Armstrong Family

Summary Genealogy

Issue Date: 14/2/2007

Home Page

Poole Ancestor List

Our Armstrong ancestors originated in
County Leitrim, Ireland. John Armstrong (2nd) emigrated to the US in the mid 19thC
to Illinois, where he produced a large extended family. By his wives, the
sisters Eleanor and Henrietta Wilson. The late 18thC and 19thC families are
documented by some original written work by Dr William Armstrong writing in the

This is a summary; there are references to
HA Poole’s original text which may contain extra information.
Other Sources:
Kathi Sittner
Tom Reilly

of Puerto Rico – much info on William Armstrong (1752) descendants.

18 Aug 2002 From: Tom Reilly

    |Otis A Poole

    |     |      |Otis Manchester

    |     |Maria Manchester

    |            |Hannah Ingols

EI Poole

    |                   |William Armstrong

    |            |John Armstrong

    |            |      |       |David Irvine

    |            |      |Jane Irvine

    |     |John

    |     |      |Helen Kirk

    |Eleanor Armstrong

          |             |John Wilson

          |      |Charles Wilson

          |      |      |Eleanor Gardner


                 |      |Michael Mullarkey

                 |Eleanor Mullarkey

                                |William Haughton

                        |Isabella Haughton


Dublin 12/12/05

Re: Armstrongs of


AM05/03  HP2

Poole Family

Born: 20/12/1848, Beloit, Ohio
Parents: Augustus & Mary Bishop (Manchester) Poole
Died: 1/4/1904, Berkeley, Ca.
Married, 17/2/1876, Chicago, Ill:


AM05/04 HP3

Born: 14/9/1841, Holly Park, Leitrim,
Antrim, NI.
Parents: John & Eleanor Isabella (Wilson) Armstrong
Died: 14/6/1918, Yokohama, Japan.
Issue: (Details)
1/1. Herbert Armstrong Poole, born Forest Ave, Chicago,  
   15/10/1877, Died 1965.    Author of "Bert’s Begats"  HP1
1/2. Eleanor Isabella Poole, born 16/11/1878. Married NG Maitland
   Grandmother to Antony Maitland
1/3. Otis Manchester Poole, Born 6/9/1880, Forest Av,
   Died Missing Acres, Crozet, Charlottesville, Va, 21/10/1978.





29/12/1820, Cherry Valley, Antrim

Parents: Capt.
John & Helen (Kirk) Armstrong

24/9/1892, Chicago, Ill.


Cherry Valley with father & Charles William A.

1832-40: with
cousin, John Goodfellow at Shannon Lodge.

emigrated to USA, direct to Chicago.

1870: bought
Maple Grove, Arcola, family lived there and he still worked

in Chicago.

He was in the
grain business in Chicago, and lived in various houses in

the area.



Married (1st),
Dublin, 20/1/1840: Eleanor Isabella Wilson






Born: 8/1817,
Roscommon, Ireland

Charles & Eleanor (Mullarkey) Wilson

28/4/1848, Leitrim, Ireland.



1/1. Eleanor
Isabella Armstrong, b. 14/9/1841, Leitrim.

1/2. Henrietta
Armstrong, b. 11/6/1843, Leitrim, died Chicago 24/6/1870.

30/11/1865, Eugene Wheeler. Dau. Bertha 28/5/1868-3/2/1875.


2 boys died


John Armstrong
married, 22/10/1949, in Ireland, 2nd:

Wilson, sister of Eleanor (6/1/1826-16/4/1914).



1/1. John Henry
Armstrong: 23/9/1850-28/10/1850 in Ireland

1/2. Mary
Goodfellow Armstrong: 28/4/1852-21/12/1853, Chicago

1/3. William
Rufus Armstrong: 18/10/1854-10/7/1906 in Chicago

1/4. Jennie
Elvira Armstrong: 13/11/1857-22/8/1935 in Saginaw

1/5. John
Edmond Armstrong: 18/3/1860-23/3/1912 in Beloit

1/6. Charles
Wilson Armstrong: 22/5/1862-11/11/1862 in Chicago

1/7. Maud Mary
Armstrong: 22/9/1863-22/2/1865 in Chicago

1/8. Eugene
Charles Armstrong: 22/1/1866-5/8/1866 in Chicago

1/9. Percy
Wilson Armstrong: 27/3/1867- Lives in Glencoe Ill (1960).

   Poss death,
Oct 1969, Chicago, Cook, Ill. DoB given as 1/1/1889.

Jennie Tilt.


Susannah Armstrong, married Laurence Vail Coleman 2/9/1939

      1965: res
1500 Massachusetts Av. NW, Washington DC 2005 apt 449.

      Ref US SS
death index, possibility at 22202 Arlington, Va.

death Susannah Coleman, b. 11/3/1897, d. 7/1985.

death Laurence Coleman, b. 19/9/1893, d. 7/1982.

1/10. Alice
Maud Armstrong: 25/4/1868-21/7/1868 in Chicago



AM07/13  HP12

Born: 1762,
Killashandra, Cavan, Ireland

William & Jane (Irvine) Armstrong.

Died: 8/8/1830,
Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, England, aged 68.

(PR checked by
AM, also brother William).

Extract from HP12:"… became a
midshipman in the same ship and at the same time as our late sovereign, William
the Fourth.  (Prince William Henry commenced his naval career as a midshipman
under Capt. Digby, in the "Royal George" of 98 guns in the year
Prince William recorded as in Royal George 1779

PRONI 5/11/96:

Further check of Killashandra:
P 37: 3/4/1749 Mary dau of Wm and Jane Armstrong bapt of "Derry??"
No trace of any further relevant bapts: 2 William Armstrongs married 1773 poss
one of ours, but seems that Rev WA went elsewhere.
Checked Clergy lists for Dioceses of Drum, Kilmore, Dromore, Derry, Raphoe,
Connor, Armagh, Cloghur: no sign of Rev William A.

Try Dublin and South for him.

Ref Capt John: checked PR Glenavy nil sig.

               Crumlin in Killead Parish:
all relevant records

destroyed in Dublin.

Tithe Apportionments: (FIN/5A/147)

John Armstrong Commissioner for Vicarial
Tithes 3/2/1827 for Camlin parish: a John Armstrong owned 52 acres in 5
holdings in Ballydonaghen, Camlin Parish.

Married (2nd at Cherry Valley) 12/1818:
Helen Kirk



Born: Girvan,

Parents: Andrew
& Margaret (McCutcheon) Kirk.

      (they are
a likely line from Scottish records – Bert Poole showed her as being
"Ellen" from somewhere in Scotland. Helen Kirk is the right age and
Girvan is in the Ayr area: maybe she was the nanny employed to look after
John’s children after Macrae died. No trace of her marriage or death have been found.)

Died: 1820,
Antrim, NI.


Issue of John
& Helen Armstrong:

1/1. John
Armstrong. Born (HAP) December 21/1820 at Cherry Valley.


Married, 1st,
12/3/1801 (HAP):





Gentleman’s Magazine, 11/1801: "At Dundalk, by special licence, John
Armstrong, esq, lieutenant and adjutant of the 71st foot, to Miss Macrae
Dalrymple, eldest daughter of Brigadier General Dalrymple."

She died
2/6/1811 (Scot PR) (ref HAP: in childbirth, bur Governor Macrae’s private
burial ground, Orangefield.)

HAP has
Macrae’s death as 1818.

Orangefield House said to have been the site of the control tower at Prestwick
Airport. There is no sign of it now, the airport having removed all trace. A
burial ground nearby was visited, but was 100 years too young.

Dalrymple, James (1752 — 95)

The son of Charles Dalrymple of Ayr, James
Dalrymple married Miss Macrae M’Guire in 1750. She was the heiress to the
estate of Orangefield in Monkton Parish, and the sister of Elizabeth, Countess
of Glencairn. James Dalrymple succeeded to the estate in 1785.

The ‘pulse too hot’ proved his undoing. A
keen hunter, he dissipated his fortune and was declared bankrupt in 1791, his
trustees being the Rev William Dalrymple, Robert Aiken and John Ballantine.

The house of Orangefield for some years
formed part of the terminal hotel buildings at Prestwick Airport, but has since
been demolished.

Cunningham, James, fourteenth Earl of
Glencairn (1749 — 91)

He was born at Finlayston, the second son
of the thirteenth earl. For a time he served as a Captain in the West Fencible
Regiment. His elder brother having predeceased him, James Cunningham succeeded
his father as fourteenth Earl in 1774. From 1780 to 1784 he was one of the
Representative Scots Peers in the House of Lords. While ther, he supported
Fox’s India Bill. In 1784, Glencairn, as patron of Kilmarnock parish, presented
a staunch Conservative, the Rev William Mackinlay, to fill the vacancy, though
Glencairn himself was not apparently an Auld Licht supporter, his desire being
to fulfil the wishes of the majority of the parishioners. The appointment,
however, produced Burns’s satire ‘The Ordination’. Glencairn’s factor,
Alexander Dalziel, drew the Earl’s attention to the Kilmarnock Edition by which
he was much impressed. When Burns arrived in Edinburgh in 1786, armed with a
letter of introduction from Dalrymple of Orangefield (who was married to Lady
Glencairn’s sister), the Earl received the poet warmly in his house and
introduced him to his friends. On of these was the Dean of the Faculty of
Advocates, Henry Erskin, who in his turn introduced Burns to the Duchess of
Gordon. Another was the publisher, William Creech, who had once been
Glencairn’s tutor and travelling companion. Burns afterwards described
Glencairn as his ‘titular Protector’. He told Mrs Dunlop, in a letter of 22nd
March 1787: ‘The noble Earl of Glencairn, to whom I owm more than any man of
earth, does me the honor of giving me his strictures; his hints, with respect
to impropriety or indelicacy, I follow implicitly.’ Clearly, Glencairn was able
to extend to Burns the benefits of his patronage without upsetting the poet’s
sensibility. In fact, he was to Burns in Edinburgh pretty much what Gavin
Hamilton had been to Burns in Ayrshire. When the subscription list for the 1787
edition of Burns’s Poems was opened, Glencairn and his mother took 24 copies.
As a result of the Earl’s influence, within 10 days of the poet’s arrival in
Edinburgh, the Caledonian Hunt subscribed ‘universally one and all’, accounting
for 100 copies. When the book was about to appear, Burns asked the Earl’s
permission to publish in an Edinburgh newspaper his ‘Verses Intended to be
written below a Noble Earl’s Picture’. Glencairn did not give his permission,
however, possibly feeling that such advertising would be too blatant.

