Ballinderry Memorial Hall

The following names are on the memorial displayed inside Ballinderry Memorial Hall.

1914 – 1918

Richard W. Allen
Robert J. Allen
David Addison
Walter Asboe
John Bolton
Henry Branagh
Samuel Beckett
George S. Beckett
John Close
Robert H. Close
Robert Curry
Robert Dickson
George Devlin
Albert C. Davidson
Richard A. Ellis
Samuel Edens
Edward Edens
Ian A.B. Fairbairn
Joseph Ferguson
George Ferguson
Isaac Green
Joseph Glover
George Glover
George M. Haddock
Robert Haddock
William H. Haddock
Albert Hanna
James Hoppes
Robert Johnston
George Johnston
John Kelso
Thomas Kerr
Samuel Kerr
William J. Kidd
John Kidd
David Kelly
William E. Lewsley
Hugh G. Larmour
Frederick Marshall
Henry J. Matchett
Edward McComb
John McComb
John F. McConnell
Samuel McRoberts
Henry McCormick
Joseph McCormick
Joseph McDonald
Arthur McNally
John Major
James Marsden
William McMurtry
Michael J. Peel
George Peel
Albert Peel
Thomas Quinn
John H. Reford M.D.
William Smyth
Norman Smyth
Henry Thompson
Samuel Thompson
William W. Taverner
Hugh G. Todd
Samuel H. Todd
Frederick Todd
Joseph Watson
Sarah W. Arnold


William J. Addis
Samuel Dickson
Thomas Dickson
Thomas H. Edens
Thomas Glover
George F. Hill
Robert Hoppes
James Haddock
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Lavery
William McDonald
Edward Mockler
Alexr. H. McCullagh
Thomas B. McCord
Mark Peel
Walter Smyth
Francis C. Stitt
Nurse M.H. Johnston


Killed in Action — Alex McCullough

The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated 31st August 1917.

Second – Lieut. A.H. McCullagh, R.I.F., Upper Ballinderry.

Second- Lieut. A.H. McCullough, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers reported last week as missing (believed wounded) since the 16th inst., is now reported killed in action. Deceased was established to a trench-mortar battery, and a letter received on Saturday from a chaplain puts it beyond doubt that he was killed. Deceased was the elder son of Mr. W.J. McCullagh, principal of the Upper Ballinderry National School, and had been at the front since February, 1917. He was studying at Connell’s Academy in Belfast for the Civil Service before he entered the army.

The following poem appeared in The Lisburn Standard on September 14th 1917.

In Memory of Second-Lieut Harry McCullagh
Who was killed at an outpost in Flanders on August 16th 1917, aged 21.

His life was like an opening flower
Which grew more lovely as it grew;
His honest heart was kind and true,
A gentle soul with manly power.

And many were the bonds, and dear,
Which bound him fast to friends and home,
And days of love and hope had come,
With promise of a bright career.

Then came the trumpet-call for men,
To fight for Honour, Country, King,
And all he loved, each precious thing,
He laid upon the altar then.

Not lightly was the task assayed,
He felt the horror of the war,
And knew that death might claim him there –
He knew, and yet was not afraid.

Then calmly did the youth prepare
For the dread battle-front, and go
Where death had laid the bravest low,
And sad hearts prayed "God shield him there."

God sometimes leads us by a road,
Dark with the mystery of pain,
But when we see the light again
We know the road has led to God.

For him the path of duty lay
Across the path of Death; but lo!
As all things vanished here below
There dawned the morn of endless day.

Above that outpost where he fell
Now shines a rainbow with a cross;
Thus o’er the symbol of our loss
We see God’s signal "All is well."

Harry, the memory will remain
(Though mixed with many a tender smart)
A joy in every loving heart
Which knew thee, till we meet again.


The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated 28th September 1917.


Lieut. F.A. Newell, Machine Gun Corps. Corporal J. Hamilton, R.G.A., Lisburn
Private E. Webb, R.A.M.C., Hilden
Private Robert Close, North Irish Horse, Ballinderry.

