Tullyballydonnell Townland, Ballinderry

Death Notice – Anthony B Reford

The following is an extract from the Lisburn Standard dated 22nd February 1890

Reford – February 18 at his residence Thomas Vale, Ballinderry. Anthony B. Reford aged 49 years.

Land Auction

The following extract is from the Belfast News Letter dated 28th July 1899 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

Sales by Auction –
J D Martin & Co.’s
List of Auction sales

29th July at 11 o’clock – eight acres Meadows, at Tullyballydonnell, for Mr. John Close.

Connor Headstone — Ballinderry Middle Church

Maggie Connor
in memory of her father
William Connor who died 8th November 1903
aged 72 years
also her mother
Lena Connor
who died 24th January 1903
aged 80 years.
Connor Family Headstone

Connor Family Headstone

Notes: This family resided in the Tullyballydonnell townland. Their family in 1903 included Henry, Fanny and Margaret.

See more headstones and headstone transcriptions at Ballinderry Middle Church.

Farm Sale – Thomasvale

The following is an extract from the Belfast Newsletter dated 16th January 1931 and appears with permission of the Belfast Newsletter.

Thomasvale, Ballinderry, Co. Antrim. Sale of Valuable farm & Residence.

We are instructed by Mrs. Reford to sell by auction at our Lisburn mart, on Tuesday 20th January 1931 at one o’clock p.m.

That valuable farm known as above, containing 97 acres statute. Annuity, £35 18s 4d to Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland. There is a fine two storey residence and most extensive office houses. The lands are practically all in pasture of first class quality, well watered and fenced.

This desirable farm is situate in Reford’s Lane, 6 miles from Lurgan, 7 miles from Lisburn and two miles from Ballinderry Lane Ends.

Full particulars from

W.G. Maginess & Son, Solicitors, Bow Street, Lisburn

Woods & McClure

Auctioneers, 43, Chichester Street, Belfast; and Lisburn.

Farm Sale

The following extract if from The Belfast News Letter dated Friday October, 16th 1942 and is reproduced by kind permission of the Belfast News Letter

The Weir, Tulyballydonnel, Lower Ballinderry
Sale by Auction of valuable small farm.

We have received instructions from Miss M. McCord to sell by auction at our Lisburn Mart on Tuesday, 27th October, 1942 at 1pm.
Farm in town land of Tullyballydonnel containing 12 acres, 0 roods, 36 perches, statute of thereabouts , held in Fee-Simple, subject to the very low annuity of £3 3s 2d to Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland. There are two good dwelling houses on the holding, vacant possession of one will be given, the other being let at £15 12s 0d per annum. The Lands are of excellent quality, well watered and drained, and are under usual rotation of crops. This very neat holding is situate adjoining the main Lisburn – Ballinderry road, 7 miles from Lisburn. Bus passes the door, and Ballinderry Station is about 1½ miles distant.

For title, &c, apply
W.G. Maginess & Son, solicitors, 28 Bow Street, Lisburn.
Woods & McClure, Auctioneers, 55, Chichester St., Belfast; & 6 Market St., Lisburn.

Robert Cinnamond – the Ballinderry Balladeer
The Digger celebrates the life and legacy of a local singer

Robert Cinnamond

Robert Cinnamond

On Wednesday 5th June 1968 news was filtering through of the shooting of Robert F. Kennedy in the United States. It was a topic of conversation amongst a group of people who had gathered in the graveyard of St Joseph’s, Ballymacricket, Glenavy to pay their respects to a well-known and well-respected gentleman, Robert Cinnamond, who had passed away on the 3rd June 1968 aged 84 years.

Robert had spent several years in the United States himself and the Kennedy dynasty and the American culture would have been a familiar way of life to him. Indeed there was a further irony in the fact that Robert’s daughter Vera had taken the Kennedy surname through marriage.

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