"A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District"
The following is an extract taken from "A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District – A Tercentenary Booklet 1690 – 1990" with the kind permission of the officers and Brethren in Glenavy District.
Crumlin First W.L.O.L. 152
In the Autumn of 1971 a group of the ladies from the committees of L.O.L. 314 and L.O.L. 471 got together and decided they would like to be an active part of the Orange Institution. So, on Saturday 23rd October 1971, the first W.L.O.L. in Crumlin was opened.
Sister N. Lindsay was issued with the Warrant. Sister Lindsay, who was the first Worshipful Mistress, had been in the Orange Order for a number of years. The late Sister Lois O’Hara J.P. who was District Mistress of Antrim District No. 3, performed the opening ceremony.
The lodge has kept about the same number of sisters during the past 18 and a half years. The Worshipful Mistress is changed every 2 years. For the years 1988 – 1989 Sister S. Murray was Worshipful Mistress, and she was the youngest mistress to be appointed. Sister Murray was transferred from J.W.L.O.L. 45, which was formed a few years after W.L.O.L. 152, but had to close a short time later due to lack of members. During the time the Junior sisters were active they took part in different functions, and also won many of trophies, and prizes, at the Annual District Sports.
Whenever tea is needed at any of the L.O.L’s functions most of the sisters are there doing the catering. Also two of the Sisters are on the Management Committee, and assist the brethren whenever needed.