On 4th May 1787, when Burns was leaving
Edinburgh he sent Glencairn a somewhat stilted but obviously sincere letter
thanking him for ‘all that patronage, that benevolence, and that friendship
with which you have honored me.’

In January 1788, when Burns had decided
that he must enter the Excise service, he wrote to Glencairn asking his
assistance in getting him an appointment.

Glencairn never married and never enjoyed
good health. In the autumn of 1790 his health began to fail and he went to
Lisbon in search of relief. He returned soon after landing, on 30th January

In the letter accompanying his ‘Lament for
James, Earl of Glencairn’, which Burns sent to Dalziel on 10th March he says
‘God knows what I have suffered at the loss of my best Friend, my first my
dearest Patron and Benefactor; the man to whom I owe all that I am and have!’

Her mother, Glencairn, was buried in
Crumlin Church, 8/1816: her

memorial was in good condition when
photographed 4/2004.

HAP’s extracts from "The Dalrymples of
Langlands" gives Mrs D death as 1818, but the monument shows Aug 1816.

Issue by Macrae
Dalrymple (from her diary & SRO):

1/1. Glencairn,
b 12/5/1802, cut tooth 24/3/1803

   SRO 1/7/93: 
M: David Shaw 28/10/1826 Ayr FR223

   HAP: married
on November 1/1826, David Shaw of Ayr, Scotland,      

   (5/11/1788 –
May 1902) at the remarkable age of 114 years:

   They lived
in Ayreshire. See HAP 12 for details.  

   There is a
road near Prestwick Airport called Shawfarm Rd    (7/2004).


   2/1. John
Shaw, b. September 5/1827, m. Sophia Alicia Byam Gunthorpe,


      3/1. David
James Shaw.

Margaret Glencairn Dalrymple Shaw.

      3/3. John
Byam Diston Shaw.

   2/2. Charles
George Shaw, born November 3/1830. M. Flora Whiteside,  


David William Shaw.

Patrick John Shaw.

      3/3. Charles
Alexander Shaw.

Flora Glencairn Whiteside Shaw.

Elizabeth Dalrymple Shaw.

James Edward Shaw. (This is The man who sent me the above history of John
Armstrong. I, (H.A.P.) visited him on July 18/1905 at his residence, Martnaham
lodge, near Ayr).

Philip Armstrong Shaw.

   2/3. David
Shaw. Born June 7/1832, died April 7/1834;

Elizabeth Dalrymple Shaw, born June 20/1835, died July 6/1851.

   2/5. Edward
William Shaw. Born July 24/1837, M. Jane Isabella,   

Houldsworth of Cranstoun Hill.


Helen Dalrymple Shaw.

Reverend Glencairn Alexander Shaw, born January 17/1840.

Carolina Anna Shaw, born February 6/1840.

   2/8. Barbara
Jane Shaw.


1/2. Charles
William, b 18/5/1805, cut tooth 24/1/1806

Cherry Valley & became agent to Pakenhams.

September 4/1844, Louise Isabelle, dau. of Richard Boyle Bagley, by Alicia,
dau. of Richard, 2nd Baron Castlemain

   Died without
issue on February 7/1858.


William Armstrong, late of Cherry Valley, esq, J.P.

   who died 8
February 1858 in the 53rd year of his life.

1/3. Anna
Maria, b 28/3/1807, ct 29/9/1807. Married on March 21/1833, William Dysart
Smith of Antrim.

1/4. Rev Edward
Pakenham, b 31/12/1808, ct 3/7/1809. Unmarried.



All listed in
Officers List of time


1811 Kilmarnock SRO597/4 FR1026:

All recorded on
one entry in 1811.


Dalrymple 1st child of John Armstrong Capt in the 7th

Regiment and McKay
Dalrymple, his wife, was born May 12 1802.

Charles William
their 2nd child born March 28 1805.

Anna Maria
their 3rd child was born March 28 1807.

Edward Pakenham
their 4th child was born December 31st 1808.


John Armstrong
Life Summary from various sources:

(OL: Officers
on Full & Half Pay in 1828, WO/25/749)

(AL: Army List)
(HAP: Bert Poole & Dr William Armstrong)


1779 (HAP):
Midshipman under Capt Digby, "Royal George", 2 yrs.

1781-2 (HAP):
Enlisted 52nd Regt, soon NCO, India for abt 15 yrs & Nova Scotia (prob. war
with Tippoo & expedition against Ceylon 1795)

1792 (HAP): @
siege of Seringapatem.

10/12/1794: 1st
Entry OL – 52nd Foot – Purch from S/Maj.

(AL): Ensign 52nd Foot.

1795 (AL): Lt
92nd Regt of Foot seniority 31/5/94.

1/1/1796 (OL):
71st Foot – Purchased.

1796: already
Sgt Major of 52nd Foot: promoted to be Ensign (in 75th    


1797 (HAP): Lt
Ensign, 71st Foot: Col Dalrymple CO (Donald Harrow   

Soon Adjutant.

(OL): 71st Foot, purch

1800 (HAP):
Adjutant (Col Dalrymple mow Brigadier)

    Regt to
Scotland & Dalrymple to Langlands (wife + 3 daughters)

1800 (AL): Lt
71st Highland Regt of Foot, seniority 1/9/95.

      Lt Col
Stair Park Dalrymple 1/9/95, in Army Col 1/1/98.

      SPD there
in 1805.

1801 (AL): Lt
71st (1/1/96).

(OL): 71st Foot – Purchase Capt.

1/10/1802 (OL):
64th Foot – Purchased.

1802 (AL): J.
M. Armstrong Illegible.

1803 (AL): JM
Armstrong Capt 15/10/1801, Regt 1/10/1802.

Pakenham, Lt Col, 17/10/1799, wounded at ????

1803 (HAP):
Genl D purchased Coy for S-in-l in 64th stationed in St Croix.


   Sir Edward
Pakenham CO, who disliked brother Wm Armstrong, planter.

   Took St
Lucia and Capt A. served Col P.

(OL): 7th Foot

1805 (AL): 7th
Regt of Foot (Royal Fuzileers) Paymaster 23/11/1804, Lt  


1806 (HAP):
Capt A. Paymaster of 7th Royal Fusileers from Capt Pakenham    

recovered) & now Capt of this Regt.

    1st Btln to
Copenhagen, N.S., Martinique, Spain, Portugal.

1808 (HAP):
Halifax, NS.

1812 (HAP):
retired & became agent to Sir Edward Pakenham. Lived at Cherry Valley,
Crumlin, Antrim.

1811: Grand

11/3/1813 (OL):

1813 (SRO):
Langlands conveyed to Capt A.

Arrived Cherry Valley.

1816 (SRO):
"of Langlands".

1817 (SRO):
"of Cherry Valley".

(PRONI): 3478 mixed trees @ Cherry Valley (refer Col Pakenham)

(PRONI): 9700 mixed trees @ Cherry Valley. (D2051/1)


Cherry Valley papers: map of property dated 24/11/1801,

showing 404
acres on either side of road past site of house (not yet built) & bounded
by river to NW of road.


Memorandum of Agreement 9th August 1858 between Rev Edward Pakenham Armstrong
and Mr William McConnell to sell at 1050 pounds Cherry Valley.







AM07/15 HP14


Born: 1791,

Parents: John
& Eleanor (Gardner) Wilson.

Died: 7/1/1841.

Valuation Kiltoghert parish (inc Carrick on Shannon, 1834:

Holly Park:
appears as Charles Wilson as owner, seems total about 6.5 acres, most

Holly Park was
owned by Eleanor Mularkey’s maternal grandfather,







Born: ???

Parents: Sir
Michael & Eleanor Isabella (Haughton) Mullarkey.

Died: abt 1828.


Issue of
Charles Eleanor Wilson:

1/1. Eleanor
Isabella Wilson

1/3. Isabella
Wilson. Born 1819, died November 22/1852. Married in 1838,   

  John George
Little, born 1800, died October 10/1870 in Ireland. After her death he married,
2nd, Margaret Munns, but had no children by her.

  Issue :- (by
his first wife).

  2/1. John
Wilson Little, born August 22/1840, who in 1905 lived
     at Longford,  Ireland. He married Matilda J. Cody.

     Issue :-

George Edward Little. Born July 19/1857. Lives in Longford.

Walter Joseph Little. Born Sept 10/1868. Married Eva Turner.

     3/3. John
Armstrong Little. Born June 24/—- Lives in New Zealand.

     3/4. Herbert
Wilson Little. B. March 7/1878. Lived in Canada 105.

     3/5. Jane
Isabella Little. B. Feb 24/ 1888. Live in Longford 1905.


Church, 1995: The main headstone was (copying correct??):

Turner died 23/6/1921, age 63

     Dau Mary
Evelyn Little, died 30/8/1939, age 69,

Walter Joseph Little, died 2/12/1945, age 72,

     Dau Norma
Learmouth (Little), 28/3/1946-25/6/1969

Irwin Little, 3/8/1951-16/6/1978

     A new
stone: Cecil Little, 20/4/1992.


1/4. Mary Wilson. Born 1821, died March
10/1876 in Arcola, Ill,

and is buried at
Graceland Cemetery, Chicago. She married, 1st, her cousin Launcelot Vaugh of
Sligo County, Ireland. They were brought over from Ireland to Chicago by John
Armstrong. After her husband’s death she
married, 2nd, John Stewart and went out to Australia.  Many years later, after
his death, she returned to Arcola and lived with John Armstrong’s family.  No
children by her second husband.
2/1. Isabelle Vaugh. Born 1843, died 1854.
2/2. Christiana Vaugh. Born December 25/1849 in Ireland, died

June 21/1897 in
Chicago. She married on July 19/1873 in Arcola, James P. Slater, born March
26/1843 in Edinburgh, Scotland, died September 10/1916 in Chicago of heart
3/1. John Wesley Slater. Born September 6/1876 in Chicago,

died June
28/1933 in the Great Lakes Hospital, North Chicago. He married, 1st. about
1900, Jeanette May Osborne, they were divorced. Soon after arriving in Lansing
he married in 1907 Ethel King.
Issue:- (by his second wife)
4/1. Avis Irene Slater, born October 28/1911 in Jackson

and married in
Detroit in 1934, Lloyd Beemer, a druggist. They moved to Port Huron, Michigan.
Died (US SS) 26/5/1993, res 48236 Grosse Pointe, Wayne.
LB (US SS) b. 23/10/1910, d. 12/1978. Wayne, Michigan.
5/1. Barbara Avis Beemer, born in Port Huron May 12/1937.

