Freehold Registrations, 1830
The following is an extract from The Belfast News Letter dated 6th April 1830 and is used with permission of The Belfast Newsletter.
The following names are taken from a list of persons applying to register their Freeholds at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in Belfast.
No. 29
Name and Residence of Applicant: Andrew Kernaghan, Slavenacloy
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: Houses and land, Upper Massereene, Townland of Slavenacloy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 37
Name and Residence of Applicant: James Neal, Slavenacloy
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: Houses and land, Upper Massereene, Townland of Slavenacloy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 43
Name and Residence of Applicant: William Collins, Upper Ballynavard
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: lands, Upper Massereene, Townland of Slavenacloy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 44
Name and Residence of Applicant: Thomas Collins, Upper Ballynavard
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: lands, Upper Massereene, Townland of Slavenacloy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10No. 45
Name and Residence of Applicant: John Young, Upper Ballymacward
Description of Freehold, with the names of Barony and Townland in which situated: lands, Upper Massereene, Townland of Slavenacloy
Yearly Value to be registered: £10
The following extract is from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim II 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Parish of Derryaghy
BogsThe flow bogs in the town lands of Slievenacloy and Slievenagravery contains, in the rough calculation, about 20 English acres, and is at present 2 to 6 feet deep. Formerly this bog was much larger and 16 feet in depth, and a large quantity of oak, fir, alder and other timber found imbedded in it , but of little value. This timber, both roots and sticks were in many instances singed by fire. Informants William Savage, William Brown and others.
Ordnance Survey Memoirs
The following extract is from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim II 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.
Parish of Derryaghy
Slievenacloy Forts.In Slievenacloy and holding of William Graham there stands the ruins of a fort of rather unusual size. It is of a very irregular shape but approaches to oval, 108 by 100 yards and higher in the middle than in the exterior. This parapet was made chiefly of clay but now greatly destroyed. The existing part of it is from 3 to 5 feet high and from 10 to 13 feet thick and the moat from 8 to 14 feet wide, and all in grazing at present. There was a second parapet of earth round this fort but now nearly destroyed. It was 10 feet thick.
21 yards south of this fort there stood a 3-angle or 3 – point fort 26 yards long, 20 yards wide at one end and 6 yards wide at the other as it now stands, but it is much changed from its original form. The parapet was of earth and stones. The existing part of it is 15 feet high and 17 feet thick, and the mat 13 feet wide. This fort seemed to serve as an outpost to the large one. Contiguous to the above fort was the skeleton of a human body found beneath the surface at some former period, and a few yards distant from the body the skull was afterwards found. Both were subsequently buried on the site where found. Informant William Devanny.
Slievenacloy Standing Stone.
Sibs Stone is a large stone situated on the south west side of Slievenacloy, better known by Gormon’s mountain. It measures 8 and a half feet long, 5 feet high, 6 feet broad in one end and 4 feet broad in the other end, and rather of irregular shape. It is raised some inches above the surface by a few small stones on which it is underneath supported, and probably by art in its present position, at least such is the feelings of many persons. However, there is no rock or any other large stones in its neighbourhood to indicate its rolling away by any accidents from them. It is of a very hard, black quality. Local tradition says that a giant cast this stone from the seashore to its present berth. It is also thought that there is money deposited beneath it. It is likewise that the late John Garrick got at some former period beneath the surface and about 30 yards south of this stone a crock of money. The place explored for this money is still visible.
Slavenacloy: markets Lisburn and Belfast; conveyance: cars and carts: prices: pork 1 pound 12s per cwt, oats 6s 6d per cwt, potatoes 1s 6d per cwt, hay 1s 6d per cwt; charges for conveyance; to Belfast 4d per cwt, to Lisburn 2d ha’penny; produce: oats, potatoes and hay; soil light, moory soil ; manures: dung and lime; surface: hilly; flax: very little; spinning: a little, 2d per diem can be earned by it; weaving: some linen and calico; pasture land: mostly under pasture (mountain); average produce: 11 cwt of oats, 114 cwt of potatoes, 12 cwt of hay per acre.
Death Notice — Alexander Braithwaite
The following is from a newspaper cutting source unknown:
Braithwaite – January 3rd, 1930, at his residence, Slievenacloy, Hannah town, Alexander Braithwaite. Funeral on Sunday at 2.30 pm to Derriaghy Churchyard. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing brother (James.)
