Protestant Boys

Protestant Boys

(from The Purple Marksman Book of Orange Songs)

The Protestant boys are loyal and true,
Stout-hearted in battle and stout-handed , too;
The Protestant boys are true to the last,
And faithful and peaceful when danger has passed.
And oh? They bear
And proudly wear
The colours that floated o’er many a fray,
Where cannons were flashing
And sabres were clashing,
And Protestant boys still carried the day.

When James half a bigot, and more of a knave,
With masses and Frenchmen the land would enslave;
The Protestant boys for liberty drew
And showed with the Orange their banner of Blue.
And Derry well
Their might can tell,
Who first in their ranks did the Orange display;
The Boyne had no shyers,
And Aughrim no flyers,
And Protestant Boys still carried the day.

When treason were rampant and traitors were strong,
And law was defied by a vile rebel throng,
When thousands were banded the throne to cast down,
The Protestants rallied and stood by the Crown.
And oft in fight,
By day and night,
They countered the rebels in many a fray,
Where red pikes were bristling,
And bullets were whistling,
And Protestant Boys still carried the day.

And still does the fame of their glory remain,
Unclouded by age and undimmed by a stain;
And ever and ever their cause we’ll uphold –
The cause of the true and the trusted and bold.
And scorn to yield,
Or quit the field,
While over our heads the old colours shall play,
And traitors shall tremble,
Whene’er we assemble,
For Protestant Boys shall carry the day.

The Protestant Boys are loyal and true,
Though fashions are changed and the loyal are few,
The Protestant Boys are true to the last,
Though cowards belie them when danger has passed.
Ay! Still we stand,
A loyal band,
And reck not the liars whatever they say;
For let the drums rattle
The summons to battle,
The Protestant Boys must carry the day.

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