner and Petitioner.
To all whom it may Concern.
The Landed Estates Court, Ireland, has ordered the title of the said Sir Richard Wallace to (amongst others) the towns, lands, hereditaments, and premises hereinafter mentioned to be investigated, and a Judicial Declaration made thereon, that the said Sir Richard Wallace has a good and sufficient title to the towns and lands of Aughnadarragh, otherwise…… Ballydonaghy (part of), Ballysessy otherwise Ballycessy (part of),… Ballyvollin, Gobrana otherwise Gobb (part of), Landgarve (part of)… 0 roods and 5 perches statute measure, and all situate in the Barony…… Parish of Camlin, and County of Antrim, all held in fee simple, and which… agreements for lease, rights of common, rights of turbary, rights of way, and other rights and casements set forth in the schedule hereto.
If any person alleges that he has any interest in said premises, not derived under said leases, agreements, or tenancies, or that his interest is incorrectly stated, or claims any right of common, or of cutting turf, right of way, or other easement affecting any of the said lands, and not admitted in the said schedule, or any objection to the boundaries as delineated on the said map, he must lodge his objection, in writing, with the Clerk of the records of the said Court, on or before the 22nd day of December next, otherwise his interest will be barred and concluded by said Judicial Declaration; and said map will be treated as conclusive and binding on all persons whoever. And such objection must be verified by affidavit, entitled as above, and sworn, if out of Dublin, before one of the Commissioners to administer Oaths in Chancery, and transmitted under cover, sealed with the seal of the said Commissioners.
And Notice is also given to the Owners and Occupiers of adjoining… that I have fixed Wednesday, the 16th day of January next, at my Char… Estates Court, Inn’s-quay, for the settlement of the Rental of said Prem… person interested is at liberty to attend.
Dated this 24th day of October 1877.
F.L. James McDonnell,…
Longfield, Davidson & Kelly,
Having Carriage of said Order.
62 Upper Sackville –street, Dublin; and Dungannon
Rights of Way, and other Easements, admitted to exist.
The right of the public to use the roads marked on the map "county road," will be preserved in the Declaration of Title.
The Declaration will include a right for the owner and his tenant on this townland to use a right of way on foot and for horses, cars, cattle, &c., across the Dublin and Antrim Junction railway, at the place lettered G on map No. 1 in this townland, as a means of access to his holding.
The portion of this townland in the possession of the Dublin and Antrim Junction Railway Company is not included in the contents of this notice, and will be excluded from the Declaration of Title.
The right as at present exercised by the tenant of holding Nand 8b of passing over the said railway between said numbers, will be preserved.Number on map: 1
Tenants’ Names: Evans Whiteside
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £25 12s 2d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 31a 0r 5p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 1a
Tenants’ Names: Evans Whiteside
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £8 11s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 11a 1r 25p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 1st day of May, 1838 from Francis Charles Marquis of Hertford to Francis Bell, for the lives and life of Daniel Bell, Mary Jane Ingram, and John Ingram, at the yearly rent of £8 2s 11d., with 8s 1d yearly for receiver’s salary. The acreage given in lease is 11a.0r 18p.; the quantity here stated is taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report. The amount stated in the rent column includes 8s 1d for receiver’s salary.Number on map: 1b
Tenants’ Names: John Corkan
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £13 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 12a 2r 37p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 2
Tenants’ Names: Henry Dornan
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £25 10s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 30a 3r 35p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 3
Tenants’ Names: John Nelson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £16 10s 9d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 16a 1r 31p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 3a
Tenants’ Names: John Nelson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £14 18s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 18a 0r 3p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 7th day of October, 1856 from Richard Marquis of Hertford to William Bullick, for the lives and life of John Bullick, Elizabeth Bullick and Thomas Alexander Bullick, at the yearly rent of £13 12s 5d., with 13s 7d yearly for receiver’s salary. The acreage given in lease is 18a.2r 13p.; the quantity here stated is taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report. The amount stated in the rent column includes 13s 7d for receiver’s salary, and 12s interest on loan of £15, advanced by the owner to the tenant for drainage, and is all payable for this holding.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: William Alexander McKee
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: –
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 6a 1r 39p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 1st day of May, 1855 from Richard Marquis of Hertford to William Alexander McKee, for the lives and life of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, William Alexander McKee and John McKee, or for the term of 31 years from the 1st November, 1854, at the yearly rent of £29 9s 5d., with £1 9s 5d yearly for receiver’s salary. The acreage given in the lease is 32a.0r 4p. of the lands of Gobrana, being tenancy 2d and 2e in that townland, and there stated to contain 30a 3r 28p., and the rent of £28 3s set opposite this latter holding included the amount payable for this holding. The premises demised in this townland have, with the consent of the owner, been divided, and the rent apportioned, this tenant holding the quantity here stated, and the residue of the premises forming tenancy No 4 (part of ) below, and the acreage of both are taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: Jonathan Peel