3/2. Mary
Isabella Slater. Born January 19/1879 in Chicago.
3/3. James Garfield Slater, born October 5/1880 in Chicago, died September
1/1936. No children by either wife.
3/4. Martha (Mattie) Irene Slater. Born May 30/1882 in Chicago.          
No children.

   2/3. Haughton Vaugh. Born 1852, He went
insane. Never married.

1/5. Henrietta Wilson. Born January 6/1826,
died April 18/1914.

She married on
October 22/1849, John Armstrong, as his second wife, his first wife having been
Henrietta’s elder sister, Eleanor Isabella, who died April 24/1845 after eight
years of married life.




Born: 1720, Sligo? Ireland
Said by HAP to have been priest at Killashandra. No supporting evidence found
for this, see below for discussion.

Will: dated 31/12/1801, proved 16/1/1810,
To be buried Drumreilly, Lease of Longfield to wife Mary & daughter Sarah,
they remaining C of E. £220 of St Croix Curr. From David Irwin, now with Wm
Armstrong to go to daus Elizabeth Kiernen & Mary Goodfellow.
1 shilling to illegitimate son James. Admon Mary Flin, widow of deceased.

Married 15/2/1746-7, Killashandra (ref
AM 12/3/1996: found to have married at Killashandra, Jane Irvine, 15/2/1747.


HAP gives her name as Irwin, but there is a
marriage in the Killashandra PR between William Armstrong and Jane IrVine, a
common name around there. This is very likely the correct one.

Father: David Irwin, sometime of St Croix.
Will 1777 Kilmore may be his.

Papers in PRO Dublin, D16576-649,
T7038-7059, M1936-1986 contain a number of wills probably not relevant, and a
collection of estate land papers which may be relevant, said to contain inter
alia, Armstrong and Irwin references.

Possible PR found at Presb records of Kildallon (Croghan) bapt shown:
1/1. James Armstrong (PR 29/10/1767) ref to illegitimate son
   James in will.
1/2. William Armstrong, 1752 (PR 26/9/1751)

PR: William
Armstrong died Leamington Priors, 13/4/1830, age 78.
Was of St Croix as well as Ireland.
Death Notice of the time (Leamington):
   "Died, at his residence in Regent Street, in this place, on the 9th inst,
Wm Armstrong esq, in the 78th year of his age, leaving a wife and child to
lament his death. He was of a noble family in the North of Ireland, and for
many years a principal merchant of the city of London, of which he was a
freeman. Mr Armstrong had also been for a long time resident in the West
Indies, and the Danish Isle of St Croix. His remains were interred on the 13th



   before 1780:
First person from Cavan County known to have gone to St. Croix. Purchased
Estates Lebanon Hill and Pearl. Also acquired Estate Mount Welcome and,
perhaps, Estate Mount Pleasant.

2/1. James
Armstrong, died at St. Croix, leaving a wife and   
2/2. Thomas Armstrong, no data.
2/3. Catharina Armstrong, née Sophia Armstrong, died Puerto 

Rico in
September 14, 1831.

The last will
of Mary Catherine Armstrong, sister of Ann Mary ArmstrongEC:
   dated in September 7, 1831. Mary Catherine declared that she was converted
to Roman Catholicism and in the time of her baptism, she changed her original
name, Sophia Armstrong, to Mary Catherine Armstrong. She was single and never
been married. She also declared that she born in the Danish island of St. Croix
and was legitimate daughter of "Don William y Doña Margaret
Armstrong" (At that time, Spanish equivalent to Sir William and Lady
Margaret Armstrong). Also declared that her legitimate sister Anna Maria
Armstrong-Cuveljé is her only sucessor of all her property. Also, declared that
Anna Maria will inherit all the property left to her by their first cousin,
Lady Mary Grey Egerton (Baronets of Egerton, Earls of Wilton, etc. but I cannot
connect the line yet).
   Mary Catherine Armstrong also left 500 British Pounds to Elizabeth, widow of
her brother James Julius Armstrong, who lived at that time in the Danish Island
of St. Thomas. Also left some property to her brother Thomas Armstrong-Cuveljé,
who lived in Great James Street-Bedford Row in London.

2/4. Anna Maria

M. Abraham M.
Cuvelje, of St Eustatius, 1811 St Croix.
3/1. William Cuvelje
3/2. Jane Cuvelje.
3/3. Julius Cuvelje.
3/4. Peter Cuvelje.
3/5. Mary Cuvelje.
3/6. Louis Cuvelje.
   4/1. Edward Torres-Cuvelje.
      5/1. Amelia Torres-Cuvelje.
         6/1. Martha leaving issue
3/7. Anna Julianne Cuvelje.
 + 3 others un-named.

HP:- …who Dr.
William Armstrong said he had the pleasure of meeting at Lady Broughton’s
house. She went to St. Croix, and  married a Mr. Cuvalie,  It is believed Lady
Broughton left her three or four hundred Pounds per annum. Anna’s husband died
at St. Croix, and I don’t know what became of her or her family.
 (Dr William’s history is quoted in HP24. A
son of Thomas below.)


Email:      Sun,
06 Aug 2006 00:41:01 -0400  From: EC[ii]

As maybe you
know, Anna Maria married (1811) in St. Croix to Mr. Abraham Cuvelje, a Dutchman
of St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles.

Anna Maria
Armstrong & Abraham M. Cuvelje have 10 children:

William, Jane,
Julius, Peter, Mary, Louis and Anna Julianne (I don’t remember the others).

They came to the
island of Puerto Rico when the Spanish Government proclaimed the Royal Decree
of 1815 (Cédula de Gracias). Abraham Cuvelje and Anna Armstrong became one of
the most wealthy families with the business of coffee and sugar cane
plantations. One of his children was Louis Cuvelje Armstrong (in Spanish we use
both last names paternal and  maternal), who was a large landowner and became
Mayor of Adjuntas, Puerto Rico in 1849 and in 1871. He was my
great-grandfather. So Mr. Abraham Cuvelje and Mrs. Anna Armstrong were my


Wed, 27 Sep 2006
11:15:39 -0400

   My maternal
grandmother is a direct descendant of Mr. Abraham Cuvelje and Mrs. Anna Maria
Armstrong. As I told you, they established in Puerto Rico in 1820 by virtue of
the Royal Decree of 1815 issued by H.M. King Ferdinand VII of Spain. At that
time, they figured as an untitled noble family in the census, military service
lists, government papers, etc.

    (The ancient
Puerto Rican nobility is recognized and regulated today only by the Spanish
Nobility Authorities. As an actual United States territory, the U.S. government
neither the Puerto Rico government recognizes it today.)

      Mrs. Anna
Maria Armstrong died in Puerto Rico in July 25, 1855 and was buried in the
Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Ponce, Puerto Rico (the cemetery
does not exist today). She also always figured here in Puerto Rico as a Roman
Catholic (I don’t know if she really was Catholic but the place where she was
buried can give you an idea of her status, etc).

      Note: Mrs.
Anna Maria Armstrong was always knew in the city as "Madame Cuvelje".


note: I found a legal document in the National Archives of Puerto Rico, dated
in 1831, about Ann Mary Armstrong-Cuvelje, widow (his husband passed away in
1830) who sent £ 5,000 annually to her brother Thomas Armstrong, who lived, in
that year, in the courtship of London. (I don’t know how many years she sent
money to her brother).



1/3. Thomas
Armstrong, 1756 (PR 19/11/1757)

   md. Mary
Aletta Biggs 1783?

   before 1783:
Manager at Estate Lebanon Hill

   Issue, inter
alia, 2 relevant lines shown.

   2/1. Dr.
William Armstrong b. 1786 prob. in Modreeny, Co. Tipperary, Ireland d. 1871
Rathangan, Co. Kildare, md. Catherine Mary Taylor

William Rufus Taylor Armstrong b. 1813 md. Catherine    

Greenwood. Resident of Wisconsin.

Catherine Armstrong md. James Cady Ellis

5/1. Benjamin James Ellis md. Miriam Grace Greenwood

6/1. Katherine Melvina Ellis md. Melvin Miller Rader

7/1. Gordon Ellis Rader md. Ingeburg Antonie Schmidt

8/1. Kathleen Louise Rader

Lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, m Mr Sittner –  

4 children ages 30, 27, 14, and 12 (4/2001)

   2/2. Thomas
Armstrong, (23/02/1787-3/8/1863),

Catherine Louisa Cornelius (11/04/1792-5/5/1852)

Killashandra Internet:

Arrived with wife Catherine (Cornelius) Armstrong. Bought

Lebanon Hill from Dr. Benjamin Biggs. Also acquired Estate


Re-acquired Estate Lebanon Hill from son-in-law Robert

Also had Estate Mount Pleasant.

Left for Connecticut.

Charlotte Cornelia Armstrong (16/09/1821-30/5/1907)

18/03/1847 John W. Culbert.

Aimee Culbert, M. Herbert Brunswick Harding, d. 30/1/30.

5/1. Ethel Harding, b. 1881,

M. 14/06/1900 Charles Stewart Mott

6/1. Aimee Mott, M Patrick Butler.

7/1. Patrick Butler[iii].
Of Alexandria, Va (3/2003).


descendant from Henry Cornelius, father of Catherine




Henry Cornelius

      born 1795
in Mountrath

      Died 1868
in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Eire. 

(1) Eleanor Fitzgerald 14 May 1819,

      dau. of
Alexander Fitzgerald, born Abt. 1799 in Castletown,

      died 18
Jan 1823 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory,. 

Family vault in Mountrath

married (2) Unknown 1824. 


of Henry Cornelius and Eleanor Fitzgerald are:

Henry (Harry) Cornelius, b. 08 Mar 1820, Anatrim;

         d. 16
Feb 1895, Castletown.

Ellen Cornelius, b. 08 Apr 1821.

Catherine Cornelius, b. 23 Jul 1822; d. 12 Nov 1822.


of Henry Cornelius and Unknown are:

Alexander Cornelius, b. Abt. 1825;

         d. 16
Aug 1894, Borris-in-Ossory.

Married Mary Lalor 28 Nov 1854 in Abbeyleix?,

of Joseph Lalor and Mina Large, born Abt. 1836 in Kylebeg

Borris-in-Ossory, D. 17 May 1916 in Borris-in-Ossory.

