Legatirriff National School

Legaterriff National School 1906

Legaterriff National School 1906
Thanks to Derick McClurg for providing this photograph

Miss Addy and pupils at Legatirriff School. Date presently unknown

Miss Addy and pupils at Legatirriff School. Date presently unknown
Picture kindly provided by a friend

Legaterriff School (date unknown)

Legaterriff School (date unknown)
Thanks to Derick McClurg for providing a copy of these photographs

Legaterriff School (date unknown)

Legaterriff School (date unknown)
Thanks to Derick McClurg for providing a copy of these photographs

Legaterriff School dated June 1960

Legaterriff School dated June 1960
Thanks to Derick McClurg for providing a copy of this photograph

Legaterriff School, 1965

Legaterriff School, 1965
Thanks to Derick McClurg for providing this photograph

Rev John A Walton – Manager of Legateriffe P.E. School

The following extract is from The Lisburn Standard dated Friday December 16th 1932.

Lisburn and Belfast Education Committee.

The Ministry of Education wrote informing the Committee that the Rev. John A. Walton, M.A., Glenavy, had been appointed manager of Legateriffe P.E. School.

Transfer of Schools

In connection with the transfer of Legateriffe P.E. School, a letter, dated 8th Nov., was received from the Ministry of Education asking for additional information in regard to the endowment which it was proposed to transfer and which the Ministry of Finance required before approval could be given to the draft deed of transfer.

The secretary explained that in the deed granting sites for Methodist schools there were endowments of £58 13s 0d each attached to Aghalee and Legateriffe schools with a provision that in event of wither school being closed or ceasing to exist the endowment attaching to such school was to be applied to the remaining school. The Aghalee School was struck off the Ministry’s list of schools from the 31st March 1909, and according to the terms of the deed the Aghalee endowment should have gone to the Legateriffe School, but the proposal for transfer of the latter school referred to an endowment of £59 8s 6d. The point was as to what had happened and he had written to the Rev. J.A. Walton on the matter and was awaiting a reply.

Re the transfer of Rushy Hill and Stoneyford P.E. Schools, the Secretary reported that the Ministry of Education had returned the draft agreements for transfer of those two schools and had expressed its hesitation regarding giving approval of the antedating of the transfer to 1st October 1929. On receipt of the Minsitry’s letter he had communicated with the Rev. R.J. Prole, the manager of the schools, on the matter, who had readily agreed that the effective date of transfer might be brought forward to 1st January 1932. The draft agreements for transfer had been amended accordingly and returned to the Ministry.

The agreement for transfer of Stevenson P.E. School having been duly executed by all parties and sealed by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance, instructions were given to the Secretary to take the necessary steps to have a school management committee set up for the local management of the school.

New Teacher.

The Ministry of Education wrote on 8th November enclosing a copy of a letter which the Ministry had addressed to the Rev. J. Walton, M.A., who had been recognised as manager of Legaterriffe P.E. School in regard to the question of the appointment of a junior assistant mistress in the school. In the letter to Mr. Walton the Ministry pointed out that as the proposed transfer of the school when completed would date as from 1st October 1931, it was proper that the Regional Education Committee should approve of any proposed appointment.
A letter, dated 14th November, was received from the Rev. J.A. Walton stating that he proposed to appoint Miss Bertha M. Smythe and enclosing copies of her reports and references.

On the motion of Mr. Peel, seconded by Mr. Buchanan, it was unanimously agreed to approve of the proposed appointment.

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