Schools – Tullyrusk Parish

The following extract is from "Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland – Parishes of County Antrim VII 1832 – 1838". Thanks to The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast for permission to use this extract.


There are 3 schools in the parish, 1 in Dundrod and 2 in Budore, supported by the parents of the children and assisted by the Dublin societies.

The advantages of education are, from the number of schools and the cheapness of instruction, within the reach of all. The system of education has much improved of late years and schools, particularly Sabbath schools, have done much good and produced a perceptible change on the habits of the rising generation. The people seem anxious for instruction and all the rising generation are being or have been instructed. Reading, writing, arithmetic, a little English grammar and occasionally a little book-keeping or mensuration complete the education of the children.


(Table contains the following headings: name, situation and description, when established, income and expenditure, physical, intellectual and moral education, number of pupils subdivided by sex, age and religion, name and religious persuasion of master or mistress.)

In a suitable house (somewhat out of repair) built for the purpose by local subscription and situated in the town land of Dundrod; it is more than 40 years since it was originally established; income from pupils 16 pounds; intellectual education: spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, books of the Kildare Place Society, Bonnycastle’s Alegebra, mensuration, Jackson’s Book-keeping; moral education: Sunday school, visited by the Presbyterian minister, Authorised Version of Scriptures daily, Protestant and Presbyterian catechisms on Saturday after school hours; number of pupils: males, 9 under 10 years of age, 11 from 10 to 15, 2 above 15, 22 total males; females, 7 under 10 years of age, 5 from 10 to 15, 12 total females; 34 total pupils, 6 Protestants, 26 Presbyterians, 2 Roman Catholics; master Richard Hood, Protestant.

In a suitable house built for the purpose by subscription and situated in the town land of Budore; established under the Kildare Place Society in 1831 and under the Synod of Ulster in 1836; income: the Synod of Ulster will grant it annually the sum of 3 pounds, from pupils 20 pounds; intellectual education: spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, books of the Kildare Place Society, Bonnycastle’s Alegbra, mensuration, Jackson’s Book-keeping; moral education: visited by the Presbyterian minister, Authorised Version of Scriptures daily, all catechisms on Saturday after school hours; number of pupils: males, 11 under 10 years of age, 12 from 10 to 15, 23 total males; females, 9 under 10 years of age, 8 from 10 to 15, 17 total females; 40 total pupils, 5 Protestants, 23 Presbyterians, 12 Roman Catholics; master John MacHenry, Presbyterian.

(totals): income from benevolent individuals or public societies 3 pounds, from pupils 36 pounds; number of pupils: males, 20 under 10 years of age, 23 from 10 to 15, 2 above 15, 45 total males; females, 16 under 10 years of age, 13 from 10 to 15, 29 total females; 74 total pupils, 11 Protestants, 49 Presbyterians, 14 Roman Catholics.

Memo relating to schools: I have taken the average attendance during the past year derived from the books of the school or, when such are not kept, from the authority of the teacher. Signed James Boyle, 4th February 1837.

Table of schools

(Table contains the following headings: name of town land where held, name and religion of master or mistress, free or pay school, annual income of master or mistress, free or pay school, annual income of master or mistress, description and cost of schoolhouse, number of pupils subdivided by religion, sex and the Protestant and Roman Catholic returns, societies with which connected)

Dundrod master Wallace Ireland, Presbyterian; pay school, annual income about 12 pounds; schoolhouse: good slated house, cost 35 pounds, built by subscription: Marquis of Hertford 5 pounds 13s 9d and aided by the Lord Lieutenant’s school fund; number of pupils by the Protestant return: 3 Established Church, 31 Presbyterians, 2 Roman Catholics, 21 males, 15 females; by the Roman Catholic return: 3 Established Church, 31 Presbyterians, 2 Roman Catholics, 21 males, 15 females; the schoolhouse was built by subscription aided by the lord lieutenant’s school fund; the Marquis of Hertford gave 5 pounds 13s 9d.

Budor, master Thomas Atkinson, Protestant; pay school, annual income about 6 pounds; schoolhouse: thatched cabin, cost 6 pounds; number of pupils by the Protestant return: 5 Established Church; 10 Presbyterians, 2 Roman Catholics, 9 males, 8 females; by the Roman Catholic return: 5 Established Church, 10 Presbyterians, 2 Roman Catholics, 9 males, 8 females; associations none.

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