Alexander Fitzgerald Cornelius born Abt. 1860,

Died 01 May 1928 in Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Eire. 

Married Mary (Emma) Jane Townshend 01 Aug 1895 in Dublin,      

dau. of William Townshend, born 1871, and died 27 May 1951.

3/1. Emma (Eva) Eleanor Cornelius, b. 13 Sep 1895,

Ballytarsna, Borris-in-Ossory, Queens Co. Ireland;

d. 11 May 1976, Derbyshire;

m. John Gillies Shields, 26 Jul 1917, Borris-in-Ossory, 

b. 01 Feb 1882, Gateside Farm, Galston, Ayrshire,

d. 18 May 1960, Isley Walton, Leics.

Dau Geraldine Shields

5/1. Dau Rosemary (Sheilds) Cryer.

Retired after 39 years with the Hudson’s Bay

Company. Husband retired abt 1998 – a Prison

Chaplain. Resident Vancouver BC 2006.


William Henry Cornelius.

Henrietts Cornelius.




    Sat, 09 Sep
2006  rosemary cryer[iv]


    I have
found that we have a mutual connection with Henry Cornelius my
gggg-grandfather.  My info differs from yours though. I did not do the research
so I don’t know the sources.


    I have the
children of Henry Cornelius as the children of Catherine Connor- married in
1791 and then Henry married Elizabeth Orr in 1814.  Maybe Orr could be mistaken
for Rogers.  What is your source?


    If you can
reply- I will send you the info I have and maybe we can compare notes. I come
down through his son Henry and his son, Alexander. Rosemary


    22 Sept

    I am
thinking that as Henry’s second wife was a widow, so maybe her maiden name was
Orr and the married name was Rogers. Our records show that the second marriage
wasn’t until 1814 and I only have the actual birthdates on one of Catherine’s
siblings. Obviously there is  more research to be done!


    9 Oct 2006
22:30:45 -0700 



    I am still trying to find out who
mothered Henry’s son Alexander, after his wife, Eleanor Fitzgerald died at age
24 in 1823 having had 3 children.  It looks as if it could have been Eleanor’s
a) because as the 2nd son he was named Alexander after Eleanor’s father,
b) Alexander’s son had Fitzgerald as a second name. I don’t think it was legal
to marry one’s wife’s sister which is maybe why I can’t find any records!

    As I live in Vancouver, and as the
Irish records haven’t survived too well, I am having trouble finding out if
Eleanor had a sister and when Alexander was born. He died in 1894 at age 69
according to his gravestone so c1825.
    I am the granddaughter of Emma Eleanor (Eva) Cornelius through her eldest
daughter, Geraldine.

1/4. John Armstrong, 1762 (PR 16/1/1764)
1/5. Mary Armstrong, abt 1764, who married John Goodfellow, and
whose son, John, lived with John Armstrong jnr in Chicago.
PR only:
1/6. Elizabeth Armstrong – 3/2 or 27/8 1749.
1/7. Robert Armstrong – 29/4/1762.

Killashandra Church:

Visited by A Maitland, 1995.
Originally from medieval times, a Catholic Church on the site of an old fort.
During Reformation converted to Protestants and remained in use until 1841 when
new Parish Church built.

April 2001:

Hi, Antony – I’m glad you answered! I would
be willing to send you a copy of the material I have which was written by Dr. William
Armstrong. It comes from the St. Croix Landmark Society Archives. Evidently Dr.
William sent a copy to his sons, and the one from Thomas John found its way
into the Archives, only minus a few pages (at least). I understand that much of
this information is also in the book, The Dalrymples of Langlands, a copy of
which is in Edinburgh’s library if I am understanding correctly. But I have not
been able to get the book or copies of it yet. I’ve also been trying to get
some other things in Edinburgh concerning Dr. William Armstrong but, as I
mentioned, the researcher I hired has not sent the material he says he has
found. Do you have any idea who one contacts in Scotland concerning researchers
who are disreputable and walk away with your money? He is supposedly a
"Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland." I’d like to
report him!

Anyway… When my daughter and I were in
Ireland, we found first went to The Church offices in Dublin to check for
"Rev. Wm. Armstrong" and found that he was not on their books. Then
we found his marriage record – William Armstrong to Jane Irwin, "daughter
of David" – but did not get a copy. Might you be able to send me one? It’s
not available here on film. We were really pressed on time. The old church is
being restored, by the way, and there are still Armstrongs living in the town.
We noted that

none of his children were baptized in the
Church of Ireland records in Killeshandra and began to wonder whether perhaps
this was because he was simply married in the Church of Ireland to make it a
legitimate marriage (a requirement at that time) but actually attended the
Presbyterian Church. We had to go to Belfast to find the Presbyterian pastors
lists and church records. He was also not a Presbyterian minister. But in the
Presb. church records of Kildallon (formerly called Croghan – just outside of
Killeshandra) we did find the following baptisms of children with William or
William "of Longfeld" as the father:

Elizabeth bp. 3 Feb. or 27 Aug. 1749 William
bp. 26 Sep. 1751
Thomas bp. 19 Nov. 1757 Robert bp. 29 Apr. 1762 John bp. 16 Jan. 1764
James bp. 29 Oct. 1767
There are also several Marys and many children without parents named.
And there are numerous Goodfellow and Keirnan/Kiernan (see below for significance)
and Irwin families, at least three William Armstrongs who were having children
around 1745-65, and including a William Armstrong Sr. and Jr., two other
William Armstrongs,  and a "David Irwin & Company" (presumably
because he was involved in trading in St. Croix – see below!) in the tithe
records of 1746-47. Note that the above baptism dates are very close to what we
would expect for the family of (Rev.?) William Armstrong and Jane Irwin as
presented in your records and those of Dr. William Armstrong!

We also found in the Belfast Archives what
I believe to be an abstract Of the will of this (Rev.?) William Armstrong… It
was written 31 Dec. 1801 and proved 16 Jan. 1810, which is certainly not out of
the question for someone who died "around 1808" (according to your
uncle’s information and my Dr. William Armstrong’s accounts) and whose children
had all moved elsewhere except perhaps for the youngest daughter. He named his
wife, Mary (the second wife we already know existed!) and a young daughter,
Sarah, by this wife. He also named his eldest son, William, "of St.
Croix" (and I have evidence that this William was in St. Croix around this
time!), and two daughters including one we already know about, Mary Goodfellow,
and another named Elizabeth Keirnan. The other sons, unfortunately, were not
named. He gave his land lease at Longfield (which lies just over the Co. Cavan
line in Co. Leitrim) and 220 pounds of St. Croix currency which he had received
from his father-in-law, David Irwin, to his son, William, and specified that his
bequests were to be given only if the children remained in the Church of England
(Ireland). He also requested that he be buried in the Church of England
cemetery in Drumreilly, which also lies barely in Co. Leitrim just northwest of
Killeshandra. The church is there in a very idyllic setting, but no gravestone
remains for William or any other Armstrongs… Jane Irwin’s father, David
Irwin, also left a will in 1776, proved 1777 in the Kilmore Diocese, in which
he is "of Coramahon" – also in Co. Leitrim, just south of Drumreilly
and Longfield and west of Killeshandra. The will was not abstracted, so we have
no record of its contents.

We also visited the home where John
Armstrong lived at Cherry Valley and found out that someone from the U.S. who
is also a descendant through John visited there last year. But the owners could
not find his name and address…

And we visited a fabulous bed and breakfast
place in Co. Laois which was actually the home of Luke Flood, the second
husband of my Mary Aletta Biggs, mother of Dr. William Armstrong. Dr. William
lived there between about 1790 and 1800, at which time he was sent to the
University in Edinburgh. That’s why I need the Scottish records….

I have tried to prove all of the
information concerning your uncle’s write-up and have found that, for the most
part, it seems very accurate. I have no reason to disbelieve it. In this first
generation, the only thing which really bothers me is the "Rev."
tag… If it’s true, I think he was not an official pastor ordained by the
church, but he could have been an itinerant pastor, I suppose. It appears that
he was originally Presbyterian but became persuaded of the Church of Ireland
faith, as were his children.

Oh yes – Second wife Mary remarried to a
Mr. Flin(n) by the 1810 proving of William Armstrong’s will….

I’d like to go back and look at more of the
church records and see if I can find more information. Also the Belfast
Archives. I have a feeling we should be able to find more, such as something on
that Longfield lease. There was another William Armstrong who OWNED land at
Longfield in Co. Leitrim, but he is definitely not our William. And I certainly
hope I’m not mixing up the two. But with the will, it certainly appears not,
because there are too many connections – David Irwin, money in St. Croix, a
second wife, an eldest son William in St. Croix, a daughter who married a
Goodfellow, a death around 1808-9, etc.

I’ll look forward to your thoughts and
perhaps a copy of that marriage certificate if you have it. And if you’ll send
me your address, I’ll send the papers from the St. Croix Archives.

Oh, I almost forgot – My line of descent
* (Rev.?) William Armstrong md. Jane Irwin
* Thomas Armstrong md. Mary Aletta Biggs
* Dr. William Armstrong b. 1786 prob. in Modreeny, Co. Tipperary, Ireland d.
1871 Rathangan, Co. Kildare
md. Catherine Mary Taylor

* William Rufus Taylor Armstrong b. 1813
md. Catherine Greenwood
* Catherine Armstrong md. James Cady Ellis
* Benjamin James Ellis md. Miriam Grace Greenwood
* Katherine Melvina Ellis md. Melvin Miller Rader
* Gordon Ellis Rader md. Ingeburg Antonie Schmidt
* Kathleen Louise Rader (me)

I live in Salt Lake City, Utah – Have four
children ages 30, 27, 14, and 12….    Kathi

Address: Kathi Sittner
1560 Tomahawk Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84103

18 Aug 2002
From: Tom Reilly[v]

Dear Mr. Maitland, I
stumbled on your "Armstrong " information site while looking for
background on my own [more mundane] Armstrong, Montgomery and Irwin Families. A
few loose threads caught my eye!!

Several internet
sites mention the 9 gt.grandsons of Johnnie of Gilnockie brothers of Col.
William Armstrong 1600-1664 who obtained land near Brookboro’ Co. Fermanagh.
Three of his brothers are said to have moved to Carrickmakeggan and Longfield
Townlands in Leitrim near Killashandra.