Private Robert Close, North Irish Horse, who has been wounded and gassed, is a son of Mr. John Close, Ballinderry. Before volunteering Private Close was a junior clerk in Lisburn Union Workhouse. He has been admitted to the 2nd Australian General Hospital, France.

Foundation Stone Ceremony

The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated Friday June 27th 1924.

Ballinderry Memorial Hall

Laying of Foundation Stone Ceremony

Will be performed by
ALFRED SEFTON, Esq. (Glendona)
On Saturday, 5th July
At 3.30 p.m.

Chair will be taken by
Sir Crawford McCullagh M.P.

A Hearty Invitation to All.

Keeping alive the memory of those who fell in World War 1
by The Digger

If you take drive a up North Street at Upper Ballinderry you’ll pass Ballinderry Memorial Hall. Its opposite the entrance to Ballinderry Parish Church Hall and is difficult to miss.

This building was once described in C.E.B. Brett’s publication "Buildings of County Antrim" as a "real ornament to an already pretty village". It is a two storey building complete with its Tuscan columns set in a "symmetrical, neo Georgian composition."

Read more …

South Antrim Women’s Unionist Association

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated 4th April 1930


At a meeting held in Ballinderry Memorial Hall it was decided to make an effort to form a branch of the South Antrim Women’s Unionist Association.

Mr. H. Walkington presided, and there was a large attendance.

The Chairman strongly supported the suggestion to form a branch, pointing out that it was necessary to do something in order to keep the people in close touch with what was going on.

Miss Martin, organising secretary, Unionist Headquarters, dealt with the dangers of Socialism, and spoke of all policy of Protection.

Miss Moles and Miss McMeiking gave interesting addresses on the aims and objects of the Association.

An enjoyable musical programme was contributed to by the Misses McCord, Miss Allen. Mr. Sefton Fairburne and Mr. Lowe. Mrs Marshall presided at the piano.

The speakers and artistes were entertained to tea at the close of what was considered a splendid evening.

Public Entertainment Licence granted

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday 29th February 1936.

Mr. H. Walkington wrote applying for an entailments’ licence in respect of Ballinderry Memorial Hall, at Upper Ballinderry, and the police reported that there was no objection to such a licence being granted. Mr. Wheeler reported on the Hall as follows :- "I recommend that before granting a licence for public entertainment the committee of the War Memorial Hall at Upper Ballinderry be required to have the following work executed:- (1) All exit doors to open outwards and be fitted with bolts that will yield to slight pressure from inside; (2) all inside doors leading to exits to open outwards towards exits and be fitted with bolts that will yield to slight pressure from inside; (3) the word "Exit" or "No Exit" as the case may be to be prominently displayed at all doors in letters 6in deep."

It was decided to grant the licence subject to the engineer’s recommendations being carried out.

Child Welfare Centres

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated 8th August, 1947

Lisburn & Hillsborough
Rural District Councils
Joint Maternity and Child
Welfare Scheme

The following
Will be opened:-
Aghalee:- The Village Hall, on Thursday
21st August at 2.30pm
Glenavy- The Parochial Hall, on Wednesday,
20th August at 2.30pm
Upper Ballinderry – The Memorial Hall,
On Wednesday 10th September at 2.30pm

For the weighing and examination of
Babies and children under 5 years.
Free expert advice on the care and
Management of children.
Teaching of Mothercraft Lectures
Educational Films.
A cup of tea will be provided.

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Standard dated 15th August, 1947

The opening ceremony of the Aghalee, Glenavy and Ballinderry Welfare Centres, commenced in connection with the Lisburn and Rural District Councils Maternity and Child Welfare Scheme, will be performed by the Rt. Hon. Wm. Grant, M.P. (Minister of Health) on Monday next in Aghalee Village Hall at 3pm. It is hoped to include a report of the ceremony in our columns next week.

Ration Books

The following is an extract from the Lisburn Herald dated June 12th 1948.

How to get your ration book – Lisburn and Hillsborough Districts 1948.


