Ballymacricket National School
Ballymacricket School 1902
Ballymacricket School 1911
Teacher Wanted
The following is an extract from the Irish News dated 21st August 1912 and appears with permission of the Irish News.
Teacher wanted – Wanted, a Principal Teacher for the Ballymacrickett Female N.S., Glenavy, Co. Antrim, for 1st November next. Must have Irish Certificate, and qualified to train and conduct choir. Applications, accompanied by testimonials, to be sent to Rev. Francis McBride, P.P. Glenavy, Co. Antrim.
Ballymacricket School 1922
Ballymacricket School 1939
Ballymacricket Primary School 1954
Ballymacricket Primary School 1962
Savings Certificates
The following extract is from the Ulster Star dated 6th February 1971 and appears with permission of the Ulster Star.
Ten Year Savings Certificates for Glenavy Schools
Certificates in recognition of 10 years continuous savings have been awarded by the Belfast Savings Bank to two schools in Glenavy.
At St. Aidan’s Secondary Modern School, the principal, Mr. M.A. Fitzpatrick, received the award on behalf of the staff and pupils, while Mrs. E. McAllister did likewise on behalf of Ballymacricket Primary School.Alderman Mrs. Sarah Crothers, who made the presentation, praised the work of both schools in the savings movement and emphasised the importance of forming the habit of saving during school years. She especially commended the work done by the secretaries of both school groups.
Thanking Mrs. Crothers for making the presentations, Mr. J.A. McCann, principal, Ballymacricket Primary School, spoke of her outstanding service in public life, in particular her work as a member of the Antrim Education Committee and as a foundation member of the Ulster Savings Movement.
Mr. H. Morrison, the B.S.B. public relations officer and Mr. T. Harvey, area organiser for the Savings Movement, who were in the platform party, also paid tribute to Mrs. Crothers and to the staff and pupils of both schools.