The Godley Papers
mention a 1739 Irwin lease for Drumsillagh, Drumbrick, Aghavilla and Kilbracken
Townlands These are on the Godley Estate of Ld. Kilbracken as is Longfield and
which the Godleys bought from Richard Morgan [once known as Craigstown.]. A
summary of these Irwins is in Irish Ancestor 1990, 278 in case you hav’nt seen
it. Best Wishes, Tom Reilly


16 Sep 2002

Dear Antony, Many
thanks for your Email. I am a retired geologist living in West Cork and Dublin,
Ireland. My mothers Montgomery family also are found in the early Killashandra
Anglican Church Registers, possibly from William Montgomery son of John
christened there in 1746. I also have an Armstrong grandmother from Monoghan
with suggested Johnnie of Kilnockie link hence my interest.

Loose threads!!! You
probably are aware of all this but several Internet sites give details [not yet
checked] of the 9 sons of Col. William Armstrong of Brookeborough. Of these
Alexander[1631-1721] is said to have settled at Carrickmackeegan and
John[1625-1695] and Robert [1610-] were said to have died in Longfield, both
these being townlands near Killashandra but in Co. Leitrim. There is mention of
a lease for

Longfield of
26/6/1665 [Lawchill] as held by Martin Armstrong, in the Godley papers. The
Godleys of Kilbracken took over the Leitrim part [Craigstown] of Richard
Morgans estate, who had bought the Craig

Plantation Estate in
1734. A paper in the Irish Genealogist mentions the local Irwin family who also
held land from Richard Morgan and there is mention of many Irwins in the
various Woodford, Arvagh and Killegar Rentals. some probably descendants?

Have you  been
through these? I will keep an eye out for any Irwin/Armstrong mentions when I
start looking at Deeds etc. if you could do likewise for Montgomerys.

Best wishes, Tom





William Armstrong
before 1780: First person from Cavan County known to have gone to St.

Purchased Estates Lebanon Hill and Pearl. Also acquired Estate

Mount Welcome
and, perhaps, Estate Mount Pleasant.

Thomas Armstrong, Sr.
before 1783: Manager at Estate Lebanon Hill
1783: Married Mary Aletta Biggs, daughter of Dr. & Mrs. (Heylinger) Biggs.

Thomas Armstrong, Jr.
1819: Arrived with wife Catherine (Cornelius) Armstrong. Bought Estate

Lebanon Hill
from Dr. Benjamin Biggs. Also acquired Estate Mount Welcome
1840: Re-acquired Estate Lebanon Hill from son-in-law Robert Beatty.

Also had Estate
Mount Pleasant.
1852: Left for Connecticut.





Assumed from PR
for Helen’s birth. No further information.







1/1. John Kirk

1/2. Samuel

1/3. Andrew

1/4. Mary Kirk

1/5. Helen Kirk

1/6. Margaret Kirk

1/7. Agnes Kirk




AM08/29  HP28


of County
Sligo, Ireland. no other information about his life.

(ref HAP &
John Armstrong 2).









1/1. Charles
. died January 7/1841.

1/2. John
Wilson. died in India about 1845. Never married.

1/3. George
Wilson. County Sligo, Ireland.  He married Mathilda Burrowes

1/4. Henry  Wilson.  
died young.

1/5. Marianne
Wilson. Married Russell Hunter.

1/6. Eleanor
Wilson.  Married John Lilly.

1/7. Margaret
Wilson. Never married, probably died young




AM08/31  HP28


Irish, a
Justice of the Peace, and Queen’s Counsel for County Sligo.








Born: 1780,
Father William Haughton (who died 6/1780, no further info.)

Died: 1820


1/1. Eleanor
Isabella Mullarkey








AM09/63  HP62


Haughton was of Holly Park, Leitrim, Ireland. Holly Park was old

property of the Haughtons for generations. Of his marriage

nothing is
known. He died in June 1780. (ref HAP & John Armstrong)


Valuation Kiltoghert parish (inc Carrick on Shannon, 1834:

Holly Park:
appears as Charles Wilson as owner, seems total about 6.5

acres, most


Had land in
Chaughduff Tullylumion Lismorefir & Bahin Bog


Issue:- (9 in
all, born before 1800).

1/1. Jane
Haughton. She married John Dickson,

  Issue :-

  2/1. Mary
Jane Dickson, born 1799, died March 6/1866 in Chicago and

     buried in
Graceland Cemetery. She married John Goodfellow, born in

     Cavan, the
first cousin of John Armstrong. John Goodfellow was the  

     son of
John Armstrong’s aunt Mary Armstrong, the only daughter and

child of the Rev William Armstrong. Goodfellow was a carriage


1/2. Anne
Haughton. She married abt Oct 1796, William Vaugh, Irish, a

probably son of James Vaugh of Leitrim.

evidently had broken up by 1821. John Dickson appointed to   

the lands left to Anne by her father which had been in the

   name of her
husband. (ref marriage settlement deed of arrangement

marriage broke up)


Margaret Vaugh, married Sans Pierce,

   2/2. George
Vaugh, married Margaret Hewitt. Both died in America

   2/3. James
Vaugh, a trader in produce.

   2/4. Maria
Vaugh, married Francis Erwin,

   2/5. John
Vaugh, came to America and died abt 1846. M. Miss Nichols.

Launcelot Vaugh, was an engineer and died in 1852. He married

Wilson, daughter of Charles & Eleanor Isabella (Mullarkey)

She was born in 1821 and died March 10/1876 at Maple

Arcola, and buried in Graceland Cemetery.

details about her will be found under subject HP14.

   2/7. Jane
Vaugh, married William McCormick,

1/3. Isabella
Haughton. Married Richard Jordan, Irish, rank unknown.

   Issue (with
additions by Tom Colquhoun[vi],

   2/1. Mary
Isabella Jordan, b Carrickfergus abt 1803,

John Augustus Reid, b Dublin abt 1796 son of John Reid and

O’Mahony. Captain, 4th Dorset Regiment. In Glasgow 1851.


Hannah Jemima Reid, M. Thomas Parks

Maria Jane Reid ( –  dec.)

James Reid ( –  dec.)

Christina Wilhelmina Reid B. Dublin 1828 –  dec.)

Matilda Edith Reid B. Dublin 1831 – 1900)

16/12/1900 16 Battlefield Gardens, Glasgow, at 69 years.                 

James Pollock Browne (B.1835) Gorbals, 20 Jun 1854, son of

Browne and Mary McGill.  Married 2nd Christina McDonald . 

John Reid Browne

Mary Browne

Edith Browne

Jane Reid Browne B. 2 Carlton Court, Glasgow 12/6/1868

20 Dec 1947 22 Midcroft Avenue, Glasgow, age 79 years

Peter Gilchrist Colquhoun St Johns Ch, Sauchiehall St,

Glasgow, 17 Dec 1889.  B. 109 West George Street, Glasgow 27

1863, son of John Colquhoun and Elizabeth Bain. D. 23

February 1920 No. 19 Dixon Avenue, Glasgow, at 57 years ,


John Colquhoun B. Grangemouth 23 June 1891. D. infancy

Matilda Edith Colquhoun B. 18/7/1892, Glasgow, 116

Waterloo Street

M. Robert Ritchie Queens Park Parish Church, 18 Feb 1917. 

B. Inverkip 1891, s of James Ritchie & Catherine Darroch. 

6/1. John Patrick Mitchell Ritchie ( –  dec.)

6/2. Jane Reid Colquhoun Ritchie ( –  dec.)

6/3. Robert Darroch Ritchie ( –  dec.)

7/1. Peter Ritchie ( –  )

7/2. Dawn Ritchie ( –  )

7/3. Rodger Edgar Thomas Ritchie ( –  )

Elizabeth Colquhoun B. Glasgow, 116 Waterloo street 5

October 1894. D 6/10/1894 Glasgow, 116 Waterloo Street          

Peter Gilchrist Colquhoun born Glasgow, 116 Waterloo

Street 20/10/1895 D. 20/11/1895 116 Waterloo Street                           

James Browne Colquhoun B. 31/10/1897 116 Waterloo

Street, Glasgow 31 Oct 1897, D. 11/9/1956 22 Midcroft

Avenue, Glasgow, at 58 years.

M. Janet Scott Ritchie Hillhead, Skelmorlie, 01 Jun 1927.  

Born Langhouse, Inverkip 23/2/1902, dau of Thomas Ritchie

and Janet McFarlane. D.14/11/1989 at 87 years of age.

6/1. James Iain Colquhoun B. 19 Dixon Avenue, Glasgow 05

Feb 1929 (1929 –  )

M. Marjorie Alice Irvine (1933 – 1997)

Eileen Jane Colquhoun ( –  )

M. Victor Moore ( –  )

8/1. Christine Moore ( –  )

8/2. Jennifer Moore ( –  )

7/2. Alice Colquhoun ( –  )

M. John Chesney ( –  )

8/1. Kathryn Chesney ( –  )

8/2. Eryn Chesney ( –  )

8/3. Glenn Chesney (1988 –  )

7/3. Colin Irvine Colquhoun (1954 –  )

M. Dorothy ( –  )

8/1. Daniel Colquhoun ( –  )

9/1. Brianna Colquhoun ( –  )

8/2. Jamie Colquhoun (1976 –  )

9/2. Connor Colquhoun ( –  )

8/3. Pamela Colquhoun (1981 –  )

9/3. Nathaniel ( –  )

6/2. Edna Ritchie Colquhoun (1931 –  )

M. Hermann Heinrich Gotthold  Clauss ( –  )

7/1. Jurgen Robert Clauss ( –  )

M. Birgit ( –  )

8/1. Eva Catriona Clauss (1993 –  )

8/2. Hannah Janice Clauss (1994 –  )

8/3. Karin Clauss ( –  )

M. Bernd  Blümlein ( –  )

8/4.Lisa Catriona Blümlein ( –  )

7/2. Barbara Clauss (1956 –  )

M. Ralf Dieter  Scheid ( –  )

8/1. Claudia Scheid ( –  )

8/2. Annette Scheid (1983 –  )

8/3. Daniella Scheid (1988 –  )

6/3. Thomas Ritchie Colquhoun (1941 –  )

Janice Underhill (1946 –  )

7/1. Gavin James Colquhoun (1970 – 1991)

7/2. Jennifer Jane Colquhoun (1973 –  )

M. Alan Masterson ( –  )

8/1. Aedan Gavin Masterson (2005 –  )

7/3. Judith Anne Colquhoun (1973 –  )

M. Angus Forsyth ( –  ) 

7/4. Lesley Jill Colquhoun (1979 –  )

  3/6. Eliza Reid B. Dublin 1831

     M. Hutchesontown, Glasgow, 26 April 1860, James

Mary Reid B. Dublin 1836

Hutchesontown, Glasgow, 1859 David Gray.