PRONI Will Calendars
The following information is taken from the will calendars in the PRONI and are reproduced with kind permission of Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
John Edward Hendren
Date of Death 11 04 1863
Date of Grant 28 04 1865
Effects under £100
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of John Edward Hendren late of Slievnacloy in the County of Antrim Farmer deceased who died 11 April 1863 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of Joseph Lewis of Moneybroom and George Usher of Ballynadolly in Magheragall both in (Lisburn) the said County Farmers the Executors.
Andrew Kernaghan
Date of Death: 05/07/1865
Date of Grant: 11/07/1866
Effects under £20
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of Andrew Kernaghan late of Slievnacloy in the County of Antrim Farmer deceased who died 5 July 1865 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of Andrew Kernaghan Junior and James Reid both of Slievnacloy and William Thompson of Ballymacward all in (Lisburn) said County Farmers the Executors.
William Maxwell
Date of Death: 17/07/1874
Date of Grant: 07/08/1874
Effects under £100
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of William Maxwell late of Slievnacloy County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 17 July 1874 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of James Maxwell of Slievnacloy and John Maxwell of Ballymacward both in (Stoneyford) said County Farmers the Executors.
Agnes McDonald
Date of Death: 03/07/1876
Date of Grant: 04/07/1877
Effects under £100
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will (with one Codicil) of Agnes M’Donald late of Slevenacloy County Antrim Widow deceased who died 3 July 1876 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of William John Gore and James Maxwell both of Slevenacloy (Stoneyford) same County Farmers the Executors.
James McClean
Date of Death 30 12 1879
Date of grant 11 02 1880
Effects under £500
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of James M’Clean late of Ballymacward County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 30 December 1879 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of Jonathan M’Clean Farmer and Jane M’Clean Spinster both of Ballymacward and John M’Clarnon of Slievenacloy Farmer all in said County the Executors.
Esther McGarrity
Date of Death 24 03 1881
Date of grant 06 01 1886
Effects £80
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Esther M’Garrity late of Sleivenacloy County Antrim (Wife of Edward M’Garrity) who died 24 March 1881 at same place were granted at Belfast to Edward M’Garrity of Ballymacward Upper in said County Farmer the Husband.
John McFarland
Date of Death 22 08 1882
Date of grant 02 06 1886
Effects £456 16s
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of John M’Farland late of Whitehill County Antrim Farmer who died 22 August 1882 at same place was proved at Belfast by James Maxwell of Sleavenacloy and James Davison of Ballymacward both in said County Farmers the Executors.
David Gore
Date of Death 13 12 1885
Date of grant 17 02 1886
Effects £170 12s 6d
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of David Gore late of Slievenacloy County Antrim Farmer who died 13 December 1885 at same place was proved at Belfast by William John Galway of Derriaghy in said County and William John Gore of Slievenacloy Farmers the Executors.
John Maxwell
Date of Death 26 10 1889
Date of grant 10 11 1889
Effects £262 4s
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of John Maxwell late of Ballymacward Upper County Antrim Farmer who died 26 October 1889 at same place was proved at Belfast by William Maxwell of Lisburn Factory Manager and William John Gore of Slievenacloy Farmer both in said County the Executors.
James Ellis
Date of Death 04 01 1892
Date of grant 17 02 1892
Effects £163 13s 6d
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
The Will of James Ellis late of Upper Ballymacward County Antrim Farmer who died 4 January 1892 at same place was proved at Belfast by John M’Larnon of Slievenacloy said County and Valentine Ellis of Upper Ballymacward Farmers the Executors.
Thomas McClarnon
Date of Death 14 10 1896
Date of grant 24 03 1897
Effects £461 16s 6d
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of Thomas M’Clarnon late of Slievenacloy County Antrim Farmer who died 14 October 1896 granted at Belfast to James Porter of Ballycollin and Robert Graham of Slievenacloy both said County Farmer.
David Watters
Date of Death 29 05 1898
Date of grant 23 12 1898
Effects £20
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of David Watters late of Slievenacloy County Antrim Farmer who died 29 May 1898 granted at Belfast to George Watters of Bovolgan and James Watters of Ballynacoy both County Antrim Farmers.
John McConnell
Date of Death 11 07 1916
Date of grant 13 10 1916
Effects £350 5s 0d
Registry: BelfastFull Abstract:
Probate of the Will of John McConnell late of Slievenacloy County Antrim Farmer who died 11 July 1916 granted at Belfast to Mary McConnell the Widow.