Surnames beginning A-Z. Monday 14th June 1948…..The Memorial Hall, Ballinderry


Surnames beginning A-Z. Monday 14th June 1948….The Parish Hall, Glenavy

Welfare Foods Service – Northern Ireland

All permits for liquid milk issued under the Welfare Foods Service for Expectant Mothers and children holding Green ration Books will expire on 17th July, 1948. In order to obtain a new permit you should apply to the local Food Office on or after 21st June, bringing with you the new Green ration book of each eligible child or the Grey ration Book of an Expectant Mother, together with the renewal card which your milkman will give you. You should not however make any entries on this card.

What to do

  1. Fill up page 4 of your present ration book and leave it in the book
  2. Take your ration book and identity card to the distribution centre. If your identity card does not bear your right address or if you have lost it or it is in a very bad condition, go to the Food Office instead
  3. If you hold a grey ration book as an expectant mother and you have to produce a fresh medical certificate to the Food Office before 18th July, you can get your new ration books at the same time
  4. If you hold a temporary identity card and have to renew it at the Food Office before 18th July, you can get your new ration book at the same time.

Film Show

The following is from The Ulster Star dated 25th February 1961 and appears with permission of the Ulster Star.

Ballinderry Young Farmers’ Ploughing Society
A Film Show

And the presentation of prizes will be held in
Ballinderry Memorial Hall, on Wednesday 1st March, 1961 at 8pm.

A dance will follow
Music by Jim Johnston and his band
Admission 4 shillings

Dancing in Ballinderry Memorial Hall

The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 8th March 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.

Dance on to the Blue River Boys in Ballinderry Memorial Hall on Friday 8th March. Dancing 9 – 2.
Admission 4 shillings. God Save the Queen!

The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 23rd March 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.

Come dancing in Ballinderry Memorial Hall. On Friday 29th March 1963. Music by the Blue River Boys. Dancing 9 – 2.
Admission 4 shillings. God Save the Queen!

Ballinderry Football Club

The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 25th May 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.

Ballinderry Football Club

The semi-finals and final of the Five a side Senior competition will be held at Villa Park, Ballinderry on Friday 14th June 1963. Admission 1 shilling. Kick off 7.30pm

A Dance will follow in Ballinderry memorial Hall at which the Cups and Medals will be presented. Dancing 9pm – 2am. Music by the Summer Hill Dance Band. Adm.; Ladies 3 shillings, Gents 4 shillings.

The following is an extract from the Ulster Star on 22nd June 1963 and is used with permission of the paper.

Ballinderry "Fives" attract big entry.

Forty teams drawn from Lurgan, Aghalee, Lisburn, Dunmurry, Glenavy, Crumlin and Ballinderry competed in the Ballinderry Football Club’s five-a-side competitions which concluded last Friday evening.

There were 24 teams in the senior section which was won by Queen’s Park, Lurgan. Runners-up were The Rockets, Ballinderry.

The junior final was contested by two local sides, The Satellites and Ballinderry Road Men. Eventual winners were the Road men.

The trophies which included two new cups presented by Messrs James Turkington and Cecil Bunting were handed over by Mr. Turkington at a dance in Ballinderry Memorial Hall.

A special medal for the best young player in the competition was won by 11 year old W. McAuley from Finaghy.

The following is an extract from The Ulster Star dated 25th May 1963 and is used with the permission of The Ulster Star.

Ballinderry Y.F.C.

Will be held
On Friday, 31st May, 1963
Cars will leave Ballinderry
Memorial Hall at 7.30 p.m. sharp
Drivers free. Passengers 5s each.
Followed by supper and social.
Music supplied by J.Johnston Showband.

Annual Open-Air Service – L.O.L. 3

The following is an extract from the Ulster Star dated 13 06 1975 and appears with permission of the Ulster Star.

Ballinderry District LOL No.3

Will hold the annual open-air service on Sunday, 15th June at 3.30pm in Field at Ballinderry crossroads.

The service will be conducted by the Rev. Bro. W.T. Hoey and the preacher, Bro. Rev. David Johnston, B.A.

Musical items by The Gospel Airs. Brethren and Bands to assemble at Memorial Hall, 3pm. A cordial invitation is extended to Brethren and the public. Note change of venue. Collection in aid of L.E.M.O.F.

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