Meica Laura Reid B. Dublin 1842

          M. J.
D. Porteous

       3/9. Isabella
Reid B. Dublin 1842

James Gregory 1/3/1866.

   2/2. Jane
Jordan, married Mr Atkins,


1/4. Elizabeth
Haughton. She married Oliver Haskin,


   2/1. William
Baskin, married Maria Deaker of Dublin.

   2/2. Mary
Baskin, married Robert Thompson of Dublin.

Isabella Baskin. Never married.

1/5. Eleanor
Isabella Haughton
. She married Sir Michael Mullarkey,  

   Issue :-
(handwritten: possibly part only)

   2/1. Eleanor
Isabella Mullarkey, married Charles Wilson


Year 1797 Vol 494 Page 566 Entry 337087

To the reg appointed for registering Deeds & so forth A Meml of an indented
deed of sett bearing date the twenty second day of Oct one thousand seven
hundred & Ninety six made between James VAUGH of Leitrim in the County of
Leitrim of the one part & William HOUGHTON of said place Gentn of the
second part & Wm VAUGH & Ann his wife of the third part Recting a
Marriage having been solemized between the said Willm & Anne and reciting
several annuities to be paid to the said William and Ann out of the lands of
Chaughduff Tullylumion Lismorefir & Bahin Bog situate in the county of
Leitrim and also reciting that for certain considerations in said deed
mentioned the said James VAUGH assigns all his right title & interest to
the lands of Mallaghbawn situate in said county aforesaid to the said William
& Anne to hold for the term of their natural life & after their decease
to the use of the issue of said marriage in such measure as the said William
should die possessed of To go to and amongst such children share and all th…
which sd contained several such clauses & covenants ……. thereunto had
… off… & which said deed & meml are witnessed by …. of the city
of Dublin Attorney & John VAUGH Leitrim in the county of Leitrim Gentm
James VAUGH Signed sealed in presence of Jsoai BOTHIER & John VAUGH the
above memorial John VAUGH maketh oath & saith he is a subscribing witness
to the said deed of which the above writing is a meml & saith he saw the
said deed & this meml duly executed by the said James VAUGH who appears to
be executing party to said deed this meml & saith the name Jno VAUGH signed
as a witness to said deed & this meml is the Deponants proper name &
handwriting sworn before me this 9th day of Nov 1796 A master appointed by
commission for taking Affidavits in the county & I know the Dept John VAUGH




YEAR 1821 VOL 760 PAGE 252 ENTRY NUMBER 516187

To the registrar appointed by act of parliament for registering deeds
conveyances and so forth

A memorial of an indented deed of
Separation bearing date the second day of March
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one and made
by and between William VAUGH of Rockbrook in the Coy of Leitrim Gent of
the first
part Anne VAUGH otherwise HOUGHTON his wife of the second part
and John DICKSON
of the city of Dublin Gent of the third part Whereby after reciting that divers

disputes and unhappy differences had for
some time past arisen between sd Wm and Anne

and that in consequence the said Anne
had for some time lived separate and apart from
and sd Wm and Anne had mutually consented and agreed to live
separate and apart
from thence forward and recitg that sd Wm VAUGH was then seized and
possessed of
The Towns and lands of Mullaghbown Upper and Lower Drumhearney under & by
virtue of leases thereof to him made and that the said Anne as one of
the Co Heiresses
of her late father Wm HOUGHTON Esqre deceased was entitled to one
undivided fifth
part of the Towns and Lands of Creaghduff Lismorefin & Tullylinmore with
Sub denominations all situate in the Barony and County of Leitrim and
partition had then lately been made there of and reciting that the said Anne
consented and agreed to take upon herself the B____th of supporting cloathing
maintaining and educating from thence forward all her unmarried children being
nine in number all begotten by the said William VAUGH and to enable her
so to
do the said Wm VAUGH did remise release and for ever quit claim to the
Annes share or portion of said lands of Creaghduff Lismorefinn and
and did thereby not only charge the same and the sd lands of Mullaghbown upper
and lower Drumhearny with one annuity or sum of fifty five pounds as and for
the support maintenance and cloathing of the sd Anne and her children and
said Wm did thereby for ever quit claim to all or any property which the
Anne then had or should thereafter acquire and did covenant not to
any suit against her in the ecclesiastical or any other Courts for on acct of
living apart from him and it was thereby covenanted and agreed that in case
of nonpayment of the said annuity that it should be lawful for the sd John
to distrain for the same and in said deeds are contained other
and agreements and said deed and this memorial are witnessed by Sandys PIERS
of Lisdalkey in the Coy of Leitrim Gent & John LAWDER of Ashfort in
the Coy of Roscommon Atty at law Wm VAUGH (Seal) signed and sealed in
presence of Sandys PIERS

John LAWDER the above named Sandys PIERS maketh oath and saith he is a
subscribing witness to and did see the deed whereof the above is a true
and the above memorial duly executed and saith the name Sandys PIERS set
subscribed as a witness to said deed and this memorial is the depts proper name
and handwriting Sandys PIERS sworn before me this 2d day of March 1821
Drumsna in the County of Leitrim by virtue of a commission to me directed for
taking affidavits in said County and I know the dept John BUSH Comr
A true copy. B CANIEN



Dublin 12/12/05:

O’Hart Irish
Pedigree, V2, p26: (National Library)


The family of
Armstrong here recorded, which was a branch of the Armsrongs of Gallen Priory,
King’s Co., settled in Sligo. Some of them afterwards settled in Co Leitrim,
and after the death of Robert Armstrong, his family removed to Newtown Gore, Co

His son John m
dau of William Irwin (whose son m. Miss Haughton, who had 3 brothers George,
William and John).

Son of John:

Son of
Launcelot: Thomas b abt 1807.

Footnote: The 3
families of Armstrong, Irwin and Haughton lived convenient to each other and
intermarried a good deal.


Memoires of the
Family of Haughton in Ireland, by Rev WB Steele of Enniskillen. (MS9869)

These Haughtons
do not seem directly related to ours, and were Quakers. Wilfred Haughton was an
adventurer who came with Cromwell (listed between 1642-6). He came from the
North West of England, and may be from the de Hoghtons of Preston, related to
Richard Vernon, Antony Maitland’s step father-in-law.


Papers in PRO
Dublin, D16576-649, T7038-7059, M1936-1986 contain a number of wills probably
not relevant, and a collection of estate land papers which may be relevant,
said to contain inter alia, Armstrong and Irwin references.





Scottish Record
Office: 1/7/93




Jane Armstrong:
b: 25/5/1840 Kilmarnock FR2133

Parents: Charles Armstrong/Alice Thornhill


Jessie Gowlay:
c:11/6/1843 Colmanell FR173





c:19/10/1721 Ayr FR797

Parents: James Dalrymple/Margaret Ramsay


Glencairn: c:
10/9/50 Monkton FR57

Father: Charles Dalrymple


James: c:
21/6/1752 Monkton FR59

Father: Charles Dalrymple


Charles: c:
28/11/1753 Monkton FR62

Father: Charles Dalrymple


McRae: b:
19/6/1758 Ayr FR386

William Dalrymple/Susannah Hunter.


Margaret:  c:
13/7/59 Monkton FR73

Father: Charles Dalrymple


William: c:
11/8/1762 Monkton FR82

Father: Charles Dalrymple


Williamina: c:
9/10/1804 Monkton FR376

Parents: Charles Dalrymple/Margaret Boswell


Charles: c:
?/8/1790 Monkton SRO606/1FR251

Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop


Charles: c:
11/12/1773 Monkton FR180


Macrae: c:
21/9/1785 Monkton SRO606/1FR230

Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop


James: c:
?/3/1787 Monkton SRO606/1FR238

Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop


Glencairn: c:
26/1/84 Monkton SRO606/1FR222

Parents: James Dalrymple/Jannet Dunlop


Betty: c:
30/4/1767 Monkton SRO606/1FR99


b:28/2/1777 Monkton FR180

Parents: James Dalrymple/Susanna Cunningham


Susannah: c: 29/1/1727 Irvine FR88

Parents: Robert Cunningham/Isbel Bennermose


KIRK Helen:
b:20/3/1783 Girvan FR258

Parents: Andrew Kirk/Margaret McCuttcheon






OPR Monkton

Betty Dalrymple
lawful daughter to Charles Dalrymple of Orangefield was

born on 21st
April and baptised on 30th April 1767 before the witnesses

Campbell of Fairfield and Mr David Shaw Minister in Cayltoonn

Baptised by William Dalrymple minister in Ayr.


OPR Monkton

Dalrymple Dunlop natural son to Jannet Dunlop whom she

fathered on Mr
Dalrymple of Orangefield was born on 3rd January and

baptised on
26th January 1784 and represented by Duncan Good.


OPR Monkton

Dalrymple Natural daughter to James Dalrymple esq of Orangefield

and Jannet
Dunlop was born on 3rd August and baptised on the 25th

September 1785
and represented by Duncan McKelvie was sponsor for the



OPR Monkton

James Dalrymple
natural son to J Dalrymple esq of Orangefield and

Jannet Dunlop
was born on February 1787 and baptised in March






Examination of
the Records of Sazines at SRO (30/3/94).


Stair Park Dalrymple and John Armstrong are covered by many

relating mainly to SPD’s mismanaged affairs.


ref Ayr 9962:

The trustees
for the creditors of Major General Stair Park Dalrymple of

Langlands seized
7/1/1811 (misc property in Kilmarnock) on Disp of Mrs

Dalrymple, with the consent of JA, her husband, Paymaster of 7th

regiment of
foot, Elizabeth D., daughter of SPD and Glencairn D, his



property seized 22/6/1813.


Loan by Donald
Harrow entered.


In 1816, JA
described as "of Langlands", but during sale of properties

to James Dunlop
in 1817 he was "of Cherry Valley".


1819: seized
property from SPD to General Alan Dyce.


19/9/1809: #1500 loan seized to Robert Reid, 20/9/1784, by Capt




Brig Gen SPD as
heir to Sarah Dalrymple of Langlands and Dr William

Park MD, her
husband,-his mother and father, seized 6/4/1805 in land,

houses and
yards in and about Kilmarnock. on Pr CC by commissions of

the Marchioness
of Tichfield 20/3/1805.