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £2 5s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 2a 33r 8p
Tenure of each Tenant: Held under the lease lastly above mentioned, which includes this holding, the lessee therein having, with the consent of the lessor assigned this portion (which is coloured yellow on the map of this townland) to this tenant, and for which the latter pays the amount stated in the rent column direct to the owner as the yearly rent and receiver’s salary thereof.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: James Nelson
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £10 15s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 9a 1r 8p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: John Corkan
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £24 7s 4d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 20a 0r 9p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: unreadable
Tenants’ Names: …..erris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £21 11s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 25a 1r 25p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 1st day of November, 1837 from Francis Charles Marquis of Hertford to the rev. Daniel Bell, for the lives and life of the said Daniel Bell, William Balmer and William McKinstry, at the yearly rent of £20 11s., with £1 yearly for receiver’s salary. The acreage given in lease is 25a.0r 18p.; the quantity here stated is taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report. The amount stated in the rent column includes receiver’s salary.Number on map: 7a
Tenants’ Names: Arthur Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £3 19s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 0a 1r 2p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 5th day of May, 1799 from Francis Charles Marquis of Hertford to Thomas Donegan, for the life of Jane Higginson or for the term of 21 years, from the 1st November, 1798, at the yearly rent of £3 18s 1d., with 3s 10d yearly for receiver’s salary and at the additional rent of 15s 7d yearly in case of assignment (save as therein mentioned) without the consent of lessor. The acreage given in lease is 5a.2r 13p.; the quantity here stated is taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report. The amount stated in the rent column includes 3s 7d for receiver’s salary and 3s 5d for tithe rent-charge, all payable for this holding.Number on map: 7b
Tenants’ Names: Arthur Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £26 17s 3d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 23a 1r 30p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 8
Tenants’ Names: Jonathan Peel
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £3 8s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 3a 0r 37p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 8a & 8b
Tenants’ Names: Jonathan Peel
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £17 5s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 24a 2r 6p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 1st day of November, 1831 from Francis Charles Marquis of Hertford to Daniel Bell, for the lives and life of Arthur Allen Bell, Charlotte Bell and Jane Bell, at the yearly rent of £17 12s 6d., with 16s yearly for receiver’s salary. The acreage mentioned in the lease is 25a.2r 10p.; but a portion of same, containing 1a 2r 19p., having been taken by the railway Company, the rent has been reduced to the amount stated in rent column, which includes receiver’s salary. The quantity here stated is taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report.Number on map: 9 & 9a
Tenants’ Names: George Ferris
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £9 1s 6d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 6a 3r 2p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 10
Tenants’ Names: John Mulholland
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £10 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 8a 0r 19p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 11
Tenants’ Names: Edward Quigley and Robert Tate
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £10 0s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 8a 0r 19p
Tenure of each Tenant: Tenant from year to year, tenancy commenced on 1st November.Number on map: 12
Tenants’ Names: William Bell
Gale days: 1st May & 1st Nov.
Yearly rent: £23 1s 6d & £0 4s 0d
Quantity of land. Statute measure: 32a 1r 3p & 0a 1r 4p
Tenure of each Tenant: Lease dated 5th day of April, 1799 from Francis Marquis of Hertford to Edward Higginson, for the life of Edward Quigley or for a term of 21 years, from the 1st November 1798 at the yearly rent of £22 19s 7d., with £1 2s 11d yearly in case of assignment (save as therein mentioned), without the consent of lessor. The acreage given in lease is 31a.2r 32p… premises have, with the consent of the lessor, been divided, and the respective quantities here stated, which are taken from the ordnance surveyor’s report, being in the possession of the tenant opposite whose name same is placed and who pays therefor the amount stated in the rent column, which in each case includes the proportion of receiver’s salary payable for each respective portion.Townland totals:
Yearly rent – £256 17s 6d
Quantity of land Statute Measure – 289a 0r 32p
Death Notice — Hannah Rankin
The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 29th March 1910 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.
Rankin – March 27th, 1910 at her residence, Langarve, Glenavy, Hannah, dearly-beloved wife of William Rankin. Her remains will be removed for interment in the family burying-ground, Gartree, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at tow o’clock. William Rankin.
Letting of Lands
The following is an extract from Lisburn Herald Saturday 16th April 1918:
Landgarve, Glenavy
Letting of lands
For grazing or cutting.
I have been favoured with instructions from
Mr. Malcolm McConnell to let by
Auction, on the premises, on Wednesday,
10th April, 1918, at 4 o’clock.
About 20 acres for grazing or cutting for the season, in lots to
Suit purchasers.
Terms – Credit till 1st November, 1918, on
Approved security, with Auction Commission.
W.S. Harvey, F.A.I., Auctioneer,
Belfast and Lisburn.