Glenavy L.O.L. 314

"A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District"

The following is an extract taken from "A History of Orangeism in the Glenavy District – A Tercentenary Booklet 1690 – 1990" with the kind permission of the officers and Brethren in Glenavy District.

Rising Sons of William L.O.L. 314

The earliest records of this lodge in Crumlin are an old roll and minute book dated 1815 under L.O.L. warrant number 239. The Worshipful master is named as a Brother G. Moore. The record of members names is fairly good but the minutes of the meetings are very brief, not stating where they met. Only one reference to any meeting place is recorded in 1848 and that was Langford Lodge, Crumlin, Townland of Gartree Parish of Killead, County of Antrim.

The main notes were new members being ‘put forward’ and reports on investigations for non-attendance or other offences. One member was excluded from the Lodge and all other Orange Lodges in the kingdom of Ireland for nine months because ‘he took a stick belonging to another member.’

Grand Lodge records show that the lodge number was changed in 1834 because another lodge in Belfast had the same number 239. The new number given to Crumlin came from Derriaghy and was 314.

In 1876 the warrant L.O.L. 314 was renewed to brother James Patterson of Crumlin. However Grand Lodge records were not as accurate in those days and another lodge in Co. Fermanagh, in the district of Pettigo, also had a warrant number 314. The lodge in Fermanagh was still going up in to the 1980’s but no return has been made from it since 1986. The roll book of this early period makes interesting reading with the names of Whiteside, Molyneaux, Dalton, McQuillan, Williamson all appearing, many of which appear on today’s roll.

In the 1920’s L.O.L. 314 and 471 joined forces to build a new Orange Hall. The foundation stone was laid on Easter Monday 1927 and the hall opened on the 9th April the following year. The new hall, known as Crumlin Memorial Hall, was built in memory of the brethren of both Lodges who died in the 1914 – 1918 war.

Two days before the new hall was opened the lodge unfurled a new banner in the market grounds. The banner was painted by Hewitts of Belfast at a cost of twenty eight pounds ten shillings. Mrs. N. (or H.) Wilson unfurled it and a parade of the village followed.

Brother John Lyle was Worshipful Master from 1929 until 1940 and two dates are worthy of historical record during his term of office. Firstly, in 1933 the lodge agreed to form a Junior Orange Lodge in Crumlin, Brother James Brown agreeing to look after this Junior Lodge.

The second was jubilee day 1935 when the lodge helped to decorate the street with bunting and flags and build a bonfire. It is recorded that a great party was enjoyed by all on that day.

Brother Lyle was succeeded in the W.M. position by Brother Peter McMartin. Peter as he was know to many, lead the lodge until 1956 serving for a period as Deputy District master.

Brother McMartin was one of the best workers for Orangeism in this area not only for L.O.L. 314, but for the District Lodge, the Junior Lodge, the Royal Black Institution and the Crumlin Community serving as a local councillor and commanding officer of the Crumlin "B" Specials.

Brother W.J. Williamson followed Brother McMartin as Worshipful Master and remained in office until his death in 1963. During Brother Williamsons term of office the lodge unfurled a new banner on 17th June 1960. The proceedings were chaired by the W.D.M. Brother J. Magowan and the banner was unfurled by Mrs. Williamson.

Brother Thomas Molyneaux was W.M. from 1963 to 1966 followed by Brother Thomas McQuillian, 1966 – 1976, who was a string boy at the banner unfurling in 1928.

The Lodge was led by brother James Reeves 1976-78, and brother T. Ross had a seven year term as W.M. from 1978 to 1985, when Brother Sam Molyneaux was elected W.M. Brother Molyneaux is still W.M. and this year organised the unfurling of another new banner on 18th May.(1990)

The Lodge was honoured to have the banner unfurled by the Rt. Hon. Brother J.H. Molyneaux M.P. The proceedings were chaired by the W.D.M. of Glenavy District Lodge, Brother Thomas Ross. There is some consistency in L.O.L. 314, a new banner every thirty years and the District Master chairing the proceedings.

Brother William Logan was the next W.M. followed by brother Alistair McCleery.

Killed – William J McQuillan

The following extract is from The Lisburn Herald, Saturday, June 3 1916.

Crumlin Sergeant Killed

News has reached Crumlin that Sergeant William J. McQuillan, D. Coy., 11th Battalion R.I.R., has died of wounds received in action. He attained the age of 21 last April and was very popular in the district. He was one of the first to place his services at the disposal of his country, and his many good qualities and endearing personality rapidly gained him promotion in the Army. A staunch Unionist, and a member of Crumlin L.O.L. 314, he also took as active part in the Ulster Volunteer movement, being one of the most enthusiastic in the local D Co. of that body. He was a member of Thorn Lodge British Order of Ancient and Free Gardeners. His early death is regretted, and much sympathy is felt with his father, R. McQuillan, and other members of his family in their sad bereavement. Letters of sympathy have been received by his Captain, Captain Webb (Randalstown), Chaplain Rev. J.J. Wright, and from Sergeant Major Bell.

Rev. J. Jackson Wright, C.F., writing to Mr Robert McQuillan, Mill Road, Crumlin, with reference to the death of his son, says: "He was a great favourite with his company, and worked hard for its success. It is not always easy for a sergeant to maintain his place in the affections of those under him. Your boy had a happy knack of discipline, and I don’t know of a man who ever doubted his justice. He was greatly concerned for their comfort, and set them a noble example of courage. He will be greatly missed, and with sincere sorrow we feel for you. He is buried in a little cemetery quite close to the village, and the grave is marked and registered. A few comrades and I had a short service, and with reverence and decorum his remains were committed to the grave."

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