OPR: a Stair
Dalrymple born 30/7/1743 Inveresk of James

and Christian Hamilton (689/8 FR2544).



     It seems
probable that SPD may have been born surnamed Park, and

maybe his
children also. He married Glencairn D of Langlands. He

Langlands from his mother’s side, who was a Dalrymple. He

seemed to have
spent a life fraught with financial difficulties, but

semed to have
succeeded in dying leaving a number of long term,

unsettled debts
which appear to have taken JA about 10 years to sort


property was only transferred to him in 1805 from his parents,

Sarah and Dr
William Park. His property was seized for his trustees in

early 1811, but
the entry has a date of 1807 attached.






Genealogist Magazine, Oct 1945:


Abstract of
Wills from Swazey Collection.


Alexander of Carrickmakeggan, Leitrim, Gent.

Dau Sarah,
Jane, Wf Francis, Son Martin, Brothers Simon & Thomas (of




Simon of Aghamor, Leitrim, gent.

To be buried at
Killeshandra. Brother John & his son Martin, and

brother Thomas
& his son Christopher.


Thomas of Ahavore, Leitrim, gent.

To be buried at
Killeshandra. Lease of Drumhart, Cavan. Wife Elizabeth

& unnamed

proved 16/7/1735.


James of Coothill, Cavan, gent.

Wf Anne
(Bradshaw), 3 ch, Valentine, Thomas & John. Bro Thomas, John &

Conway, sister
Margaret. 3 daus of John A of Scarvy: Margaret, Mary &


Exec. John
Bradshaw of Lysabrack Monahan & bro William of Cavin,


proved 2/3/1753.


Christopher of Gortemore, Leitrim, esq.

Wf Elizabeth,
ch James, William & John. Son-in-law William Ingram of Gortemore.

24/2/1753, proved


Robert of Carrigellan, Leitrim.

To be buried at
Killeshandra (where my dear father was).

Wf Elinor,
natural son Frank, brother Christopher.

Exec. William
A. esq & Captain Robert A.

proved 27/3/1764.


George of Pullebacon, Cavan.

Wf Sarah, Son
Thomas (<21), Brother John, James Sister Alice.

proved 1/10/1768.


Alice of Pullakeil, Cavan, Widow.

Son John, dau
Alice Clindinning, Sons James & William.

proved 2/4/1770.


James of Lisgool, Fermanagh, esq.

Nephews John (s
of brother Thomas of Castle Balfour) & James.

proved 22/11/1782.


William of Killbracken, Leitrim, esq.

To be buried at

Son Simon, Now
Wf Lucy (Nicholls).

19/9/1777, proved


Nemon of Chapleizod, Dublin.

Military man in

proved 2/1/1790.


Armstrong, Hugh
of Derrycheldy, Fernamagh

N/A, 10/1/1793,
proved 22/9/1793.



Also reference
to a will of James Armstrong of Killeshandra, 1797.

Genealogical Office: Ms111f fol 265:

Confirmation of
Arms to descendants of Surgeon Major Robert Alleyne,

Indian Army
(?), and to his grandson, James Robert Alleyne, only son of

Charles William
Alleyne of SHANNON LODGE, Co Leitrim, Dec 21 1940.

(Shannon Lodge
was John Goodfellow’s house in 1840’s).


Genealogical Office: Ms111c fol 31:

Grant of Arms
to Maj Gen William Wallace Kenny 1922.

Younger son of
Randall Young Kenny of Killashandra co Cavan, & Anna

Maria his wife,
dau & co-heiress of William Armstrong of Kilbraken,

Leitrim, and
grandson of William Kenny of Drumboory, co Monahan.



Valuations & Tithe Applotments:


Wilsons in
Leitrim: none relevant for Leitrim GV 1856


GV for
Kiltoghert parish (inc Carrick on Shannon), many Vaugh’s &

Irwins in
Bellanaboy Village. Some Armstrongs, but none recognisable.

Tithes 1834:


Holly Park:
appears as Charles Wilson as owner, seems total about 6.5 acres, most


Leitrim: GV nil relevant.


Antrim: GV 1862, Camlin, nil relevant, but much of village owned by Rev Arthur
H Pakenham.



Buried @
Leamington Priors:


John Armstrong
11/8/1830 aged 68

Armstrong 13/4/1830, age 78.






William Armstrong m. Margaret Tew Marlbore St, Killester, Co

Dublin, Sept


PRO Northern



records start in 1735, but are difficult to read until about

1747. A number
of Armstrongs were active in the surrounding villages.

Page 20:

Marriage of
William Armstrong and Jane Irvin (note v not w) 15/2/1747, at Killashandra and
presumed resident there, other entries had place name attached.

No other
relevant entries in christenings until 1770, or deaths until 1790 except as

Burial: John
Irvin esq of Drumvilla(?), Carrigallen 6/10/1772: Jane’s father?

Burial: Jane
Irvin of Drumskelly(?) 16/5/1782.

Perhaps as the
priest here, the children were christened at Kilmore Cathedral?

Other parts of
the parish are Kilmont, Drumkeern, Corlespratten,



Land Records:

Pakenham Estate
papers, Crumlin. 14630 acres, £15601 value.

maps & leases by William Armstrong.






John Armstrong
name card index: nil sig
(references to JA as agent to Viscount Montgomery)

Glenavy for
marriage of John Armstrong & Ellen Kirk & deaths: nil


Cherry Valley papers: map of property dated

showing 404 acres on either side of road past

site of house
(not yet built) & bounded by river to NW of

road.  Other
papers in file, not relevant to us.


Memorandum of Agreement made this day 9th August 1858 between Rev Edward
Pakenham Armstrong and Mr William McConnell. Mr Armstrong agrees to sell and Mr
McConnell agrees to buy at 1050 pounds all the estate and interests of his and
said Edward Pakenham Armstrong subject to an annuity payable to Mrs Louisa
Isabella Armstrong during her life and to the trusts of the will of the late Mr
John Armstrong esq liable to come into force after the death of the said Edward
Pakenham Armstrong.

Isabella Armstrong was widow of EPA’s elder brother,

Charles William
who died earlier in the year).


Statements to Pakenhams of tree planting by John

Armstrong at
Cherry Valley:

16/9/1816, 3478
mixed trees (refer Col Pakenham)

13/4/1822, 9700
mixed trees.


Army Lists for
John Armstrong:

1795: Lt 92nd
Regt of Foot seniority 31/5/94.

1800: Lt 71st
Highland Regt of Foot, seniority 1/9/95.

      Lt Col
Stair Park Dalrymple 1/9/95, in Army Col 1/1/98.

      SPD there
in 1805.

1805: JA 7th
Regt of Foot (Royal Fuzileers) Paymaster 23/11/1804, Lt 28/8/04.




Re: Armstrongs of Kiltoghert

Date: Thu, 22
Dec 2005 15:20:33 +1300

"Patricia O’Shea"[vii]


Hello Antony. I
have just come across your webpage and notice references to Armstrongs of
Kiltoghert, Leitrim. I have a 3xggrandfather, Thomas Armstrong, who gives
birthplace as Kiltoghert.


    I have what
I think is his marriage and children who lead on to my line but have just
discovered this link to Kiltoghert from his Militia discharge papers.


    I’m not
sure from your webpage if this is one of your lines – if not, do you have links
to others researching this family? I would love to confirm the data I have.



Here is the
direct line you speak of (working backwards):


Patricia K
O’SHEA b 1940 Matamata, New Zealand

daughter of

Frederick (O) SHEA and Maisie Jean CAVANAGH


Ernest b Boyle
Roscommon, 1903

son of

James Bartley
(O) SHEA and Jane Elizabeth ARMSTRONG


Jane Elizabeth
b Boyle, Roscommon 1878

daughter of

ARMSTRONG and Wilhelmina LOANE


Francis b
Manchester, England 1845

son of



Francis b
Boyle, Roscommon 1817

son of



Thomas may be
the Thomas ARMSTRONG for whom I have militia discharge papers. Discharged 1835.
Residence Boyle, Roscommon. Age 58 yrs. Birthplace

Occupation shoemaker.


All these
ARMSTRONGs seem to have strong links with the Roscommon Militia/Connaught
Rangers. Both Thomas and Francis the elder were shoemakers.

Francis the
younger was on the permanent staff of the militia and the Rangers for over 30


I have most of
the marriage and sibling information etc (mainly from COI registers at the RCB
library) and am presently working on the disappearance of the sons of

Francis and Wilhelmina
– I suspect they may have gone to South Africa for the Boer War perhaps and
stayed on there. This is a hunch based on the fact that

Francis’ cause
of death in 1916 was cerebral malaria, which would be unusual given that he
appears to have spent most of his life in Boyle. His Army records do not

indicate any
overseas service so I am guessing at a visit to his sons in SA around 1910.


In your
experience, is there any possibility that he would have left a will? Wilhelmina
died in 1927 in Boyle – I have visited Boyle several times, frustratingly I
find out

more after each
visit which makes me want to go back for another search!! I’m sure you know
this feeling!!




Irish Trip
August 1995.

Visited Cavan, a thriving market town, much
changed since HAP’s visit in 1905! Its most notable feature is the relatively
new and very attractive Catholic Cathedral for the diocese.

Stayed the night in Killeshandra, where the
Rev William Armstrong was a priest in the 1750’s: Captain John Armstrong and
his brothers and sister were born there, between about 1742 and 1765.

The present Church of Ireland Church is a
mid 19th Century building on the Cavan side of town, and is in good repair,
with a new sign and some recent graves. On the road west of the village centre,
opposite a large creamery, is the old burial ground. It contains graves of both
Catholics and Protestants.

The burial ground encloses a derelict
church with the date 1688 engraved on a crest above the west door. It was built
in the restoration style. It is overgrown with trees growing out of the walls, no
roof and, most extraordinary of all, several graves in what was the nave and a
family crypt. The west end has a set of steps between floors. The present floor
level is well below the present ground floor.

A side room with a brick vaulted ceiling
was off to one side: the caretakers said that it was said to have been used for
gambling and drinking when the building was in better order (the caretaker was
in her 70’s and this was a story relayed from what she described as an old person
in the village). On the west wall was a plaque commemorating James Hamilton of
Castle Hamilton. I think that this was probably the church over which the
reverend William Armstrong presided in the 1750’s. The graveyard was very
overgrown, but a project is in hand to restore the whole site: EEC money!

