Dundesert Townland, Killead

James Neill convicted of Stabbing

The following is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Monday 20th July 1795 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

At a General Quarter Seffions of the Peace, held at Antrim, in and for the County of Antrim, on Thurfday the 16th day of July 1795; the following perfons were tried, convicted and punifhed as to their names annexed :-

James Neill, of Dundefart, convicted of ftabbing John Johnfton with a grape – fined five pounds, and ordered to be imprifoned fourteen days in the County Jail.

Guardians – Antrim Union – meeting attendance

The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 03 04 1854 and has been used with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

Poor Land Unions

Antrim Union – Return, showing the number of days on which each of the Guardians attended the weekly meetings of the Board, during the year ended 25th March, 1849:-

The following appear under Ex-Officio Guardians

Number of days
George J. Clarke., J.P., Chairman 49
Thomas Montgomery, Esq., J.P., Vice-chairman 26
Charles W. Armstrong, Esq., J.P., D. Vice-Chairman 7
The Rt Honourable Lord Viscount Massareene and Ferrard, D.L., J.P. 6
Lieut. Gen the Honourable Sir H.R. Pakenham, D.L., J.P. 5
The Honourable George Handcock, J.P. 2
James Whitla, Esq. J.P. 7
John Smyth, Esq., J.P. 3
Thomas B. Adair, Esq., J.P. 0
John Owens, Esq., J.P. 1
T.D. Bateson, Esq, J.P., 0

The following are some of the Elective Guardians – representing the under mentioned divisions

Electoral Divisions
Seacash James McCord, Esq 8
Ballynadrentagh Wm. MrErvale, Esq 11
Ballyrobin Thomas Morrison, Esq. 22
Dundesert James Kirker, Esq. 7
Crumlin Benjamin Oakman, Esq. 10

Signed Henry C. Scott, Clerk of Union
Board – Room, 28th March, 1849

Trespass and Injury to a Fence

The following is an extract from The Lisburn Herald Saturday April 6th 1912

James Henry Reid, Ballydonaghy v Abraham Park, Dundesert

This was a process for £5 damages for trespass and injury to a fence, Mr. J.M. Whitaker, B.L., (instructed by Mr. W.G. Maginess) appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr.T.W. Brown, B.L., (instructed by Mr. Joseph Allen) appeared for the defendant.

Mr. Hunter C.E., proved the map, and stated there was a portion of ground between the river and the fence which was cut through, and which was clearly the plaintiff’s property.

Plaintiff proved that he had had the farm for 24 years, and had kept the fence during that time.

Mr. Coburn stated that he was the former owner, and that he got it from his grandfather 48 years ago. It was he who originally erected the fence, between the plaintiff’s and defendant’s land, and that there was no cut or way into the plaintiff’s land until made by him a few months ago.

John Adams said that his father was the caretaker of what was now the defendant’s land, on behalf of the landlord, until defendant purchased it seven years ago, and that there was no cut or way through the fence then.

For the defence, defendant stated that he had got permission from the plaintiff’s wife and had a right to the use of the water in the river, as he thought the river was the proper boundary.

His Honour gave a decree for 1s, with the usual title costs.

Death – Sergeant Robert Hull

In The Lisburn Standard on Friday September, 29th 1916, the following appeared:

Crumlin Man Dies From Wounds

News has been received by Mr. John Hull, Dundesert, Crumlin, that his son, Sergeant Robert Hull, New Zealand Infantry, has died of wounds received in action on September 13.

Information Wanted

Information is urgently requested as to the fate of Rifleman Jos. Watson (1284) Royal Irish Rifles, who has been missing since July 1. News would be gratefully received by his parents, who reside at Glenavy, Co. Antrim.

Death Notice – Archibald Officer

The extract is from the Belfast Newsletter dated Thursday 15th July 1937 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

Officer – July 13 1937 at his residence, Dundesert, Crumlin. Archibald (Archie), eldest son of Annie and the late John Officer. Funeral to the family burying ground, Dundrod, today (Thursday) at 2pm. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted.

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