Some graves were visible, two of which were
John Armstrong, died April 13 1888, age 75, erected by his son Thomas.
Alexander Armstrong, died 5/1/1883, age 68, and daughter Lucinda died 29/12/1913,
age 62.
Also  John Sheridan, died 1818.

We picked up a boat at Carrick-on-Shannon.
It was another busy town, making much out of the tourist traffic on the river.
The Church of Ireland was not too old, but had a few graves in it of interest:

William Armstrong, died 17/2/1879, aged 7
yrs & 9mths.
Also Henry aged 1 year.
John Irwin died 24/10/1847, aged 76 + family.

We moored at Leitrim for the night. It is
probably not much changed in layout since HAP’s visit in 1905, but considerably
more prosperous. There appears to have been little extra building recently.
There is a small recently built RC church. The main local churchs were at
Carrick and Drumshando.

We tried to stay the night on the way from
Dublin at Roundwood House in Queen’s County (now Co Laois), which was owned by
The Reverend William Armstrong’s son, William: it is now a high class Bed &
Breakfast establishment. It was fully booked, unfortunately.

We moored for the night at Cootehall, from
where some Armstrongs came, but the RC church was fairly new: a notice refered
to the refurbishment of the burial ground.

We passed through Longford on the way back
to Dublin: the Church of Ireland Church was in good repair, but the graveyard
had been let go, but was being tidied up. It was the church for the nearby
barracks. We found a Little grave:

The main headstone was:
Annabel Turner died 23/6/1921, age 63
Dau Mary Evelyn Little, died 30/8/1939, age 69,
Husband Walter Joseph Little, died 2/12/1945, age 72,
Dau Norma Learmouth (Little), 28/3/1946-25/6/196
Randolph Irwin Little, 3/8/1951-16/6/1978
A new stone: Cecil Little, 20/4/1992.

Visit to Glenavy & Gartree Churches

Glenavy: only monument relevant:

Large Slate Monument with grave plot
surrounded by iron railings,

inscribed as follows:

"Erected by John Armstrong of Cherry
Valley, 1819.
In memory of Glencairn Dalrymple, widow of General Stair Park

Dalrymple, died Aug 1816.


Charles William Armstrong, late of Cherry
Valley, esq, J.P.

who died 8 February 1858 in the 53rd year
of his life.

Gartree Church.

The family church of the Pakenhams of
Langford Lodge, built in its present state by General Hercules Pakenham. Now
surrounded by disused RAF Airfield, the buildings of which are used by  an
engineering firm. The monument to John Armstrong as seen by HA Poole in 1905
still exists in good condition over the arched gateway. The church was restored
within the past 15 years.  The walls are full of memorials to Gen HRP and his


   in memory of Isabella
   died 9 nov 1965
   James Armstrong Died 9 May 1980.

2. In memory of our dear father Thomas
Saunders who died 3 March 1889 aged 72 years.
Also Joseph Campbell our stepfather who died 13 April 1911 aged 54 years.

Our dear mother Alice Campbell who died 11
Feb 1927 aged 77 years. Her dau Margaret Armstrong who died 19March 1941 aged
71 William Armstrong of Ballynadrentagh, Crumlin, who died 15 Feb 1966 aged 71
His loving wife Margaret Armstrong who died 25 November 1990 aged 89
Erected by Herbert & Mary Freyne. (not in N Irish phone book!)

3. Hercules Dermot William Pakenham born
29/7/1901, died 2/6/1940
4. Thomas Henry P, Lt Gen b 26/5/1826, died 20/2/1913.
5. Under seat by door, relating to Glebe House,
Hon Emily, Lady Pakenham, deceased 26/1/1875, erected by son Arthur.

Inside on the walls:

1. Lt Col Charles Wellesley Pakenham,
Genadier Guards, youngest son of Lt Gen Hon Sir Hercules Pakenham & Emily,
4th dau of 22nd Lord Le De Spencer.  Born 21/6/1840, died 15/10/1873 on "Hydaspes"
in Red Sea.

2. Elizabeth Catherine, wife of Thomas
Thistlethwaite, 2nd dau of Lt. Gen. Hercules Rowley Pakenham & Emily died

3. Edmund Powerscourt Pakenham, 6th son of
Sir Hercules Pakenham & Emily, born 23/12/1832, died India 28/9/1861.

4. Lt Col Edward William Pakenham, eldest
son of Lt Gen Hercules Rowley Pakenham & Emily, born 9/1819, died Inkerman
(Crimea) 5/11/1854.

5. Lt Gen Sir Hercules Rowley Pakenham KCB,
Col of 43 Light Infantry, Deputy Lt of Co Antrim and for 8 years Lt Gov of Portsmouth,
commanding the SW district of England. He was 3rd son of 2nd Lord Longford and grandson
of the Countess of Longford who survived her son. Born 1781, he entered the
Army 1803, in which he served with highest distinction, having been engaged at
the siege & capture of Copenhagen 1807, also in the peninsular campaigns of
1809, 10, 11 & 12, including the Battles of Elkadeir, Roleia Viniera,
Ponchal, Foz d’Aronca, Salincal, Busaco, & Fuentes d’Onor and siege &
storm of Cuidad Rodrico, 2 sieges & storm of Badajoz, at the assault of
which he was severely wounded. He received the Gold Medal for Busaco, Foz
d’Aronca, Cuidad Rodrico & Badajoz and Silver Medal for Roleira Viniera and
2 clasps.
(names may not be correctly spelt by A3M!)
He married Hon Emily Stapleton, dau of Lord Le Despencer, by whom he left 6
sons ad 3 daughters.
He died suddenly at Langford Lodge 8 March 1850.

6. Lt Gen TH Pakenham of Langford Lodge,
born 26/6/1826 died 20/2/1913

7. Elizabeth Staples wife of Lt Gen TH
Pakenham born 7/3/1836, died 6/2/1919, by son Arthur Pakenham.

8. Robert Maxwell Pakenham, 4th son of Lt
Gen Hercules Rowley Pakenham & Emily born 4/1834 died 26/2/1857, Lucknow.

9. Hon Emily, 4th dau of Thomas, 22nd Lord
Le Despencer and wife of Hercules Rowley Pakenham born 9/12/1798, died

Visit to Cherry Valley House, 17/8/1998.

15, Cherry Valley Rd, Crumlin, Antrim BT29

Visited during stopover at Aldergrove.

Owned by Joe Ballance, who bought it as a
wreck about 2 years ago on his return from 25 years in Australia as building
services manager for Camden Hospital (near Sydney).
Previously owned by family Jordan, farmers in the area, and before that by the
Lignite mining company, and before that by McConnels, who were there in 1905
when HA Poole visited the house. McConnels were Presbyterians buried in Crumlin
Owners now well advanced in restoring the house. House is set well back from
the road (100 yds), original drive was curved round from road with 2 entrances,
with stone pillars at the entrance. Some specimen trees still remain in the
Front of the house is now painted rendering with moulded quoins and pretty
moulded (or carved) drip shields ("eyebrows") over the windows. A
range of outbuildings are attached to the rear of the house surrounding a small
The interior ground floor consists of a large hall with one reception room on
either side, both nice sized rooms, and a small study at the rear of the hall. Passage
through to old kitchen at the back, and a scullery beyond; there had also been
a lean-to room at one side, now demolished. The staircase had been renewed, but
used to be swept round at the intermediate level, at which point a passage led
to the small bedrooms over the kitchen wing. The intermediate landing is
semicircular with pretty moulded panels either side of a similarly curved
doorway to the back landing; the door has been removed by previous occupants.
On the main bedroom floor, there were 2 good sized bedrooms and a smaller one over
the study. There were also attic rooms, presumably for servants. At the rear of
the house, the main outbuildings referred to by HA Poole have been replaced by
a decaying pig unit. The foundations of the bell tower still exist.

The Anecdotage of Glasgow

Romantic Story of Governor MacRae, Donor
of King William’s Statue

JAMES MACRAE, Esq., Governor of the
Presidency of Madras, in the year 1734 gifted the equestrian statue of King
William, which still stands at the Cross, to the city of Glasgow, of which he
was then a burgess.

The story of the donor, and of the
recipients of his immense fortune, is a most romantic one. It appears that
during the reign of Charles II. there lived in a small cottage in the town of
Ayr a decent washerwoman, whose name was Widow Macrae, but was commonly called
Bell Gardner, her own name. The widow had a little son Jamie, who, by and by,
went to sea, and nothing more was heard of him in his native place for some
forty long years. Meanwhile he became Governor of the Madras Presidency in
1725, and amassed a great fortune.

On his return home he sought out his
relatives, namely, a cousin, Bell Gardner, wife of an itinerant fiddler, named
Hugh M’Guire, in whose house his mother had latterly lived and died. M’Guire,
the fiddler, and his wife had four daughters, who, as the prospective heiresses
of their mother’s cousin, were educated and brought out in a style befitting
their position. The eldest (Lizzie or Leezie) became the wife of William,
thirteenth Earl of Glencairn, in 1744; and on the day of her marriage received as
tocher the Barony of Ochiltree, which cost £25,000, as well as diamonds to the
value of £45,000. Her second son, James, fourteenth Earl of Glencairn, was the
patron and friend of Robert Burns.

The second daughter received the estate of
Aila, and was married in 1749 to James Erskine, an advocate, who was raised to
the bench as Lord Alva; the third daughter married James MacRae, a nephew (or,
as some said, a natural son) of the Governor; her dowry being the estate of
Houston in Dumfriesshire; the fourth daughter, who was the Governor’s
favourite, received the estate of Orangefield in Ayrshire, and was married to
Charles Dalrymple, nephew of Charles Dalrymple of Langlands, and brother of the
Rev, Dr. William Dalrymple, formerly minister of Ayr.


Issue Date: 25/4/2001
15/6/2001: resaved HTML from Word                           
7/1/2002: added email detail & edited
23/10/2002: email info.
18/2/2004: Thomas Armstrong (1787) issue and Tom Reilly info
25/6/2004: Tree layout
22/3/2005: Vaugh Documents
14/12/2005: Minor additions from Dublin
17/1/2006: Patricia O’Shea info
10/5/2006: Additions to William Haughton line
7/8/2006: Ann Maria Armstrong descendants.
20/10/2006: Cornelius Line
14/2/2007: reformatting and additions

[i] See poolepvt (vii)

[ii] See poolepvt (i)

[iii] See poolepvt (ii)

[iv] See poolepvt (iii)

[v] See poolepvt (iv)

[vi] See poolepvt (v)

[vii] See poolepvt (vi)